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Continuing my review and summarization of Project 2025, Chapter 21 covers the Dept of Commerce. Please pay special attention to #8. You’ll get a chuckle out of it.
1. Streamline and rearrange multiple bureaus: the International Trade Administration, the Bureau of Industry and Security, the Development Finance Corporation, US Trade and Development Agency, Export-Import Bank and consider if they should even exist
2. Consolidate the Bureau of Economic Analysis and Census Bureau and the Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics into a more manageable, focused, and efficient statistical agency
3. Dismantle the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration and the National Weather Service because they are the “drivers of the climate change alarm industry and, as such, is harmful to future U.S. prosperity” and privatize the Weather Service, Marine Fisheries Service, National Environmental Satellite, Data and Information Services, and the Oceanic and Atmospheric Research
4. Fully staff the Office of the Secretary with political appointees who must that ensure that funds are not being diverted to programs which do not align with Administration priorities. NB: Political appointee ≠ qualified appointee, simply a Trump "yes" man.
5. Get rid of all advisory committees which are hostile to conservative principles
6.Ensure that Assistant Secretary and Deputy Assistant Secretary positions are and senior policy and decision-making positions are always held by political appointees
7. Promulgate policies to better prevent technology and weapons transfer
8. This is a great line! When authoritarian governments explain what they plan to do, believe them unless hard evidence demonstrates otherwise. NB: When authoritarian political parties explain what they plan to dominate believe them.
9. Withdraw the 30x30 Executive Order, the Associated America the Beautiful Initiative which “advance an agenda to close vast areas of the ocean to commercial activities" such as fishing and off-shore drilling"
10. Get rid of the Marine Mammal Protection Act
11. Elevate the Office of Space Commerce to set a robust and unified whole-of-government commercial space policy that cements U.S. leadership in a crucial industry of the future
12. Place political appointees in the Census Bureau to align it with conservative principles and add a citizenship question and reevaluate the race/ethnicity questions
13. Abolish the National Advisory Committee and reevaluate all other committees including the Census Bureau National Advisory Committee on Racial, Ethnic, and Other Populations as it is a “hotbed for left-wing activists intent upon injecting racial and social-justice theory into the governing philosophy of the Census Bureau.”
14. Eliminate funding for the Minority Business Development Agency (MBDA), the only federal agency solely dedicated to the growth and competitiveness of minority-owned businesses.
15. Review federal policy regarding free speech online and provide policy solutions to address big tech’s censorship of speech.
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The Decline and Fall of the American Civilization: Episode 1: Corporate ...
Explore the gripping narrative of "The Decline and Fall of the American Civilization: Episode 1: Corporate Power," presented by the Grumpy Veteran Project. This thought-provoking video delves deep into the erosion of American ideals, juxtaposing the stories of corporate greed with the sacrifices of those who serve. Witness how once-honorable systems have become corrupted, prioritizing profit over people. From the bailout scandals of 2008 to the contrasting legacies of industrialists like Henry J. Kaiser and modern figures like Elon Musk, we unravel the complex relationship between wealth, power, and social responsibility. Join the conversation on fairness, accountability, and the urgent need for a more equitable society. Don’t forget to like and share if you resonate with this critical discussion! #AmericanCivilization #CorporatePower #SocialJustice #Fairness #VeteransRights
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@worldbeyondwar @worldbeyondwarspokane From coast to coast and shore to shore the only way forward is with peace a long term sustainable peace is not going to be built by NATO they are an organization built around war and the machines of war The American Dream Tour kicks off in Washington D.C. by organizing with #progressive like minds and protesting #NATO #handsoffvenezuela #handsoff #humanrights #human #planet #Rights #music #concert #tour #americandream ##americandreamtour #black #veteran #hip-hop #rapper #Okinawa #standwithokinawa #veteransrights #civil #consciousness #socialism https://www.instagram.com/p/Bug8gIMATTK/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1np2554q3vvr6
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It’s only taken almost 17 years to file but first step taken. Helping someone who needed to file shortly after discharge but was trying to cope without. The application process was evading one due to life. #warinjury #operationiraqifreedom #veteransrights #posttraumaticstressdisorder https://www.instagram.com/p/CNoaMvBFgYf-qT5WpezLHU8AkMlAOvWN7NFbi00/?igshid=1b0bicj37rn1k
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Did you know that the United States Postal Service employs armed forces veterans at three times the rate of the national workforce? - One Way to Honor Vets is to Protect the Postal Service. Please take a look at the link below and see how you can help out; - https://inequality.org/research/usps-veterans/ - #ProtectVeterans #VeteransRights #USPS #StandByYourMail #SaveThePostOffice #ThePeoplesPostalRescueCampaign #PeoplesPostalRescueCampaign #USVets #SaveUSPS #PostalService #ProtectVets #BenFranklinWouldBeProud #PotBellyBen - Stand By Your Mail: The People’s Postal Rescue Campaign Website https://www.standbyyourmail.org - Instagram: @StandByYourMail - Twitter: @StandByYourMail - Facebook: Stand By Your Mail (at Washington D.C.) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDPUu2xpgHh/?igshid=1dnh88s9lljoz
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For all of my talk about what’s wrong with this country, today I’m showing thanks to all the countless folks who have served in the military. Today, I pay homage to my grandfathers, Ernest C. Perryman and Rev. Dr. Nathaniel E. Martin; to all 3 of my brothers, my sis @sandiasan_desu and all the rest of my friends and family who have served or are serving. That’s not an easy job, but someone had to do it. The government doesn’t do nearly enough for what y’all gave to them. This is why for me #VeteransRights are super important. God Bless all the veterans. 🙏🏾❤️💙 https://www.instagram.com/p/BqDcj23hBF0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=170340p9uwqjg
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As we prepare to observe veterans day, the team Bruning & Associates, PC hopes to share with our community veterans some resources about veteran's rights and opportunities. It is important to know that you have rights regarding employment, education, disability, and more. Please visit this link from the American Bar Association for more information.
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VETS VS HATE Drew Pham, former US Army Cavalry Scout Perry O'Brien, former US Army Medic Pam Campos, former US Air Force Intelligence Analyst - Sony A7 || Sony GMaster 24-70mm - #veteran #nycveterans #vets #newyorkveteranalliance #politics #veteransrights #sonygmaster2470 #sony #newyorkcity #usarmy #usarmysoldier #usa🇺🇸 #enlisted #commisioned #resist #usarmyveteran #usarmyvet #nycvetsmatter #oef #political #veteranwithacamera #vetsvshate (at Times Square, New York City)
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I've ordered 2500 of these Drumphie post cards for the March 15th mail protest. Available thursday! These will be 50cents each or a dozen for $5 and 35 cents of each card sold will be donated to the #ACLU #TheIdesOfTrump #HumanRights #IncomeInequality #SinglepayerHealthcare #nodapl #theenvironment #shepersisted #science #veteransrights #altpraise #lovewins #climatechange #resist #notmypresident #bridgesnotwalls #rejecthate #yourefired #feelthebern #nowallsnoban #liberty #lgbt #blacklivesmatter #justicereform #endtheoligarchy #riseup #americaisgreat #endcitizensunited #drumphie #unpresidented #nobrainsnoballsnobusiness #livingwage #publiceducation #protectplannedparenthood #endpoverty #nomorewars #peace #greeeconomyjobs #truthtopower #brandnewcongress #firstammendment (at Lucky 13 Tattoos)
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Thought for the day #LiftEachOtherUp! "This Barista Saves Lives" #ThankYou #HowardSchultz! #ThisBaristaSavesLives, thank you #Starbucks for standing up for #HumanRights #VeteransRights #RefugeesRights #HumanDecency and #Compassion 👪💃👭👬👫 #WeAllMatter ✊ thank you Josh at #Larchmont for letting me take your photo #ExtinguishHatred #CityofAngels ☺. 📸 #PhotobyShawniGroves 🕊💚🌎 #UrbanHeartShawni
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Continuing my review and summarization of Project 2025, Chapter 20 covers the Dept of Veterans Affairs
1 Remove all DEI programs, rescind all departmental clinical policy directives that are contrary to principles of conservative governance starting with abortion services and gender reassignment surgery, and stop the “the grotesque culture of violence against the child in the womb, these sociopolitical initiatives and ideological indoctrinations”
2. Establish a a veterans bill of rights is needed so that veterans and VA staff know exactly what benefits veterans are entitled to receive, with a clear process for the adjudication of disputes, and so that staff ensure that all veterans are informed of their eligibility for Community Care
3. Leverage telehealth to reduce personnel costs
4. Consider expanding VA tuition assistance in exchange for reciprocal service in rural or understaffed VAMCs. NB: Elsewhere, Project 2025 wanted to discontinue the National Health Service Corps which provides financial assistance and scholarships to those medical professionals who repay their aid on a year for a year basis. I went to medical school on this plan and worked in a medically underserved area for three years to repay my commitment.
5. Hire more private companies to perform disability medical examinations.
6. Increase automation.
7. Rescind all delegations of authority promulgated by the VA under the prior Administration.
8. Increase political appointees. NB: Political appointee ≠ qualified appointee, simply a Trump "yes" man.
9. Get rid of whistleblower protection
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All my #foodstamps #Veterans #public #benefits are #stolen #missing #vandalism #destruction of #federal #property by #Hagerstown #Police #misconduct #stalking #harassing #intimidating #life- #threatening #nature #assaulted me #abused me and my #RIGHTS #AllRightsReserved #ADA #disabled #vet #VeteransRights #USVA #VAMC #WHC #HIPPA #PATIENTS-RIGHTS #DC- #RESIDENTS RIGHTS #TENANTS RIGHTS #DISABILITY RIGHTS #WARSAWPACT #WARSAW #PACT #1932 #DECLARATION OF #UNIVERSAL #HUMAN RIGHTS #HUMANRIGHTS #BASICHUMANRIGHTS #BASIC HUMAN RIGHTS TORTURE #TORTURE #DENY #ACCESS TO #MEDICINE #MEDICAL #HEALTH #CARE #HEALTHCARE #FOOD AS MEDICINE #FOODASMEDICINE #foodisMedicine #fraud #stole #EBT #FS #food Stamps #SSA MEDICARE MEDICAID #MEDICARE #MEDICAID SNAP EBT #Snap #publicBenefits #wasting #taxpayers funds #taxpayersfunds #taxpayersfunded programs #Programs #Meritus #BrookLane #abuse of #seniors #elderabuse #disabled #Vets #animalabuse #ESA #animals #mentalHealth #mentalHealthPatients #health #patients #police have no patience #NO #patience #NoPatience #noPatients #patientsRights #lying #stealing #cheating #taking from vulnerable #vulnerable #weakCANbeSTRONG #SkyisFalling #WorldEnds #WarofTheWorlds #1984 #Extinction #extinct #species #speciesExtinction #EndofLife #EndofLifeAsWeKnowIt #EndersGame #end #theEnd #EndisNear #EndisNow #Now #NowIsTime #TimeisNOW #time is always Now #Time to act #TimetoAct #take Action #NOWW #actNOW #LOVEall #LoveAlways #foreverANDever or #die #day of dead #AsiLayDying #lie #lay dying #dying #falling from the sky #fallFromSky #fromSky #sky #falling #fallingstars #stars #dyingStar #dyingEmber #embers #embersDying #Amber #Enders game dying falling out of the sky....#skyfall #freeFall #notFree #notGood #bad #veryBad #negative

@RuninOut @RuninDC #goodies #organic #natural #GMOfree #biodynamic #real #food #raw #rawfood #foodies #dcfoodie from @MOMsOrganicMarkets @FreshFarmMarkets #ProducePlusDC #DC #FarmerMarket #farmersmarkets #local #sustainable #environment #envirinmentallysafe #save #ChesapeakeBay #Chesapeake #Bay #Foundation #CHEERS #LincolnSmith #ecolocity #Permaculture #green
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@worldbeyondwar @worldbeyondwarspokane From coast to coast and shore to shore the only way forward is with peace a long term sustainable peace is not going to be built by NATO they are an organization built around war and the machines of war The American Dream Tour kicks off in Washington D.C. by organizing with #progressive like minds and protesting #NATO #handsoffvenezuela #handsoff #humanrights #human #planet #Rights #music #concert #tour #americandream ##americandreamtour #black #veteran #hip-hop #rapper #Okinawa #standwithokinawa #veteransrights #civil #consciousness #socialism https://www.instagram.com/p/Bug8W6jg68C/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1qi4w929mb5v3
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Yesterday an overwhelming feeling came over me in my studio, I just had to put it down on paper. These are such confusing and dangerous times, so I wanted in some way to let the amazingly heroic and great @kaepernick7 know that ALL of us are with him, as he has selflessly shown us all and the world what true leadership is like! Thank you from us all Colin Kaepernick for your leadership and resilience in the face of such adversity, and thank you to every last soul fighting for human rights, accountability, environmental protection, equality and much, much more, so we and our children could live in a better world one day! We are one and we are strong!! 💪✊❤❤ #daviarte #resistance #resist #colinkaepernick #kaepernick #leadership #selflessness #blacklivesmatter #lgbtqrights #veteransrights #policeabuse #equalrights #gayrights #disabledrights #womensrights #metoo #animalrights #environmentalrights #inequality #humanrights #america #nyc http://ift.tt/2AXNJqs
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VETS VS HATE Drew Pham, former US Army Cavalry Scout Perry O'Brien, former US Army Medic Pam Campos, former US Air Force Intelligence Analyst - Sony A7 || Sony GMaster 24-70mm - #veteran #nycveterans #vets #newyorkveteranalliance #politics #veteransrights #sonygmaster2470 #sony #newyorkcity #usarmy #usarmysoldier #usa🇺🇸 #enlisted #commisioned #resist #usarmyveteran #usarmyvet #nycvetsmatter #oef #political #veteranwithacamera #vetsvshate (at Times Square, New York City)
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