#Verna Sawyer-Carson
lexyscross · 2 years
I didn’t realize until now that one of my favorite tropes is: “Batshit Insane Family Who Will Go To War For Each Other,” but it is, in fact, a favorite! 🖤
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Decided to take a break from filling out applications and turned on my Xbox. I was going to play some video games, but Xbox gave me Texas Chainsaw for free???
So I'm watching that..
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It isn't my favorite TCM sequel, but it's still fun. Even if the timeline doesn't make sense (not even talking about the continuity, but like, why is she so young in the 2000s if she was a baby in the 70s??), and the reliance of CGI blood is distracting, and the dialogue isn't always the best...
But it had cameos from some of the older actors ❤️ OG Leatherface (Gunnar Hansen) as Boss Sawyer, OG final girl Sally Hardesty (Marilyn Burns) as Verna Carson, and Chop-Top (Bill Moseley) as Drayton Sawyer ❤️
Bill Moseley is an absolute joy as Drayton, and I wish the rest of the movie was more deserving of those three ❤️
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slashingdisneypasta · 4 years
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Just a quick collage for Mothers (And Grandmother’s / Mother Figure’s) Day! Not all of them are here, of course, but some. My mum had no idea who any of these characters were XD 
Pictures found: On google and kissthemgoodbye.net
Made on: BeFunky.com and the Photo Blender Photo Editor app on Microsoft. 
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sociopath-analysis · 5 years
Sociopath Profile: Verna Sawyer-Carson
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From the 2013 film Texas Chainsaw 3D and 2017 film Leatherface Played by Marilyn Burns (right, 2013) and Lili Taylor (left, 2017)
Verna serves as the major overarching antagonist in Leatherface since she is the one behind many of the terrible things that the eponymous antagonist does. She’s the matriarch of the Sawyer family and shows many symptoms of a low-functioning sociopath. While she appeared to be a sweet old lady in 3D, she was really one of the most ruthless Sawyers in the family.
She notably has absolutely no functioning empathy for anyone. She claims that family is important, but it seems to be more of a way to just abuse them into her homicidal actions, especially poor Leatherface. She believes that no one could love her son like she could, warping his mind into what she wants. It’s debatable on whether she truly loves him or if that is just her distorted, self-centered view of love.
She manipulates Leatherface by abusing him and belittling him. She takes advantage of his mental handicap and forces him into becoming her obedient attack dog. She gaslights him into thinking that no one would ever be able to love him like she does. She even alienates him from his true friends like Lizzy. Even after her death in 3D, he seeks revenge for is dear mother.
She also partakes in a lot of projection. She doesn’t see herself as the problem in her family. Verna just believes that she’s protecting her son from the outside influences of the world. She believes that Lizzy is a toxic influence on him, despite the fact that Verna is forcing him to become a serial killer. She also claims to be the victim of a cruel world despite the fact that her family is comprised of murderous cannibals and she is directly responsible for a lot of that. The ostracism she and her family receives is rather justified.
Overall, she is an even worse monster than the famous Leatherface. Mainly due to the fact that she is responsible for creating him.
Female Sociopath List
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kubrik-was-a-c-nt · 5 years
I am so frustrated over Texas Chainsaw 3D and Leatherface, they started so well and then just shit the bed.
Like, I like the fact that in TC3D they started it with a continuation of the original film with fucking BILL MOSELEY as Drayton and Gunnar Hansen sitting in the same chair he sat in when he was Leatherface. They perfectly rebuilt the house and created a great opening to just an okay movie. Like, the movie is clearly set in 2013 and the original movie happened in the 1970s, so Heather/Ethel SHOULD be in her 40s, but shes just a 20 something because we need hot young people to kill.
And then Leatherface gave them a chance to do something cool and they shat the bed again, even harder. I was hoping for more of a look into the Sawyers and the family history and how events lead up to them running the gas station and the human butchers shop. But we only see the Sawyers together for a short bit and then its just Jackson and Liz for the rest of the movie, mostly Liz.
They don’t even fully run with their own continuity. Yeah, they had Verna and Farnsworth, and they mention Verna becoming a Carson, but Heather/Ethel’s mother Loretta is nowhere in sight. They even made a big deal about the Sawyer women all having S necklaces in TC3D and you don’t see any in this. They don’t even do anything with Drayton and Nubbins.
Like, Drayton is shown in Leatherface to be bloodthirsty and cruel, but in the original movie he was mostly mean and angry. Like, he specifically says in the first movie that he doesn’t enjoy killing so he leaves all the torturing to his brothers and the worst he really did was kidnap Sally and hit her with a wood stick. This movie shows Drayton as sadistic and eager to kill. And I was super happy to see Nubbins included, and using his name, but when you see him as an adult hes just... standing there. Nubbins was twitchy and unstable and this new guy is just walking around like a totally normal human being.
I wish that the new studio with the rights to the franchise will do something cool next for it. All I ask is someone to bring back Chop Top, he was funny as shit!
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zerachielamora · 5 years
Just finished watching Texas Chainsaw 3D. I had quite a few gripes with this film, and then the ending sequence happened and it somehow forgave everything!
I’ll get to that last. Here are my thoughts on the film:
-I LOVE that they got Gunnar Hansen to come back in a cameo at the beginning! He played the original Leatherface. I really wish they had made him Leatherface again here, since he has the right look and of course is the right age! But for a physical role like this, it might’ve been too much for him to handle. Would have loved to see an actor/stuntman who better fit Leatherface’s body type though.
-Also awesome that they got the actress for Sally (the original TCM1 survivor) back to be Verna Carson. Dear lord that’s just so cool!
-Glad they went back to the Sawyer name, though it’s strange they gave Leatherface the name “Jedidiah”, or “Jed.” I think Bubba suits him best.
-I can’t believe how dumb the group was to leave a hitchhiker they just met in Heather’s inherited house. I mean seriously?
-Leatherface trying to sew his mask to his actual face made no sense, not even for a character like him.
-If this took place 39-40 years after the original movie, why is Heather so young? I looked it up and the actress was 27 when this film came out. That doesn’t line up at all.
-Watching this film, a direct sequel to the original made 39 years after the original totally gave me Halloween 2018 vibes, especially with the two original stars’ cameos. In that vein, they should’ve used an aged version of the original mask as another callback. The one here was certainly aged, but the shape and look just didn’t seem right to me.
-I found it interesting that this time around, it’s like you’re meant to root for the Sawyers. I suppose you could take that angle with how hilarious they are in the first two films, but here you’re really put on their side as you see how the townspeople pretty much tried to wipe out the whole family.
-Okay, the ending sequence, which is about when Heather gets caught and taken to the slaughterhouse, with Leatherface following in pursuit. I just had this feeling that once Heather found out who she was, Leatherface would then find out too and save her, and actually be kind to her from here on out. And it turned out they worked jointly to get away, the Sheriff let them go, and they got to both go back to the house to live together. And let me just say...Leatherface slowly coming home and sitting in that chair in the kitchen, looking a little sad - I actually started crying. A TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE MOVIE MADE ME CRY OKAY- Just the fact that he had one last relative who was taking care of him and he just wanted love and I so badly wished she gave him a goddamn hug because fucking hell Leatherface has just been so abused over the course of his movies quite frankly
-Interesting that he didn’t let her take his mask off or go past his door in the basement, he’s got some boundaries now. I do wish she had said something to him during all that, though I guess it might’ve ruined the somber mood the ending was trying to set.
Overall: This is like TCM40, as H40 was. There are some dumb parts here, quite a bit more than I would’ve liked - but it’s worth slogging through to get to the end. The fucking ending, man. Totally didn’t expect a sweet ending in a franchise like this.
It just needed a reference to The Saw is Family and I would’ve died
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purplexflamingo · 6 years
What about mama Sawyer? I wanna know about her
It honestly depends on what you want to believe is canon?
There is no solid evidence on Mama Sawyer that I know of outside of the recent films. I’m talking like TCM 1 and TCM 2. I have yet to see TCM 3 though...
I’ve seen like 5 films in the franchise so far.  
But she is shown in Leatherface 2017- Verna Sawyer
Also connected to the Texas Chainsaw 3D- Verna Sawyer-Carson
Keeping up with their connections and relationships can be challenging as it feels like every film is gonna be different. Like different adaptions.
To sum it up- Mama Sawyer is extremely protective over Jed “Leatherface” and she wanted to make sure he was taken care of by his cousin/niece. I know she quotes him as her cousin but there is speculation that she was the product of Jed’s brother Drayton and their sister Loretta. 
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Fictional History: Texas Chainsaw 3D September 29, 2012 Newt, Texas Verna Sawyer Carson, matriarch of the Sawyer clan and grandmother of Leatherface, dies
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lexyscross · 2 years
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Excuse me, sir, that’s my emotional support fictional family of unhinged, murderous, redneck cannibals!
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lexyscross · 3 years
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Ghetto, last-minute throw-together post of my Top 10 Favorite Women of Horror for International Women’s Day! 💅🏽
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lexyscross · 4 years
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women of horror: Verna Sawyer-Carson. {Texas Chainsaw Massacre series}
“You messed with the wrong family.”
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slashingdisneypasta · 4 years
I feel dumb, but can you explain me the differences between Jed, Bubba and Thomas? *hides face in emberassement*
Don’t feel dumb! I feel like everyone has gotten confused about this at the start XD Also, I am MORE THEN happy to talk about Leatherface! I got you a cheat sheet, here. 
Okay, first, this one is Bubba Sawyer (Original timeline. 1978.) 
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He is the original and main Leather face incarnation. He is also the one in Dead By Daylight. 
Personality: All squeaky and cute and weak willed. And he likes to look nice, occasionally putting on some make-up. So loyal to his family. 
Identification: Usually he’s either wearing the yellow apron (First picture), or he’s wearing the black suit outfit (Second picture). 
Also, he is the one who does the angry chainsaw flinging dance at the end of the first movie when the final girl gets away. Very popular picture (Second picture). 
Fun fact / History: He has a crush on the final girl in the second movie
Family: Drayton (Brother), Chop Top (Born: Paul Sawyer. This is Bubba’s rother, Nubbins twin), Nubbins (Brother, Chop Tops twin) and Grandpa. 
This one is Thomas Hewitt (The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, 2003 - The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning, 2006)
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The second version of Leatherface, and this is a completely different family and story from the original- hence, a different last name. They are representing the Sawyers though. 
Personality: He is the ANGRY ONE. Don't refer to him as an ‘animal’ or ’monster’, he don't like it. Again, of course, he is absolutely loyal to his family. To a fault, just like the other Leatherfaces. 
Identification: Often the pictures of him that are used are of him before he started using the kin mask, so there will be a black, leather mask on the bottom half of his face (First picture). Otherwise, the shirt rolled up to his elbows and dark coloured apron. 
Fun fact / History: His adoptive mother, Luda Mae, saved him from a garbage bin when he was a baby, where he was chucked after his biological mother died giving birth to him. 
Family: Luda Mae (Adoptive Mother), ‘Sheriff Hoyt’ (Born: Charlie Hewitt. This is Thomas’ brother and Luda Mae’s biological son), Monty Hewitt (Uncle) and Sloane Murphy (Biological mother). There are some more, but they’re not really his family. They just kinda, live near them. 
Finally, this is the most recent incarnation of Leatherface. Jedidiah Sawyer (Texas Chainsaw 3D, 2013 - Leatherface, 2017)
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This is ‘Old Man’ Leatherface and as far as I know he is basically Bubba(As Thomas is not. He is Leatherface, but he isn't Bubba, if that makes sense). Just, the remake version. 
Personality: TIRED, and he has boundary issues. As in, DONT TOUCH HIM. Just as family oriented and loyal as his predecessors. 
Identification: The bright orange or red button up shirt that he wears.  
Fun fact / History: Used to wear a pigs head over his head when he was young. 
Family: Verna Carson (Grandmother), Heather Miller / Edith Rose Sawyer (Estranged cousin), Grandpa, Drayton (Brother), Loretta Sawyer (Aunt, Heathers biological mother). 
I hope this helps and its not confusing! Don't be afraid to ask follow up questions or for clarification on anything ^^ 
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