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Venlo | Boerebroélof defilé en boere optoch
Dinsdag, 13 februari 2023 | De Venlose Boerebroélof, een traditioneel evenement in de Limburgse stad Venlo, is een kleurrijk spektakel dat jaarlijks duizenden mensen trekt. De Boerebroélof, wat boerenbruiloft betekent in het Venloos dialect, is een viering van liefde, traditie en gemeenschap die teruggaat tot eeuwenoude gebruiken. Elk jaar worden tijdens de Boerebroélof een ‘boerenbruidspaar’…

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Woning video Kompas Makelaars
Roles: Editing Camera: Navarel Venloo
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Robert Dudley to Elizabeth Tudor 6 June, 1586
I humbly crave pardon that I wrote so hastily in my last letter of better news from Grave than succeeded in deed; but I wrote none other than was brought to me, as Sir Thomas Hennege heard also. But it is like that your Majesty hath heard before this shall come to your hands how shamefully and villainously he that had the charge of that town, being the strongest fortified place of all these provinces, delivered it into the enemy's hands upon three hours' battery and a simple show of an assault without loss of men or any lack meet for such a defence; for as it was a place very commodious for our part, so, as your Majesty hath been advertised, there was never town or fort better cared for than it was, nor better relieved sundry times with great adventure of many mens' lives, though it pleased God to give success with small loss to us, but with very great to the enemy; and the town so fully relieved and succoured with all things as the Captain could desire no more, both for men, victual and munition, but sent me his letters of assurance not to care for it for one five months.
Nevertheless, fearing the worst, knowing how earnestly the Prince sought it and hearing, as I did signify to your Majesty that he meant to come in person and besiege it with all his force, I thought good to gather as many as I could of our forces, as well to empeach chiefly that enterprise as to recover in the mean time such forts and holds as did greatly annoy us by the rivers of Rhine and the Waal, as also to build a new fort at the partition of both these rivers to keep Nimegen and some other his towns from relief. All which took good effect, for I took in fourteen days all his forts and castles (but Nimegen) that did offend us; and kept still the chief of my force before Nimegen, being but nine English miles from Grave, to give it any succour it should want, letting the Captain daily hear from me, as I did from him, as did appear by his letters sent me of great comfort on the Wednesday, and he gave it up upon Thursday, the next day after, in so lewd and beastly sort as did plainly discover a traitorous practice. For he would not suffer any thing to be done after the Prince was come that might make any defence; beside, his best captains and soldiers were never made privy to his parley with the Prince before he had first sent to him, neither abide any man to tell him that he might easily hold it.
As soon as it was delivered, he and the captains went to a town called Bommel, a place that the Prince doth more desire than ten Graves, for it is the entry into Holland, Utrecht, Gueldres and Brabant. This honest man was gotten to this town by colour that his mother and his wife were there, but by all likelihood to have practised with the people, and to have put them into some sudden fear of the Prince's great force. But the townsmen so hated his fact as albeit he would have told a smooth tale for his defence they would not hear him, but turned him to me to the Camp where I was, being not a little glad, seeing he had played so much the traitor villain, that he was come to my hands, for I meau to proceed with him according to his deserts. This act of his forced me presently to disperse my little army for the safety of other places, to whom forthwith I sent men, as to Bommell first, to Hoesden, to Venlo and Arnhem, these being the places that lie best for his purpose, and most like he will soonest attempt, having all his forces and artillery now together. He was on his way with five thousand men toward Bommell, but I had sent twelve hundred men thither the night before, with some horsemen to lie hard to the town, and so he returned, and with all speed went toward Venloo, whither also I had sent a thousand footmen and six hundred horse, but I pray God they come in time, for the enemies are much nearer than where I lay.
They have also since made offer toward Hoesden with the rest that lay about Grave, but I had put in five hundred men, so that I suppose they will not hastily besiege it, and myself am also now come to Bommell, where, God willing, I will do all mine endeavour to make it as sure as I can, not doubting but I shall find them well inclined; albeit, to be plain with your Majesty this delivery of Grave hath shaken a great many of them, specially by such bruits and reports as the enemy doth daily spread abroad to the great discouragement of these poor afflicted towns, who for their only last refuge have cast themselves into your Majesty's hands, and are now made believe that your help shall be taken away from them; and I think no less but the rest of the higher sort have had too long the same conceit, and I know they greatly fear it.
High time it is that a more assured course were taken (my most dear lady) in so weighty a cause as this is, wherein your Majesty hath engaged yourself very far. The people and their dispositions were known well enough before; for as they then wanted comfort, so do they now need encouragement. And their errors not so much to be condemned, as the benefit may grow by them is to be regarded, and surely either the many and great consultations used with your Majesty for this matter, gave some just persuasion of needful maintenance thereof for your service, or else may it prove a hard adventure to take such a cause in hand and leave it to adventure; for these be dainty and dangerous people to deal withal, specially when they shall be desperate of their hope and disappointed of their help. I must say truly ever to your Majesty, I do find some of the best sort as honest and as thankful as ever I knew men, and some others as perverse and as ingrate as might well be spared out of all good company ; but these are yet such men as are able and do most hurt, and albeit I have great cause to doubt no small alteration here or long, yet do I nothing doubt, if matters be carried as they should be and may be, but all things will succeed to that end which I have always myself wished and others have desired; but that manner of dealing must neither be prolonged nor trifled withal; for if your Majesty will trust me, I humbly then beseech you to think these men begin utterly to despair of your Majesty's good assistance. And a most apt time offered even now for the lewd and bad disposed persons to work their feat. And for that your Majesty doth think that they should not be informed that there is a peace in treaty between you and the King of Spain, I will let you thus much know; that this very day there be letters come from Antwerp, and also an English merchant, one John Byles, who doth affirm the same to me to be true, that there be two men lately come out of England, the one an Italian called Augustino Grafino, the other Andrea de Loze [i.e. Loo], a Fleming; and they both have given assurance to their friends and merchants in Antwerp that the peace stands upon conclusion presently, and that your Majesty is very earnest in it; and this Grafino went to the Prince to his camp, and carried with him a present of two geldings and two greyhounds, and very openly, touching this matter, do they both deal.
Then may your Majesty judge what cause these men shall have to think, hearing this and putting all their affiance in your goodness hitherto as they have done. I will not presume to advise your Majesty; but I trust it shall not offend you to put you in mind how honourable it shall be for you to deal graciously with these countries, whom it hath pleased God to move to protect and defend from the violence of their oppressor, and to be well informed before you suddenly shake them off, which way you may best either reform that you mislike in them, or with your most honour be well delivered from them. And herein, under your gracious correction, I would add my simple opinion in wishing some sufficient discreet person of credit to be sent hither, who may both fully understand the present state of these countries and proceed on your Majesty's behalf as you shall find meetest for your own best satisfaction; whereto my service to the uttermost of my power shall be most faithfully employed. And pardon me, most gracious lady, if I be so bold to beseech you to hasten the sending of some such person, for there is great and very very great need of it, if you will stay the dangerous course like here to be taken; being in doubt that I shall be driven to clap up some very safe, in the mean time, lest too soon, some such seditious practice be set 'abroch,' which will not so easily be stopped when I would. And now having troubled your Majesty overlong, and yet not said all I should say, I will for this time make an end, meaning forthwith to send to your Majesty again... Bommell, this 6 June. I have the examinations of divers, both captains and soldiers, which I will send forthwith to your Majesty, to prove the lewd villainous dealing of Hemert, governor of Grave, and of some captains also, but the soldiers are most willing and ready to have spent their lives there.
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Motorclub Satudarah door rechter verboden

De rechtbank in Den Haag heeft motorclub Satudarah met onmiddellijke ingang verboden. De motorclub had sinds vorig jaar ook een Venloos chapter.
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#venlo #peterjanssen #project #nutcase #moretocome #followme #commuting #akeligventje #weather #Limburg #strava #totheoffice #springisintheair #shadeporn #polarflow #bikelife #bikeshade #bicycle #cyclingworld #cyclingshots #heartbeat #defietsenmakervenlo #zipperclub #CABG #heartsurgerysurvivor #keepgoingstrong #livelifetothemax #zipperclubbiking #miniworld #smallworld #360º #thetas #zipperclubfitness Powered by @akeligventje @pandaplien (bij Venloo, Limburg, Netherlands)
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#PoetriesOfinstagram #NetherlandsPoetry🇳🇱 #BertusAafje #LambertusJacobusJohannesAafjes (Bertus) Aafjes . (Amsterdam, 12 mei 1914 – Swolgen, 22 april 1993) was een Nederlands schrijver en dichter die ook publiceerde onder het Bertus Aafjes Hollandalı şair Başlangıçta Criterium dergisinin eleştirel romantizminden etkilenerek şiirler yazdı. Sürekli olarak yolculuk temasını işleyen yapıtlarında antik, egzotik, kutsal öğeleri bir araya getirdi. Vikipedi Ölüm tarihi ve yeri: 22 Nisan 1993, Swolgen, Horst aan de Maas, Hollanda Kitaplar: #EenVoetreisNaarRome, #EeniampionNoorEenBlinde . Born #12MaySeria #12May1914seria #MayBornsSeria #1914BornsSeria #MayBornsSeria #SwolgenBornsSeria 12 Mayıs 1914, #AmsterdamBornsSeria #NetherlandsBornsSeria . Died 23AprilSeria #23April1993seria #23AprilDiedsSeria #1993DiedsSeria #AprilDiedsSeria ö. 23 Nisan 1993, #VenlooDiedsSeria #NetherlandDiedsSeria Hollanda . #NetherlandsPoetriesSeria #BertusAafjeSeria #PoetriesSeria . #23April2018seria #23AprilSeria #2018AprilSeria #2018sundaySeria #SundayAprilSeria #SundaySeria (Venloo, Limburg, Netherlands)
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#paysbas تقرير لراديو ARTA FM - روبرتاج حول أعمال مؤتمر حزب الاتحاد الديمقراطي - منظمة أوربا يومي 13 و14 يناير 2018 *التقرير كاملا على روابط اليوتيوب https://youtu.be/2UVQ0fPBhRU https://youtu.be/BUV2j-gMsxo (à Venloo, Limburg, Netherlands)
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Venlo | Erfgoud wandelroute
Venlo | Erfgoud wandelroute
Vrijdag, 18 maart 2022 | Wist je dat Venlo over een wandelroute beschikt die langs 24 historische panden in het centrum van Venlo loopt? Dit is de Erfgoud wandelroute. Meer informatie over het Venlose Erfgoud wandelroute kun je vinden via https://www.erfgoud-venlo.nl. Venloos Erfgoud | Homepage Mijn wandeling is iets uitgebreider omdat ik uiteraard naar het startpunt van de wandeling moet lopen.…

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06 -06-2017 Grote problemen rond de uit de hand gelopen kosten voor de jeugdzorg in Venlo. Een onvoorzien tekort van 12 miljoen kostte twee wethouders de kop. Een Venloos probleem of kunnen meer gemeenten in Limburg problemen verwachten? Een gesprek met gedeputeerde Marleen van Rijnsbergen, die verantwoordelijk is voor het financieel toezicht bij gemeenten, gezondheidseconoom Wim Groot en Frans Aerts, fractievoorzitter van D66 in Venlo. http://ift.tt/2s6U2PV by ZorgvoorhetGezin
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Wijkvideo Slangenbeek
Roles: Editing Camera: Navarel Venloo
Client: Snelder Zijlstra
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Annemarieke Leurs krijgt stimuleringsprijs Prins van Oranje

Annemarieke Leurs is de eerste winnaar van de Prix d'Orange. Dat is een stimuleringsprijs voor jong Venloos talent die in het leven is geroepen door Sociëteit Prins van Oranje.
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#akeligventje #zipperclub #CABG #heartsurgerysurvivor #keepgoingstrong #livelifetothemax #zipperclubfitness #methelmets #zipperclubbiking #MTB #project #fatbike #venlo #happy #koerpetje #cyclingcap #highendshit #bikeporn #summer #hothothot #brooklyncyclingcap #30degreescelsius Powered by @akeligventje (bij Venloo, Limburg, Netherlands)
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Fietstocht door Venloos mooie natuur from Jos Saris on Vimeo.
Maandag, 7 februari 2022 | Volg mij tijdens mijn fietstocht van vandaag. Sinds lange tijd heb ik weer eens een fietstocht gemaakt. Hoewel de temperatuur rond de 8 graden schommelde voelde het met een gevoelstemperatuur van 2 graden het behoorlijk fris aan. De fietstocht gaat door de prachtige natuurgebieden die je in en rondom Venlo kunt vinden. De fietstocht loopt via Genooi, Velden, Zwart Water, Groote Heide en vervolgens weer terug naar huis via de het Limburgs Museum, de Stadshaven en de Lage Loswal.
De film is gemaakt op basis van GoPro Hero9 Black beeldmateriaal.
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Follow my newest tumblr page http://venloo.tumblr.com/
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Venlo | Fietstocht door Venloos mooie natuur
Venlo | Fietstocht door Venloos mooie natuur
Maandag, 7 februari 2022 | Vandaag sinds lange tijd weer eens een fietstocht gemaakt. Hoewel de temperatuur rond de 8 graden schommelde voelde het met een gevoelstemperatuur van 2 graden het behoorlijk fris aan. Venlo | Genooi De fietstocht gaat door de prachtige natuurgebieden die je in en rondom Venlo kunt vinden. De fietstocht loopt via Genooi, Velden, Zwart Water, Groote Heide en vervolgens…

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#2022#Fietstocht#Gemeente Venlo#Genooi#Groote heide#Jos Saris#Lage Loswal#Limburg#Limburgs Museum#Nederland#Stadshaven#Venlo#Zwart Water
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Belgische beiaardier geeft zomerconcert Venloos carillon

Els Debevere verzorgt vandaag een zomerconcert op het carillon in de Martinuskerk. Tussen 14.30 en 15.30 uur bespeelt ze het instrument.
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