#Village Halloween Parade
goingplacesfarandnear · 11 months
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christinered · 11 months
Welcome To New York City!
The Halloween Parade is about to start.
Stay safe Kinksters!
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rowshanphotography · 2 years
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Halloween Parade in NYC 2022. Fun.Fun.Fun.
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nonesuchrecords · 11 months
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As Laurie Anderson was Grand Marshal of the 50th annual Village Halloween Parade in NYC, with Lou Reed in memory, this Nonesuch parader was there as her 1982 debut album, Big Science.
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worldlibertytv · 2 years
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New York City’s 49th Annual Village Halloween Parade-2022 in our World Liberty TV, Cos Play Channel @ https://www.worldlibertytv.org/new-york-citys-49th-annual-village-halloween-parade-2022/
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princesssarisa · 15 days
Sarah Sanderson for the character ask
Favorite thing about them: How funny she is, and the way she blends ditziness, flirtatiousness, and childlike innocence with truly dangerous magical power, via her siren song that lures children to their doom.
Least favorite thing about them: Well, underneath her ditziness and humor, she is a wicked witch who hypnotizes children and then sucks out their life force to maintain her youth and beauty. Also, in her blend of a childlike mind with an adult sex drive, she makes disturbing remarks about wanting to "play with" teenage boys.
Three things I have in common with them:
*I'm fun-loving.
*I like to sing.
*I sometimes compulsively repeat words (though not out loud unless I'm alone).
Three things I don't have in common with them:
*I'm not blonde.
*I don't have any sisters.
*I'm not a witch.
Favorite line:
When her youth is restored from consuming Emily Binx's life force:
"I am beautiful! Boys will love me!"
When the villagers storm the cottage, and her sisters claim to be "just three kindly spinsters spending a quiet evening at home":
"Sucking the lives out of little children."
And of course her iconic response to hearing Winifred say "run amok":
"Amuck! Amuck! Amuck! Amuck! Amuck! Amuck!"
brOTP: Her sisters Winifred and Mary, even though Winifred tends to abuse her.
OTP: None, though her answer would probably be "as many as possible."
nOTP: Max Dennison or Thackery Binx.
Random headcanon: She's on the autism spectrum, although being from the 17th century, she wouldn't know it. To be clear, I don't imagine this because she's "dumb," but because of her habit of repeating words over and over again. It's called echolalia.
Unpopular opinion: I don't care for the fact that Mickey's Boo to You Halloween Parade at Walt Disney World now has Minnie Mouse, Clarabelle Cow, and Daisy Duck dressed as the Sanderson sisters. If it had been just for 2023 to celebrate the movie's 30th anniversary, that would have been fine, but apparently it's a permanent change. It might lead little kids to watch the movie – which is really for ages 10 or 11 and up – and be scared by it, and/or learn certain words and concepts that their parents don't want them to know yet. That said, Daisy is well cast as Sarah.
Song I associate with them:
"Come, Little Children"
Favorite picture of them:
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cosmic-glow · 1 year
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Notes: During Halloween night in a small town, you meet the King of Crows.
Warnings: Itachi Uchiha x Fem!Reader; mention of death (not of the character or reader); SFW.
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The mornings started to get colder, the leaves were falling from the trees, orange like the afternoon sun, you were drinking more coffee and there were pumpkins everywhere, you didn't need to look at the calendar to know that October had arrived. The city was small, but it was still very lively for Halloween, the decorations had already started, there would be a big parade and candy collection, the center would be full of people who don't like you.
Your job is to take care of the city's cemetery, it's your family's job, you are the owners of the biggest funeral home in the village and it was thanks to your great-grandparents that the cemetery was built, the funereal air has always been present and has become normal for you, That's why you never understood the way the other residents looked at you and your family, it wasn't like you were responsible for killing people, you just buried them.
Even so, they purposely avoided you, as if they would die from touching you or looking directly in the eyes, sometimes you wished it was true. And so your only "friends" became the crows in the cemetery. You are the local gardener, and modesty aside are very good at that. Always at the end of the shift, you would go to the back of the cemetery and feed them, what you didn't expect was that they would start following you everywhere, as if you were their mother. The cloud of crows that accompanied you was just another reason for the neighbors to find you strange.
It was Halloween night and you were locked in the house, eating sweets and watching an old horror movie, it wasn't bad but thinking that you could be in the center like everyone else, dancing in some handmade costume, made you feel even worse. As you began to sink deeper into this thought you heard a knock on the living room window, you turned your neck at the same moment and came across a crow, what a surprise. But when you paid more attention noticed that he had something in his beak.
Curiously, you went to him, opened the window and he remained in the same place, looking at you, almost looking you in the eyes, he dropped a small object that clinked on the window frame, letting you take it. It was a necklace, a thin silver necklace with a bright red pendant, "it's beautiful" you thought. You knew that crows liked things that shine and this one bringing you one of those things made you smile, because you never imagined that they gave "gifts" like cats or dogs.
- Put on.
The crow suddenly spoke, a deep voice so similar to a human that it made you take a step back in fright.
- What? - you asked in disbelief, thinking you were imagining things.
- The necklace... Put it on - the crow said with a little difficulty.
With shaking hands and not having the courage to disobey, you put the necklace around your neck and waited for what came next, still visibly in shock.
- Follow me - the crow said before descending to the grass and, between jumps and short flights, heading towards the forest.
You remained standing for a few seconds in the window frame, still processing all the information, you wouldn't really follow a crow that spoke to you in the middle of the night, would you? This was crazy. But at the same time, everyone was having fun in the center of that quiet town... Why couldn't your night become a little more interesting too? As soon as the crow crossed the trees and was out of your sight you jumped out the window, not believing you were actually doing that.
You almost lost sight of the bird and had to speed up to keep up with it, sometimes you lost it and stopped in the middle of the woods looking around until it screamed and so you followed the sound and found it again. "This way" he said, now with a huskier bird-like voice, before crossing behind a tree and disappearing, you don't know how. Confused and starting to believe you were hallucinating you crossed the tree in the same way the bird did, and to your surprise now in front of you was a new forest, which you had never seen before.
The trees were completely black, decorated with gold, silver and shiny objects, there was snow on the ground, looking like a large white carpet and you could see further in the background, almost hidden in the distance, the light of a possible bonfire, there were songs and conversations coming. from that direction. Your mouth was open when you felt something peck your ankle, making you look down at the same time.
- Ouch! What the- it was the crow you had followed there.
- Come on, he doesn't like to wait.
- He who? - but the bird had already taken flight towards the light.
The cold began to embrace you, you only had a sweater covering your shoulders, after all you had planned to sleep after the movie, not follow a bird in the forest to another world. You headed towards the warm cozy light, the chatter and laughter getting louder and louder. When you were just a few steps away from the likely party you stopped, hesitating, thinking about giving up and going home, after all you didn't even know who those people were, the whole situation was very surreal. You were very brave to move on.
The first thing you saw was a long table, filled with food and sweets, several candles lighting up the entire place, reflecting on the jewelry hanging from the trees. As soon as you crossed the arch of trees the conversations stopped, a deadly silence now reigned, you looked for people but there was no one, just hundreds of crows, concentrated mainly at the end of the table. It was only then, as you took a few more steps, that you managed to glimpse at the end of the table, on the last chair, a man sitting, or that was what you believed it to be since there were still many birds in front, all looking at you.
- So, you arrived - a low and deep voice spoke and you didn't know if it was a crow or a person.
The man stood up, some crows that were resting on the chair flew away, a long dark velvet cape trailed in the snow, the bluish black tone very similar to the crows' feathers, a crown hung on his head, silver decorated with various rubies and other shining jewels, it seemed heavy. He slowly approached you, in silence, you could have run away, but you stayed there, waiting for him to arrive. His face was pale, his eyes were black as night, and his black hair had the same shine as the feathers of the birds around him.
- It's prettier than they said - "they?" You thought.
- Who are you? - you finally had the courage to say.
- I always forget that you humans have no idea who I am. I am the shadow between the trees that moves and makes you question what you saw, I am the eyes in the empty night, my children are my ears that go unnoticed, I am the King of Crows.
Suddenly all the crows began to shout in their hoarse voices "Long live the King! Long live the King!" repeatedly until he raises his hand and at the same moment all sound stops.
- I heard about you, Y/n. My children told me about your deeds, and I'm grateful for taking care of them - he made a small bow to you - And that's why I asked them to bring you here.
- For what? And what do you mean with King of Crows?
- Sit down, please, I'll explain everything there is to be said - he pulled out a chair for you, right next to his.
As sat down, the man took off his cloak and covered your shoulders with it, "you must be cold" he said before sitting down. He had a serious look, he didn't seem like he was a crazy person who was making all this up, but the story was still too strange for you to believe. "Are you hungry? Thirsty?" he asked, extending his hand to the abundant table in front of him, but you denied it.
- For many, crows are nothing more than another bird, which feeds on corpses, at most they associate it with something funereal, but they are much more than that - he poured two glasses of wine and gave one to you, leaving you free to drink or not - Crows are messengers between the dead and the living, in the past your race even used them to communicate with loved ones, but now humanity seems to have forgotten all that. But they continue their work, crows can also warn about future events, but humans almost always ignore or don't understand the signs - he took a long drink - They need someone to protect them, that's why I exist.
He placed the silver goblet on the table, cold eyes stared at you, but soon a gentle smile appeared on his lips, now red from the wine.
- That's why I was happy to know that someone was taking such good care of them and wanted to meet you, Y/n.
- I didn't do anything much, I just fed them sometimes...
- But it wasn't your obligation, and you still cared. Most humans just attack my children for no reason - he clenched his fist and looked between the trees - But you were different, so I have a proposal to make.
With a silent flight, a crow passed over his head and on the way dropped a small box on the table. Carefully, Itachi's long pale fingers took it and manipulated to open it and reveal a beautiful silver ring with a ruby ​​adorned by small diamonds.
- For all these years I searched for someone who was worthy of receiving the powers and knowledge of the afterlife, someone who was not afraid, but was pure of heart. And you've proven yourself both, Y/n. Would you accept the power to rule by my side as Queen of the Ravens? - he held out the ring to you - They need you... I need you.
It was supposed to be another Halloween night, another normal day, you were supposed to be in bed at this time, waking up early the next day to get back to your routine, destined for a normal life in a small town. How had you ended up in that situation on such a normal day? Why was you chosen? What did that title really mean? You had a lot of questions and didn't understand how you still reached out and said yes.
Now the ring shined on your finger and the crows sang excitedly "Long live the Queen! Long live the Queen!", you still believing that at any moment you would wake up and it would all be just a dream.
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Sorry for any typos;
Buy me a coffee?
October Calendar;
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lady-of-imladris · 3 months
We were talking about US holidays the other day, but what are some cool traditions/celebrations that Austria has? I love learning about other cultures! Also, do you speak fluent German?
Hii! What a cool question!
I have provided a "the year in traditions" for you below :)
In January/February we have "Fasching" which is a bit like Halloween except it's not spooky? And it's several weeks of parades and stuff. I really don't like it, idk why it's just too weird for me
May 1st we put up huge trees decorated with ribbons. Neighbouring villages will try to cut down/steal each other's trees sometimes haha. Oh and in the night before May 1st young people basically write things on the street with white paint, in the beginning it was supposed to be a line from your house to the house of your girlfriend, but nowadays it's not really done anymore (people keep calling the police for vandalism) and it's usually just a stupid sentence or something
On Halloween (which doesn't really exist here) the tradition is to play a game to win a "Striezel" (I think it's the same thing as "Challa"?? Not entirely sure though) but that's done more among older people.
December is THE time for baking. If you don't bake (or eat what your grandma bakes) you are failing at being Austrian and you are failing at Christmas
New Year's Eve: you HAVE TO watch "Dinner for One" and probably also "Ein echter Wiener geht nicht unter" ("a real Viennese does not go down") which is really stupid comedy stuff. Basically you spend the evening partying and drinking alcohol (the bubbly stuff) then it's time for fireworks and after midnight THE Austrian waltz "an der schönen blauen Donau" is played and everyone partners up and waltzes. This may seem like something only old people do but as someone who spent last NYE with a bunch of twentysonething guys, they WILL dance with each other too <3
Winter in Austria is also Ball season. There's AT LEAST one ball every week and you can buy tickets for literally every single one of them (the opera ball is VERY famous and VERY expensive) and most high school proms are also during that time and it's very common to go to the prom of your old school and schools in the area. It's VERY fun :)
I do indeed speak fluent German because that's literally just what we speak in Austria :) at home we speak the Austrian dialect and unless I am speaking publicly at uni or talking to someone who is learning German or having problems with the dialect, I speak standard German, but it just sounds weird to my ears hahaha
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clarktooncrossing · 9 months
Didn't Wanna Feel Older in 2024? TOO LATE!
So long, 2023! You have been a weird-@$$ year to say the least. Between by having to repair old thumb drives, purchase a new printer, finding out I'm susceptible to anxiety attacks, trying out dating for the first time, getting my Discord and Steam account hacked, starting a new Discord server since said account was never unhacked, opened myself up to commissions, managed to post art for Halloween, got Covid, summoned more Kaijus to play an elaborate game of poker, and had a merry enough Christmas. Here's hoping 2024 will prove better. At the moment I have no new goals, since I just want to relax after four months of constantly being active. There's a mile of books, movies, and TV shows I need to get caught up on! My opinions on all of them will be given in future Giraffe's Eye Views, but for now let's get to what you all came here for: yet another unnecessarily long list of things celebrating major milestones this year!
You all loved it when I did this last year. In fact it got more attention that anything else I posted, including the original art I put way more effort and time into. Nah, that didn't sting at all. Seeing my sketches get ignored is so much fun. Passive-aggressive joking aside, I do still love making these lists, so let's get started with some major stuff this year.
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Thanksgiving wasn't too long ago, so why not mention that the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade turns 100 this year? I know, that's insane! Watching this festive event has become a seasonal staple in my house and is the only reason I've ever signed up for Peacock. Thank goodness in all those years it hasn't been smashed by a giant monster.
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Godzilla turns 70 freak'n years old this year! How crazy insane is that? Here's hoping his old age won't slow him down when he teams up with King Kong this April. Even if it does, Gojira will continue being cinema's coolest character!
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Contrasting with the King of the Monsters, Mary Poppins turns 60 years old this year. This movie, considered to be Walt's last masterpiece, has aged considerably well even after all this time.
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Oh yeah, and Mickey Mouse enters the public domain this year. Still not entirely sure how that works, but whatever. What I do know is...
Anything from 1974 turns 50 this year. That includes-
The Fort Wilderness Resort (January 1st)
Happy Days (January 15th)
Blazing Saddles (February 7th)
"Waterloo" by ABBA (March 4th)
“Sundown” by Gordon Lightfoot (March 25th)
"Rikki Don't Lose That Number" by Steely Dan (April 25th)
Herbie Rides Again (June 6th)
"Sweet Home Alabama" by Lynyrd Skynyrd (June 24th)
America Sings (June 29th)
Gone in 60 Seconds (July 28th)
Hong Kong Phooey (September 7th)
Shazam! (TV series) (September 7th)
Little House on the Prairie (September 11th)
Wolverine debuted in The Incredible Hulk #180 (October)
Arkham Asylum makes its first appearance in Batman #258 (October)
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (October 11th)
Phantom of the Paradise (October 31st)
Earthquake (November 15th)
The Year Without a Santa Claus (December 10th)
Young Frankenstein (December 15th)
The Godfather Part II (December 20th)
Winnie the Pooh and Tigger, Too! (December 20th)
The Island at the Top of the World (December 20th)
An Adaptation of Dickens' Christmas Carol, Performed by The Walt Disney Players
“Bennie and the Jets” by Elton John
"Hooked On A Feeling" by Blue Swede
“The Loco-Motion” by Grand Funk Railroad
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Anything from 1979 turns 45 this year. That includes-
Captain America (The TV movie) (January 19th)
The Dukes of Hazzard (January 26th)
The Warriors (February 9th)
John Carpenter's Elvis (February 11th)
Hair (March 14th)
"In the Navy" by the Village People (March 17th)
The Bad News Bears (March 24th)
Phantasm (March 28th)
"We Are Family" by Sister Sledge (April)
Nickelodeon (April 1st)
"Boogie Wonderland" by Earth, Wind, & Fire (May 6th)
Alien (May 25th)
Rocky II (June 15th)
"My Sharona" by The Knacks (June 18th)
The Muppet Movie (June 22nd) - THIS MOVIE SLAPS!
The Apple Dumpling Gang Rides Again (June 27th)
The Amityville Horror (July 27th)
"Highway to Hell" by AC/DC (July 27th)
Apocalypse Now (August 15th)
"Don't Bring Me Down" by Electric Light Orchestra (August 24th)
Big Thunder Mountain Railroad (September 2nd)
The Bugs Bunny / Road Runner Movie (September 14th)
Scooby-Doo and Scrappy-Doo (September 22nd)
Spider-Woman (TV show) (September 22nd)
The Black Stallion (October 17th)
Atari's Asteroids (November)
The Fish That Saved Pittsburgh (November 6th)
Pink Floyd's The Wall (November 30th)
Star Trek: The Motion Picture (December 7th)
1971 (December 14th)
The Jerk (December 14th)
The Black Hole (December 20th)
Mickey Mouse Disco
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Anything from 1984 turns 40 this year. That includes-
The Kid Who Collects Spider-Man (January)
Night Court (January 4th)
"Rock You Like a Hurricane" by Scorpions (February 3rd)
Footloose (February 17th)
Nintendo's Punch-Out!! (February 17th)
"Eat It" by Weird Al Yankovic (February 28th)
Splash (March 9th)
Children of the Corn (March 9th)
Run DMC (March 27th)
Romancing the Stone (March 30th)
The Toxic Avenger (April 11th)
Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter (April 13th)
My Little Pony: Rescue at Midnight Castle (April 14th)
"We're Not Gonna Take It" by Twisted Sister (April 27th)
The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Franchise (May)
Marvel's Secret Wars (May)
Spider-Man's Black Suit debuted in The Amazing Spider-Man #252 (May)
"What's Love Got to Do with It" by Tina Turner (May 1st)
WHAM!'s Make It Big (May 14th)
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (May 23rd)
Once Upon a Time in America (June 1st)
Star Trek III: The Search for Spock (June 1st)
Bruce Springsteen's Born in the U.S.A. (June 4th)
Ghostbusters (June 8th)
Gremlins (June 8th)
The Karate Kid (June 22nd)
Prince's Purple Rain (June 25th)
Conan the Destroyer (June 29th)
The Last Starfighter (July 13th)
The Muppets Take Manhattan (July 13th)
The NeverEnding Story (July 20th)
The Adventures of Andre & Wally B. (July 25th)
Dragon's Lair (TV show) (September 8th)
Voltron (September 10th)
Muppet Babies (September 15th)
Miami Vice (September 16th)
The Transformers Franchise (September 17th)
Murder, She Wrote (September 30th)
Thomas & Friends (October 9th)
Fist of the North Star (anime) (October 11th)
"We Belong" by Pat Benatar (October 16th)
The Terminator (October 26th)
"Like a Virgin" by Madonna (October 31st)
A Nightmare on Elm Street (November 16th)
Supergirl (movie) (November 21st)
Beverly Hills Cop (December 5th)
Hydlide (December 13th)
Starman (December 14th)
Frankenweenie (December 14th)
Breakin' 2: Electric Boogaloo (December 19th)
The Country Bear Christmas Special (December 19th)
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Anything from 1989 turns 35 this year. That includes-
The Arsenio Hall Show (January 3rd)
Gotham by Gaslight (February)
SimCity (February)
LJN's Friday the 13th for NES (February)
Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure (February 17th)
The Toxic Avenger Part II (February 24th)
"Like a Prayer" by Madonna (March 3rd)
Quantum Leap (March 26th)
The Jim Henson Hour (April 14th)
Ranma 1/2 (April 15th)
Pet Sematary (April 21st)
Nintendo's Super Mario Land (April 21st)
Tom Petty's Full Moon Fever (April 24th)
Dragon Ball Z (April 26th)
Disney's Hollywood Studios (formally Disney-MGM Studios) (May 1st)
Disney's Pleasure Island (May 1st)
The Trial of the Incredible Hulk (May 7th)
Konami's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles for NES (May 12th)
Road House (May 19th)
"Bust a Move" by Young MC (May 22nd)
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (May 24th)
Typhoon Lagoon (June 1st)
Dead Poets Society (June 9th)
Star Trek V: The Final Frontier (June 9th)
Tales from the Crypt (June 10th)
Ghostbusters II (June 16th)
Roger Rabbit in Tummy Trouble (June 23rd)
Honey, I Shrunk the Kids (June 23rd)
Tim Burton's Batman (June 23rd)
The Karate Kid Part III (June 30th)
Do the Right Thing (June 30th)
Weekend at Bernie's (July 5th)
Seinfeld (July 5th)
Lethal Weapon 2 (July 7th)
When Harry Met Sally… (July 14th)
Splash Mountain (July 17th)
UHF (July 21st)
Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan (July 28th)
Kiki's Delivery Service (July 29th)
A Nightmare on Elm Street 5: The Dream Child (August 11th)
"Pump Up the Jam" by Technotronic (August 18th)
Saved by the Bell (August 20th)
"The Best" by Tina Turner (August 21st)
Little Monsters (August 25th)
LJN's Back to the Future on NES (September)
G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero (September 4th)
The Super Mario Bros. Super Show! (September 4th)
American Gladiators (September 9th)
Captain N: The Game Master (September 9th)
Beetlejuice: The Animated Series (September 9th)
LJN's Who Framed Roger Rabbit for NES (September 14th)
Capcom's DuckTales for NES (September 14th)
Doogie Howser, M.D (September 19th)
Janet Jackson's Rhythm Nation 1814 (September 19th)
Baywatch (September 22nd)
Family Matters (September 22nd)
Penn & Teller Get Killed (September 22nd)
Capcom's DuckTales for NES (October)
Neil Young's Freedom (October 2nd)
Prince of Persia for Apple II (October 3rd)
Halloween 5: The Revenge of Michael Myers (October 13th)
The Little Mermaid (November 17th)
All Dogs Go to Heaven (November 17th)
Prancer (November 17th)
Back to the Future Part II (November 22nd)
The Toxic Avenger Part III: The Last Temptation of Toxie (November 24th)
America's Funniest Home Videos (November 26th)
National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation (December 1st)
The Wizard (December 15th)
The Simpsons (December 17th)
Konami's Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse on NES (December 22nd)
Fester's Quest for NES
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Anything from 1994 turns 30 this year. That includes-
You're in the Super Bowl, Charlie Brown (January 18th)
The Critic (January 26th)
Roger Rabbit's Cartoon Spin (January 26th)
"Baby, I Love Your Way" by Big Mountain (February 1st)
Green Day's Dookie (February 1st)
Sega's Sonic the Hedgehog 3 for Genesis (February 2nd)
Ace Ventura: Pet Detective (February 4th)
Where on Earth Is Carmen Sandiego? (February 5th)
Aladdin: The Series (February 6th)
The Busy World of Richard Scarry (March 9th)
Naked Gun 33 1/3: The Final Insult (March 18th)
Nintendo's Super Metroid for SNES (March 19th)
Food Rocks (March 26th)
Thumbelina (March 30th)
Final Fantasy VI (April 2nd)
Space Ghost Coast to Coast (April 15th)
All That (April 16th)
Doom II for MS-DOS (May 5th)
The Stand (May 8th)
Weezer's Blue Album (May 10th)
The Crow (May 13th)
The Return of Jafar and Disney Direct-to-Home Sequels as a whole (May 20th)
Beverly Hills Cop III (May 25th)
The Flintstones (May 27th)
Speed (June 10th)
The Lion King (June 15th)
Forrest Gump (July 6th)
Angels in the Outfield (July 15th)
True Lies (July 15th)
Black Beauty (July 29th)
The Mask (July 29th)
The Little Rascals (August 5th)
"Cotton Eye Joe" by Rednex (August 12th)
EarthBound for SNES (August 27th)
VR Troopers (September 3rd)
Street Sharks (September 7th)
The Magic School Bus (September 10th)
The Tick (September 10th)
Quiz Show (September 14th)
Léon: The Professional (September 14th)
Tekken (September 21st)
Friends (September 22nd)
The Shawshank Redemption (September 23rd)
Ed Wood (September 27th)
Earthworm Jim (October)
Spider-Man's Infamous Clone Saga (October)
A Troll in Central Park (October 7th)
Pulp Fiction (October 14th)
Wes Craven's New Nightmare (October 14th)
Sega's Sonic & Knuckles for Genesis (October 18th)
Clerks (October 19th)
Aaahh!!! Real Monsters (October 22nd)
Gargoyles (October 24th)
Gullah Gullah Island (October 24th)
Killer Instinct (October 28th)
Mortal Kombat II (November)
Mary Shelley's Frankenstein (November 4th)
In Search of Dr. Seuss (November 6th)
The Santa Clause (November 11th)
Rare's Donkey Kong Country for SNES (November 18th)
Miracle on 34th Street remake (November 18th)
Star Trek Generations (November 18th)
The Swan Princess (November 18th)
Spider-Man: The Animated Series (November 19th)
Disney's Greatest Hits on Ice (November 25th)
Wing Commander III: Heart of the Tiger (December 12th)
The Land Before Time II: The Great Valley Adventure (December 13th)
Dumb and Dumber (December 16th)
Richie Rich (December 21st)
Rudyard Kipling's The Jungle Book (December 25th)
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Anything from 1999 turns 25 this year. That includes-
Ed, Edd n Eddy (January 4th)
Batman Beyond (January 10th)
The Sopranos (January 10th)
Jon Stewart becomes host of The Daily Show (January 11th)
Disney's All-Star Movies Resort (January 15th)
Nintendo's Super Smash Bros. for N64 (January 21st)
Zenon: Girl of the 21st Century (and a crap load of other Disney Channel Original movies for that matter) (January 23rd)
Zoboomafoo (January 25th)
"My Name Is" by Eminem (January 25th)
Family Guy (January 31st)
Square's Final Fantasy VIII for PS1 (February 11th)
The Planet's Funniest Animals (February 17th)
October Sky (February 19th)
Office Space (February 19th)
Konami's Silent Hill for PS1 (February 23rd)
Batman: No Man's Land (March)
The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (March)
Pepsiman for PS1 (March 4th)
Test Trak (March 17th)
RollerCoaster Tycoon (March 22nd)
Doug's 1st (and only) Movie (March 26th)
"Livin' la Vida Loca" by Ricky Martin (March 27th)
The Matrix (March 31st)
"I Want It That Way" by The Backstreet Boys (April 12th)
"What's My Age Again?" by blink-182 (April 13th)
Mickey Mouse Works (May 1st)
SpongeBob SquarePants (May 1st)
The Mummy (May 7th)
"Genie in a Bottle" by Christina Aguilera (May 11th)
Aliens Versus Predator (game) (May 13th)
Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace (May 19th)
The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh (ride) (June 4th)
Disney Sing Along Songs: Flik's Musical Adventure at Disney's Animal Kingdom (June 8th)
Smash Mouth's Astro Lounge and their hit "All Star" (June 8th)
Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me (June 11th)
Tarzan (June 18th)
South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut (June 30th)
Wild Wild West (June 30th)
American Pie (July 9th)
The Blair Witch Project (July 14th)
Muppets from Space (July 14th)
Eyes Wide Shut (July 16th)
Inspector Gadget (July 23rd)
Deep Blue Sea (July 28th)
Rock 'n' Roller Coaster Starring Aerosmith (July 29th)
The Iron Giant (August 6th)
The Sixth Sense (August 6th)
Rocket Power (August 16th)
Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? (the American version) (August 16th)
Dragon Tales (September 6th)
Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (September 20th)
The West Wing (September 22nd)
Capcom's Resident Evil 3: Nemesis for PS1 (September 22nd)
Freaks and Geeks (September 25th)
Alvin and the Chipmunks Meet Frankenstein (September 28th)
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater (September 29th)
Journey into YOUR Imagination (October 1st)
The Adventures of Elmo in Grouchland (October 1st)
Spider-Man Unlimited (October 2nd)
Scooby-Doo! and the Witch's Ghost (October 5th)
Fight Club (October 15th)
Namco's Pac-Man World (October 15th)
The Amanda Show (October 16th)
The Nuttiest Nutcracker (October 19th)
Grand Theft Auto 2 (October 22nd)
Ubisoft's Rayman 2: The Great Escape (October 29th)
Insomniac's Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage! for PS1 (November 2nd)
Mickey's Once Upon a Christmas (November 9th)
Courage the Cowardly Dog (November 12th)
Square's Chrono Cross for PS1 (November 18th)
Tim Burton's Sleepy Hollow (November 19th)
Nintendo's Pokémon Gold and Silver for Gameboy Advance (November 21st)
Toy Story 2 (November 24th)
Fantasia 2000 (December 17th)
Stuart Little (December 17th)
Wakko's Wish (December 21st)
Man on the Moon (December 22nd)
Galaxy Quest (December 25th)
Asia at Disney's Animal Kingdom
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Anything from 2004 turns 20 this year. That includes-
Winnie the Pooh: Un-Valentine's Day (January 6th)
Teacher's Pet: The Movie (January 16th)
The Butterfly Effect (January 23rd)
The Lion King 1 1/2 (February 9th)
50 First Dates (February 13th)
Power Rangers Dino Thunder (February 14th)
"Somewhere Only We Know" by Keane (February 16th)
Clifford's Really Big Movie (February 20th)
Nintendo's The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures for Gamecube (March 18th)
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (March 19th)
Scooby-Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed (March 26th)
Home on the Range (April 2nd)
Danny Phantom (April 3rd) - Screw Butch Hartman, but this show still rocks!
Hellboy (April 2nd)
Ella Enchanted (April 9th)
Kill Bill: Volume 2 (April 16th)
Nintendo's Pikmin 2 for Gamecube (April 29th)
Super Size Me (May 7th)
Van Helsing (May 7th)
Shrek 2 (May 19th)
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (May 31st)
Marvel Knights: Spider-Man (June)
DC's Identity Crisis (June)
Garfield: The Movie (June 11th)
Napoleon Dynamite (June 11th)
"My Happy Ending" by Avril Lavigne (June 14th)
Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story (June 18th)
Phil of the Future (June 18th)
The Notebook (June 25th)
Spider-Man 2 (June 30th)
Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy (July 9th)
"Breakaway" by Kelly Clarkson (July 19th)
Nintendo's Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door for Gamecube (July 22nd)
Catwoman (July 23rd)
The Bourne Supremacy (July 23rd)
Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle (July 30th)
Justice League Unlimited (July 31st)
Blue's Room (August 2nd)
Alien vs. Predator (film) (August 13th)
Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends (August 13th)
Mickey, Donald, Goofy: The Three Musketeers (August 17th)
Brandy & Mr. Whiskers (August 21st)
The Batman (show) (September 11th)
Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide (September 12th)
Higglytown Heroes (September 13th)
Sly 2: Band of Thieves for PS2 (September 14th)
Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go! (September 18th)
Star Wars: Battlefront (September 21st)
Green Day's American Idiot (September 21st)
Lost (September 22nd)
Shark Tale (October 1st)
Drew Carey's Green Screen Show (October 7th)
Surviving Christmas (October 22nd)
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (October 26th)
Saw (October 29th)
Insomniac's Ratchet & Clank: Up Your Arsenal for PS2 (November 2nd)
The Incredibles (November 5th)
Mickey's Twice Upon a Christmas (November 9th)
Halo 2 (November 9th)
Naughty Dog's Jak 3 for PS2 (November 9th)
The Polar Express (November 10th)
The Sims 2 (November 14th)
Stitch's Great Escape (November 16th)
Turtle Talk with Crush (November 16th)
Kangaroo Jack: G'Day U.S.A.! (November 16th)
Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines (November 16th)
Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater (November 17th)
Half-Life 2 (November 18th)
National Treasure (November 19th)
Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi (November 19th)
The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie (November 19th)
Howl's Moving Castle (November 20th)
Nintendo DS (November 21st)
World of Warcraft (November 23rd)
Christmas with the Kranks (November 24th)
Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II (December 6th)
Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories for Gameboy Advance (December 7th)
PlayStation Portable (PSP) (December 12th)
Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events (December 17th)
The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou (December 25th)
Shaun of the Dead
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Anything from 2009 turns 15 this year. That includes-
Hotel for Dogs (January 16th)
Wolverine and the X-Men (January 23rd)
Paul Blart: Mall Cop (January 16th)
Coraline (February 6th)
Friday the 13th (remake) (February 13th)
Halo Wars (February 26th)
Sega's Sonic and the Black Knight for Wii (March 3th)
Capcom's Resident Evil 5 (March 5th)
Zack Snyder's Watchmen (March 6th)
Power Rangers RPM (March 7th)
Race to Witch Mountain (March 13th)
The Secret of Kells (March 19th)
Monsters vs. Aliens (March 27th)
Batman: Whatever Happened to the Caped Crusader? (April 2009)
Special Agent Oso (April 4th)
Parks and Recreation (April 9th)
Dragonball Evolution (April 10th)
Iron Man: Armored Adventures (April 24th)
X-Men Origins: Wolverine (May 1st)
Plants vs. Zombies (May 5th)
Star Trek (remake) (May 8th)
Terminator Salvation (May 21st)
The Boys: The Sherman Brothers' Story (May 22nd)
Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian (May 22nd)
Up (May 29th)
The Tonight Show with Conan O'Brien (June 1st)
The Sims 3 (June 2nd)
The Hangover (June 5th)
Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings (June 9th)
"I Gotta Feeling" by Black Eyed Peas (June 15th)
Ghostbusters: The Video Game (June 16th)
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (June 24th)
Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs (July 1st)
"Fireflies" by Owl City (July 14th)
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (July 15th)
G-Force (July 24th)
(500) Days of Summer (August 7th)
District 9 (August 14th)
The Time Traveler's Wife (August 14th)
Inglourious Basterds (August 21st)
Batman: Arkham Asylum (August 25th)
Rob Zombie's Halloween II (August 28th)
Disney buys Marvel for $4 billion (August 3st)
Waking Sleeping Beauty (September 6th)
Dinosaur Train (September 7th)
Walt & El Grupo (September 9th)
9 (September 9th)
The Vampire Diaries (September 10th)
Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 2 (September 15th)
Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs (September 18th)
Jennifer's Body (September 18th)
Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days (September 29th) - Still the dumbest name ever 15 years later.
Zombieland (October 2nd)
Where the Wild Things Are (October 16th)
Borderlands (October 20th)
DJ Hero (October 27th)
A Christmas Carol (November 6th)
Fanboy & Chum Chum (November 6th) - BOO! This show was the actual worst!
Fantastic Mr. Fox (November 13th)
Lego Indiana Jones 2: The Adventure Continues (November 17th)
Left 4 Dead 2 (November 17th)
Assassin's Creed II (November 17th)
Planet 51 (November 20th)
The Twilight Saga: New Moon (November 20th) - YUK!
Turtles Forever (November 21st)
Big Time Rush (November 28th)
Phineas and Ferb Christmas Vacation! (December 6th)
Prep & Landing (December 8th)
The Princess and the Frog (December 11th)
Avatar (December 18th)
Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeakquel (December 23rd)
RuPaul's Drag Race
New Super Mario Bros. Wii
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Anything from 2014 turns 10 this year. That includes-
True Detective (January 12th)
The Lego Movie (February 7th)
South Park: The Stick of Truth (March 4th)
Mr. Peabody & Sherman (March 7th)
The Grand Budapest Hotel (March 7th)
Dark Souls II (March 11th)
Muppets Most Wanted (March 21st)
Jim Henson's Creature Shop Challenge (March 25th)
Captain America: The Winter Soldier (April 4th)
Rio 2 (April 11th)
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (April 26th)
The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (May 2nd)
Chef (May 9th)
Godzilla (May 16th)
X-Men: Days of Future Past (May 23rd)
Seven Dwarfs Mine Train (May 28th)
Maleficent (May 30th)
Edge of Tomorrow (June 6th)
The Fault in Our Stars (June 6th)
Phineas and Ferb Save Summer (June 9th)
How to Train Your Dragon 2 (June 13th)
Shovel Knight (June 26th)
Transformers: Age of Extinction (June 27th)
Dawn of the Planet of the Apes (July 11th)
Angry Video Game Nerd: The Movie (July 21st)
Phineas and Ferb: Star Wars (July 26th)
Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers's Hypnotic Eye (July 28th)
Guardians of the Galaxy (August 1st)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (movie) (August 8th)
Five Nights at Freddy's (August 8th)
P.T. (August 12th)
BoJack Horseman (August 22nd)
Destiny (September 9th)
Gotham (September 22nd)
Disney Infinity: 2.0 Edition (September 23rd)
Black-ish (September 24th)
How to Get Away with Murder (September 25th)
My Little Pony: Equestria Girls – Rainbow Rocks (September 27th)
Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor (September 20th)
Star Wars Rebels (October 3rd)
Annabelle (October 3rd)
Gone Girl (October 3rd)
Alien: Isolation (October 6th)
The Flash (October 7th)
BİRDMAN or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance) (October 17th)
The Book of Life (October 17th)
John Wick (October 24th)
Taylor Swift's 1989 (October 27th)
Sunset Overdrive (October 28th)
Interstellar (November 5th)
Big Hero 6 (November 7th)
Assassin's Creed Unity (November 11th)
Far Cry 4 (November 18th)
Penguins of Madagascar (November 28th)
Toy Story That Time Forgot (December 2nd)
Peter Pan Live! (December 4th)
The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies (December 17th)
Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb (December 19th)
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Wow, that took forever to type. Chances are I missed something, so if something you enjoy is hitting a major milestone this year, leave it in the comments below!
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goingplacesfarandnear · 11 months
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rowshanphotography · 2 years
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2022 Greenwich Village Halloween Parade:Welcome back!
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mysteryshoptls · 2 years
R Idia Shroud Halloween Personal Story
"Leave it to me to do something so rad~"
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[Ignihyde Dorm]
Idia: I finally finished my Pumpkin Knight costume~!!
Idia: Whew… Playing the limited-time events in my online games and making my Halloween costume at the same time was a crazy high difficulty quest...
Idia: And every time I went to check for details on how to make the costume, I'd end up watching the movie again.
Idia: That's "Pumpkin Hollow" for you. It's definitely a movie that'll live on forever in the horror genre.
Idia: Mysterious incidents start cropping up in a peaceful village surrounded by fog, and the villagers are found dead.
Idia: The two detectives dispatched to uncover the truth of the matter confront the culprit, the pumpkin-headed Pumpkin Knight!
Idia: There deliberately wasn't any CG used.
Idia: Not only can the determination and passion be felt in every single special effect technique crafted by the director,
Idia: That twist in the end where one of the detectives became mesmerized by the cursed pumpkin that they ditched their job to become a pumpkin farmer was absolute perfection!
Idia: This is definitely how B-grade horror movies should be!!
Idia: Totally makes sense why it's such a cult classic with all the core fans.
Idia: So that I can pay the highest of respects to the original version, I made every single part of the costume from scratch.
Idia: Taking into account that I'll be walking in the parade, I used a durable and lightweight urethane-based material for the helm and armor.
Idia: And the ivy that I've attached to the hem of my armor is made from super elastic silicone material. It reproduces that realistic contour and volume of ivy perfectly.
Idia: K, so, it'd be bad if anything super catastrophic happens… Like not being able to move around, or it breaking apart.
Idia: So I'll just put the cursed pumpkin over my head… like this.
[puts on helm]
Idia: Alright, let's take this thing out for a trial walk. There'll be a ton of people on the campus grounds, so… It should be safer there.
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[Woods Behind Campus]
Idia: The mobility of the elbow part is pretty good, and the joints are sturdy enough.
Idia: Hmm, yeah, this is pretty comfy! Leave it to me to do something so rad~
Idia: (Only, the head portion needs adjusting. Because I tried to make the inside seem hollow, it's hard for me to see.)
Idia: (Maybe if I put a small camera on the top of the helm and display the outside on a head-mounted display…)
Idia: [mumble, mumble…]
Idia: Ack…!?
Idia: Owww… What did I even trip on? I have to improve this so I can see where I'm walking…
Leona: Hey, you, get off my stomach already! You got some nerve tryin' to use me as a cushion.
Idia: Eek, that voice is definitely Leona-shi! S-S-Sorry, I didn't think anyone'd be here!
Idia: I'll quickly get out of your way…
[clatter, clank]
Leona: Ow! Hey, quit jerking around, you pumpkin prick! You just yanked my tail!
Idia: Eh, your tail!? I can't see at all with this helmet on…
[removes helm]
Idia: (Oh shoot~ Leona-shi's tail is caught in the ivy!)
Idia: (Didn't think trying to be faithful to the original would bite me like this…)
Leona: Tch, so it's you. You make a rare appearance in the wild, and're just causing problems. Hurry and do something to fix this.
Idia: Aaaugh…
Idia: (What a scary voice! He's definitely angry!)
Idia: (This has gone from the "My hair got caught in his clothes and we made a connection…☆" trope to "The delinquent's tail got caught in my armor and now I'm in big trouble"!)
Idia: (No, no, this is no time to be thinking about that.)
Idia: J-Just wait a moment… I'll remove it right away…
Idia: (I say, but I think it's a little impossible for me to untangle it from this position, isn't it? My arm's range of motion is too narrow, so I can't reach it at all.)
Leona: …
Idia: (Aaaaargh! It's impossible! The more I move my hands, the more it gets tangled!)
Leona: Grr… Stop touching my tail already.
Idia: Uh, aren't you able to move your hands a bit easier than me? Can't you even help a smidge?
Idia: But anyway, isn't it your fault that you were sleeping here in the first place? I bet you were definitely slacking off…
Idia: 'Sides, it should be your fault for blocking the path like that… What, you trying to show off your long legs? It's not my fault, you should be the one to apologize, Leona-shi…
Leona: …Hey, I can hear everything you're saying.
Idia: WHA!? J-Just joking… Heehee.
Idia: (Riiiiiiight. I forgot beastmen have super good hearing.)
Leona: Sigh… Get a move on, you're so slow. Don't you have any scissors or something on you?
Idia: I-I do. I brought a whole set of tools just in case something breaks… Wait, huh!?
Idia: (No way, is Leona-shi gonna cut his own fur!?)
Leona: Ugh, fine, I'll help ya just this once.
Idia: (You serious? He's gonna pull off a move that only the super cool guys in comics would do!?)
Idia: Eh? Snap?
Leona: You were having problems getting out, so I cut it for you. You should be thankful.
Idia: …
Leona: Man, you sure are lucky that I was the one you tripped over, huh? If you had run into anyone else, I don't think you would have gotten off scot-free like this.
Leona: Sheesh, that's what you get for wandering around with a stupid pumpkin over your head. What a pain. See ya.
Idia: …......
Idia: …E-Excuuuuuse me!? Did he just say the Pumpkin Knight was stupid?
Idia: He's gotta be totally blind to not notice the majesty of this primo design and figure…!
Idia: This is exactly why I hate all the ruffians in Savanaclaw…
Idia: Honestly, I can only feel pity for those that can't understand how awesome the Pumpkin Knight is.
Idia: He better remember this! I'll show up a perfectly upgraded outfit before the parade!
Idia: And I'll make even him acknowledge just how cool the Pumpkin Knight really is!
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Requested by Anonymous.
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theslaviccraft · 11 months
🍬Slavic Halloween🍬
Hello everyone! Here is my sweet treat for you today I've decided for Halloween I'd post a special Halloween posts to celebrate enjoy! <3
You might be shrugging reading the title slavs celebrate Halloween? Yes we do!, Many slavic nations celebrate Halloween from western Croatia all the way to all the way to the east in Russia slavs have many rituals and traditions for Halloween. Let's dive into slavic Halloween!
Halloween in Bulgaria is very popular. Children and younger people in the cities do celebrate Halloween and go trick or treating. «почерпка или пакост» (pocherpka ili pakost). Unlike in the rest of slavic countries candies and decorations for Halloween are sold at popular retailers Lidl and Kaufland. (For my western audience those two stores are like Costco and Walmart for the balkans). Clubs in cities will have special events for Halloween for older people who aren’t out trick or treating just like in western nations.
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Halloween is associated in Bulgaria with a old traditional carnival called Surva. During the festival the “Kuker’s game” is preformed. Kukeri are elaborate costumes made by Bulgarian man who perform traditional rituals intended to scare away evil spirits. Their costumes are meant to signify the connection between man and nature and they wear their traditional Nošnja underneath. The Kukeri coustomes are large and imposing to scare away evil spirits who threaten the people of the Kukeris village.
This tradition is extremely old dating back to 6 AD to Thracian times. You can draw comparisons to this tradition and how Halloween was celebrated originally to ward of evil spirits when they crossed to our world during the solstice.
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Kukeri could possibly come from the Proto-Slavic word kuka ("evil spirit") with the agentive suffix *-aîb, literally meaning a "chaser of evil spirits".
The custom is widespread in Southern and Central regions of the country. The festival also includes a hearty feast and many performances by the Kukeri and their female counterparts. The woman also wear very elaborate incredibly beautiful masks and Nošnja as well as traditional leather tsarvuli for shoes in the parade.
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Both woman and man will participate in elaborate staged fights between the powers of good and evil during the festival and while parading in their village. There’s one more type of performer they are called Survakar who too have their own special costume. They look like the monsters from “Where the wild things are”, they come behind festival goers and cleanse them from evil by tapping them on the shoulder with a thin branch. These branches are decorated with assortments of all types of beautiful things like ribbons, silver/golden coins and flowers. All these things signify the sender giving you riches and blessings when they cleanse you. The festival night will end of with the feast of many traditional dishes like, kebapcheta and kyufteta (traditional grilled sausage and meatballs), the cheesey and buttery pastry banitsa, and extreme amounts of plum brandy. (You can tell their balkan lol.) The masked personal guiding the spirits away from the village in the night with lit torches.
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🍬Bosnia i Herzegovina🍬
As you might know most of Bosnia's population is of muslim divinity. So, the celebrations of Halloween is not very popular in this country. The country does not consider Halloween a public holiday but a minority of people still celebrate it. In Bosnia the holiday is not called Halloween but "Noć vještica" (Night of witches') the same as in Croatian and Serbia. The celebration of Noć vještica is much more western in Bosnia than other balkan & slavic countries. With customs, face paint, many pumpkins and parades. You will notice in most slavic countries children especially young ones, don't necessarily have "graphic" or "scary" costumes'. They usually have sweet non scary customs like seen in the parade. I remember as a child too I was not allowed to dress as anything scary and my parents drew the line at a witch because that already was "too dark". (hahaha I bet some of my western audience is reading this thinking "but that's so vanilla!") In slavic countries the western tradition of "trick or treat" is not very common or used. Instead children will carry a sack and be given candy during the parades. It seems that in Bosnia Noć vještica is a holiday only popular with children and seen as more of a "joke holiday" for children to have fun and not taken seriously.
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In Croatia Noć vještica is a much bigger deal than it is in Bosnia. But I feel it's quite controversial it seems to make many people uncomfortable. Croatia is by far one of the most religious' of the slavic country more so than Poland or Bosnia I'd argue. Most people aren't extremally happy involving themselves with things that are associated with demonic presence or black magic like Halloween is. Croatian Noć vještica usually incorporates a parade of the drowning of Marana. A ancient ritual in slavic tradition. Slavs believed that burning an effigy of the goddess of death (Morana) would remove any results of her presence (i.e., the winter) and thus bring about the coming of spring. On Noć vještica Maranas effigy is burned instead of being drowned like in other cultures. This practice had seemed to be forgotten I'm sure that if you even asked a older croat they wouldn't have known who Morana is. The ritual is often confused with a similar ritual of L'Hom Strom. This tradition I observed as a young girl in my grandmothers village of Kozarac, Croatia. Once when I was 6 I spent Halloween with my grandmother. I got my witch custom and we went into the town square to celebrate with the other children. The straw effigy was incredibly big maybe around 20ft tall it took multiple man to carry it on a stick. It was paraded trough ought our village as we marched and sang. Once the effigy had seen the entirety of the village we went to the giant parking lot behind the city hall and burned the strawed effigy of Morana. The image shown bellow is not of the same effigy or practice I witnessed as a child but I felt bad of not showing you a visual. ;)
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The one I had witnessed in Kozarac was way less detailed than this one it looked far more like a simple straw doll.
Croats have many traditional carnivals all over the country. That are very similar to modern Halloween! The carnival in Rijeka is Croatias most famous carnival it’s held in many different cities trough January 17- February (date varies) Rijekas festival also includes a child parade where children dress and ask for candy.
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One that you might have seen pictures of before are the sheep headed masks that are worn at this festival, their quite distinctive! In Opatija people will dress in sheepskin and hides for their parades the costumes are named Zvončari ("bellmen"). Just like the traditional celebration of Halloween the belief long ago was that dressing up as a demonic creature would deter and hide you from evil spirits crossing into our world. The people that chose to participate will often decorate themselves with bells small or big and with ribbons. Parading in a long complicated and jovial dances immolating a flock of sheep. This tradition was included in 2009, on the UNESCO list of Intangible Cultural Heritage.
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Croats traditionally celebrate Sve Svete (“All Saints Day”) on the day of Halloween.
Serbs love Halloween! Out of all the slavic country I would say that they’re the most receptive to it. Serbs fully embrace the western tradition with creepy costumes, trick or treating Смицалица или посластица (Smicalica ili poslastica) and tons of partying! Both children and adults alike celebrate Halloween in Serbia. Both in major cities and in villages. Belograd seems to love to celebrate Halloween with most clubs throwing o parties and events for people too old to trick or treat. The holiday has been celebrated in Serbia for a while now, the oldest post I could find about a bloggers experince of Halloween in Serbia was 2011 and even in the distant past the blogger was very casual about their celebration of the holiday in the country.
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Serbia also seems to have a traditional festival like Croatia and Bulgaria similar to Halloween. But for the love of Lady Athena I could not find much information online besides some pictures!
Here is my brief proof that the festival even exists:
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This concludes this year’s Halloween post! Hopefully you’ve learned something new and interesting about slavic traditions regarding Halloween. I hope you will join me next year too when we dive into more ways that the slavic nations enjoy themselves for the spooky holiday. Have fun trick or treating tonight everyone! <3
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dchlias · 11 months
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*   𝗢𝗣𝗘𝗡  𝗦𝗧𝗔𝗥𝗧𝗘𝗥          ››         @nepofmstarters *   𝗙𝗘𝗔𝗧𝗨𝗥𝗜𝗡𝗚          ››         dahlia  &  your  muse *   𝗟𝗢𝗖𝗔𝗧𝗜𝗢𝗡          ››          manhattan   *   𝗘𝗩𝗘𝗡𝗧          ››          supernatural  au  
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          she  absentmindedly  rubs  the  rim  of  her  wineglass  with  her  index  finger  .  a  low  pitch  hum  expels  from  the  glass  as  dahlia  focuses  her  attention  back  to  [  your  muse  ]  .  “  thoughts  on  the  village  halloween  parade  ?  ”  she  remembers  when  the  event  first  took  place  back  in  the  70s  .  it  was  fun  .  spontaneous  .  “  and  will  you  be  watching  or  attending  ?  ”
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princesssarisa · 15 days
Winifred Sanderson for the character ask
Favorite thing about them: Her sheer flamboyance and zest for her wicked deeds, and her perfect blend of comedy and genuine dangerousness. She's a villain I love to hate.
Least favorite thing about them: Well, she is an evil, child-murdering witch, and she abuses her sisters too.
On a meta level, I might have some concerns about a well-known Jewish actress (who's very "Jewish looking" too, with her frizzy red hair and big nose) playing a witch whose particular brand of evil, sucking out children's life force in a magic ritual, has some obvious parallels with the blood libel legend. But of course the parallels between antisemitic stereotypes and witch stereotypes are common throughout all media with witches. Besides, the character isn't Jewish, she's from a Puritan village in colonial Massachusetts, and if Bette Midler had no problem playing the role (in fact she calls it her all-time favorite role), why should anyone else object?
Three things I have in common with them:
*I like to sing and perform.
*I'm sensitive to rude remarks about my looks.
*I like Halloween.
Three things I don't have in common with them:
*I don't have red hair.
*I've never murdered anyone.
*I don't have any sisters.
Favorite line:
Her first line, printed on quite a bit of Halloween merchandise:
"Oh, look. Another glorious morning. Makes me sick!"
Her curse just before being hanged:
"Fools! All of you! My ungodly book speaks to you! On All Hallows' Eve, when the moon is round, a virgin will summon us from under the ground! (laughs) We shall be back! And the lives of all the children shall be mine!"
When she sees a school for the first time, judging by its appearance and its smell of children:
"It is a prison for children!"
About Dani calling her "ugly":
"She really hurt my feelings... She doesn't even know me! You know, I always wanted a child, and now I think I'll have one... on toast!"
When she brings Billy Butcherson back as a zombie:
"Unfaithful lover, long since dead, deep asleep in thy wormy bed! Wiggle thy toes! Open thine eyes! Twist thy fingers toward the skies! Life is sweet, be not shy! On thy feet! So sayeth I!"
In response to being told "Go to hell!":
"Oh! I've been there, thank you. I found it quite lovely."
And as a bonus, from the Hocus Pocus Villains Spelltacular show at Walt Disney World, when she laments that she and her sisters don't have any friends, and Sarah says "We're friends":
"No, we're sisters. I have to like you."
brOTP: Her sisters Mary and Sarah, even if she does treat them shabbily most of the time.
OTP: None, unless there's a man out there who wants to be poisoned and have his mouth sewn shut if he makes one wrong move.
nOTP: Thackery Binx, Max Dennison, or Billy Butcherson.
Random headcanon: During the 300 years she and her sisters spent in hell after their execution, she met several of the classic Disney villains (who of course were killed in their own stories), like Maleficent, the Evil Queen, Ursula, Gaston, Scar, and Frollo. Her interactions with them were very interesting.
Unpopular opinion: I'll say the same thing I did about her sisters. I wish the Boo to You Halloween Parade at Walt Disney World had only dressed Minnie Mouse as Winifred for the 30th anniversary of Hocus Pocus in 2023. Ditto for Clarabelle Cow as Mary and Daisy Duck as Sarah. I wish they hadn't kept it for this year's parade too. Hocus Pocus is really a movie for middle schoolers and older, not for the little kids Minnie and friends appeal to the most. The costume does look cute on Minnie, but still.
Song I associate with them: What else?
Favorite picture of them:
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