#Vicki Harrison
catmint1 · 1 month
Grief is like the ocean; it comes on waves ebbing and flowing. Sometimes the water is calm, and sometimes it is overwhelming. All we can do is learn to swim.
—Vicki Harrison
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camera-flash-vintage · 6 months
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Margaret Nolan / Vicky Kennedy in 3D More at https://flashvintage.co.uk
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harrisonstories · 2 years
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Happy belated 80th birthday to my favourite guitar player. <3
A sequel to this post.
George Harrison: You need Eric Clapton.
John Lennon: No, you need George Harrison.
"He showed me a lot of things on the guitar. George was a really great guitar player. He just didn't think he was. He told me that he almost quit one time because he couldn't play as well as Eric. He said that Eric just had this feel and touch. George really wanted to play like that and told me so, many times. But who wouldn't?" - Bobby Whitlock (Derek and the Dominoes)
“[George is] a great guitar player. When he strikes up on the slide there’s nobody better; his precision, his vibrato is perfect. But he always plays it down.” - Jeff Lynne (ELO, Traveling Wilburys)
"I had heard George's playing on the records, but I hadn't seen him play before I saw A Hard Day's Night. I picked up some tips from him, like playing the G-string up and down the neck for lead guitar because it gave more punch to the lead line. And of course he played the Rickenbacker 12-string and that was a big influence on me, but I even liked to watch his Gretsch playing. He did a lot of barre chords -- John and George used barre chords almost exclusively, whereas coming from the folk tradition I used lots of open chords. With The Searchers and The Seekers, you could hear some of that 12-string out there, but primarily it was The Beatles. I know George influenced us a lot." - Roger McGuinn (The Byrds)
“The innovations in guitar technology he brought to The Beatles were just amazing. He defined what we now know as this classic Rickenbacker 12-string sound. He laid the groundwork for me. And it’s utterly definitive. Nobody had used that volume-pedal technique before ‘I Need You’ […] But you can’t beat ‘Ticket To Ride’. It’s futuristic guitar, even before Hendrix came on the scene. It still sounds like a modern guitar part now." - Johnny Marr (The Smiths)
"I met George during the session Cream did for Badge, and I was very impressed with his playing [under the pseudonym L’Angelo Mysterioso]. I took it for granted that people like McCartney and Lennon were brilliant but didn’t really analyse it. But when you actually play with George you could see what an amazing guitar player he was, doing things that I hadn’t even thought of." - Jack Bruce (Cream)
"Me personally, I worshipped guitar players like George Harrison, who was this melodic part of the Beatles sound and he seemed like he served the song more than his own ego of how many notes per second he could play. I really appreciated that." - Vicki Peterson (The Bangles)
"I love George Harrison so much because [of] the way he would construct a little kind of solo within the song which would be part of the song. So from him I learned about melody […] George Harrison would create a little masterpiece in 8 bars in the middle of Hard Day's Night for example. It's a perfect example of that where he would do something that no other guitarist in the world would think of. He'd put this little lick in. It would have some little fast bits in it, and it would be so outside what you'd imagine the solo of that song to be. Later on I got to know George very well. We became very good friends at one time, and he could do things that no one else could do, and his slide playing was amazing because he used to have very strong Eastern influences from his days with Ravi Shankar and doing the meditation and everything. Just to be around someone like that you learn so much. He really was a giant in the music world for me, very sadly missed." - Gary Moore
"George’s guitar playing was just perfect. In those days we didn’t jam and get to the middle of a song and just play any old thing (laughs); we would have rehearsals and you’d kind of figure out what the part would be so from then on, when you played that song, that was the solo. He was that sort of guitar player and I learned that and I really liked that ‘cause that’s what I was thinking most of the time." - John Fogerty (Creedence Clearwater Revival)
"To see George Harrison there [on the Ed Sullivan Show], standing off to the side, looking down at his guitar while he played his licks -- to my impressionable mind it defined what a lead guitarist was. I knew right then what I wanted to do with my life: I wanted to be like the guy in the middle -- the guy looking down at his guitar and playing all the little fills and solos. Harrison taught me about short solos and hooks, and what a hook is. All those mid-Sixties Beatles tracks -- whether it was 'Day Tripper' or 'Ticket to Ride' or whatever -- they all start with a guitar lick that you wait to come around again in the chorus. That’s where I learned to do that." - Elliot Easton (The Cars)
“His chords were sometimes more a cluster of notes that, to my ears, are beautifully dissonant. The turnaround lick over the last chord in the chorus of the Beatles’ ‘Help’ functions on many levels. It’s such an innovative use of the open G and B strings ringing out, while a minor 3rd shape chromatically descends below it.” - Brian Bell (Weezer)
"I modeled myself after George Harrison a lot in the early days; solos you could sing along with. To this day, that's my approach, and I teach it as a guide at IMA's Rock 'n Roll Girl's Camps." - June Millington (Fanny)
“George was responsible for perhaps the most romantic guitar solo of all time when he recorded Something. It’s arguably among the most gorgeous and expressive solos in any song.” - Nancy Wilson (Heart)
“The solo [from the album version of Let It Be] -- the way his lick comes in after the keyboard breakdown strikes the perfect emotion and uplift for the track. I’ve ripped it off a million times, and will probably rip it off a million more before I’m through. The tone is perfectly gritty but without a safety net and mixed way on top of the tune, warts and all. Love it.” - Chris Shiflett (Foo Fighters)
"I was into Harrison. He's an amazing guitar player. Songwriter too." - Jim Root (Slipknot)
“I feel like the music world mostly thinks of George Harrison as the phenomenal songwriter that he was, but I think he’s really underrated as a tone innovator. I remember reading a GW article [January 2014] about I’m Only Sleeping and how George got this crazy tone by writing the solo, learning it backward and then recording it with the tape running back to front, resulting in the initial solo he had written with this insane, surreal effect. It’s so interesting to think about what that process would have been like, getting those tones in a completely analog studio setting.” - Nita Strauss
“As a guitarist, I've always loved George Harrison. I've never been a fan of the rock'n'roll style, or the solos, etc. I like simple things. When Harrison does a solo, it doesn't sound like a solo, it's just his part, it's never a show of virtuosity. I don't like sham.” - Alex Scally (Beach House)
“The mix [in Savoy Truffle] is all about a trip to the dentist’s office. The guitar tone -- most likely run through a fuzz pedal -- sounds like a drill. The bending, stabbing notes during the lyrics, ‘But you’ll have to get them all pulled out’ really gets the image of a dentist’s drill across vividly. I borrowed those bending, stabbing notes from him and have no intention of returning them anytime soon. The phrasing is total Harrison -- even with the fuzz, you can tell it’s him. He does have that ‘George Harrison sound’ as well, but to identify a guitar player with phrasing is rare.” - Joey Santiago (Pixies)
“Till There Was You shows George’s vast range of playing in 1963. He has lovely phrasing, uses diminished notes –- and there’s a fantastic use of the Gretsch tremolo arm before a fabulous run into the middle eight. [GW Editor’s note: Although he used a nylon-string guitar on the studio recording, Harrison often performed the song with an electric guitar.] To my young ears, this was masterful guitar playing." - Bernie Marsden (Whitesnake)
“No one changed the face of guitar more than George, in my opinion.” - Steve Lukather (Toto)
“He gives [Dig a Pony] space where it’s needed and doesn’t clutter the sound or detract from the lead vocal. This is definitely something we could all learn from him. His choice of notes adds a sense of melancholy to the song, lifting it above what could otherwise have been a bit of a throw-away number. Lennon would later refer to the song as ‘garbage,’ but for me, Harrison’s class makes it an underrated gem. Watching the footage, we get an insight into George’s excellent technique throughout the song; expertly switching between flat-picking, hybrid picking and straight finger picking to accent the lead lines and add texture to his parts. There’s a great shot where you can see him with his pick palmed while playing with his fingers, followed by a quick adjustment of the volume and tone controls, before swiftly returning the pick for some flatpicking. It’s skillfully done and impressive to watch.” - Kevin Starrs (Uncle Acid and the Deadbeats)
“I mean he was one of the first guys to really play melodic slide because most guys that play, they want to play blues, you know? Which is great, but George from My Sweet Lord on, he would play really melodic. I love the way he played, and he was really kind to me. He was very supportive, and he told me several times that he liked the way I played slide too, so I’m greatly indebted to George.” - Mike Campbell (Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers)
'My impression of George when I first met him was that he wasn’t really extremely confident, didn’t understand what all the fuss was about and felt like maybe people were mistaking him, or making a mistake, or seeing something that wasn’t there. That was the feeling I got from him. Everyone was into hot licks, but he didn’t have any. So I feel he didn’t have a glimpse of how really wonderful a musician he was…He was very conscious that he couldn’t read music and that he couldn’t play searing solos off the top of his head. What he could do was worth more to me. He was a beautiful musician, extremely musical. The 'Moonlight Sonata' is a very simple thing to play on the piano, but it’s beautiful. And beauty is not about technique." - David Bromberg
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harrisonarchive · 1 year
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Yanka Rupkina and George Harrison, backstage at Royal Festival Hall after a performance of Balkana: The Music of Bulgaria, dated June 21, 1988 on the press photo; photo courtesy of Hannibal Records, via Beatles Photo Blog.
“This [Bulgarian choir] is the kind of music that never reaches a lot of people because nobody will ever play it, but at the same time I think we’d be a much better world if everybody was forced to listen to it. So, we’ll just play a little bit of this thing, and it may also make listeners understand me a little bit more.” - George Harrison, Rockline, February 10, 1988 “For me an unforgettable moment was our concert at the Royal Festival Hall, in London, when George Harrison arrived with friends from California. This was a most emotional encounter — one of the Beatles had come to listen to me — and to our Bulgarian folk songs.” - Yanka Rupkina, The Anglo Balkan Blog, 2017 “The Bulgarian choir, [George] loved them. In fact, they came and played for us once.” - Olivia Harrison, NPR Fresh Air, March 18, 2004 Beatlefan magazine (March/April 2004 issue) reported that Vicki Brown (Joe’s wife) also loved the choir, but was too ill to attend the concert they would be giving at Friar Park. George and Olivia consequently invited Vicki and her daughter, Sam, to the afternoon soundcheck. “My favorite music at the moment is this Bulgarian choir. It’s called The Mysterious Voices of Bulgaria and it’s the most brilliant vocals, it's quite beautiful.” - George Harrison, Wogan, February 12, 1988 (x)
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flashvintage · 2 months
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magicallymeg · 1 year
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𝐋𝐄𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐁𝐎𝐑𝐍 & 𝐁𝐋𝐎𝐎𝐃𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐊𝐄𝐃 : 𝐟𝐚𝐧 𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐭 pt. 1/?
bree matthews : rielle downs alice chen : vicky chen selwyn kane : owen teague nick davis : logan shroyer william sitterson : harrison osterfield valechaz : caleb mclaughlin mariah : joy sunday tor morgan : ryan simpkins sarah : lilimar hernandez
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 10 months
The Turkey Baster Experiment
Summary: Her cousin just had a baby via turkey baster, supposedly. Robin had to find out if it actually works. Based on this.
A continuation of me cleaning out my drafts.
1990, Chicago, Illinois
The Rockie Harrison Apartment (named in combination of all of their names)
It was Robin and Eddie's day off of work, so they were busy lounging in their pajamas watching Scooby-Doo. Their partners hadn't been so lucky. Steve was working as a middle school teacher, so of course, he didn't have a day off during the week. Vickie was working in a library at a different school, unfortunately, while she worked on also publishing her own book. Eddie worked as a mechanic. Robin worked at a bakery while also tutoring kids with their Spanish and French on the side. Some of them were rich kids, so occasionally, she could afford to take a few days off like she was now.
"You're such a Velma," Eddie said with a shake of his curls.
"You say that like it's a bad thing," Robin said. "Velma is very cute."
"That would make Vickie Daphne?" Eddie asked.
"Duh, she can be such a Daphne sometimes," Robin grinned fondly.
"Steve is such a Fred," Eddie sighed dreamily.
"You're definitely a Shaggy," she said. "And the kids are definitely all Scooby."
"Robin. . .I'm feeling that empty nest thingy again!" Eddie exclaimed and pouted.
"It has been almost a year since they've graduated, and we moved here. Weeks since they've called us. It's not like we practically raised them or anything," Robin pouted. "Do you think they've forgotten about us?"
After the kids graduated high school, Steve and Robin decided to move to Chicago with their partners, who were happy to move anywhere as long as it wasn't Hawkins. It was in Chicago that they found a lovely abandoned old firehouse. It took some TLC, but it was liveable, and it housed them all perfectly. Plus, Eddie loved the pole that went down to the first floor, specifically when Steve used it as a stripper pole. Vickie and Robin had vowed never to use it once they learned what they did with it.
"Rob, they're in college now. El, Lucas, and Max are starting this new relationship. Will and Mike are still dancing around each other since Will broke up with Gareth. They're probably really busy," Eddie shrugged and then paused to wail, "They have forgotten about us!"
Suddenly, the phone rang, and Robin nearly broke her neck, jumping over the back of the couch to answer it.
"Oh, hey, mom," Robin said.
Eddie sighed and crossed his arms, pouting in his seat.
"Darn kids," Eddie muttered.
He focused on the show as Robin talked with her mother. Occasionally, he lifted his head when he heard Robin gasp about something. When the phone call was done, the episode of Scooby-Doo was finished, and another one was starting.
"What was that about?" Eddie asked Robin.
"My cousin finally had a baby. Although she didn't tell anyone that she was pregnant and it's crazy how she got pregnant in the first place," Robin said.
"Not the normal way?" Eddie asked in surprise.
"Well, she and her husband have been trying to have a baby for a while, but it hasn't happened, so she decided to take matters into her own hands," Robin said.
"She fucked another guy?!" Eddie gasped.
"Nope," she said.
"She fucked another girl?" Eddie asked in confusion.
"Dingus! No! She used a turkey baster and get this: she didn't use her husband's sperm to do it. She used his brother's!" Robin exclaimed.
"There's no fucking way," Eddie scoffed.
"She did. Her husband only found out because he went to the doctor and discovered he couldn't have kids," she said. "She told him the truth when he confronted her."
"No, not that. There's no way she got pregnant using a turkey baster," Eddie said.
"She did!"
"Did not!"
"Did too!"
"I'll prove it," Robin said.
"Fucking how?" Eddie asked.
"You have a turkey baster of your own. You should be able to understand the concept of how she did it," Robin said, narrowing her eyes at him.
"No, I mean how the fuck are you going to prove it?" Eddie asked.
"Well, we have a turkey baster, and I happen to be ovulating," Robin said.
"Okay, so what happens if you do get pregnant?" Eddie asked.
"Then you get a baby like you and Steve have been talking about," Robin said. "Although Vickie's been kind of broody lately too."
"So, this kid would have two moms and two dads?" Eddie asked.
"Yeah," Robin said.
"This kid is either going to be the queerest kid ever, or we're all so queer that they're going to be the straightest person alive," Eddie snickered.
"Either way, because of us, they'll be the fast talking son in the west," Robin said.
"It could be a girl," Eddie said.
"No, it's play on words for - never mind. Are we doing this or not?" Robin asked.
"Hmm, maybe Steve and Vickie are right. Maybe we shouldn't hang out without them," Eddie said.
"Coward," Robin said.
Eddie and Robin stared at each other for a while. Eddie glared at her.
"Do it," Eddie said.
"You're up first, big guy," Robin said.
Robin gave him a cup and shoved him into the bathroom. She waited rather impatiently outside the door. A couple of minutes later, she heard him groan in frustration.
"Problems? Just think about Steve at the beach when he ate that vanilla ice cream cone, and it started dripping into his sweaty, hairy beast of a chest, but instead of you gawking at him like an idiot, you reach over and start licking - "
"Okay, it's up! Stop helping!" Eddie shrieked.
Eddie glared at her when he walked out of the room and handed her the cup. She took it, and the turkey baster into the restroom, her head held high. He leaned against the wall, smirking when he heard Robin complain loudly.
"Well, if I didn't know I was a lesbian before this, this is definitely what would turn me. Disgusting!" Robin exclaimed.
"I've heard no complaints from Steve when he swallows!" Eddie exclaimed cheerfully.
"Gah!" Robin exclaimed as she came out of the bathroom. "It's done."
"Now what?" He asked.
"Now we wait," Robin said.
She threw herself down on the couch, turned herself upside down, and threw her legs over the back of the couch.
"What are you doing?" Eddie asked.
"Helping your little guys find their way," Robin said. "Plus, it's a cool way to watch Scooby-Doo."
Eddie shrugged and copied what she did.
"Now, we wait," Eddie said.
An uncertain amount of weeks later. . .
Eddie was alone in the apartment while Vickie took Robin to a doctor's appointment. Steve was at work. Eddie was working on writing music when the door to the apartment burst open. Vickie stared at Eddie while Robin stood nervously behind her.
"Did you get my girlfriend pregnant?" Vickie asked.
"It was her idea! She seduced me!" Eddie said.
"How?!" Vickie asked.
"She called me a coward!" He exclaimed.
Vickie giggled and threw herself at him, hugging him tightly.
"It's hard to stay mad at the mother and father of my child even if it was reckless of you guys," Vickie laughed again. "Just wait until Steve comes home."
"Oh God, Steve," Eddie realized, his face pale.
Eddie waited around nervously for Steve to come home. When he finally did, he walked in with a smile on his face. Oh good, he had a decent day. . . It was a decent day that Eddie was probably about to ruin. He walked up to Steve, greeting him with a tight hug and a kiss. He snuggled into Steve’s side, his cheek pressed against his. Eddie traced patterns in his chest.
"Hi," Steve said, looking at him in confusion.
"So, how mad would you be at me if I got your platonic soulmate pregnant?" Eddie asked.
"What is this now?" Steve asked with wide eyes.
"Robin's cousin got pregnant by turkey baster, and I called bullshit on that, then Robin wanted to prove it. I jerked off into a cup, and Robin squirted it up her hoo-ha with the turkey baster. Then, several weeks later, here we are," Eddie said and paused. "So, how was your day, sweetheart?"
Steve sighed and rubbed his face with his hands, trying to wrap his head around Eddie's ridiculous description of the situation. He walked into the kitchen, grabbed a beer from the fridge, and plopped down at the table.
"So, how are you feeling about this?" Steve asked Vickie and Robin.
"Excited," Vickie grinned. "We're all going to be parents."
"So, all four of us, huh?" Steve asked.
"Yes," Robin said.
"We're having a baby," he said softly, and then he grinned. "We're having a baby!"
"Three bisexuals, a lesbian, and a baby!" Eddie exclaimed, and they all looked at him. "What? Spock directed that film."
Steve laughed, pulled him into his lap, and kissed him.
"I'm happy this happened, but maybe next time you want to get Robin pregnant, maybe get all of us involved," Steve grinned.
"Hey, I was just trying to prove Robin wrong," Eddie said and smiled softly. "I'm glad I was the one who was wrong."
"I just realized this baby is going to part Robin and Eddie," Steve said.
"Oh god!" Vickie laughed.
"Hey! You guys are supposed to love us!" Eddie exclaimed.
"This baby is going to kick the shit out of me, aren't they?" Robin asked, holding her stomach.
Several months later. . . after many shenanigans during which Robin discovered that she could use Steve and Eddie as her willing puppets. . .
"Wednesday, huh?" Steve asked as he held the baby in his arms.
"You said we couldn't name her after a Scooby-Doo character," Eddie said defensively.
"Besides, you always said you love Wednesday because she reminds you of Max," Robin said.
"I'm not complaining, I love the name," Steve said grinning.
Wednesday Elizabeth Munson-Buckley had started arriving sometime during the middle of the night, much to Robin's annoyance. She had been busy sleeping. Wednesday had arrived that afternoon, surrounded by doctors and all of her parents. Now, here they were in Robin's hospital room, with Eddie and Vickie cooing over Steve’s shoulder.
"You did great, baby," Vickie said tearfully. "She's beautiful."
Vickie kissed Robin deeply before going back to gazing at the baby.
"You want to go next, don't you?" Robin asked her girlfriend.
"What?" Vickie asked.
"If we ever decide to give Wednesday a sibling, you want to be the one that's pregnant, don't you?" She asked in amusement.
"Ooh, both her and Steve could go next," Eddie said.
"Let's just see how this one goes," Steve said, laughing. "But probably."
"Oh, I called Uncle Wayne. He cried like, well, a baby when I told him I wanted to give her a w name in honor of him. He's going to call everyone else and let them know. So, we're probably going to have a full house sometime in the next few days," Eddie said.
Steve grinned and passed the baby back off to Robin. She smiled and stroked the top of Wednesday's head.
"Oh, I want her to have the whole world," Robin said.
"So, you want her to be an evil super villain hellbent on world domination?" Eddie asked.
"It's what she deserves," she said.
"She'll succeed where men have failed," Eddie said proudly.
"Yeah, that's a no," Steve scoffed.
"We're just keeping her options open, Stevie," Eddie said.
"It's not set in stone," Robin said. "We're just letting her know that we'll love her no matter what."
"I'm not supporting our daughter becoming a super villain," Vickie laughed.
"I guess we know who the fun parents are," Eddie said.
It certainly wasn't an everyday situation, and most people would call it abnormal, but to the four of them and the people they loved, it wasn't so strange. Wednesday would grow up to be well loved with four supportive parents and with an extended family to match. Stranger things have happened than a child growing up loved and isn't that the most important thing of all. . . That the child was loved?
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companion-showdown · 6 months
Who is the best companion to get intoxicated with?
this tournament was suggested anonymously
Ace McShane vs Donna Noble
Ace McShane vs Wilfred Mott
Jack Harkness vs Donna Noble
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Ace McShane vs Jamie McCrimmon
Wilfred Mott vs Bill Potts
Jack Harkness vs Jo Grant
Donna Noble vs Iris Wildthyme
previous rounds under the cut
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Ace McShane vs K9
Ruby Sunday vs Jamie McCrimmon
Wilfred Mott vs Liz Shaw
Dan Lewis vs Bill Potts
Jack Harkness vs Irving Braxiatel
Madam Vastra vs Jo Grant
Donna Noble vs Missy
Iris Wildthyme vs The TARDIS
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Ace McShane vs River Song
Charley Pollard vs K9
Ruby Sunday vs Dodo Chaplet
Rose Tyler vs Jamie McCrimmon
Delgado!Master vs Wilfred Mott
Romana II vs Liz Shaw
Barbara Wright vs Dan Lewis
Frobisher vs Bill Potts
Jack Harkness vs Martha Jones
Polly Wright vs Irving Braxiatel
Madam Vastra vs Koschei
Sarah-Jane Smith vs Jo Grant
Donna Noble vs Bernice Summerfield
Clara Oswald vs Missy
Iris Wildthyme vs Romana I
The TARDIS vs Tegan Jovanka
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Day 2
Jack Harkness vs Liv Chenka
Martha Jones vs Alan Turing
Polly Wright vs Mel Bush
Chris Cwej vs Irving Braxiatel
Madam Vastra vs Jason Kane
Koschei vs McQueen!Master
Sarah-Jane Smith vs Narvin
Ruth Leonidus vs Jo Grant
Donna Noble vs Vislor Turlough
Bernice Summerfield vs Steven Taylor
Wolsey vs Clara Oswald
Clarence the Angel vs Missy
Iris Wildthyme vs Karra
Romana I vs Romana III
Compassion vs The TARDIS
Hebe Harrison vs Tegan Jovanka
Day 1
Ace McShane vs God the Computer
Evelyn Smythe vs River Song
Sabalom Glitz vs Charley Pollard
Miranda Who vs K9
Ruby Sunday vs Hex Schofield
Dodo Chaplet vs Panna
Vicki Pallister vs Rose Tyler
Peri Brown vs Jamie McCrimmon
Delgado!Master vs Fitz Kreiner
Wilfred Mott vs Leela
The Brigadier vs Romana II
Liz Shaw vs The Black Dalek Leader
Barbara Wright vs Nyssa
Lucie Miller vs Dan Lewis
Father Kreiner vs Frobisher
Amy Pond vs Bill Potts
(too many links for the post to work but all matches under the tag intoxication: round 1)
Day 1
Ace McShane vs Adric
Tegan Jovanka vs Victoria Waterfield
Delgado!Master vs Aris
Jo Grant vs Sutekh
Jamie McCrimmon vs Kamelion
Barbara Wright vs Harry Sullivan
The Black Dalek Leader vs Mother Francesca
Irving Braxiatel vs Elspeth (Where Angels Fear)
Iris Wildthym vs Peter Summerfield
C'rizz vs God the Computer
Romana III vs Carmen Yeh
McQueen!Master vs Mr Crofton
Wolsey vs Sam Bishop
Jack Harkness vs Rory Williams
Bill Potts vs Mickey Smith
Donna Noble vs Ryan Sinclair
Day 2
K9 vs Grace Holloway
Sabalom Glitz vs Sara Kingdom
Polly Wright vs Mike Yates
The Brigadier vs Morbius
Panna vs Varsh
Vicki Pallister vs Karuna
Father Kreiner vs Cousin Anastasia
Alan Turing vs Captain Magenta
Compassion vs Jack McSpringheel
Evelyn Smythe vs Renée Thalia
Frobisher vs Sabbath Dei
Narvin vs Lola Denison
Ruby Sunday vs Ianto Jones
Missy vs Yasmin Khan
Madam Vastra vs Sally Sparrow
Dan Lewis vs Graham O'Brien
Day 3
Steven Taylor vs Ben Jackson
Sarah-Jane Smith vs Zoe Heriot
Leela vs Ian Chesterton
Soldeed vs Vislor Turlough
Tremas vs Peri Brown
Dodo Chaplet vs Duggan
Bernice Summerfield vs Pandora
Koschei vs Valarie Lockwood
Lucie Miller vs The War King
Charley Pollard vs Joseph (The Doomsday Manuscript)
Miranda Who vs Eliza
Chris Cwej vs Adrian Wall
Death's Head vs Hebe Harrison
Jane Austen vs Amy Pond
River Song vs Gwen Cooper
The TARDIS vs Beep the Meep
Day 4
Romana II vs Chang Lee
The Three Who Rule vs Liz Shaw
The Kandyman vs Nyssa
Sergeant Benton vs Karra
Mel Bush vs Susan Foreman
Romana I vs Erato
Jason Kane vs V.M.McCrimmon
Clarence the Angel vs Scarlette
Hex Schofield vs Cousin Justine
John (Another Girl, Another Planet) vs Liv Chenka
Ruth Leonidus vs D'Eon
Fitz Kreiner vs The Original Golden Dalek Emperor
Martha Jones vs Bannakaffalatta
Wilfred Mott vs Toshiko Sato
Rose Tyler vs Vincent van Gogh
Clara Oswald vs Nardole
links to previous tournaments
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creepywrites · 1 year
Real names
Jeff the Killer- Jeffrey woods
Liu- Liu Woods
Ben- Ben Lawman
Sally Dawn- Sally Dawn (formerly Williams)
Sam Williams- Sam Williams
Milo the Electrocuted- Milo Moretti
Lulu- Lucille Greatfield
Clockwork- Natalie Rogers (formerly Quellette)
Zero- Zero
Jane the killer- Jane Vaughn Richardson (formerly Richardson)
Mary Vaughn- Mary Vaughn
Jane Everlasting- Jane Arkensaw
Vailly Evans- Vailly Evans
Nathan the nobody- Nathan Lux
Crystal the Hidden- Crystal Lux
Eyeless Jack- Jack Nyras
Kate the chaser- Kate Hayes
Rouge- Heather Marshall
Wilson the basher- Wilson Marshall (formerly Warren)
X-virus- Cody Rogers
Lazari- Lazari Swann
Stripes- Eloise Bellarose
Kaidy- Kaidy Zalgo
Senora Zalleen- Pandora Zalleen s.
Rasika- Rasika
Nina the killer- Nina Hopkins
Puppeteer- Puppeteer (formerly Johnathan Blake)
Zachary- Zachary Gibson
Emra- Emra Aldrige
Bloody painter- Helen Otis
Suicide Sadie- Sadie nanook (formerly Bennett)
Roadwalker- Zayner Nanook
Judge angel- Dina Angela-Otis (formerly Clark)
Nurse Ann- Ann Mia
Randy- Randy Harrison
Sully- Sully Harrison
Keith- Keith Davis
Troy- Troy Green
Dollmaker- Vaughn Volikov
Svetlana- Svetlana Volikov
Vicky genocidal- Victoria Ross
Hannah the killer- Hannah Jackson
Lily Kennett-Lily Kennett
Hung iris- Iris Illman
Lifeless Lucy- Lucy Jones
Asylum Nancy- Nancy Adams
Chris the Revenant- Chris Myers
Monday Child- Christabel Smith
Laughing Jill- Laughing Jill
Laughing Jack- Laughing Jack
Toby- Tobias Rogers
Lurking Lyra- Lyra Rogers
Killing Kate- Katherine  Knight
Lost Silver- Lost Silver (formerly Hibiki)
Cata the Killer- Cata Blackwood
Rotten Abigail- Abigail Walker
The Hare- Lin Wang
The Doll- Andrea Stevens
Raven- Manon Plume
Anna Schurks- Anna Schurk
Weeping forest- Jenifer Rhynes
Nightmare Ally- Adeline Abendroth
Red Death- Sifreid Gadriel
Gas mask maid- Marion Gadriel
Tim- Timothy Wright
Jessica- Jessica Locke
Taylor- Taylor Locke
Ellie- Ellie Aimoto
Labrador- Dean Lupei
Moth boy- Benjamin Miller
Starved angel- Lyet (formerly Matthew Lyet Campbell)
Sketcher- Sakura Aki
Sarah Erickson- Sarah Erickson
Hannya- Momoko Yamashita
Rosie- Dorothy Wilder
Hunter the proxy- Ethan Wilder
Doctor Irina- Irina Kennett
Deborah- Deborah Robison
Lucy the cannibal- Lucille Johnson
Andie Rosslyn- Andie Rosslyn
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tfc2211 · 5 months
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George Harrison Marks, Margaret Nolan (as Vicki Kennedy), and Stuart Samuels in The Four Poster (1964) Trivia: Margaret Nolan's first nude scene.
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xtruss · 9 months
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(Left to right) Deborah Blohm, Jeffrey Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell and Gwendolyn Beck at a party at the Mar-a-Lago club, Palm Beach, Florida, 1995. The names of former associates and victims of deceased sex offender Epstein have been released. AFP/Getty Images
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Nearly 90 Names Were Included In The Documents, With Four Redacted.
Ghislaine Maxwell
Virginia Lee Roberts Giuffre
Kathy Alexander
Miles Alexander
James Michael Austrich
Philip Barden
Cate Blanchett
David Boies
Laura Boothe
Evelyn Boulet
Rebecca Boylan
Joshua Bunner
Naomi Campbell
Carolyn Casey
Paul Cassell
Sharon Churcher
Bill Clinton
David Copperfield
Alexandra Cousteau
Cameron Diaz
Leonardo DiCaprio
Alan Dershowitz
Dr. Mona Devanesan
Bradley Edwards
Amanda Ellison
Cimberly Espinosa
Jeffrey Epstein
Annie Farmer
Marie Farmer
Alexandra Fekkai
Crystal Figueroa
Anthony Figueroa
Louis Freeh
Eric Gany
Meg Garvin
Sheridan Gibson-Butte
Robert Giuffre
Al Gore
Ross Gow
Fred Graff
Philip Guderyon
Shannon Harrison
Stephen Hawking
Victoria Hazel
Brittany Henderson
Brett Jaffe
Michael Jackson
Carol Roberts Kess
Dr. Karen Kutikoff
Peter Listerman
George Lucas
Tony Lyons
Bob Meister
Jamie A. Melanson
Lynn Miller
Marvin Minsky
David Mullen
Joe Pagano
Mary Paluga
J. Stanley Pottinger
Joseph Recarey
Michael Reiter
Jason Richards
Bill Richardson
Sky Roberts
Scott Rothstein
Forest Sawyer
Doug Schoetlle
Kevin Spacey
Cecilia Stein
Mark Tafoya
Brent Tindall
Kevin Thompson
Donald Trump
Ed Tuttle
Emma Vaghan
Kimberly Vaughan-Edwards
Cresenda Valdes
Anthony Valladares
Maritza Vazquez
Vicky Ward
Jarred Weisfeld
Courtney Wild
Bruce Willis
Daniel Wilson
Andrew Albert Christian Edwards, Duke of York
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Mini-Tournaments Contestent Lists
Green is for definite inclusion
Red is for maybes (opinions on if they should be included are welcome)
I am not familiar with EU companions, so if any of them should be included, please tell me (note, numbers are capped at 16 per tournament, EU companions won't be added if it would mean removing TV companions). They'll be listed in green as definite inclusions until the list is too long, companions in red will be removed first
Also, I'm writing these lists off the top of my head, so if I've forgotten someone obvious, let me know
Poll here
The Great Himboff:
Steven Taylor
Ben Jackson
Jamie McCrimmon
John Benton
Mike Yates
Harry Sullivan
Vislor Turlough
Chang Lee
Mickey Smith
Jack Harkness
Rory Williams
Graham O'Brien
Ryan Sinclair
Dan Lewis
Fitz Kreiner
Teenager Takedown (if they don't have a stated age they should be easy to interpret as a teenager):
Susan Foreman
Vicki Pallister
Dodo Chaplet
Jamie McCrimmon
Victoria Waterfield
Zoe Heriot
Ace McShane
Rose Tyler
Charley Pollard
Izzy Sinclair
Gillian and John Who
Sam Jones
Mary Shelley
Peri Brown
This bracket is now full
Not from Around Here
Susan Foreman
Vicki Pallister
Steven Taylor
Jamie McCrimmon
Victoria Waterfield
Zoe Heriot
Romana I
Romana II
Vislor Turlough
River Song
Jack Harkness
This bracket is now full
Chaos Incarnate
Susan Foreman
Vicki Pallister
Dodo Chaplet
Jamie McCrimmon
Zoe Heriot
Sarah-Jane Smith
Ace McShane
Clara Oswald
Bill Potts
Graham O'Brien
Dan Lewis
Iris Wildthyme
Doctors of Doctor Who (is a medical proffesional of any kind or has a PhD or alien equivalent)
Liz Shaw
Harry Sullivan
Romana I
Romana II
Grace Holloway
Martha Jones
River Song
Rory Williams
Evelyn Smythe
Liv Chenka
Bernice Summerfield
Molly O'Sullivan
Hex Schofield
Hebe Harrison
Tara Mishra
This bracket is not full, I may still replace Romana I or II with a better candidate
Smart Companions (as in being intelligent is a defining trait of the character)
Barbara Wright
Ian Chesterton
Susan Foreman
Zoe Heriot
Liz Shaw
Romana I
Romana II
Mel Bush
Grace Holloway
Martha Jones
Kate Stewart
The Robotathon (Robot/Cybernetically Enhanced)
Bill Potts (maybes because I hesitate to call cyber conversion enhancement)
Valarie Lockwood
Mark Seven
UNIT team
The Brigadier
John Benton
Liz Shaw
Mike Yates
Jo Grant
Martha Jones
Kate Stewart
Tara Mishra
47 notes · View notes
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Meet the Fabulous Vicky Kennedy Film 8mm Harrison Marks
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After weeks of speculation and anticipation, many of the names of former associates, employees, friends and victims of deceased sex offender Jeffrey Epstein have been released. ... Many of those whose names appear in the documents released Wednesday aren't accused of wrongdoing or have been mentioned previously in legal proceedings or news accounts. The documents released Wednesday are not an Epstein "client list." ... Nearly 90 names were included in the documents, with four redacted: 1. Ghislaine Maxwell 2. Virginia Lee Roberts Giuffre 3. Kathy Alexander 4. Miles Alexander 5. James Michael Austrich 6. Philip Barden 7. REDACTED 8. Cate Blanchett 9. David Boies 10. Laura Boothe 11. Evelyn Boulet 12. Rebecca Boylan 13. Joshua Bunner 14. Naomi Campbell 15. Carolyn Casey 16. Paul Cassell 17. Sharon Churcher 18. Bill Clinton 19. David Copperfield 20. Alexandra Cousteau 21. Cameron Diaz 22. Leonardo DiCaprio 23. Alan Dershowitz 24. Dr. Mona Devanesan 25. REDACTED 26. Bradley Edwards 27. Amanda Ellison 28. Cimberly Espinosa 29. Jeffrey Epstein 30. Annie Farmer 31. Marie Farmer 32. Alexandra Fekkai 33. Crystal Figueroa 34. Anthony Figueroa 35. Louis Freeh 36. Eric Gany 37. Meg Garvin 38. Sheridan Gibson-Butte 39. Robert Giuffre 40. Al Gore 41. Ross Gow 42. Fred Graff 43. Philip Guderyon 44. REDACTED 45. Shannon Harrison 46. Stephen Hawking 47. Victoria Hazel 48. Brittany Henderson 49. Brett Jaffe 50. Michael Jackson 51. Carol Roberts Kess 52. Dr. Karen Kutikoff 53. Peter Listerman 54. George Lucas 55. Tony Lyons 56. Bob Meister 57. Jamie A. Melanson 58. Lynn Miller 59. Marvin Minsky 60. REDACTED 61. David Mullen 62. Joe Pagano 63. Mary Paluga 64. J. Stanley Pottinger 65. Joseph Recarey 66. Michael Reiter 67. Jason Richards 68. Bill Richardson 69. Sky Roberts 70. Scott Rothstein 71. Forest Sawyer 72. Doug Schoetlle 73. Kevin Spacey 74. Cecilia Stein 75. Mark Tafoya 76. Brent Tindall 77. Kevin Thompson 78. Donald Trump 79. Ed Tuttle 80. Emma Vaghan 81. Kimberly Vaughan-Edwards 82. Cresenda Valdes 83. Anthony Valladares 84. Maritza Vazquez 85. Vicky Ward 86. Jarred Weisfeld 87. Courtney Wild 88. Bruce Willis 89. Daniel Wilson 90. Andrew Albert Christian Edwards, Duke of York
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oliver-nova · 1 month
i know you mainly watch cop rp, but do you have any crim you would suggest? mainly for onx too
Absolutely!! I'm just gonna list them because I'm sick rn and super lazy
Joe Cruel played by veggie_smuggler
Jack Malone played by Purpose2
Johnny Divine played by jonthebroski
Owen Svensen played by OwenSeven
Louis Garou played by SuperDave84
Logan Monroe played by Wrighty
Clyde Davis played by Hoop
Aurora Divine played by Cheever7
Winston Walker played by Dyoti
Oliver Nova played by icretin
Mara Hardlock played by rerolldota
Laz Gold played by ZeusLair
Vicky Valentine played by billymonsters
Gemma Knight played by Occamsabre
Harper Gross played by Awesam23
Vern Harrison played by Moosebrother
Blondie Lee played by MadKingMighty
Holden Maddox played by BananaDuck
James "Apples" Apeller played by s0upes
New Day:
Larry Tate played by Homesikh
Jaxon Corsair played by ghostsnypa
Travis Grimes played by hojunhustreams
Jacob Gallagher played by OfficerKilo
Kiyoshi Okazaki played by gh03tf0x
Hudson Welsh played by itsriskit
Dominic Luca played by cyyph3rnights
Carson Fowler played by SupMyHippy
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alexlacquemanne · 5 months
La Course à l'échalote (1975) de Claude Zidi avec Pierre Richard, Jane Birkin, Michel Aumont, Marc Doelsnitz, Amadeus August, Henri Déus, Luis Rego et Catherine Allégret
La Septième Cible (1984) de Claude Pinoteau avec Lino Ventura, Lea Massari, Jean Poiret, Elizabeth Bourgine, Béatrice Agenin, Robert Hoffmann, Jean-Pierre Bacri, Roger Planchon et Francis Lemaire
Pierrot le Fou (1965) de Jean-Luc Godard avec Jean-Paul Belmondo, Anna Karina, Graziella Galvani, Dirk Sanders, Jimmy Karoubi, Roger Dutoit, Hans Meyer, Samuel Fuller et Raymond Devos
Downton Abbey II : Une nouvelle ère (Downton Abbey: A New Era) (2022) de Simon Curtis avec Hugh Bonneville, Maggie Smith, Elizabeth McGovern, Michelle Dockery, Nathalie Baye, Allen Leech et Tuppence Middleton
Orgueil et Préjugés (Pride & Prejudice) (2005) de Joe Wright avec Keira Knightley, Matthew Macfadyen, Simon Woods, Kelly Reilly, Rosamund Pike, Carey Mulligan, Talulah Riley, Donald Sutherland et Brenda Blethyn
Les Pleins Pouvoirs (Absolute Power) (1997) de et avec Clint Eastwood et Gene Hackman, Ed Harris, Laura Linney, Scott Glenn, Dennis Haysbert, Judy Davis et Penny Johnson Jerald
Prêt-à-porter (1994) de Robert Altman avec Marcello Mastroianni, Sophia Loren, Jean-Pierre Cassel, Kim Basinger, Chiara Mastroianni, Stephen Rea, Anouk Aimée, Forest Whitaker, Julia Roberts et Tim Robbins
Un jour (One Day) (2011) de Lone Scherfig avec Anne Hathaway, Jim Sturgess, Tom Mison, Rafe Spall, Jodie Whittaker, Romola Garai, Joséphine de La Baume et Patricia Clarkson
Adaline (The Age of Adaline) (2015) de Lee Toland Krieger avec Blake Lively, Michiel Huisman, Kathy Baker, Harrison Ford, Anthony Ingruber, Ellen Burstyn, Amanda Crew et Richard Harmon
Coffre à Catch
#161 : La DX à la ECW ?? - #162 : Summerslam 2009 en approche! - #163 : William Regal nous régale ! - #164 : Les chevaliers des 1000 likes ! - #165 : Qui se cache derrière le masque du Hurricane ??
Castle Saison 5
Pour le meilleur et pour le pire - Une soirée qui tue - Le Vice et la Vertu - Un choix cornélien - Faux-Semblants - La Cible - La Chasse - Morts de peur - Un passé insoupçonné - La Vie des autres - À la recherche de l'homme-singe - Protection rapprochée - Toute une histoire
Maguy Saison 3
Mal de maire - Chambre accouchée - Jument comme tu respires - Téléphone qui croyait prendre - Impair et deux belle-mères - L'éminence grippe - Sauve qui pneu ! - Voir un petit coup - Message californien - Le coffre effort - Kilt ou double - Rumeur au cerveau - Décibel et tais-toi - Le magicien d'hypnose - Cosmétiques en toc - Des plaies et des noces - Pub, pub, pub… hourrah ! - Un chiffon, fon, fon… - La layette, nous voilà - Gare au gourou ! - Noces à ronger - Talisman comme un arracheur de dents - La rosière arrosée - La strip-teaseuse de bonne aventure - La clé des mensonges - Surprise patrie - Le sponsor en est jeté - Ovni soit qui mal y pense - Adam et chèvre - Jerôme sweet Jerôme - Isabelle et la bête - Tel Pierre, tel fils - Apocalypse mômes - Les dons de la mère - La ruée vers l'art - La SICAV se rebiffe - Mort aux rafles - Bretteville au trésor - De briques et de brocs - Olé concentré - Dégâts des os - L'émoi d’août
La croisière s'amuse Saison 4, 5
Chapeau bas - La Voisine - Le Professeur - Jalousie - Bon Voyage - Une belle amitié - Qui perd gagne - Les Sirènes - Personnalité, vous avez dit personnalité ? - Les Jardins - L'habit ne fait pas la fille - Ne jouez pas avec les inconnus - Quelle classe - Nous étions deux - Incroyable Isaac - La Fille à papa - La Toque - Vicky s'amuse - Les trois font la paire : première partie - Isaac radioactif - Zeke et Zelda
Meurtres au paradis Saison 13
Carton plein - Un plat qui se mange froid - Court-circuit - Question d'avenir - La liste de souhaits
L'autre côté du ring Saison 3
Le procès des stéroïdes - Brutal : le FMW d'Onita - Extrême et obscène : l'XPW de Rob Black
Inspecteur Barnaby Saison 23
Qui sème le vent - Effet domino
Biographies WWE Saison 2
Wrestlemania I
Alfred Hitchcock présente Saison 6,7
Le voleur plein de bonnes intentions - Instinct de survie
Kaamelott Livre V
Le Dernier Jour - Le Royaume Sans Tête - Jizô
Commissaire Moulin Saison 1
Ricochets - La surprise du chef - La Peur des autres
Top Gear France Saison 9
Ceux qui font du rallye - Ceux qui sauvent la planète - Ceux qui deviennent gangsters - Ceux qui ont fait n'importe quoi
Les Brigades du Tigre Saison 3
Bonnot et Compagnie - L'Homme à la casquette - Don de Scotland Yard - Le Cas Valentin - Le Crime du Sultan - L'Ère de la calomnie
Messieurs les jurés
L'Affaire Varney
Mademoiselle (1982) de Jacques Deval avec Jean Meyer, Rosy Varte, Jacqueline Jehanneuf, Anne Rondeleux, Bruno Constantin, Maurice Risch, Nicole Chollet, Dominique Blanche, Florence Fors, Jacques Maury et Bertrand Gohaud
The Morricone Duel (2020) du Danish National Symphony Orchestra
Live by Request: Earth Wind & Fire (1999)
Une femme trop honnête (1978) de Georges Vitaly avec Judith Magre, Bernard Lavalette, Francis Lax, Danièle Deray, Madeleine Barbulée, Jacques Verlier, Maurice Teynac et Christiane Muller
Daho Pleyel Paris (2008)
La commode aux tiroirs de couleurs d'Olivia Ruiz
Détective Conan, tome 21 de Gôshô Aoyama
Le privé d'Hollywood de François Rivière, José-Louis Bocquet et Philippe Berthet
Kaamelott, tome 4 : Perceval Et le Dragon d'Airain d'Alexandre Astier, Steven Dupré et Benoît Bekaert
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