#Vinnie hacker is so hot
gaybuckybarnesss · 1 month
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icybloggs · 8 months
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God blesss😮‍💨
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sturnioloshacker · 5 months
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god DAMN
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blasblack · 30 days
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Vinnie Hacker 💝
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1h3artm3 · 1 year
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Y’all he is SO…like omg.
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icybloggss · 1 year
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Literally fan goals right there❤️
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7698 · 1 year
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ashbeemovie · 10 months
i think the one thing in life that would complete me is dream being photographed by jack bridgland
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heartsforvin · 2 months
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bfb is probably one of my favorite tropes 😣 stream bfb by victoria justice 💋
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pairing: vinnie hacker x fem!reader
warnings: smut, praise, use of pet names, dirty talk, cussing, oral (f receiving), slight choking kink, dom!vinnie, age gap (r’s 19, v’s 22), loss of virginity, slight breeding kink, perv!vinnie, if i missed anything lmk !!
summary: you’re untouchable to vinnie, considering you’re his brothers best friend, but he doesn’t seem to care anymore
a/n: guys i loveee writing perv!vinnie can you tell yet ?? (i can’t help it, i love the idea 🤭)
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he needed you. needed you in every and any way he could get you. he felt wrong, though. almost gross, like he shouldn’t be feeling this way towards you.
you are his brothers best friend, he’s known you for years, that’s one of the reasons why he feels a bit disgusted by himself.
just a bit, though.
you’ve been around since his brother entered the sixth grade, so you have basically grown up with this family. having spent many summers, along with just nights in general with the family.
he’s seen you through puberty, and he can’t lie, once you started filling out and growing more, he couldn’t help but spare a few glances once in awhile.
you’ve always thought nothing of it, always thought that was just the big brother instinct in him — to watch over not only reggie while the two of you hung out, but you as well.
you didn’t realize until around sophomore year of high school though, that it was more of just tiny glances and hand touches.
you thought vinnie was attractive, sure. especially when he got a little older. when the tattoos became a regular addition to his body along with the abs.
you’d never let him know that outright though. part of you always thought he was full of himself.
when you noticed he started gaining fame, you thought he was taking it all to his head.
he’d post those thirst traps, and though you did find them hot when you were sixteen, seventeen, you just thought he was full of it now.
vinnie has always been a bit more touchy with you. always finding an excuse to rub up against you or touch your hand.
you’d always just push him off, telling him to back off before reggie saw and got the wrong impression.
that’s the last thing you needed. for your best friend to know you were into his brother.
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“need some help, princess?” you heard his voice and immediately rolled your eyes as you planted your heals back on the ground.
it was a hot summer day, and all you wanted to do was hang out with reggie by the pool.
he had asked you to go grab more plastic cups from the house, to which you agreed.
now here you were, standing on your tip toes as you tried to reach the top shelf.
you felt vinnie’s front press against your back, his breath on your ear as he reached his arm to the shelf with ease.
“thanks.” you reply meekly, already over him for the day.
he flashed you a smile before heading back to the stairs, probably back up to his room to play video games.
you made it back outside quickly, not wanting to take too long for reggie to notice you went missing for minutes on end.
the two of you sat on the edge of the pool with your feet in the water as you drank soda in the cups you had just brought out.
you were talking about college and what classes the two of you were taking when you heard the back door open.
turning around, you saw vinnie walk out in only his swim trunks, tattoos on full display.
rolling your eyes, you turned back to your best friend as the two of you continued talking.
about ten minutes later, reggie had mentioned he needed to use the bathroom and that he’ll be out in a minute.
you nodded and set your cup down next to you, watching as vinnie replaced reggie’s spot as soon as the back door shut.
“that a new suit?” he questioned, making you look down to see which one you were wearing.
it was a light pink string bikini. you saw it at target weeks prior and remembered you needed a new suit for the summer.
vinnie’s eyes raked over your body as you sat next to him. he gave a longer glance at your tits, seeing how nice they fit in your top.
his gaze moved down to your thighs, looking at the plush skin and imagining what it’d be like to get in between them.
he wondered a lot of things about you. he had overheard a conversation you had with reggie once, talking about how experienced the two of you were.
it was nothing odd or uncomfortable for you to talk about with the younger sibling, if anything it was normal.
the two of you knew everything about each other, nothing was too off limits or tmi.
so when vinnie heard you had never had sex with anyone, he smiled to himself, hoping he could be the first person to pleasure you.
“what do you want?” your sharp tone broke him out of his thoughts. “reg’s gonna be back in a minute, can’t have him getting the wrong idea.”
if anything he’d probably expect nothing of it, just his best friend and his brother having a normal conversation.
you were terrified of him having the wrong impression on the two of you though. he’s asked you before if you’ve ever had even the slightest crush on his brother, to which you just laughed.
if he had asked you about three years ago, maybe the answer would be yes, but now? hell no.
the touch on your thigh almost made you spit out your drink. “you don’t want that,” vinnie breathed. “i could personally care less of what my brother thinks im doing with anyone.”
you rolled your eyes and grabbed his hand, placing it in his lap. as soon as you did, you heard the back door open again.
“you guys hungry?” you heard reggie call out, to which you moved quicker than ever.
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later on that night, you and reggie got ready to chill and watch a movie. you had decided to spend the night last minute, it was a friday night after all so neither of you had classes in the morning.
as you were walking back to reggie’s room from the bathroom, you could’ve sworn you heard what sounded like moaning that came from the eldest boys’ room.
you stopped in front of his door, wondering if you should bust in and interrupt to make fun of him, or to stay here a minute.
you never really imagined vinnie in that way. not often at least. the thought did cross your mind here and there, but you pushed it back.
you didn’t like him. didn’t like how he gawked at you — looked at you like prey. how he was always touching you in some way.
at the same time though, you kind of did like it. no guy had ever really paid any mind to you, and vinnie does.
maybe it was just the male validation you so desperately craved, or maybe you actually did like vinnie.
as you stood there, you could’ve sworn you heard your name fall out of his mouth, which made your eyes go wide.
you contemplated on what you wanted to do. you could easily go back to reggie’s room and apologize for taking too long. or you could fulfill both yours and vinnie’s fantasies.
with a shaky exhale, you slowly pushed the door open and the sight before you made you instantly wet.
there he was, naked from the chest down, his boxers resting on his ankles, as he jerked himself off with your swimsuit top.
it was disgusting, filthy even, but for some reason you found it so hot in this moment.
you don’t even remember where you had put your suit after the swim earlier. either way, vinnie found it and decided to put it to use.
you just stood there, unable to move as you watched his fist move rapidly with your swimsuit top in hand, watching, listening to the noises he made.
“s-shit princess, yeah just like that.” you heard him say, making you clench around nothing.
when his eyes opened that’s when you gasped, covering your mouth in case it was too loud.
vinnie didn’t even hesitate to try and put on his boxers or even cover himself with a blanket.
“what are you doing in here, sweetheart?” his tone was low, gaze fixated on you and your sleep shirt.
you wore shorts underneath but they were short, so it went unnoticed. when vinnie saw your bare legs, he smiled.
you didn’t answer him, feeling embarrassed for even being in here at all. you felt dirty.
“come here,” vinnie said as he threw your cum-stained swimsuit top on the ground. “come sit on my lap, baby.”
you smiled, a rush of energy and confidence running through you now. you always wondered deep down what it’d be like to be on his lap, in his arms.
he had draped a blanket over his half-hard dick. no doubt it’ll be back to its hard state in a matter of seconds.
you straddled the man’s lap, your hands around his neck while his rested on your ass. your shirt rose up so your shorts were now visible.
“kinda hoped you were only wearin’ panties under this,” he chuckled as he smacked your ass. “would love to see those cute ones, y’know with the strawberries on ‘em?”
you blush, having packed those exact ones for tomorrow morning when you went back to your house to get a change of clothes.
his grip on you tightens, he’s got you where he’s wanted you for months now.
“or,” he starts, moving closer to your ear, kissing right under it softly. “that black thong you have. god, is that hot.”
you can’t believe this is happening. reggie would kill you if he found out vinnie laid a finger on you in this sort of situation.
“vinnie,” you whine as he moves you against his lap, your cunt grinding against his cock. “please.”
he smirks. “please what?” he asks as he leans in, mouths almost touching.
you squirm on him, making vinnie grip you a bit harder to keep you in place. “need you, want you.”
vinnie smiles before he places his lips on yours. the kiss turns hungry fast, hands roaming each others bodies as your tongues meet together.
“switch with me,” he says before lifting you off his lap. you stand on the ground as he does the same. “lay on the bed.”
you do as told, laying on the bed fully clothed while he stays how he is. once your head meets his pillow, vinnie climbs back on the bed and hovers over you.
he kisses your neck, making sure to leave marks even if you protest. he makes his way down to your collarbone and is soon tugging at the collar of your shirt.
your eyes widen as he takes the shirt off of you without even asking. he smirks as he looks up at you. “no bra, huh?” he asks.
you blush, even though you shouldn’t be embarrassed for being comfortable, there’s a part of you that is.
vinnie see’s your eyes shift and brings his hand up to your cheek, caressing it softly. you smile and lean into his touch.
without any warning he’s got his mouth planting kisses all down your chest and to your stomach. you grab his hair and tug at the feeling of his lips on your skin.
when he makes it to your shorts, he looks up at you and asks if he can take them off along with your panties.
you nod but then give him the verbal confirmation, he wastes no time pulling them off you.
“look at you,” his tone is deep, making chills run down your body. “already so wet f’me.” he says, slowly dragging a finger through your folds.
you whimper at the contact, grabbing his hair and tugging as his finger swipes against you.
you watch as he lowers himself on the bed, laying flat against his chest, his face now mere inches from where you need him.
all your nerves are gone, as if you aren’t scared for what’s about to come and how to handle everything.
vinnie smiles up at you before he dives in, sucking on your clit as you tug at the locks of his hair.
“taste so good, pretty,” he moans into you, making you whine in pleasure. “such a good girl for me.”
the praise goes straight to your head as you feel vinnie grip your thighs, holding you in place.
as his tongue continues to suck on your clit, he slides his index finger along your folds before pushing it into you.
a loud moan rips from your throat but vinnie’s quick to clamp a hand over your mouth, shushing you.
“don’t want reggie to get the wrong impression now, do we?” he asks, referring to what you told him earlier.
you shake your head, his hand still covering your mouth. he smiles as he removes the tattooed hand away from you, lifting his head to kiss you softly.
his mouth is on your sensitive pussy once again, with his index finger curling inside you, making you close your legs around him.
vinnie groans as he pushes your legs open again, he continues his actions before he feels the grip on his hair tighten.
“v-vinnie,” you moan softly, feeling a knot in your lower belly tighten. “baby.”
his gaze reaches you, he knows what’s coming and his movements quickened. you tighten your legs around his head, gripping the sheets as you moan profanities.
you try your best to stay as quiet as you can, but it’s no use once you feel yourself release on the man’s face below you.
vinnie smiles as he catches every ounce, lifting up and leaning on his elbows as he looks up at you.
“thanks for the warning, princess.” vinnie chuckles as he pushes himself up to hover over you.
you blush with a slight smile, suddenly feeling nervous now that the real thing might happen.
vinnie gives you a sweet smile, rubbing his thumb against your cheek. “what’s wrong?”
the question is genuine, throwing you off since he’s usually not like that with you.
“i’m a virgin,” you say quietly, lowering your head. vinnie lifts your chin with his index finger, kissing you softly.
“i can’t promise you i’ll be gentle, you know how bad ive been wanting this.” he tells you truthfully.
you nod, knowing already that if this were to happen he’d definitely not be the slightest bit of gentle with you.
he gives you a look to ask if you’re ready, you nod but also let out a quiet but audible ‘yes’ to let him know.
he kisses you roughly before pulling back and positioning himself to enter you.
once he does, you gasp at the feeling of having him inside you. he waits a minute for you to adjust before he starts moving.
he grips your hips, thrusting hard into you as he watches your tits bounce with each thrust.
he smiles. he’s been wanting this for so long now, cant believe he’s finally got you where he wanted you.
“fuck vin, you’re so big.” you moan, watching as vinnie gives you a smirk.
he moves his hand to grab yours, bringing it down to your lower tummy. “you feel that, pretty girl? that’s all me, fillin’ you up so good, yeah?”
you whimper at the feeling of having his cock inside you. you grab his hand and squeeze tightly.
“feel good, huh? like havin’ my cock inside you, baby? feeling me everywhere?” he asks, knowing the answer already.
you nod with a soft moan followed by it, trying your best to not be so loud no matter how good it feels.
the pain subsided and turned to pleasure, making you feel like you were on cloud nine.
as vinnie’s thrusts became quicker, you watched as his hand slid from your hip to your throat in a matter of seconds, applying pressure.
he saw you smile and applied a bit more pressure. “you like that, don’t you?” he asks.
you try to nod the best you can, vinnie leans in to kiss you and you immediately meet him, kissing back with just as much need as he is you.
he watches you pull apart from his lips and start to move your hand down to your clit.
“nuh, uh,” he smacks your hand away. “i’m not done with you yet.”
before you can speak, he’s flipping you over so you’re on top now. you’ve never been in this position so he helps you guide yourself on him.
“yeah, just like that, good girl.” he praises when he feels you clench around him. “fuck you feel amazing.”
you soon catch on and give yourself a rhythm, bouncing on him with ease while vinnie grabs your tits and squeezes them in his palms.
“been wanting to get my hands on these for so long, y’know that, sweet girl?” he tells you as he lowers his mouth to your chest.
he takes your right breast into his mouth and sucks, definitely leaving marks. he gives the left one the same attention after.
“vinnie.” you moan, throwing your head back at the feeling of his mouth on your chest.
he watches you ride him, completely obsessed of the sight in front of him. as much as your swimsuit top was doing wonders for him, actually being inside you is definitely better.
vinnie squeezes your tits once more before gripping your hips again. “god you feel so good sweetheart,” he groans. “wanna fill you up, put a baby in you.”
he doesn’t even register what he says, just spewing words, feeling way too good in the moment.
you however do register what he said. “want it vin,” you whine out.
he smirks, gliding his thumbs against the plush of your thighs. “yeah, you want me to knock you up? have my babies? bet you someone would be very mad if they found out.”
you know who he’s talking about but right now you don’t care. the euphoria completely washes over all the fear from you.
his thrusts become faster and harsher, making you hold onto his shoulders for support. your head dips to rest in the crook of his neck while his hands move to cup your ass.
he bounces you on him, moans erupting from both of you as your highs near.
vinnie’s hand moves from your ass to your clit, rubbing harsh circles. “gonna cum, sweet girl. you’re gonna cum with me, ‘kay?”
you nod, a loud moan slipping from your lips at the pressure of his harsh rubs.
“almost baby, come on,” he urges, you continue your movements, scratching his back as you do. “fuck, sweetheart i’m there.”
before you can confirm that you are too, you’re already spilling out of him as he spills into you. he pushes himself into more, smirking as he does.
“gotta make sure it says in there if you want it to work, right?” he asks, to which you just sleepily nod.
the two of you stay connected for a minute before vinnie decides to pull out of you. you whine at the loss of contact to which he kisses your forehead.
you fall onto his bed with a loud sigh, smiling at the man next to you while he wraps his arms around you.
“do you think he heard?” you ask quietly.
vinnie stays silent for a moment, before saying, “you’re probably gonna have to have a long talk with him. me and you.” he explains.
you sigh, not wanting to deal or even think about the talk you’re gonna have to have with your best friend in the morning.
he sees your frustration and holds you tighter, kissing your cheek. you smile.
you want to ask the question but it’s probably dumb and he’ll probably just laugh, thinking you’re just some naïve kid.
you decide to stay silent, basking in this moment of being in his arms right now.
“goodnight, vinnie.” you say quietly as you nuzzle into his chest.
he smiles, hugging you tighter. “goodnight, princess.” he responds, kissing your head.
you hoped this wouldn’t be the last time you got to feel his touch.
HEYYYYY I LOVED THIS 🤗🤗 sorry if it’s so damn long, i had so much fun writing it !!!
i hope you all liked it as much as I did, pls lmk cus i LOVE yalls feedback (unless you don’t like it, keep that shit to yourself LMAO)
tags: @cosmicanakin , @anqeliclust , @forevergirlposts , @bernelflo , @slvthrs , @visualbutterflysworld , @leqonsluv3r , @0strawberrysorbet0 , @violet0182 , @hallecarey1 , @kayleighh , @laylasbunbunny , @louloulemons-blog , @st4rswrld , @kriissy4gov
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slvthrs · 1 year
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your boyfriend loves the way the hot weather makes you look
WARNINGS: NSFW CONTENT MINORS DNI, praise kink, pet names, fingering, unprotected sex (use birth control idiots), hair pulling, slight vouyerism
word count: 1k <3
California is so fucking hot sometimes. The way that shirts stick to skin and the way that when you would walk out of the house and immediately be hit with a wave of heat that absolutely envelopes you. You really wanna move sometimes but you never would unless your boyfriend came with you. Your 5 foot 11, sandy beach blond with freckles and brown eyes, the archetype of someone from California- Vinnie.
From where you live the crashing of the beach waves helps to lull you to sleep in the night and sounds of beachgoers is your alarm clock and as much as you love living here, the heat will always get to you- it’s uncomfortable and suffocating. You’re a person who likes the cold and your boyfriend is exactly the opposite- he’s warm and sweet and kind of like a loyal dog. 
So that’s the reason why you’re currently laying back down in the shortest skirt you could find and a tiny crop top with no bra, sucking on this popsicle like it’s your last meal in the world. 
You let your head dangle off the edge of the counter with your body fully on display for no one. You should be a lot more careful with your boyfriend's roommate walking the halls but he’s seen me in more compromising positions. The sound of the neighborhood is bouncing off the walls of the kitchen and you can hear a soft pair of footsteps coming down from the house's gym. 
And speak of the devil and he may appear- your boyfriend walks into the kitchen to grab some water and so you can shamelessly check him out. He’s just wearing his sweatpants which rest dangerously low on his waist and he is slightly wet and a towel is thrown over his shoulder- which you presume is for wiping up but what catches your attention is the way his hands flex and how big they are compared to yours- It’s like he could drown you in his hands and you would never complain.
But you compose yourself, “Hi babe how was the work out?” you say stretching yourself out more so he can see me even better
He looks startled, “Shit I didn’t realize you were here” He says as he turns to look at me and the moment your eyes meet, you both know that you both want each other,
“Uh it went well, I like the outfit” He says taking a swig of his water
“Thanks” I say with the most innocent expression you can muster and you sit up to look at him doe-eyed “I like your fit as well” You chuckled referencing to how little he's wearing
“Ha ha very funny I work out in this, what is your excuse for looking like that?” He says with fake annoyance
“One, it’s fucking boiling in Cali and two, what do you mean ‘looking like that’” You say  emphasising the ‘that’
He groans, “You just, I dunno, look hot” He admits
“Well yeah it’s like 90 degrees outside” You joke
“You fucking know I didn’t mean that” He says walking closer to me and placing the water bottle away and placing both his hands on either sides of me- caging me in
I finish your popsicle and hook your hands around his neck playing with the wooden stick of the popsicle, “Hmm, I don’t think I know what you mean?” You say faking your innocence
“Oh yeah you wanna play it like that? Fine we can do it like that” He states as he crashes your lips together, you both taste like sweat, ice, and cherry popsicle along with pent up aggression of not having even seen each other in days due to your contrasting schedule. 
He lifts his hands to the hem of your shirt to take it of revealing your braless state, and looks at you in a state of awe, “God your such a fucking whore and you love to pretend your innocent,” He says as he starts to kiss your chest and starts to trail down and before he reaches your skirt he flips me over so your stomach is pressed up against the counter, “It kinda pisses me off but mainly turns me on.”
The chill of the counter makes you almost moan from how hot you are. He flips up your skirt and pulls your panties aside to lean up his cock with your clothed cunt and slams into you, gaining a completely pornographic moan that puts Satan to shame. 
His hands take refuge on your waist as he sets an unrelenting pace tumbling you so close to your climax. One of his hands finds your clit as he circles and teases it making you almost cry of complete pleasure but he stops as the same hand finds your hair and pulls it back so our eyes connect.
Instead of finding a sort of ravaged animalistic look on Vinnie’s face he looks at me in awe as if you look like the world's finest art and dips his head down to your spine and kisses upward and leaves marks all over your neck as he leans into your ears and whispers, 
“I’m fucking obsessed with you y’know”
And the words of praise cause everything to come crashing down- as you cum he lets go of his grip on your hair and it’s replaced with slight kisses on your back that trails down and he soothes you out of your orgasm.
With a few more thrusts he’s following you and then he pulls out of me but his grip on you stays because you both know that if he lets go you might just collapse. 
You stay there just for a bit, “Let’s go before Jett finds us sweetheart.” He says as he’s picking you up and carries you bridal style to your shared bedroom and he draws you into a bath.
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gaybuckybarnesss · 27 days
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icybloggs · 10 months
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What a cutie🫶🏾
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sturnioloshacker · 7 months
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celebtf · 3 months
Vinnie & the Car-shop
It was a hot summer day, Mid-july and and I was taking my Car to work. I woke up and I was not feeling well today, my head hurt, I was tired and hungry but I needed to work so I could afford rent and have food on my table.
I sat in the car, I got the AUX and put on some music from my regular playlist. The playlist is around 10h long so I have some songs to shuffle through.
As I was driving on the highway my car started to make this strange noice, I was in a rush and needed to hurry. I continued to drive even with the strange noice but the more I drove the more the sound got worse.
I picked up my phone and called my boss " Hey Joe, I'm sorry but my car just broke down on the Highway. I might not come in on time today, but I'm making it up to you" I heard my boss laugh a little " Hey man, it's okay, take the time you need and be safe while driving on the 40 highway. "
I hang up and called my local Car-shop and they send a car to pick my truck up. They come and I get a ride to the car-shop.
I walk in to the shop seeing a young man, im his early 20's, he can't be much younger then me, sitting on a box with his face in his face.
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I go up to him and start talking " Hey man, what's up? How's it going " I asked to he polite and to see if there's anything I can help with.
" Hey man, I don't know, I'm having trouble with this thing over here, I don't know how or if I can fix this thing " the young man, who I now can see is that one tiktoker... what's his name, Vinnie hacker I think.
" Okay man, give me that thing over there " Vinnie gives me the screw and I show him how he can twist this and do that " Also, my fingers are getting dirty can I Barrow your gloves real quick " I ask him.
He gives me his gloves and I start to work on the car, and a bit later I feel the place getting hotter " I'm so sorry, but it's just so hot, I need to just take my shirt off" I said, throws the shirt and start working.
As I'm working I can feel my hands heat up, but I can't take the gloves off, my hands start to cramp and I can see them grow. My arms began so gain muscles and I can see a few, not a few alot of new tattoos for. My shoulders get bigger and my pecs too. I can feel my nipples getting hard and touching them feels really Nice. I felt something that felt like a punch to my stomach and I can see a pac of abs start to appear, a hard sixpack of Washboard abs.
I feel my face starting to heat up, my jaw cracked and got sharper, my eyes burned and my eyebrows grew bushier and my hair suddenly grew a bit longer, and blond. I'm usually not blond.
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" Hey vinnie, wasn't your workday over 30 minutes ago? Why are you still here?" The owner comes up to me " I'm sorry I didn't hear you, what did you call me?"
He just looked at me and laughed " Vinnie you're always such a jokester " I didn't really understand him, but if I needed to leave then I would have to get going..
I went to the Bathroom before closing and that's when I finally saw what he meant. I was really vinnie, but how? And where was he now? But my mind started remember things, everything in my mind as Vinnie's memories.
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" Okay I look really good, even better then before, I think I can get used to this"
I laughed and left the shop
Hey, I'm back, I wrote this story last week after trying to get out of this writters block I have had for like a month. I'm okay with this story not being the best. Just wanted something out and to post.
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crushculture03 · 9 months
please do a vinnie imagine about her girlfriend taking off her promise ring after an argument
No Promises
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Summary : Vinnie and you get into a fight, which escalates into your taking of your promise ring he gave you
Pairing : Vinnie Hacker x Fem!Reader
Warnings : Cursing, fighting
Notes: Hope you enjoy anon! i’m sorry it’s so short
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"Vinnie, where are you?" you shout as you walk up the stairs, anger courses through your veins at each step. This wasn't the first time something like this happened, he had forgotten to pick you up before, but this time was even worse since it was currently pouring outside and you had forgotten an umbrella, so now you trudged up the stairs angry and soaking wet.
You swing his gaming room door open, "Hey baby what's wrong?" he asks, not even taking his eyes away from the screen. "What's wrong?! What's wrong is my boyfriend rather play video games then pick me up from work" you shout. Vinnies eyes go wide, he immediately pauses the game and turns toward you, finally taking in your appearance. "Fuck baby I'm so sorry, I was streaming and time got away from me" he says. You roll your eyes "This is the 3rd time this has happened! And this time I was stood in the pouring rain" you yell, gesturing to your water soaked clothes. "I know I'm sorry baby please I'm sorry it won't happen again" he pleads. "Thats what you said the first two times" you shout back, still in shock that he had forgotten to pick you up again.
"You know what? It's fine really it's fine" you scoff, before turning on your heel and walking to the bathroom so you could change and take a hot shower after being stuck in the pouring rain. Once you were changed and freshly showered, you made your way down to the kitchen to get something warm to drink. You see your boyfriend out of the corner of your eye, but decide to ignore him, as you were still incredibly upset with him.
"Have you calmed down now?" he asks, which infuriates you, he still seems to not be taking anything seriously. "Fuck off Vin" you say, before stomping out of the kitchen and into the living room. "Come on baby you know it was a honest mistake" he says, starting to feel himself get upset at the fact you won't just accept his apology. "Yeah a mistake that happened 3 times" you say back, "Come on you know how important it is to get these streams in, it's what makes money so we can live here!" he snaps. "More important than your girlfriend?" you yell back, in disbelief, "I didn't say that and you know it" he responds back, "Yeah but you implied it" you sneer. "Look if the streams and games are more important, maybe you should give this to your computer" you shout as you pull the promise ring he gave you off your finger and throw it at him, before storming out of the living room and into the guest bedroom.
You slam the door behind you, quickly locking it, before crawling onto the bed and crying. You didn't care if he thought you were overreacting, you knew you had a valid reason to be upset. "Baby please open up" you hear him say as he knocks on the door, but you refuse to move. "Go away Vinnie" you shout back, not wanting to see him.  "Please Y/N can we talk" he begged, "Please just go away" you yell back, before breaking into a sob.
You knew deep down you needed to tell him how you were feeling, not just about this incident, but about your guys relationship. You felt like he started to ignore you lately, you would try to do things with him but he would always say he couldn't because he had to stream. Today was just your breaking point, and when you realized that his games seemed to mean more to him then you.
Vinnie slid down against the locked door, throwing his head in his hands and sighing out of frustration. He knew he fucked up big time, and hoped he could find a away to fix it. "I'm sorry y/n, I know i've been dismissive towards you lately, fuck i'm so stupid. I guess sometimes I get so in the zone I forget what's going on around me, which I know is a shitty excuse but its true. You have every right to be pissed at me. I've been such a shitty boyfriend lately, just know things are going to be different now I promise." he says, before standing up.
Before he could walk away you opened the door. He turns to face you "Baby I'm so sorry" he says, and walks towards you. "I know vin" you say back, "It just feels like this relationship has been so one sided lately and I feel like I'm just not important to you anymore" you say as tears pour down your face. His heart breaks when he hears you say that. "Y/N, you're the most important thing In my life, I'm sorry that I ever made you doubt that" he says and pulls you into a tight embrace.
The two of you cry in eachothers arms for a few minutes before pulling away. "How about we watch movie together, then tomorrow go out on a date and just spend the whole day together, just you and me, no technology" he suggests. You nod your head "Sounds good Vin" you respond. You hope that what he promised would come true and knowing Vinnie it probably would.
"Do you have the ring?" you ask, as the two of you are curled up on the couch. "Yeah" he says, as he pulls the ring out of his pocket. You put your hand out for him, signaling for him to slid it back on your finger. He finally takes the hint and slowly slides the promise ring back on your finger. "I love you" he says, "I love you too" you respond, before pulling him in for a kiss.
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starythewriter · 11 months
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Vinnie hacker car sex while it rains
A/N: im releasing this because my first ever post to hit 200 notes was a VH post so this is y’all’s reward. Next week, wolverine is finally entering the picture with his own oneshots.
you met up with Vinnie, you were over at his house, it was beautiful he gave you a small kiss, you stared outside finding the rain pouring down… you loved the rain..l it was your favorite thing in the world, you both got ready for a cozy night, getting marshmallows and some hot chocolate.
after some hanging out you were gonna leave, but Vinnie had other plans…
as you were on his bed, he grab some old pants he had from past endeavors with you, you blushed, “stay with me you little slut” you teased him with “what are you Jack got this too?”
he grabbed you and sat you in his lap, you moaned as he kissed your neck he was being aggressive but in the best way, he slowly started to touch himself as he kissed your panties, you tried to undress him he whispered “we’re gonna do this my way”
he pinned you against the wall kissing you, he took of your shirt, slowly kissing your nipples, you moaned loudly. “vinnie- you know I love you right? i- need you so much”
he said: “I know baby that’s why I’m gonna give it all to you, I’m gonna make you forget about Jack”
he kissed and licked your breasts, slowly starting to unbutton your pants… you moaned again as Vinnie pulled off your pants ‘fuck yes’ you thought.
and then… you gasped, because Vinnie wasn’t kissing your boobs, but instead licking the inside of your thigh… he continued licking. he then stopped.
he put a blind fold on you and took you to his car, you could hear the rain, you took the blind fold off and sat ontop of him, “you like the rain right? let’s do this here slut”
you moaned as he took of his pants and you took everything off too, you kept kissing, he whispered “I’m gonna fuck your tight pussy up so good nobody will hear the rain they’ll just hear us” you kept moaning.
slowly you sat ontop of his dick and started to ride him… you moaned “oh- Vinnie your such a sweetheart and too easy to please, but I’m gonna make you cum so fucking hard just wait…”
he smirked and kissed your boobs, you snapped your head back unable to resist, you just started at the car ceiling as his skills were too good. “oh- fuck vinnie what- are you doing- i- can’t your making me so wet-“
he moaned saying “that’s the point my baby, I need to make you all mine, swear yourself to me. I’m gonna FUCK YOU UP SO HARD” he moaned. he quickened his pace and so did you, you felt him getting closer, but he was holding onto the high as he didn’t want you to forget this night. something about him was different tonight, he was here to prove something.
you knew his pride was getting in the way he wanted to show you how much better he was then Jack.,. you didn’t care, you saw the rain pouring down and moaned out “vinnie.. this rain is so… beautiful oh- fuckkk-“ you moaned he whispered with hunger “of course it is, just like you my baby, your prettier then a siren… you have my heart all to you… but if we’re gonna be together like this then you better know I’m gonna fuck you up”
he said with a smirk…
you just moaned and gave him a smile with pleasure, he loved seeing your lewd face, you loved seeing his abs, being able you make him moan this hard, you slowed down, and his eyes shuttered, his moan vibrated so smoothly, you could tell this pace had him triggered in the right ways, “oh- fuck baby- no- body could do this as- well as you can”
he said licking your boobs, you just kept going faster, your hands grabbed his hips tightly as his hand moved between your thighs, your breath hitched as he started rubbing your clit, “you feel so wet, baby…” he moaned. your breathing hitched, you bit your lips not wanting to cry and scream, you bit your lip harder until it bled “you’re so wet for me”
his grip on your hips tightened, you whimpered and he started pumping your clit faster and faster. “fuck you’re so tight” you moaned. he moaned “so wet”
you moaned as he pumped your clit even harder. his thrusts became rough as he came, and you couldn’t handle any more of it. your orgasm hit you and you cried out in pleasure “ohhhhhhh… fuck vinnie” you moaned as you reached your peak, your hips moving faster and faster. You could see a tear fall down your cheek… you enjoyed this a lot, it was a long ride…
but you didn’t mind it, that’s what made today so special, the build up… you kissed him and whispered “thank you… I’ve never felt like that ever…”
he replied with “ no thank you baby girl, I’ve never had someone with such skills, you got me good, sometimes all I wanted to do with explode and fuck you into my car seats… your irresistible baby, your legs are all mine for me to consume… your eyes are special..”
you let out a pornographic moan as he praised you…
you both got out and kissed in the rain “your so talented darling, Y/N, this was so special… thank you… this moment in the rain… I love it I hope we can do this everytime it rains”
you smiled back and nodded… you kissed him again. you both headed back and slept together on his bed, you saw his necklace with a cross, you kissed his collarbone making sure he felt the love of an Angel.. “baby- that feels good” you responded: “I know Vinnie just relax.”
you both fell asleep with hickey marks over your body, and vinnies bruised collarbone with kisses of love, passion and lust.
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