#Vellian Crowler
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thewittyphantom · 2 months ago
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Here's Tag Duel highlights ^^
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fyeahygocardart · 11 months ago
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Ancient Gear Fist
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hi. if you’re reading this that means it’s my 21st birthday. I had this idea and had to write it down immediately (it’s may 29th. see y’all in just under 6 months) so. yeah. enjoy. happy 21st birthday to me!
The GX Cast In: What they would order for their first legal drink at a bar
DISCLAIMER: blair is excluded from this one cause I can’t fathom her being an adult rn. all characters are considered to be of legal drinking age for the purposes of this post. I do not condone underage drinking. drink responsibly and always call for help if you or a friend are displaying symptoms of alcohol poisoning.
Jaden Yuki: I have determined that Jaden doesn’t like whiskey, but if it’s mixed in something he might be okay with it. a rum and coke would be his go-to. on the rocks, he can’t drink warm liquor.
Chazz Princeton: straight vodka. i have a working theory that the more trauma someone has the better they take shots. (this is not a healthy theory, to be sure, but Chazz certainly qualifies as an observable subject.) he will spit out any food that contains the tiniest amount of carrot but pounds vodka like a champ. he’s definitely tried to do the whole lime and salt thing but found he prefers the burn. I just want him to be okay :(
Dr. Crowler: wayyyyyy back in the day, a very hot, very gay bartender gave him a shot of raspberry schnapps on the house because he “looks like a raspberry schnapps kinda guy”. keeps a bottle of it in his office for feeling nostalgic. atticus has gotten into it more than once, with zero evidence left behind.
Syrus Truesdale: the fruitiest goddamn cocktail you’ve ever seen. there’s a bendy straw and a paper umbrella. probably served out of a pineapple. he does not want to so much as SENSE the alcohol
Alexis Rhodes: whiskey sour. asks for the lemon on the side and squeezes the juice directly into her mouth.
Atticus Rhodes: margaritas, plural. unironically sings “gimme one margarita ima open my legs” the entire time and has to be physically restrained in order to stop him.
Zane Truesdale: he can’t drink, he has a heart condition. however: him and atticus buy cheap wine from the liquor store on oct 31 and sit somewhere outside as the clock ticks over to midnight, making the switch from atticus’s birthday to zane’s. they toast. life is good. zane has palpatations immediately and never drinks again.
Aster Phoenix: wine aunt energy. exclusively drinks wine, but alternates between white and red. his palate changes depending on what he ate. for his twenty first birthday, he probably had steak (s2 fishing incident had me rolling on the ground laughing), which pairs well with cabernet (I think that’s a red) so he’d get red wine.
Yubel: technically has always been legal drinking age? regardless, the strongest whiskey you can find. Jaden dislikes whiskey, though, so has only ever gotten him to take one shot of it. collects the little shooter bottles. it’s really cute to see them all lined up.
Jesse Anderson: fruity cocktail for a fruity bitch. he’d order a sex on the beach, but it would go something like, “I’d like a, ah… ha, alrighty then. A s-sex on the… you know what I mean!”, followed up by Chazz saying, “oh my god he’d like a sex on the beach. jesus.”
Jim Crocodile Cook: not much of a drinker, but he’d also love the fruity cocktails. he would order a strawberry daiquiri. frozen. he’d also do a shot for the hell of it, probably of cheap vodka, and spend the rest of the evening wondering how everyone else is handling that stuff so well.
Axel Brodie: straight fucking gin. no additives, no garnish, no nothing. just axel and a shot glass. somehow never shows signs of being tipsy.
Adrian Gecko: beer. he thinks it makes him look relatable. unironically a beer drinker. probably PBA.
Bastion Misawa: he orders a shot of “your finest whiskey, barkeep”. sniffs it first. takes a little sip. “oh, goodness. no thank you.”
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sw33theartnick · 11 months ago
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a different flavor of my usual shitposts, this tier lists I found on Pinterest were far too good to resist
most of these characters I did based off how relevant they are in the plot + most of these characters are my favorites (yes, im a dr crowler fan)
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ygoartreviews · 1 month ago
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Limiter Removal
Limiter Removal is one of those iconic Cyber Dragon deck cards that basically everyone knows about, so much so that I didn't realize it's actually used in other contexts in the anime as well. Because of the close association, though, a combo like this just felt inevitable, and now we finally have it! Part of me is almost surprised that it didn't end up being a separate (but related) card altogether, but it's great nonetheless. I really don't think my words will add much here. It's a cool alt art that feels like it's been a long time coming. I DO have a very specific comment to make, however. And that is... Well. You can absolutely kill me for saying this, but Cyber End Dragon's pose looks identical to the iconic He Man pose from Fabulous Secret Powers (perhaps better known as "HEHEYYEYAAEYAAAEYAEYAA").
Rating: 10/10, Cyber End Dragon says, "Hey. What's going on?"
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maripr · 6 months ago
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One of the many, many crimes of the 4kids adaptation of Yu-Gi-Oh GX is cutting this shot of Cronos softly smiling at Judai in his duel against Napoleon (when he realizes that Judai did pay attention in class after all)
The rest of his reaction is uncut, but the missing shot adds to the difference in characterization. Even in his better moments, Crowler remains much more of a stuck up asshole who very begrudgingly respects his students and is only brave when his paycheck is on the line.
I do have to wonder how they would have adapted S4 and the thank-you duel.
In Italy we got the first three seasons from the US, but the final season without any censorship from Japan. I can't imagine the whiplash!
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shiranui7 · 8 months ago
I really think that yugioh gx first season could have been way much better if they didn't use Jaden in every single duel. There were 7 key protectors and 7 Shadow riders but the side characters almost never had the chance to prove themselves. This is how I would have fixed it:
Evil Atticus vs Alexis. She wins.
Camula vs Zane. He loses to save Syrus but then he is avenged by Dr. Crowler, who fucking obliterates her since she hurt one of his students. (Yes, I'm still pissed at that duel, Crowler could have won in a single turn with the right cards but no, he is never allowed to win any important duels.)
Bastion vs Taniya. He wins.
Prof. Banner vs the ancient pharaoh. He wins.
Chazz's duel is ok since he wins.
Zane vs Titan. He wins.
Jaden vs Amnael. He wins and faces the final duel.
These duels would have made the outcome not so predictable, would have given all the key keepers an important role and also they would have helped mask Amnael's identity.
In the original episodes, they could have simple given all the keys to Jaden, since he never loses against the enemies (that's why I skipped most of his duels, too boring)
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iori-cody-hida · 1 year ago
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axlthepterodaxl · 3 months ago
Poor Watapon
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bitchywitchheart · 3 months ago
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beamreaper04 · 2 months ago
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Cronos-sensei with the New Home Background: Duel Academia (GX)
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zigfried-von-schroeder · 6 months ago
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More fav characters with DL character wallpaper style
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elemental-daddy-neos · 4 months ago
Okay now that I've gotten the name change out of the way, guess what! I'm returning to my roots! I decided to start rewatching GX from episode 1, and the way I'm doing it is dub first, then rewatch the episode in the sub right after to compare and contrast. It was a lot of fun, so I'm gonna be writing down all my thoughts as they come in and sharing them here! Check them out below if you are interested, fair warning I will never be nice to Syrus <3
First up: episode one dubbed
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Now, once more with feeling! Episode one sub thoughts
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...And that wraps up the first episode! Hopefully you guys find this entertaining. Yes I know I'm mentally ill about this show, that won't be changing anytime soon.
Just for the fun of it, if anyone wants them, here are all the screenshots I took while watching the show by themselves
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In honor of my 20th birthday, I would like to present:
The GX cast and how they react to people singing “Happy Birthday” to them
Jaden/Judai: sits there awkwardly and only makes eye contact with whoever brought out the cake
Syrus/Sho: also sitting there awkwardly, but makes eye contact with literally everyone
Chazz/Manjoume: the level of tension between everybody is extremely high. atticus is the only one singing at any volume level. deep down, the chazz loves it.
Bastion/Daichi: spaces off until they’re done and then calculates the exact amount of air needed to blow out the candles in one go
Alexis/Asuka: resists the urge to cover her ears (atticus is the one singing)
Zane/Ryo: he can’t leave, that would be rude, but he’s visibly about to bolt from the room
Atticus/Fubuki: sings along. in perfect harmony. probably has a crown on. makes sure everyone else gets cake before they do
Blair/Rei: biggest shit-eating grin ever. center of attention and she knows it.
Crowler/Cronos: literally sobbing. has never had a proper birthday celebration
Aster/Edo: basking in the attention. will sing along if prompted, but will feign modesty until told he can do otherwise
Hasselberry/Kenzan: also sobbing. big massive group hug at the end.
Adrian/Amon: not feigning modesty in the least. sitting back and taking it all in. lets other people cut the cake and serve it to him.
Axel/O’Brien: stoic the entire time. one tear rolls down his face at the end. gets tackled in hugs which he reluctantly returns
Jim: smiling with love. makes sure Shirley hears the song too
Jesse/Johan: very “aw shucks” about the situation. blows out all the candles except for one and then invites everyone else to help him blow out the last one.
Yubel: not in the room. don’t try it. do you value your intestines being inside your body?
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sw33theartnick · 11 months ago
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if you guys think i do anything else in my spare time but make yugioh shitposts you’d only be half right
also jurassicshipping is my current favorite yugioh gx pairing why does it have so little content,,,, why must the universe vex me so
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baddyzarc · 5 months ago
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Duel Links: Chronos Full Victory Sprite
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