ladybrythwensinclair · 2 months
Hail Sai Vikhë
Hail to the Janya of Courage Hail to the Bringer of Vitality and Strength Hail to the Defender of Déa's children Bless and guide us this day
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the-filianic-witch · 1 year
Sai Vikhe, lady of the vitality that brings courage, keep your hand on my shoulder this day and help me accept new challenges with grace and honor. Amadea.
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mhlivenews · 10 months
पृथ्वीराजबाबांच्या जागी विखे मुख्यमंत्री होणार होते, पण राहुल गांधी यांची भेट झाली अन्...
नागपूर : तत्कालीन मुख्यमंत्री पृथ्वारीज चव्हाण यांचा राजीनामा घेत तत्कालीन कृषी मंत्री राधाकृष्ण विखे पाटील यांना मुख्यमंत्री करण्याचा झालेला निर्णय ऐनवेळी फिरला आणि २०१४ ला शेवटच्या वर्षात मुख्यमंत्री बननण्याच्या विखे पाटील यांच्या मनसुब्यावर पाणी फिरल्याची खमंग चर्चा नागपूरच्या हिवाळी अधिवेशन काळात रंगली आहे.राज्यातील एका वरिष्ठ नेत्याने मंगळवारी सकाळी पत्रकारांशी औपचारिक गप्पा मारताना २०१४…
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maidenofsophia · 1 month
Magdalene and the Janyati
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Filianism still plays a key influence in my path and this is me explaining how my Lady Magdalene's attributes connect to each of the Janyati.
(Side note, in my personal practice I use the Greek names and refer to them as the Seven Kyríes, but I'm using their Filianic names for this post).
Sai Raya - One of the most often overlooked aspects of Magdalene was that she was a wealthy and independent woman, one of the financial supporters of Yeshua and the disciples. As no husband or father of hers is even mentioned, it can be assumed this was a wealth she achieved from her own success. Thus she can be called upon for financial aid, prosperity and abundance, both in terms of material wealth but also spiritual. She is also hope and inspiration in times of darkness, a candle forever burning as one such famous painting of her shows.
Sai Candre - Magdalene is seen as a Priestess figure to many. Not just for those Esoterics who believe she was a priestess of Isis or Asherah, but in the Gnostic gospels she is the heir to Yeshua's ministry and the first to step forward to lead the disciples. Even some mainstream Christian churches are calling on her to be seen as the "Mother" or "First Preacher" of Christianity as she was the first to speak of Yeshua's resurrection. She can be seen as an inspiration for all priestesses and preachers. For myself, I am content to be a mystic but I don't seek to follow any living priests or priestesses (especially not the ones charging as much as my mortgage lol). The Magdalene is my High Priestess.
Sai Vikhe - Red is the most common color associated with the Magdalene. While she might not be seen holding any weapons, the red cloak symbolises her immense passion and courage. One of her most famous legends is confronting the authorities in Rome and turning an egg red as a miracle to prove the truth of her preaching. Also, again, being a single woman of her own business would have been very dangerous in her time, yet she lived as she did without no husband or father to protect her. If she was plagued by demons then to overcome that, with or without Yeshua's assistance, is proof of her strength. While I often call upon my Lord Cernunnos for protection, I also say a chant for the Magdalene to summon the flame of her courage within me; "I walk with the Magdalene and the Magdalene walks with me".
Sai Mati - In the Gospel of Philip, Magdalene is linked to Sophia, to divine Wisdom. In my personal path, I see her as an avatar of Zoe Sophia (Living Wisdom). Yeshua praises her insight that surpasses all other disciples in various Gnostic texts. In her partnership with Yeshua, she is both teacher and student, as he is with her. Sometimes she is merged with Mary of Bethany, who is also praised for choosing to listen to wisdom over conforming to a traditional "woman's role" at the time like her sister Martha who was discouraged from learning as the male disciples did.
Sai Thame - Probably the aspect I struggle most to link to the Magdalene. While there isn't much to link her with justice, there is with balance and spiritual harmony, as many Gnostic texts deal with the mysteries of the "Bridal Chamber". I am also as much inspired by the injustice done to her by the mainstream church as well as many other great women.
Sai Sushuri - The most popular aspect of Magdalene, no doubt, due to a combination of the Catholic church unwittingly making her something of a sex symbol, and then Dan Brown pushing her into the zeitgeist with the idea of her being Yeshua's wife. While the former has been admitted to be a mistake to call her a prostitute, the latter I feel has done her just as dirty in a whole new way by taking this clearly independent woman and having the focus on her be if she was Jesus' wife. The idea of her and Yeshua being married is not a bad one by any means, and the two were DEFINITELY intimate with each other, I just feel it's overshadowed all these other important elements of her character. However there is still much to be said about Magdalene as an image of divine love. Her devotion to Yeshua, whether that was platonic or romantic or something on a whole other level, is a beautiful thing, as clearly was his to her. There are also different legends that speak of her love towards other disciples, both male and female, as well as her possible children. Any who find an uplifting image in the idea of her and Yeshua having a healthy sexual union that represents the mystery of the Bridal Chamber should not be discouraged from that.
Sai Rhave - Another of Magdalene's most common symbols in art is the Skull. I never know whether this is meant to be Yeshua's skull or just a memento mori. Regardless, her presence at the tomb as well as her own descent with her seven demons gives her that darker edge linking her to the "Black Goddess" or Dark Wisdom which Caitlan Matthews goes into her fascinating book "Sophia, Goddess of Wisdom". Another famous legend of the Magdalene claims she spent the end of her life secluded in a cave in France, bringing the image of the wise old Crone sought in the darkness. And so when seeking the grounding that comes from being one with silence and stillness, one can look to Her to help guide them there and not to fear the shadows.
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deanic-polls · 27 days
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Sai Vikhe Source
Sai Vikhë is the Janya of courage and of battle. Her planet is known in Telluria as Mars. She is the Janya of warrior-maids and rules all the Vikhelic Arts, and also such things as surgery, where a cut must be made in order to heal. The Holy War (Vikhail), which in physical terms is war against those who would destroy or harm the Empire, is only the lesser holy war. The greater holy war is that fought by the spiritual maid against the false self and against the forces of darkness and materialism in one's own soul.
Sai Vikhë is, of course, profoundly necessary to the "economy" of manifestation. Conflict is a condition of manifestation. It is from the agitation and conflict-play of the three gunas and the four elements that a manifest universe can exist. But while conflict is necessary, so also is harmony, represented in one aspect by Sai Thamë, and in another by Sai Sushuri (said to be the sister of Sai Thamë). As manifestation progresses on its outward and fundamentally degenerative course, the element of conflict increases and that of harmony decreases (this is observed in the axiom of modern physics: "entropy tends to increase").
Sri DurgaThus the metal of Sai Vikhë, iron, is also the metal symbolising the last of the four ages of a world-cycle, the Age of Iron, or Kali Yuga, traditionally known as "the age of quarrels". The sign for Mars (and Iron), is also the sign for masculinity, thus it is natural that in the Age of Iron, the masculine principle should come to the fore in human society, both in its social order and in its spiritual conceptions. We know relatively little about civilisation before the dawn of the Kali Yuga, but from hundreds of thousands of artefacts discovered at a large number of neolithic sites, three things are clear beyond any dispute:
1) These were civilisations, despite the misleading appellation "stone-age" — they were well-ordered cities with multi-story buildings.
2) The great preponderance of human depictions, especially those of a religious nature, are clearly female. We leave aside the question of "matriarchy" — that is, of whether women actually ruled in a temporal sense, a hypothesis that has caused much consternation among both male historians and victim-complex feminists. What is unarguable is that these societies were clearly massively culturally oriented toward the feminine.
3) There are no signs of war. Both fortifications and weapons of war (as opposed to hunting) appear at a later stage, along with depictions of warlike activity and masculine god-figures. This is quite clearly not because the neolithic civilisations were incapable of building fortifications. They had elaborate palaces, harbour installations and advanced transportation. They simply had no need for them until the "patriarchal revolution" of the Age of Iron.
In Telluria femininity and masculinity are governed by Sai Sushuri (Venus) and Sai Vikhë respectively, indicating a pivot between concord and discord. In Aristasia, blondeness and brunetteness are governed by Sai Sushuri and Sai Thamë respectively; the pivot being more between mercy and rigour, love and duty, indulgence and strictness.
Nonetheless Sai Vikhë is an universal principle necessary to the fullness of any manifestation — from the primal discord necessary to manifestation itself, to the various forms of "surgery" necessary in the pursuit of earthly life, to the need for defence against foes both physical and spiritual, Sai Vikhë is always with us.
In the Indian tradition the image of the warlike Sri Durga on her lion or tiger is the primary image of Sai Vikhë, and it is this form that many of us turn to her as the Great Protectress. Like all Janyati, she is at once a separate stream of Godhead and, at Her source, Dea Herself.
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444names · 2 years
dremora and dragon names from tes
Ahbii Ahbiikive Ahbiil Ahbiind Akakhot Akam Akarg Akatta Akeles Akvrog Aldu Aldunkyn Amkak Amkame Amkatiira Ango Anha Anhas Anhati Arum Atrit Atro Atrruil Atrrula Bahfaa Bahk Bahvionte Bard Barintaz Bata Bath Batiiz Bats Belokunaz Beloth Blarg Bogas Bozin Bozunaxu Bronim Broshazz Clol Clothar Codan Demin Dezai Dezedenax Diaard Diam Doguar Dosulosha Doth Dothel Dothurat Dran Dras Dreiv Drelariz Drelm Drema Drex Drexas Drexev Drog Druid Drun Drurvot Drus Druthia Druz Druzu Dukahlon Dukakho Dukaoshae Durotnaak Elia Eliilessa Elilaakhe Elin Elixamys Enzelard Enziir Erulaa Erum Eruzazzai Erztirah Erztruz Femingog Femish Femolnax Femoraz Fesn Firah Firhiaa Firi Foshas Foshasa Fosurum Fotai Fotnai Fotnas Gaden Gadend Gadra Gata Gathxu Gele Gilarrago Gile Gnia Gnikig Gnil Gnila Gnilaar Gnilar Gnir Gnirag Gran Graz Gregas Grele Grelof Gremolaas Grex Grexxila Guida Guin Guinta Guinti Gykunaz Gykunkyra Hadenas Hadrosh Hive Hiviinds Hiviiz Hivlof Hivlon Hivlooran Ifriaakho Ifrias Illias Illitosh Illixamys Iolaan Issati Issis Issovasla Janaz Jerbwd Jerkyra Joolaale Jooria Joorselak Jynaz Jyndrondu Jynufas Jynvas Kaak Kaan Kaarb Kalakhe Kales Kalinzet Kalixame Kaluz Kalxord Kata Katta Kehtkyu Kehviir Kixamniri Kixata Kixataz Kmol Kmola Kmoran Kothrum Kras Krota Krothular Krrb Krulnaan Krume Kvok Kvokena Kvokkesa Kvora Kvord Kvotna Kyng Kynkynd Kynufax Kynvas Laalive Lanyu Legas Lodstiide Loduid Lokunaas Lorah Lorahaz Loran Loremola Lorex Lorilar Lorog Lyrahviin Lyri Lyriles Lyrim Lyrkyus Lyroth Lyroziiz Maalgrota Maan Malaz Malehkrif Malessot Mane Marig Mata Mathet Mire Miregas Mirmesn Mora Morazziik Mord Moregas Morelaak Mori Morkilak Morozilas Mulak Mysis Naargus Naari Naarsax Nacaruna Nacaruzan Nafah Nafahviin Nafas Nahfas Nahkriz Nahloknim Nahruz Nammag Nammagon Namniri Namnirig Narrb Nokessoth Nokvrotha Nokz Noriin Norm Numet Numeth Obliin Obliir Obliiv Odaarish Ofepayng Olaakta Olarruzu Olonshed Olorif Orra Orrah Orrztiiv Orthurth Orthuruz Osax Paaluzan Paamniksa Paamysis Paar Paassati Pynaash Rataarik Rathassat Rattaa Rayl Raylax Rede Redenaz Redgusa Redrim Redrith Reiv Reiz Reizz Reizzaz Relok Relokz Relondun Rykunaxu Rykunkyus Rynkam Rynvas Sahkreiv Sahlaz Sahlokz Sahlolok Sahviind Sahviiz Scre Screxata Sehkril Sehothet Sehtkyria Sehtkyu Serahfax Serb Shurthxu Shuth Shynax Shynd Shyngash Shynkyus Skaoshia Skoda Skodst Skoran Skoras Skregas Skrelok Skri Stosur Sulax Sulnahron Sulnilaa Sulsgena Sumespir Tachedgus Tacheth Telaz Telonim Tepayl Tephia Tephraz Tephro Thurnex Thurvok Thutev Thxurnah Tuzu Tyldae Tyldu Tyldun Ukaarthi Ukaas Ukaerote Ukak Ukaosla Uldaakhe Uldaakiv Uldu Uluphas Uluzilard Vaeda Vahk Vamet Vamnim Vele Velm Velokunaz Venaarrog Vend Vends Verkilkun Vessa Vessakhe Viid Viikhe Vikh Vikhe Vikho Vikkorel Viksa Vingo Vintan Vitoshas Vola Volokviil Volsh Voshas Voshaz Voshazzt Vostiik Vosulnax Vreiv Vrexata Vular Vulax Vulhaz Vulkun Vulshet Vulth Vulthile Vyra Vyris Vyriz Xalaz Xalxorim Xarif Xarrota Xigif Xigir Xigirhik Xykun Xynaar Xynah Xynasat Xynd Xynir Xynkah Xynkyr Xynvakhet Xyrikiv Yahla Yahlost Yahlothia Ykata Ykati Yolaan Yolaglit Yolnaar Yolokvion Zavas Zavayl Zavaylaar Zenaz Zends Zexamet Zexev Zylaz Zyri Zyrin Zyzaz Zyzazzan Zzedra
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shuubhammm · 26 days
Newly Launched Projects in Mumbai
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Mumbai’s actual estate market is continually dynamic, and one area that has seen a large boom is Vikhroli. Nestled within the imperative suburbs of Mumbai, Vikhroli is emerging as a top residential and industrial hub. If you are considering investing in this area, right here’s a detailed study the some Newly Launched Projects in Mumbai, making sure that you get complete information on what makes this location stand out.
Newly Launched Projects in Mumbai
Vighnharta Infinity Codename Fantastic
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Vighnharta Infinity Codename Fantastic by Vighnaharta Group is a top-rated residential venture located in Vikhroli. The houses provide comfort, convenience, and seamless connectivity near Vikhroli Railway Station and Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport. The undertaking features well-designed residences that provide spacious layouts and modern interiors. Amenities consist of a swimming pool, health club, children’s play area, and landscaped gardens, ensuring a relaxing and comfortable environment.
Location: Vikhroli (E)
Configurations: 1, 1.5, and 2 BHK
Rera Carpet Area: 341.00 sq.ft. — 647.00 sq.ft.
Pricing: ₹79.99 L to 1.45 Cr
Luxury Amenities: 40 Exclusive Amenities
See More Details: mumbaihomes.com
Swastik Pearl
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Swastik Pearl by Swastik Developers, placed in Vikhroli, offers gift-day residential houses designed for contemporary-day dwellings. The challenge skills nicely crafted 1 and a couple of BHK residences, prepared with pinnacle-notch finishes and furnishings. Residents can experience facilities that embody a gymnasium, rooftop lawn, kid’s play area, and a community corridor. Its strategic place guarantees extraordinary connectivity to essential Mumbai factors, encompassing business enterprise hubs and leisure areas. Swastik Pearl is a first-rate choice for those looking for a mixture of comfort and funding functionality.
Location: Vikhroli
Configurations: 1 and 2 BHK Apartments
Rera Carpet Area: 409.00 sq.ft. — 575.00 sq.ft
Pricing: ₹88.38 L — 1.24 Cr
Luxury Amenities: 15 exclusive amenities
See More Details: mumbaihomes.com
Drushti Emerald
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Drushti Emerald is a top-class residential venture known for its modern layout and special facilities. Situated in a high area of Ghatkopar, it gives smooth access to various services and the town’s principal attractions. The assignment features meticulously crafted residences that cater to diverse ways of life, making sure comfort and convenience for its citizens.
Location: Ghatkopar
Configurations: 1 and 2 BHK Apartments
Rera Carpet Area: 419.00 Sq Ft — 583.00 Sq Ft
Pricing: ₹90.0 L — 1.45 Cr
Luxury Amenities: 9 exclusive amenities
See More Details:
Godrej Vistas:
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Godrej Vistas in Vikhroli, by Godrej Properties Ltd., offers stunning views of hills to the west and mangroves to the east. Situated centrally, it’s more than a residence; it’s an invitation to a world of happiness and abundance. This project features 2, 2.5, 3, and 3.5 BHK apartments ranging from 778.00 to 1810.00 sq.ft. Prices are available on request. Godrej Vistas seamlessly combines functionality and aesthetic appeal, creating the perfect urban sanctuary.
Location: Vikhroli
Configurations: 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5 BHK Apartments
Rera Carpet Area: 778.00 sq. ft. — 1810.00 sq. ft.
Pricing: ₹ 2.63 Cr — 5.30 Cr.
Luxury Amenities: 27 exclusive amenities
See More Details: mumbaihomes.com
Vaibhavlaxmi Green Vista
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Vaibhavlaxmi Green Vista, located in Vikhroli, offers present-day city dwellings. This residential mission caters to the numerous goals of its residents. Modern-day homes boast smooth designs and spacious layouts, making sure of consolation and fashion. Surrounded by lush greenery, the improvement fosters a serene surrounding, pleasant for rest and rejuvenation. With its strategic area, Vaibhavlaxmi Green Vista offers easy access to vital services and transportation options, making it the best opportunity for the ones attempting to find a harmonious aggregate of luxury and comfort.
Location: Vikhroli
Configurations: 2 BHK Apartments
Rera Carpet Area: 580.00 sq.ft. To 611.00 sq.ft.
Pricing: ₹1.4 Cr and ₹1.45 Cr
Luxury Amenities: 19 exclusive amenities
See More Details: mumbaihomes.com
Ashar Titan
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Ashar Titan in Ghatkopar is a top-rate residential project offering 1, 2, and 3 BHK residences with modern designs and stylish finishes. The assignment features a bunch of amenities consisting of a trendy gym, swimming pool, landscaped gardens, a clubhouse, and children’s play areas. Strategically located in Ghatkopar, Ashar Titan provides outstanding connectivity to fundamental business hubs, educational institution, and healthcare centers. With its steeply-priced amenities and high place, Ashar Titan is a great choice for those looking for a complicated and handy way of life in Mumbai.
Location: Ghatkopar (E)
Cofigurations: 2, 3, and 4.5 BHK apartments
Rera Carpet Area: 678 sq. ft. to 1846 sq.ft.
Pricing: ₹3 Cr to ₹8.27 Cr
Luxury Amenities: 13 exclusive amenities
See More Details: mumbaihomes.com
Adityaraj Landmark
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Adityaraj Landmark in Vikhroli gives high-priced residential apartments proposing modern architecture and high-stop finishes. The venture gives spacious 2, 3, and 4 BHK homes designed for comfort and elegance. Residents revel in different services including a modern-day fitness center, swimming pool, landscaped gardens, clubhouse, and devoted play areas for children. Strategically positioned in Vikhroli, it presents exceptional connectivity to the Eastern Express Highway and Vikhroli Railway Station, ensuring easy entry throughout Mumbai. With its mixture of luxurious, convenient, and network living, Adityaraj Landmark is ideal for those in search of a complicated city way of life.
Location: Vikhroli (W)
Cofigurations: 2 and 3 BHK Apartments
Rera Carpet Area: 589 to 774 sq ft.
Pricing: ₹1.15 CR to ₹1.51 CR
Luxury Amenities: 11 exclusive amenities
See More Details: mumbaihomes.com
Unique Prestige
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Unique Prestige in Vikhroli East is an excellent residential undertaking mentioned for its cutting-edge design and comprehensive offerings. Strategically placed, it offers a clean right of entry to key town regions and vital services. The assignment functions well-designed houses catering to a diverse way of existence needs, making sure each comfort and luxury for residents.
Location: Vikhroli
Configurations: 1, 2 BHK Apartments
Rera Carpet Area: 351 sq.ft.-649 sq.ft.
Pricing: ₹52.0 L- ₹1.15 Cr
Luxury Amenities: 15 exclusive amenities
See More Details: Unique Prestige
Gurukrupa Param
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Gurukrupa Param in Vikhroli offers a blend of comfort and convenience with its meticulously designed apartments. The assignment caters to diverse lifestyle alternatives and challenges to versions primarily based on floor positioning and services. Residents revel in upscale facilities which include a clubhouse, swimming pool, gymnasium, and landscaped gardens. With its high region and present-day services, Gurukrupa Param affords an excellent setting for an improved dwelling revel in Mumbai.
Location: Vikhroli
Configurations:1 RK, 1, 2 BHK
Rera Carpet Area:241.00 sq.ft. — 692.00 sq.ft.
Pricing: ₹53.0 L — 1.03 Cr
Luxury Amenities: 11 Exclusive Amenities
See More Details: mumbaihomes.com
Omkaar Solitaire
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Omkaar Solitaire in Vikhroli is a top-magnificence residential mission supplying gift-day dwelling areas. The houses are spacious and well designed, supplying present-day interiors and pinnacle-notch finishes. Located in the all at once developing suburb of Vikhroli, Omkaar Solitaire gives splendid connectivity to number one industrial hubs, educational establishments, and healthcare centers. The project has severa offerings collectively with landscaped gardens, a gym, a clubhouse, and entertainment areas, making it an outstanding desire for the ones trying to find a consolation and convenient way of lifestyles in Mumbai.
Location: Vikhroli
Configurations: 1and 2 BHK
Rera Carpet Area: 379 sq ft. — 746 sq ft.
Pricing: ₹75.89 L to ₹1.53 Cr.
Luxury Amenities: 16 Exclusive Amenities
See More Details: mumbaihomes.com
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educational1234 · 2 months
Direct Admission in Dr. DY Patil Medical College through NRI Quota
Direct Admission to MD MS Through NRI Quota 2024
Pursuing a career in medicine is a noble and rewarding endeavor, and postgraduate medical education (MD/MS) is a crucial step for aspiring doctors. With the 2024 admissions approaching, many students who have taken the NEET PG exams are exploring their options for specialization. One pathway to secure a seat in a prestigious medical college in India is through the NRI quota. This blog will guide you through the process and eligibility criteria for  MD MS  Admission through NRI quota.
What is MD/MS?
MD (Doctor of Medicine) and MS (Master of Surgery) are postgraduate degrees in the field of medicine. These specialized degrees enable doctors to focus on specific areas of medical science, such as pediatrics, cardiology, orthopedics, and general surgery, among others. Pursuing an MD or MS allows medical professionals to gain in-depth knowledge and expertise in their chosen fields, enhancing their career prospects and ability to provide specialized medical care.
 MD MS Admission Through NRI Quota
The NRI (Non-Resident Indian) quota is a reserved category in many Indian medical colleges, allowing Indian citizens living abroad or their children to apply for admission. These seats are generally offered at a higher fee structure compared to the regular seats, making them a viable option for NRIs who meet the eligibility criteria.
 Eligibility Criteria for MD MS Direct Admission 2024
To be eligible for MD/MS admission through the NRI quota, candidates must meet the following criteria:
1. Educational Qualification: Applicants must hold an MBBS degree from an institution recognized by the Medical Council of India (MCI) with a minimum of 50% marks.
2. Internship: Completion of a one-year internship by March 31, 2024, is mandatory.
3. Entrance Exam: Admission is primarily based on the All India Rank obtained in the National Eligibility-cum-Entrance Test for Postgraduates (NEET PG 2024).
Steps for NEET MD MS Counseling Procedure 2024
The NEET PG counseling procedure is essential for securing admission through the NRI quota. Here’s a step-by-step guide:
 Step 1: Register
1. Visit the official counseling website.
2. Click on the “New Registration” link and sign up.
3. Pay the counseling fee (Rs. 1000 for UR candidates, Rs. 500 for SC/ST/OBC/PH, and Rs. 5000 for institutional candidates).
4. A refundable registration fee must also be paid (Rs. 25,000 for UR, Rs. 10,000 for SC/ST/OBC/PH, and Rs. 2,00,000 for institutional candidates).
 Step 2: Fill in the Selection
1. After registration, select your preferred subjects and institutions.
2. Modify selections before final locking.
3. Lock the selections to generate a printout.
 Step 3: Seat Assignment
1. Seats are allotted based on your preferences, available seats, and category.
2. The results for Round 1 will be announced in July 2024.
 Step 4: Reporting
1. Report to the allotted college within the given timeframe.
2. Failure to report within the deadline will result in forfeiture of the seat.
Required Documents for PG Medical Admission
Ensure you have the following original documents and attested photocopies:
- One Year Internship Certificate (completed by July 31, 2024)
- Category certificate (if applicable)
- High school certificate/birth certificate as proof of date of birth
- MBBS Degree Certificate
- NEET PG 2024 Scorecard
- Proof of identity
- Permanent/Temporary Registration Certificate issued by MCI or State Medical Council
Trusted Medical Colleges for NRI Quota Admissions
Here are some reputed medical colleges offering MD/MS admissions through the NRI quota:
- Mahatma Gandhi Medical College
- Vydehi Institute of Medical Sciences
- Padmashree Dr. Vitthalrao Vikhe Patil Medical College
- D.Y. Patil Medical College
- Rajarajeswari Medical College
- Siddhartha Institute of Medical Sciences
- Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University
- MVPS Medical College, Nasik
Securing MD MS admission through NRI quota offers a valuable opportunity for aspiring medical professionals. It provides access to some of India's top medical institutions and specialized education. With the right preparation and understanding of the counseling process, you can achieve your dream of becoming a specialist in your chosen field of medicine. For more information and assistance with the admission process, feel free to contact our expert consultants.
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aicwaofficial · 3 months
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Proposal for a New Film City in Mumbai l
The All Indian Cine Workers Association (AICWA) has proposed a ₹10,000 crore investment for a new Film City in Mumbai l The existing Film City in Goregaon is deemed inadequate for the growing demands of the entertainment industry l The AICWA has suggested using the model of Uttar Pradesh’s Noida Film City, which benefits from proximity to major transportation hubs l
Key Points:
1. Investment Proposal: ₹10,000 crore for developing a new Film City l
2. Land Request: Identification of 500 acres around Mumbai l
3. Government Support: AICWA met with Revenue Minister Radhakrishna Vikhe Patil and other officials to discuss the proposal l
4. Infrastructure Needs: The new facility should include better road access, non-leaking roofs, and modern studios l
5. Accommodation for Workers: Provision for hostels to accommodate around 60,000 workers, with facilities for those who need temporary lodging l
6. Economic Impact: The new Film City aims to create more jobs and boost the local economy by facilitating better production facilities l
| #Midday | #AICWA | #Bollywood |
l @bollywood l
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sureshsgupta · 4 months
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Respected Honourable Shri Radhakrishna Vikhe Patil,
On your special day, I extend my heartfelt birthday wishes to you Sir. As the esteemed Revenue Minister of Maharashtra, your tireless dedication and remarkable contributions have profoundly impacted the lives of millions across our state. Your leadership and vision have been instrumental in driving progress and development, and your commitment to public service is truly inspiring.
May this year bring you continued success, good health, and happiness. Thank you for your unwavering service and for being a guiding light for Maharashtra.
| #HappyBirthday | #RadhaKrishnaVikhePatil | #SureshShyamlalGupta |
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ladybrythwensinclair · 10 months
Hail Sai Vikhë
Hail to the Weaver of War Hail to the Bringer of Victory Hail to the One who Challenges us to grow Bless and guide us this day
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the-filianic-witch · 1 year
Tbh though, life hits different when I veil all the time. Like, I know it's just a piece of fabric on my head, and Dea doesn't love me any more or less for it, but DAMN does it remind me of Her presence throughout the day. I work a very fast-paced job and don't usually have the ability to say little prayers throughout the day like many Filianists seem to, but even just.... fidgeting with my scarf kinda feels like saying hi to Dea? I love it. I also usually veil in the color of the Janyati that corresponds to the day (so today is Tuesday so I'm wearing red for Sai Vikhe, tomorrow I'll wear yellow for Sai Mati, etc.) and that has helped me feel closer to them as well.
I was really surprised at how many people just.... didn't ask any questions when I started to veil everyday too? I was so worried that everyone in my life was gonna start asking me what that thing on my head was and why, and I've gotten a couple comments, but all very kind and mostly just from people saying they find it beautiful. I feel almost guilty, I know there are many people (Filianist or otherwise) that wear similar coverings and face a lot of backlash, hate, and discrimination.
Anyway, highly recommend if you think that covering your head could help in your spiritual practice. It certainly has for me. <3
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mhlivenews · 1 year
नियोजित कार्यक्रम नसताना फडणवीस विखे पाटलांच्या घरी, विखेंबद्दलच्या त्या चर्चेला पुन्हा बळ
Fadnavis Meets Radhdkrishna Vikhe Patil : राष्ट्रवादी काँग्रेसचे नेते गेल्या काही दिवसांपासून महाराष्ट्राच्या राजकारणाच्या केंद्रस्थानी आहेत. अशातच आता उपमुख्यमंत्री देवेंद्र फडणवीस यांच्या एका भेटी पुन्हा चर्चांना उधाण आलं आहे. फडणवीस हे अचानक लोणी येथे विखे पाटलांच्या घरी गेले. आणि तर्कवितर्क सुरू झाले आहेत.   नियोजत कार्यक्रम नसताना फडणवीस विखे पाटलांच्या घरी, विखेंबद्दलच्या त्या चर्चेला…
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die-greifen · 7 months
extras: pronunciation guide
Albert - male - AL-bərt (English)  AHL-bert (German)
Albrecht - male -AHL-brekht (German)
Alexandra - female - al-əg-ZAN-drə (English) ah-lek-SAHN-drah (German)
Alexandrine - female - ah-lek-sahn-DREE-nə (German)
Anastasia - female - ah-nah-stah-SEE-yah (Russian)
Astrid - female -AH-strid (English) AHS-trit (German)
Augusta - female - ow-GUWS-tah (German)
Auguste - female - ow-GUWS-tə (German)
Beatrix - female - BAY-ah-triks (Dutch) BEE-ə-triks (English) BE-ah-triks (German)
Cecilie - female - se-SEEL-ye (Danish)
Charles - male - CHAHRLZ (English)
David - male - DAY-vid (English) DAH-vit (German)
Eleonora - female - e-le-o-NO-rah (German)
Elisabeth - female - e-LEE-zah-bet (German)
Emma - female - EHM-ə (English) EH-ma (German)
Franziska - female - frahn-TSIS-kah (German)
Friedrich - male - FREED-rikh (German)
Georg - male - GAY-org (German)
George - male - JORJ (English)
Gustav - male - GOO-stahf (German)
Harald - male - HAH-rahlt (German)
Heinrich - male - HIEN-rikh (German)
Heinrike - female - hien-REE-kə (German)
Helene - female - he-LE-nə (German)
Ingeborg - female - ING-e-bawrk (German)
Ingrid - female - ING-rid (English) ING-grit (German)
James - male - JAYMZ (English)
Josefine - female - yo-ze-FEE-nə (German)
Karola - female - kah-RO-lah (German)
Karolina - female - kah-ro-LEE-nah (German)
Katharina - female - kah-tah-REE-nah (German)
Leopoldine - female - le-o-pawl-DEE-nah (German)
Lina- female - LEE-nah (German)
Ludwig - male - LOOT-vikh (German)
Luise - female - loo-EE-zə (German)
Marie - female - mah-REE (German)
Mathilde - female - mah-TIL-də (Dutch)
Michael - male - MIE-kəl (English) MI-khah-el (German)
Paul - male - PAWL (English) POWL (German)
Sigrid - female - SIG-grit (German)
Silvia - female - SIL-vee-ə (English) ZIL-vya (German)
Sophie - female - SO-fee (English) ZO-fee (German)
Thyra - female - TEE-rah (German)
Thomas - male - TAHM-əs (American English) TAWM-əs (British English) TO-mas (German)
Veronica - female - və-RAHN-i-kə (English)
Wilhelm - male - VIL-helm (German)
Wilhelmina - female - vil-hel-MEE-na (German)
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blogynews · 1 year
"Mysterious Assault: Shocking Turmeric Powder Incident Unveils Maharashtra Minister's Shocker - A Surprising Twist Unveiled!"
PUNE: A person was apprehended on Friday for throwing dried turmeric powder, known as Bhandara, on Radhakrishna Vikhe-Patil, the dairy development minister and guardian minister of Solapur. The incident occurred at the government circuit house in Solapur, and the individual responsible was identified as Shankar Bangale. After the turmeric powder was thrown, Bangale demanded Scheduled Tribe (ST)…
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