#Venueri Lumen
caged-nights · 8 days
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Pitiful, truly.
A sketch I forgot to post, this was a digital redraw of a doodle I did well over a year ago at this point that is heavily based off of this post by Opal-Owl-Flight! Erebus got a little too confident in Venueri's (teeth-clenched) pacificism up until this point, and that came to bite him in the ass.
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caged-nights · 2 months
🥀The Shadow in the Mirror🗡️- ONE SHOT [Pre-Stellarium]
⚠️CONTENT WARNING⚠️: Hallucinations, Delusions, and Graphic Depictions of SH
A rewritten piece of one I did back in 2022. This was originally supposed to be a quick piece to showcase Venueri's destructive tendencies that turned into 5 pages of nonsense very quickly.
As the TW above says, please keep in mind that there will be heavy SH in the story.
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:**:・゚✧*:・゚✧
✧ Sitting at the vanity in her expansive yet so empty bedroom, Venueri stared at her reflection with slight contempt. 
VENUERI: [“Look at yourself…”]
✧ Brushing the parted bangs more to the side, her eyes locked onto the marking that decorated her forehead. 
✧ Her brows furrowed,
VENUERI: [“...why did I inherit this?”] 
✧ With her pupils akin to slits and her vision going out of focus, she could hear the voice of someone play in her head.
MALUM: [“I love your markings, Venueri! There’s no need to feel shame over them.”]
✧ Such simple words, words that would once bring her comfort, now made her nauseous. 
✧  She gripped the edge of the vanity with such strength that her claw-like nails made new grooves in the wood. 
VENUERI: “Calm down… Calm down…” 
✧ An useless effort, she knew that, she has done this before. 
✧ Feeling something move behind her, she manages to shoot her eyes back up to the mirror before her. 
VENUERI: “!!!!” 
✧ She froze in place.
MALUM: “...Venueri.”
✧ She couldn't make a sound as her winged ears lowered in panic and fear. 
✧ She felt like she was going to vomit.
MALUM: “Why did you do it, Venueri?”
✧ Those were words that have haunted her for years and years. 
✧  The shadowy figure stared her down from over her shoulder as she tried to mutter out an answer. 
VENUERI: “I…I…I didn’t—” 
✧ The shadow shook his head.
MALUM: “I trusted you, Venueri.”
✧ Her hands trembled as he spoke.
MALUM: “You betrayed me.” 
✧ The shadow moved closer, making her want to curl up and hide. 
MALUM: “You could have saved me. Us.”
VENUERI: “What could I have done…?” 
✧ The part of her mind begging her to think spoke out before an onslaught of laughter came from behind her. 
✧ Their whispers like the cicadas in the summer buzzed in her ears before a hand gripped her shoulder
MALUM: “Ven… I’m right here.”
✧ She looked into the blurry face of the man behind her, his smile managing to feel the same as it used to.
✧ With her shoulder tense and her breathing becoming short, she waited for him to speak. 
MALUM: “You’re… a protector, right?” 
✧ His smile was charming, 
MALUM: “Why didn’t you help us?”
✧ The water began to well in her eyes, 
MALUM: “Surely we were worth protecting.”
✧ Every word was another bullet wound to the chest. 
VENUERI: “I couldn’t save you… Mother would have—”
✧ She could barely get that out before the Malum that stood by her now began speaking again. 
MALUM: “Why did you allow her to do such things?”
✧ She knew the answer to that. 
VENUERI: “Nothing could have been done; Mother’s words are absolute!”
✧ She glanced back at her own reflection for a split-second. 
✧ She looked horrified.
✧ Malum shook his head in seeming disapproval. 
MALUM: “Absolute? Simply because she labeled herself as a God?”
✧ Tears made themselves known as they dripped down her cheeks. 
VENUERI: “She punishes us if we don’t!”
✧ Images of her sister’s arm being ripped clean off her body in a ruthless display by their Mother flashed for a moment as if to remind her of her place. 
✧ Somewhere deep down, however… 
MALUM: “You deserve such punishment.” 
✧ She somehow agreed. 
✧ As if commanded, her eyes take their focus off the mirror and to a knife that laid only somewhat hidden under a cloth. 
✧ It’s the least she deserves. 
✧ The voices of others chattered endlessly as the shadowy figure of Malum gestured to the clean knife.
MALUM: “You know you do.”
✧ Like she was possessed, her hands reach for the knife while the chorus of voices grew. 
✧ “You deserve this.”
✧ “It’s only fair!”
✧ “You should have saved them.”
✧ “You’re too weak to do anything.”
✧ “You’ll never be able to protect anything you love.”
✧ Her fingers wrapped around the handle of the knife a little too tightly as she brought it closer to her person. 
✧ While her grip was choking, her hands still shook.
✧ She hesitated for a moment, 
MALUM: “You know, it really makes me happy when you bleed.”
✧ Any other state of mind and Venueri would have known those words did not belong to her dear friend.
✧ But, here– now…
✧ The tip of the knife met with the pale, porcelain skin of her arm.
VENUERI: “I deserve this…It’s the least I can do…” 
✧ The blade slices open in a clean line. 
✧ The jeering and mocking voices become softer as her world seems to spin. 
✧ Another cut is made hastily. 
VENUERI: “I’m sorry.” 
✧ And another. 
VENUERI: “It should have been me.” 
✧ Soon, the warm red of stardust and nebula blood is dribbling down to the hardwood floors and onto her nightgown; her whole arm is covered in large gashes. 
✧ The sight and scent of her own blood made her feel dizzy.
VENUERI: “I’m a monster; a demon– a devil.”
✧ The knife in her hand moved from her arm to the marks on her hands. 
✧ The knife made quick work in mauling up her hand as she sucked air in through her gritted, sharp teeth.
MALUM: [“I love your markings, Ven—”]
✧ Markings…
✧ Those words from the past made her look up into the mirror once again. 
✧ Markings….
✧ Her eyes lock onto the mark on her forehead.
MALUM: [“The Goddess is your Mother?”]
✧ Words like knives come flooding to her head. 
✧ Snarling and throwing the knife down, she opts for her sharp nails. 
✧ She no longer bothered to hide her sobbing as her nails like claws scratch and claw at her forehead. 
✧ The stardust and nebula red drip down her face while she wails, 
VENUERI: “Why?! Why?!”
✧ What she was exactly asking and to whom was beyond even her.
✧ Her tears and blood mix together, the stinging of her wounds making her even more delirious. 
VENUERI: “Why did it have to be him? Why did it have to be them?!”
MALUM: “Venueri, I—”
✧ She swore she could hear Malum saying something, the outside world felt so far away even though he was right there. 
✧ The voices of the others whispered mockingly, of how she was repenting, of how her blood and suffering was so small compared to those she had failed. 
✧ Hands laid gently on her shoulders, urging her to look up. 
MALUM: “Venueri.”  
✧ He opened his mouth, but she didn’t hear anything. 
✧ Just the crackling static and nonsense filled her ears.
VENUERI: “I’m hopeless;” 
✧ She spoke to the reflection in a daze. 
MALUM: “Venueri.”
✧ He speaks her name again. 
VENUERI: “Worthless.”
✧ She looks at Malum’s reflection as it twists and contorts. 
✧ The smile he wore filled with blood, dripping down his face. 
✧ The bloody holes she had left him with start taking up his body.
✧ So… many… holes…
MALUM: “V e n u e r i…”
✧ She could see that he was wrapping his arms around her, but she couldn’t feel him. 
✧ She was numb. 
✧ The Malum that stood before her met her eyes, somehow, in the mirror. 
✧ The words he would say synchronizing with those of the past long gone. 
MALUM: “I love you—” 
✧ And within a flash—
✧ All of them vanished. It all went utterly silent.
VENUERI: “What?” 
✧ Bewildered, Venueri goes to stand from the chair. 
✧ Her eyes, now dull and lifeless, glance around the room.
✧ Where did they…?
✧ The weight of a thousand suns seemed to suddenly fall upon her, getting heavier with every step she took around the room. 
✧ When she finally made it to the large bed, all her strength was spent, and she fell over onto the covers. 
✧ Her eyes drooping, she somehow still finds the energy to mutter to herself. 
✧ Her questions to her Mother and her pleas would fade as she slowly allowed the urge to rest finally overtake her. 
✧ Closing her eyes, her consciousness would fade, allowing her a small moment of peace. 
✧・゚: *✧・゚:**:・゚✧*:・゚✧
*:・゚END゚: *
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caged-nights · 2 months
💐Tea and Comfort🌿- Stellarium ONE SHOT
⚠️Content Warning⚠️: Slight warning for intrusive thoughts and hearing voices
A little thing I cobbled together because I wanted Meliora and Venueri to have dessert together and instead of doodling it, I wrote this! A little messy, but it was fun to do something sweet with them.
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:**:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Ღ Venueri was used to being alone, ever since she was young. 
Ღ She would have never guessed it in a million years that the stars would bless her with the company of another after all this time. 
Ღ  She truly didn’t deserve it.
Ღ But here she was, waiting at the small, ornate outdoor table for the first Villicus she has seen in a long time to come back with her “surprise”. 
VENUERI: (“I don’t know why she bothers…”)
Ღ  Well, with her. Venueri didn’t see why her new roommate seemed to enjoy her presence. 
Ღ Not that she didn’t enjoy her company, it was more so…
Ღ She felt that she was a lost cause.
???: “No one should ever get close to you.”
Ღ A voice sneered at her, one she had grown accustomed to. 
Ღ Before she could dive deeper into that rabbit hole, the sound of her gilded heels came clicking on the white stone leading to the gazebo.
MELIORA: “Venueri! Sorry for the wait, had trouble figuring out the stove!” 
Ღ Her vibrant violet eyes that contained a sky similar to Venueri’s seemed to sparkle with excitement. 
VENUERI: “O-Oh, it’s not an issue! Please, come have a seat.”
Ღ Setting down the trays with grace, Meliora sat down on the chair across from Venueri. 
Ღ Venueri looked up from her lap finally and to the trays she brought. 
VENUERI: “You made tarts?” 
Ღ Quite surprising.
MELIORA: “Yup, you said in the past that you had trouble tasting certain flavors. So, I made something sour!”
Ღ She remembered that?
VENUERI: “Oh, you didn’t have to!” 
Ღ She was slightly embarrassed by feeling… seen, almost. 
Ღ But Meliora grinned and waved her hand, 
MELIORA: “I wanted to, besides, you need something indulgent for once. What did you have last night before we went to bed? …Bread?”
Ღ So she saw her do that. 
Ღ Venueri felt herself turn pink at those words, trying not make eye contact with the other. 
VENUERI: “I promise I do try to cook real food sometimes…” 
MELIORA: “...You do remember the last dish you made, right?” 
Ღ Oh, yeah, that.
VENUERI: “Please don’t mention it.”
Ღ Venueri sulked openly, the embarrassment still fresh on her mind. 
Ღ Meliora chuckled at her pouting before grabbing the teapot she had prepared for the two of them.
MELIORA: “I didn’t know what kind of blend you like, so I hope the one I chose is ok.” 
Ღ She plopped in two sugar cubes into her teacup, the scent of the tea rose into the air. 
Ღ It was really nice, actually. 
VENUERI: “It smells wonderful! Which one is it?” 
Ღ Meliora smirked in a victorious fashion, as if she was betting with herself on this. 
MELIORA: “It’s called Hot Apple Spice, you seemed to be really into the Autumn season when we went out last time, so I grabbed a bag!”
Ღ She could smell the apple and cinnamon, there was also the slight scent of orange and cloves in the mix. 
Ღ Meliora grabbed Venueri’s teacup and a small plate. 
MELIORA: “How many cubes?” 
Ღ She clicked the little sugar cube tongs as she asked.
VENUERI: “I, um, the same amount as you?” 
Ღ Meliora wasn’t pleased by that answer, 
MELIORA: “Do you like it more bitter or sweet?” 
Ღ Venueri sat straight up, as if she were being interrogated.
Ღ She put more thought into this answer this time. 
VENUERI: “I suppose sweet to pair with the sour of the tarts…”
Ღ Meliora nodded her head, grabbing a few sugar cubes and stirring her tea with the small, detailed spoon. 
MELIORA: “You do seem like more of sweets girl!”
Ღ She grins happily as she carefully handled one of the baked tarts she made. 
Ღ The scent of rhubarb and strawberries filled her nose, and the plate and teacup were gently set in front of her. 
Ღ Venueri stared at the tart like it had eyes, but she picked up the teacup and let the aroma fill her senses.
Ღ She had to wonder…
Ღ Why would Meliora bother with her?
???: “She’s just wasting her time on you.”
Ღ A voice mocked her from somewhere. 
???: “She would be better off kicking dirt.”
Ღ The shaking of her own hands became apparent to even herself as they continued to shout and insult her. 
MELIORA: “Venueri?”
Ღ Of course she would notice, she wasn’t doing a great job at hiding her panic right now. 
Ღ Venueri tried to calm down, to level her breathing, but even as her vision blurred– she couldn’t get her mind to cease the voices. 
VENUERI: “I…It’s ok, I’m just a little on edge…” 
Ღ Meliora wasn’t stupid, she knew that, but it was the best lie she had. 
Ღ But she approached Venueri regardless, her hand urging Venueri to put down the teacup and lay her hands down.
MELIORA: “Venueri, it’s alright, focus on me.” 
Ღ Venueri didn’t want to, but her voice was so warm, so compelling, that she looked up at Meliora’s face. 
Ღ Meliora’s hand gently squeezed her own, her violet eyes filled with indigo clouds and a warm yellow moon stared back into her own sky filled eyes. 
Ღ Venueri keep finding the one question bubble its way back up the surface of her mind as Meliora ran her thumb across her knuckles.
Ღ Why does she bother?
Ღ What did she have to gain from this?
Ღ Venueri was so confused, by this warmth and concern. 
Ღ It felt like an axe embedded in her chest. 
MELIORA: “Here, the tea isn’t caffeinated, the warmth might help ease your head.” 
Ღ She slowly let go of her hand and pushed the tea towards her, 
VENUERI: “...”
Ღ She was silent for a moment before she took a small sip of the tea. 
Ღ The warmth did feel nice. 
Ღ Meliora was quiet, but she didn’t leave her side. 
Ღ As the panic of her head slowly leveled, Venueri felt a bitter feeling come up in her heart. 
Ღ She finally decided to ask.
VENUERI: “Meliora?” 
Ღ Her eyes widened at Venueri. 
MELIORA: “What is it?” 
Ღ She looks at her fellow Villicus, 
Ღ She starts, almost stopping and burying her emotions deeper. 
VENUERI: “Why did you do all this?” 
MELIORA: “...Huh?”
Ღ She clearly didn’t get it.
VENUERI: “The tarts, the tea, the concern…” 
Ღ She listed a few of the most recent examples. 
VENUERI: “There has to be a reason you’re doing all this.” 
Ღ Meliora smiles though, she smiles with a sadness. 
MELIORA: “It’s simple, really.”
Ღ She looks down at Venueri, who looks up at her.
MELIORA: “I like you!”
Ღ She scratches her cheek in embarrassment, leaving Venueri flabbergasted. 
VENUERI: “L-Like?!” 
Ღ She could have dropped her teacup right there. 
Ღ Her eyes wide with confusion, while Meliora chuckled at her unusual expression. 
VENUERI: “You don’t know me though.” 
Ღ She knew if Meliora knew her… then…
Ღ Meliora didn’t let her finish that thought. 
MELIORA: “Even if I don’t know everything, I want to know more.” 
Ღ She smirks; honestly… 
VENUERI: “Do you not think that I’m… a disaster?”
Ღ A lost cause. 
Ღ A broken tool.
Ღ Meliora shrugged it off. 
MELIORA: “Even if you were, who am I to say that’s a bad thing?” 
Ღ Venueri blinked at that statement.
MELIORA: “If you’re a disaster, then I’m a hurricane!” 
Ღ She seemed… proud of that. 
Ღ Venueri finally let a smile slip through, even if it was small. 
VENUERI: “Meliora?”
Ღ Meliora tilts her head,
MELIORA: “What’s up?” 
VENUERI: “...Thank you.”
Ღ She snickers, a sound Venueri welcomed. 
MELIORA: “I barely even did anything, but you are welcome.” 
Ღ Venueri and Meliora look to the tea and treats on the table,
VENUERI: “Ah… my little meltdown took over our teatime. The tea most be cold–”
MELIORA: “Worry not, we have fire magic for a reason.” 
VENUERI: “We are not using that in the gazebo.”
Ღ That made Meliora laugh out loud.
MELIORA: “Then we better eat up!” 
Ღ She grabs a fork and cuts a piece of the tart. 
MELIORA: “Here, open wide!” 
Ღ Venueri felt her embarrassment peak as the fork was placed at her lips.
VENUERI: “Meliora! Are you serious?!”
MELIORA: “What? I want you to try it!”
Ღ She was playing dumb.
Ღ The sounds of the two bickering and chatting filled the expansive garden. 
Ღ Even with the clean white walls, the white marble, and pristine stone that made the world of Venueri’s Somnious feel so holy yet unwelcoming…
Ღ The warmth the two began to share filled the Monastery with a light that it had never seen before.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:**:・゚✧*:・゚✧
₊˚ପ⊹ - END
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caged-nights · 9 months
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🌙📜~Stuck in a Dream~📜✨
🎀- New icon that I'm actually happy with??? So yeah, I wanted to share it!! It sat in my WIPs for like a month, so I'm glad I finally finished it :')
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caged-nights · 2 months
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🌿pipe dream, noun : an illusory or fantastic plan, hope, or story
"She knew her hopes for any sort of peace were merely a pipe dream."
A redraw of a very old piece back from... I want to say around 2020? So, the original piece is about 4 years old now. I've come quite the long way with Venueri's design and image!
I finished this piece on a stream too after letting it sit for 3 weeks, I really need to be able to sit still long enough to do complete pieces.
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