#Viktoria Belikova
howdybesties · 9 months
Green Green Dress
Part of my coffee shop AU check it out #howdys coffeeshop or #dianawrites - wanted to get something done before the new year and what a coincidence! this is set at a New Year’s party! songfic to green green dress from tick tick boom while I get more comfortable writing longer pieces. I reserve the right to retcon this as I finish the AU but Happy New Year besties!
Last time on Cool Beans: Rose has been working at the cafe since the summer. Rose and Dimitri have been secretly dating since Thanksgiving. This is them at the Belikova's New Year’s party.
Dimitri should not have been nervous. They’ve managed to keep it to themselves for weeks, enjoying the new relationship in private.
What he wasn’t prepared for was that dress. That green, green dress. It was kryptonite.
Rose had just entered the Belikova home for their annual New Year’s party. The living room was filled with families from the neighborhood, all wanting to celebrate the past year. Dimitri was making his way through the crowd but Viktoria beat him to the door.
“Rose! You made it!” Viktoria squealed as she hugged her.
“Wouldn’t miss it,” Rose replied, hugging Viktoria back in return. Rose only met the youngest Belikova when she returned home for the holidays but they were becoming fast friends.
Dimitri finally made it to the entryway when he overheard his sister.
“You look gorgeous! You must tell me where you got that dress?”
Rose turned around almost sheepishly from hanging her coat on the rack.
“It’s not too much, is it? There weren’t many options at the thrift store,” Rose glanced towards to crowd inside, sighing in relief when she noticed she wasn’t the only one dressed to the nines.
“It’s thrifted? It looks like it was made for you," Viktoria continued with her compliments.
Hearing the pause, Dimitri took the chance to enter the conversation.
“I have to agree with that sentiment. You look beautiful, Roza.”
Deep, dark velvet hugs your silhouette Black silk stockings, you're my Juliet
The dress was emerald green velvet. A halter neck with twenty buttons down the back. Rose wore it with black silk stockings and a pair of low black slingback heels.
Rose shot Dimitri a devilish grin. “You don’t look too bad yourself, Comrade.”
This was as dressed up as Dimitri would get in his family’s home. A navy turtleneck paired with crisp black slacks. He ran his hand through his hair at the comment. The movement drew attention to a new accessory, a silver chain with a cross. A Christmas present from Rose.
Sensing the shift in tone and the longing looks the pair were giving each other, Viktoria mumbled an excuse about finding her baby niece and excused herself.
Dimitri guided her through the living room to the kitchen where his mother was stationed at the island. “Rose! So glad you could make it! Please help yourself to anything you like,” said Olena.
They left the kitchen with heaping servings of Olivier salad and sparkling wine.
They mingled and danced for hours. Fireworks were set off in the backyard. Many shots were drunk. They wanted to be subtle but the dress proved to be too much. Dimitri could not keep his hands off her and Rose relished in the feeling.
Unlike the New Year’s parties of her past, most of which she was just accompanying Lissa, Rose did not feel alone in the crowd. She didn’t feel like an outsider intruding. The Belikova’s had insisted she be a part of the family photo. With her arms around Karolina and Dimitri, she couldn’t help but feel like she was home somehow.
It felt like not long after the party had started, it had quieted down. Midnight had come and gone and it was a brand new year.
Let's find a chair where we can sit and talk Or get some fresh air, maybe we could take a walk Tell me what you're thinkin', talk about your day Tell me what to do, I'll do anything you say
Most of the guests had returned home and the younger children were put to bed. Rose and Dimitri had finished cleaning up a while ago but they were hesitant to leave immediately after.
They went out to the patio for some fresh air, hoping to cool off from the alcohol. Dimitri held Rose close as they swayed to a soft 80’s pop ballad he had saved on his phone, listening through a pair of wired earbuds.
Dimitri stopped suddenly when he noticed something on the ceiling.
“I thought Adrian had taken down all the Christmas decorations.”
Rose looked to where Dimitri was and spotted the mistletoe decorated with red and gold ribbon.
“Just kiss me, Comrade. I’ve been waiting all night."
With a request like that, Dimitri had to oblige. They met in the middle for a soft kiss.
“Maybe, we could do a little more than just kissing,” he whispered as he leaned down to kiss her neck.
Rose’s eyes widened as she remembered where they were. On the patio of his family home and his family still inside.
“Who are you and what have you done with Dimitri?”
“You asked me what my resolution is. I want to open up more. I don’t want to hide what we have.”
Rose was taken aback by this declaration, albeit a slightly drunken one, but a declaration nonetheless.
“I need to know what Vika snuck into the wine to get you this affectionate.”
“Nothing at all. It’s you, Roza. It’s always just you. You don’t know what you do to me sometimes.”
Rose wasn’t blind, she could see the look in his eyes whenever she teased him. She knows the effect she has on him. However, it was nothing compared to the desire that grew in her that only his words of adoration could bring out. He wants her but he also wants all of her. Not just her body but her soul as well. That’s why she loves him.
“I believe you have another present to unwrap.”
They managed to make it to his car before the buttons were completely undone.
The green, green dress What a pleasure to unwrap Green dress, oh, what it can do What the green, green dress does to me on you Me on you
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grozdovas · 9 months
2024 Russian WAG national team
Senior main
Maria Agafonova
Ekaterina Andreeva
Leyla Vasilyeva
Elena Gerasimova
Alyona Glotova
Anna Kalmykova
Diana Kustova
Viktoria Listunova
Angelina Melnikova
Zlata Osokina
Ulyana Perebinosova
Lyudmila Roshchina
Arina Semukhina
Vladislava Urazova
Senior reserve
Anastasia Bedrina
Yana Vorona
Ksenia Gorshkova (2009)
Anastasia Ilyankova
Margarita Melnikova (no relation)
Alina Pyatiletova (2009)
Veranika Semyonova (2009)
Elizaveta Us
Kristina Shapovalova
Alina Shklokova
Junior main (2009-2010)
Varvara Belova (2011)
Marina Bondareva
Diana Gaynulina
Arina Dimitrova
Ulyana Dubrovskaya
Ksenia Zelyaeva
Milana Kayumova
Maria Kravchenko
Nadezhda Kusleeva
Elena Senchenkova
Anastasia Tolstaya (2008)
Vitalina Shevchuk
Sevda Shukyurova
Junior reserve (2009-2010)
Aleksandra Andrianova (2012)
Alina Arkdova (2011)
Ulyana Bobkova (2012)
Ksenia Butorina (2012)
Aleksandra Iskakova (2011)
Elizaveta Kulikova
Alisa Moskovskaya (2011)
Maria Prud
Anna Smirnova
Youth (2011-2012)
Diana Bidzhamova
Eva Grigoryeva
Polina Dmitrieva
Polina Dmitrieva (another one)
Ekaterina Kanashkina
Olesia Leonova
Veronika Poletaeva
Sofia Festinatova
Lilia Khalturina
Yulia Shapovalova
Lilia Akhaimova
Viktoria Belikova (2009)
Amira Botashyova
Anna Esipova
Sofia Guz (2009)
Sabina Kaygulova
Sofia Maznaya (2009)
Maria Minaeva
Yulia Nikolaeva
Viktoria Novikova (2009)
Diana Parshikova
Yulia Svistunova (2009)
And many more
Fun fact: Aleksandra Andrianova is Nikolai Andrianov's granddaughter and the national team bars coach's daughter.
Anastasia Ilyankova and Maria Minaeva are retired, we already knew about Lilia Akhaimova, the rest are still competing, some of them not at their previous level though. Although still confused why Belikova, Novikova, Guz, Parshikova and Svistunova were removed, they're still pretty competitive and some of them are top juniors.
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ao3feed-romitri · 2 years
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gins-potter · 2 years
🖊 Romitri, bakery
This ended up double the length it was supposed to be because i couldn't stop writing... whoops? Enjoy x
The moan Rose lets out as she steps into the bakery and inhales the aroma of delicious scents is practically indecent if the judgemental looks from the people waiting in line are any indication.  But she ignores them, along with their grumbling, as she skips past on her way to the counter where she boosts herself right up onto it.
“Olena,” she sings, receiving an indulgent smile in return as she leans in to press a kiss to her cheek.
“Hello, Roza.”  Olena peers past her.  “No Lissa today?”
“Nah, she had an early class.”
Rose waits, somewhat impatiently, as Olena takes an order, ringing it through the register and accepting the customer’s money, before throwing her a pleading look, the silent question accentuated by a loud growl from her stomach.
It makes Olena laugh as she gestures behind her.  “Go, your breakfast is waiting.”
“I love you,” Rose declares, sliding off the counter and leaving her to her next impatient customer.  
She squeezes past Sonya behind the coffee machine, calling a hello as she does, and receives something mumbled in return, a response that’s practically friendly coming from her so early in the morning.  She’s forced to dodge Yeva, who’s coming the opposite way with a tray of hot blini and who snaps something distinctly less friendly in Russian, before she can finally throw herself at the waiting plate of bread with another borderline lewd moan.  To watch Rose take her first bite of the black bread, that’s so fresh it's still steaming, one might think it’s a heavenly experience, what with the way she closes her eyes and tilts her head back.
“Roza!” Viktoria calls, coming out from the kitchen.  “I thought I heard you.”
Rose waves at her friend, savouring the mouthful of bread, but her chewing slows and her nose crinkles as she notices something.
“It’s different,” she says without swallowing, and it all comes out a little garbled.  “The bread tastes different.”
Olena hands the last customer their order in a brown paper bag and bids them a good day before turning to Rose with a raised eyebrow.  Rose is half expecting her to chastise her for talking with her mouth full - something so motherly that Rose still isn’t quite used to it - but instead Olena just asks curiously, “Bad?”
Rose shoots her an indignant look in return and swallows.  “Of course not bad, it could never be bad, just different.  Did you change the recipe or something?” she asks, knowing full well Olena doesn’t follow recipes.
“No.  My son baked the bread this morning.”
Rose, in the process of taking another bite, pauses, and feels her eyebrows rise.  She knows of the Belikov’s only son of course, but in the year she’s become a permanent fixture in their bakery, she’s never laid eyes on him.  She thinks she remembers hearing once that he’s away at school in New York.
Rose’s thoughtful hum turns delighted as she bites into the bread again; she would never admit it to Olena but she thinks she might almost enjoy the tangier flavour of today’s bread more than she usually does.
She hears the door to the kitchen swing open again and Viktoria lets out a crow of laughter.  “Hey Dimka, apparently your bread tastes weird.”
Rose swallows roughly and gestures in surrender so emphatically that she almost loses the rest of her breakfast.  “Woah, hey, I did not say it was weird, I said it was diff-”  Her words die in her throat as she turns to the newcomer and catches sight of quite possibly the hottest guy she’s ever laid eyes on.
Olena’s son has to have nearly a foot of height on Rose, his arms, exposed by his rolled up sleeves, are corded with muscle, and his shoulder-length hair is tied back in a ponytail that Rose has a wild urge to free from its band and runs her fingers through.
“I’ve never had anyone describe my bread as weird before,” he says, cocking his head with a slight smirk.
Rose ignores the cute dimple that’s appeared in his cheek and levels him with a pointed finger, followed by a glare at Viktoria.  “Different, not weird,” she reiterates.
“Different good?”  He folds his arm across his chest and Rose forcibly drags her eyes away from them.
“That’s yet to be determined,” she shoots back coyly.
“You must be the infamous Roza.”  He offers her a hand to shake.  “Dimitri.”
Rose isn’t too sure about the use of the word ‘infamous’ but accepts the proffered hand regardless; it’s big, and callused, and warm, and she doesn’t want to let go.
“It’s nice to meet you, Dimitri.  And I guess I’ll just have to try your bread again tomorrow to decide.”
“Yes,” Dimitri says, with a slight chuckle, finally, regrettably, releasing her hand.  “I’ve already been told to expect you most mornings.”
Rose levels a glare around at the Belikova women who are watching their exchange with thinly veiled amusement; even Karolina has appeared in the kitchen doorway to observe.  Dimitri moves to his mother’s side and ducks to press a kiss to her cheek.
“I’m going to meet Ivan for a couple hours, Mama, but I’ll be back for the lunch rush.”
Olena reaches up and pats his cheek, smoothing away a stray streak of flour that’s found its way there.
“It was nice to meet you, Roza,” Dimitri says, before lifting his hand in farewell to his family as he heads for the door.
“He called me Roza,” Rose says faintly, once he’s out of earshot.
Viktoria shoots her a bemused look.  “We all call you Roza.”
“Yeah, but not like that.”  Rose snatches up her breakfast and hurries after him, ignoring Yeva’s bark of Russian that follows her, no doubt a warning of the perils she’ll face if she doesn’t return her plate.  “Hey,” she says, catching up with Dimitri at the door.
Dimitri looks amused to see her, but holds the door open for her to step through.
“So, when are you heading back to New York?”
“I’m not.  I finished my degree last semester, I’d moved back home to help out for a few months before I worked out my next move, but…”
“But…” Rose prods.
Dimitri’s eyes trace over her face.  “But maybe there’s more here for me than I thought.  I’ll see you around, Roza.”
Rose grins, “See ya, comrade.”
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belikov-barnes · 3 years
my favourite thing about VA is that everyone is bisexual queer
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thegoldenlily · 3 years
Rose and Viktoria, sister in law dream team of chaos
Rose 🤝 Adrian 🤝 Viktoria: making Dimitri's life miserable (affectionate)
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kate-read-that · 3 years
Shoutout to the Belikova girls for accepting a stranger damphir they didn't know for shit just because an alchemist said that stranger had muttered their name.
Shoutout for them deciding to love and protect that girl because she had met and loved their brother, believing only her word for it, and treating her like a sister from then on.
Belikova girls man.
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sydneysageivashkov · 3 years
Viktoria Belikova: /roundhouse kicks a man, flips her hair/ Zoe Sage: ❤🧡🤍💖😍
Zoe confesses this to Sydney who tells her she has a lot in common with her new brother-in-law, she's going to fit in fine with the Belikovs
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rosemairebelikova · 3 years
Hey VA Family, 
Due to all the recent hype and excitement around the new TV adaptation I’ve been reading a lot of fan fiction and finally decided to write my own! 
I would love it if you could spare sometime to give it a read and let me know your thoughts. It’s the first ever fan fiction I’ve written so go easy on me please! I’ve got a general idea where I’d like this story to go but if you have any ideas or pointers I’d love to hear them ☺️
A Fresh Start by RosemarieBelikova
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roza-dhampir · 4 years
Cooking competition between Christian and Olena.
Anonymous points from everyone.
I would love to read it!
Or see it as fanart.
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shadowkissed-mina · 4 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Vampire Academy - Bloodstream Cast ( Part Four )
Joely Richardson as Queen Tatiana Ivashkov
Elyse Levesque as Sonya Karp
Helen Mirren as Yeva Belikova
Rachel Weisz as Olena Belikova
Kate Mara as Karolina Belikova
Nina Dobrev as Sonja Belikova
Adelaide Kane as Viktoria Belikova
Cameron Boyce as Paul Belikov
- part one ( x ) - part two ( x ) - part three ( x ) -
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rose--hathaways · 3 years
The Belikova sisters don't have official heights in the books but I want to believe they're all as tall as or taller than Adrian, 6'1", so they can joke that their cousin is SO short for a Moroi all the time. Viktoria is 6'2" and likes ruffling Adrian's hair when she wears heels
they all definitely call him their “baby cousin” because he’s the shortest
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grozdovas · 2 years
2023 Russian national team
Senior main:
Maria Agafonova
Anna Esipova
Elena Gerasimova
Alyona Glotova
Anastasia Ilyankova
Diana Kustova
Viktoria Listunova
Angelina Melnikova
Maria Minaeva
Ulyana Perebinosova
Arina Semukhina
Vladislava Urazova
Elizaveta Us
Yana Vorona
Senior reserve:
Ekaterina Andreeva*
Lilia Akhaimova
Amira Botashyova
Leila Vasileva
Sabina Kaygulova
Anna Kalmykova*
Kristina Shapovalova*
Alina Shklokova
Junior main:
Anastasia Bedrina
Viktoria Belikova
Sofia Guz
Maria Kravchenko
Sofia Maznaya
Viktoria Novikova
Zlata Osokina
Diana Parshikova
Alina Pyatiletova
Ludmilla Roshchina
Veranika Semyonova
Anna Smirnova
Anastasia Tolstaya
Junior reserve:
Marina Bondareva
Ksenia Gorshkova
Ulyana Dubrovskaya
Milana Kayumova
Maria Prud
Yulia Svistunova
Sofia Khaylo
Vitalina Shevchuk
Aleksandra Anufrieva
Elizaveta Basova
Diana Gaynulina
Polina Dmitrieva
Aleksandra Iskakova
Nadezhda Kusleeva
Milana Levedeva
Ekaterina Polyakova
Yana Spiridonova
Sevda Shukyurova
Daria Belousova, Yulia Biryulya, Irina Komnova, Lyubov Galyuzhina, Sofia Pudova (2007) & Maria Tretyakova were all removed. Surprised to not see Eleonora Afanasyeva and Ksenia Zelyaeva on the list.
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ao3feed-romitri · 2 years
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gins-potter · 3 years
The Belikova sisters and how much they accept Rose has always been one of my favorite parts of the VA books. Dhampir women loving and supporting each other through grief
Oh my god, yesssssss. My only wish is that we'd seen Rose interact with more Dhampir women across the series, as a group they felt a little underrepresented which is such a shame.
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belikov-barnes · 3 years
Headcanon that Zoya Belikova forms a special bond with her Auntie Roza. She wants to learn all about Auntie Roza’s pranks, rebellious ways, and hopes to grow up to become a guardian just like her. The Belikova women notice how uncomfortable Rose is with children, so they always encourage her to get to know them and bond. Karolina soon regrets it, as Zoya starts recreating some of Auntie Roza’s Best Moments™. But nobody regrets this more than Dimitri himself, who one day is greeted by his little niece with a “privet comrade”. Rose finds it absolutely hilarious, and Yeva can’t help but chuckle at the defeated look on Dimitri’s face. 
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