#Vestigial Empire
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dandibuja · 2 years ago
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La portada de “Imperio Vestigial” una ambientación para juegos de rol que estoy desarrollando junto a José Carlos Domínguez del blog Un Paladín en el Infierno.
The cover of “Vestigial Empire”, a setting for role-playing games that I am developing with José Carlos Domínguez from the blog Un Paladín en el Infierno. 
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sbcdh · 2 months ago
It is said by those of a mythopoeic hermeneutic that Sofia Xafa began writing Economics of the Unconscious in the shadow of the Parthenon.
One can picture a young and dolorous Xafa, wandering the streets of a postwar Athens, arms stuffed with books on Jungian psychology, Indian anthropology, and handwritten papers baring her frustrations to only herself. Perhaps she finds respite in the shadows of the ancient marble, and in that oasis of antique dark she finds serenity. One can imagine how the sunlight would filter through the weathered attic pillars and come to rest upon a blank page. A clearing in the idealogical woods upon which to build a home.
How can we blame Xafa? Disageeements aside, If the past decades proved anything to her, it was the weakness of democracy's grip on the reigns of history, and long term instabilité (to use her own terminology) of fascism. Her home lie in ruins. Trust in social institutions was routinely betrayed. One could not afford bread.
There is, I think, an empericality to capitalism that attracted Xafa. Not to imply an empirical truth per se, but the mathematics of trade provided to her a quantification to psychology. Yes. I think perhaps Xafa saw herself as a cartographer of the psyche, and the mathematics of gross domestic products and annuities were her compass and rule.
I think Xafa understood that this was a path she must not err from. Analysis of her drafts and unpublished manuscrips reveal a careful and circuitous avoidance of many implied issues with hypnoeconomic theory. She became increasingly frustrated with the ideas which metastisized from the attempted purity of her theories. There is no small amount of private chastisement of what she came to see as foolish and naive points from her earlier work.
By the end of her life she was plagued with a terminal disasstisfaction with Hypnoeconomics. She wrote of her own theories as vestigial, even disgusting. There was a yearning for capital-t Truth, a true and empirical bedrock of analytical tools with which to understand the world. Yet, she repeatedly found them inadequate, and she found that inadequacy disgusting. Her sleep was plagued with nightmares she would not describe.
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serpentface · 7 months ago
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The (now extinct) utosai, the last of the great lacetors.
Lacetors are a clade of warmblooded reptiles that fill niches as large grazers. The only genera surviving in the contemporary are relatively small (averaging about the size of cattle), but many older species grew bigger than elephants. Utosai were the last remaining members of this branch, dwindling towards extinction as their once vast grasslands experienced rapid desertification over a period of a mere few millenia, becoming the massive, mostly uninhabitable desert region colloquially known as the Deadlands.
They would historically live in herds consisting of one male, several (sometimes dozens of) females, and their associated young, which would migrate vast distances to follow seasonal rains. Males would fight each other to gain control of their mates or tempt away singular females, with young males roaming in bachelor herds. As reliable grasslands grew sparser, these herds grew much smaller, with the last remaining utosai being found largely as small bands of females and lone, wandering males that would opportunistically mate when they were lucky enough to find each other.
Utosai had very thick scaly skin that folds in plates, in part a vestigial defense mechanism against large predators that had LONG vanished. Like many other lacetor, they had partly bony facial pads that grew large and colorful in males as display features. Their tremendous curving horns served predominantly as additional display features, while the smaller, jutting horns partly figured into intraspecies combat, with males standing side by side and front to back and swinging these horns at each other in ritualized combat behavior.
These horns were clearly of value to the people who once inhabited the same ranges as utosai, as their ivory figured heavily into their craftwork and holy objects and can be found near-ubiquitously in the burials of high ranking people in the east interior Deadlands. These surviving utosai ivory artifacts are of tremendous value, with the mere prospect of obtaining them tempting many graverobbers and other such wealth-seekers into the remains of ancient human settlements (a mostly futile and often deadly task, most accessible tombs have already been plundered and those still left in peace are hidden deeply beneath the sands).
Utosai lasted far longer than many of their counterparts, surviving on (and trapped within) dwindling patches of coastal grassland fed by ocean rains, too isolated within stretches of desert for any chance of migration to grasslands further from the equator. These last fragmentary populations were discovered by traders and treasure seekers sponsored by the early 2nd Burri empire, with many hatchling utosai being taken back overseas hundreds of miles north. It is unknown when the last wild utosai died, but all but the tiniest fragments of their coastal grasslands are gone and the great beasts are nowhere to be found.
The captive animals were bred in Bur and eventually produced a relatively large (and heavily inbred) population, probably maxing out at around 1000 individuals. They were never truly domesticated but could be made tame and well accommodated to handling, which eventually developed into their use as mounts, forming an elite cavalry unit used in warfare. A war utosai was outfitted with a shielded tower upon its back from which archers could fire from height, and would be driven by a rider on its neck. Their use was functionally similar to irl war elephants, being utilized for intimidation, to scatter enemy formations, and to lead (or break) charges. These were the largest animals that most people would have ever seen, and were often reckoned as nigh-invulnerable. The utosai was heavily used in Bur's wars of conquest, and became an esteemed animal emblematic of the second Burri empire's might.
Very few consistently effective counters to the war utosai were discovered during the duration of their use. One very famous, very successful counter was used by the pre-Wardi Ephenni tribe in its war of independence against the second Burri empire (which was already beginning to collapse). The province of Ephennos was of key import to the empire as a breadbasket, being highly fertile lands and providing much of the grain that sustained the empire. A cavalry of ten utosai (a VERY excessive number against a less well-trained, less well-armed group of soldiers) was brought overseas to assist in crushing dissent and were devastating in battle, with only two of the ten being killed in three years of protracted warfare.
In an act of cleverness, desperation, or both, a trio of khait were covered in pitch and set ablaze, and spurred into hurtling towards the bulls in the utosai cavalry. The utosai panicked and fled, trampling many Burri soldiers in the process and utterly destroying their formations, with three of the eight utosai falling onto their sides (weighed down by their towers) and killed by Ephenni soldiers. This allowed for victory in battle, and this victory ultimately turned the tide in favor of the kingdom of Ephennos and its eventual independence. A motif of three khait wreathed in flames is still widely used in this region and as emblematic of Ephenni heritage (who, while broadly assimilated into Wardi nationality, still retain a sense of individual identity, and pride in their city-state being a center of power and birthplace of kings within Imperial Wardin).
The use of utosai in warfare dwindled after the discovery of this fairly effective counter. They were no longer reckoned as nearly invulnerable, and the great cost of transporting and feeding these animals became increasingly inviable. Captive breeding began to dwindle along with their use in warfare. The last utosai were lost, killed, or slowly died off in the Burri wilderness during and after the empire's tumultuous collapse. Some folklore describes hidden populations surviving in some wilder areas- there are several places in Bur where people claim to sometimes see the silhouettes of these great beasts against the horizon, and the rural parts of Ephennos are rumored to have a few of them (perhaps descendants of the surviving war utosai, perhaps their ghosts). Otherwise, they are lost to the world.
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torchship-rpg · 7 months ago
Dev Diary 18 - Zinovians
Right, let’s talk another major species! The Zinovians are the other really ‘big’ species in Torchship on the level of the Aquillians, the folks you’ll be dealing with often. They’re not as widespread or numerous as the Aquillians, but they’re a powerful and highly present political force in multiple astrostates, and the shared history they have with humanity have set us on a collision course.
The most important thing to know about the Zinovians is that they got exiled from their own homeworld by the Aquillian Empire about four hundred years prior to the events of the game and scattered across the stars. This has created several very distinct groups of Zinovians to encounter or play as, with sizable cultural, political, and even genetic differences between them. The majority settled in a single state which humanity allied with during their war against the Aquillians; the Zinovians are the reason we caught up to Local Space’s tech level so quickly. 
We promptly paid them back by making peace with the Empire instead of helping them take their homeworld back. They’re still not over it.
Oh, also; all the alien species names in Torchship are exonyms. The Zinovians weren’t originally called that by humans; it’s a (derogatory) descriptive name that emerged after the war to describe the structure of their government by unflatteringly comparing it to the guy whose bureaucratic decisions laid the groundwork for Stalin’s rise to power, and it stuck where the competing approximations of their endonyms failed. As is a general theme with the Zinovians, this is a mutual kind of awful; their name for us is, literally, “The Little Traitors”.
The Zinovians are another of the local humanoid species, though they’re a little more alien looking than the Aquillians, who could pass for human with a hat on. They’re one of the most diverse species in Local Space; like Humans, they have no taboo on genetic engineering and have used it to adapt themselves to a variety of physical and social environments. But there’s still some commonalities across groups.
Zinovians are cat-people, though this is less ‘cute kittycat girl’ and more ‘oh god, there’s a panther on the loose!’. Think the Puma Sisters from Dominion Tank Police. They have tall tufted ears, retractable claws on their hands and feet for both climbing and hunting, and a lot of subgroups have vestigial tails. They’re descended from apex ambush predators with a similar hunting strategy to leopards, complete with hauling kills up trees, which gradually developed complex social structures in response to changing environmental pressures. 
As the only major sapient species of obligate carnivores in Local Space, their transition to sapience was largely driven by the complex competitive politics of reproductive suppression to avoid overhunting, which gradually shifted toward tool use for reshaping the environment to increase hunting yields. Their version of the agricultural revolution was the invention of the fishing net and nomadic groups settling along coastlines.
That gives us our first trait, the aptly named Ambush Predator Evolutionary Outlier trait. This gives some pretty meaty bonuses to short bursts of physical activity, but means you take Fatigue more quickly in return.
Zinovians have distinct structures of long hair and short fur; their fur and skin share pigmentation, which can make it hard to tell which is which at a glance. The amount, lengths, and colouration of fur has a dizzying degree of variance (with colours mostly clustered in the red/yellow/green range) thanks to their ancestors having some pretty cool camo fur patterns; those largely became solid colours in the transition to sapience, but you get deliberate or accidental genetic throwbacks. 
The claws give you the Built-In Weapons Trait; these are serious business, about as dangerous as walking around with iron daggers on hand at all times. This is connected to the somewhat-muted Zinovian pain response; with sociability being a relatively recent evolutionary development, pain’s signalling function of ‘stop and get help’ is less neurologically developed, meaning that Stiff Upper Lip here represents quite literally feeling less pain.
Finally, Zinovian sexual dimorphism and gender politics are a fascinatingly complex subject. Their crash evolutionary development of sociability has left rather significant holdovers from when their ancestors were highly hierarchical matrilineal fission-fusion societies resembling something between spotted hyena clans and lion prides. The psychological developments are no more present than in humans, of course (though, like in humans, pop science evolutionary psychology does crop up socially), but some of the physiological aspects have stuck around.
So, first off, baseline Zinovian sexual dimorphism is a bit exaggerated compared to humans, with females being larger. This is a bit more than the relatively small differences between human sexes; their evolutionary adaptation trait suggests you can take Efficient Metabolism over Ambush Predator if you want to play the far end of baseliner male dimorphism, more optimised for wandering off to find groups with gaps in the hierarchy than challenging it. This dimorphism has been genetically reduced in some Zinovian groups and exaggerated in others.
The other big thing is that Zinovians have two sets of sex expression, termed ‘major’ and ‘minor’ sexes, which is a holdover from alternative reproductive strategies that developed around the strict hierarchies of their presapient ancestors. Essentially, about 3-5% of Zinovians naturally develop what we might term inverted secondary sexual characteristics, with no way to tell before they hit puberty. Like, naturally occurring transgender hormone balances, sorta kinda. And then you layer socially constructed gender on top of that, and it gets complicated, with different cultures having vastly different answers to the social status of sex expressions, transgender people, etc…
Yeah, it’s an excuse to roll up your sleeves and get on some next-level gender stuff with these cat people. Don’t let it be said we don’t know our audience.
In the Zinovian Sphere
Okay, first off, they don’t call it that. We call it that, because it makes them sound like an evil hegemony. They call themselves the Universal Republic, and call us the Human Star Empire. See? This is a whole thing.
The Zinovian Universal Sphere Republic is the largest political body the Zinovians have and are in many ways the ‘second power’ of Local Space, being the largest unified group after the Star Union in the aftermath of the Aquillian Empire shattering like a pane of glass. Unified is being kind of generous, though; the Zinovian Sphere is more like a loose federation of eight semi-independent ministries which once had specific duties in the unified government, but who have gradually developed into messy mini-states within the larger whole. 
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The logos of the Ministries. Resources, Loyalty, Labour, Peace, Space, Life, Sanitation, and Security. Once specialized, all now form mini-governments in their own right, complete with their own militaries.
They symbolize a borehole mine, a watchful eye, a churning vat, an interstellar transmission, a rocket launch, cell division, water purification, and a watchtower.
The Universal Republic began with the ragged survivors of their homeworld’s uprising against the Aquillians being directed to a group of marginally-habitable high-gravity worlds in a star cluster near the Aquillian border with one of their distant rivals, to be used as a buffer state and early warning system. Their founding ideology of hopeful liberation was one of the many victims of starvation, decompression, dehydration, and radiation poisoning that characterised this exodus and the crash terraforming projects that followed.
As a direct result, the Universal Republic adheres to an apocalyptic socialism the Union calls Social Triage; resources must be held in common to be distributed to maximise return. In accordance with ability, disregarding need.  It’s the cold logic of a mass casualty event, applied to entire societies and lingering long after the emergency is over. It’s a relic of the days when a community leader had to stand up in the shelter and tell a thousand people they will only have calories for eight hundred, when neighbouring communities would exchange rosters of their population so unbiased choices could be made as to who gets to live. 
They’re past the days of anyone actually starving, but that, uh, is going to leave a bit of a psychological mark. It’s the reason why their government can be eight Ministries in a trenchcoat and yet survive; for all their squabbling, the Ministries are dedicated with absolute zeal to not rocking the boat too much, in case it means somebody somewhere doesn’t get fed, and are equally dedicated to the dream of one day getting Lost Homeworld back and making the fucking elves pay for it.
Republican Zinovians are divided into three Identities for gameplay purposes. The first two represent the civilian population of the Republic, and share a bunch of interesting Traits. You get Heavyworlder, because the 12 worlds the Zinovians were forced to settle on were largely hovering around 1g. You get Radiation Hardened (Lesser type, with Radiation Absorbing Structures) and/or Built-In Armour, which represents the subdermal steel plates which are affected by most of the population; these plates are largely cultural now, but at one time these were there to keep major bones from absorbing too much radiation on worlds with marginal magnetic fields. You’re encouraged to take Psychrophile/Thermophile, or any other trait which reflects the harsh nature of whichever world you ended up on.
You also lose some traits. In the Republic, genetic engineering efforts have at times been directed to reducing sexual dimorphism as part of various (largely unsuccessful) efforts to combat matriarchal social structures. Republican citizens also get their claws removed as a public health and safety measure at a young age; this is largely seen as a kind of sad-but-necessary reality of modernity, and a lot of defectors to the Star Union go get them regrown or have mechanical replacements installed.
The first of the identities is the Citizens; these are the regular people of the Republic, the politically disenfranchised common folk with no overt loyalties to any one Ministry. As with all the major powers in Local Space, the Republic is dealing with an overabundance of labour; in the Republic this manifests as waiting. You don’t want for anything vital, the local Ministries work together to ensure you have food, shelter, education, and distraction, but what you’re issued is what you get, and what you’re issued is decided by a bureaucrat somewhere. If you want more, you sign up for a waiting list for job openings in the Ministries, and you wait.
Which is why there’s a wild black market among the common citizens, hence a recommendation for the Entrepreneur trait. Polyglot represents how these colonies were haphazard multicultural endeavours which maintain enclaves carrying on the traditions of Lost Homeworld, and War Veteran represents how the only widespread employment available to common citizens was the recruitment drive during the war.
The second group are the Ministry Families. The Ministries operate as densely entangled networks of nepotistic family groups, with entire departments run by extended clans. The definition of ‘family’ is pretty loose; Zinovian norms about adoption are extremely flexible. Ministry families live marginally better lives than the regular Citizens in material terms, but do so under constant scrutiny and the intense expectations of their families, creating an intense political thunderdome of inter- and intra-family competition.
This gets so serious that it's reflected in the main Ministry trait, Augment. If you’re a ministry couple expecting a kid, it’s not uncommon for the clan matriarch to drop by and talk about the job they have lined up for them when they grow up, so wouldn’t it be a good idea to make sure they’re well-suited for the role? This dovetails well with just about any other trait; you’re encouraged to think about what you were destined for and how your family tried to achieve that.
The final recommended trait is Foreign Connections, a Trait which gives you both friends and enemies in another state. Maybe those friends are family who still have your back… or maybe they’re the department you betrayed your family to in order to smuggle yourself out of the Sphere.
A fun detail about the Republic is that they’re intensely maltheistic; organised religion was one of the main tools of the Aquillian occupation, and a lot of them were very devout people. Given the subsequent traumatic Everything, the natural cultural conclusion was that their gods had sold them out to the occupiers, and when Lost Homeworld is taken back they’re going to make a point to lock their deities inside the temples and light a match. In the meantime, they practise with effigies. Their kids make them out of paper mache. It’s great fun for the whole family.
There’s one last Identity within the Republic, and they’re very different from the other two. The Republican Marines are a cultural group inside the state descended from a seafaring culture who had been given a position as warrior nobility under the Aquillian hierarchy; the uprising largely kicked off because they got sick of getting increasingly sidelined for foreign mercenaries and defected to the rebels. The Marines are essentially a separate nation bound by treaty to the Republic to serve as an apolitical military arm; though in theory they’re all soldiers, in practice the majority of them work the logistics that allow a small handful of them to be the scariest power-armoured infantrymen in the history of the galaxy.
Seriously. The main narrative purpose of Zinovian Marines is to act as a thing the GM can put in a scene to say to the players “nope, you need to talk your way out of this one, because you aren’t winning this fight”. They have rotary chainguns with sufficient armour penetration to shoot up your reactor from the top deck of your spacecraft, and their armour has articulating ERA shields that double as deck-clearing fragmentation mines. Your redshirts going up against them is going to look like that sick Astartes animation on youtube. Just don’t.
Marines get to keep their claws, and obviously get recommended the War Veteran trait. It’s also noted that you are extremely visually distinct and it's impossible to hide it; Marines get elaborate facial tattoos and piercings specifically so they cannot shirk their duties to the Republic and try to become a civilian. 
In the CNFT
The Zinovian Marines are one offshoot of the seafaring warrior culture, one that ended up in the Republic. But a lot of them ended up elsewhere, either through surrendering to Aquillian forces during the war and being repurposed, or fleeing reprisals. Like most refugees in Local Space before the Star Union became a thing, those people ended up in the CNFT, alongside some other Zinovians who quickly became culturally integrated.
So what do a bunch of soldiers do when they arrive somewhere with combat experience but no money? They offered their services as mercenaries within the cutthroat anarcho-capitalist nightmare of the Territories, and they were good at it.
The modern SEA-WARRIORS OF ZINOVIA! are what happens when an entire culture’s financial security depends on being able to sell themselves as the best mercenaries in the entire galaxy, playing up their foreign heritage and biological quirks as an intergenerational advertising scheme. According to the marketing, the Sea-Warriors are a barely-civilised society of bloodthirsty warrior women whose rigid codes of honour demand they seek out war and conquest, and they can be yours for the low low price of $29.99! They wear the furs of exotic animals and get cool tattoos and carry four-foot long cultasses around in public and pick fights in bars with the hope of getting cool scars. Where the Republicans downplayed their sexual dimorphism with genetic engineering, the Sea-Warriors exaggerated it (mostly in that the ladies got even taller). They even gene-modded their tails back in and made them fuzzier to look more animalistic.
And it worked. Every politician has a Zinovian bodyguard, every criminal kingpin has Zinovian enforcers, and when you turn on the TV you’ll see Zinovian athletes playing full-contact sports, chasing perps in cop shows, and selling gene-therapy treatments at the commercial break. The CNFT’s image of physical prowess is a six-foot-five cat woman with tattooed abs and a massive machete leading a platoon in the conflict zone of the week.
The thing is… it’s not entirely an act. It started as one, sure, and the ones pushing the envelope will wink and nod and admit to exaggerating, but a culture can’t perform a persona this long without becoming true believers. Yes, they put the furs and swords away and fight in power armour under a swarm of autonomous drones like everyone else when it comes down to it, their mercenary corporations have slick PR operations and genetic modification programs and R&D departments, there’s Zinovians in suits negotiating with the government over protection contracts, but at the end of the day this still is a culture growing up with a self-image that the coolest thing they can possibly be is a barbarian warlord with a laser pistol in one hand and a sword in the other.
The first recommended Trait from all this is Augment, because you don’t keep your edge in a market like this without a bit of help. Imposing reflects the brand, obviously, and you still have your Built-In Weapons (getting declawed is seen as a fate worse than death). You have the fun Cultural Tool trait to represent the exaggerated cutlasses that your honour demands you carry in public, and War Veteran is an obvious pick for a culture where the Territorial Army and then subsequent mercenary work is the only real career path for most. 
Finally, you’re encouraged to take Redundant Vitals, because a lot of Sea Warriors opt into a series of genetic and surgical procedures to duplicate a few of their vital organs, just in case. It makes getting life insurance so much cheaper that it’s always worth it. 
The Greater Diaspora
The final set of identities is a bit of a catch-all for everyone else, and is more a high-level summary than the detailed Trait lists for other identities by its nature. There’s a ton of Zinovians living spread out in Local Space; descendents of refugees, migrant workers, and ancient settler projects. Like with the Aquillians (or the human wildcat colonies), it's an excuse to take the basic archetype and make it your own. One part of this characterisation is the fact that the Universal Republic wants very badly to use this diaspora as an arm of state power, and its various Ministries attempt to do so, with various levels of influence and success. There’s also a fair number integrated into the Star Union, many of them advisors who came over during the war and decided they liked it better.
Finally, there’s a note that the Zinovian Sphere is, well, not just a Universal Republic in name; they actually do have a number of alien species among their ranks as well, who will be culturally integrated at various levels using the above Identities. There’s a fair number of humans who have jumped ship to the Universal Republic in the same way, mostly people who think the Star Union is too pacifist or forgiving for its own good, or advisors horrified by the voters back home leaving their allies in the lurch. Said humans are largely integrating into Ministry families at this point.
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avelera · 8 months ago
Ok, so I know GRRM definitely has a whole ton of lore around the Targaryen dragon riders and who can do it and what level of bloodline is needed as has been raised as a question in the latest HotD episode, but here are my PERSONAL problems and questions around the whole idea that bloodline has anything to do with whether or not you can be accepted by and ride a dragon:
If Targaryen blood was required to be a dragon rider, Targaryen's would be the greatest genealogists in the world. They would have to be, as a matter of necessity and survival. Their empire is built on the superior fire power of dragons.
A bunch of GRRM and the showrunners little pet favorite pseudo-Medievalism would make LESS than zero sense.
For example, you would NEVER allow "prima nocta" (the lord of the castle gets to sleep with the bride on her wedding night before her husband) in a world where dragon riding is based on bloodline ARE YOU KIDDING ME, you would NEVER piss off a client prince by sleeping with his wife and THEN possibly give a prince or princess into that family line that could raise a dragon against you.
You would NEVER have MALE-based genealogy of inheritance, that would be literally insane. The only way to be certain of bloodline would be through the female line. You could still have patriarchy, but there is NO WAY you'd try to guess who can ride a dragon based on the FATHER rather than the MOTHER holy shit.
Males of the family would be locked down from sleeping around. Again, are you fucking kidding me, you'd never go spreading that genetic material if it really was a life or death difference between who can control your AIR FORCE and who cannot. Another pet Medievalism that would absolutely go out the window, these guys would NOT be free to sleep around wherever they please outside designated harems.
And on that note, THERE WOULD BE NO CASTLES. Again, are you fucking kidding me, the reason we don't have castles today is because of air power. In theory, Targaryens could have castles in order to repress the populace, but everyone else's castles would be a vestigial joke, because dragons could just fly over them and bbq you wtf.
Sorry just... everything about the questions raised around "Can anyone use this DYNASTICALLY SINGULAR magical Air Force based on their ability to trace to a PARTICULAR bloodline and if so, how in the WORLD would this bloodline not go to fanatical lengths to protect itself and authenticate its own members, up to and including preventing random bastards or interbreeding except with trusted favorite families??"
I just... have to scream about it here in order to spare my poor SO my ranting.
p.s BEFORE hitting me with encyclopedias of book lore PLEASE recall the show is absolutely departing from that lore and I'm basing this off the show, it is not 100% guaranteed the book facts will matter at all to these questions because as far as I can tell, the show is just serving up "Magical bloodline that magically prevents the down sides of incest... or is it??"
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knight-of-aether · 2 months ago
SWEU Fanon Codex: Red Zabrak in the Sith Empire
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Thousands of years before the first Zabrak colonists crash landed on Dathomir, when the Nightbrothers and their kin had yet to exist, Force-sensitive Zabrak with bright red or orange skin could be found throughout the galaxy. These Zabrak owed their similar traits to their relationship with the Tsis, or ancestral Sith species, and their destinies were linked with the Sith Empire's long and bloody history.
I. Origins
During the early days of the Sith Empire, as it expanded within the isolated Stygian Caldera region, the Sith attempted to conquer and enslave worlds that had previously been settled by Iridonian Zabrak explorers, but they didn’t expect the local resistance - which was largely Force-blind - to put up as much of a fight as it did. In this clash between two warrior cultures, the Zabraks’ tenacity eventually earned the grudging respect of the larger Imperial army.
The Sith lords eventually decided that they were wasting resources on the war, and would be better off taking the locals as their servants and their lands as fiefdom than bombarding them into oblivion. Thus the first treaties were drawn up, with their terms leaning greatly in the Empire's favor. Most Zabrak clans, unwilling to admit defeat but exhausted by the war, agreed to join the Empire after several revisions to their terms. Those who refused were enslaved or executed, their lands confiscated and divided among the Sith and their new vassals.
Many Zabrak followed their new lords to the Sith homeworlds, including Korriban, Ziost, and the Dromund system. During the ages of the Great Hyperspace War and the Empire's fall and reconstitution, its Zabrak diaspora continued to grow. By the time of the Cold War, they had thoroughly intermingled with the last remaining Tsis and their Human-hybrid Red Sith successors, becoming their own hybrid people, the Red Zabrak.
II. Biology
While they share many traits with their Iridonian cousins, the Red Zabrak population has inherited notable Tsis features that are expressed to varying degrees in each individual.
Iridonian-inherited traits:
near-human height and generally fit build
vestigial horns that appear in the first few years of life, and grow in symmetrical patterns on the crown of the head
less hair than most mammalian species; no eyebrows or facial hair, often naturally bald
two hearts and resilient cardiovascular and nervous systems, resulting in greater stamina and a slightly higher pain threshold than many other near-human species
pronounced canine teeth and a metabolism optimized for a carnivorous diet
darkened camouflage striping or inkblot patterns that fade during adolescence, upon which tattoos are traditionally based
Tsis-inherited traits:
skin colors varying from burgundy through red, orange, and peach, similar to Red Sith in complexion and always more ruddy than Iridonian Zabrak
“bleeding” effect of a bright red ring around the iris, a partial expression of the Tsis species’ characteristic glowing eyes
heightened midichlorian levels and increased chance of Force sensitivity
Occasionally, Red Zabrak will display subtle, angular ridges across their skin. Though generally less noticeable than in Red Sith, these ridges have influenced their iconic face and body tattoos, which are a fusion of traditional Iridonian and Sith ritual tattoos that incorporate various symbols to convey clan affiliation and personal stories, and are often designed to outline and enhance any observable Tsis traits.
Bone spurs and cartilaginous tendrils, however, are recessive traits that were lost in most of the Red Zabrak population after first-generation hybrids. These traits, like the aforementioned ridges, appear with more frequency in Human-hybrid Red Sith due to both the selectiveness of the Sith elite, and the quirks of Tsis genetics.
III. Society
While Red Zabrak citizens are nominally equal with all free beings in the Empire, in practice they are second-class citizens compared to Red Sith and Humans, though with societal privilege above other nonhuman species, including Iridonian Zabrak. Scholarly opinion on the merit of their Sith blood weighed against their nonhuman heritage is mixed. Their treatment is comparable to that of the Chiss, but as ancient dependencies of the Empire rather than newfound foreign allies. Meanwhile, in Republic space, they are often viewed with distrust, if not outright detested by Iridonians as traitors to their species. Due to vows of fealty that were sworn when their clans first joined the Empire, many are bound to the ancient Red Sith aristocracy as vassals, with all that entails.
Family ties are vital in both Zabrak and Sith cultures, and the two have become inextricably entangled over their centuries together. The Zabrak openly regard their accomplishments in the Sith Empire as a point of pride and their allegiance as a concession that made both peoples stronger; according to their officially sanctioned history, the Sith definitively proved their superiority in the arena of war, and have remained worthy of following in their exploits to the present day.
Despite the Empire's tendencies towards forced assimilation, the clans have held onto some of their autonomy as agreed upon in their treaties - particularly to organize for cultural events, such as the yearly coming-of-age ceremony in which teenagers traditionally receive their first tattoos, after several days of combat sports, storytelling, and feasting. Large clan gatherings are required to be open to the public, and are routinely monitored by Imperial security forces, but are among the freest cultural expressions in the Empire outside Mandalorians.
Most young Red Zabrak end up in careers that will further the agendas of their affiliated Sith Houses - often the same ones their ancestors swore fealty to when the first treaties divided them among the Sith. Choosing a marriage or career that one’s clan or House disapproves of, or siding with a rival, is to become a social outcast at best. Since the Sith hold the strings of the Empire, they can and will obstruct and manipulate the paths of their servants, and sweep impromptu executions under the rug, in the name of preserving their power bases. Systemic xenophobia in the Empire at large makes social mobility for Red Zabrak even more challenging without Sith aid.
Stereotyped as violent, stubborn, and simple-minded but ultimately honorable aliens, Red Zabrak often end up in military positions within the Empire, and frequently serve as enforcers and assassins to their affiliated Sith houses. Despite the setbacks they face, this tenacious people can be found throughout the Empire in higher positions and greater numbers than any other non-Human or Sith species.
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surak · 2 months ago
Malcolm's family situation is so funny like "I couldn't become a naval officer like my family wanted because of my aquaphobia so instead of joining the vestigial military of a dead empire that specializes in an obsolete form of combat I became one of the highest ranked officers of humanity's first solo voyage into the stars. They'll never be proud of me 😔"
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honouredsnakeprincess · 2 months ago
A magical empire where some of the powers and roles of government are enshrined in a constitution enforced by a great work of magic, but which notably does not prevent certain types of reforms.
As such, when an evil lich conquers the empire, he installs himself not as dread-emperor, but as dread-chancellor, since previous generations of reformers had largely centralized executive power in that office over the centuries, and the role of emperor has become largely vestigial. He is still, however, magically compelled to give bi-monthly briefings to the emperor on the state of the empire and government, and the emperor can technically dismiss him (if the emperor was not kept magically charmed).
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warsamongthestars · 11 months ago
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Since I didn't chase anyone off the first time, how bout some more? This round isn't nearly a storied as last round.
THE BAD BATCH did not grow up with each other. I know, counter to a lot of HCs. Each BB had a batchsquad that they were given back to (with flagged profiles about being apart of the 99 project--DO NOT DECOMMISSION), and thus, had an original regular clone trooper batch-squad at one point. This is where they got their names and social experience. WRECKER was a apart of KILO SQUAD. His Batchmates, were Chopper (who was later assigned under Sergeant Slick; TCWs), Boomer (Also known as Clone-Sergeant 2207; 501st; TCWs), Basher (the only CT out of the unit to make it into the Empire Era; SW Detours), and Hardcase (who lost his life during the Umbara Campaign; TCWs). Kilo squad were known to be happy-go-lucky destroyers of the training rooms. HUNTER was a part of ETA SQUAD. Three confirmed members of ETA Squad were, Tracker (212th; apart of the Dark Disciple series), Trapper (212th, formerly 91st--saw the battle of Ryloth, and the Zilo Beast incident; TCWs), and Hound (Coruscant Guard, Mastif Handler; TCWs) CROSSHAIR was apart of OMICRON SQUAD. With Hawkeye (91st, died during the Zilo Beast incident; TCWs), Longshot (212th, died during the Lola Sayu Mission; TCWs), Scope (104th; SW:CWA) and Sinker, of the 104th Wolfpack. TECH was apart of a soft-shell tech squad, with two confirmed members--Switch (CP-6824; SW:CW:RH) and Chatter (501st; radiotech).
Unfortunately, thanks to an incident that occurred to CT-9905 (a 99 projector (and original character)), Four of the Six / Seven of the 99-Project clones were finally gathered to be a team. ( CT-9905's fate is unknown. ) ( CT-9902 would be regulated as a Kaminonian Assistant. ) ( CC-9900, the "proof of concept" 99er, whose regeneration abilities served as the genetic-patch to prevent further clones from over-aging in their growth tubes--was already apart of the Republic Commando training, and would not be joining any other 99er. ) The original squads would be broken up and either sent out alone to other legions, or would be assigned to different squads.
HUNTER'S ELECTROMAGNETIC SENSES allows him to know when something has a static charge. So rub against a carpet, and he'll just know you have the charge. He describes it as if the feel of the air became spicy. Basically, he's a living voltage detector. Could probably tell you when your battery is dead.
WRECKER'S BONES are unbreakable. This isn't actually a form of mutation, but a form of later-life augmentation. That same later life augmentation staved his life when a bomb or charge went off near his face, and instead of pulverizing his skull (and thus his brain), it only pulverized the closest soft tissues--like his eye and inner ear.
WRECKER'S ENHANCEMENT allows him to have flexible muscle mass; allowing him to pick up and move objects without prep work, and to with stand any aftermath soreness. Thanks to the later-life augmentation, he has the strongest back in human existence. Unfortunately, a side effect of this is weaker organs, and a weaker heart. His enormous muscle growth has resulted in at least one near full organic transplantation, due to the muscle growing too fast for the organs to keep up. The abnormal strength of the muscle, thanks to be spliced with other-than-human genetics, is also what required the later-life bone augmentation, or risk his very muscles crushing his bones by movement alone.
Wrecker does not remember much of his childhood, due to the sheer growth pains from his enhancements.
TECH suffers from severe nearsightedness, and its been suggested, that as he's been spliced with Kamoninan genetics in order to ensure a "computational brain", that his eyes are more suited to underwater environments. Funnily enough, he does actually see in the water better. Not great, but better.
TECH, having been spliced with Kamoninan Genetics (whom are primarily amphibious), did have a vestigial-tadpole tail in his infancy. It went away as he got older... but he does occasionally have " Nonexistent-tail wiggles" when particularly excited, as a left over response--he finds them quite unprofessional and embaressing, but sometimes, one just gots to wiggle in place to get all that energy out.
Thanks to the Genetic splicing, Crosshair was actually born blind, with his eyelids semi-permanently shut (Not unlike a baby bird). They would open over the course of his first month; but this shows that not only does he have powerful eyes--he has powerful eyelids to compensate for those eyes. Its theorized that, if he had normal human eyelids, he would've seen through them.
The AlphaGens, or the famous 100, were the first clones in existence. They were the proof of concept, the Sparten-2's to the regular clones' Sparten-3, with minor enhancements and power armor--but also with the first severe issues that would come along during the Kaminonian's cloning. 99 was the final "successful" AlphaGen, whose gene-glitch aged him drastically in his growth tude, and whose problem would later be "patched out" with later clones, with the 99 project. ( Most Gene-patch projects were usually named after an AlphaGen's number; for example, there was the failed 17-Project, which attempted to gene-patch out premature white hair--did so with no success, and actually introduced Auburn and Blond Hair into clone troopers, as well as the additional problem of premature balding. ) ( Or the gene-patch project, 24-Project, that attempted to patch out Blue eyes--which catastrophically failed and resulted in blindness. ) 99 Himself, who was aware of the project being based from him, kept an eye out for all the "99ers", in what little ways he could. It is a well known AlphaGen trait, after all, to adopt BetaGen or Regular Clone Troopers. For example; for a young Wrecker, with uncontrollable strength, and great terrible growth pains, he left a small "tooka" doll made from baby cloths and what little fluff he could find. 99 would not officially meet a 99 Team, until after the loss of 9905.
99 himself, as the AlphaGen of Maintenance, knew of the secret places undernearth the Kaminonian Cities. He often worked around where CT-9902 did And he knew of the canceled OmegaGen clones project.
THE OMEGA GENERATION Cloned from a different prime, Arla Fett, the OmegaGen project was an attempt to create force-sensitive clones through "natural incubation" in order to "garden" the growth of midi-chlorians in a clone. Only two surviving clones were the result of the OmegaGen project--Omega-01, who was born via designated incubator (Heavily implied to have been the OmegaGen Prime), and Omega-02, who was the result of the Kaminonian typical method of cloning... and deemed a failure due to lack of midi-chlorian count. The project was deemed a success--but the expense and the time taken to make OmegaGen clones was deemed unacceptable, and the project was canceled after the first successes.
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chillychive · 1 year ago
Suppose it's time to mention this AU to finally give me the motivation to start posting it... or at least bits of it.
Star Trek Life Series AU (season 1)
Some general information:
This will (hopefully) be a fic posted on AO3. To make it feel more Star-Treky, it'll be broken up into seasons and episodes. It'll have Trek like nonsense with better planning and character consistency. It'll feature Life Series, Empires, Hermitcraft, Evo and possibly other MCYT characters. NOT RPF. Some of the species mentioned will be real Star Trek species, others will be made up by yours truly to fit the design of the character. It'll be an ensemble style story, like TNG. Knowledge of Star Trek is NOT required in the slightest, but it might enhance your reading- it will have hidden references/have some episodes based on real Trek episodes.
I've been working on this for genuinely a year, and I'm overhauling the original idea as well. At the minute it's 13k words and a whole lot more planning.
PLEASE send asks if you're curious. I have SO MUCH MORE but I didn't want this post to be too long.
With that out of the way, let's get on to the main characters:
Species: Human and Risian Department: Tactical Rank: Lieutenant Design Notes: Pearl's Risian tattoo is fading. Otherwise her design is fairly similar to your average human Pearl. Significant Relationships: Grian, adopted brother (same age), Gem, roommate turned best friend turned partner in later seasons Other: Most of the story will follow Pearl. She grew up at Starfleet academy with Grian, her parents taught there, and her dad still does. Her mom is dead... or is she?
Species: Human... that is until Evo... Department: Tactical, Bridge Crew (until Evo) Rank: Lieutenant Commander (maybe) Design Notes: Fairly standard Grian, is a human (until Evo) Significant Relationships: Pearl, adopted sister (same age) BigB, academy friend Impulse, friend, Joel, roommate Other: Grian is a prankster. He was promoted to bridge crew literally only hours before the ship left starbase for the first time. He grew up on Earth at Starfleet Academy, with his parents, both of whom taught at the Academy. *his parents are not the same as Pearl's- they grew up together at the academy since their parents were friends, and they basically grew up like siblings- they often forget they're not actually related, by blood or legally* He's an accomplished pilot, but actually has tactical station on the bridge. A few months in, he is assigned to lead a mission to a new planet... and a few months later when the ship returns for rendezvous, he's not among the landing party. He's presumed dead and will not return to the story until the finale. The shuttle they take to the planet is called the "evolution"
Species: 1/2 Bajoran, 1/8 arkarian, 1/8 ktarian, 1/4 an unnamed species Department: Botany, with a LOT of Tactical training too Rank: Lieutenant/Ensign Design Notes: Gem has a very complicated design. She has the bajoran nose ridges, paired with a barely noticeable version of the ktarian spikes plus faint arkarian ridges on her head. She has small antlers-like structures on her head, that have little fungi things on the end that occasionally move around in response to signals from certain mushrooms. Her pupils are massive and look out of proportion with her eyes, and in bright light she can barely see. The reason for this is because the unnamed species' DNA isnt very compatible with the other species- they have vestigial eyes, which makes Gem's eyes very weak and very sensitive to light. To compensate, she wears a shaded visor and takes breaks often. She also has very light bones (thanks to her unnamed species DNA), which leaves her susceptible to breaking bones easily. Let me know if you want more information on that species. Significant Relationships: Fwhip, twin brother Pearl, best friend/roomate/partner later on Other: Her combat skills are top tier because originally she was told she couldn’t do security training because of the fragility of her bones + her eyes, so she basically went “okay bet” and then learned how to avoid getting hit perfectly. She’s fantastic at dodging and was soo good that security training couldn’t say no to her. She made it through the academy with top notch security training, and then decided to instead go into botany, designing better ways to grow plenty of different plants. She also often gets pulled into security forces when needed as her botany isn’t a 24/7 job. This is especially true whenever they go anywhere with a low light level as that doesn’t affect her as much as it does many of the others, since she’s used to dim light.
this isn't a complete list, so lmk if theres anyone else you're curious about and I'll explain!
thank you for reading if you made it this far... this got longer than intended, and i only got through the 3 main characters...
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irkendogma · 1 year ago
hey hey! tallest freak intrigues me.,,,,, tell me more
well, last night was a convenient time for me to have finished their toyhouse! the full massive walls of text snowballed of their character can be read there, but in fewer words
the basic premise behind tallest freak was the joke that they have persistent fixation on sexuality...as a member of a species of sterile, sexless test tube babies. and that they died in irken 9/11. unfortunately for my brain these aspects actually managed to gel well together once i considered them in the context of my headcanon that the control brains are the actual primary heads of irken society who cultivate irkens to provide them with the massive amount of resources they need to live like a sentient version of fungi grown in ant colonies
in their actual current writing spiralling off of the joke, freak has the vestigial psychological components of sexuality through their organic body's neural wiring (which, at odds with their PAK programming lacking that "code block", results in chronic migraine-like headaches from the biological version of a program error) without any actual way to address it or ability to discuss it with others who would understand. when combined with their lifelong impressive height meaning that they never had to learn how to actually work for what they want, whether material or social, this has resulted in someone who is, in a word, really, really weird - detached from the people around them due to feelings of fundamental separation and possessing very little regard for the convictions of anyone but themselves
their rule as tallest is kinda an extended commentary on that hubris-level self-assuredness, because with the tremendous amount of resources at their disposal when they're handed the entire empire on a platter they decide they're going to pursue the goal of restoring the relevant irken physical systems, no matter how far-fetched it is or how little public support there is for it, and while theoretically this wouldn't necessarily be bad for irkens they're pursuing it out of nothing but their own very simple, petty wants - and in doing so, they step on the toes of the one group they can't afford to piss off, since irkens getting the idea that they wouldn't have to rely on smeeteries would deal a pretty heavy blow to their dependence on the control brains and the brains' resulting authority
which loops back around to 11/12 being an inside job incited by penis crimes against the state.
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octotomo · 2 months ago
Splatoon: The Vestigial Species - Design Ideas (West Asia)
If you have not viewed the main post first, please do so. Otherwise, here is a list of archaeological cultures which you are free to choose from to use as an inspiration when designing your human society!
Upper Paleolithic/Mesolithic
Kebaran Culture
Natufian Culture
Khiamian Culture
Pre-Pottery Neolithic
Halaf Culture
Hassuna Culture
Ubaid Period
Uruk Period
Bronze Age
Jemdet Nasr Period
Early Dynastic Period
Akkadian Empire
Gutian Dynasty
Third Dynasty of Ur
Isin-Larsa Period
Early Assyrian Period
Old Assyrian Period
Middle Assyrian Empire
Old Babylonian Empire
First Sealand Dynasty
Middle Babylonian Empire
Kingdom of Qatna
Hittite Empire
Pre-Islamic Arabia
Kura-Araxes Culture
Jiroft Culture
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power-chords · 8 months ago
Tony Gilroy is so great. "Tell him our ghosts have strong hands and a long memory." What a killer line that instantly tells me these guys have a familiar way of conjoining history and the spiritual realm. Love that the rebellion is terrifying in action and fragmented internally for reasons that, given the types of people who would logically comprise a rebellion (I.E., desperate people accustomed to prisons, persecution, and poverty), make dramatic sense. (It's also more realistic, because human beings are dramatistic in nature. Kenneth Burke would love this show.) The rebels are disciplined soldiers, but their real guerrilla expertise lies in psychological warfare, ideological loyalty as intimidation display, because when they point guns at women and children to declare they have nothing left to lose, they know Beehaz believes them.
And, duh, obsessed with The Eye, the primal draw to cosmic wonder, one that serves in witness from the Empire's perspective and in judgment from the Rebellion's.
In judgment of... what else? The things they feel forced to do, and the collateral damage — idealism, because of course it's Nemik who is crippled in the translation of theory to action — in Abrahamic mimesis, as anti-cathartic, botched pseudo-fulfillment of Old Testament child sacrifice. (But the manifesto, the book, survives. So Nemik is also redoubled into a Mosaic remnant of the Law.) This is also why Skeen commits his betrayal only after The Eye has "closed." Ironically, he is guilty of thinking almost exactly like the Empire, where the panopticon is the only game in town and winning is a condition of optics that must be maintained lest the breach with compliance result in physical/social death. He has a vestigial sense of a deeper moral order, he acknowledges it almost instantly when the first few meteorites streak across the sky, but after an adolescence of authoritarian rule his only concept of a god is one that doesn't inspire fealty unless it's sensibly, verifiably present. Contrast Cassian, who of course kills Skeen to save himself but still holds certain absolutes as inviolable, seemingly because they affect him in a way that is emotionally intolerable. (For example: Never abandon your countryman.) Which in the best-case heroic scenario results in a Marcus Aurelius and in the worst case... well, [gestures at everything]. Fascism and faith are both emotional responses to human social realities, a need to belong/be "initiated" into a cultural order — a structure, an authority — and in the Empire's case that "order's" lethality escalates in proportion to its absurdity, the arbitrariness of its application. In a galaxy far far away, which is to say "right here, right now," you can join the army or you can go up the mountain in silence/be smuggled down the river. Perhaps if you're "lucky" enough not to be scapegoated or drafted or both you can devise a compromise. You could try to play A Serious Man. (Some living!)
I brought back my copy of Killing Time from my folks' place and I'm wondering if it merits a reread 16 years after I first kinda dismissed it. Watch me be like, "No, wait, this is the Blackhat of Caleb Carr novels." Information is not knowledge, and the corollary that Tony Gilroy is writing about is that for knowledge to survive a totalitaran information economy, its transmission cannot be externalized and standardized, converted from exchange value to market value. Knowledge that judiciously permits for dogmatism, polyphony, and revisionism where necessary is what I like to think of as wisdom.
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ladzwriting · 11 months ago
Honestly, Ladz, I'm scared to read fealty even though I bought it. I feel like I'll become obsessed and then want something similar
I am so flattered by this; thank you so much!!
In terms of becoming obsessed and wanting more, there are minimum 7 more volumes to write (it takes a long time to stop a forever war while preserving a vestigial empire, who knew!). But in the interim of me writing them, I have a carefully curated to-read list for the different aspects of FEALTY that you like most.
NON-FICTION (also featured in the back of the book)
The Unwomanly Face of War: An Oral History of Women in World War II by Svetlana Alexievich (2017)
God's Playground: A History of Poland, Volumes 1 & 2 by Normal Davies (2005)
Revolutionary Russia, 1891 - 1991: A History by Orlando Figes (2015)
Queer Gothic by George Haggerty (2006)
Rasputin: Faith, Power, and the Twilight of the Romanovs by Douglas Smith (2016)
Hellsing by Kouta Hirano (1997 - 2008)
Monogatari by nisiOisin, illustrated by Vofan (2005 - Present)
Vampire Hunter D by Hideyuki Kikuchi, illus. Yoshitaka Amano (2005 - Present in English)
A Flame in the Night by Morgan Dante (2023)
Ossuary by T.D. Cloud, illus. by Ambi Sun (2023)
Unholy with Eyes Like Wolves by Morgan Dante (April 2024)
Mistress of Lies by K.M. Enright (August 2024)
Tower of Fools by Andrzej Sapkowski (2020 in English)
The Wolf and the Woodsman by Ava Reid (2021)
Kalyna the Soothsayer by Elijah Kinch Spector (2022)
Day of the Oprichnik by Vladimir Sorokin (2011 in English)
The Books of Jacob by Olga Tokarczyk (2022 in English)
Titus Groan by Mervyn Peake (1946)
Gormenghast by Mervyn Peake (1950)
Titus Alone by Mervyn Peake (1959)
Kushiel's Dart by Jacqueline Carey (2001)
The Traitor Baru Cormorant by Seth J. Dickinson (2015)
tbh Mervyn Peake's books also work for this category
The Monk by Matthew G. Lewis (1796)
Lapvona by Ottessa Moshfegh (2022)
The Lord of Astiigos by Soren Häxan (2023); please note: there is an update coming in the next few months
The Salt Grows Heavy by Cassandra Khaw (2023)
(if not in previous sections)
Little Death by Pom Poison (2022 - Present)
A Botanical Daughter by Noah Medlock (2023)
A Necessary Chaos by Brent Lambert (2023)
All Tomorrow's Photos Duology by S.S. Genesee (2023)
Bloodborne (2015), especially Castle Cainhurst
Fire Emblem Three Houses (2019), the Black Eagles house
I think this is most of it!! I have read and reviewed most of these on my blog, where you will find things like content and trigger warnings.
Hope this answers the questions and please take your time! FEALTY is a dense, gory book with a lot happening both politically and interpersonally, so don't feel bad about taking time to get into it.
It took me a few years from purchase to actually reading Mervyn Peake's work, for example, and it absolutely came at the right time for me.
I hope this answers the ask!
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sullustangin · 1 year ago
Fluffy February Day 24: Apology
Time: Around 7.2 (after we see Arcann regretfully say he needs backup, but before we see him on Voss in 7.3); Late 28 ATC
A/N: ...this is probably a joke gone to far. Last year, I wrote Amber about Marr's lightsaber and how it was in Arcann's possession. Then, I wrote Goodbye to explain what had happened during the search for the rightful owner of the saber. And this -- this is where Arcann was between Elom and Voss. And yes, it got big enough to need a cut.
The mission report for Elom had been filed, dutifully, in the most neat and well-practiced penmanship Theron had ever seen; although regulations demanded reports be typed out and electronically submitted, he still had to admire the skill that went into this project in ink and flimsi.
The problem was that its author had not come home.  Arcann was missing.  Sana-Rae had arrived to provide support, and one of small taskforce Eva had assigned to help him (and monitor him) handed off the report.  Arcann had disappeared.
Theron…really, really did not want to deal with this.  Malgus had been captured, and there was  a missing padawan and a missing holocron with probably something powerful and nasty inside.  The last thing Theron needed was a missing ex-emperor. 
…And then the whole situation went weird.  Theron thought maybe the universe hated him.  That, or Eva and her entire crew were pulling some elaborate joke on him.
Supposedly, Arcann, former emperor, had been sighted flipping burgers at some fast food joint on Dromund Kaas. It was like one of those wild claims that had popped up in the months after Senya had had the Voss heal him. 
But then Talos Drellik and Koth Vortena came forward to … confirm the possibility.
Because one of the girls with tats and piercings and pink hair had said something nice about him.  Years ago.
Theron wanted to bang his head against the wall.  The problem with Eva and her Alliance – and Voidfleet more broadly – is that it did attract misfits.  Misfits with quirks.  He knew he fell into that category himself, but stars, couldn’t someone be utterly boring and come home from the mission?
So here he was, trying to be inconspicuous as he strolled through the streets of Kaas, making sure he had the right dive.  Now all he had to do was wait out in the rain for the back door to open and him to get a visual confirmation that Arcann was here.
…Theron’s luck was even better than that.  Arcann came out of the backdoor…
To take out the trash.
The Eternal Emperor.  Garbage duty.  There was a cosmic-scale joke here.   
He wore the dirty, grease-stained uniform of the chain.  He even had the stupid billed cap on.  The door swung shut behind him –
And Theron grabbed him by the throat and slammed him into the wall.  “We’re going to make this look like some petty street dispute,” he muttered to the startled Arcann.
There was a momentary flailing, but Arcann quickly recognized him and lowered his hands.  “Hello, Theron –”
“Why didn’t you check back in?” The operations manager of the Alliance – and their lead on black ops – really wasn’t in the mood for niceties.  Not on Kaas. 
Arcann reached up to detach Theron’s hand from his throat, which Theron allowed.  “I found myself… vestigial to Sana-Rae’s work.  I wrote my report, as required – “
“And then you disappeared,” Theron snapped.  “You of all people can’t do that.”
Theron saw a brief flicker of temper.  “Perhaps I should.”
“Excuse me?” Theron demanded. 
Arcann straightened up against the rough wall of the building, trying to exude that imperial authority….while wearing a fast food uniform.  “I have wondered, since the Captain’s victory over the Eternal Empire, what would become of me.  I have…a liminal existence on Odessen.  I am free to travel.  With supervision.  I continue to reside there for lack of any secure option – I’ll either be assassinated or turned into a cult figure, depending on the partisans in the area.”  He motioned up at his face.  “If I’m ever to be anything else other than Emperor Arcann, I must plunge myself into a completely and utterly different life.”
Theron absorbed all this.  “…so the pink-haired girl flirted with you years ago, and you thought this was a great career move?”
“’Successfully committed multiple genocides in less than five years’ on the resume doesn’t really attract many employers,” Arcann returned, readily.  “So…I took the first opportunity presented to me to not always be under your watchful eye.  Or that of my mother.”
Theron wouldn’t apologize for that.  Ever.
“I left Elom.  I lied at my job interview – which took place in this very alley.  I explained that my scars were from a deep fryer accident – I read about such things on Holonet forums.” 
Arcann tilted his head slightly, frowned, and then said, in absolute seriousness to Theron, “Workers rights and unions are absent on Imperial planets.  This concerns me greatly.”
Theron directed his gaze skyward, wondering what gods were laughing at him today.  “They didn’t have those sorts of things on Zakuul either when you were running the show.”
“I was different then!”  Arcann insisted, and Theron saw some flash of indignance.  “I know these things should exist.  I now know why they should exist.”
…Arcann was now learning things Theron had learned under Master Zho’s tutelage.  About compassion without judgment, about how not everyone was safe in the galaxy, and not every state was benevolent to its people.  He was over thirty now.  The cure, for an adult… must have been difficult
Jedi believed in fresh starts. Otherwise, no one would ever be able to be allowed to join after escaping the Sith. 
Theron wasn’t a Jedi.  But…
“You’ve got to come back to Odessen.  This … is not tenable.”  Theron made an abstract motion to this entire, ridiculous situation.
“Not on these wages.  They are not livable.”
Theron rolled his eyes, but Arcann was already untying his apron.  “I have learned much…and I do want to live away from Odessen.  Maybe not under my own name.”
Theron was already shaking his head.  “That is a conversation for a completely different time.  You need to come back.  Now.”
“I will.”
Theron cleared his throat. "...I did mean it when we'd talk about this. Because you are right, you can't live forever in limbo like this."
Arcann nodded.
The two men understood each other.
...That was progress. Progress was good.
There was an awkward pause. 
“…So what are you going to tell that girl?” Theron ventured.
Arcann responded with a rueful smile.  “Turnover in the fast food industry is very high, which is understandable given the conditions and lack of pay. She is no longer employed here.”   Then he squared up to Theron.  “Hit me.”
Yes, this day was absolutely off-the-wall strange.  “What?”
Arcann cast a look back at the eatery.  “The manager will be out here to wonder where I’ve gone.  He doesn’t want trouble, so if he sees me engaged in fisticuffs, he’ll be inclined to fire me – I won’t be wanted back and nobody will look for me.” 
That would make everything neat and clean…
And Theron had been waiting for this for a long, long time.
So he squared up….then he paused.  “Do you even know how to take a punch?” 
Arcann nodded.  “I did have a twin brother…we were very competitive…”  Then he shifted uncomfortably.  “…The Captain also decked me.  Once.”
Oh yeah. Theron remembered now. “Bowdaar didn’t stop talking about it for two weeks,” Theron confirmed.  Theron decided if he was only going to get one permitted hit on the guy who had stolen his wife (well, now she was his wife) from him for five years, it better be a nice big one. 
The wind up….
“You do know I’m never going to apologize for this, right?”
Now Arcann smirked.  “The only apology you’ll have to give is to the Captain – that she didn’t get to see this or directly participate.”
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bcstag · 2 months ago
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SFW Nastursa.
Panels from Vestigial Tail, which I plan to release in late spring 2025. Features my two protagonists: Nastursa, an 8-feet-tall, 35-year-old (dog)woman, and Noli (going by Kuneho), a 20-year-old man with long hair and problems.
Blurb: Vestigial Tail is a sci-fi and fantasy webcomic about Nastursa, an ex-soldier who endeavors to protect Noli, an ailing runaway with mystical powers. The two flee the clutches of an invading empire and discover the truth behind the missing land god—a gigantic being that once maintained the ecological balance of Lappukaliy.
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