#Victor transformers plagued au
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ch1meraa · 9 months ago
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Based on a funny head-canon - So we’ve all seen those hilarious selfies that every 40-odd year old dude takes and posts on their social media xD I think it’s bloody hilarious, and could see Vic doing that so here he is in all his nightmare fuel misery. Yeah his room has all the posters he likes from the 80’s and 90’s, along with punched-out areas of the wall cause he breaks stuff when he’s mad haha
Vic (C) me
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meltedpumpkin · 1 year ago
Obligatory One Piece Gods AU! Because I love them, and I wanted to rub my grubby little hands all over one.
Mine is built around keeping pre-Marineford pretty intact, and taking direct inspiration from the G5 transformation. I'm sure you can see where this is going.
+ a little bit more worldbuilding to make the 'Ds are the enemies of the Gods' make sense in this context, and also a few misc other things to make it more coherent.
SO. Before the Void Century, there were gods! Many gods! But sometime during the Void Century, a traitor god (Imu) called all of them to a meeting. Not all the gods showed up of course, some because they're contrary/busy, and some because they're allies of Imu. It was a trap of course, and Imu used a powerful weapon to destroy the other gods. Some of the gods caught in the destruction survived, but only barely, as a shadow of their former selves, much weaker than the weakest mortal soul, but still clinging to existence.
Normally when a god dies, they're permanently killed (as opposed to reincarnating like a mortal soul). Either by other gods or by particularly powerful mortals. In those cases, the god's power and/or domain (other gods only take their domain) is absorbed by the victor, if the victor is deemed worthy. What worthy is, depends on the domain. But once there's a god of a domain, the domain is 'tamed' in a sense, and it's very difficult to get rid of.
In this case though, the only one around to absorb it was Imu, who was not deemed worthy (though Imu might have absorbed some of it anyway), and since there wasn't really anyone around to absorb all that power, it dispersed and the majority of it got split up into devil fruits.
However, this means that there weren't true successors, so many of the gods still had a sort of consciousness, still tied to their domains, even if they had no power to control them. The remnants of the gods were weaker than the weakest mortal souls.
I've decided that for several reasons, gods don't gain power very fast, but mortals can if they try really hard.
They get a big boost of power when they're born/ascend, so they don't really need to get stronger. They're GODS.
Gives power-hungry gods a reason to do increasingly bad things to gain more power
Gives gods a good reason to be incarnated as mortals if they're weakened significantly
So, the gods spent nearly 800 years slowly regaining power, essentially drifting around in a healing coma, and by... maybe 30-35 years before the main OP timeline, gods began to be reborn as mortals, because it took that long to be strong enough to power a mortal body.
Now there's a bunch of gods in mortal bodies, with no memory of being gods, and minimal connections to their domains, all running around, getting very strong very fast, and causing problems for the World Government.
The D Thing. Easy.
The D clans decided that it was their sacred duty to defeat bad gods. Because of that, they get very offended when mortals pretend to be gods. Some of that reasoning has been lost over time, but the knee-jerk reaction to false gods stayed for the most part.
They've got a few basic rules that all probably have stories behind them. Fate tends to agree with the rules, and will help guide strong Ds to gods that break them. Most gods in their right mind also agree with them. Mostly.
No actively encouraging mortals to sacrifice each other
Don't force mortals to worship you to use your domain. Blessings to worshipers is fine though.
Don't mass murder mortals outside your domain. IE, the god of sickness can make a plague, but can't go into a town and start directly murdering mortals. This is because gods don't create their domains, and should be allowed to follow their nature.
Don't directly rule over mortals, or heavily influence leaders. (this one is often less egregious than the other rules)
The reasons the Ds decided to be godslayers and why not just any mortal can do it:
Gods tend to be very difficult for mortals to harm in any way. Regular haki from normal mortals doesn't work on them. Normal mortals have to learn a special, high level haki technique and be very strong to damage gods, and they can only learn it from mortals who already know it, or directly from an actual god. However, when Ds learn basic haki, they can just immediately punch a god. They still have to be strong to beat the god, but Ds tend to be strong anyway.
Ds can sense gods that are hidden from mortal eyes, either with shapeshifting or invisibility of some kind, or something else.
Ds also tend to not like the idea of becoming an actual god (though it's not a hard rule). They usually have other goals in life.
Therefore, 'Ds are the enemies of the gods' is technically true, but misleading when you're talking about actual gods.
I've also got notes on specific gods, and a couple myths/backstory ideas for them, and also how gods are created in the first place! This is getting too long though, so I won't yell about those here. Maybe later.
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vulpeskorsak · 2 years ago
Day 25 of Whumptober 2022: Twitching tail
Day 25 of Whumptober 2022!
Lost Voice | Duct Tape | “You better start talking.”
Timeline-wise my current shorts go: Day 2 -> Day 15 -> Day 5 -> Day 16 -> Day 25 -> Day 1 -> Day 18 -> Day 22 -> Day 13 - > (Day 4 -> Day 9*) -> Day 3 -> Day 7 -> Day 8 -> Day 21 - > Day 19 -> Day 6 -> Day 11 -> Day 12 -> Day 23 -> Day 14 -> Day 17 -> Day 24 -> Day 20
*Day 4 and 9 do not happen in the same AU where Ludwig exists.
Day 10 is a modern AU.
Victor is my human fleshsmith inventor (KibblesTasty Homebrew class) from a long-running DnD adventure.
Lady Lourencia “Caiman” Doe was his lover, a noble woman secretly running the biggest gang in the sea-side city they live in, who is able to transform into a large anthropomorphic caiman.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/42626646 (AO3 link)
Twitching tail
“You better start talking as soon as you are able to… The Doctor has been asking me for a new test subject for a while now. And I’m pretty sure he has never gotten a chance to work on a tabaxi before.” Caiman grins, showing off her razor-sharp teeth. “And you know, that man will be veeery grateful if I let him keep you… Not even sure that I need you to talk right away, now that I’m thinking about it. Maybe, I should let him have his fun… I know a guy who can speak with the dead, so we can get the information we want even if my boy… breaks you too early.”
A large half-human half-caiman woman is leaning over the table, where the tabaxi thief lies paralyzed by a potent drug. She is very well-built, can probably snap her neck with one hand, and is taller than even the Doctor in this form, though the thief has not seen what she looks like normally.
She had no idea what she was getting into when she sneaked into this clinic. Certainly, no clue that it is protected by Caiman herself. The leader of the Emerald Tigers, the biggest gang in the city. She has heard rumors about her. They say she broke the wall of the gang’s den with its previous leader when taking over the leadership role. They say she is ruthless and violent but can show mercy if you submit.
Should she just submit and tell them the whole story?
The tabaxi has begun feeling the tip of her tail, so she wiggles it nervously. She still cannot talk but after whatever the Doctor injected into her some control is beginning to return to her.
The Doctor is sitting at his alchemical table, that she can see now that she can turn her head. He is looking at Caiman in excitement, like a child who has just been promised a brand-new toy.
“That sounds… like a great idea, my dear.” He purrs before getting up with a different syringe in hand. “Shall I knock her completely out now? Oh, I have so many things that I wanted to try out!”
“Oh?” Caiman perks up. “Do tell, my good doctor.”
“I’ve been wanting to test my new late-stage White Plague cure…”
Fuck! She submits! She submits!
She has seen people sick with it and what it left of them by the end… She has no desire to live to a late stage and survive.
“Though it will take her a couple months to get there… but I have plenty more stuff I wanted to do. Like, I’ve been thinking if you can do a blood transfusion between two drastically different species such as us humans and tabaxi. And I’m also lacking a tabaxi tail in my tail collection… though if I could eventually get the whole skeleton preserved, that would be even more fun. But bones can get severely damage over the course of the Plague, so maybe I should just-“
“No!” The tabaxi suddenly cries out.
She herself is not sure when exactly her ability to speak came back, but she sure is grateful it did now.
Caiman turns to her with a raised eyebrow and a smirk. The Doctor looks at her with a tinge of disappointment.
“I… I will…” She coughs. “I will talk…”
“Ah… It’s almost a shame… It seems the good doctor will have to search for a new subject. Unless, you lie to us, of course.”
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themonotonysyndrome · 4 years ago
Guilt Eater
Part 4 of the ‘Successors of the Future’ is here! And yes, I will do my absolute best to squeeze in as much Blazblue reference in this series until I can’t! (I mean, that’s how I got the plot bunny for this series anyway~)
We’re moving the spotlights today to Malleus and Ace and a special guest! I thought it’ll be an interesting shift of perspective and change. Don’t worry, we’ll get right back to the kids in the next oneshot. 
As always, big thank you to @tri3tri for letting us expand her Second Wive AU. Hope you guys enjoy this oneshot. 
Time tend to leave its mark differently on each species. 
For creatures who only grew stronger with time while their bodies remain near immortal, the passing of time means nothing to the Fair Folks. Time is likened to the ocean; ancient yet full of wonders. 
For Malleus, however, time has not been kind to him. Not since his dear heart and children vanishes. 
Ever since then, there is an unspoken rule among the residents of the Castle of Thorns: the Queen’s family wing is forbidden to everyone but the King.
Even Lilia nod his head to the rule; even he has been walking on eggshells around their King. 
And the years had transformed the Queen’s domain into a catacomb. The rumpled beds, the toys littered in Princess Sherrie’s bedroom, the Queen’s favourite book on her study table - everything is left untouched with layered of dust and cobwebs covering every inch of the surfaces. 
Every evening, the King would stalk the empty halls and bedrooms like a ghost; constantly yearning to feel the memories that embedded on the walls. Once he did his duties as the King and beget the male heir that the court had been pushing, Malleus has been living in regret ever since. 
He should have known that his beautiful wife would attempt to escape during the night of his second wedding. He should have tightened the security not on his concubine, but to the Queen and their Princesses. He should have assured Renata and Sherrie that only their mother holds his heart and that Bellatrix is just a means to an end. 
He should have told them that he loves them. 
Regret and guilt are terrible poisons. It festered under your skin and twist your heart painfully. They plague your mind with ‘what if’s’ and ‘should have’s’ and Malleus have been carrying them ever since that night. 
Tonight, he lost hours inside Renata’s bedroom, just staring at her favourite doll that he bought for her. He still remembers how her eyes lit up and how sweet her smile was when he presented the doll to her; how she was so happy that she clings on him and the doll that day. Deeply amused, he humoured her and carried her in her arms the whole day. Malleus even brought her to his court session, regardless how it broke propriety. 
His every waking moments now drift to MC and their daughters. Where are they? Why couldn’t he find them no matter how many soldiers he dispatched across Twisted Wonderland, no matter how far his magic blanket the lands? Are his daughters healthy, happy? What are they currently doing now? Are they safe? Have they forgotten about him - 
The mirror on the vanity table shattered. Malleus releases the doll in his grip and struggle to calm himself down; his body curl inwards and his breaths erratic. The thought of his wife and children far away and happy from him nearly drove him crazy if it weren’t for Lilia’s quick and careful words of consolation.
“They can’t hide forever, Malleus. Don’t ever give up, you hear me? And once we’ll find them, we’ll make sure her little escape routines are put to a stop. Permanently.”  
Lilia’s words are enough to ground him. For now. 
Malleus failed to assured his wife and daughters his love towards them, failed to show just how deep his convictions towards them are. The moment he finds any threads of their whereabouts, he’ll make sure to rectify that. 
And as the night made way for morning, Malleus forces himself to leave his daughter’s abandoned bedroom to prepare for another long, monotonous day. The only reason why he hasn’t delegate his duties to Lilia was because of his grandmother. His grandmother had come to visit on the eve of his second wedding and stayed when a frantic Silver announced MC and their children’s disappearance. If it weren’t for her, Malleus would’ve burned away his suit and transform into a dragon to search for them. While Lilia organise a search team with Silver and Sebek, his grandmother made sure he understood his duties as King once more. 
That was the first and last time he slept with Bellatrix before his thoughts and desire are consumed with the need to find his family. At that point, neither Lilia nor his grandmother could’ve stop him. 
The castle staffs and guards know to scattered when they see him step out of the Queen’s wing. The moment they heard the door creaked open, the room is empty. 
All but for one individual. 
“Good morning, Father!” 
Malleus stop his track. He tilts his head towards his heir, expressionless. Victor refused to be deterred by his Father’s gloomy aura yet he’s smart enough to carefully approach him. 
The king is stoic on the best days, frightening on his worst. 
“Will you be joining us for breakfast later? I heard from Grandfather Lilia that the kitchen staffs are planning to cook your favourites.” 
“I’ll be taking my meals in my office as usual.” Malleus reply and starts to walk away. 
Victor’s smile drop a little but he pressed on, jogging behind his father. In a rare burst of courage, the Prince grab Malleus’ hand. Surprisingly, Malleus stops walking. He stares at his hand before narrowing his eyes at Victor. 
“W-Would Father like a report of my recent academic progress? My tutors said that I’ve been doing well in my magic classes! O-Oh! I’ve also been diligently keeping up with my etiquette lessons.” Victor stutters out after he immediately let go of his Father’s hand. Feeling like he just committed a grave crime. 
“No need. Your tutors have been sending letters of your progress, daily.” 
“Oh... then would Father be willing to... to train me - ”
“I’m busy. Ask Lilia or any of your tutors.” And with that, Malleus refused to linger any longer, leaving Victor in the empty room. 
Crestfallen, Victor watch his Father go. Knowing that if he bothers him even more, it will just upset him and another storm would loom over the castle for the next few days. His expression immediately morph into a combination of anger and sadness as he stomps away before the staffs could return, not wanting them to see him vulnerable. 
As usual, Victor desperately hopes that one day his Father would finally acknowledge him as a son, not as his Prince. 
Time tend to leave its mark differently on each species.
For creatures with a set of years as flimsy as a lit candle’s flame, humans are creatures who bear the passing of time with a passionate vigor. Time is likened to fireworks; beautiful, bright but only for a short moment. 
For Ace, however, time is a constant remainder that he had failed his best friend. Being vulnerable in Night Raven College is a sure way to be taken advantage off and Ace is never known as anything but his brutal honestly, mischievous streaks and habits of getting himself (and others) into trouble. 
But when the headmaster announced that he couldn’t find MC anywhere the day after their senior’s graduation, was the moment that he, Deuce and Grim completely lose their composure. Deuce was too shocked to say anything while Ace couldn’t stop screaming alongside Grim. 
She couldn’t have just vanish! People don’t work like that! 
And even if she finally somehow found a way back to her world, she wouldn’t just leave without saying goodbye! 
Ace hated himself as that moment. If only he texted them the night before. Why didn’t he? They usually send stupid texts to one another! If only he kept a closer eye on them. If only she kept Grim close to her. 
For once, the headmaster drop all pretence. For once, his guilt laden answer and heavy sags of his shoulders are genuine. 
MC is gone and he has no idea how or why. But the three of them refused to gave up just like that. Ever since that day, they would do their best to figure out or research about MC’s fate. Jack and Epel, after finding out what happened, did their best to help out too. But days passed without any leads and with heavy hearts, they accepted that their friend is lost to them. 
That was not a good day. 
After Ace and Epel managed to pull Deuce and Jack away from one another (Deuce had completely lost it when the wolf boy reluctantly admit that maybe it was best to stop their research), strangely enough, it was Sebek who finally interjects. 
They need to accept that MC is gone. Even if they could never gain the closure that they desperately want, it’ll be no good to carry this sort of horrible guilt with them forever. With a long sigh, Sebek told them to find peace with it, even if it’s hard. 
Easier said than done. Even now that he’s already an adult and have a son, Ace still couldn’t help but wonder what happened to his friend. He hopes that wherever she is, MC is safe and happy. Anything other than that Ace couldn’t bear to think. 
Ace takes out his phone and checks the calendar app. The anniversary of MC’s disappearance is coming. Usually, Ace would cook MC’s favourite food in honour of her memory and over the years, he has gotten pretty good at it. Good enough that it also becomes his son’s favourite dish. 
Just as Ace was about to put down his phone and get ready to go out for lunch with his older brother, it suddenly rings.  
The name on his phone surprises him. His son rarely calls him ever since he got accepted to Night Raven College. Something about wanting some independence from his old man that Ace retaliates by ruffling his hair because of his boy’s cheekiness. 
Ace press the accept button with a grin, knowing that this is going to be good. “What’s up, kiddo? Finally admit that you miss your old man?” 
He expects a scoff, maybe a reluctant admittance, hell even his son’s rare bout of innocent honesty. What Ace didn’t expect however, is hearing his son’s frightened shriek.
“Dad! You knew a MC/S before right!? Please tell me you know what to do when she went batshit insane!” 
“Whoa, whoa, slow down! What are you talking about? I can barely hear you!” 
Ace impatiently wait while pressing the phone close to his ear as he hear his son rapidly talking to someone, shouting apologies and heavy breaths as if he’s currently running. 
“Oh Sweet Seven, ok, I think we managed to hide from her.” His son panted. “Yeah, so, I might have, uh accidentally threw my food tray all over this girl and she immediately went supernova. We barely managed to dodge her fireballs!” 
Suddenly, Ace felt his heart drop. “Girl? What girl? Night Raven College is an all-boys’ school.” He heard himself reply. Absentmindedly, his mind brought up the memories of his Entrance Ceremony, years ago. Of a girl that looked so lost in her robes as she stood in front of the Mirror of Darkness. 
“Renata MC/S. She’s the only girl that ended up a student here. I remembered that you had a friend with that surname so I thought she might be related.” 
At that moment, Ace choose to believe it. It’s way too coincidental for it not be. A girl that shares his lost best friend’s surname who also just happend to be the only girl to be accepted in Night Raven College? 
But what Ace doesn’t understand is his son’s comment about the girl throwing fireballs. MC doesn’t have magic. So what’s going on? 
“Hmm, I usually gave her some space before I apologised to her. And a little bribery never failed too.” Ace advised, recalling how MC reluctantly accepts the candy that he offered after he upsets her. 
“That’s not a bad idea, Dad! Will report back the result if I’m not scorched to death.” Ace’s son dryly answer. Some rustling noises and hush whispers can be heard through the phone before his kid ended the call. 
Ace is already calling Deuce’s number. He needs to know about this. 
I hope I managed to did Malleus and Ace justice in writing them! I’ll get better with writing the rest of the boys once their children are introduce. Because Renata needed friends/allies against Malleus after all~ 
Speaking of Victor, I was really nervous when I was writing him. Here, he’s not all haughty because deep down, all he want is some praises and love from a Father who only see him as something to appease his court. Not a son. Hope I managed to portray that properly! 
(Also, the name of Ace’s son and two others will be reveal in the next oneshot)
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ch1meraa · 9 months ago
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Victor reflects on when he was more human.
Vic (C) me
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ch1meraa · 1 year ago
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- based on a very fun RP i’m doing with @turtwap that takes place is the Plague AU horror-verse I made a while back
Vic/Helldroid is getting used to being alive again, and he’s hating every minute of it - Who knows, maybe in time he will be a changed man…Cyborg… space rat.. whatever the fuck he is at this point 😂
Even despite that he hates Transformers, Victor is now having to work with them and - since the horror au is verging on the apocalypse, differences are being put aside for the sake of everyone’s survival. There is irony abound in the pit that is the horror verse and sometimes hugs are necessary.
Sky belongs to @turtwap
Victor belongs to me
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ch1meraa · 1 year ago
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Chatting and rping with @turtwap and she had this awesome head-canon about her OC Sky having to fight Vic/Helldroid. In the horror verse au I’m working on, GHOST constantly upgrade his cybernetic body, to make it easier for the scientist to work/research/collect data out in the field, where it’s extremely dangerous being around the Plagued transformers - however, sometimes their performance enhancing drugs send Victor feral - That’s where his friend Sky comes in - And I’m guessing this is the face she’d be greeted with 😂
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