insolitus-academy · 8 days
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♚ //  Face Claim
Full name Face Claim: Choi Wooshikw
Group/Band/Occupation: Actor
Nationality: Korean
Faceclaim age: 34
  ♚ // Character ;  Basic information
  Quote: In a sense, I’m the one who ruined me: I did it myself. (Murakami, 1Q84).
  Full name character: Lee Soo-ahn
Nickname: his sisters call him Sunny, though Soo-ahn begrudges them for it
Realm of birth(if earth, nationality): Salem, Massachusetts
Age: 32
Date of Birth: October 31, 1991
Gender: Male
Preferred Pronouns: He/him/his/they/them/doesn’t care
Race: (Junior) Warlock
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual
What languages does your character speak?: English (native-level), Korean (native-level), Latin, working knowledge of ancient Greek and Aramaic.
What is the level of Korean and how did they learn to speak it (For non-Korean characters from other realms & other earth-countries): Native-level
  ♚ // Character ; Appearance
  Skin Color: Growing paler as he ages.
Eye color: wears brown contact but his left eye is greenish-blue while the right is hazel brown.
Scars: Too many to count, made nigh-invisible using magic
Piercings: One per each lobe
Tattoos: Surprisingly, none
Hair color: Black
Abnormalities: none except for the heterochromia; he does have a birthmark shaped like the Sagittarius constellation on the back of his neck.
Horns/ wings/ etc.: …
Transformed form: …
    ♚ // Character ; Personality
  Six personality traits: untrustworthy, adventurous (dangerously so), cynical, rarely malicious though generally apathetic to those in need, punctilious, arrogant.
  Likes: [ List 5 likes; no explanation needed ]: rock, jazz & blues music, riding motorcycles, modernist fiction, eating out, hiking.
Dislikes: [ List 5 dislikes; no explanation needed ]: cooking, hot weather, licorice candy, witches, cramped spaces.
Manias: not sure if it counts as a mania, but Soo-ahn is an avid collector of original literary editions and manuscripts.
Phobias: None in particular, except cramped spaces making him extremely uncomfortable
Animal: Raven
Religion: Yes, devoted to Nythrax, a deity worshipped by his Coven.
Favorite song: “Helter Skelter” by Rob Zombie is one of his favourites.
Vice: Pride
Virtue: Diligence
  Personality description:
  A man of infinite masks, each more beautifully deceptive than the last, Soo-ahn exudes a quiet charisma, the kind that draws people in - unassuming yet irresistible. He measures his every word, deliberates each gesture, drawing others in and into believing the warmth of his smile and the sincerity of his gaze.
  But underneath the façade lurks something dark and ravenous. His ambition is an ever-festering wound, deep and unrelenting. For Soo-ahn—who is constantly hungry for more—every connection, acquaintance, friendship and romantic relationship is calculated, a means to an end.
  Yet, it is in the quiet moments, when he is alone with his thoughts and when the silence becomes unbearable, that the cracks of his armour show. By now, it is impossible to ignore the decay inside him, no ignoring the price his soul has paid. He has learned to live with the rot but every now and then, when the warlock least expects it, a whisper in the back of his mind questions whether all his sacrifices have truly been worth it.
♚ // Character ; Powers
  Magical Powers:
  (used for rituals only) Spirit summoning: Soo-ahn can summon spirits & the undead given the fact his Coven are naturally-born necromancers
Magical inclination: As a warlock, he’s naturally inclined to magic, though he’s far more talented than his younger brother
Hexes: Soo-ahn has a particular love of hexes & curses
Non-magical Powers:
  Muay Thai: Soo-ahn is a good practitioner of the martial art but-
Systema: -he has also been practising the ancient Russian fighting technique
Spatial awareness: Soo-ahn is *great* with orientation and cartography
  Churches, holy grounds: self-explanatory as he is unable to tread holy grounds
Exorcists & Hunters: these beings pose danger to him as they could easily threaten his life
His own body: though physically strong and capable, Soo-ahn is rotting and slowly dying, making his own flesh-and-blood form an inherent danger to his spirit
  ♚ // Character ; The Student
  Study Style: Soo-ahn is an extremely dedicated student, to the point of being obnoxious
Favorite class: Expert magic
Least favorite class: Russian
  classes (5-8) : 
Expert Magic
Smiting & Armor Maintenance
Ancient runes
Theatre/drama (he was in a drama club through his education so far)
Woodworking class
  ♚ // Character ; The Past
  Date of Birth: October 31, 1991
Date of Death: …
Crime Record: technically many broken laws across realms 
  Has your character attended Insolitus Academy in the past?
  Lee Sooahn's presence had always been an unsettling paradox, an exquisite veneer that concealed the rot beneath.
  Born to a line of powerful women-warlocks, he was the fifth child—and the first to be born with Nythrax’s mark. Though it was hoped the baby would be a beautiful little girl, a boy was born - almost a disappointment, resentfully embraced by his mother who mounted her - and her own mother’s, and her mother’s before her - colossal expectations from the young boy.
  By thirty-two, he was the embodiment of grace, sharp intellect, and ambition, born to a family that was the epitome of respectability in the eyes of their suburban Massachusetts community. His Mommy baked cookies for the neighbourhood children, while his Mama led the local town meetings with a smile. His sisters, ever the gentle souls, dutifully followed in their parents' footsteps of pleasant mediocrity.
  But behind the immaculate white-picket fence, in the flickering candlelight of secret chambers, the truth writhed. The coven to which they belonged worshipped powers far older than any god; they whispered in dead languages and sought to bring forth the return of a chthonic goddess. And from the day of his birth, Sooahn had been marked as her vessel.
  Sooahn embraced the destiny bestowed upon him. He drank deeply from the coven’s corrupted teachings, warping his soul with black magic until the power coursed through his veins like a venomous current.
  Yet with every spell cast, every ritual performed, a price was exacted. His insides decayed with each touch of the forbidden arts, bones turning brittle, flesh weakening beneath his flawless exterior. The rot gnawed away, hollowing him out in agonising silence. He knew that if he did not feed the ancient powers with the blood of innocents, he would become nothing more than a withered husk, his beauty turned to ash, his strength consumed by the darkness he wielded.
  His loyalty to the coven was absolute, but somewhere, deep in the blackened pit of his soul, a question lingered: when the goddess arrived, would there be anything left of Lee Sooahn?
  The answer to that question was locked within the labyrinth of arcane knowledge hidden in the magical academy to which the coven had sent him. It was here, amid the towering shelves of forbidden tomes and ancient scrolls, that Sooahn was tasked with uncovering the final key to the summoning ritual. His coven believed that buried within the academy’s archives lay the last piece of the puzzle, the spell that would open the gateway to the goddess’s realm. The coven had long been preparing, but now, they believed, the time was near — and Sooahn would be the one to unlock it.
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exxiao-ia · 2 years
Over a cup of tea || Shiloh & Xiao
In his expedition around Vighulir, Shiloh stumbled upon a fairly interesting place, one he was certain he'd be visiting quite often, as the angel had a sweet spot for tea. As his attention was completely captivated by the outer walls of the building, pondering whether or not to head inside for a small break, a stranger's voice prompted him to turn his head to the side. Met with the sight of a creature obviously carrying more than they could handle, Shiloh took one step to the side, a chuckle slipping past his lips when hearing the question.
Without being asked to, the angel grabbed one of the boxes that were piled up in the other's hold. "You're the owner of the place? If I gave off burglar vibes, I'm sorry. I wasn't about to break in, it's not my style." Shiloh commented jokingly. "Well, I just moved in. Guess I still need some time to look like a typical- Vighulirian? But no, I'm not lost. I was actually about to come in for a cup." The angel added, his head motioning towards the door, inviting the other to step in first.
It was a slow day at the coffee shop, so luckily Xiao was able to catch up on inventory. “Oh no you don’t have too--” but the stranger was quick on his feet to help Xiao. Smiling apologetically, “Is it that noticeable I was struggling?” he chuckled. “Oh no no not at all. You look far too kind to be a burglar, or are you trying to fool me?” he tilted his head joking of course. He perked up a bit straightening his posture when hearing that other was actually wanting to have a cup of a tea at his shop, “Oh gosh and I’m having you carry my inventory while being a first time customer here. Good heavens. My apologize.” he quickly unlocked the shop turning the lights on. “First glance you’re quite the gentleman, not trying to fool me are you?” he chuckled walking in setting the box onto the floor for now. Quickly walking over he grabbed the wooden box from Shiloh, “Thank you. Feel free to take a seat anywhere. There’s a coat hanger up over there too if you want to hang it there. Let me go fetch a menu quick.” he said as he quickly set the box on top of the other. 
Straightening his long robe he grabbed a menu walking over to Shiloh, “Welcome to Lotus Tea House. And to answer your question before, I wouldn’t say you look like a typical Vighuliaran.” he chuckled. “But that’s what catches many people eye around here. If you don’t mind me asking, what brings you here?-- Oh wait I realize I’m already throwing questions without introducing myself.” he quickly offered a handshake. “Name ix Xiao!” 
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exdoyoung-ia · 3 years
Chaotic Duo || Seira & Doyoung
The answer hasn't been given for the question Seira asked himself sometimes; why did he still hang out around with Doyoung? Their relationship was totally different from what the merman had in mind about what a friendship was, but despite everything, he couldn't dismiss the idea that, in fact, they were friends. Friends can also be sarcastic, annoying, start pointless fights and competitions out of nowhere, right?
As Seira walked through the streets of Vighulir with Doyoung, the merman was telling him one of his underwater stories, hands gesturing all the time to try to show the dimension of the things he's talking about; like big ships, giant whales, and other situations as well. Enthusiastic about his own story, Seira started to swerve out of the way, and he almost got hit by something or someone that flew by. It was so fast that the pink-haired boy got speechless for a few moments, only then realizing the warlock had pulled him close to prevent the collision from happening when they were basically face to face. Even knowing the real situation, Seira didn't take long to put one of his arms around his shoulder, not allowing the closeness to end so soon; and as if this weren't enough, a smirk played on his lips as his free hand traveled up to Doyoung's chin, thumb and index holding it subtly yet forcing the boy to face Seira's pinkish orbs. Wetting his lips, the merman shamelessly added: “Need that kind of excuse to get close to me, Doyoung? Thought you were better than that...
Honestly who knows really why the two hang hung out with each other, but admittedly Doyoung was rather fond of the relationship. He would never dare tell Seira that though. No need to fill that ego of his. Sure the two had butt heads time to time, but why was it so amusing to Doyoung? And so the two walked side by side having the warlock carefully listen to the merman letting out a soft hum. He couldn’t help but chuckle over noticing how enthusiastic Seira was thinking it was cute. Should he tell them that just to piss Seira off? Probably later. Suddenly he noticed this person being utterly stupid riding his bike and he was prepared to run Seira over. Without thinking he quickly reached for Seira’s sleeve pulling him out of the way to then have these two so utterly close to each other. 
Blinking at the close distance, totally bursting into his bubble and just when he was about to push Seira off he paused. Oh he didn’t like to look weak in front of the merman. Biting his own lip as he looked at the other, there was a faint color of pink appeared on his cheeks. And that’s when he knew he would never back down. He was too stubborn. “Shouldn’t I be saying that to you?” he curled his finger into the loop of Seira’s jeans pulling him close yet he didn’t look away. “I don’t hear a complaint from you? Don’t tell me you like being this close to me? I knew it.” he smirked. But yet their shoulders slightly brushing against each other it gave him this feeling. Was he uncomfortable? Not exactly. But there was a tension between them he couldn’t tell what was going on with the two. 
Whatever it was he was not going to make himself look weak, or shy, flustered even around the other. 
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minwoo-ia · 2 years
🔴 A favour of dark implications { Iona&Minwoo }
The nights in the demonic realm were endless, with only switches between a dark purple night sky and a lighter pink one- the stars always visible as were the three moons. On the top of a hill, not too far from the demonic city near the rings of hell, was a house. A house with three levels and a dozen and one windows. Around the house was a beautiful rose garden with roses growing on every corner of the little pebble path.
There in the garden a young boy had been playing, finding the tiniest of trinkets- the colour of his eyes. He had been amazed by the little think- an earring. It had seemed so magical to him and as he had held it up against the pink sky, looking at how it reflected the light.
It was then that the tiny demon met a teeny tiny fairy, roaming the bad part of the realm. The fairy wanted it back… but the small demon was smart enough to make a deal…
a Blood oath.
🔴 🔴 🔴
Minwoo was sitting in the throne he had gotten himself for his 18th birthday. It was located in More Demonic Pleasures, the nightclub in Vighulir. He was relaxing as he spoke to his friend, the cupid, next to him in the VIP lounge (chairs and tables on a slightly raised plateau in the club, barred off with a red silky rope). The archdemon then noticed something- oh he never forgot the taste of blood, the way it flowed through a man’s body. Even if it had been so long ago…
The fae would be asked to come up to the plateau, to the VIP section, to meet the owner of the establishment for a special meet and greet. What an honour.
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merry-ia · 3 years
🎀Pills come in Pink { Senth&Merry}
She had been informed there was a new dealer in town and that they had a supply now but would need more later. Shipped to them here and it was dangerous to ship drugs- any of them -through the human cities. At the academy it was frowned upon, the human drugs, the supernatural ones were not allowed as far as Merry knew but she wasn’t going to ask too much. She didn’t ask when the archdemon came to her for his fairyblood and angeltears.
She didn’t ask where her suppliers got it either, nor did she care where the counterfeit bags came from or the weapons. She knew better than to ask and since the event that had broken her heart she had increased the weapon trade. If the world was so cruel to her to take away her one chance at a child; let it burn.
She had agreed to meet the dealer at a small cafe in Vighulir, away from Pidvone Misto and she knew how they looked. The dealers, she knew the shadow in their eyes and the tense muscles. She also knew she looked nothing like a middle(wo)man. Which had always been her biggest strength in the business. Clad in a cute pink dress with small white bunnies printed all over and on her high heels she walked over to the small cafe and she spotted him. Walking past inside as she winked at him as if to flirt before dissapearing into the shop and ordering the drink they had decided on as their signal. Mint tea with extra honey, it was hot out so it was an unpopular choice for the day. After a few moments she got the tea and tipped the waitress before walking outside again and putting the cup on the table where the other sat.
“Hey there loverboy, want some company?” she purred at the man as she very obviously put the three small containers of honey into her tea and licked off her fingers before sitting down.
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hyunwoo-ia · 3 years
❂Cursed book (Hyunwoo & Junmyeon)
Hyunwoo knew that his expertise in medicine started and ended with humans. He’d spent most of his life studying diseases and treating one patient after the other, but now that he was here at Insolitus, he felt disconcerted and slightly alarmed at the fact that he gravely lacked knowledge about the various races that were out there. So far, he’d been treating each of the patients he’d received with the anatomy and physiology of humans as a baseline of sorts, but he knew that this was only a band aid solution.
He had already scoured the academy library for all the books they had about the different races, jotting down on his little notebook some of their particular traits and taking note of what could harm and eventually heal them. However, this simply didn’t feel enough for Hyunwoo. This was why he found himself at a bookstore in Vighulir, browsing through the tall shelves found there and pulling out the few tomes that he thought would be helpful to him.
With only three books so far in his arms, the petite man approached the man behind the counter, a pleasant smile in place as he asked, “Hi, sorry for the trouble, but do you have more books about the different races?”
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kayldemon · 3 years
The Dark Angels turned out not to be as dark as its name suggested, or that was Wils’ first impression on this pub. He could have chosen The drunken Musica for a safer, more light-hearted version of Vighulir’s nightlife, but knowing himself, Wils would rather dive into the harder parts first.
In this village, it seemed like everyone knew everyone, so when he was asked whether he was the newbie for the fourth time today, the Naum wasn’t surprised anymore. Amused, he confirmed the stranger’s question with a bright smile, “Yep, you’re talking to that fresh meat.” The Naum took a quick minute to observe the stranger, who looked pretty much human-like, and Wils thought the tattoos on his hands looked cool. There weren’t enough clues to say which race this man belonged to, but as long as he was nice and friendly, Wils would love to call him a friend.
The Naum raised his cocktail up to reciprocate the other’s welcoming gesture, the bright smile had never left his face. “Thank you so much, I’m indeed enjoying my time here.” After a sip from his glass, Wils resumed their conversation, as he couldn’t miss the chance to at least make this man acquaintance. “So should I ask for your name, or do you want to stay mysterious for tonight?”
As he listened to the affirmative answer to his question, the demon allowed himself to analyze the creature, just as it was being done to himself; inevitable not to be curious when sure you are among other beings who had powers, skills and other matters that could go beyond your own knowledge. Kayl offered a smirk, moving a little closer so the conversation could continue in an appropriate, smooth tone. “When you're a newcomer, the spotlight falls completely on you, even though I'd say you seem to like it.” His comment came out based solely on the other's appearance, a fact he wouldn't mind if sounded too rude in any way.
The male's head moved to both sides, a silent response came while he's still absorbing the alcohol. “Nah, I'm not that mysterious, at least not about my name.” With a low chuckle that due to the noise of many chatting around them and also music, probably didn't reach the other's hearing. “I'm Kayl. Just advising you, don't count on me for questions because the meat here is also kinda fresh, just like yours.” For a few seconds, the demon turned his back, once again having his glass full in hands, enough to keep the creature in a good mood. With his attention back on the unknown man, he continued. “Tell me about you, now. In your case, no use to stay mysterious because someone around here certainly already knows your name and your race, at least.”
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enchanted-irene-ia · 4 years
Noisy Neighbor|| Wenhan&Joohyun
Joohyun grumbled as she rolled her suitcase down the aisle. “Dumb roommate” She had ben kicked out of her room. In her months of being at the Academy she had only ever seen her roommate in passing, neither bothered to talk to the other and she didn’t mind. Although recently the enchanted doll had found a love for korean dramas her roommate didn't like that much, her squeals and yelling at her laptop in the middle of the night wasn’t letting him get any sleep or so he said. 
With all her classes during the day, doing homework after and cam shows at night, the only time she had to herself was the middle of the night! Also seeing as she didn't need to sleep it was the perfect time. So now shes was on the search for an empty room for a couple days, at least until she finished her latest drama ‘Moon embracing the soon”
The first place she went to look was Vighulir. The enchanted doll simply walked down the halls looking for a room without nameplates on it. When finally finding one she made sure it was a single room before grinning and heading on in. In less than an hour she had the place set up like her own home. A pretty pink with red strawberries blanket and matching pillows laid on the bed, her laptop set on top, her camera and mic on the computer desk and outfits hanging on the closet. Joohyun jumped up on the bed she booted up her laptop, she giggled excited to get lost in the drama world. 
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insolitus-academy · 10 months
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The home of superiority has a new member
♚; // Please welcome tuanji Aethelyn to our family at Insolitus Academy.
They look like Nana.
♚; // LIKES: Arts & crafts, summer, roller skating, cinnamon, nightly escapades.
♚; //DISLIKES: Narcissism, the smell of cigarettes/cigars, rain, the feel of silk, laziness.
♚; // LIVES IN: Vighulir ♚; // ROOM: Freisi Chalet 03 ♚; // ROOM MATE: N/A
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shiloh-ia · 2 years
Tilting his head with such confusion. “Excuse me your in the way.” he said as he tried his best to be kind. God lord the witch was trying to carry the heavy boxes and for the life of him he was trying not to drop them in front of the other. “You don’t look like your from here. Are you lost?”
In his expedition around Vighulir, Shiloh stumbled upon a fairly interesting place, one he was certain he'd be visiting quite often, as the angel had a sweet spot for tea. As his attention was completely captivated by the outer walls of the building, pondering whether or not to head inside for a small break, a stranger's voice prompted him to turn his head to the side. Met with the sight of a creature obviously carrying more than they could handle, Shiloh took one step to the side, a chuckle slipping past his lips when hearing the question.
Without being asked to, the angel grabbed one of the boxes that were piled up in the other's hold. "You're the owner of the place? If I gave off burglar vibes, I'm sorry. I wasn't about to break in, it's not my style." Shiloh commented jokingly. "Well, I just moved in. Guess I still need some time to look like a typical- Vighulirian? But no, I'm not lost. I was actually about to come in for a cup." The angel added, his head motioning towards the door, inviting the other to step in first.
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mavis-ia · 4 years
The Girl Who (Nearly) Drowned ll Mavis + Lucas
Twilight was taking over the sky when the lanterns throughout Vighulir magically sprang to life. The lively sounds of chatter and the sound of hundreds of feet shuffling across the ground filled the air. Students from Insolitus trotted excitedly together for a night out at the pubs and admittedly the Owlite was a bit jealous of them. But Mavis wasn't interested in the bustle of the town tonight rather she was interested in the stillness of the woods near it. This felt more like home being up in the trees and feeling the coarse bark against her back. The light blue tulle of her dress blew softly in the cool spring breeze as she rested against the trunk, one leg dangling off the thick branch she was perched on.
Long, manicured nails plucked gracefully at the clear acrylic kalimba and Mavis sang softly a song she had learned during the years of her adventures at sea. It was a song of longing for what was lost and while sad it gave the Owlite comfort. She often missed sailing the sea, but her experiences there had kept her on land for the passed hundred years. Maybe one day she might return there.
Lost in her thoughts and the tune of the song, Mavis was dead to the world, but when she opened her eyes to scan the horizon again she saw a familiar face. His long legs carried him coolly along the path and there was no denying that his side profile was quite handsome with his sharp jaw and strong cheekbones. Curious, Mavis stopped playing, placed her kalimba in her bag hanging from another branch, and crawled to the end of the branch to watch him. Her wings spread out to keep her balance. "Oh what was his name again?" She questioned herself.
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inguk-ia · 5 years
Taste Tester Needed {{Open Para Starter}}
A rolling serving cart made of hickory and decorated in gold trimming was stationed across the street from the bakery in Vighulir. Behind the cart stood the hulking steambot who was busying himself with the task at hand. In this case, Inguk was scooping ice from a cooler into a metal bucket while a kettle began to boil atop a small fire. The cart was also littered with various vials and decanters of water and behind sat large bags of fruit and bunches of various herbs. In front of the cart stood a metal slab that had the message ‘Taste Tester Needed’ etched into it. The word FREE was painted in black below that, obviously as an after-thought. 
The bot had just finished heaving the last bag of lemons from his wheelbarrow onto the table when the kettle began to whistle. As if on key, the vent behind his neck let out a large puff of steam along with the kettle. He took the water off the fire and gave a small grin to himself in satisfaction. Quite suddenly, the bot raised the volume of his voice to project onto to the street “DON’T YOU WANT TO STOP FEELING GROGGY? DON'T Y'R BODY MOVE AT HALF THE PACE IT USED TO? WELL, LET’S MAKE THAT CHANGE! COME TRY MY MAGICAL CREATIONS F'R FREE!” 
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minwoo-ia · 4 years
🔴 I’ll hold them back { Minwoo and Soyou
The Demonic Pleasures location in the human city was definitely different from the one in Vighulir. It was an older building, one that the demon had bought almost nine years ago and he had extended on it, taken over the neighbors for a large sex shop and there was no brothel inside, only a few dance rooms and a quiet area for chatting and a more ‘pub’ feeling. Minwoo’s office was, just as in Vighulir, underground but he usually just hung out in the VIP area or tended the bar.
One of his human friends usually managed the place, a ex-convict named Sungmin, the man was a recently new hire but Minwoo had known him since way back and he did a good job. Minwoo still hung out at the place regularly though and tonight he had asked Soyou to come with.
It had started at the nightclub in Vighulir where he had caught her as she came in. “Come on sweetie, you’re working somewhere else tonight.” he said “better tips, I promise.” He smirked as he shrugged on his leather jacket and led her with him out of the club and to his black SUV, helping her in before getting into the drivers’ seat himself and speeding up. “I am sorry for not informing you earlier” he had told her “but one of my strippers came down with a cold and there is nothing as un-sexy as a booger on a customer’s face after a lapdance. Or well, there are people into it of course, but not by default.” He shrugged as he turned the wheel and sped. He didn’t really care about that as his plates had been enchanted to always redirect the bills to some sucker he especially hated that month.
“So, we’re going to the human city. The nightclub there pays a lot better in tips. Just let your mysterious boyfriend pick you up after work” He smirked and they arrived at the club. He helped her out and ushered her into the club. He introduced her to Sungmin and explained he was the manager here and then to some of the other staff before showing her the room where the girls got ready and then excused himself for having to leave- after all he had shit to do. Porn did not shoot itself.
After about an hour and a half Minwoo was done and got up from his editing. Editing porn was not his job perse but he liked to do a rough cut and then the people he hired to be good at this shit could properly cut the scenes in his vision.
Mature videos was an artform, damn it. He groaned, rubbing his own temples and considering to call Minsu to come and give him a massage but decided against it. He would just walk home tonight, the fresh air would do him well for sure.
He exited the club after talking to some of the regular customers and then went outside, cold air hitting him in the face and the stink of weed making him scrunch his nose before he quickened his step into the darkness.
He then heard a scream in a familiar voice. Minwoo paused and froze on the spot before he started running while cursing under his breath.
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merry-ia · 4 years
My new BFF { Dara&Merry }
There were too many boys here, Merry thought as she sat in the small coffeeshop in Vighulir. Her dress was cute enough to make most straight boys look twice at her but she wasn’t in the mood to flirt with boys. Sipping from her caramel macchiato she just wished she had something else to do. Something to experience, a new person to meet and become friends with. The usual- she just wanted to experience something new.
There she was; in all her glory; a new person. A woman who seemed to have a kind enough aura and seemed… new. That kind of look when someone comes into a place for the first time- it was quite busy in the coffee place so Merry waved at the woman. “Here dear,” she called out “You may sit with me if you want.”
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thomas-ia · 5 years
To share a space | Billie & Thomas
More than food, more than touring the academy, more than anything, it was getting acquainted with her new living situation that the girl had wanted most. After all, it would be the basis of her new life on foreign lands. Stepping into the room that would be hers to share with a stranger, she had taken in the sight of two small beds on opposite sides of the room: one of them was well-lived in. Just beginning to acclimate to the sights around her, there was movement and a boy that looked about her age.
“Hullo. I’m Brighid, but I prefer Billie.” Without hesitation her hand reached out to place itself in the grasp of the one being offered in her direction. They shook, and her arm fell back to her side. Silver tresses threatened to spill over her face when she bent over to deposit her bags near the empty bed. “Does your cat have a name?” Said cat looked personally offended at having been moved from wherever he’d been previously, and seemed to be considering leaping to the ground.
“Billie, huh. Nice to meet you, where you from?” Thomas asked with a smile as he looked at the scruffy looking cat, and the cat looked back at him, seemingly challenging him in something. “Oh? That’s Sally, she was bullying Jack at my boyfr- fiance’s place so I took her with me. Jack is our baby-gryphon. Or well, toddler maybe- anyhow her name is Sally.” he grinned at Billie, his hazel eyes were kind but around them were white lines that were a sign of demonic possession. A possession that had come and gone but left it’s mark, literally. 
“Sally isn’t the most social looking cat but she’s very sweet I promise. She is very smart too, eh- I will be here sometimes but I also sleep over at my fiance’s house in Vighulir. So you won’t have too much trouble from me, I promise. However do you like games? Comic books? Movies? Batman or Iron Man?” He listed off the questions, obviously excited.
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kayldemon · 3 years
Your muse has suddenly sprained an ankle and can’t walk.
Getting off the car and standing himself on one foot, the demon sighed, wiping the blood off his hand on the black clothes, leaving a stain that could barely be seen there— unlike the contrast the crimson liquid had over the skin. Sometimes things went wrong, especially when there were weapons involved and he'd do anything to protect his vessel― falling into a ravine that luckily wasn't that high and even with a fucked up ankle, he managed to make his way back to the forest and finish the job. However, cost him a few scratches he honestly would rather have avoided.
In silence and closed eyes, the demon stood outside, the door already closed and he was just trying to assimilate what he could do when his ankle was like that; walking was more painful than he had imagined after a few hours, but he had no other choice. Luckily already in Vighulir, body craving for some alcohol and also a nice bath; slow steps with some disguised grunts leading towards his place. On the way, though, he felt a presence watching him and when raised his face towards the creature, a small smirk crept upon the red stained lips, even though he didn't really know why. He had seen that face before. “Looks fun to you?”
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