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idolkilling · 5 months ago
OC ASKS: Your OCs are in a room and suddenly lights are turned off. Who are they reaching for first? Will they reach to hold someone at all?
OOH THIS IS A CUTE ONE THANK YOU!! Answering for the characters on my Toyhou.se, but feel free to follow up with any specific characters you might remember from my past blogs if I didn’t mention them :D
In most cases the characters would just reach for whoever is closest to them rather than anyone specific (since I use them across various settings and their interactions change from AU to AU), under the pretense they’re familiar with their company. This is kinda long also, so I’m putting it under a read-more o7
OCs who are more likely to reach for someone than not:
Eve, using it as an excuse to grope the nearest well-built man (often Velo since they work together)
Rex, also using it as an excuse to grope the nearest cute and petite girl 🤦 I think he would get reached for by his FWB (later boyfriend), Kais, though
Dimitri, who’s equal parts protective over whoever is with him due to a strong sense of responsibility and wanting to make sure they don’t fuck anything in the room up; Minkyu comes to mind, though Xero is an exception since he trusts them to take care of themself and stay out of the way
Reis… but with malicious intent :((( He is absolutely using the blackout as an opening to infect someone near him with an otherworldly pathogen/parasite :(((
Tarou, with similar reasoning as Dimitri, but he’d also make sure to grab Reis so he does NOT give hapless people the Alien chestburster experience
Luca, mostly just being silly and dramatically pretending to be scared, though if it’s a more perilous scenario he’d reach for someone to ground himself, not wanting to be alone
Navid, not wanting to be separated from his friends
OCs who are less likely to reach for someone:
Kee, who doesn’t want to burden others so she’s more likely to just curl in on herself—though if it’s a dire situation and she thinks she can help keep the other party from harm, she might make an exception
Velo, since he usually does NOT gaf about the people around him—they can take care of themselves!—but he would make an exception for people/creatures that are so pathetic/defenseless he’d feel guilty about leaving them in the lurch (such as Haruki)
Junta, since I imagine this scenario with him would be a silly one more often than not; he wouldn’t be concerned about the blackout, though he might sneak up and scare his friends
Verrine is probably just turning the lights off herself to wish one of her sons (or “playthings”) goodnight… It’s hard to imagine her being caught off-guard; if the blackout is malicious she probably expects it and is either alone or with protection 🤔
Cherry would rather go for a weapon than grasp for a friend, though against his survival instinct he would feel more comforted holding onto someone (particularly Ram’s OC Harris, whom he has an unspoken crush on)
V. Aster (who people are probably more familiar with under the name “Vivie” aha) is another character who’s indifferent to the safety of those around them—reaching for someone or being clung to would just hinder their mobility; they can see in the dark and they’re going to be productive about it
OCs who don’t reach for anyone, but get reached for:
Xero can see in the dark (and beyond that is an otherworldly entity), so they wouldn’t be bothered even if the blackout is a precursor to danger; by default, their eyes glow like embers, so they’d be a visible beacon for nearby company to cling onto for protection (especially Minkyu…)
Ein is a renegade bioweapon with lowlight vision—he’d be kind of excited for danger to spring out and have a toussle! But otherwise he’s being reached for by a cautious Lavender (his mostly-human roommate who sometimes is sucked into his and Acheron’s nonsense)
Lillie would reach for a weapon and get reached for by her gooner roach of a NOT-boyfriend, Oswald (erectroswing’s OC), much to her chagrin cuz she KNOWS his ass is not scared and he’s just using it as an excuse to wrap around her and scream and squeal
Jet would just stand there in confusion (bro has the survival instinct of a middle-aged corporate worker who wants to kill himself, cuz he is LMAO), but Zeta would take the opportunity to grope grab him for fruity reasons
Anyway, thank you so much for sending this in—OC asks genuinely make my whole day ;w; <3 !!!
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narcoestadosunidos · 5 months ago
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🙏🚨POR ESTO @RicardoRocha_MX PERDIO LAVIDA!🚨SICARIOS DE #NAASON LA #LLDM🫣#LEDIERONPIZ0☠️https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Pf0mX8s3EQ /La Luz del Mundo #GDL               @REFORMA @MovCiudadanoMX @EnriqueAlfaroR @PabloLemusN @ARISTOTELESSD @JuanJoseFrangie🙏🚨POR ESTO @RicardoRocha_MX PERDIO LAVIDA!🚨SICARIOS DE #NAASON LA #LLDM🫣#LEDIERONPIZ0☠️https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Pf0mX8s3EQ /La Luz del Mundo #GDL https://jhosuakrizto.wordpress.com/2023/02/21/unveiled-surviving-narco-secta-lldm-de-naason-detras-del-velo-sobreviviendo-a-la-luz-del-mundo/ @InfoRzk #VerificacionResponsable     #LLDM #PolíticaEnDirecto #DERECHANKLA👇 @esperaromero #GDL@_VicenteSerrano    El presidente @lopezobrador_ exhibió una vez más a personajes como @DeniseDresserG,@lorenzocordovav o @JorgeGCastaneda de quienes dijo tendrán doctorado pero son ignorantes por ser #R4c1st4s y #Cl4s1st4s https://t.co/ghXMpCUD8W    — Info WARS (@InfoWarsRZK0)
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@MazatlanFC @ClubPueblaMX
No entiende que no entiende. #DientesDeBurro 😂👇
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mkultra2030 · 2 years ago
Secretos dl Apostol del Mal‼️https://t.co/TUPfbEibCo@EPN https://t.co/xrlPFS96kv PUT000Z NARK0Z DE #NAASON LA LUZ DEL MUNDO #LLDM @EnriqueAlfaroR @PabloLemusN @JuanJoseFrangie @aristotelessd #gdl pic.twitter.com/j8PG8B6O4e @SILEMGARCIA https://t.co/A4TAtJXANY #RZK @REDREZIZTENCIIA pic.twitter.com/yluoZssykz
— InfoWars @RicardoRocha_MX MURIO X🚨SICARIOS NAASON (@AB2030666) July 24, 2023
Tweets by InfoRzk
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shadowsatwarrpg · 7 days ago
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Manifestaciones del velo
El Velo no es visible para la mayoría de los magos en condiciones normales, pero en ciertos lugares y circunstancias puede manifestarse de diferentes maneras:
Fenómenos Físicos
Frío intenso: La temperatura desciende bruscamente cerca de una grieta, incluso en verano.
Distorsión visual: Las grietas pueden provocar efectos visuales extraños, como luces titilantes, sombras que se mueven por sí solas o áreas donde los colores parecen drenarse.
Sonidos inexplicables: Los susurros son el síntoma más común, pero también pueden escucharse gritos, risas o cánticos, a menudo en idiomas desconocidos.
Efectos en la Magia
Fallos en los hechizos: Cerca del Velo o de una grieta, los hechizos pueden producir resultados inesperados, como explosiones incontrolables o efectos distorsionados.
Corrupción mágica: Los objetos mágicos expuestos al Velo durante largos periodos pueden volverse inestables o adquirir propiedades peligrosas.
Efectos Psicológicos
Pesadillas recurrentes: Los magos que estudian el Velo a menudo reportan sueños extraños, como caminar por paisajes imposibles o escuchar voces llamándolos desde la distancia.
Obsesión: Algunos magos se sienten atraídos al Velo, como si este ejerciera una especie de magnetismo mental.
Locura: El contacto prolongado con el Velo puede romper la mente de los magos, llevándolos a la paranoia o a estados de trance en los que parecen escuchar las "instrucciones" del Otro Lado.
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adamantiuminsides · 1 year ago
Btw most of the time I don't know what you're posting about but I absolutely LOVE your enthusiasm about it all, it's so fun to see :DD ❤️
DRUUUU omg thank you 🫶
i've been having a rough day this cheered me up so much you're soso sweet man
same goes for you :3!!
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tyrianluda · 6 months ago
🌹Hello,I humbly ask for your support by reblogging this post on your account to help save my family. As newcomers to Tumblr and GoFundMe, we are in desperate need of your kindness and support. 🙏❤️My previous account was deleted, and now I'm reaching out, seeking your help to share my new account. Our sole hope is that your generosity can help my family endure this merciless war. 🙏🌹Thank you sincerely. This myaccount:{https://gofund.me/e6a1e1e9}
Previously vetted by @90-ghost but was deleted!
More info here:
£231 raised of £8,000 !!!
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passaggioalboscoedizioni · 2 years ago
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Passaggio al Bosco Edizioni nel decennale del sacrificio del samurai d’Occidente
Dominique Venner
Volume primo
Prefazione di Alain de Benoist
Il significato della morte volontaria di Dominique Venner, avvenuta il 21 maggio 2013, è stato immenso per tutti i “cuori avventurosi” d’Europa. Quel rito sacrificale, però, non ha preannunciato un dato importante: il “samurai d’Occidente” ha affidato ai posteri un gran numero di appunti scritti a mano, che riuniscono una mole impressionante di testi, di idee, di spunti e di analisi. Sono – appunto – le sue “Pagine ribelli”.
Scritti nell’arco di quarant’anni, rappresentano l’ultimo tassello della sua opera, senza dubbio il più personale: l’infanzia sotto l’occupazione, l’Algeria, l’impegno nella Jeune Nation e la fondazione di Europe-Action, il gusto per l’avventura e il senso dell’eroismo, la passione per la storia e la ricerca delle radici, il fascino delle armi e l’amore per la caccia. Una miniera d’oro biografica e filosofica che solleva il velo su un personaggio straordinario, attore e osservatore del suo tempo. Questo primo volume raccoglie la prima parte dei quaderni scritti tra il 1982 e il 1990.
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toscanoirriverente · 10 months ago
Il preside del liceo Maurice Ravel ha lasciato l'istituto per ragioni legate alla sua incolumità. Tutto è iniziato il 28 febbraio scorso, quando aveva chiesto a tre studentesse di rispettare la laicità della scuola francese
Parigi. Temeva di fare la fine di Samuel Paty, il professore di Storia e Geografia decapitato da un jihadista ceceno per aver insegnato la laicità ai suoi studenti, o di Dominique Bernard, docente di Francese assassinato da uno studente radicalizzato all’entrata dell’istituto Gambetta-Carnot di Arras per gli stessi motivi. Il preside del liceo Maurice Ravel, situato nel Ventesimo arrondissement di Parigi, ha deciso di dimettersi per “motivi di sicurezza”, dopo le minacce di morte di cui è oggetto da un mese. Tutto è iniziato il 28 febbraio, quando il preside, vedendo tre studentesse che indossavano il velo all’interno del perimetro scolastico, ha ricordato loro che è vietato per legge esibire simboli religiosi nelle scuole pubbliche.  
Due hanno subito tolto il velo, la terza, invece, ha fatto finta di non sentire. Il dirigente scolastico, stando al racconto fatto all’Afp dai servizi del ministero dell’Istruzione, si sarebbe avvicinato indispettito e avrebbe trascinato “verso l’uscita della scuola” l’allieva, che avrebbe “opposto resistenza”. Dinanzi all’aumento delle tensioni, il dirigente avrebbe lasciato perdere, fino all’intervento della polizia. Ma da quel momento, la situazione è degenerata. Sui social ha iniziato a spargersi la voce di un litigio tra un preside e una studentessa musulmana. Quest’ultima, oltre a sporgere denuncia per “violenze” (denuncia in seguito archiviata per mancanza di prove), ha riferito alla stampa di essere stata “spinta” e “colpita con forza sul braccio”, versione smentita da Valérie Baglin-Le Goff, direttrice del provveditorato di Parigi. La studentessa ha poi deciso di rincarare la dose contro il dirigente scolastico testimoniando sulla pagina Facebook del Collectif contre l’islamophobie en Europe, associazione sulfurea che nel dicembre 2020 era stata dissolta per propaganda islamista dal ministro dell’Interno francese Gérald Darmanin sotto il nome di Collectif contre l’islamophobie en France. Risultato? Contro il preside del liceo parigino sono piovute le minacce di morte, secondo un meccanismo simile a quello che ha portato alla tragedia di Samuel Paty. Un ventiseienne originario del dipartimento degli Hauts-de-Seine è stato arrestato e sarà processato a Parigi il 23 aprile per minacce di morte sui social. Un altro uomo, arrestato a metà marzo a Trouville-sur-mer (Calvados), è stato posto in stato di fermo per lo stesso motivo, ma è già stato rilasciato.  
“Sono veramente triste, è una storia grave che ha portato alle dimissioni del preside quando invece doveva accadere l’esatto contrario”, ha dichiarato in forma anonima a France Info un insegnante del liceo Maurice Ravel. Tranne dalla France insoumise, il partito della sinistra radicale noto per intrattenere legami ambigui con un certo islam politico, tutta la classe politica francese ha manifestato solidarietà al professore, sottolineando la gravità di quanto accaduto. “È un fallimento collettivo”, ha commentato il capogruppo dei deputati socialisti Boris Vallaud. “Ecco dove ci portano le piccole pusillanimità e le grandi rinunce”, ha aggiunto Bruno Retailleau, patron dei senatori gollisti. Ieri pomeriggio, il preside dimissionario è stato ricevuto a Matignon dal primo ministro Gabriel Attal. Ex ministro dell’Istruzione, Attal, durante il suo primo discorso da premier il 9 gennaio, aveva affermato che la scuola “è la madre di tutte le battaglie”. Il caso del preside del liceo Ravel mostra che la lotta all’islamismo, in questa battaglia, deve essere prioritaria. 
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payalandrene · 2 years ago
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Serbia's bad rap is unfair!
In Europe Serbia has a bad rap thanks to Milosevic, the two wars in the 90ies, nationalism, corruption and the Mafia smuggling alcohol, cigarettes and other goods.
But our only complaint is that there were too many mosquitoes; it is a particularly bad year for them. Luckily we have Odomos creme from India; no environmental friendly citronella for us!
Otherwise people in every village waved at us, honked their horns in approval or spoke to us in German and English they knew. The high unemployment rate meant many men were drinking all day at bars and cafes. Young people 30 and under spoke excellent English, despite none having been in England; they insisted that they learned from series, music and videos! It seemed no matter how small the village, there was a hip cafe that was a magnet for young people.
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This meant that we managed to have interesting conversations with many. And once Milos, with the coolest campsite directly on the Danube, introduced us to Google Translate's conversation function, René was talking to everyone!
People did not want to speak about war, not even the Bosnian farming family who decided to stay on their land. They only said it was a tough time and they were not sure what the right thing to do was at the time. The father and others, who were old enough to remember Tito, felt Yugoslavia was better than Serbia. The country was big and strong and Milos, our new friend with a campsite, said that the multi-culturalism, 7 ethnicities and one language was beautiful.
Younger people didn't experience that time, but they are disenchanted today and say that they are not voting for someone, but against someone. Over Rakija, a young man in a bar in Negotin near to the Bulgarian border said that you were either a waiter, salesperson in a shopping mall or worked in the factory in town. Options were limited, even if you managed to go to university.
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Our hosts, whether at a campsite, asking a farmer if we can set our tent on their land, or in a guesthouse were true hosts doing it from their hearts. Mirko, a Serb who grew up in Austria and came to Serbia five years ago was interesting to speak with as he is in between two cultures. The dealings with the authorities drove him batty - his campsite is near to the Euro6 Velo route, but a shortcut is muddy and barely passable - he's bern waiting for improvements for years. It definitely was one of the worst sections we'd riden on; otherwise the roads in Serbia weren't so bad and the Euro6 Velo signage was very good.
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We also made friends with Milos, an engineer who got fed up with Belgrade 25 years ago and bought land on the Danube. While his campsite was rather basic, his hospitality was out of this world- he was good at always making sure you had another beer and cooked amazing Serbian specialties. We spoke about politics (despite him not wanting to), love and life.
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During the most beautiful stretch of the Donau, the iron mountain, we stayed at Camping Asin from Melania - she is a school teacher who took early retirement and created a peaceful campsite. Melania is an excellent cook making a 5 star breakfast for her guests and sharing info about the local culture and history. She had lovely guests; we met a Romanian-American family and Russian families living in Belgrade because they oppose the war in Russia. A woman, who had been a teacher in Russia, organised the trip for the families and organised many activities for the children. She was heartened that we applaud her courage.
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In a small village we stumbled upon a woman who let rooms and stayed with her. She was a fashionable woman just shy of 70 who turned out to appear on cooking shows and programmes on Serbiab television highlighting Serbian traditionsand rural culture (Google Translate Conversation is a dream!). She offered us a tasty dinner and homemade desserts! If you are ever in Novi Sip, outside of Kladovo, do stay with her. With Serbian music playing in the background she told us about her daughters, one who is a physiotherapist and the other a vet, showed us clips of her on Serbian television and explained that she likes having guests to share Serbian culture.
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Finally in Negotin, we stayed with Bojan and his family. He loves bicycles and has extended his home to let rooms and place permanent, large tents in the garden. He also serves a tasty breakfast in thr morning and can give you all the tips you need for your tour!
The people we met in Serbia are all ❤️ - we will be back!
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antiverificacion2023 · 2 years ago
@EnriqueAlfaroR @PabloLemusN Marchan contra la #verificaciónvehicular por considerarlo #recaudatorio no ayuda realmente a bajar la #contaminación,como lo justifica el @GobiernoJalisco pic.twitter.com/25KW0kido9🚧 #ANTIVERIFICACION🚨🛑#VERIFICAlosBACHES#LLDM #GDL #JALISCO @INFORZK
— Info Wars (@InfoWarsRZK2020) March 12, 2023
PUT000Z KUL0Z J0T0Z URK0Z NARK0Z @EnriqueAlfaroR @PabloLemusN #GDL, #JALISCO, #MEXICO.
Translated from Spanish by
They march against #verificaciónvehicular considering that #recaudatorio does not really help to lower #contaminación , as justified by the
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Rezi Resiste · 1- #narco secta #lldm de #naason, Unveiled Surviving La Luz Del Mundo
Rezi Resiste · 2- #narco secta #lldm de #naason, Unveiled Surviving La Luz Del Mundo #hbo
Rezi Resiste · 3 -#narco secta #lldm de #naason, Unveiled Surviving La Luz Del Mundo, #HBO
1- Unveiled Surviving #narco secta #lldm de #naason, Detrás del Velo. Sobreviviendo a la luz del mundo. by tokyvideo.com
2- Unveiled Surviving #narco secta #lldm de #naason, Detrás del Velo. Sobreviviendo a la luz del mundo. by tokyvideo.com
3- Unveiled Surviving #narco secta #lldm de #naason, Detrás del Velo. Sobreviviendo a la luz del mundo. by tokyvideo.com
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nauj-aral-the-one · 2 years ago
Reposted from @officina_biavati
All credits and info @officina_biavati
If you re-blog please don't remove the credits 🙏 🙂
Honestly, I never thought that in my life I would have the opportunity to buy the Look 396 track.
They are extremely rare, and the few around have unaffordable prices (at least for me) 🥶
It's a bike that I've always dreamed, more than any other steel, more than any cTrack, more than any other bike and now, thanks to @mrsearchforxmaya it's finally in my hands and under my ass 🥹
Logically we opted for the most violent building that could be done and so, thanks to the Mavic Wheelset, the Olympic Zen chainring and the matching LOOK Ergostem we obtained the perfect bike 🤓
Purists will disagree on the handlebars, but don't worry, we already have a Mavic 357 cockpit with extensions ready to be builded on the Bike 👌
#lookcycle #tight #clearance #trackbike #savethetrackbike #velo #bicycle #pista #fixedgear #look #kg396 #olympic #fixie #bikeporn #fixieporn #detail #photography #yellow #njs #tarck #fixed #PistBike #TrackFrameset #Fixed #FixedGear #Fixie #FixedBike #TrackBikes
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dlxxv-vetted-donations · 3 months ago
@/ahmadwaleed555's campaign was removed from the list. It's currently undergoing some issues and he's asked everyone to hold off on donating right now. See here for more info. Please check his account for any updates.
@/rewaa99's campaign was added. I am now only getting each campaign ~$1k rather than ~$1.5k because the latter takes way longer. Rewaa has agreed to this.
Random tags | I'd appreciate a share/donate | msg me here or at dlxxv-vetted-donations2 (if this blog's msgs are closed) for removal from tag list
@crabbchips @whoviannekogal @the-acid-pear @jaystarry @sundung
@wedy @iwtvdramacd18 @le-velo-pour-dru @gradelstuff @lilythepurple
@stars-and-soda @brainworms-all-night-long @doyouknowthisgame @gogopri @stemmmm
October Vetted Campaign List
My other promos | Urgent Palestinian college fundraisers
These are small goals to get funds for campaigns that are moving very slowly and/or have nobody focusing on them. I highly encourage that you adopt one if you can.
Updated: Oct 28
Rewaa @rewaa99: vet.
Paypal, Venmo, credit/debit: USD $7,477 / 8,500
Very low on funds: Ahmed Zandah @ahmednser: vet, gazavetters sheet #37. Is for evacuation. Stagnating ⬅️⬅️⬅️⬅️⬅️⬅️⬅️⬅️⬅️
Paypal, credit/debit: € 487 722 / 2,000.
Maher @maherdahalan: gazavetters sheet #35.
Paypal, credit/debit: € 2,637 2,687 / 4,100.
See post: Help the Al-Habil family survive October. Stagnating ⬅️⬅️⬅️
PayPal, credit/debit: € 14,155 14,751 / 15,600.
Dina @dina179: vet, #245 on sheet.
Credit/debit: CAD $ 14,420 15,525 / 16,000.
Paypal (see under cut for proof of trustworthiness)
Very low on funds: Issam @esamadnan94: gazavetters sheet #205. Donations slow
PayPal, credit/debit: € 612 745 / €2,100.
Mohammed Salama @ameertaims: vet, gazavetters sheet #90.
Credit/debit: SEK 29,217 32,901 / 45,000. $10 USD = 105 SEK
On hold, see here: See post: Ahmad Waleed's family needs a new tent.
Paypal, Venmo, credit/debit: USD $ 10,100 11,437 / 12,700 (full amount for tent).
On hold, I'm trying to contact: @aboodnemer, @anqar: vet, vet. Stagnating!!! ⬅️⬅️⬅️⬅️⬅️⬅️⬅️⬅️⬅️⬅️
Paypal, Google Pay, credit/debit: € 19,866 / 20,000. Final goal on gfm (for now). Obnoxious text removed upon donation
@/dina179 Paypal. Here is a link to the QR code which takes you to the app.
[ID in alt text for all images]
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Done (for now):
Close to final goal: Ahmad @children-gaza: vet.
Paypal, credit/debit: € 10,205 11,788 / 11,700.
Final goal: €15,000 (not including additional fees, I'm speaking to Ahmad right now)
Dina Mahammed @dina-my-family: vetted by association
Paypal, Venmo, credit/debit: USD $ 13,741 15,210 / 15,200
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nicoshop · 3 months ago
Prečo je Velo ideálnou voľbou pre fajčiarov, ktorí chcú prejsť na fajčenie
Prechod z tradičného fajčenia na bezdymové alternatívy môže byť pre mnohých náročnou úlohou. Spoločnosť Velo však ponúka inovatívnu a uspokojivú možnosť pre fajčiarov, ktorí chcú túto zmenu uskutočniť. Nikotínové vrecúška Velo, dostupné prostredníctvom Nicoshop.sk, predstavujú moderné riešenie, ktoré sa bez problémov začlení do životného štýlu tých, ktorí hľadajú zdravšiu alternatívu. Vďaka širokej škále príchutí a silných látok vyniká Velo ako najlepšia voľba pre tých, ktorí sú pripravení na zmenu.
Jednou z najvýraznejších možností v rámci radu Velo je Velo Tropic Breeze. Táto príchuť kombinuje tóny tropického ovocia s osviežujúcim výbuchom, čo z nej robí lákavú voľbu pre fajčiarov. Rovnováha sladkosti a chladu vytvára jedinečný zážitok, ktorý uspokojí tých, ktorí majú radi aromatické možnosti. Toto vrecúško je nielen chutné, ale prináša aj uspokojivý nikotínový zásah, vďaka čomu si fajčiari môžu ľahšie vychutnať svoje chute bez toho, aby sa museli uchýliť k tradičným cigaretám.
Ďalšia obľúbená príchuť, Velo Arctic Frost, prináša vzrušujúci ľadový pocit, ktorý osloví fanúšikov mäty. Táto možnosť je ideálna pre fajčiarov, ktorí hľadajú sviežu chuť a zároveň uspokojujú svoje potreby nikotínu. Chladivá mätová príchuť povzbudzuje zmysly a ponúka príjemný kontrast k ťaživosti, ktorá sa často spája s fajčením. S Velo Arctic Frost môžu používatelia zažiť osviežujúci príval, ktorý pomáha bojovať proti nutkaniu na cigarety.
Pre tých, ktorí uprednostňujú diskrétne a kompaktné zariadenie, je Velo Mini vynikajúcou voľbou. Tieto vrecúška sú menšie, ale majú rovnakú chuť a nikotínové uspokojenie ako ich väčšie náprotivky. Diskrétna povaha vreciek Velo Mini umožňuje používateľom vychutnať si nikotínový zážitok bez toho, aby vzbudzovali pozornosť. To z neho robí ideálnu voľbu pre fajčiarov, ktorí prechádzajú do spoločenského prostredia alebo na cestách.
Jednou z hlavných výhod prechodu na Velo je absencia škodlivých produktov spaľovania, ktoré sa nachádzajú v tradičných cigaretách. Vrecúška Velo sú bez dymu a bez pľuvancov, čím poskytujú čistejšiu alternatívu, ktorá je v súlade so zdravším životným štýlom. Používatelia si môžu vychutnať nikotín bez nepríjemného zápachu a vedľajších účinkov fajčenia, čo z neho robí spoločensky prijateľnejšiu voľbu pre tých, ktorí chcú prestať fajčiť alebo obmedziť svoje fajčiarske návyky.
Pohodlie produktov Velo je tiež dôležitým faktorom pre tých, ktorí zvažujú prechod na iný typ. Bez potreby ďalšieho vybavenia, ako sú zapaľovače alebo popolníky, možno Velo používať kdekoľvek a kedykoľvek. Táto jednoduchosť používania je obzvlášť atraktívna pre zaneprázdnených ľudí, pre ktorých môže byť náročné odísť na prestávku na cigaretu. Vrecúška pripravené na použitie znamenajú, že fajčiari môžu rýchlo a jednoducho uspokojiť svoje chute.
Nicoshop.sk ponúka širokú škálu príchutí a silných látok Velo, čo zaručuje, že si každý užívateľ nájde výrobok, ktorý vyhovuje jeho preferenciám. Dostupný výber znamená, že fajčiari môžu experimentovať s rôznymi príchuťami, čo im umožní objaviť, čo im skutočne chutí. Táto rozmanitosť nielenže zvyšuje zážitok, ale tiež pomáha používateľom zostať verní svojmu rozhodnutiu prejsť na fajčenie.
Na záver možno povedať, že Velo je ideálnou voľbou pre fajčiarov, ktorí chcú prejsť na bezdymovú alternatívu. Vďaka lahodným príchutiam, ako sú Velo Tropic Breeze a Velo Arctic Frost, ako aj diskrétnym možnostiam, ako je Velo Mini, si každý nájde niečo pre seba. Pohodlie, čistota a rozmanitosť, ktoré Velo ponúka, z neho robia atraktívnu voľbu pre tých, ktorí sú pripravení prijať zdravší životný štýl a zároveň si užívať nikotín. Navštívte Nicoshop.sk ešte dnes, aby ste preskúmali celý sortiment výrobkov Velo a urobili prvý krok k životu bez dymu!
Pre viac informácií : https://nicoshop.sk
Kontaktné informácie:
+421 905 339 569
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shadowsatwarrpg · 7 days ago
Tumblr media
En el Ministerio de Magia, el Velo se estudia en la Sala de la Muerte. Esta sala alberga el arco de piedra que contiene una manifestación física del Velo, una cortina oscura que se mueve incluso en ausencia de viento. Aunque pocos tienen acceso a esta sala, los informes mencionan lo siguiente:
Los susurros que emite parecen personalizados para cada individuo, llamando a algunos con voces de seres queridos fallecidos.
Intentar cruzarlo resulta en la desaparición del cuerpo físico. Nadie ha regresado para contar lo que hay más allá.
La cortina reacciona de forma más intensa a los hechizos oscuros, como si estos la debilitaran.
El Departamento de Misterios considera al Velo una prioridad de investigación, pero sus estudios son peligrosos y altamente secretos.
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fabioperes · 5 months ago
🔴 ASÍ se vive en IRÁN en 2024 🇮🇷 Lo que NO te cuentan en las noticias En este vídeo os contamos cómo se vive en IRÁN en pleno 2024. ¿Es tan malo como se cuenta? ¿Es verdad todo lo que dicen en las noticias? ¿Cómo viven las mujeres en IRÁN? ¿Por qué es enemigo de Estados Unidos? ¿Las mujeres están obligadas a llevar velo? ¿Cómo se vive en una dictadura islámica? Visitaremos Teheran, la capital, y te contamos como vive la IRÁN más moderna. ¿Es peligroso tras las protestas y la posible guerra con USA e Israel? 💥¡DESCUENTO EXCLUSIVO PARA TI! ¡Por vernos en Youtube!💥 Consigue nuestros cuatro libros un 5% más baratos si utilizas el cupón YOUTUBE5 🔥Nuestro libro: Rutas por España: https://ift.tt/FlTJIWq _____________________________________________________________________________________________ ➡ 𝗡𝘂𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗮 𝗧𝗶𝗲𝗻𝗱𝗮 𝗱𝗲 𝗹𝗶𝗯𝗿𝗼𝘀 𝘆 𝗺𝗮���𝗮𝘀 https://ift.tt/hN5pHlf ❤️ Un millón de gracias! ❤️ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 🔧 🚐 Nuestra camper la aseguramos con el 𝘀𝗲𝗴𝘂𝗿𝗼 𝗱𝗲 𝗭𝗮𝗹𝗯𝗮-𝗖𝗮𝗹𝗱ú: https://ift.tt/cEjZqHA 🏥 🌍 Siempre viajamos con el 𝗦𝗲𝗴𝘂𝗿𝗼 𝗱𝗲 𝗜𝗔𝗧𝗜: https://ift.tt/t3gXj6Y 🛒🚐 Tienda de accesorios para camper o autocaravana con 𝗚𝘂𝗺𝗲𝗿 𝗖𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗲𝗿 𝗔𝗰𝗰𝗲𝘀𝗼𝗿𝗶𝗼𝘀: https://ift.tt/H9xAQJY 📱 🌍 Más Info sobre la 𝘁𝗮𝗿𝗷𝗲𝘁𝗮 𝗲𝗦𝗶𝗺 𝗱𝗲 𝗛𝗼𝗹𝗮𝗳𝗹𝘆 +: 5% de Descuento aquí. https://ift.tt/kLlvcZn 🎵 🎥 La música de nuestros vídeos es de 𝗔𝗿𝘁𝗟𝗶𝘀𝘁: https://ift.tt/RQdjWoq ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ➡ INDICE VÍDEO: 00:00 Viajar a Irán 00:48 Qué ver en Teherán, capital de Irán 01:30 Nos roban nuestra escalera 02:37 Historia para viajar a Irán 03:20 Palacio Golestan en Irán 04:46 El gran bazar de Teherán, capital de Irán 08:27 Momento muy divertido viajando por Irán 09:30 Metro solo para mujeres en Irán 10:43 Museo contra los Estados Unidos de Irán 15:38 Mujeres hablando sobre la situación de Irán 16:44 Visitando Irán de noche 17:22 Gastronomía de Irán 17:58 Mecánico en Irán via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D6uF1dwhgy8
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snushuseu · 7 months ago
Velo stellt neue Geschmacksrichtungen vor: Peppermint Storm und Tropic Breeze jetzt erhältlich
Velo, ein führendes Unternehmen in der Nikotinbeutelindustrie, freut sich, die Einführung von zwei aufregenden neuen Geschmacksrichtungen bekannt zu geben: Velo Peppermint Storm und Velo Tropic Breeze. Diese innovativen Ergänzungen des Velo-Sortiments sind ab sofort erhältlich und bieten den Benutzern erfrischende und exotische Erfahrungen in jedem Beutel.
Velo Pfefferminzsturm: Ein frischer Hauch von Coolness
Velo Peppermint Storm ist für all diejenigen gedacht, die sich nach einem kräftigen und belebenden Minzgeschmack sehnen. Diese neue Version zeichnet sich durch einen kräftigen Pfefferminzgeschmack aus, der einen erfrischenden Kälteschub liefert, der perfekt ist, um die Sinne zu beleben. Der intensive Minzgeschmack ist mit genau der richtigen Menge an Süße ausbalanciert, was ihn zur idealen Wahl für Benutzer macht, die einen starken, reinen Geschmack genießen.
Das schlanke Design der Velo Peppermint Storm-Beutel sorgt für eine diskrete und komfortable Anwendung. Ob unterwegs, bei der Arbeit oder beim Entspannen zu Hause, diese Beutel bieten eine bequeme und befriedigende Möglichkeit, Nikotin ohne die Nachteile herkömmlicher Tabakprodukte zu genießen.
Velo Tropic Breeze: Eine exotische Flucht
Für diejenigen, die einen exotischen Geschmack suchen, bietet Velo Tropic Breeze eine reizvolle Kombination aus tropischen Früchten. Dieses Aroma fängt die Essenz eines tropischen Paradieses ein, indem es einen Hauch von Mango, Ananas und Passionsfrucht zu einem süßen und spritzigen Erlebnis mischt. Velo Tropic Breeze ist perfekt für alle, die dem Alltag entfliehen und sich einen Hauch von Tropen gönnen möchten.
Die Velo Tropic Breeze-Beutel sind ebenfalls auf Diskretion und Komfort ausgelegt, so dass sie sich für jede Gelegenheit eignen. Das fruchtige, aromatische Profil bietet eine erfrischende Abwechslung zu den traditionellen Nikotinaromen und spricht diejenigen an, die ein wenig Abwechslung in ihrem Nikotinerlebnis schätzen.
Jetzt erhältlich bei Snushus.eu
Sowohl Velo Peppermint Storm als auch Velo Tropic Breeze sind jetzt auf snushus.eu erhältlich. Dieser vertrauenswürdige Online-Shop bietet eine große Auswahl an Velo-Produkten und stellt sicher, dass die Kunden ihre Lieblingsgeschmacksrichtungen leicht finden können. Snushus.eu ist bestrebt, qualitativ hochwertige, authentische Produkte und ein reibungsloses Einkaufserlebnis zu bieten.
Erleben Sie noch heute den belebenden Schwung von Velo Peppermint Storm und den exotischen Genuss von Velo Tropic Breeze. Besuchen Sie https://snushus.eu/, um diese neuen Geschmacksrichtungen zu entdecken und Ihr Nikotinerlebnis zu verbessern, oder wenden Sie sich an unser Kundendienstteam unter [email protected].
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