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customstatues · 9 months ago
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Custom statue Jason from the The Dark Pictures Anthology: House of Ashes
(Available for order).
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mothlog091 · 3 days ago
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POL-543 // File retrieved // SIGHTING-313 / 04:44 AM
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enkeynetwork · 8 months ago
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sayaka02100-blog · 6 years ago
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gregfreeland · 7 years ago
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Inktober 2017. Video Game Horrors! Day 5: “Gatherers” from 2010’s “Amnesia: The Dark Descent” for PS4/PC/Mac/Etc. Set in a Prussian castle in 1839, Amnesia is a survival horror game with an interesting game mechanic, you have to hide in the dark or you go insane, you can’t look at monsters or you’ll go insane, and you’ll go insane if… you go insane, I guess, which causes hallucinations and all kinds of good stuff. These gatherers serve as the servants of evil and they generally menace you through most of the game. So, I had always thought the “Grunt” gatherer looked kinda like an evil muppet with those big googly eyes, so I tried to make them look more, uh, non-muppety? Also, I felt rather grossed out the entire time I was inking this. . . . . . . . #inktober #inktober2017 #inktoberday5 #halloween #amnesia #darkdescent #gatherer #brute #grunt #videogame #streaming #gf2 #gregfreeland #videogamehorror #daniel #fictionalgames #1839 #artistsoninstagram #denverartist #horrorgame #videogamehorrors #artprocess #fanart #creature #insanity #disturbing #creepy #penumbra #monster #hallucination
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enkeynetwork · 1 year ago
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gregfreeland · 7 years ago
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Inktober 2017. Video Game Horrors! Day 13: “Hellfire Jason Voorhees” from 2017’s “Friday the 13th”. This game is loads of fun! A co-operative, online, collaborative slasher horror movie! You can play as frantic, hunted camp Crystal lake counselors or even Jason Voorhees himself! Characters and locations across the franchise show up in loving detail. They even did a great job of addressing the “powers” that Jason seems to employ in the film: Seemingly teleporting when no one is watching, or omnipresent knowledge of where all the horny teens are, etc. Today’s inktober is based on the new design for Jason that was designed just for the game by none other than gore FX maven Tom Savini! (Ch-ch-ch -chaaah ha ha hahhh) . . . . . . #inktober #inktober2017 #inktoberday13 #halloween #fridaythe13th #jason #jasonvoorhees #tomsavini #hellfirejason #videogame #friday13th #gf2 #gregfreeland #videogamehorror #fridaythe13thgame #13 #slasherflick #artistsoninstagram #denverartist #horrorgame #videogamehorrors #artprocess #fanart #survivalhorror #hellfire #crystallake #creepy #campcrystallake #camp #pentelpocketbrush @inktober
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gregfreeland · 7 years ago
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Inktober 2017. Video Game Horrors! Day 10: “Ebrietas, Daughter of the Cosmos” from 2015’s “Bloodborne” for PS4. The game touches on almost every genre of horror including Lovecraftian themes of unspeakable cosmic horror as evident in today’s Inktober, “Ebrietas”. My challenge was to use extreme lighting from above across a writhing, varied frame whiteout giving in to my urges to outline and fill like I usually do. I tried to keep the textures as varied as the many parts that make up this monster. I enjoyed doing the odd macaroni-type protuberances around its … uh… face.. thing. . . . . . . #inktober #inktober2017 #inktoberday10 #halloween #bloodborne #ebrietas #daughterofthecosmos #eldritch #yharnam #videogame #PS4 #gf2 #gregfreeland #videogamehorror #darksouls #cthulhu #acallbeyond #artistsoninstagram #denverartist #horrorgame #videogamehorrors #artprocess #fanart #cosmichorror #retrogaming #retroarcade #creepy #lovecraft #lovecraftian #pentelpocketbrush @inktober
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gregfreeland · 7 years ago
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Inktober 2017. Video Game Horrors! Day 1: “Biggy Man” from 1988’s “Splatterhouse” for TurboGrafx-16. . . . . . . . . #inktober #inktober2017 #inktoberday1 #halloween #splatterhouse #biggyman #chainsaw #chainsaws #horror #videogame #turbograFX16 #pcengine #gf2 #gregfreeland #videogamehorror #90s #80s #retrogaming #artistsoninstagram #denverartist #horrorgame #videogamehorrors
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gregfreeland · 7 years ago
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Inktober 2017. Video Game Horrors! Day 11: “Springtrap” from 2015’s “Five Nights At Freddy’s 3”. I feel like everyone knows about Five Nights at Freddy’s at this point, yes? You play as a security guard watching through security cameras as you are methodically hunted by free-roaming semi-haunted, run down, animatronic, anthropomophic, pizza mascots? Yeah, that one. So, of all the FNAF games I wanted to draw Springtrap the most. Something about an animatronic bunny suit with the mummified corpse of a killer trapped inside just… oddly… appealed to me. This piece was a challenge. I knew I’d have to ink a fuzzy texture across the page… but I didn’t realize just how MUCH I’d have to ink across an 11x14 page. In the end, the fur is passable, I guess. Though, I do have to mention that I researched the old Showbiz Pizza Rock-a-fire Explosion critters and what they looked like without fu to get an idea of what actually goes inside an animatronic pizza mascot. My research turned up things more terrifying than the game I set out to draw in the first place. . . . . . . #inktober #inktober2017 #inktoberday11 #halloween #FNAF #springtrap #fivenightsatfreddys3 #fivenightsatfreddys #purpleguy #videogame #phoneguy #gf2 #gregfreeland #videogamehorror #showbizpizza #rockafireexplosion #animatronic #artistsoninstagram #denverartist #horrorgame #videogamehorrors #artprocess #fanart #jumpscare #retrogaming #witheredbonnie #creepy #scottcawthon #springbonnie #pentelpocketbrush @inktober
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gregfreeland · 7 years ago
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Inktober 2017. Video Game Horrors! Day 7: “Mother Brain” from 1994’s “Super Metroid” for Super Nintendo. Super Metroid is one of my top 3 favorite games ever. I still play through it at least once a year. Today’s Inktober is a moment from the climax of the game as Mother Brain’s true form is revealed - from a brain in a jar, to a disgustingly bloated bio-bionic abomination! . . . . . . #inktober #inktober2017 #inktoberday7 #halloween #metroid #supermetroid #motherbrain #samus #1994 #videogame #90s #gf2 #gregfreeland #videogamehorror #SNES #scifi #nintendo #artistsoninstagram #denverartist #horrorgame #videogamehorrors #artprocess #fanart #supernintendo #retrogaming #ink #creepy #samus #samusaran #pentelpocketbrush @inktober
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gregfreeland · 7 years ago
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Inktober 2017. Video Game Horrors! Day 14: “Tyrant” from 1996’s “Resident Evil” for Sony Playstation. Well, here’s where the whole “Survival Horror” video game genre began! Since I couldn’t really draw the true horror from the first game, the horrendously comical voice acting, I drew the final confrontation with the game’s big bad. Here’s a quick tip for all the evil corporations conducting horrible genetic experiments: If you’re going to engineer the “perfect being” try not to give him a giant, exposed heart on the outside of its body. Oh, and make him rocket-proof. . . . . . . #inktober #inktober2017 #inktoberday14 #halloween #residentevil #tyrant #jillvalentine #capcom #umbrellacorporation #videogame #PS1 #gf2 #gregfreeland #umbrella #PSX #rocketlauncher #survivalhorror #artistsoninstagram #denverartist #horrorgame #videogamehorrors #artprocess #fanart #creature #wesker #monster #creepy #helicopter #ink #pentelpocketbrush @inktober
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gregfreeland · 7 years ago
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Inktober 2017. Video Game Horrors! Day 3: “Malboro” from 1999’s “Final Fantasy VIII” for Sony Playstation. This toothy bastard, originally designed by Yoshitaka Amano, has shown up in almost every Final Fantasy game from II to… whatever they’re up to these days. This ink is from own personal experience from fighting these abominations in Final Fantasy 8. Screw these guys. That breath attack that lays all status ailments on your squad…. ugh. And that awful, creepy sound they make when they first appear still haunts my dreams. . . . . . . . #inktober #inktober2017 #inktoberday3 #halloween #malboro #oscar #plantmonster #breath #FF8 #videogame #sony #playstation #gf2 #gregfreeland #videogamehorror #90s #RPG #retrogaming #artistsoninstagram #denverartist #horrorgame #videogamehorrors #artprocess #fanart #tentacle #poison #creepy #FFVIII #squaresoft #monster
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gregfreeland · 7 years ago
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Inktober 2017. Video Game Horrors! Day 6: “Sinistar” from 1982’s “Sinistar”. I wanted a bit of a change of pace or a palette cleanser after the disturbing fellows I drew yesterday. So I’m going back to the 80s with SINISTAR! I wanted to give this an 80s anime feel. I even designed the 6 pixel triangle ship to somewhat resemble Macross/Robotech fighter. In the game you pilot a ship (the previously mentioned triangle) trying to blow up asteroids to gather SINIBOMBS, the only thing that can destroy Sinistar! Though beware, for while you are building an arsenal, somewhere on the map enemies are constructing the titular evil death machine. When he is fully constructed you hear the chilling digitized audio of, “BEWARE! I LIVE!” What follows is a manic panic to lob bombs at a planet-eating death machine as it hurls taunts and insults at you. It may not seem as horrific as other things on my list this month… but it’s unnerving as hell to be chased by this thing. The sound clips still ring in my head after all these years. In fact, I always announce my need for food with, “I HUNGER!” because of this game. Yeah, so play it! . . . . . . #inktober #inktober2017 #inktoberday6 #halloween #sinistar #bewareilive #runcoward #ihunger #1982 #videogame #80s #gf2 #gregfreeland #videogamehorror #space #scifi #spaceship #artistsoninstagram #denverartist #horrorgame #videogamehorrors #artprocess #fanart #sinibomb #retrogaming #retroarcade #creepy #midway #planeteater #pentelpocketbrush
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gregfreeland · 7 years ago
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Inktober 2017. Video Game Horrors! Day 25: “The Alien” from 2014’s “Alien Isolation.” One of the most effective horror games I have ever played, ever… Alien Isolation is dripping with reverence for the original Alien film and is jaw droppingly impressive in its recreation of the late 70s/Syd Mead style of a dingy, lived-in future. When I’m not hiding in fear or running for my life, I spend a lot of time staring at all the details and nuanced theming throughout the levels of the game. Those details set the scene and also drops you into a devastatingly horrific feeling of being alone and defenseless. If you know my scribblings, I draw a lot of aliens. I always feel like I come close but fall short. When inking aliens I always look at the art of Chris Warner and what we could do with light and shadow across those complex details of the alien… ah well. Just gotta practice drawing them xenos some more. . . . . . . . #inktober #inktober2017 #inktoberday25 #halloween #alienisolation #alien #xenomorph #amandaripley #ripley #videogame #sevastopol #gf2 #gregfreeland #bughunt #gameoverman #hrgiger #isolation #artistsoninstagram #denverartist #horrorgame #videogamehorrors #artprocess #fanart #terror #scifi #creativeassembly #creepy #NECA #ink #pentelpocketbrush @inktober
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gregfreeland · 7 years ago
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Inktober 2017. Video Game Horrors! Day 2: “Jaquio, King of the Devils” from 1988’s “Ninja Gaiden” for The Nintendo Entertainment System. Not only was Ninja Gaiden unrelenting in its difficulty, but it was also populated with its fair share of creepy lookin’ critters! For example, if you were lucky enough to get past Bloody Malth, you were met with this evil sorcerer guy encased in the body of a friggin ‘demon (or a pile of Alaskan King Crab Legs)! “Have a nice day!” . . . . . . . . #inktober #inktober2017 #inktoberday1 #halloween #ninjagaiden #jaquio #sorcerer #deityofdestruction #evilstatue #videogame #NES #nintendo #gf2 #gregfreeland #videogamehorror #90s #80s #retrogaming #artistsoninstagram #denverartist #horrorgame #videogamehorrors #artprocess #fanart #ryuhyabusa #haveaniceday #ninja #creepy #devildoer #GuardiadeMieux
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