fightingthetides · 1 year
Continued from: [x] @vipermirage
“Huu…” Fon sighs, “If not listening to me is the best you can care for yourself, I’m curious to see how much worse you can get.” He is referring to the fact he hadn’t seen Mammon in some time and they’re already in this state. Fon starts doubting that Mammon can sustain a decent life without having someone to check up on them every once in a while.
“Why don’t you put everything away, get washed up and then go to bed properly? You can vent at me if that helps alleviate your stresses.” A sacrifice a wise and patient person is willing to make for the sake of others. Perhaps if it were anyone else, they’d appreciate his concern, but—this may not be the case here with Mammon.
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ftwpositiviity · 5 months
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anonymous said;
@signorinavongolaola @heartsglass @musessinabag @drowninliquor @astrcthesiai @vanaglorie @vipermirage @binaryxtars @parallelroutes and @queenharumiura have made my experience in the KHR roleplay community wonderful and I just want to give a shout out to them for being so kind and welcoming. They're all amazing writers who portray their characters wonderfully and I appreciate them going out of their way to make me feel welcomed in a community I wasn't sure I'd fit into at first. They each deserve all the love in the world. From the roleplay replies to the OOC talk, these writers are worth the follow and I can't thank them enough for giving me a chance to RP with them.
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queenharumiura · 1 year
Continued from: [x] @vipermirage I randomized numerous times and the generator is set on default age Haru, so here we go!
Had she seen their eyes? Well... not telling!
The important part was that Haru saw her chance to make a small joke, and she was going to take it.
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"You're the illusionist here, so you can make me watch my words, can't you?" She's very proud of that comment, she'll have you know.
Jokes aside, "Haru thinks everyone is pretty in some way, and everyone should get reminded of such every now and again." It's just one of Haru's habits to like to give out unprompted compliments every so often.
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whiskeysmulti · 11 months
🍒 + queenharumiura + vipermirage + myself
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send  me  🍒  +  a  url  and  i  will  write  some  positivity  for  them.- accepting!
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Starting this one off with @vipermirage
Neptune, we love you! Your muses are quality, Viper especially. I love how you have them as the categorical little shit they are. Especially when they asked to be pretty much venmo'd x amount before they'd even talk. I like that there's a distinct difference in how they interact with the other Arcobaleno and Varia, as it was always something important to note with Viper, they were a part of both.
I also like that you keep Viper's sense of humanity, yes they have one. Mammon has on occasion shown concern for others and a sense of humanity and your interactions with Bel and Haru show it a lot.
And when I approached with Mukuro, they reacted accordingly. Mukuro would be a rival Mist user in general and a rival in being Vongola over Varia or Arcobaleno, so it makes sense that if Mukuro approached, Viper would already know something was up and it was probably something to do with wanting a test of who was stronger, which was exactly what I had in mind for Mukuro approaching.
Overall, your Viper is 100/10 amazing!
Next, @queenharumiura
Neo! My friend! I love your portrayal! You understand on a much deeper level that Haru is so much more than just the Tsuna fan girl she gets reduced to in fics. I love that you are so easy to plot with too, it's refreshing to just click with someone who not only can understand their own muse on a deeper level, but how the other writer's specific portrayal would interact with them.
I love that you have Haru well defined as she is instead of just following her canon strictly to a T which made writing with other Harus in the past kind of hard, (as I mentioned I've written Dera on discord and skype before and a lot of the time it didn't work out.) Sometimes I also wonder if you're a real life Haru as some of your own OOC interactions seem kind of on brand for her, like your fear of sending Mukuro anything lol.
I will keep this one short and sweet though I could go on, I love your portrayal, my friend you're doing great!
Now onto you @xcedia
NGL, Emi, I was actually hesitant to follow you before because I was intimidated by your portrayals. I don't know enough about Genshin or Persona to say anything on those ones, but your KHR muses are on point. From Primo to Hayato to Bel, Bianchi, Hibari and down the line, I see a lot of careful thought placed into each one and you even have their mannerisms and personality down.
I love interacting with you be it Bianchi, Bel, whoever you would choose, my muses and I will always be down for plotting and writing with you. You understand each character and bring them to life on the dash and I will follow you for the rest of my tumblr life just to read your stuff.
Closing statements: I love all three of you and I'm glad I got the opportunity to write with such amazing talents.
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parallelroutes · 1 year
>> MAMMON & BYAKURAN FT. @vipermirage [ ASK ]
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"Having money makes a lot of small, stupid humans feel something." Byakuran crosses his legs while floating, little wings kept small. It isn't exactly eye contact with the hood, so he watches their smile grow. Mammon-chan is so fascinating… this is who saved him and he wants to figure out why. "Is it really the only thing in the world that makes you happy?"
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thehandworld · 11 days
@vipermirage continued from here
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She was glad that Mammon was eating, even though her connection with the Arcobalenos, in general, was still somewhat... Weak. She really liked them, they were her family, and Mammon was one of them, even though the Mist Arcobaleno didn't like it.
She sets a cup of tea for them at the side of the onigiri, as well, so they can also have something to drink. She gently placed her hand over their shoulder. Please, can you take a break Viper? I did more food and it's all warm.
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vipermirage · 17 days
idk if yall remember (i do) but mammon and bel pretended to be namimori students for a while LMAO. i do... wanna play around with monta if anyone is int... he is a cutie too.
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squaletta · 4 months
I just want to say that I love the KHR roleplay community. I feel comfortable and accepted here, which is rather a rarity on the internet today. I really appreciate that I can be here and I appreciate every one of you, even if I haven't roleplayed with you or haven't roleplayed with you yet. I love this community, and I'm happy to be a part of it. BIG THANK YOU! You are great! I hope that I can be a part of other communities where I feel just as good. Sorry for my other Oscar speech. XD
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And... GROUP HUG!!! XD
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@whiskeysmulti @multi-cannon-rp @fightingthetides @giuramento-terra @d3vilfruit @demonwind @fukuinchou @ukigumos @wallflowerswit @seaoftales @socialpapers @butscrewmefirst @astrxthesiai @lightning-will-bovino @heartsglass @uechoes @nebbiia @lovelyextreme @nxvola @ilariocielo @vanaglorie @queenharumiura @vipermirage @drowninliquor @arealmunited @musessinabag @storiesunknown
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fightingthetides · 10 months
❰❰ ARGUE ❱❱ sender ends an argument with receiver with a kiss (for fon)
Bc you know I accept memes from my other blogs [x] ||Accepting|| @vipermirage
Arguments, were rather commonplace with these two, regardless of how one-sided they felt most days. Fon personally likes to think of their squabbles as nothing more than allowing Mammon to blow of steam, but deep down he knows that it is more accurate to say that his concern for the other is usually perceived as him looking down on Mammon, ‘nagging them’.
In this situation, it was accurate to say that they were both arguing in earnest. After Uni joined hands with Byakuran, it garnered the attention of the rest of the Arcobaleno, and it didn’t take much to realize that something had gone horribly wrong.
When suspecting something had gone wrong with their Sky, the Arcobaleno will stop at nothing to bare their fangs at their enemy. While outwardly uncharacteristic of him to those who didn’t know him well, Reborn had been the first to act in Uni’s defense. He was also the first to die a dog’s death. They weren’t working with some ordinary punk who was bent on taking over the world.
The plan was to split up, something like a buddy system, but their odd numbers meant one team needed an extra plus one or one of them was to operate alone. Fon volunteered to be a lone team of one. His reasoning being that he wouldn’t have to worry about holding back to ensure the safety of his teammate. That was the main reason behind their argument- that going alone was stupid. It was near suicidal. Did he want to be the next Reborn?
A battle of stubborn wills, Fon wasn’t going to change his mind on the matter. He had his reasons for preferring to operate alone, and he was being careful as to not let those reasons float in his mind for Mammon to read into.
Fon was a skilled fighter, especially in close quarters, but even he could fall prey to surprise attacks- at the very least when they came from someone he trusted. It took everyone in the room by surprise, the way that Mammon had pulled the martial artist for a kiss. None was more surprised by Fon himself, however. This was evident in the way he allowed Mammon to pull him in instead of being a steady, immovable boulder.
“Huu… I’ll be careful. Don’t worry about me and go with Colonello. He can keep you safe.” There were limitations to how safe he could keep Mammon when he himself was more of a close-range fighter. “We can talk again after this is all over.” The stubborn storm arcobaleno wasn’t changing his mind to join one of the other teams. He was going to operate alone.
That’s why his death was a mystery to the rest of them, but if you were to ask him about it later, he preferred it that way. He didn’t want anyone to see the way he passed. It was unsightly.
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signorinavongola · 11 months
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Even though Halloween was an American holiday, Tsuna adored this holiday for its creativity in dressing up, as well as its dark and spooky vibe. She decided to organize a Halloween party for her family and friends because nothing was better than having a good time with them. At least for a while they could forget their mafia duties and be just ordinary people dressed up as different characters from movies, series or fairy tales. Just go crazy.
Hostess Tsuna is looking forward to seeing you! The decor is spooky, and we have loads of food too. And scary-looking sweets and candies! ヘ(◕。◕ヘ)🐈‍⬛🕸️🕷🦇🎃⚰️🔪🖤👻
Costume required!
OOC: Please tag all posts related to this party with Halloween Vongola Party. Thank you! 🖤
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@nebbiia @queenharumiura @musessinabag @xcedia @squaletta @binaryxtars @whiskeysmulti @vanaglorie @drowninliquor @astrcthesiai @ladysasagawa @arealmunited @vipermirage
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queenharumiura · 11 months
ABSOLUTELY love your haru which is an amazing interpretation and exploration of a character with so much depth and has been portrayed as such but not prominently enough for the depths to fully be appreciated in the main series kek. You really have a way of bringing out her playfulness and her general kindness to everyone and most of all, it is very obvious that you as the mun has a lot of love for your muse which is <333
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Y'all making me blush with the praise. Thank you! I really do just adore Haru and it's truly a thing where if I don't talk about Haru at least once in 48 hours my co-worker will ask 'so-- how are things with Haru? Haven't talked about her in a while.'
I may have a problem, but it's not one i'm looking to fix, kekek. You and I are both strong 'we love all our muses but one of them is just top tier' energy. Love that for the both of us, honestly. I see Mammon and think of you instantly. I see Fon and I hear sounds of discontent in the back of my head.
Mammon, please be kinder to Fon 2023, kbyethx.
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parallelroutes-ooc · 1 year
[ i did some cryptic lines about relationships for plotted or frequent interactions for the slides, but i put them under the cut too. sorry if the tag is a bother 😭 ]
HARU @queenharumiura [3YL] I fit in Namimori the best when standing next to you.
KOKUSHIBŌ @tsukkiakarii [KNY] I'd miss being here if I left a lot more than I miss everyone from my former world now.
MUKURO @musessinabag [CURRENT] We'll see how long it takes to make it happen… but it will.
BOSS F!TSUNA @signorinavongola [TBA] As it turns out, respect is a two-way street. I'm flattered!
SHOICHI @dyingresolve [3YL] I can understand guilt as a whole, but I can't understand yours.
JUDITH @illholy [TBA] What makes you so tired? It's not just your life, is it?
MAMMON @vipermirage [CURRENT] Is money the only thing that makes you happy?
BLUEBELL @binaryxtars [CURRENT] I'm not a good choice for an older brother figure, but…
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astrcthesiai-archived · 11 months
9. Shoutout a blog/muse you’re loving lately
15. This one isn’t a question. I just want to show my love <3 ((OOC: I love sending in my favorite number [9] kek))
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9. I think it's @vipermirage and @drowninliquor. I've been on my V.aria fangirling spree lately. Please keep up the good work!
15. Thank you so much ;o;! Please follow @queenharumiura if you have not already. Thank you u///u.
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multifacetecl · 3 years
@vipermirage​    reported    (    belphegor&mammon   )
“ i don’t wanna talk about it. i don’t. i just need to forget. ”
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(   *     A scowl was quick to sit upon the man’s lips. He wasn’t used to being told    no,    and not even Mammon was spared from such expectations. The Storm’s movements was as sleek and fluid like a cat’s as he made his way over from where he had been seated at. Coming to a stop before the Arcobeleno, his hidden eyes leered down at the illusionist, lips curling up into a simper.      ❝       I asked out of formality, but I do expect an answer, baby. You owe me, after all. Don’t think I’ve forgotten about that bet I won last week. Ushishishi ~     ❞      Bel held no care that he was playing dirty; he wasn’t sure what to ask of the baby at the time, so he had saved the favor owed for a rainy day.
       And it seemed like today was the day.      ❝      I won’t leave you alone until you tell me, Mammon. So you might as well spill it already. I’ve got all day.~      ❞      )
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After few attempts of trying different strawberry cheesecake recipes, Lambo sighs at the final one made from the last of his remaining ingredients. In total there’s four different kinds of cheesecake recipes on the table. Grabbing a knife, Lambo started to cut pieces and turned to the cupboard to grab a plate, fork, and a glass cup. Turning around, he froze in his movements to see Mammon sitting on the table next to the cheesecakes.
“Um,” he doesn’t know how to interact with the other or how they want to be addressed. “You want a slice?”
Best to offer food as a better route.
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vipermirage · 8 months
To counter my problem of balancing 8 hobbies, i’ve set weekly goals to write 2-3 replies/inboxies a week 🙏 (starting next week)
On the other hand, i really would wanna write with more arcos so if you have an arco muse that you wanna play with please hmu! I’m really shy about asking for starters etc if we havent spoken ooc too so theres that 👉🏻👈🏻 if you have no arcos and wanna play PLS HMU TOO JUST TO BE CLEAR
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