#Vest line
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critter-of-habit · 10 months ago
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What If : Infinity War
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chubbychiquita · 7 months ago
I've been following your gain for years now and it's wild to see how utterly immense you've become. These last 50 lbs or so have catapulted you into an entirely new class. The shape of your face has changed, your belly is massive. It's impossible to imagine that you were ever not fat. 400 seems to be inches away and it makes me think back to a video from several years and several hundred lbs ago when you ate an entire cake, as if to prove you were destined for sheer gluttony and enormity. #SSBBW
you're right about these last 50 lbs, the world has become uniquely tough to navigate in ways that i hadn't experienced as *just* a ~315 lb girl 🥵🥵🥵 seatbelts, arm rests, booth seating, bar stools, bathroom stalls, store aisles, public transit, theaters, salons, dentists offices, finding 5X clothes or furniture rated to 400+lbs, and at a recent checkup, my doctor had to tie two gowns together bc their XXL didn't even come close to covering me 😩
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parisoonic · 2 years ago
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A drawing I don't think I'll finish. Clearing out the old sketch folders
In case anyone is curious - reason I won't finish this is due to being a BAD BOY and drawing this at potato rez, all on one layer AND (worst crime of all) not planning this illustration! Heavy is too large in composition and leant over Cheavy and...it's just so much effort to change that haha. Also I'm not sure if I'm...artistically confident enough yet to render the foreshortening on Heavy's arm...I might need to do some more studies. What I will probably do is remove Heavy, tweak the camera to a worms eye and have a fullbody of Heavy silhouetted on the horizon with blood and bandolier 'illuminated' within his silhouette. I think it'll look cool and graphic.
In writing this comment I also realised that the environment and Heavy are lit from different directions (head in hands).
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m0rninglatte · 29 days ago
"I wouldn't be caught dead in a sweater vest." - Start of Season 2 C!Ven.
*One whole season later*
Get's caught dead in a sweater vest because old boss man rolled back up.
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emmerrr · 10 months ago
far and away my favourite thing about tsc was the direct parallels we got between neil and jean now that we've been allowed inside jean's head as well.
we have neil who's almost frighteningly self-sufficient; getting to grips with his surroundings when he moves to psu as soon as possible by going for long solo runs, not waiting for his teammates after he's done at the stadium, going shopping on his own for stuff on foot and only buying what he can carry back by himself, hitchhiking back from columbia -- the fact that he could have asked coach or any of his upperclassmen to come and get him not even occuring to him. but through forced proximity, he gets to know them more, and he gets to like them, and they become the people that he would do anything for, that he fought so hard to stay with.
on the other hand we have jean, whose time in the nest has had the adverse effect; he's never alone, he's hardly ever off-campus, and he's never had the kind of freedoms that you'd usually be afforded at college. the idea of living off-campus is horrifying to him, the idea of having his own room is unheard of to him -- and unsettling enough for him to want jeremy to move in there with him. jeremy shows him the way to the court but he's too disoriented to follow along properly because he's not used to being out in a city like this. for years he hasn't been allowed a life outside of exy and the nest, so he doesn't know how to be out in the world. he has no idea how to navigate it. he sees exy as his only purpose, so anything that doesn't seem to serve this goal is meaningless and egregious to him.
...but then there's jeremy, and cat, and laila.
idk, just, something something neil didn't realise how lonely he was until he met the foxes, and jean was painfully aware of how lonely he was despite being stuck with the ravens all of the time, and is now getting the chance to learn that it doesn't have to be like that with the trojans.
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o-tonashiii · 6 months ago
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almost forgot about this ...!! i wanted to make a little profile card thingy... go my scarab
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chirpsythismorning · 2 years ago
I have been going over the seasons looking for all the evidence of the whole epic primary color theory connected to El, Mike and Will. And ngl this moment right here had me spiralling.
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ecoustsaintmein · 1 month ago
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"It's the gazelle....you shot." colourised
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asthedeathoflight · 2 months ago
You know what I find really fascinating? At no point does anyone consider that maybe their vests make them too much of a target while the other groups are hunting them. The matching brown outfits put a target on their back (The Hurricanes even note that their vests are ugly) but even after that no one suggests to take it off. I get not wanting to give them up when the Orphans and Mercy demand for it (pride and whatever) but the rest of the time they could have worn them inside out or something. Another thing that never really gets brought is, they get to Coney and then what? With Cyrus dead, I don’t think the other gangs would necessarily respect the turf lines of the Warriors. The group has a single minded focus of getting home, which when you’re panicking, is what you’re going to do. But no one in the crew seems to be thinking beyond that. PS. My personal headcanon is that after the events in the album they switch to the black and red vests in the promo shots.
I have been hoarding this ask to myself because it is much to think about. But it's time for us all to think about it. Together.
I think the thing about the vests is really telling for who these characters are and the world that they live in. Because yes, they would be much safer if they took them off. But that isn't really the point for them. It doesn't matter if they can survive as women out on their own at night. They need to survive as Warriors. That matters. What they would lose if they gave that up is worth the price - to them - of keeping the vests on. That's why the last thing we hear Ajax say is "I'm a Warrior."
I think the bit about Coney Island is really interesting and functions on a few levels. Like first of all, as the Hurricanes point out, the Warriors "have no friends." They can't shelter in another gang's territory. Yes the other crews can come invade but they're at risk staying in any hostile gang's territory so it's better to have the home field advantage. In my personal headcanon I also think there are probably more Warriors back at Coney Island so they're also trying to get reinforcements? Although I know canon doesn't super support this bc why not just call them but. I just want there to be more Warriors in my heart okay. Snow and Vermin and Ash are still there you guys they just stayed home </3.
But I also think the "then what?" of it all is something that the album changes from the movie pretty considerably. Like the ending theme of the movie kind of is "so then what?" They made it back and nobody's trying to kill them anymore but they're still locked into the cycle of violence and have no hope and no future. Kind of a hollow victory for them. But more than even the gender thing the album changes this by saving Cleon. The point of going back to Coney Island is believing that there will be something waiting for them. Not to make everything about Ajax but this kind of seems like part of her whole deal in Park at Night. She's lost faith that there's anything waiting for her back home, so she can no longer think any farther ahead than what's right in front of her. But Fox sacrifices herself because she does believe there is something waiting for the others on the other side of the train, and she's right! Even if they couldn't have known how, the Warrior's hope is rewarded. There is a future for them. The album rejects the movie's take that Cyrus's death is the death of peace. It argues that what was important was not Cyrus as a person being present, but the act of all the gangs coming together in the name of peace. Once that happened, peace became inevitable. Even if it's not here yet, it's coming.
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jennicatzies · 1 year ago
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Adventure Line™ personification design. Hehe smiles
Without narration text boxes
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Made the bastard at like 1 am or something I just lied down on my bed like. Oh yeah this'll look pretty cool
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Peep the 1 am scribbles. Can you tell I tried really hard to incorporate arrows into it's™ design
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r0ttenb0gb0dy · 5 months ago
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✨ meet the artist, @r0ttenb0gb0dy edition ✨
i have no idea what i look like but my husband fact checked this and he said that it looks like me so i am going to assume he is right 🩷
ive never done one of these so i kinda just infodumped . if anyone has any questions don't hesitate to pester me i love to talk !!!! i don't bite i promise . i am just a simple line cook obsessed with a video game from 10+ years ago (this can apply to many games) and a writer when im mentally capable of doing so .
bog loves u all . mwah .
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malicious-leporine · 1 year ago
working on some Silly Shit™ 
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stressedanime · 1 year ago
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viperwhispered · 11 months ago
I do love it how our Scarabia duo is just the specialest boys who will not be wearing the standard school uniform.
Like, want to know what the regular Scarabia school uniform looks like? Good luck because these two will not be helping you.
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peanutbutterex · 7 months ago
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Inspired by the manga below. It just felt like something that would happen between them.
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Panel from “Vampeerz: My Peer Vampires” vol. 2 pg. 9 by Akili.
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nipchipcookies · 1 year ago
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First doodle is the result of me wanting to draw bency and a shot from Moratorium by Omoinotake at the same time (song and choreography is beautiful and sad). Doesn’t fit them whatsoever but I’m happy nonetheless aha.
The rest of them was me wanting to draw more fancy suits cause I got fascinated lol
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