#Video game au
merlyn-bane · 2 months
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Happy @codywanweek everybody!! Here's my fill for Day Four: Video Game AU!! Please enjoy Obi-Wan and Cody getting to enjoy a moment of peace in the Paleo Pines universe, because they would thrive on a little farm with their dino friends and it's what they deserve. Pictured with them are Boga the utahraptor and Ad'ika the kentrosaurus.
(Somewhat hilariously, this AU is entirely unrelated from mine and @meebles dinosaur cowboy au. Yes I have two AU's involving Codywan and dinosaurs and yes Boga is a utahraptor again. Don't @ me. I also attempted to do this at least similarly to the game's art style which is very different from what I'm used to so please be kind<3)
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rustingcat · 4 months
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They seemingly moved closer to each other throughout the night so their legs were touching, and their heads were closer together. It was not the first time they gravitated towards each other throughout the night – it did happen on occasions – but it felt more intimate than usual, as if they were just a touch away from cuddling.
New chapter for the art of the game!
Things are getting complicated...
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coralcatsea · 1 month
Prompt: Videogames
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USUK as Animal Crossing villagers! They’re always visiting each other’s houses, digging for fossils together, and sailing or flying to islands. They also love to compete in fishing and bug catching tournaments.
Collab between me and @bipbipblip!!
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lartiel · 5 months
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Content warning au
( cause I just found the game and loved it )
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jev-urisk · 13 days
OC fight game tag!! 🥊✨
Thanks to @the-golden-comet (here) and @tragedycoded (here) for the tag! I got way into this one lmao. Here's 🌐7 Circles🌐,: Immortal Combat. Ready? FIGHT!
(Some spoilers ahead~)
Klaus 🌻
Health: 11 Strength: 8 Speed: 6 Armor: 6 Cunning: 7
Special Attacks: Fae Grace, after a warm-up period Klaus' dodge becomes more effective. Seelie Fae, bonus attacks and +1HP unlocked in arenas with plant life. Climber, able to scale parts of the environment unavailable to other characters to avoid large attacks or add power to tackles. Hidden Rage, combo attacks have 20% more power right after Klaus takes a hit. Healer, able to revive downed teammates.
Weakneses: Healer, cannot perform coup de gras. Fae blooded, iron weapons do 50% more damage to Klaus and items coated with Faebane do 2x damage and have a chance to one-shot Klaus. If an opponent uses Insult Opponent's Mother against Klaus it will always be super effective.
Idle Animation: Standing with his arms crossed, occasionally checking messages on his com-ring. If left idle and not in the Nexis location he will begin climbing the background environment. If left idle in a location with plantlife he will interact with the closest plant.
Kazimier 💋
Health: 8 Strength: 5 Speed: 6 Armor: 3 Cunning: 13
Special Attacks: Shapeshift, Kazimier will appear to be a different character which has a chance to debuff opponent attacks and change the size of Kazimier's hit box. Luring Gaze, unless opponent has status 'Asexual' this move will cause character movement drift towards Kazimier as long as the effect is active. Charm, if opponent sexuality matches Kazimier's current gender appearance a debuff will be applied to strength and armor equal to that character's Horny Percentage. Perceptive, passive ability where for every 20 seconds of the fight Kazimier has an increasing chance to lock on to his enemy's weaknesses and ignore a percentage of their armor rating. Skewer, if Kazimier manages to grapple opponent, or opponent is otherwise incapacitated a moment Kazimier will perform a finishing move of placing his claws against a vital point (animation options include skull, throat, and heart) before shapeshifting the claws entirely through said location for an instant one-shot.
Weakneses: Any damage Kazimier receives will interrupt his special attacks. Electrical attacks are 20% more effective and impose a cooldown period Kazimier must recover from in order to shapeshift again. If an attack causes the bleeding status to Kazimier, it will reduce cunning by 4 and has a chance to one-shot him.
Idle Animation: Standing with his hands on his hips, inspecting his nails and shapeshifting them long and short, flipping a coin through his fingers, stretching his arms above his head, looking to the camera and saying 'What're you lookin' at?' 'Let's play~' 'Time to fuck or get fucked, bitch', etc. depending on player's score last time they selected Kazimier.
Seeker 🌠
Health: 7 Strength: 9 Speed: 6 Armor: 7 Cunning: 7
Special Attacks: Quardobracial, Seeker is able to continue attacking while grappled or grappling and has extra equipment slots. Arcane Sense, Seeker has a 15% chance to remain unaffected by any arcane attacks. Arcane Knowledge (must be unlocked), able to selectively buff and debuff any stat of any character within a short range. Arcane Strike (must be unlocked), this move damages both HP and MP and has a 50% chance of applying a cooldown timer to any magic abilities.
Weakneses: Until all abilities are unlocked Seeker is not a particularly powerful character.
Idle Animation: Waving to opposing character politely with their north hand (story mode may unlock different gestures with different hands), saying 'let's have a good match!', fixing their very long braid, humming a tune with their eyes closed. Their hands wring together in concern if the opponent is Val.
Valian 🐁
Health: 5 Strength: 4 Speed: 10 Armor: 4 Cunning: 9
Special Attacks: Smol, Val has a smaller than average hitbox, and is able to move between parts of the arena other characters cannot. Survival Instinct, Val's strength and speed get a +2 when his HP reaches 30%. Filtch, Able to steal equipped items from other characters (his speed+cunning vs theirs). Street Rat, +2 to cunning and buff to Filtch ability in urban areas.
Weakneses: As the character who is weakest and has the lowest health, players need have great sense over the controls and dodge maneuvers in particular for Val to be a viable main.
Idle Animation: Tail flicking back and forth in anticipation, turning his head to look around the environment for food or shiny. if left long enough he will steal, if he stole food he will immediately crouch over it and eat it.
7C taglist: @gioiaalbanoart @biblicallyaccuratefruitbat @katenewmanwrites @lychhiker-writes @autism-purgatory
@wyked-ao3 @cowboybrunch @zackprincebooks @smellyrottentrees @aalinaaaaaa
@quillswriting @nbkuhn @ddgraywrites @desastreus @theglitchywriterboi
@shanakin-skywalker @honeybewrites @sincerelydorky (hmu to be +/-)
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tyedyeboogers · 2 months
Codywan Week 2024 Day 4
Hello! I'm happy to share my only completed fic for @codywanweek this year. I went with the Video Game AU prompt!
bet you can't guess what game it is :D
Happy Codywan Week!
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mainenorth · 8 months
Can I interest you in a dratchet au where Drift is a lil punk and dared to go spraypaint some abandoned hospital but he finds a nurse(ratchet) who has been there for centuries and gets yoinked but also falls in love with sad ghost nurse ratchet who wears this
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I can get behind ANY dratchet au. I WANNA SEE DEADLOCK’S OUTFIT THOUGHH
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Person A: Whenever I unmute a game I think of myself as a benevolent god, opening my ears to the pleas of the people. Person B: I feel like there’s a mental illness in this sentence somewhere. Person A: …Unfortunately I can’t mute people in real life.
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sunnyrosewritesstuff · 2 months
Round 1, Poll 8
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Cheat Code: (Video Game AU)
When Bilbo awoke, he realized he was sprawled across the couch in the study. The TV was still on, but the game had shut itself off. Bilbo immediately tossed the controller away from him as coherent thought slowly returned. He groaned and ran a hand through his limp curls. What a crazy dream! Because it had to be a dream, right? He didn’t actually fall into a video game, that would be preposterous. Even still, Bilbo made sure he didn’t touch any part of the controller or the console as he turned off the TV and slipped down the hall to his own bed.
One Last Adventure: (Post-Canon AU)
Bilbo followed the dwarves’ directions, not immediately finding a campsite. He felt his face catch somewhere between a snort and a gasp as he wondered if a bad sense of direction was a common dwarven trait. Memories of how quick the other dwarves had been to tease Thorin when he tried to lead them down the wrong path came unbidden, and he quickly shook himself of such thoughts.
He crossed the bridge, hesitating on the other side as he peered around for some indication that the dwarves he met that morning were there.
“Master Baggins?���
Bilbo’s head whipped around, but there was no one in sight.
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t-bird510 · 20 days
Nintendo High school AU Concept
Some of Nintendos Video games are High schoolers and the Ages will depend on which games came first. Ex: Mario, Donkey kong, Punch out (Little Mac) would be some of the older students because they were some of the first games that came out in the west.
Franchises in this AU: 1 - Super Mario 2 - Donkey kong 3 - Punch out
4 - Metroid
5 - Kid icarus
6 - The legend of Zelda
7 - Kirby
8 - Star fox
9 - Pokemon
10 - Sonic the hedgehog
1 - Sonic, Wario and Mario would be rivals.
2 - Princess Peach and Mario are friends but Mario also has a small crush on her.
3 - Luigi and Mario are best friends and help each other out.
4 - Wawuigi is best friends with Wario cause Wario makes sure that his brother wouldn't feel alone when interacting with the popular kids.
5 - Wawuigi and Luigi are frenemies sometimes but they also respect each other as people due to their similar personalities/Situations in life.
((I might turn this into a Full AU in the future, These are just some ideas I have at the moment.))
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((Peach gif cause I feel like it ^^))
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slowd1ving · 1 month
tupac back and this time he's got more snippets to share amen for those new to this series this is lament of ouroboros, a cursed prince ratio au
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Metageitnion was the month for thanksgiving. The seventh prince’s presence at the mess hall was nothing out of the ordinary, then, for the arid weather heralded festivities and games where his attendance was expected—if not mandated. As opportunistic as he was for information, he naturally assumed his place below his siblings: slightly sycophantic, yet assuredly not a threat. 
Dried figs melted on his tongue—a mellifluous snack he’d consumed plenty of in his tower, but tasted especially cloying as praises flowed from his mouth like honeyed wine. His siblings, vain as they were, dangerous as they were, liked observing how their shunned brother cowed neatly before them. Though, the watered-down liquor they ingested was nowhere near enough to loosen their lips on matters of heresy; another span of days passed without gaining information. In its stead, he established himself as a vapid fool with no interest in scrabbling for the throne: a slippery, cowardly bastard who simply wasn’t worth the effort to kill off. 
Had they paid attention to the glowing reports from his tutors, had they cared an iota for anyone but themselves, they might have noticed that his smarts didn’t just extend to backing off from the throne. Perhaps then, they would have surmised that the compliments and agreements uttered with his smiles were strategic more than anything. 
But his tower was isolated from the main palace, and he was no more a danger than a caged bird. 
A fool, just like the rest of them. Alas, his gormless act perhaps was a bit too convincing—the siblings in the know wouldn’t entrust state secrets to someone who appeared as imbecilic as he did. Nonetheless, they grew accustomed to seeing him, and his presence where they were no longer seemed unusual. 
This was how Veritas tactically placed himself onto the petteia board as a piece that could no longer be overlooked. 
Boedromion was a month of aid, so the prince decided to extend a hand to those seeking help in the assembly. From behind the scenes, he handpicked those he needed for his investigation: those who had the ear of the archon in charge of the military, those who worked in administrative wings of the palace, those who could be moulded into perfect aides for his siblings. He observed the strata unable to speak up, unable to assert themselves in the agora, unable to hold any sway of their own. 
It was no altruism when he pulled them aside. Into their minds he painted himself as the benevolent saviour; the silver tongue who gave them their voice in the assembly back. In return, they turned themselves to pieces on his game board. Hence, he gained valuable information and more reliable rumours to investigate about the imperial family. Who to talk to, who to bribe, who to follow when the twin suns dipped below the horizon and the moon embraced the sky once more. 
These were the new connections the seventh prince forged—a net far more sound than the ramshackle collection of drunken scholars and fools from the symposia. 
Pyanopsion was the month of harvest, so his Highness watched his efforts fruit into an audience with Aha. The drunkard was shrewd—far too clever for someone rumoured to be an imbecile—therefore the seventh prince bowed before the sovereign and spoke no honeyed platitudes to THEM. When the king asked for his thoughts on the assembly, he answered honestly—and THEY guffawed with THEIR chalice in hand. When the king asked for his opinion of the people, he answered fraudulently—and THEY ruffled his amaranth locks with a hand that felt far too distant for a father. 
What are people, if not tools for the Elation?
There is no greater joy for them than serving us on this grand stage. 
Do you not agree, your Majesty?
Lie after lie dripped from his composed mouth. Even as he thought of the bright children running through sun-dappled streets, even as he thought of the beaming pedlars and their wares, even as he thought of the joy in the ordinary, mundane families he came across in the synoikiai—all these mentations came to a halt behind his expression. In those three sentences, his heart had hardened against THEM: as THEY smiled, as THEY affectionately broke bread with him, as THEY gestured for sweet wine to be poured into his cup. 
The youngest prince was no longer a mere prince but Aha’s son; an acknowledgement that only served to disgust the youth further. 
How vile. 
And though his goal was reached, this was how the Elation successfully alienated itself to Veritas. 
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pearlofamphitrite · 24 days
Radiostatic AU idea: Vox as KinitoPET and Alastor as the one who downloaded him
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cjskribblez · 1 year
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@shepscapades design challenge with Lizzie as Red from Transistor for this week! Ft Joel as the sword haha
I decided to redraw some official art I'll add the original below! Along with some alt versions
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bokunoherokomikuko · 1 year
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My @natshigbigbang pieces for @vannahfanfics and her fic “Soulscape”!
Rated: T Tags:  Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko/Todoroki Natsuo, Video Game World, Science Fiction, No Quirks, RomanceDrama & Romance, Slow Romance, Angst and Romance, Adventure & Romance, Drama, Angst and Drama, Slow Burn, Action/AdventureAdventure, Science Fiction & Fantasy, Historical Fantasy, High Fantasy, Soulmates, Soulmates, Romantic Soulmates
Everyone undergoes some sort of rite of passage in their life. It's been a facet of humanity since the dawning of culture: ceremonies or trials that mark one's passage from adolescence to a functional, productive adult. In the same vein, the vast majority of all humans share in the trial of finding their soulmates: those determined by the universe to be their ideal companions, somewhere out there in the vast sea of people. One wouldn't think that these two stepping stones in life would have anything to do with one another... Think again. The industrialized world endlessly endeavors for efficiency... and searching for a soulmate is one of the most inefficient processes out there. If there were a means of easily identifying one's soulmate, think of how much time could be saved and put toward better use! That was the core principle behind Soulscape: the virtual reality videogame whose revolutionary programming identified soulmates based on DNA. But wait... why use this technology only for pairing soulmates? Why not use it as a universal rite of passage, too? And, if someone can't be productive in a game designed to maximize their potential, then... They won't be very productive in the real world, will they?
I love full-dive videogame settings, check it out! – Do not repost.
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auideas · 1 year
Hi! Do you guys have anything for 24 hour livestreams? Like the ones you see on Twitch?
That we do!! We weren't sure what type you were looking for specifically, so here's a spread:
What was supposed to be a simple 24 hour gaming livestream for charity turns into something completely different at hour six when Character A sees a massive influx of alarmed messages in their chat. Their viewers seemed to be freaking out about something they saw in Character A's webcam, but upon further inspection, they don't see anything...yet. Each hour brings new horrors as Character A attempts to navigate a large charity livestream, their unsettled chat, and a new entity that seems to have found their way into Character A's home.
While gaming during a 24-hour livestream, uber-popular gamers Characters A, B, C, & D do their best to complete large event quests in their favorite open-world RPG. This, however, is easier said than done when they realize their viewers are more than capable of stream sniping them and sabotaging their progress.
Popular 'Just Chatting' streamer Character A has an amazing idea: they'd do a 24-hour charity livestream where they host their three friends at their apartment for a sleepover simulator. The four prep all the necessary games, food, sleeping bags, etc. for an incredible 24 hour cozy event. They streamed multiple POVs, did prank calls, made sickly sweet snacks, played Truth or Dare, etc. Needless to say, the viewers seemed to like their games of 'Seven Minutes in Heaven' the most.
"I wanted to spice up my usual content from the rest during my 24-hour charity livestream, so I decided the best way to do that would be to rent out a barebones storage pod and lock myself in for the 24 hour period while completing dares from my chat. It was going well until something happened...now, I need to follow my untrustworthy chat's advice or I'm going to die." AU
Swatting was supposed to be a thing of the past, but Characters A and B realize that their viewers were more immature than they expected when they heard someone rapidly knocking at their door and yelling to be let in. They both swallow thickly before unlocking the latch and see four fully-rigged officers pile into the room. It was easy to explain the misunderstanding, but the animal bones scattered around the apartment from their occult arts and crafts activity from Hour 4? Not so much.
"Doing a 24-hour charity livestream was always a dream of mine, so my best friends and I decided to make it a reality. We hooked up a few devices for the stream and took to the streets for a 24-hour city experience livestream where we went to all our favorite places within 24-hours, no stops, no breaks -- in fact, we even locked the devices to continue streaming no matter what. We had an amazing first four hours with our chat, but then upon further inspection, we realized that we were missing our main device, the one that houses the charity accounts and would automatically transfer the funds once the 24 hours were up. Most of us were sobbing uncontrollably because we hadn't just lost a device, but the thousands our viewers had donated too. Upon further investigation, we realized that we had a stroke of luck: the stream was still locked on. With the help of our chat, we set off in the remaining 19 hours to track down the device and save our charity livestream." AU
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reyofluke-ocs · 1 year
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OC HALLOWEEN CHALLENGE '23: Day 11 - Video Game AU -> Mina Rhee & Peyton Myers in Resident Evil
An RCPD cop and an Arklay County paramedic team up to survive the nightmarish hellhole Raccoon City became in the wake of a mysterious outbreak.
tagging:@endless-oc-creations @stanshollaand, @foxesandmagic, @hiddenqveendom, @arrthurpendragon, @cas-verse, @eddiemunscns, @far-shores, if anyone wants to be added/removed or I accidentally forgot, please let me know!
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