#Vi came first dangit
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peofun1 · 2 months ago
still pretty bummed that they never used Here Comes Vi anywhere in Arcane. they found two spots for Get Jinxed (S1 Ep4, and S2 Ep2) but they couldn't find a place to drop Here Comes Vi in there? no room for "Have you ever really wanted to be a total rebel flippin tables on the enemy?" not even as a little treat???
look I like Get Jinxed as much as the next person with ears but cmon. where's the love for my misfit, always ready to brawl
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inkdemonapologist · 4 years ago
wait wait so to add on to the person earlier who asked about the sammy/susie & tom/allison comparison thing:
isn’t it....... suspiciously odd that Allison was the one to kill Susie, and Tom was the one to kill Sammy? It’s like Allison and Tom are their ‘perfect’ counterparts, it feels almost too right.
On another note, I genuinely believe Tom is good. I don’t trust Allison in the slightest though, not since we found out she started working for Nathan Arch after she left JDS, and it looks like he could very well be our new villain for BATDR. Plus everything you brought up about her being the only one to leave no tapes and supposedly have no memory....... it just gives me a bad feeling about her. mm Dont Like It
idk, I have a genuinely great time losing my mind over why Sammy is such a unique monster and I love the ink-drinking thing, obviously, but also like… if Sammy WERE a failed Boris, it would be an easy way to explain the weird sheep obsession, it’d explain why he’s the ONLY non-Boris to have 4 fingers (lost ones and searchers and angels have 5!), and then there's these meta/narrative comparisons where Sammy and Boris have the same cower pose and there’s sheep songs posters specifically in a lot of sammy-branded areas, implying a tie between Boris and Music, and now this neat parallel, where it would mean the Alice and Boris who seem to have kept their minds intact kill the ones who didn’t…
AND LIKE……. Even in DCTL, there’d be room for this, because we don’t see Sammy transform: he’s human until the very very end, even when he’s downed a terrifying amount of ink, it doesn't seem to be changing him -- he’s still fully human and just acting strange. And then he disappears and shows up completely physically changed, sounding delighted with his new enlightenment and absolutely Done with Joey.
So if you had Joey take advantage of Sammy’s altered state or need for ink or whatever to lure him into the Machine as attempt number 2: Boris This Time after Susie came out in some kind of Wriggling Slug Form, then that’d be (a) why he looks like he’s sorta half-way to toon all of a sudden at the end, (b) why Sammy doesn’t blame his body on Bendy and can be excited about the transformation of his MIND but angry/ashamed about his body (he’s already wearing the mask, he’s clearly not thrilled abt his face), (c) why Joey’s excited to get a perfect Boris out of Buddy, as if he’d had attempts/failures before (and had a plan ready for what to do with his new Boris even though Buddy was SURELY a last-minute job), but doesn’t seem to fully expect what the situation will be vis a vis talking and Buddy’s mind still being in there, as if Buddy’s the first one to make it to Full Boris
IT JUST SEEMS LIKE IT COULD FIT???? And you could make the argument that this does not CONTRADICT canon……….. but it just seems like, if that’s what happened, Sammy would’ve mentioned it in his monologue SOMEWHERE, especially given how quick he is to complain to Henry about his messed up body, it jUST SEEMS LIKE,,,, some sentiment of “Joey may have ruined my body but my lord will set me free” would come up in there at SOME POINT, SO LIKE…… THIS IS PROBABLY NOT THE INTENDED EXPLANATION,
Oops i got distracted with sammy again,
Anyway a lot of my allison thoughts are Over Here, but in general I think they can be summed up with, I’m very fond of “genuinely well-meaning person who has ulterior motives,” and enjoy the idea of someone who is not being malicious, necessarily, but does not trust Henry and is hiding a lot of information from him, who is more ruthless and calculating than she lets on, despite having good goals. I don’t… actually expect BATDR to go this route, though, so I’m REAL curious if they’ll just play her straight as the Good Alice, or lean into all the places she doesn't quite add up and make more untrustworthy...!
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taaroko · 7 years ago
Post-IW MCU Rewatch: Captain America: Civil War
Time for a bunch of in-fighting!
Was there any significance to those code words?
Howard and Maria. :(
Freaking Runlow.
I read something about how they’re all being very bad at undercover, sitting around in sunglasses and hats. They’re being like actors undercover from paparazzi, not low-profile spies. Whoops.
Runlow’s team is kinda lucky the rubble from that crash didn’t block their entrance.
This is some top notch fighting from both Cap and Sam. Sam’s wings are super versatile.
Whee, Steve getting a telekinetic boost from Wanda!
Ohh, it’s Nat who used the motorcycle as a projectile in this one. Okay. I thought it happened at least twice.
Heeeey Cap’s shield is half covered in soot. Symbolism.
That blast was either going to kill everyone in the square or the people in that building. If it had been the former, it wouldn’t have been a big international crisis.
Aged-down Tony is easily the best of that kind of special effect we’ve ever seen. *suppresses memories of CG Leia*
I think that seminar was the first we've seen of the "philanthropist" part of billionaire genius playboy philanthropist. (Donating a collection of modern art to the Boy Scouts is too weird to count.)
Hi Dean Pelton.
Awkward actress recycling! But it was worth it. She’s so good as Mariah.
Vision’s social graces are so funny.
Uggggggh General Ross. Who is now Secretary of State.
Man that footage would’ve made Bruce so sad.
“For the last four years, you’ve operated with unlimited power and no supervision.” Wait does that mean it’s been four years since Winter Soldier? This timeline is a freaking mess.
I know where Thor and Banner are!
Okay, Zimo talks about painstakingly decrypting the Hydra files Nat leaked on the internet, but did he start doing that before Ultron or after? How long has it been since Ultron?
Tony’s face.
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What makes this movie so good is that both Tony and Steve have very good points and multiple movies of backstory that brought them to those positions. The Tony of IM1 would’ve been anti-Accords, and the Steve from the ‘40s would’ve been pro-Accords, but here they are now. And the Accords were very inevitable after Ultron.
Noooo Peggy.
Headcanon: the non-Steve pall-bearers were Peggy’s son and grandsons.
“Plant yourself like a tree, look them in the eye, and say ‘No. You move.’”
I love that Nat’s priority is sticking together as a team, but she does get Steve’s position. (I mean obviously; she defects to his team halfway through.) Steve’s friendships with Nat and Sam are so wonderful.
Hey T’Challa!
Does the actor who plays T’Chaka have a glass eye? *internet research* Holy crap, he does. This is from John Kani’s IMDB page: Kani lost his left eye during a beating by South African police after returning home from a Broadway production of "Sizwe Banzi Is Dead", which was critical of Apartheid. He survived after being left for dead and subsequently won a 1975 Tony Award for his performance.
They did a really good job introducing T’Challa, and his arc in this movie is excellent.
Dangit Steve and Sharon would’ve kissed if Sam hadn’t interrupted.
More hats and sunglasses. You guys look real suspicious wearing hats and sunglasses INDOORS, especially when you start passing files around.
Man, Bucky just wants to buy some plums. Also, so cool that Seb got to go home to Romania and speak his native language for this bit.
Isn’t it easier to shoot out the lock than all three sets of hinges?
Bucky just came here to buy some plums and honestly he’s feeling so attacked right now.
So much multi-storey falling! I know these guys are all tougher than normal people but it’s still very stressful to watch!
These movies are always doing ridiculously cool things with motorcycles.
Rhodey makes a pretty good enforcer.
Vis and Wanda are adorable. But the conversation about the Mind Stone is really painful now.
The heck?! Tony thinks Wanda is unstable enough to cause another “incident” just by going to the store? Do Tony and Wanda still dislike each other or something? I guess they never reconciled over the whole thing where his tech killed her parents and she used her powers against him.
A fancy pen is not a convincing argument, Tony.
Steve was so ready to be thrilled for Tony if he and Pepper were gonna have a baby!
Tony just called Wanda a weapon of mass destruction. Either he’s playing devil’s advocate or he’s being really unsympathetic right now.
Bucky! Plug your ears and go LALALALALA!
I like how every time someone does the sleeper activation codes, he walks around Bucky in a circle. Is that part of it or just a cool filming thing?
Aaaaargh that elevator shaft fall.
Tony’s face when Bucky fires his gun into his glove.
Nat’s signature move is useless against Bucky.
RECOGNIZE YOU FROM WHEN?! The mission he foiled, or something else? I must know. Please answer this question, Black Widow movie.
Okay. The helicopter thing. It does not make sense. It should’ve just lifted Steve right off the ground. It is capable of carrying several passengers. One dude hanging onto it when there’s only a single occupant would not weigh it down. The part where he holds onto the railing and keeps it from flying away does work, though.
Heeeeey the scene with Bucky’s arm in the clamp is the exact midpoint of the movie. I don’t know why I find that interesting, but suddenly I very much want to analyze the significance of these moments. This one is a major turning point. The revelation of other Winter Soldiers. Team Cap now has an urgent mission.
Tony has an arc reactor scar!
HI PETER! *hug attacks him*
I love every single second of Peter’s intro scene.
“It’s a long story. I was—” “Lordy! Can you even see in these!” Bahaha, Tony cut off even a conversation of origin story.
Okay, the moment Tony leaned forward while Peter was talking obliquely about great power and responsibility. That was when he became emotionally invested in this kid. They’re both motivated by a sense of guilt and obligation.
Wanda and Clint’s methods for getting past Vision makes their team lose a bit of high ground.
Steve and Sharon’s kiss could’ve been handled less like an afterthought, but the reason I’m still cool with it is Sam and Bucky’s reactions.
How’d these three big dudes end up in a little VW Beetle anyway?
Hahaha, each team has a fanboy on it. Scott on Team Cap and Peter on Team Iron Man.
“Thinks for thanking of me!”
Yessss. Airport fight.
Um, why did Tony not even pause when Cap mentioned the other five Winter Soldiers?
Oh Peter I love you so much. And I love that Tom has this rivalry with Anthony and Seb in all the behind the scenes stuff.
“He also said I should go for your legs.” Man this is almost a vine reference.
Scott in Tony’s suit is hilarious.
Scott’s reaction to becoming Giant-Man is probably the single greatest two seconds in the movie.
Man, Clint just wants to make new friends, but T’Challa isn’t interested in this Avenger nonsense.
More tasing!
100%, Peter is trolling these geezers by pretending he’s not a gigantic Star Wars nerd.
It took me several watches to realize that when Scott says “Does anyone have any orange slices,” he’s making a reference to little league sports, and how the moms bring orange slices for after the games.
Tony went to check on Peter even though they hadn’t caught Steve and Bucky yet!
Rhodey’s fall is horrific. And the way they frame it so that you only see the ground when he hits it. Agonizing.
Part of me thinks Rhodey should’ve died right there, but there is rather a lot of precedent for falls not being fatal if you’re in an Iron Man suit. And if he’d died, I don’t think they ever would’ve been able to get past this split. Getting kinda paralyzed is an acceptable compromise.
“Are you incapable of letting go of your ego for one goddamn second?” Okay that is a really interesting line. Tony is being pretty egotistical about the concept of surrendering accountability to the UN. He has been rather bad at considering alternatives. Admittedly, he’s on the clock, and then worse people will go after his friends, but he’s allowing for zero nuance here. He knows these people. He knows they don’t do things without good reasons. Steve was right that you can’t let accidents stop you from doing the right thing. Tony is letting it cripple him.
Tony is practically on Team Cap at this point, with the secretly flying after him and all.
Hahaha, Nat has a labeled gun rack. And Bucky is using her guns!
I’m freaking pissed at the trailer for this movie. It would have been a very good twist that instead of going to Siberia to fight five more Winter Soldiers, they were walking into a trap where the in-fighting was about to become far more personal. But I didn’t get to experience that twist, because the trailer includes shots of Tony fighting Bucky and Steve in this location. That trailer made me stop watching trailers entirely for over a year. I do think trailers can be good so you know at least the type of movie you’re about to see, but they should not give away stuff like this. I think Marvel has gotten better at that since then.
Okay, so it’s been over a year since Ultron.
Green is not a flaw in blue eyes, jerk. It’s cool.
Surveillance cameras don’t usually have sound. But oh boy this is devastating.
This moment. Tony coming apart and attacking Bucky. This is exactly the same thing that Peter Quill does to Thanos. This is the reason Tony figures out what Peter’s about to do before he does it and tries to get him to stop and think. But he knows pretty well that there’s no stopping and thinking in a situation like this.
Zimo is a lot like Frank Castle, except that his family died as accidental collateral damage, not a targeted setup.
“The living are not done with you yet.” Such a great line.
“I could do this all day.” Tony has taken the role of the bully from the first one now.
I think for a second, Tony was legit afraid Steve was going to kill him. But Steve was never the one driven to that point. This still does not count as Steve having a dark side.
Okay, Steve dropping the shield was pretty much a concession. You don’t want me using the shield your dad made if my best friend killed him? Fair enough.
Tony trolling Secretary Ross will never stop being funny.
Okay, on the whole, while I sympathize more with Cap, I think I’m actually on Team Iron Man when it comes to the Accords. The Accords are an overcorrection of long-running problem. There should have been oversight this entire time, and I think the idea is that SHIELD was that oversight until Winter Soldier. Steve didn’t want to be the dupe of a corrupt system again, so he no longer tolerated oversight, but that really can’t be his call. How transparent are the Avengers being about their missions? He doesn’t run around saving people from street thugs, he does military-style operations all around the world. That’s not the kind of thing anyone should be able to make unilateral decisions about. He’s doing what Tony used to do in his solo films. But now that the PR has gotten bad enough and the novelty of superheroes has worn off, suddenly everyone realizes it’s not a great plan to let them run around unsupervised.
But Cap’s side of the argument is valid too. Superheroes save the world. Collateral damage is a much better outcome than what would’ve happened if they hadn’t been there. Obadiah would’ve continued supplying both sides of conflicts in the Middle East, stoking the fires of war for his own gain. Red Skull would’ve blown up most of the major cities in the US and taken over. Killian would’ve had the world on its knees with his scam. Malekith would’ve destroyed all the nine realms. Loki would’ve taken Earth. Hydra would’ve wiped out anyone who could challenge their reign of terror with Project Insight. Etc. Some of the villains rose up as consequences of the heroes (Ivan, Ultron, and Zimo, for instance), but most of the threats exist independent of the heroes’ actions, which is why we need heroes.
After how much I’ve loved Tony in all the movies so far (though he was a bit iffy in Ultron), I was really surprised by how many moments he has of being kind of a jerk in Civil War. But it doesn’t make me dislike him. This is his guilt complex on overdrive. And losing it over finding out about how his parents died is heartbreaking. But the most redeeming thing for him in the movie is Peter Parker. He recognized a similar guilt-based motivation in Peter while they talked, and in that moment, he became extremely protective of this kid. He brings him in because he knows he’s got a really handy method of incapacitating people without harming them. He’s not recklessly endangering a child, because he knows none of the Avengers will use lethal force. And his concern for Peter’s well-being is actually what costs him victory in the airport fight. He could’ve apprehended Steve and Bucky, but instead he had to make sure Peter was okay.
So...if Thor and Bruce had been in this. Thor wouldn’t be cool with being beholden to Midgardian governments. He cooperates as a courtesy, but he doesn’t actually answer to Earth authority. And I’m pretty sure he’d be very sympathetic to Steve about Bucky, given that it’s a rather similar situation to him and Loki. Bruce, on the other hand, has never felt confident about his ability to stay in control, and he was a major source of collateral damage in multiple countries in Ultron, not to mention the extra footage Ross showed the team. He’d probably think Bucky needs to be under guard for the same reason. I think he’d not only side with Tony but be relieved that Tony was on the side of the Accords. However, you really can’t have two powerhouses like Thor and Hulk in this fight. On their own, they could demolish the entire opposing team. The only option would be to keep them fighting each other the whole time, which would be kind of lame. Much better for them to have a gladiator battle on trash planet where no on else can steal their thunder. (I am not sorry.)
My mind is pretty much blown by how well the MCU has traveled the path from the first few movies to here, and from here to Infinity War. The Avengers have pretty much been getting broken down since Ultron. This was where they fell apart. Infinity War is the consequences of falling apart.
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