#Virgo Love
astro-tag-9 · 6 months
hi if you’re doing asks can you do a virgo sun, capricorn moon, scorpio rising female and a leo sun, leo moon, and leo rising male? thank you!!!
💙 Sandy and Danny 💙
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apiscesthing · 5 months
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vivmaek · 8 months
I loved your recent post "style and aesthetic" and the fact that i have a Virgo ascendant and my nose is a pixie took me by surprise haha 💗
I'm so glad it resonated! I worked very hard on it. 💖
Virgos always give me pixie vibes. They're so pretty and smart and clever, I love them. I also think Virgos are one of the most stylish rising signs.
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astrologiaxo · 3 months
♍️ VIRGO: You Are Wise And Playing Your Cards Right Against Malevolent Forces! - Tarot Reading ♍️
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ameliecausse · 5 months
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Shaka and Māra, the demon King of the Sixth Realm~
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radio-historia · 2 years
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astrologylife1 · 8 months
Under high amounts of stress
Aries moon: they will cry it out, blow up or snap at anyone in their direction. They will have the tendency to make themselves a “victim” to get others to help.
Taurus moon: they’ll look for materialized sources to feel better or give them pleasure like food, sex, shopping
Gemini moon: they are thinkers, they will research their problems or stress away. Also talking it out with those they know will listen with no interruption for hours
Cancer moon: due to the emotional nature they usually retreat to their selves and the type to cry alone or release emotions in private
Leo moon: i have seen this moon like to go out with friends especially and let loose and have fun. They don’t like being down in the dumps at all.
Virgo moon: they will have a hard time functioning so cleaning, organizing and working helps them calm down
Libra moon: they can be like Leo in sense they surround themselves with people they love, the venting type
Scorpio moon: similar to Taurus moon they tend to like to release through sex and pleasure through other people. Also research and studying
Sagittarius moon: they can become the loud and obnoxious teacher. Almost like they subconsciously are telling themselves what they need to hear but saying it to others
Capricorn moon : they will WORK WORK WORK, almost to a point if sleep deprivation.
Aquarius moon: getting in trouble through random strangers or activities becoming that “rebel”. Living life in the moment or IDGAF attitude
Pisces moon: definitely will escape, disappear from social media, friend groups and even family.
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mastertarotreaderblog · 2 months
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apiscesthing · 5 months
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deepmochi · 2 months
Ways to love yourself more: according to your Venus sign 🐚
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Image: Viggo Christian Frederik Vilhelm Pedersen.
Some recommendations for self-care and self love for you, lovelies. Take what resonates only 🩷.
Aries: express your needs and behaving as you want without damaging someone. Being rude don't take you anywhere, you feel hurt later. Enjoy your mobility more, dance, sports or more. Feel alive, do what makes you happy. Protect your body, now, jump!
Taurus: be reliable not only to others but also for yourself. Take things slowly with new people, but try to know others. Relationships are for two. Don't waste your potential procrastinating or being with people just because you invest them years. Paint or binge that new series.
Gemini: explore your mind and all that need for learning. Wear those styles and express your mind. Slow down, bb. Take your time. Stimulate your brain with those people who make you feel alive and understood. See others perspectives. Play board games with friends.
Cancer: Spend time with your home, family, and pets. Create a place call home under your own beliefs. Nurture yourself like a mother would do it, like you do it for your loved ones. Share your emotions and your emotional turmoil with someone who cares. Start a journal about whatever you want.
Leo: Live, laugh and cry. Wake up your inner child, and go play with them. Be the queen or king you are. Leave your ego behind for a moment. You can try again the next day. Buy those earrings and what make you happy with moderation. Take a moment and say love you to someone who deserves it. Also, eat that dessert.
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Virgo: reaffirm your value without seeking approval from others. Be nice with yourself. Go and relax for a day. Do nothing,it is fine to rest. Find a new hobby where you can appreciate each stage from learning to mastering it. While doing this, try to accept you imperfections because you are worthy of love. Buy that new facial cream! And read that fanfiction book.
Libra: try to accept your natural beauty, not what society expects from you. Date yourself, take a nice coffee or tea. Wearing what you like for the sake of being honest to your essence. Appreciate solitude, the same way you care for partnerships.
Scorpio: learn from past mistakes by taking responsibility for it. Using those transformational gifts for better understanding of your human psyche. Watch that embarrassing movie that you love. Go ask your pet or some person a hug.
Sagittarius: try new things and discovering your humanity but welcom those fears you try to leave in the past. Instead of running away and seeking new knowledge, take a moment to appreciate your surroundings and your grow. Take a silly video of you and your pet or just ride a bicycle.
Capricorn: Spend time with your family, friends and yourself. Find a space in your agenda to be grateful for the people you love and care. Go and enjoy life, do soemthing that makes you feel alive: a simple walk around the park or sleeping 8hr is enough.
Aquarius: share your interests with someone who cares and listen to you. Learning more about different perspectives and ask for help when you need it. Watch that documentary you like, or create a blog where you share experiences with others.
Pisces: be grateful for what you have, people in your life and small moments. Watching that old t.v. show that make you happy when you were a kid. Asking your inner child to choose something random and do it. Wrote that fanfiction about your favorite pair in that t.v show, or just eat cereal watching animal videos.
Take care, love
Credit: @deepmochi
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astrologiaxo · 6 months
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truevedicastrology · 10 months
Unveiling the Enigma of Mars
🚀Mars, the celestial orchestrator of how you magnetize individuals and the manner in which you resonate. It delves into the intricate essence you exude and the perceptions people harbor about you. This cosmic force also embodies masculine energy, offering insights into the archetype of men you may allure.
🌌Mars in the 1st house unravels your allure externally, where your energy becomes swiftly discernible. You're characterized by responsiveness and a tenacious self-advocacy. Occasionally perceived as impulsive or irate, your sanctuary lies in self-indulgence, physical exertion, and athletic pursuits. The gravitational pull extends to men with athletic prowess or those with a self-centric aesthetic.
🌺Mars in the 2nd house manifests allure through olfactory allure, skin aesthetics, or indulgence in epicurean pleasures. Passion for culinary arts and a penchant for opulence mark your identity. Your charm attracts men of affluence or those generously disposed.
🏖️Mars in the 3rd house articulates allure through eloquence and the written word. Passion resonates in your speech, and the written realm becomes a source of profound joy. A proclivity for literature and related pursuits is evident. The enticement extends to multitasking, loquacious men, possibly educators or wordsmiths.
🏡Mars in the 4th house unveils allure in moments of domestic comfort, adorned in unassuming attire. Emotional energy becomes an irresistible magnet. Mars, discreetly nestled here, shares passion exclusively with intimate circles or family. Attraction extends to nurturing, emotionally expressive men, perhaps with a hint of moodiness.
🎨Mars in the 5th house radiates allure during dynamic activities, invoking attractiveness in motion. Passion is channeled into hobbies, joy, and a perpetual youthful spirit. The magnetic pull is towards confident, charismatic, and playful individuals.
🌈Mars in the 6th house renders allure through physique and an organized, health-conscious lifestyle. The zenith of well-being is achieved through proactive endeavors, organization, and animal companionship. Attraction is directed towards industrious, meticulous men, potentially involved in animal care or fitness training.
🌙Mars in the 7th house allures through aesthetic grace, fastidiousness, and a pursuit of justice. The epitome of well-being lies in harmonious relationships and aesthetic refinement. Attraction extends to men who embody beauty, meticulous grooming, and charm.
🔮Mars in the 8th house projects allure through intimate and sexual charisma, intertwined with an aura of power. Stability and emotional equilibrium define your zenith. This allure thrives in secrecy and spiritual pursuits, attracting individuals exuding intense energy, possessiveness, and depth.
🌐Mars in the 9th house emanates allure through vivacity, intellect, and captivating narratives. The ardor for exploration, diverse cultures, and distant realms is palpable. Attraction aligns with optimistic, adventurous men, including educators, professors, or those hailing from diverse cultures.
🏰Mars in the 10th house showcases allure in the public eye, accentuating tenacity and success. Energy converges into achievements and reputation, possibly bordering on work-centric tendencies. Attraction is drawn towards older, stable, and successful men, echoing qualities reminiscent of paternal figures.
📱Mars in the 11th house unfolds allure in the digital realm, exuding uniqueness that captivates social networks. The energy is invested in friendships, aspirations, and dreams. Attraction encompasses peculiar, distinctive men, thriving either in group dynamics or solitude, immersed in individual pursuits.
💖Mars in the 12th house mystically radiates allure, captivating through an enigmatic aura. Appreciation transcends the physical, delving into the spiritual and ethereal facets. Energy is channeled into artistic expressions, resonating with the profound. Attraction unfolds towards artistic, spiritual, emotionally profound individuals, potentially from coastal regions, with a transcendent connection that transcends verbal communication.
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atrologynuances · 3 months
Astrology observations pt2 || Planets in their detriment
NOTE: the interpretation of these are solely on the planets. harmonious/inharmonious aspects can change the translation of these planets.
these are based on personal observations as well as acquired knowledge from books, websites, and other observation posts.
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𓋼𓍊 Aries/Scorpio Venus- may struggle maintaining a harmonious relationship which can lead to them changing their relationships quite often. aries venuses might posses an either fiery or more grounded energy thanks to the cardinal energy. scorpios on the other hand might be emotionally reserved, and only truly love very few people around them if any, the rest they keep around depending on what they can access from them (very manipulative). Given their possible relationship insecurities these two venus signs will seek for someone going at the same pace and someone with the same mindset, which realistically is hard to find. when they do think they’ve found it, they might later find out they were in fact wrong. When they do get in a relationship they might become possessive as a result of possible insecurities.
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𓋼𓍊 Taurus/Libra Mars- these natives might need extreme motivation to get things going, like a 9-5 they don’t like, but the security and responsibility of it keeps them on their toes. these mars signs could also lack sense of security in their actions, which could leave them wondering whether they were right or wrong and as a result they might not fight for themselves as hard as they should. it is important for them to have a big support system that reassures and validates their actions when conflicts arise.
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𓋼𓍊 Gemini/Virgo Jupiter- these natives have a hard time seeing beyond logic explanation, they could experience something and until they don’t find logic behind it they won’t be satisfied. get fixated on many things but never seems to finish or find a final answer to any of them. is not that they’re unable to finish them, they’re just no longer interested to. closed minded towards otherworldly subjects, or tries very hard to understand it.
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𓋼𓍊 Cancer/Leo Saturn- these natives lack discipline but want it. they might vent to you that they do not like their current monetary situation and are looking to make some changes in that aspect of their life, but the next day you see them spending all their money on clothes. they know this is wrong but will still do it. they may be prone to control people and situations because they think they know what’s best for everyone. however, they do not like people telling them what to do lol. they might be prone to burnouts easily and immune system problems.
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𓋼𓍊 Sagittarius/Pisces Mercury- struggles to find something that feels “right” for them, when they do find it they mostly have to work harder than everybody else to catch up. problems with communication; either started talking late or have problems expressing themselves as they get older. prone to saying things that don’t make sense upfront which will make them have to explain themselves often. this might create insecurities that will lead them to express themselves less. this is the reason why I think so many great writers have these placements, they can just erase and reword their writing without being judged for it.
- fyodor dostoevsky, jane austen, james joyce, victor hugo, emily dickinson
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𓋼𓍊 Capricorn Moon- find it difficult to be vulnerable, this translates to needing or wanting material security to make sure they won’t need anyone. do not like to rely on anyone for emotional/financial support even if they really need it. despite all this, they are very emotional. the difference between them and their sister sign cancer is that they are not expressive with their emotions or act on them. something I have noticed is that they are not as workaholics as people might expect them to be, however when they work, they splurge on the money they make or might be stingy with it, as either one of these actions brings security to them. most of the times they don’t feel loved by either one of their parents even if they’ve both always been present in their lives.
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𓋼𓍊 Aquarius Sun- natives are hard to describe for me because I have not met many of them, I feel like most hideaway at home lol. one thing i’ve noticed is that they cry a lot and are unapologetic about it. these people shine bright like their sister sign leo, the difference is they don’t want to so they avoid situations where they have to or when they are put in these situations they have to make sure their presentation is flawless. however in day to day life they do not really care how they’re perceived. they’re the ones that go to school in pijama pants. they also oftentimes seek some form of validation with other people, which is why they change partners often. very physically beautiful, but doesn’t seem to know or act on it.
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Thank you so much for reading, I hope y’all have a wonderful day.
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d4rkpluto · 2 months
⁺‧₊˚ ཐི⋆♱⋆ཋྀ ˚₊‧⁺ ᴠᴇɴᴜꜱ ᴘᴇʀꜱᴏɴᴀ ᴄʜᴀʀᴛ ᴀɴᴅ ꜰᴇᴍɪɴɪɴᴇ ᴀʀᴄʜᴇᴛʏᴘᴇ ᴀɴᴀʟʏꜱɪꜱ ⁺‧₊˚ ཐི⋆♱⋆ཋྀ ˚₊‧⁺
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❦ hello plutonics! this is a project i have been working on for a long time, and i am so joyful to actually share this project with you!
❦ a venus persona chart and a feminine archetype analysis!
❦ stepping into your confidence is something vitally important, i also am on the path of learning and completing it. and during my walk of learning how to be confident, i wished i had someone who could've been able to advise me into becoming the strong woman i am today! and now i can be that person to other people.
❦ a venus persona is many things, how you love, your beauty, your connection with other women and your finances. during my chart and feminine archetype analysis, i'll be helping clients embody the woman they want to be, how to express your confidence, styling yourself better and attracting the type of love you deserve.
❦ i follow ayesha k faines feminine archetype, but ayesha's analysis mainly follows on how you should love and tend to your counterpart, whereas my analysis of her feminine archetype involves you not only knowing how to love your counterpart, but how you interact with yourself and the world. your beauty and your success!
❦ over 19+ pages of analysis and advice of your venus persona chart intertwined with your feminine archetype.
❦ shuffled music, which comes free.
❦ celebrities who fall under the same venus sign and feminine archetype as you.
❦ aesthetic pictures to help you understand the vision i have.
i strive to not only for you to feel better about yourself, but to actually put action into the person you want to be!
before i get into the pricing of these readings, i suggest you take the quiz so it can be easy for me specifically to handle your readings.
⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。 ⋆ BLOOD OF APHRODITE ⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。 ⋆
a full chart reading with feminine archetype
❦ if you use a different currency do tell me before you pay! i mainly use paypal.
degrees can be added as i do believe in degree theory, but it'll cost an extra £10.
❦ you can add beauty asteroids, especially aphrodite, bella, sirene and nymphe, but that'll be an extra £6.
aspects are included for free.
❦ and when you get a reading, please remember i have other clients, if you do get a reading, you will be in a queue, but you will be updated whenever you move up the list!
thank you, pluto.
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radio-historia · 2 years
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