#Vicki Goldsmith
badmovieihave · 1 year
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Bad movie I have The Guilt Trip 2012
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lilaclunablossom · 11 months
Children of the Corn (1984) Review
Next movie in the marathon, 1984’s Children of the Corn. More Stephen King! And uh… yeah, I know I said I’m trying to focus on GOOD movies for this marathon, but I honestly just thought this movie seemed really creepy as a child when we had it on DVD, so I wanted to finally watch it, because I don’t think I ever actually did. But yeah, it’s not great.
It’s directed by Fritz Kiersch, who seems to have not worked on any other movie I’ve heard of, and written by George Goldsmith, who I also had not heard of. Stephen King originally wrote a draft for the script, but it was tossed out for Goldsmith’s script, which removes tons of backstory about Gatlin and focuses more on the 2 adult characters, which is maybe why uhhh the movie sucks.
Two adults, Burt and Vicky, forcibly end up in Gatlin, a town where everyone is killed once they turn 19 – a religious cult completely of children, led by a kid named Isaac. Isaac’s performance is fucking hilarious, and probably gave the movie a whole half a point for me, purely for ironic enjoyment. His right-hand-man Malachai isn’t much different, either. This movie is great for funny child acting.
Burt is the main character, and he’s supposed to be a doctor, but constantly makes stupid decisions. Classic horror trope indeed. I think this is fine in stories if it leads somewhere interesting, but it doesn’t. There’s a point where he says “things just aren’t moving fast enough,” and I think that’s really funny. Maybe it was in the book, I don’t know.
His girlfriend, Vicky, isn’t too bad, but of course there’s a point where she has to become a damsel in distress… would anyone even care about spoilers for this movie? Nothing interesting happens from it. Burt easily saves her and overcomes the… children. I guess I won’t spoil some details, because the ending is fucking hilarious and wild.
None of the acting really stands out in a great way to me, but Burt and Vicky’s chemistry is pretty good I guess. The music as well. And the cinematography is solid, especially the opening mass murder scene which is great. It’s just a shame they went with such a boring script, and couldn’t find good child actors in a movie that’s heavily dependent on it.
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justfilms · 7 years
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House of the Dead 2 - Michael Hurst 2005
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eirene · 2 years
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Vicki Hilbert wearing a Bonnie Cashin jumpsuit with sunglasses by Oliver Goldsmith and watch by Cartier.
British Vogue, October 15, 1965.
Photographer: Norman Parkinson
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docrotten · 3 years
CHILDREN OF THE CORN (1984) – Episode 187 – Decades of Horror 1980s
"Do it now, or your punishment shall be a thousand deaths, each more horrible than the last!" Seems like once would be enough. Join your faithful Grue-Crew - Crystal Cleveland, Chad Hunt, Bill Mulligan, and Jeff Mohr -  as they walk behind the rows in search of “He Who” in Stephen King’s Children of the Corn (1984).
Decades of Horror 1980s Episode 187 – Children of the Corn (1984)
Join the Crew on the Gruesome Magazine YouTube channel! Subscribe today! And click the alert to get notified of new content! https://youtube.com/gruesomemagazine
A young couple is trapped in a remote town where a dangerous religious cult of children believes that everyone over age 18 must be killed.
  Director: Fritz Kiersch
Writers: George Goldsmith (screenplay); Stephen King (based on the short story by)
Peter Horton as Burt Stanton
Linda Hamilton as Vicky Baxter
R. G. Armstrong as Diehl ("The Old Man")
John Franklin as Isaac Chroner
Courtney Gains as Malachai Boardman
Robby Kiger as Job
Anne Marie McEvoy as Sarah
Julie Maddalena as Rachel Colby
Jonas Marlowe as Joseph
John Philbin as Richard 'Amos' Deigan
Jeff picked Children of the Corn thinking he might have missed something in his original viewing, which was not favorable. He is, however, disappointed to find his assessment hasn’t changed. He calls Isaac (John Franklin) and Malachi (Courtney Gains) the best things about the film but laments the filmmakers didn’t stick with the original script or something closer to King’s short story. Crystal saw Children of the Corn when she was a little kid, probably too little she admits, and she loved the idea of kids ruling the world. She still loves the film but goes so far as to say it does suffer a bit now. Hating it then and still not thinking too much of it, Chad felt cheated by the ending. He did find the character of Isaac mesmerizing but he still doesn’t understand why Children of the Corn is sometimes referred to as a classic. Bill loves King’s original story and is irritated with the film when almost immediately he realizes it doesn’t follow the story’s plot. He likes the film's title, the poster, and the great folk horror mythology of “He Who Walks Behind The Rows,” but, in his view, the filmmakers made too many bad choices.
If you are so inclined, Children of the Corn is currently available for streaming on Hulu and Amazon Prime and on physical media as a Special Edition Blu-ray from Arrow Video. 
Every two weeks, Gruesome Magazine’s Decades of Horror 1980s podcast will cover another horror film from the 1980s. The next episode’s film, chosen by Bill, will be The Pit (1981)..  You won’t want to miss that one!
Please let them know how they’re doing! They want to hear from you – the coolest, grooviest fans:  leave them a message or leave a comment on the gruesome Magazine Youtube channel, on the website or email the Decades of Horror 1980s podcast hosts at [email protected]
Check out this episode!
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amanwithnoworld · 4 years
Basic Instinct (1992)
Day 16 A film that's personal to you. Basic Instinct (1992)
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This film is as personal to me as two failed first dates to the cinema. Their names shall remain anonymous and were definitively not Sue and Vicky. When you think of Paul Verhoeven's Basic Instinct, you might be forgiven in thinking it wouldn't make a great date movie, right ;) However, at the time I somehow did, and needless to say, remained single after both screenings :)
If I was to make a list of the top five Verhoeven films Basic Instinct would be there. And this, despite the film being open to many criticisms and parodies of the time, has held up significantly well today. The infamous crossing and uncrossing of Sharon Stones character, Catherine Tramell's legs, was and still is today one of the most satirised and objectionable moments of the film. But it would be wrong to assume this is not its only memorable moment, or talking point, by far. Visually stylized, that reflect the slick visuals of the decade it was filmed. The cinematography is often reminiscent of Hitchcock's Vertigo while Sharon Stone, in many ways, has the screen presence of Grace Kelly who was unanimous with that time in American cinema of the 1950's / 60's. While Michael Douglas often embodies his 1970's detective role straight out of an episode of The Streets of San Francisco. An original score is provided by Jerry Goldsmith and is stunning and, I often feel, under appreciated. The erotic thriller is a genre not visited often by Hollywood, when it comes to sex and violence its either one or the other (unless your in a 80's slasher) Verhoeven pushes the boundaries here and pushes them well. Basic Instinct remains, quintessentially, one of the best thrillers of the 1990's and holds up refreshingly well today.
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2dtcnjspring · 5 years
Brief History of Type
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Printing with moveable type actually started in China and Korea in the 8th century AD and printed type (via wood block printing) began to be distributed. In Japan, a devout empress commissioned one million copies of a prayer for distribution to pilgrims. During this time a print runs took six years to complete.
In the middle of the 15th century a German goldsmith Johannes Gutenberg invents moveable metal type and the printing press.
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Print and typography were transformational in many ways. For example, typography helped seal the notion of “text” as a complete work, a stable body of ideas in one form.
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Before the printing press, books were produced by scribes circa the 12th century.
When Gutenberg produced his first typeface, he designed the typeface that was popular at the time. This first type was called “Black letter”.
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Black letter is a descendant of “Caroline minuscule”, a calligraphic script developed in Charlemagne’s empire (800-1100 AD). Blackletter soon got competition from "humanist" typefaces created during the 15th century by Venetian printers. These typefaces looked more like writing found in the humanistic (renaissance) manuscripts of the time. Most printers started using “humanist”-style fonts but Germans were not swayed: they used Blackletter or “Fraktur” until the 20th century.
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In the first decades after the invention of print, type designers drew their inspiration from handwriting or calligraphy. Frenchman Claude Garamond completed the development of transitional typeface with his  typeface. Garamond gives up on trying to imitate handwriting, for him, type becomes its own art. “Garamond” becomes the most popular typeface in Europe.
Transitional typeface “Transitional” type is so-called because of its intermediate position between old style and modern. The distinguishing features of transitional typefaces include vertical stress and slightly higher contrast than old style typefaces, combined with horizontal serifs.
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Master calligrapher John Baskerville (1706–1775) wanted to improve legibility and worked hard to create typefaces with sharpness and contrast unlike anything else at the time.
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Firmin Didot (1764–1836) created what is considered the first Modern typeface. ``Modern’’ typefaces are distinguishable by their sudden-onset vertical stress and strong contrast. Modern serifs and horizontals are very thin, almost hairlines. Although they are very striking, these typefaces are sometimes criticized as cold or harsh, and may not be quite as readable for very extensive text work, such as books.
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The industrial revolution shaped the 19th century - and it also shaped typography. Mass production led to mass consumption, which led to mass communication. Advertising exploded and with it the need for bold in-your-face type, soon typefaces of all widths and heights appeared. Serifs lost their role as finishing details and became independent components.
20th Century In the early 20th century avant-garde artists went a step further in rejecting historical letterforms. Following the Bauhaus credo of radically simplified forms and functionality, Paul Renner designed Futura based on simple geometric shapes. In his quest for simplicity, Renner avoided all decorative non-essential elements.
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Futura has a refined yet cool element, so when Swedish furniture retailer IKEA abandoned Futura in their catalogues for Verdana (a Microsoft-produced online font), it received severe complaints from customers.
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1957 Helvetica is everywhere. Born in neutral Switzerland in 1957, its neutrality soon took the world by storm. Business quickly embraced the clear but honest look and soon it became the font of choice for logos, transport signs, and product packaging. Today, it is virtually impossible in America to spend a day without somehow seeing the font.
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1950’s After the proliferation of typefaces Concrete Poetry became popular. Coined in the 1950’s Concrete poetry or shape poetry is poetry in which the typographical arrangement of words is as important in conveying the intended effect as the conventional elements of the poem, such as meaning of words, rhythm, rhyme and so on.
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It is sometimes referred to as visual poetry, a term that has evolved to have distinct meaning of its own, but which shares the distinction of being poetry in which the visual elements are as important as the text.
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Phototypesetting, 1950s: this machine projects light through a cut-out of a font character, onto a film that is then treated chemically to bear the mark permanently. This system has the advantage of scalability — magnifiers can be used to adjust the size of the type image freely, without having to bring in a new font cutout. Of course, digital vector technology would soon leave this advancement in the dust.
1977 On April 1, 1977, the Guardian newspaper published a seven-page supplement on the island of San Seriffe, a nation celebrating ten years of independence. The country consisted of two main islands, Caissa Superiore (Upper Caisse) and Caissa Inferiore (Lower Caisse). The capital city, located on Upper Caisse, was the city of Bodoni. Other cities included Port Clarendon, Garamondo and Cap Em (printed with full map and description). Of course, the islands were not real, but many readers called the newspaper wanting to book a vacation. The elaborate typography prank was one of the most successful in history and has spawned online travel guides and more. Why was it so successful? It happened right before the PC revolution, when suddenly everybody could become a type expert.
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The reason that even people who do not care one bit about typography know several fonts and some specialist terms, is the personal computer. Specifically, the first Mac. Steve Jobs had attended a calligraphy class in college which left such a great impression on him that he pushed hard to have several typefaces included on the first Mac. At the time, this was a revolutionary concept but it set in motion the proliferation of digital fonts we know today.
Digital typography (mid 1980s – present)
Bitmap (raster) fonts: a data file that contains glyphs in pixel form. Because it is not scalable like a vector, a bitmap font must contain many sets of pre-determined sizes (traditionally just 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 18, 24, 36, 48, and 72pt), each in every permutation of regular, bold, and italic.
Bitmap font formats: PCF, BDF, SNF, DWF, BF, AFM, FON, BMF, PSF, PK
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A pixilated bitmap character (image from Wikimedia Commons) and bitmap files for 3 font sizes (image fromJOT)
Outline (vector) fonts - sets of mathematically described lines and curves that trace the outline of glyphs. They are infinitely scalable without pixilation.
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Vectorized font (image from Adobe)
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The computer era came with the promise of unlimited font choices.
Fonts soon got used in grotesque ways, the worst offender being Comic Sans, a quirky hand-writing font distributed through Microsoft’s operating system. Intended as a script for an animated dog, Comic Sans became popular because it was part of Microsoft Windows’ standard font package.
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Since everybody had a PC, fonts in Windows became pretty much default standards. The rise of Times New Roman, for example, is directly correlated with this phenomenon.
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For a long time, the Internet ran on a few fonts, namely those available on most computers. A few years ago this changed with the introduction of CSS3 and faster broadband speeds. Now, websites can display fonts delivered through the web and the world is better of because of it.
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2007 On September 25, 2007, Vicki Walker put this in an email and pushed send: TO ENSURE YOUR STAFF CLAIM IS PROCESSED AND PAID, PLEASE FOLLOW THE BELOW CHECKLIST. Her company in New Zealand did not like her use of the caps lock button and fired her for sending “confrontational emails”. Walker won damages in court but the episode tells us something about the power of typography. We don’t like to be screamed at in our face and WE DON’T LIKE TO BE SCREAMED AT ON OUR SCREEN. LET THAT BE A LESSON FOR ALL OF US.
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What are the most popular fonts of all time? The poster below combines various Top 100 lists and puts Helvetica, Futura and Bodoni in the top three spots.
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Typeface Terminology
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Works inspired by typeface design
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gfrbs3w · 19 years
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Durante los últimos diez años, he tocado un rant de Todd Colby llamado Cake (Queque) en mi show cada semana. Huelga decir que se ha convertido en un clásico de Kenny G. After the jump are 160 208 versiones de “Cake” hechas por uds., auditores de WFMU. Gracias a toda la gente que participó. ¡Simplemente sorprendente!
Kenneth Goldsmith, Kenny G
  A Chair Cake (Broken Diaphragm Version) 01:15
        Cake (Sprechstimme ‘n’ Spoons version) (02:29)
Alex Brown Alley Pus Cake (03:08)
Alex Goddard The End of Cake (02:38)
All Three Answering Machine Cakes Cake (02:52)
Andrew Bad Trip on Cake (01:15)
       Drunken Cake Blues (01:17) 
       The Effects of Tetrahydrocannabinol on The Mind of an Individual (02:34)
Art Class 18, Scotch Plains Fanwood High School Cake (01:52)
Bass Bawl AbabAcake (01:11) 
Bad German Cake (01:47) 
Berit*, Henry Youll* & Ian* In the Merry Month of Cake (1608) (01:48)
Björn Eriksson Cake Robot Master (02:16)
Boris Hladek* Cake Cover (German) (01:03)
              Cake (Sad Droid Version) (01:21)
Brian Joseph Davis Cake (Todd Colby Live) (01:18)
Buzzsaw Opera Cake (03:15) 
Unknown Cake and Frosting (01:32)
Cake: German Version (00:51)
CCC (Chris Shaw) Cake by Todd Colby vs. The Who (01:31) 
Charkee McGee and the Problematically Incentivized Flaming Ducks Crazy Cake (03:17)
Charles* Gold Layer Cake (01:03)
Craig Keller Cake (03:27)
CT Delgado Melted Sweetvream Icing (03:23) 
Darien* Cake (Spanish Version) (01.00)
Dave Kormann Cake (01:14)
David Alexander McDonald Cake (01:24) 
David Fenech* Cake Cover (01:26)
David Roberts Cake (00:47)
David Roberts vs. Afrocat Funk Cake Delic Remix (01:09)
Dirt Filth Cake (01:36) 
           Cake Perc (01:25)
DJ Frankie Pigeon Cakewalk (after Paul Whiteman) (01:19)
                  Cut-up Cake (01:06)
Don Deeley Cake (00:53)
Earwhigs Cake (01:24)
Ecstasy Mule Cake (01:17)
Ed Word Cake 1 (01:01)
        Cake 2 (05:57) 
        Cake Addict (04:20) 
        Multi-Cake (00:56) 
        Reversed Cake (01:40)
Emerson Dameron* Cake Cover (02:45)
Eric* Cake (01:02)
Eric Pearce Inhaling Cake (01:06)
Evan DuBois Cakeecho (01:26)
            Cake in Heaven (04:30)
            Where is the Cake? (03:14)
Ewewew Cake (02:45)
Fatty Jubbo Cake Cover (00:57)
            Cake 2 (01:28)
            Cake 3 (01:03) 
            Cake 4 (01:13) 
            Cake 5 (01:06) 
            Cake 6 (01:45) 
            Cake 7 (01:58) 
            Cake 8 (01:33) 
            Cake 9 (01:31)
            Cake 10 (01:27)
Faust Gertz* Cake Cover (02:20) 
Fkerm Cake (00:44)
Gary Barwin Cake  (02:44)
Gennar Cake (01:09) 
Gerardo Figueroa* 1/2 queque** Cake (01:00) 
Gurber So Cakey Inside (02:59)
Hakujin Japanese Cake (01:27)
Harry’s Cake Remix (00:51)
Health Food Fatty-like Cake Mix (01:43)
Henrietta Pussycat Meow Meow Cake (00:46)
Henry Lowengard Censored Cake  (00:55)
Webhamster Henry Lowengard Ordered Cake (00:55) 
           Cake (Scottish Cake Mix) (01:00)
Howie* & Christine* Mouthful of Cake Cake (00:55)
                    Slow Cake (01:35) 
IllGIll Cakey Remix (01:50) 
Irving Sendra (3 años) Cake (01:17)
Jan Holcomb Pigecake (02:39)
Jason Grunebaum* Cake Cover (01:10)
John Fink I Love Cake (00:53)
Jorge Vaz Nande* Cake Cover (02:30)
Josh Dippold* Cake Cover (01:36)
Kathy* Cake Song (01:17) 
Kendall Cake
        Medieval Cake (01:40)
Kevin Hamilton* Cake (00:44)
               Cake 2 (01:06)
               Cake (Mic) (00:51)
               Cake Duet (00:59) 
               Cake Phone   
               Cake Trio (00:53)
               Cake Yell (01:03)
               Cult of Cake (01:02)
               Jessica Rabbit Cake (00:57)
               Nathan Cake (01:01) 
               Radio Cake 1 (04:58)
               Radio Cake 2 (01:55)
               Radio Cake 3  (02:05)
               Radio Cake 4 (01:53) 
               Cake Phone (00:50) 
Lalena Daffodil Cake (01:03)
Lance the Listener Cake Leftovers (00:33)
                   Crhumba (00:29) 
Lars Tonovich Vicki Bennett Cake Cover Version One Remix with Uke by Death Is A Sex Act With Echo’s Shadow (01:04) 
Lee Rosevere Cake (12:02) 
             People Like Us Cake (12 minutes) ºº
Lenold Let Them Eat Cack (01:58)
Lucas Psychedelic Cake  (00:55)
Macedonia* Cake (02:37)
Mannlicher Carcano Cake Mix (02:04)
Matthew Moreau Cake in 20 Seconds (00:21)
Megan Murphy Previously on Cake (01:18)
Mesmeric Cake (00:55)
Michael X. Rose* Cake Cover (02:01)
Mike Doughty Does a Well-Enunciated Cake (00:58)
             Mike as an Inebriated Soccer Dad Doing Cake (00:51) 
             Mike Says Cake (00:51) 
             Stephanie Does Cake in a Fake Brazilian Accent (00:56) 
             Stephanie Does Cake With Conviction (00:54) 
             Stephanie Says Cake (00:48)
             Stephanie’s Phone Rings During Cake (01:09)
Mike Lupica Cake Aircheck (01:26)
Mike Rose Coked (new version) (01:27)
Necrolepsy* Cake (02:05)
Nick the Bard Cake (00:52)
              Italian Mission Cake (00:42) 
              Yoda Cake (00:48)
Norelpref Cake Cover (Death Metal) (01:42)
          Cake Yes! (00:28)
Olive (2 años) Cake (01:33)
Oscar* Cake (00:52)
Oscar Marsh Jim Roche’s Cake (01:47)
Pat Trip Dyspenzer Cakes on Plane (00:22)
                   Post Nearly Cake (02:24)
                   Theremin Cake (01:57)
                   Word Frequency Cake (02:17)
Patrick Gibbs Cake (01:04)
              I Love Patty Cake (02:36) 
PGB Cake Storytime (01:16)
Raymond Lowengard Cake Commentary (06:42) 
Reid Gray & Brett Laurance Funeral Cake (00:58) 
Rick Mcnamara 2006: A Cake Oddysey (01:45) 
              I Hate Cake (01:05)
              Reversed Cake (00:55)
Scott* Cake Cover (Sexy Smooth) (01:25)
Scott Puhl Cake Braggarts (01:21)
           Cake Cadence (00:38)
           Crunk Cake (00:52)
           Psalm of Cakes (02:22)
           Tattered Cake (00:31)
           You Can Call Me Cake (01:39)
Scott Sendra Cake (01:25) 
Scott Williams EVP Cake (01:21)
               Grandpa Cake on the Phone (02:06)
               Kate’s Cake (01:56)
               Melodramaticake (01:55)
               RoboCake (01:17) 
Shane Brashear Tubular Art Cake (04:29) 
Shawn Huelle* Cake Cover  (01:49)
Sick to the Back Teeth Cake (Vicki Remix) (01:40)
                       Cake (Noise) (00:26)
Speech Synthesizer Jay Thomas Cake Markov Chain (01:31)
Sphinc Martindale I Want My Fucking Cake Mix (04:28)
Steve McLaughlin Cake Cake Cake (00:19)
Super Lisa Euro Discake (02:51)
t-11-1 Cake of the Month (01:03)
Ted Philips Soundhacked Cake 1 (01:50)
            Soundhacked Cake 2  (01:50)
The Anti-Gravity Workshop Ultimate Butter Cake RX (01:00)
The Ass Grocers Cake (01:52)
The Belgian Waffles! Cake (02:20)
The Old Codger Rumcake (01:11)
The People‘s Tongue Cake (12:33)
The Unmade Beds Cake (01:07)
Todd Cake: Your Feet on the Ground (01:22)
Todd Colby The Original Cake (00:55)
ydooM moT ekaCyzarC (03:17)
Ton Ami Caque (00:52)
Vicki Bennett Cake Cover 1 (00:46)
              Cake Cover 2 (01:40)
              Cake Cover 3 (00:57)
              Cake Cover 4 (00:56)
              Cake Cover 5 (00:54)
              Cake Cover 6 (00:44)
              Cake Cover 7 (01:10)
              Cake Cover 8 (01:00)
              Cake Cover 9 (00:55)
              Cake Cover 10 (01:00)
              Cake Cover 11 (00:49)
              Cake Cover 12 (00:54)
              Cake Cover 13 (00:59)
              Cake Cover 14 (01:19)
              Musical Cake Song (05:36)
Victor Scott The Cake Song (01:20)
Vigo Brunar Cake (01:12)
Webb McDonald* Cake Cover (01:11)
               Webbcake (00:58)
X.Y. Zedd Cake (FCC Version) (00:52)
          Cake Cake Cake (00:09)
          Cut the Cake (01:14)
          Zen Cake (00:46)
Zach McDonald Character Actor’s Krusty Elocution Cake (00:52)
              Mouthfull of Cake (00:59)
              Tearfull Cake (01:00)
Cake by Gerardo Figueroa
0 notes
bandstolookup · 3 years
* Julian Bream
* Buddy Bregman
* Beverly Bremers
* Elton Britt
* Milton Brown
* Vicki Brown
* The Browns
* Ed Bruce
* Buchanan Brothers
* Sam Butera
* Billy Butterfield
* Al Caiola
* Red Callender
* Cab Calloway
* Archie Campbell (comedian)
* Chela Campos
* Canadian Brass
* Eddie Cantor
* Frankie Carle
* Bill Carlisle
* Carmela y Rafael
* Darleen Carr
* Leroy Carr
* humperdinck
* purvis
* massenet
* Diahann Carroll
* Jenny Lou Carson
* Martha Carson
* Mindy Carson
* Anita Carter
* Wilf Carter (musician)
* The Cascades (band)
* Page Cavanaugh
* Carol Channing
* Jean Chapel
* Ray Charles (musician, born 1918)
* Savannah Churchill
* Doctor Clayton
* Jack Clement
* Van Cliburn
* Buzz Clifford
* Rosemary Clooney
* Christopher Cloud
* Hank Cochran
* Alma Cogan
* Ramón Collazo
* Arthur Collins (singer)
* Jerry Colonna (entertainer)
* Perry Como
* Dick Contino
* Sam Cooke
* Spade Cooley
* Ronnie Cord
* Don Cornell
* Dave "Baby" Cortez
* Wally Cox
* Floyd Cramer
* The Crew-Cuts
* Bing Crosby
* Lindsay Crosby
* Milton Cross
* Arthur Crudup
* Xavier Cugat
* Larry Dale
* Vernon Dalhart
* Vic Damone
* Dick Damron
* Julius Daniels
* The Davis Sisters (country band)
* Danny Davis (country musician)
* Gail Davis
* Walter Davis (blues)
* Wild Bill Davis
* Dennis Day
* Bobby Day
* Bernardo de Muro
* Frank De Vol
* red eyed legends
* red krayola
* Barry De Vorzon
* Jimmy Dean
* Damita Jo DeBlanc
* The DeCastro Sisters
* The Delta Rhythm Boys
* Matt Dennis
* William F. Denny
* Paul Desmond
* Bill Dixon
* Tommy Dorsey
* Jimmy Driftwood
* Bobby Driscoll
* Marilyn Duke
* George Duning
* Don Durant
* Billy Eckstine
* Duane Eddy
* Cliff Edwards
* Jonathan and Darlene Edwards
* Lisa Ekdahl
* Larry Elgart
* Jimmy Elledge
* Ray Ellis
* Ethel Ennis
* María Enriqueta
* Dale Evans
* Paul Evans (musician)
* The Everly Brothers
* Everything Everything
* Irving Fazola
* Barbara Feldon
* José Feliciano
* greg the hero
* Francisco Fellove
* Ana María Fernández
* Lydia Fernández (singer)
* José Ferrer
* Arthur Fiedler
* Herbie Fields
* Eddie Fisher (singer)
* Shug Fisher
* Ralph Flanagan
* The Fontane Sisters
* The Four Aristocrats
* The Four Lovers
* The Four Tunes
* Virgil Fox
* Sergio Franchi
* Juan Gabriel
* Rosario García Orellana
* Brother Dave Gardner
* Erroll Garner
* Gale Garnett
* John Gary
* Alice Ghostley
* Don Gibson
* Ginny Gibson
* Ray Gilbert
* Dizzy Gillespie
* Will Glahé
* Dick Glasser
* Darrell Glenn
* The Go-Go's (British band)
* George Gobel
* Marty Gold
* Jerry Goldsmith
* Al Goodman
* Benny Goodman
* Benny Gordon (singer)
* Curtis Gordon
* Morton Gould
* Gogi Grant
* Grapefruit (band)
* Milford Graves
* Lorne Greene
* Merv Griffin
* Grimethorpe Colliery Band
* Bonnie Guitar
* Guylaine Guy
* Adelaide Hall
* Juanita Hall
* René Hall
* Stuart Hamblen
* Judd Hamilton
* Roy Hamilton
* Walter Hampden
* Johana Harris
* Phil Harris
* John Hartford
* Johnny Hartman
* Erskine Hawkins
* Hawkshaw Hawkins
* George "Gabby" Hayes
* Tiger Haynes
* Neal Hefti
* Ray Heindorf
* Tal Henry
* Las Hermanas Montoya
* Milt Herth
* Eddie Heywood Jr.
* Ronnie Hilton
* Al Hirt
* Gaynel Hodge
* Lorin Hollander
* Sterling Holloway
* The Honey Dreamers
* rex harrison
* Bob Hope
* Broadway Performers
* Helmut Zacharias
* Jerry Hadley
* Lena Horne
* David Houston (singer)
* Hugo & Luigi
* Rex Humbard
* Betty Hutton
* Dick Hyman
rex harrison & julie andrews
* Los Indios Tabajaras
* Autry Inman
* The Isley Brothers
stanley holloway
julie andrews
leonard weir
* Jim Jackson (musician)
* Etta James
* George James (musician)
* Sonny James
* Hilton Jefferson
* sailing with the sun
* Herb Jeffries
* Florence Foster Jenkins
* Waylon Jennings
* Johnnie & Jack
* J. J. Johnson
* soft kill
* Ada Jones
* Curtis Jones (pianist)
* Grandpa Jones
* Jack Jones (American singer)
* Spike Jones
* The Jordanaires
* Judas Priest
the unseen
* Kitty Kallen
* munch
* Mickey Katz
* Beatrice Kay
* Sammy Kaye
* KC and the Sunshine Band
* Hal Kemp
* Anita Kerr
* The King Sisters
* tai verdes
* Clydie King
* kella sin
* revolting cocks
* r-generation
* alan jackson
* mighty vhybes
* Pee Wee King
* little acre
* Peggy King
* Pete King (saxophonist)
* Wayne King
* Ray Kinney
* Lisa Kirk
* Eartha Kitt
* Baker Knight
* John Kongos
* Josef Krips
* wah-wah
* tetrarch
* flock of pigs
* brent faiyaz
* Gene Krupa
* Julius La Rosa
* Labelle
* Avelina Landín
* Abbe Lane
* Don Lang (musician)
* Mario Lanza
* Ellis Larkins
* josef salvat
* Charles Laughton
* Rod Lauren
* Paul Lavalle
* Lee Andrews & the Hearts
* Michel Legrand
* Tommy Leonetti
* David Lindley (musician)
* Living Strings
* Hank Locklin
* Lonzo and Oscar
* Sophia Loren
* Myrna Lorrie
* John D. Loudermilk
* Dorothy Loudon
* Norman Luboff
* Dora Luz
* Gisele MacKenzie
* Henry Mancini
* Lorene Mann
* Zeke Manners
* Peggy March
* Marilú (singer)
* Benny Martin
* Freddy Martin
* Janis Martin
* Jimmy Martin
* Mary Martin
* Ray Martin (orchestra leader)
* Skip Martin
* Tony Martin (American singer)
* Trade Martin
* Harpo Marx
* Marie McDonald
* Ray McKinley
* Rod McKuen
* Don McNeill (radio presenter)
* Audrey Meadows
* Jayne Meadows
* Lauritz Melchior
* Robert Merrill
* Paul Mickelson
* Mickey & Sylvia
* Glenn Miller
* Glenn Miller Orchestra
* Roger Miller
* Lucky Millinder
* Anthony A. Mitchell
* Vic Mizzy
* MØ
* Domenico Modugno
* Anna Moffo
* Charlie Monroe
* Marilyn Monroe
* Vaughn Monroe
* Patsy Montana
* Lou Monte
* Hugo Montenegro
* Noro Morales
* Jaye P. Morgan
* Erika Morini
* Buddy Morrow
* Bennie Moten
* Patrice Munsel
* Jimmy Murphy (country musician)
* Rose Murphy
joe roberts
* Toña la Negra
* Willie Nelson
* Peter Nero
* Phineas Newborn Jr.
* Anthony Newley
* Joe Newman (trumpeter)
* Robert Nighthawk
* Ray Noble
* alyssa trahan
* watkins and the rapiers
* Bob Nolan
* Norma Jean (singer)
* Alex North
* The Nutty Squirrels
* Odetta
* Claus Ogerman
* Roy Orbison
* Organisation (band)
* Eugene Ormandy
* Orquesta Casino de la Playa
* Osborne Brothers
* Ottawan
* Vernon Oxford
* Jack Paar
* Fess Parker
* Les Paul
* Rita Pavone
* matthew pauling
* Minnie Pearl
* Mike Pedicin
* Jan Peerce
* Dave Pell
* Hank Penny
* Pérez Prado
* Anthony Perkins
* Ray Peterson
* Stu Phillips (country singer)
* Piano Red
* Jane Pickens
• Bobby Pickett
* The Pied Pipers
* Ezio Pinza
* Nilla Pizzi
* Bud Powell
* anonymous willpower
* André Previn
* Kenny Price
* Leontyne Price
* louis prince
* Charley Pride
* Louis Prima
* Jeanne Pruett
* Tito Puente
* Rosita Quintana
* Sid Ramin
* Ariel Ramírez
* Frankie Randall (singer)
* Boots Randolph
* Barney Rapp
* Rebeca Silva Cosío
* The Redcoats
* Della Reese
* Jim Reeves
* Phil Regan (actor)
* Joe Reisman
* Henri René
* Reparata and the Delrons
* Charlie Rich
* Mona Richardson
* Elvira Ríos
* Don Robertson (songwriter)
* Alys Robi
* Carson Robison
* Jimmie Rodgers (country singer)
* Tito Rodríguez
* Zé Rodrix
* Roy Rogers
* Shorty Rogers
* Sonny Rollins
* Ronny & the Daytonas
* Mick Ronson
* David Rose (songwriter)
* Annie Ross
* Andy Russell (singer)
* Johnny Russell (singer)
* Jean Sablon
* Barry Sadler
* Tommy Sands (American singer)
* Sauter-Finegan Orchestra
* Hal Schaefer
* Daniel Joseph Schafer
* Jack Scott (singer)
* Linda Scott
* Tony Scott (musician)
* The Searchers (band)
* arthur "big boy" crudup
* Al Sears
* Neil Sedaka
* lowell fulson
* Mike Settle
* Artie Shaw
* Robert Shaw (conductor)
* George Beverly Shea
* The Shelton Brothers
* Allan Sherman
* Dinah Shore
* Flor Silvestre
* entertainment
* Nina Simone
* Six Fat Dutchmen
* Skip Bifferty
* Walter Slezak
* Small Faces
* Roy Smeck
* Arthur "Guitar Boogie" Smith
* Kate Smith
* Walt Solek
* Sonora Matancera
* Sons of the Pioneers
* Red Sovine
* Muggsy Spanier
* Speer Family
* Mary Speer
* Tim Spencer (singer)
* Kay Starr
* The Statesmen Quartet
* Tommy Steele
* Max Steiner
* Steve and Eydie
* April Stevens
* James Stewart
* Redd Stewart
* Arbee Stidham
* Rex Stewart
* the vasco
* Pat Suzuki
* Henry (Hank) Sylvern
* Tampa Red
* Jack Teagarden
* The Teen Queens
* modern love child
* Nino Tempo
* Gordon Terry
* don't look down
* dollar 380
* fluf
* tent
* chuck treece
* g. love & special sauce
* 7 minds
* Sonny Terry
* Conrad Thibault
* Danny Thomas
* Bob Thompson (musician)
* Claude Thornhill
* The Three Suns
* Floyd Tillman
* Terry Timmons
* Art and Dotty Todd
* The Tokens
* Isao Tomita
* Mitchell Torok
* Arturo Toscanini
* Giorgio Tozzi
* The Treniers
* Tommy Tucker (singer)
* Johnny Tyler
* T. Texas Tyler
* Miguelito Valdés
* Caterina Valente
* Rudy Vallée
* June Valli
* Sylvie Vartan
* Fats Waller
* Cedar Walton
* Fran Warren
* Ethel Waters
* Slim Whitman
* Cootie Williams
* Joe Williams (jazz singer)
* Tex Williams
* Meredith Willson
* Paul Winchell
* Hugo Winterhalter
* Jimmy Witherspoon
* Del Wood
* Ilene Woods
* George Wright (organist)
* Nan Wynn
* Glenn Yarbrough
* Si Zentner
• 10cc
* 4 Runner (Polydor Nashville)
* +44 (Polydor UK)
* wolf creek
* • ABBA
* Absent Minded (Polydor UK)
* Bryan Adams
* cathy rich
* AFI (Polydor UK)
* Abd al Malik
* Ace of Base
* A-ha
* A II Z (Polydor UK)
* Alizée
* Alphabeat
* Alphaville
* gary lewis and the playboys
* black dresses
* xiu xiu
* gonjasufi
* Alpines
* Alquin
* The All-American Rejects (Polydor UK)
* The Allman Brothers Band
* María Conchita Alonso
* All Time Low (Polydor UK)
* The Amboy Dukes
* Thomas Anders
* Jon Anderson
* Angels and Airwaves (Polydor UK)
* Die Antwoord (Polydor UK)
* Paul Anka
* Army of Lovers (Polydor UK)
* Art of Noise (China/Polydor)
* Appleton
* Asia
* Athlete (Polydor UK)
* Atlanta Rhythm Section
* Audience
* Audioslave
* The Automatic
* Roy Ayers
* Ayọ
* Intan Ayu (Polydor Bandung)
B Edit
* • Tony Banks (Charisma/Polydor) (US/Canada)
* Barclay James Harvest
* Gary Barlow
* Daniel Bedingfield (Polydor UK)
* The Bees
* Bee Gees (Polydor UK)
* The Big Three
* Björk (outside the UK and Iceland)
* Black Tide (Polydor UK)
* Blind Faith
* Blink-182 (Polydor UK)
* Blossom Toes
* Boyzone
* Brand New (Polydor UK)
* Brick and Lace
* Alicia Bridges
* Bright Eyes (Polydor UK)
* Sarah Brightman
* James Brown
* Ian Brown
* Miquel Brown
* Roy Buchanan
* Buckingham Nicks (outside Canada)
* Bucks Fizz
* Bully Buhlan
* the pietzsche nietzsches
* bob prong
* • Café Tacvba
* personal blend
* pietzsche nietzsche
* Cast
* Cat's Eyes
* Cat Mother & the All Night News Boys
* Celeste (Polydor UK)
* The Chakachas
* Chapel Club
* Chelsia Chan (Polydor Hong Kong)
* Cheryl Cole (Fascination/Polydor)
* Cher Lloyd (UMG Polydor)
* Chris Cornell (Polydor UK)
* Christine Fan (Polydor France)
* Clare Maguire
* Claire Waldoff
* Cover Drive
* Eric Clapton
* Petula Clark
* Stanley Clarke
* Lloyd Cole and the Commotions
* Amie Comeaux (Polydor Nashville)
* Commodores
* Billy Connolly
* bloodkrow butcher
* Jodie Connor
* the isotopes
* Celia Cruz
* mykey
* Cookie Crew
* Crystal Castles
* The Courteeners
* The Cure
D Edit
* • D Mob
* Daley
* Dashboard Confessional (Polydor UK)
* Davis Daniel (Polydor Nashville)
* Bill Deal
* Esmee Denters (Polydor UK)
* Deep Purple (outside US)
* Delays
* Delphic
* Demi Lovato (Polydor UK/Fascination)
* Cathy Dennis
* Destinee & Paris (Polydor UK)
* Lynsey De Paul
* Jim Diamond
* Diddy (Polydor UK)
* Dino
* Dirty White Boy
* Alesha Dixon
* Dodgy
* Plácido Domingo
* Donel
* Double
* Dr. Vades
* Duffy (A&M/Polydor) (outside US)
* The Duke Spirit
* Hilary Duff (Polydor UK)
* Durrty Goodz (Polydor UK)
* E/Eels
* primitive radio gods
* Elbow (Polydor UK)
* 1994!
* Sophie Ellis-Bextor
* Electric Light Orchestra (Polydor UK)
* Ellie Goulding (Polydor UK)
* Emma Bunton (Polydor UK)
* Emma's Imagination (Polydor UK)
* Emerson Lake & Powell
* Eminem (Polydor UK)
* Engine Alley (Polydor UK)
* Envy & Other Sins (Polydor UK)
* Escape The Fate
* Paul Evans
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ethangourlay · 4 years
Antony Gormley
Born 30 August 1950 in Dewsbury, West Yorkshire Anthony Gormley had an academic route toward what would be a successful career as a sculptor and installation artist who has exhibited throughout the world.  Key highlights are being awarded an OBE and in 2014  a knighthood.  He is now Sir Anthony Mark Gormley, and he was a Turner prize winner in 1994 for “Fields for the British Isles”. He attended Catholic fee paying Ampleforth College a boarding school in North Yorkshire and this ties in to what seems a religious catholic family.  He comes from an Irish Catholic family originally from Donegal and West Tyrone but he grew up in Hampstead, London.
He attended three London Art colleges (Slade, Goldsmiths and St Martins) after attending Trinity College, Cambridge University where he studied anthropology and the history of art. He does seem to have had a privileged education and upbringing.
He has worked with his wife, Vicky Parsons, for 40 years.  They have three children and she has supported his work and career.  
A lot of the work he creates takes the human body as its subject.  He also tends to use his own body as the basis for many of the works. He takes a mould of his body. Much of his later work has more geometric body shapes.
One of his most famous work is the ‘Angel of the North’ Gateshead . Another use of figures was ‘Event Horizon’, where he placed figures around streets and on buildings in New York in 2010. His works can be seen on his website https://www.antonygormley.com/
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Music 'releases mood-enhancing chemical in the brain' - BBC News
Music psychologist, Dr Vicky Williamson from Goldsmiths College, University of London welcomed the paper.  She said the research didn't answer why music was so important to humans - but proved that it was.
"This paper shows that music is inextricably linked with our deepest reward systems."
see also: https://www.psypost.org/2019/02/listening-to-the-music-you-love-will-make-your-brain-release-more-dopamine-study-finds-53059
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stuartelden · 5 years
A roundtable on Martina Tazzioli’s book The Making of Migration: The Biopolitics of Mobility at Europe’s Borders - University of Warwick, 15 January 2020
A roundtable on Martina Tazzioli’s book The Making of Migration: The Biopolitics of Mobility at Europe’s Borders – University of Warwick, 15 January 2020
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The making of migration: A roundtable on Martina Tazzioli’s book The Making of Migration: The Biopolitics of Mobility at Europe’s Borders (Sage, 2019)
With Stuart Elden (PAIS, Warwick), Daniele Lorenzini (Philosophy, Warwick), Vicki Squire (PAIS, Warwick), Maurice Stierl (PAIS, Warwick) and Martina Tazzioli (Goldsmiths, University of London)
Wednesday, January 15 2020, 4:30pm to 5:45pm (room…
View On WordPress
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allmusic · 7 years
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People Like Us Abridged Too Far April 7, 2004 Experimental
Originally released as a free download courtesy of Kenneth Goldsmith's indispensable UbuWeb, this album contains pieces by Vicki Bennett recorded for freeform radio station WFMU and as a session for the late, legendary DJ John Peel, as well as a handful of other tracks from limited vinyl releases. Bennett is an expert at slicing and dicing fragments of familiar pop songs, film and television clips, and pure kitsch, resulting in absurdist yet accessible collages which trigger memories and elicit a wide range of emotions. Abridged Too Far is easily her best work, and a high water mark for plunderphonics.   - Paul Simpson
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vickiabelson · 5 years
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I had the great good fortune to attend a Jazz concert at Disney Hall last week. Great good fortune and jazz in the same sentence have not oft been uttered by me. I went specifically to hear pianist/composer, Mike Lang, who trusted friend and artist Cindy Begel, raved about. A quick look at his credits… 2000 + film scores. Say what?!? With John Williams Jerry Goldsmith Henry Mancini. Hans Zimmer to name but a few. She needn’t have said more… but there’s so much more. Mike has performed with artists as diverse as Ray Charles, Willie Nelson, John Denver, Lionel Ritchie, The Ramones. Aretha Franklin. Marvin Gaye, InSync, John Lennon (love that he’s mid-list), Barbara Streisand, and Frank Zappa, and that’s barely scratching the surface. Oh, the film scores, Days of Wine and Roses, a personal favorite, which Mike played this night, with the most kick ass jazz trio…  Michael Valerio on bass, and legendary drummer. Jim Keltner… they were ridiculous! In the best possible way. Mike is MASTERful. 
Approaching Mike in the lobby of Zipper Hall post concert, as he was justifiably being mobbed by adoring fans, was a somewhat futile attempt to invite him to sit down and chat. 
It wasn’t until he visited the living room a few days later (to see his old pal, Snuffy Walden, play Women Who Write), with his brilliantly talented, significant other, Deborah Pearl (who wrote Getting Ed Laid specifically to perform for us some years ago-he killed it, and it went on to become an award winning short film), that I pounced. I mean, gently requested, Mike to join us here. 
Mike’s force on the ivories and in conversation. I so look forward to hitting the road with Pete and presenting Mike from his home, playing his own grand piano, and sitting down with this terrific storyteller who’s got fantastical tales to tell. 
Questions? Bring ‘em! Pete’s back to put them forth. Can’t wait. 
Mike Lang on Game Changers With Vicki Abelson
Wed, 8/7/19, 7 pm PT/ 10 pm ET
With Pete George
Live on The Facebook
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pubtheatres1 · 6 years
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TH’IMPORTANCE OF BEIN’ EARNEST Drayton Arms Theatre 5th-23rd February 2019 “Wilde-ly hilarious adaptation of a Victorian classic” ★★★★★ Have you ever wondered what happened to Vicky Pollard when she left Little Britain? Well she moved up north to a Yorkshire council estate and I’ve just seen her with her family and friends. No, I don’t mean Matt Lucas, but Heather Dutton as the glorious Gwendoline in LKT Productions wickedly wild(e) production of The Importance of Being Ernest. From the moment Luke Adamson entered the stage wearing just his underpants and a bow tie it became clear that this reworking of Oscar Wilde’s classic was going to be anything but ordinary. I’m not someone who laughs easily, especially at ironic humour, but the physical, boisterous nature of this extremely talented cast engaged me right from the beginning to the very end of the show – a mean feat with a first half running for 90 minutes. Now, I don’t know the play very well, but my friend assured me that it was true to the original, which was amazing; especially as it sounded like it had been written in modern times – yes, even with the references to country estates and town houses. In reimagining this play, Adamson has shown himself to be the master of euphemism, employing both the literal and inferred nudge nudge wink wink to communicate that by cucumber sandwiches, for example, Algernon (superbly played by Adamson) means cocaine. This sets up a continuous shared language between the characters and the audience, so that when a term that’s pertinent to the Victorian times in which Wilde’s original was written is portrayed along with chavtastic twenty-first century gestures and expressions, everyone can understand the joke. This is particularly true of the much discussed but never seen Bunbury who, as Algernon’s imaginary friend is as much a euphemistic device for the need to escape unwanted social occasions in this modern version as it is in Wilde’s. Further demonstrating Adamson and Hampton’s intent to juxtapose the upper-class norms displayed by Wilde’s characters, including the charismatic Kitty Martin as Algernon’s aunt, Lady Bracknell and the gifted Millie Gaston, as Jack Worthington’s ward, Cecily Cardew, with the larger-than-life, stereotypical working-class behaviour as polarised in channel 4’s Shameless within this edition. Another illustration of this is the repurposing of Wilde’s characters Lane and Merriman from servants into mates; with James King demonstrating comic genius in his interpretation of both roles. Other clever character realignments came courtesy of the added sexual frisson between Miss Prism, exquisitely played by Janna Fox, and the mature lady’s eye-candy, Rob Pomfret as Dr Chasuble. However, perhaps what’s most remarkable is that Jack Worthing is Joshua Welch’s professional acting debut, as he was mesmerising to watch; with the partnership between Jack and Algernon reminding me, if only tenuously, of Paul McGann and Richard E. Grant as Danny and Jake in Withnail and I. There’s no doubt in my mind that each and every member of this ensemble will be seen again on the stage really soon. The Drayton Arms is just one of the pub theatres from which a new wave of talent is emerging. It’s been quite a while in all of the years I’ve been reviewing theatre since I’ve noticed such a marked increase in the quality of acting emerging through the Fringe, which makes seeing several shows a week a real pleasure. This play is one of the best I’ve seen for a long time. Maybe it just goes to prove that it’s not as grim up north as everybody claims. Th’Importance of Bein’ Earnest Written by Oscar Wilde/reimagined by Luke Adamson Directors - Luke Adamson and Toby Hampton Producer - Kennedy Bloomer Designer – Rachel Ryan Lighting – Frank Turnbull @LKTProductions #YorkshireEarnest https://www.thedraytonarmstheatre.co.uk/ Reviewer Deborah Jeffries is a PhD Researcher at the University of East London and Rose Bruford College. Her thesis is entitled ‘Legitimising the Victorian Music Hall’, and it contests the notion of legitimate versus illegitimate theatre. It also investigates theatre architecture, purpose and licensing. She has worked for Hoxton Hall and Wilton’s - two of the UK’s four operational Victorian music halls, as well as the more modern incarnation, Brick Lane Music Hall. Her MA in Drama from Goldsmiths explores the difference between music hall and variety theatre, and the place of each genre in modern popular culture. She has reviewed music and theatre across the UK for over 30 years.
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llpodcast · 5 years
(Literary License Podcast)
Two twin brothers, both alike in looks but different in temperament.  One is gentle and kind whilst the other is a psychopath.  How can you tell them apart when they dress alike, look alike and sound alike and what will you do to stop the mysterious deaths befalling the people around you.
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