#Very thankful to be a part of all these projects ✨🙏
fixasiyeon · 9 months
Insane fandom things that happened to me this year:
1. Siyeon has a copy of my Entrancing album design??????????
2. My Celly art got stolen??? 😭😭😭
3. Made t-shirt designs and sold them. Which also got stolen by multiple bots in at least 2 different selling sites??? And are still around looool
4. Helped design Dami's birthday banner for their tour 🙈 and actually got picked up by her ✨😇
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sgdlr-asdfghjkl · 2 months
Link Click Musical update 180 🌟🌟🌟
(LC-mu postcard project🎉 + summary of BilibiliWorld videos: musical actors meeting VAs trio and Wang Minhui's vlog ✨)
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Hello! This will be quite unusual update, since I want to report about our fan project. But also, to make up for my inactivity, I bring lots of tasty treats for you >:3
Links in replies: meeting of LC donghua voice actors trio and LC musical trio at BilibiliWorld event, Wang Minhui's vlog from there, 1h+ livestream from the entire LC musical segment + google drive link where you can download the postcard illustrations and print it for yourself 😘
OKAY 🏃‍♂️✨
LC-mu postcard project summary
A fellow lc musical enjoyer friend, Vale (@/_Setsuna_iro_ on twt & @/setsuna_cos on ig, follow her for great cosplays!) reached out, said she'll be visiting China and considers going to see the play. So OF COURSE I got hyped up about it 😤
I wanted to arrange a postcard for her to give away after the performance (like we did with Elara for 100th performance). To let the actors and Chinese audience know we appreciate the musical ^^ There was no better person to ask for help than a legend, an icon, a master of musical-inspired LC fanarts @wrathyforest 🙇‍♂️💖
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So Forest drew this amazing✨ illustration 🙇‍♂️ (and yes, you can download it and print it too!). I only suggested some details like adding XiaoJuan pig squishie and Zhang Jiahao eating a chicken leg (from 100th special encore).
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As for my contribution I did the design on a back (based on the official lyrics book style) and the lil actor doodles. I collected the 42 names of countries from the international LC musical fans. And handled the communication and logistics between all of us ><
Props to Vale for translating the note to Chinese 🙏 the actors and audience got it in Chinese, but you can read it and print in in English ^^ And thanks to @elaraqwqfor all the practical advice about the theatre etiquette and navigation haha 🙏
When time agent Vale rests (and no longer struggles with Chinese firewall ><") I'll try to share more info from her about the musical itself. For now have photos our spy took >:3
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That's the Shanghai Great World, an amusement centre building where the Time Theatre is located. We rarely think outside the 'microvawe oven' of lc musical set, so I think it's interesting to see ;>
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A photo wall with the cast behind the scenes and guests (can you spot director Haolin? ehee). And a fascinating (to me at least) corner where the audience can leave all the fanmade freebies. Like merch celebrating actor's birthdays or performance milestones. The fans go out of their way and make all sorts of things to share, like badges, facemasks with prints, keychains, acrylic stands, prints, stickers, I even saw cookies with chibi actors printed on them ><
I personally find this part of fan culture around the Chinese musical theatre really heartwarming and inspiring ^^ Maybe bc culture around theatre in my country feels very posh and stuck up, snobbish even. So I have lots of love and respect to Chinese theatre fans for making their passion feel welcoming and simply fun 🌟
Again, huge thanks to all my lovely LC friends, Forest, Vale and Elara for making this project possible 😘💙💛
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Link Click Musical panel on BilibiliWorld 2024 convention
For context, this convention is huge (esp when you remember Bilibili is like Chinese ver of youtube, twitch, netflix, crunchyroll and webtoon at once). Li Haolin had his panel there, as well as donghua VAs (that's how they managed to meet, VAs had their panel on same day musical actors came for rehearsal).
So there is an entire 1h+ video from the panel with LC-mu 'representative lineup' Deng Xianling, Cai Qi and Wang Minhui. I'll link it, you can watch it. It's all in Chinese ofc but it's still fun, bc they do lots of games focused on singing songs that you should be able to recognise by now ;>
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A summary of the panel:
1st game: they each get the first lines their characters sing in the play and have to fill out the blank lyrics
then they do slightly extended ver of 'You can forget about it' ('sofa song')
2nd game: they get a line from a lc musical song to sing, each actor with different twist; dxl has to do a dialect version, cq does the singing to a different melody, and wmh does the 'translation accent' (not sure what it is, I'm guessing it's changing the accentuation on words?)
3rd game: is blindfold basketball with third person directing the one that's shooting, so a cooperation game ^^'
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4th game: they listen to the music and when it stops they have to sing the next lines (this part was GREAT bc we get crumbs from main plot songs AND we get to hear actors sing a capella AND there is a banger part where wmh and cq sing in unison 😔👌)
5th game: doing 'Dive back in time' tutting at varied speed (it's funny & impressive how they switch from 2x speed to 0.5x without an issue)
and I lost a count (this video is long and in chinese, forgive me) but by the end, there is also a part where each actor has to say something in character, they chose from categories: A) Exclusive video for waking up - cq, B) Exclusive video to put you to sleep -wmh, C) 'Mood Tips' Video - dxl :> (Lu Guang got very in character, short line, don't get excited)
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OKAY NEXT 🏃‍♂️✨✨
Voice Actors encounter (Li Shimeng, Su Shangqing, Yang Tianxiang) summary
All credit goes to my Chinese friend Yksim (@/treeshu3426 on twt) for translating and summarising the entire video to me 🙏🙇‍♂️💖
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Video has 2 main parts: voice actors giving tips about delivering lines and musical actors teaching them to sing songs. Yang Tianxiang first suggest that musical actors teach vocal actors how to sing. He asks how to sing "我只能预测十二个小时" ('I can only predict 12 hours...', a part from M01 'Time Travel', the first song). Wmh and cq sing it but ytx finds it too hard to follow, gives up and says sth like 'aigh maybe we should start from voice acting' ><. So they first give wmh and cq some tips about how to say lines.
Wang Minhui shares that the producer of LC musical (I'm guessing it was Chen Xiaoyi 🙏) sent him a video compilation of canon Lu Guang calling cxs idiot, childish etc. (as learning material). And he asked ytx to say some for him XDD which the other delivers 👌
Li Shimeng gives Qiao Ling performance. She first acted how to scold cxs and then how to comfort him 🥺 Everyone compliments her, she's great orz
After that ytx seems to be answering wmh's question how to say lines. He said: 'We have to relax our throats. It is also like singing. You have to make yourself comfortable. You don't have to pursue to make your voice very like my voice. I think we are two different Lu Guangs. ' (meaning the range, because wmh's voice is very high pitch comparing to ytx's voice)
Yang Tianxiang asks Su Shangqing for his input and ssq says: 'You can make it natural and like in daily life. Actually voice acting allows you to express a variety of precise emotions within a very limited range of ups and downs. It will be harder than no limits. 其实会比你可以完全释放手脚难 (this sentence translates weirdly so have a transcript) After you get hold of the character's main characteristics, you can relax and do what you want to express.'
Then is time for a singing part. Cai Qi sings a bit from 'Words can't convey the love' for ssq. Which ssq says is too hard >< ytx says 'But this song fits you.'
Wang Minhui sings a crumb of main plot song called 'Broken time' (fully translated by Micha here 💙) It's a very hard and high pitch big song full of emotions that happens after a quarrel with cxs. Yang Tianxiang is impressed ><
VA's strongest soldier enters the ring after ytx says: 'I think Li Shimeng is the best singer among three of us.' So Cai Qi teaches lsm some QL's lines from the beginning of 'You can forget about it' (QL starts it in main plot ver). She repeats after him and sounds wonderful ✨💅
And finally, Deng Xianling arrives from the other musical's rehearsal (on weibo she 'cries' she had to buy wmh a drink as an apology for being late ><'). Her voice is beautiful nevertheless. She sings the same part that cq started teaching ;>
Then they take photos together and say goodbyes 🥰
This one I deciphered myself by google translating subtitles. But please watch it yourself! It's adorable even if you don't speak Chinese
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Wang Minhui's vlog from BilibiliWorld
You may think he'd do sth short, similar to Cai Qi's vlog from the event, but no. Not the yapperton3000, Kamen Rider enjoyer, mister I-watch-more-anime-than-Niebo (I just adore this guy, ok? and you will too. Now.)
Nah, he will give us a tour 😎✨
It starts with him saying he's going on a rehearsal, then a short compilation from that day where they practiced and met VAs. As you can see he and ytx exchanged contact info :>
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After teasing dxl for being late it's fast forward to next day, the day of their performance. He beelines straight to the artist/merch area 🙇‍♂️ He points at almost every alley and says stuff like:
'Take a look at the Honkai Star Railway theme area! Sorry but I don't play hehe' 'Jian Wang 3 theme area, I used to play. I remember when I got into the trap, brought in at my university, my college friends were playing.' *points at a fancy dress at some sort of haute couture cosplay booth* 'Guo Hongxu would look good in this' (ghx commented the vid with a photo of himself swinging an axe with 'Where are you? I brought you a gift 🙂')
Then he comes home 😌 The Link Click themed alley 💙💛
He looks at Lu Guang merch which is-😭💗 *clenches my heart* and talks how he's excited to wear lg's wig already.
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⬆ Interesting thing about these shiguang cutouts, that cn friends Bō🐼 and Yksim pointed out, is that they are a signposts promoting a Chengguang/程光 ship specific event. Recently there was a separate exhibition/fan event focused on uh, you know, top!cxs x bottom!lg, (not necessarily explicit but very much about the romantic coupling) and they had a booth LC alley in BilibiliWorld too.
And no, it's impossible he's clueless about it. You'll see he knows his donghua&anime + they had huge signs with ship name and friends tell me he must've walked past all the doujins. And he goes there twice 🙇‍♂️ Like, do with this knowlegde whatever you want, I'm just describing what happened (personally I'd say: BASEDBASEDBASED-)
*performance time* he gets his makeup and hair done and goes on stage, it's a short compilation from backstage.
HE GOES BACK TO THE CUTOUTS orz... the stylist fixes his hair sprout when he's standing between lg and cxs ;w; while wmh praises his producer for agreeing to work overtime to help him film the vlog 🙏
it cuts to him riding to the different area, he says:
'Now I am going to this one from "Link Click", the booth of the original work. Although today in fact, strictly speaking, I'm not a cosplayer.' 'Because I think we should respect how everyone just generates electricity for love to this level of detail' (I think he means cosplayers, but not sure, it translates wack) 'I think I am still wearing a makeup look for a musical stage actor who (just) came here.' 'This experience is very unforgettable for me, so I hope to use the last bit of time, the moment before hitting the board, to go get one for myself. Including myself, Wang Minhui as a stage actor. I can take two sets of photos. I think it's also a good memory, so I set off!' (it may be confusing, but I think he's talking about using the opportunity of being on a convention in the stage makeup, to take some phots for himself, while humbly acknowledging it's not a cosplay)
(we're halfway in the video, save me, I love him but he talks so much ಥ_ಥ)
He enters the official LC venue (that earlier, was more fanmade stuff/merch alley) and talks about how exciting it is that he can blend in ;w; so he walks around, saying:
'I am so happy!' but then catches himself and says 'Ah, but I shouldn't laugh' (to stay in LG's character 😭) *points at Neo Aurora LG cutout (one with harness)* 'Can you make me a set of clothes like this next time at our theater?' (caption tags the Encore Musicals theatre) *points at a writing board and reads one of fan messages* 'Li Haolin, no more knives!' 💀 and 'No matter the past, don't question the future' motto *proudly high-fives himself* *points at Li twins cutouts* 'Last time I drew a blind box I got Li Tianchen, I have both (?or two idk) of them.' 'So happy. The kind of faint (faint feeling? or faintness? idk) It just came out of here *points at his chest* Happy but I don’t know why I’m so happy! (pls he's so sweet)
Then he points towards the Bilibili Comics venue and namedrops lots of shows he's watching/reading:
'There's a Bilibili comics app, the app that accompanies me on many nights, I recently finished reading Demon Slayer', he also mentions watching Blue Lock and Wind Breaker.
Moving on to individual anime series booths:
*points at Kaitou from Detective Conan* 'I especially liked that character as a kid, so cool/handsome' He sees Solo Leveling booth from a distance and is proud of himself for remembering the name of the show, so much so he takes a picture :'> ''Dungeon Meshi', I've been following for past 2 days (?). At first I thought it was a gourmet show, at that time I liked to order takeout. I feel like it still has quite a story to it.' *sees a mecha animatronic* 'Wow it's moving!' (everybody stfu, he's experiencing a childlike wonder) 'I usually open Bilibili when I have nothing to do', then he mentions watching Freiren, Kaiju no.8 and says that after reading all the Demon Slayer he wants to watch it now.
Post-credits scene: He looks on a stage, says 'Give me a mask and I'll sign up' and then the camera zooms out to show what I think is a group of men doing an otome-themed performance dance (like Tears of Themis/Love and Deepspace type of game idk which exactly ><) 🙇‍♂️🙇‍♂️🙇‍♂️ that's all
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To accompany you on this overwhelming wall of text, I give you Cai Qi overwhelmed by the wonders of BilibiliWorld 😇 he was going through it, but had the audacity to later say 'I was a little nervous, Wang Minhui is nearly drowning the mic (from sweating nervously)' under the video with VAs. Brat.
Housekeeping notes: I hope this update makes up for the long inactivity and I hope it lasts you for a while 🙏 I still struggle with my workload and it sucks, so I won't be coming back here any time soon (for 1,5 months at least) sorry ><
But I am still active on twt and discord and I check tumblr inbox regularly if you ever need help with research 💪
There is an increase of LC fans interested in the play (after the zhb and tcp almost-kiss ><') So I am currently gathering questions from newbies to later create the LC Musical FAQs 🌟 If you have ANY questions regarding LC musical, specific actors, the general Chinese musical fandom culture, navigating Chinese social media, anything I could help with, PLEASE reach out to me via inbox, DMs, curiouscat (I linked it on my twt @/niebo_sgdlr), twt DMs or discord. It will help tremendously to create a beginner friendly guide, bc at this point I'm too deep in the rabbit hole and too busy to explain everything to everyone individually🙏💖
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Look at this historical event of Wang Minhui getting the postcard and telling Vale she looks better than Cai Qi 😇 Please give love to all the friends I mentioned in the post and have a lovely day, bye bye!
Niebo out 🏃‍♂️✨✨✨✨
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pastelcheckereddreams · 2 months
Four Seasons Manor WIP update
What's this?! A drafting update?! Yes! Only a year after the first one 😂
I admit I did fall down a massive rabbit hole with the set sleuthing, but I felt I just couldn't move on without solving the mystery of the two sets' layouts. Links to that three-part saga here:
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Part One | Part Two | Part Three
With that mystery solved and the layout plans all set, I can finally bring you some previews for my drafting project as a whole!
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Recognise anything? 👀
I'm aware that no one likes reading walls of text (I say while producing nothing but lengthy text posts like it's its own art form). So, for more info on how this draft will take shape as a final piece, follow the cut below.
Please also considering supporting me by reblogging my art and research posts, donating to my kofi, or buying one of my prints 🙏✨
Further artist links can be found in my pinned post (project list).
project list | kofi | prints
So, if you're one of the crazy people who actually read through the previous set sleuthing in its entirety, first of all I love you. Second of all, you will be aware of the artistic dilemma I posited at the end of the layout updates:
How can I merge these two very different sets together? Should I merge them together? Do I present an architecture draft that is simply reportage - showing both sets, and summarizing their different uses in the show, or do I draft the Four Seasons Manor I see emerging in the crossover of these two sets - the one I can feel starting to take shape in my brain?
I have decided to do both! 😃🤡
This piece will follow the draftsman style of my previous set design projects, and include buildings from both sets - but only as much as we are presented with on-screen, rather than the wider film set.
This is because, at its heart, my drafts are a way to better understand the locations that are presented to us by the show - a further way to enrich the scenes by understanding the space they are set within, and as an exploration of any cultural cues that I for one, as a Westerner, may not spot a lot of the time.
What kept bugging me, though, was that my fantasy world-building brain was not satisfied - I could not envision a whole, cohesive location for Four Seasons Manor because I kept noticing the switch from one set to the next. (Location spotting in cdramas has now become somewhat of a party trick for me 😂 The fourth wall has been broken.)
Now, I have not written fic in a long time, as the posting dates in my hanwenzhou tag can attest to, but we all know the persistence of the blorbo brainrot. I wanted to be able to imagine a place for all my happy wenzhou family, rebuilt Siji aus!!
So, going forward, I will be producing some more art that marries the two sets together and I can present as my interpretation of a full, rebuilt Four Seasons Manor in bloom - drawing on much of the set designs I have seen through my research, and my own personal headcanons.
I'm not sure how I want to do this yet, but I may start out using Siji to practice my marker art skills. So expect it to look a little like these pieces from my previous projects:
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And, of course, the birdseye view of the Siji set at the beginning of this post.
I'm excited to begin!
That said, once the Four Seasons Manor draft is done, I also want to return to my CQL project and continue drafting the major sects. I better get moving 😂
Thank you for your support and encouragement, as always 💛
project list | kofi | prints
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therentyoupay · 27 days
Hi, i am loving more than you know (the latest chapter wrecked me emotionally in the best way possible)!
I don’t know if you or callimara have already explained this, but I noticed that act I and II are no longer in the ao3 fic, can I ask why that was?
hello, and thank you so much for this ask!!! 💕 we are always happy to know when we have emotionally devastated someone 🤣🙏💕
WOW, YOU ARE SO KEEN EYED AND SO FAST 💕💕💕💕 this change literally just happened JUST this morning, only a few hours before your ask arrived!! we put a teeny-tiny line in ch. 1 (the new ch. 1) and the fic summary itself to welcome viewers from the youtube video to the third act of the project, but calli and i are both in the THICK OF RESPONSIBILITIES™ right now so we didn't have time for a nice full explanation!! calli and i are planning to post a little explanation in the next chapter, but we can go ahead and share a bit here, too!
the long and short of it is, we realized that people who were visiting ch. 1 of the story were getting very thrown off by the YouTube Script Narration Format (which is a writing style that is very peculiar for ao3 fanfiction, we realize that!!). the more that time went on, the more we had a sneaking suspicion that many people were not willing to brave the Unusual (YouTube Script) Writing Style and carry on into act iii (which is actual fic!style, haha).
ultimately, we realized that written transcriptions of acts i and ii in ao3 were, in retrospect, not the best representations of the EXPERIENCE💕 of this part of the story (art, illustrations, voice acting!!) that calli had created for her youtube format!! although act iii shall similarly be showcased on youtube, the ao3↝youtube transfer is a softer, more palatable transition for many folks rather than the youtube↝ao3 transition, we have found.
therefore, last night, calli and i saved all the comments from acts i and ii (for our future viewing haha), and then removed acts i and ii from ao3 completely (FOREVERRRR), so that now, when you visit more than you know on ao3, you are taken directly to where the youtube video left off! we decided that the removal of acts i and ii would ultimately be best for the project as a whole, and more accurately represent our hopes and dreams for our #kriscallicollab brainchild 💕💕💕💕🥹🥹🥹🥹✨✨
we also added this little bitty line to the beginning notes of ch. 1 and the fic itself, to help signal to readers that there is indeed, one hell of a prologue 🤣:
↳ PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS AO3 STORY MAY STAND ALONE. HOWEVER, TO ENJOY THE PROLOGUE, PLEASE CHECK OUT CALLI'S VIDEO: ACTS I & II, starting at 1:28. 😘 And, if you like, you can start from the very beginning, and watch the whole 2-hour thesis. 🤣
thank you for your ask, lovely!! 💕💕💕
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When are you gonna do MJ's origin story???? I'm really curious about how she ended up in that prison and got mutated! Also I'm a HUGE fan of your channel on YouTube and Tumblr!
Hello! Thank you so much for your support and for reaching out! 😁🙏❤️ (The following is for any/all who’ve had questions abt MJ’s origin and the grand scheme of the comic! 😉👍✨)
Yes, you will learn her origin story as the comic progresses! It will be a bit of a wait as she is still learning to speak and can’t fully articulate her story yet even if she wanted to. MJ’s also completely enamored by her new found family right now and she’s not very eager to think about anything from her past while she’s with them. ❤️
*I will state that her origin/mutation story is meant to be a mystery for a while - it’s part of the plot for this comic. However, I do intend to spill ALL of the beans in due time and in accordance with the plot.* 👍👍✨
I actually have the entire story written/scripted as of now, and for the past few months I’ve been slaving away bringing Chapter 1 to life via the comic (Parts currently being posted weekly). *After all of Chapter 1 is published, there will be a break until I finish Chapter 2 and the same will occur later with Chapter 3. There will be a total of 3 Chapters with roughly 8 Parts making up each one.* ✨
I will also state that while I know some may feel apprehensive when I say you will learn her origin story later because they fear I may ditch or discontinue the comic before it is revealed, *please let me assure you that I would NEVER in ANY UNIVERSE fail to finish this comic!! This is the biggest and most satisfying project I’ve ever worked on in my life, and though it takes A LOT of time to create it at the quality that I do, I ADORE the creation process and I could NEVER stop it until the comic was fully finished to my satisfaction!* 🥰🐢🎨���️✨
If y’all can be patient with me and my process, I promise to deliver this comic/story to you in its full glory, quality, and wholesomeness! (*not* implying any impatience 😉❤️) *I’m already really proud of the full story I have planned, and nothing gives me greater joy than spending the time to bring it to life in the best quality for you all to enjoy as well as I!* 🥰❤️🐢🎨🖌️✨ Thank you all again for supporting this comic, and please message me with any further questions or feedback! 😁🙏❤️
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bennidraws · 7 months
16+17, 28, 44, 64 for both of them <3 ✨
aaah thank you so much, bb!!! ❤️ this got way longer than anticipated IM SORRY IN ADVANCE
16. Which of the companions does your Tav trust most?  17. Which of the companions does your Tav distrust most?
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The way I'm thinking about the bg3 story, both Rosio and Lucis were simultaneously completing parts of the quests, adventuring with only half of the companions, never running into each other (maybe at the end.. big avengers assemble moment.. except it's your ex that kinda ruined your life.. a classic), so from the pool of companions Rosio knows very well - Lae'zel, Shadowheart, Astarion, Jaheira and Halsin - he basically trusts Jaheira the most and almost instantly lol. She reminds him too much of his mother 🥲 Halsin is probably right there with her, he's the main voice of reason, Rosio trusts him to not let him and Astarion die during their gremlin shenanigans 😭 He kinda trusts Lae'zel and Shadowheart too, but only after their "fuck our goddesses" phase, he doesn't generally trust people too attached to their gods.
Funnily enough it took him the longest to trust Astarion 💀 Rosio was convinced he was the object of his manipulation basically till the "I love you" moment (and even more funnily enough, Rosio was willingly subjecting himself to that manipulation, being the self sabotaging, masochistic idiot that he is).
If Rosio knew Wyll, he wouldn't buy into his whole good boy hero shtick. He doesn't believe there are this kind-hearted people out there 😔 (But he's absolutely self projecting lol, the whole "how could you turn so kind when people wronged you so... and why I wasn't capable of it")
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Lucis, on the other hand, fucking loves Karlach and Wyll. He trusts them with his life, considers them his best friends. Maybe he's a bit naive, but he actually finds their strong moral compasses admirable.
He trusts Gale too, but considering he's his lover, it's a tad more complicated 💀 It means the absolute world for Lucis that Gale would basically move mountains for him, but there's also.. Mystra 💀 That would be the source of his insecurities and a bit of trust issues (which, tbh, is pretty selfish, boy!!!! It's not like you're completely over your ex lmfaooo 😭)
(And if Lucis traveled with Astarion, it wouldn't even be a case of distrust, that would be a wholeass circus-level hatred... They're two peacocks, and in certain ways dangerously similar... Kill bill sirens blasting in the distance... And that's without the current-lover/ex-lover of Rosio dynamic 💀)
28. What is your Tav’s guilty pleasure?
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Oh HMMM. The most typical one being food, I'd say. This man would run out of shape so fast if he wasn't leading an active life lmao. But if we're talking more Deep guilty pleasures, then it's being cared for, not having control, getting attention and feeling small (and yes, this is mostly about sex ahjkdajkds). He doesn't get to feel this way often nor does he even usually allow himself all this.. bc Issues and Trauma :)
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For Lucis it's probably getting spoiled lol. He hates it about himself tho (being a spoiled kid, getting harshly criticized for it, wanting to be different, really cutting ties with the way he used to be).
But from more serious point of view, you can apply literal Guilty Pleasures to him. Lucis has such bad body autonomy and sex issues that he hasn't been able to have sex sober for like 20 years, he freaks out so bad and it got so mentally draining that it led to an addiction. Which leads to a constant guilt and pretty damaged confidence. (Turns out being a sweetheart of Athkatlan high society for like a decade really corrupts!!)
44. What song best represents your Tav?
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WELL THANKS TO YOU AND YOUR BIG BRAIN MUSIC TASTE, ZEAL, Take This Lonely Heart will always be THE Rosio song. Can't believe Nothing but thieves created a song about my oc, so thankful to them, they really didn't have to 🙏
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Now cue to Maneskin brainrot, you can apply so much of their songs to Lucis, bc. Medicated, horny, party animal lifestyle. But honorary mention to After Dark bc sad synthwave/retrowave would be so much his style (and it's what imbued thunder/lightning magic into a bardic instrument is for, right ??)
64. What Tarot Card best represents your Tav?
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My only knowledge about tarot cards comes from jojo's bizarre adventure (😭) so literally anyone could correct me on this and my 5 minutes long research aaaa.
Tbh probably Death for Rosio (end of a cycle, change, beginning ??) and I think there would be something very poetic about The Lovers
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Aaaa The Devil literally fits so well for Lucis' worse past (addiction???) but I think deep down he's The Fool (innocence, but mainly new beginnings, aww)
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chains-of-destiny · 5 months
Sorry for my bad english it's not my first language but i really want to share my thoghts with you🥺🙏✨✨. Sorry if some parts did not make sense. It was not my intention to make you feel uncomfortable.
I'm not sure whether you've seen the Hamilton the musical before, but the situation right now reminds me of what happened to Angelica, Hamilton and Eliza. My mc loves his little sister and best friend with all of his heart and would do everything for their happiness. So, now that Julia has expressed an interest in Zenon, my mc will help her in the same way that Angelica did for Eliza in 'Satisfied'. He will support them untill the very end even if it means watching the love of his life his best friend with someone else, but at least that someone is his dear sister... and he can still keep his best friend in his life, so it isn't so bad right?.
For me, it's not a bad thing if ro shows interest in other characters, if anything it adds to the story's favor, but i also kind of understand why it put some people off. Anyway, it's your story, so do whatever seems right for you!. I know i will love what you show us nonetheless❤✨✨✨. So please take care and have a nice day or night.
Hey, don't worry, I completely understand everything 😄 Plus, I'm not a native English speaker either, so we're in the same boat. I haven't seen Hamilton yet, but it sounds interesting based on what you're describing. As I said in an earlier ask, you will be given a set of options for dealing with this situation and your reasons/motivations for encouraging or discouraging the relationship (but it's always nice to have headcannons).
Thanks for sharing your thoughts and for supporting this project. I hope you, too, have a nice day!
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synchronmurmurs · 4 years
1, 12, 13, 25 for that author meme! Ps I did really like the line you sent in response to my rose for that last meme you did!🌹🥀🌹
Whoaaaa nonnie, thank you for these!! 😭 And I’m really glad you liked it!! It was definitely a fun piece for me to delve into. I’ve even got a (short) Dante sequel for it lined up. 😌🙏
1) is there a story you’re holding off on writing for some reason?
ksjdfh honestly this is such a loaded question, I have a To Write/WIP/Project list that’s currently 6 pages long, and still growing, because I think about writing a lot when I’m at work. A gal needs something to occupy her mind during those quiet opening shifts. 😔
But I think the biggest one I’m holding off on, aside from the Dark Souls inspired multi-chap, is probably Punchy’s entire storyline. I’ve given a lot of it away here and there, I even wrote up a very barebones structure for how it plays out, as well as a few out of context one shots and ficlets about what’s to come, but what stopping me is all the extra worldbuilding I have to do for it, and everything else I have plans to write in the near future. It’s just a constant struggle of neverending projects.
I love all of my OCs equally I promise
12) your weaknesses as an author
Probably in the way that I can’t seem to keep from posting something almost as soon as it’s finished. I find that I can build so much more on a piece if I let it sit for an extra few days after I deem it “complete” - because building off of a foundation is one of my strengths imo - but there’s this really irrational part of me that needs to get it out the door ASAP.
13) your strengths as an author
I think the only one I’m actually proud of myself for is, like I said above, how I can build on and expand on an already existing idea. I love adding extra details to worlds and cities that don’t have much on their own, but lack the creativity and knowhow to build the actual foundation. This is why I write about Fortuna as much as I do. I just have so much fun adding to pre-existing ideas and drawing my own conclusions.
Maybe this is why I had so much fun with FromSoft games; lore is incredibly open ended in SoulsBorne, and you’re pretty free, for the most part, to fill in the blanks in whatever way you want to. Like most pertinent item descriptions tell half a story on their own. That other half, and how it connects to everything else in the game is purely up to you, and I just love that.
To be pretentious, I think my strength as an author is the way I tell a story about what’s left between the lines.
25) copy/paste a few sentences or a short paragraph that you’re particularly proud of
Wahhh more of this kjsdhf thank you nonnie. 🥺🥺 Rather than pull something from a piece I’ve published, I’ll grab something from a WIP I got going. This is from a uhhhhhhh Punchy/Higashi AU because look, they’re both people of Crime™, both lost their respective family heads, and both tried to make things right in their own ways. THEY EVEN DRESS KIND OF THE SAME, I CAN’T NOT SHIP THEM... But yes, this is from an AU, and they get matching back tattoos of komainu, because they both warded off evil, and komainu come in pairs and it’s ✨ symboooooliiiiiic ✨ or something like that.
He smiles. "I didn't think you'd actually do it."
"Toru." His name, his first name, is spoken not as a warning, but simply for emphasis. It was strange coming from her at first, not knowing its significance, nor the effect it had on him, but now… now he doesn't want to be addressed as anything else. Doesn't want another's name to pass those lips; a part of him that exists only for her.
She meets his eyes over her shoulder, neutral, but half-lidded and almost sultry. "I always mean what I say."
He hums his answer to her, a quiet grunt from deep in his throat, because his mouth is busy, lips pressing against her shoulder in a soft kiss. He follows the steep curve of her neck upwards where he holds, just behind her ear. Breathes her in. Feels her lean into him. She's subtle like that; her affection has always been measured and dosed with great care and deliberation. Sparse, some would say, but always unmistakable in intent.
"Sit," he murmurs, not intending to let his voice take on that husky air that raises goosebumps on her skin, but relishing in that anyway, "don't know how you managed it so far, but rubbing lotion on your own back can't be easy - let me."
She leans more of her weight into him, head tilting so that their temples touch.
And for something a bit less self indulgent and more DMC flavoured, a little bit of an introspective Credo one shot I’m still very slowly plucking away at.
He'd kept his eyes forward as he marched the streets, bearing upon his shoulder the coffin of his father, surrounded on both sides by solemn, sympathetic looks. He'd kept his eyes forward as he was ushered down that same winding path not even a week later, walled in by smiles and cheer as Fortuna celebrated its new Supreme General. He can't distinguish the two events anymore; the funeral procession of the previous General, and the celebration of the new one merging in his mind with a profound and overwhelming numb at its base. Were people giving him their condolences, or were they congratulating him on his new position? Is the pressure upon his shoulders a coffin, or is it a grand ceremonial cape?
He can't remember.
All he can recall is that the road ahead of him was long and winding, and the sunlight that reflected off the pavement was too bright for his eyes.
He wasn't ready for either of the events he was forced to partake in.
Thank you so much nonnie 😭💖💖
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