#Vault 19 is p cool too...
I explored Vault 22 in a new save and while it is easier because I have YCS/186 and knew all the enemies... oh my GODDDDD the layout is still as confusing as ever.... Still, I take this vault over Vault 34 GENUINELY FUCK THAT VAULT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
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batgirl-87 · 4 years
Hey! I love your last ask, the questions are really well thought and I'm curious about 12, 16, 17, 18 and 19 👀if you want 💜
Thank you so much for asking! Sorry it took me so long to answer! Life happens -_-
From this ask
12. What was MC’s reaction learning Bill and Charlie’s little sister went missing her First year? 
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Physically restraining her and holding her back from storming into Hogwarts and causing a RIOT! She will find poor Ginny probably trapped in some damn Vault again! CURSE THESE VAULTS - oh wait a minute....
But wait, why didn’t every single Weasley, all the older protective brothers storm into Hogwarts to find their little sister? Did they not find out until later?! Did Percy, Fred, George, and Ron just neglect to inform Bill and Charlie that Ginny was missing until found? Prove they could handle it? Or did Bill and Charlie believe in the rest of their siblings that they could handle it and trust them...Nah, big brothers would storm in and find her. They’d be damned if they just sat around and waited for her to be found!
Assuming they all did not learn until afterwards, still would have to hold her back from storming into Hogwarts, most likely to no avail. Some going off on Ron and the rest of the brothers - Why are they only finding out about this now?! Yes, they handled it and got her back BUT STILL kind of a BIG thing to hide from your family! And then of course storming into Dumbledore’s office and going off yet again to which he is probably very used to at this point. A FIRST YEAR GOES MISSING AND WTF DO YOU DO?! THIS IS THE VAULTS AND BEATRICE ALL OVER AGAIN! WATCH YOURSELF OLD MAN! Going to shave that damn beard off, tie it into a noose and - Yeah, she’s not going to be very happy.
And of course once she gets all her anger out, she’ll ask Ginny if she’s okay and check with how she’s doing. And if they did find out while she was missing and Bill and Charlie somehow decided to allow their brothers to handle it and get Keira to calm tf down and not go storming back to Hogwarts (idk how tbh =p) she would be caring and comforting towards them, ask them how they’re doing, if they need anything, if there’s anything she can do, what they’ve heard - and also just do little things to reduce any stress she can. Look she cooked or got them food! And cleaned! Let’s go look at the baby dragons! You’re hair is looking fabulous today - I mean, it always looks good, but today extra bouncy.
16. What was MC’s reaction to Tonks getting married and having a child?
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I’m sorry, she’s marrying who now? Remus? Like...Keira’s Uncle Remus? Secret Werewolf Remus? Her anam cara Remus?! HER COUSIN AND UNCLE WTF - well obviously they’re not related BUT STILL THEY’RE HER FAMILY!
She’s going to need a moment.
SHE’S PREGNANT?! THEY - She’s going to need several moments...Clearly this is a lot for her to process on many different levels. She may have malfunctioned for a moment.
But once she processes things - also the fact that imagining Tonks married and a mom, like that’s so grown up and mature and it’s a little difficult to wrap her head around Tonks as a wife and mother instead of the rebellious punk prankster with colorful hair - alright, she’s going to make an awesome mom, that’s not the point. The point is, again, it just seems like such a grown up thing and Keira doesn’t even see herself really as a grown up =p She still see her and Tonks as teenage cousins getting into shenanigans, even as technically adults, rebelling against the system a bit and stirring some things up in their careers. Getting married and having a kid - wow.... are they getting old? Existential crisis time!
BUT then! They both deserve to be happy. If anyone deserves to be happy it’s Remus Lupin. And they make each other happy. And she fully accepts him and loves him as he is, Werewolf and all. Of course she would, she’s not a judgemental person! They’re happy and in love and that’s all Keira wants for them, to be happy and loved. And once she gets over the weirdness they’re adorable... and then it get’s a little weird again... but still cute...but weird... Hugging is fine, a little peck but so help her if a kiss lasts too long SHE CAN’T! Got to go, cannot see this, do not want to see this - HER EYES! =p
OH! And if you think they’re sneaking off to get married without her there HAHAHAHA THEY ARE SORELY MISTAKEN! If you don’t think Keira and Jacob (and Sirius because no I can’t let him die I JUST CAN’T) don’t come strutting in with Back in Black playing in the background to be the best man and woman/maid and man of honor - whatever - right before they take their vows, confused as to how they found out and found them then you are wrong. So very wrong! One might even officiate, who knows! Getting married without them HA! Nice try. 
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17. What are MC’s opinions on the Golden Trio and the happenings at Hogwarts after they left?
Ron - Aww little Ronny! Look at him growing up, he’s getting so big now! She remembers when he was little! 
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There’s a lot of affectionate teasing and reminiscing of embarrassing childhood stories that Keira feels maybe his friends need to hear =p A lot of messing with his hair and forcing him into tight hugs that again may embarrass him. Honestly, he views her as his older sister. He pretty much grew up with her or hearing about her from Bill, Charlie, even Percy and the Twins. She would come to visit and she’s very close with his two eldest brothers, even working with Bill, and every time she’s around him she treats him like her little brother. She’s been a big part of his life for most of what he can remember. He grew up hearing stories about her adventures at Hogwarts with his brothers so he should have been better prepared honestly for everything he had to deal with when he attended.
I’m sure he tried to brag even about her. “Yeah, my brother Bill is a Curse Breaker and his partner is Keira Black - yeah, the one who dealt with all the cursed vaults here - allegedly...” “My brother Charlie works with dragons but he could have gone on to play Quidditch professionally. Actually, his girlfriend - fiance? Unofficial wife? - played in the World Cup. And won. She could have played professionally too.” *insert Oliver Wood fangirling over Charlie and Keira’s Quidditch skills and how skilled their children would be!* “My big brothers and their friends would sneak into the Forbidden Forest all the time.” - but he doesn’t want to do that necessarily =p
But then after all his bragging when she’d actually appear and he’d get all embarrassed and wouldn’t want his friends to meet her because she just embarrassed him =p Sure Bill and Charlie partook in this as well. Likes to brag about his cool older siblings but no one actually meet them because they’ll embarrass them. Also they’re all giant dorks. Bill and Charlie smashing tables into each other when they’re supposed to be setting up for the wedding? All of them obsessed with their hair in some way. 
“Bill, remember that time you were obsessed with Emily Tyler and you had to ask ME to ask her out for you because you were too afraid!” - Some brave Curse-Breaker he is. 
“Well, remember when you dunked yourself into the courtyard fountain in the middle of the day? Then you were stuck with soaking clothes for the rest of classes that day. Everybody thought you were mad. Definitely looked mad.”
But she and Charlie were definitely the first people Ron thought of to help get Norbert safely out of Hogwarts, specifically her to get Norbert to Charlie if he couldn’t make it himself.
“Remember when you came into the Prefect’s bathroom and dove into my bath and Charlie walked in - he was so upset!” - Which would then lead to a series of embarrassing stories of Charlie because he foolishly thought being quiet and not sharing stories back and forth as Keira and Bill were would somehow save him from this but nope. Ron can’t have his friends hearing all these stories about them after bragging about them to his friends! Humiliating.
Hermione - She should be in Ravenclaw. She’s so smart and her hair is amazing. She should be the chosen one. Are we sure she’s really not? Thank Merlin for her because without her Ron and Harry would be doomed! I think there’s mutual respect between the girls.
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Harry - Ohhhhh the special chosen one... Isn’t he so great and amazing -_-
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Oh is there some bitterness and animosity from Keira towards Harry. She went through so much hell at school, broke all these curses to save people only to get punished and reprimanded by teachers and other adults, and had nasty rumours spread about her around school from the students, called cursed herself - no one appreciated all she did for them and that school! All the sacrifices and people she lost!
But Harry freakin’ Potter here basically gets a parade everywhere he goes and can do no wrong - HONESTLY. He caught the Golden Snitch in his mouth and won the game - she literally won the World Cup. Guess who got more praise and admiration. Dumbledore clearly favoring Harry when Keira feels he was not really on her side or supported her much. 
Now, she gets it, he didn’t ask for this - but she didn’t ask for her role either that was thrust upon her but at least he gets love for his while she was shunned. 
It’s an interesting dynamic where she can definitely empathize with his situation, having this responsibility thrust on him he didn’t ask for and constantly fighting of his and his friend’s lives, not wanting to put his friend’s at risk, being so confused about wtf is going on - she’s been there, she gets it. And when Ron requests her to give Harry some advice and help him out because he needs it and she’s the only one really who understands she agrees - mainly for Ron and his little puppy dog eyes - he’s adorable, how could she say no?! And she listens to Harry and validates him, because yeah, his feelings are totally valid and true, and tries to offer some advice based on her experiences and they sort of bond, and it’s not like she wants him to die or anything bad to happen to this kid! She’s not a horrible person! But she still has this resentment towards him, or at least the praise and adoration he gets, which again really isn’t his fault but... She also has a hard time being sympathetic to all the danger he’s experiencing because she dealt with so much so it’s like - yeah, yours isn’t really that bad =p You think your life is so hard? Psh, classic teenager.
So she offers her advice and to be someone to talk to for Harry if he needs it per Ron’s request and they sort of bond and she may even offer some help with things such as sneaking into the Forbidden Forest.
Sirius breaks out of Azkaban and it’s all Harry, Harry, Harry. HARRY?! HARRY FREAKING POTTER AGAIN?! Oh, Harry is his godson and he looks like James and reminds him of his friends he misses and he just wants to make sure he’s safe with everything he’s dealing with, sure his life is hard - oh what a supportive fucking person for Harry - WHAT ABOUT HER, HELLO?! She’s actually related to you! Sir! And she went through hell herself at Hogwarts. Didn’t go right to see her - okay she was probably in Egypt or Romania when he did BUT NOT THE POINT - straight to Harry because he’s the most important person in the world apparently! (I have an AU sort of story I really need to finish where Sirius actually breaks out during Keira’s 6th year I believe...no wait maybe 7th but even still clearly Sirius loves Harry and they have a special connection/bond and yeah Keira can get jealous).
Oh Keira may have hated Harry for awhile. And yeah, she gets it, Sirius has been through hell in prison, Harry is the only link to James and Lily who he loved and misses terribly, and those people he lives with are awful and Sirius would provide him a much better home that Harry deserves because no one deserves abuse - but Sirius is her family! Blood family! And she went through hell about being a scandalous member of the House of Black and admired Sirius honestly so much and then she finally gets to see him and he’s obsessed with Harry! She might just kill Harry herself. You’re welcome, Voldy! Jealous Aunty Bella? She’s that bitch that killed Harry =p 
She wouldn’t actively try to kill him but there were moment at the top of the stairs where she thought of giving him a little nudge and claiming he tripped and fell down them. 
Thank Merlin for Remus who always managed to be there for Harry and Keira and not show any sort of favoritism because he loves them and cares about them both. And is also a helpful voice of reason to Sirius who honestly doesn’t seem to get it =p Because Sirius is happy to see her and Jacob too, don’t get him wrong! And he’s proud of how she handled everything and what she’s done in her life, but feels like she did all that without him, like she doesn’t need him but Harry still does. And really, he broke out not because of Harry but because of Peter. If he broke out for Harry he would have done it years ago, not when Harry was a teenager, right?
I’m sure Remus sort of mediates a little sit down between Keira and Sirius because as members of the House of Black he knows very well they can be dramatic =p And he’ll get them to sit down and talk and be real and resolve this nonsense because they’re family and they love each other. And honestly they are so similar - SO similar - that Remus can get frustrated and be like ‘you two are acting exactly alike - like stubborn petty arses’ essentially to which they would both definitely respond about how they have nice arses =p
No worries about that, Sirius and Keira quickly bond, they are similar, and have a close relationship. But this is about Harry and Keira. And their relationship goes from bitterness to sort of a mentor to raging resentment to - omg, are we...family? Like...technically...sort of... And then this raging resentment turns into more like sibling rivalry/teasing... Like Keira is much harsher with her comments and ‘teasing’ towards Harry than any of the Weasley’s who she also views as family, as does Harry, but also forms this protective ‘I can mess with him and be mean to him but you can’t!’ She can say mean things, even beat up on him a little bit, but if anyone else tries it she’ll end them. He’s her punching bag =p 
She likes Harry, and they bond through their life experiences. She just has some resentment to work through. But then they actually form a sort of sibling-like bond. Where she then teases Harry and Ron mercilessly although still nicer to Ron and they may try to stand up for themselves but honestly they’re both pretty afraid of her and they know she loves them and will do anything to protect them. She just takes a long time to warm up to Harry. But they get there eventually. 
The Trio and their shenanigans - They should hang out with people from other houses not just a bunch of Gryffindors. Why are they being so cliquey and House-ist? =p
Part of her is also a little proud of their shenanigans but then part of her is like “oh a troll? Cute. Life size moving chess pieces? Psh, cursed ice knight. Spiders?! Still?! At first terrifying but now seriously annoying - he’s still causing drama?! Honestly, call an exterminator. A BASILISK?! ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME I WANT A BASILISK! I get a dragon that - okay, the dragon is super cool too, don’t get me wrong BUT A BASILISK! UGH SO JEALOUS! Oh you had a lesson on Boggarts? Yeah I had to deal with a whole army of them as part of a curse... Also had someone trying to kill me so... Yep, DADA Professor. Well she tried to use one of my friends so... Oh they just tried to kill you themselves? Didn’t use your friend so you couldn’t trust them and then kill one of your friends? Yeah, Cedric is incredibly sad and unjust but he wasn’t your best friend!” So a little... unimpressed...
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“Yeah, Rita is a real piece of....work...”
“Dolores Umbridge?! Oh wow... I’m...I’m so sorry...that’s awful. That’s worse than anything I had to face.”
18. Did MC ever return to Hogwarts for some reason?
Prior to the 1994 World Cup game I like to think they honored the previous winning team in a little pre-game ceremony so Keira was there for that obviously (although not technically at Hogwarts) and then attended the dragon challenge of the TriWizard Tournament because Charlie was clearly going to be a part of that and she does want to see him as much as possible with them working in different countries plus Bill was going as well and she can’t really work without her partner - they’re a package deal! 
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Did she make an appearance as an OG member of Weird Sisters for at least one song at the Yule Ball also that year? Perhaps. And she looked awesome =p 
Oh! And she definitely visited like the first day of Remus’ new job as DADA Professor - she was so proud! And maybe also to make sure he was getting Wolfsbane and all of that was good and taken care of. And then when he gets fired OH does she flip some tables and desks - Storms into Dumbeldore’s office, flip that desk, storm down to Snape’s Potions classroom, flip some of those tables and goes tf off! She is so pissed!
And then she’s obviously there for the Department of Ministry battle where she saves Sirius because nope, sorry, cannot have Sirius die like that. I have a whole post ranting about this =p And then the Battle of Hogwarts because again she’s not letting Remus and Tonks and Fred die. CAN’T DO IT I’M SORRY CANNOT! She came to fight and she came to win.
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*(I swear I wrote out a whole post about how I cannot acknowledge Sirius’ death or Tonks and Remus because of how unfair it is to Remus in particular whose life was so hard and how he deserves to be happy but I cannot find it! I looked and looked and I’ll keep looking but I’m sorry!)
19. Did MC attend Fred and George’s Grand Opening of Weasley’s Wizards Wheeze? What was their reaction to the twin’s epic exit of Hogwarts?
Keira has never been more proud of anyone before ever. That exit was... the most beautiful thing... awe inspiring, amazing, incredible... Literally brought a tear to her eye. SO PROUD! Slow clap proud =p
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Of course she made sure to be there at their opening, she’s very supportive of them and wants to make sure they know that! She probably made Charlie and Bill go to - not that their whole family probably weren’t already going and supportive but Keira was just making sure they showed their support. She didn’t care about what work they had - the baby dragon will hatch without you just fine! Let’s go! Allons-y! You telling me Tonks and Tulip weren’t also there?! They probably could keep that place afloat alone by themselves even though they’re not in school anymore - maybe just for the nostalgia. I’m sure a few other members of the Cursed Vaults Gang came to the opening to show their support as well, even if Keira made them =p 
Sorry this took so long to answer! Thanks for being patient! 💜
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modernmarcy · 6 years
Looking to catch up on Adventure Time before the finale, but intimidated by the thought of watching 279 episodes? Watched the series before, but want to relive the magic one last time before the finale without filler episodes (aside from Bubbline, of course)? This is for you!
Without further ado, here is an updated episode guide containing all the AT episodes that contain major plot, important backstory, and/or Bubbline moments. I have also included optional episodes that I think will increase your understanding/enjoyment of the show (I put the reason next to it; if it says something about being an arc, backstory, etc., be warned that not watching may make major plot points of the show a bit more confusing.)
I have condensed the show down from 279 to 181 of the 10-minute episodes (only 100 if you skip all the optional episodes). 
Once again, optional episodes are in italics. Episodes with Bubbline moments, characterization and/or major backstory/plot related to Marcy/PB are in bold. Anything with a an asterisk (*) can be watched at any time (order doesn’t matter, though you may still want to watch it in the same season). I hope you enjoy! 
Season 1
1 x 2 “Trouble in Lumpy Space” | Introduces LSP
1 x 3 “Prisoners of Love” | Introduces the Ice King
1 x 5 “The Enchiridion”
1 x 9 “My Two Favorite People” | Introduces Jake & Lady Rainacorn (LR) arc
1 x 10 “Memories of Boom Boom Mountain”
1 x 12 “Evicted”
1 x 15 “What is Life?” | Introduces NEPTR + Ice King characterization
1 x 16 “Ocean of Fear” | Finn characterization
1 x 17 “When Wedding Bells Thaw” | Ice King characterization
1 x 20 “Freak City” | Introduces Magic Man
1 x 22 “Henchman”
1 x 24 “What Have You Done?” | Ice King characterization (*)
1 x 25 “His Hero”
Season 2
2 x 1 “It Came from the Nightosphere”
2 x 2 “The Eyes” | Ice King characterization
2 x 3 “Loyalty to the King” | Ice King characterization
2 x 7 “Power Animal” | Establishes more of Adventure Time universe
2 x 10 “To Cut a Woman’s Hair”
2 x 11 “Chamber of Frozen Blades” | Ice King characterization (*)
2 x 12 “Her Parents” | Jake and Lady Rainacorn (LR) arc
2 x 15 “The Real You”
2 x 17 “Death in Bloom” | Establishes more of the AT universe
2 x 18 “Susan Strong” | Introduces Susan Strong arc
2 x 20 “Go with Me” | Subtle Bubbline
2 x 24 “Mortal Folly”
2 x 25 “Mortal Recoil”
2 x 26 “Heat Signature”
Season 3
3 x 3 “Memory of a Memory”
3 x 5 “Too Young”
3 x 6 “The Monster” | LSP characterization/general cuteness (*)
3 x 7 “Still” | Ice King characterization
3 x 9 “Fiona and Cake” | Gender bending episode (*)
3 x 10 “What was Missing”
3 x 14 “Beautopia” | Susan Strong arc continues
3 x 17 “Thank You” | Not vital to plot, but adorable (*)
3 x 18 “Apple Thief” | Not vital to plot, but a favorite (*)
3 x 19 “Holly Jolly Secrets Pt. 1”
3 X 20 “Holly Jolly Secrets Pt. 2″
3 x 21 “Marceline’s Closet”
3 x 25 “Dad’s Dungeon” | Finn and Jake background
3 x 26 “Incendium” | Flame Princess arc 
Season 4
4 x 1 “Hot to the Touch” | Flame Princess arc
4 x 2 “Five Short Graybles” | Established more of AT universe (*)
4 x 5 “Return to the Nightsophere”
4 x 6 “Daddy’s Little Monster”
4 x 8 “Hug Wolf” | Generally cute (*)
4 x 9 “Princess Monster Wife” | Ice King characterization + great episode
4 x 10 Goliad
4 x 11 “Beyond this Earthly Realm” | Ice King characterization
4 x 13 “Princess Cookie” | Generally cute
4 x 15 “Sons of Mars” | Established more of AT universe
4 x 16 “Burning Low” | Flame Princess arc + PB characterization
4 x 18 “King Worm” | Serious foreshadowing
4 x 19 “Lady and Peebles”
4 x 20 “You Made Me”
4 x 22 “Ignition Point” | Flame Princess Arc
4 x 23 “Reign of Gunters”
4 x 24 “I Remember You"
4 x 26 “The Lich”
Season 5
5 x 1 “Finn the Human”
5 x 2 “Jake the Dog”
5 x 6 “Jake the Dad” | Jake/LR arc
5 x 5 “All the Little People” | Cool and very slight Bubbline cameo
5 x 9 “All Your Fault”
5 x 11 “Bad Little Boy” | Gender bending + Marcy/Ice King development
5 x 12 “Vault of Bones” | Flame Princess arc
5 x 14 “Simon and Marcy”
5 x 16 “Puhoy” | Flame Princess arc
5 x 17 “BMO Lost” | SO ADORABLE. If you don’t watch you’re missing out (*)
5 x 18 “Princess Potluck” | Ice King characterization (*)
5 x 20 “Shh!” | Established more AT universe and is cute/neat (*)
5 x 21 “The Suitor”
5 x 22 “The Party’s Over, Isla de Senorita” | Ice King character development
5 x 23 “One Last Job” | Jake character development
5 x 26 “Wizards Only, Fools”
5 x 28 “Be More” | BMO backstory (*)
5 x 29 “Sky Witch”
5 x 30 “Frost and Fire” | Flame Princess arc
5 x 31 “Too Old”
5 x 32 “Earth and Water”
5 x 33 “Time Sandwich”
5 x 34 “The Vault"
5 x 38 “Red Starved”
5 x 40 “Play Date” | Finn character development
5 x 41 “The Pit” | Finn character development
5 x 45 “Blade of Grass”
5 x 46 “Rattleballs” | Finn character development
5 x 47 “The Red Throne” | Flame Princess arc
5 x 48 “Betty”
5 x 50 “Lemonhope Pt. 1″
5 x 51 “Lemonhope Pt. 2″
5 x 52 “Billy’s Bucket List”
Season 6
6 x 1 “Wake Up”
6 x 2 “Escape from the Citadel”
6 x 4 “The Tower” | Finn character development
6 x 6 “Breezy”
6 x 9 “The Prince Who Wanted Everything | Gender bending (*)
6 x 10 “Something Big”
6 x 12 “Ocarina” | Jake character development
6 x 14 “Princess Day”
6 x 16 “Joshua and Margaret Investigate”
6 x 19 “Is That You?” | Flame Princess arc
6 x 22 “The Cooler” | Flame Princess arc
6 x 23 “The Pajama War”
6 x 24 “Evergreen”
6 x 25 “Astral Plane” | Martin arc
6 x 26 “Gold Stars” | Lich arc
6 x 27 “The Visitor” | Martin arc
6 x 28 “The Mountain” | Flame Princess arc + Lemongrab characterization
6 x 29 “Dark Purple” | Susan Strong arc
6 x 32 “Friends Forever” | Ice King characterization
6 x 35  “Graybles 1000+” | Foreshadowing
6 x 38 “You Forgot Your Floaties”
6 x 39 “Be Sweet” | Lich arc + LSP character development
6 x 40 “Orgalorg”
6 x 42 “Hot Diggity Doom”
6 x 43 “The Comet”
Season 7
7 x 1 “Bonnie & Neddy”
7 x 2 “Varmits”
7 x 4 “Mama Said” | Finn/Jake character development
7 x 5 “Football” | Adorable BMO (*)
7 x 6 “Marceline the Vampire Queen”
7 x 7 “Everything Stays”
7 x 8 “Vamps About”
7 x 9 “The Empress Eyes”
7 x 10 “May I Come In?”
7 x 11 “Take Her Back”
7 x 12 “Checkmate”
7 x 13 “The Dark Cloud”
7 x 14 “The More You Moe, The Moe You Know (Part I)” | BMO arc
7 x 15 “The More you Moe, The Moe You Know (Part II)” | BMO arc
7 x 18 “President Porpoise is Missing!” | Adorable + Marcy cameo
7 x 21 “King’s Ransom”
7 x 25 “Flute Spell” | Introduces Huntress Wizard
7 x 26 “The Thin Yellow Line”
7 x 27 “Broke His Crown”
7 x 28 “Don’t Look”
7 x 29 “Beyond the Grotto” | Established more AT universe/cool (*)
7 x 30 “Lady Rainacorn of the Crystal Dimension” | LR backstory (*)
7 x 31 “I am a Sword”
7 x 33 “Normal Man”
7 x 34 “Elemental”
7 x 35 “Five Short Tables” | Gender bending (*)
7 x 36 “The Music Hole”
7 x 38 “Preboot”
7 x 39 “Reboot”
Season 8 
8 x 1 “Two Swords” 
8 x 2 “Do No Harm” | Finn / Fern characterization
8 x 3 “Wheels” | Jake characterization/background (*)
8 x 4 “High Strangeness”
8 x 6 “Jelly Beans Have Powers”
8 x 7 “The Invitation”
8 x 8 “Whipple the Happy Dragon” | Susan Strong arc + Finn characterization
8 x 9 “Mysterious Island” | Finn characterization 
8 x 10 “Imaginary Resources” | BMO characterization 
8 x 11 “Hide and Seek”
8 x 12 “Min and Marty”
8 x 13 “Helpers”
8 x 14 “The Light Cloud”
8 x 16 "Skyhooks”
8 x 17 "Bespoken For”
8 x 18 “Winter Light”
8 x 19 “Cloudy” | Finn character development 
8 x 20 “Slime Central”
8 x 21 “Happy Warrior”
8 x 22 “Hero Heart”
8 x 23 “Skyhooks II”
8 x 24 “Abstract” | Jake arc 
8 x 25 “Ketchup” 
8 x 26 “Fionna and Cake and Fionna” (*) 
8 x 27 “Whispers” | Lich/Sweet P arc + Fern characterization
8 x 28 “Three Buckets”
Season 9 
9 x 1 The Wild Hunt
9 x 3 “Son of a Rap Bear” | Flame Princess arc
9 x 4 “Bonnibel Bubblegum”
9 x 5 “Seventeen”
9 x 7 “Marcy and Hunson”
9 x 8 “The First Investigation” 
9 x 10 “Jake the Starchild”
9 x 11 “Temple of Mars”
9 x 12 “Gumbaldia”
Please reblog and follow my blog Modern Marcy for more Adventure Time content! 
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mutfruittea · 5 years
Fallout OC Interview
tagged by: No one, but this looks like fun and figured ‘why not?’
I’ll tag: 
As well as anyone that wants to! If you were lookin’ at this and think “Oh man, that looks like fun. I wish I was tagged” CONSIDER YOURSELF TAGGED by me. ^-^
1.       Choose an OC.
2.       Answer them as that OC.
3.       Tag 5 people to do the same. *cough*
 1. What is your name?
“Samantha Wright”
2. How old are you? 
“A bit over 228. Give or take a few years. It’s a long story.”
3. What do you look like?
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 4. Where are you from? Where do you live now? “Ha! A small town in the middle of nowhere. I was attending University, in Texas, when I met my late husband. Shortly after we got married, he joined the military and that moved us around for a while. We were stationed near Boston when he was discarded… I mean discharged from the Army. This was all before the war. Another long story. Currently I live with my family in Diamond City.”
5. What was your childhood like? “Not much to say. My mother’s family was conservative; my father’s family was liberal and I’m the result of that co-parenting situation.”
6. What groups are you friendly with? Are you allied with any factions? 
“I’m the General of the Minutemen and the Overseer of Vault 88.
I’d say I’m friendly with most groups in the Commonwealth, but a few of these groups have requested to remain anonymous.”
7. Tell me about your best friend. “Oh Nicholas? You’ve gotta remember to keep hydrated around him, because he is one S A L T Y sonofagun. He’s an alright detective too. You can tell him I said that.” *wink* “His office is behind Arturo’s, just follow the neon signs. I sincerely hope that you never need his services. 
All joking aside, he’s a good man and an even better friend. The more I think about it, he’s more of an older brother at this point. I’m not sure where I’d be with out his help and support.”
8. Do you have a family? Tell me about them! “My son; Shaun and Sister-in-law; Natalie. Shaun has a perpetual thirst for answers that grows increasingly difficult to quench each passing day. He’s polite, smart and accepting of everyone. Even if they are not accepting of him…
Natalie is a pistol. She’s astute, quick witted and is ALWAYS giving Piper and I a run for our money with her debates. Recently, she’s been on about exploring the Commonwealth with us. We’ve pacified her with a promise to revisit the topic at the end of the school year. Boy… is she counting down the days. Ha! Honestly, I admire that fire within her.”
9. What about a partner or partners? 
“My wife, Piper… “The spine of my book, which without my pages would scatter.” I don’t recall who or what that quote is from, but it’s the closest to describing how I feel about her.”
10. Have you ever heard of The Brotherhood of Steel? What do you think about them? “I’ve heard of them. Hard to miss that massive entrance and announcement they made. I’ve worked with them sparingly. Our core morals and values don’t always line up.”
11. Who are your enemies, and why? 
“The usual characters; Raiders, Gunners, Super Mutants, aggressive wildlife, etc. Preston doesn’t like it, but I usually don’t fire the first shot. I’d never ask this of those is one of our settlement or even of the Minutemen under my charge. It’s just a personal choice. I like make sure I’m not accidentally targeting a non-hostile. Yes, I lose the attack of opportunity, but there have been some close calls in the past.” *Pats Dogmeat’s head*
12. What about The Enclave? *apparent forced smile* “I haven’t had the pleasure.”
13. How do you feel about Super Mutants? “One of the reasons I rarely fire the first shot. The FEV process is brutal, but inconsistent. I’ve met a few Super Mutants that were altered physically, but not mentally. Interestingly enough, I discovered this anomaly is not isolated to just the Commonwealth. After some research and asking around, this has happened before in different areas around the States. Mind you, these are just rumors and personal experience.”
14. Have you ever fought a Deathclaw? “Oh yeah. OOOooohhh yeahhh.”
15. What’s the craziest fight you’ve ever been in? “The craziest? Oh my, it would have to be when defending the U.S.S.  Constitution with Ironsides. Never in a million years would I have imagined myself fighting scavengers off a land-bound ship along, side a robot that fired missiles and wore a bicorn hat. If it wasn’t for the evidence on top of that skyscraper, I’d think It was just a fever dream.”
16. Do you like fighting? “No, but there are times when a person is called to do things they don’t particularly enjoy.”
17. What’s your weapon of choice?
“I know it’s controversial, but I rarely leave home without my laser riffle. Especially since Shaun built most of the modifications on it. It’s sentimental to me if nothing else.”  
18. How do you survive? Your wits, your charm, your skills, brute force, some combination? (a.k.a. what’s your S.P.E.C.I.A.L?) “I’m not the strongest, perceptive or most agile. My mother used to say I had “the endurance of a goldfish on land, but could sell a scuba tank to a seahorse.” I’m not entirely sure that was a compliment or not.”
[[ S 4 - P 4 - E 4 - C 10 - I 7 - A 4 - L 10 ]]
19. Have you ever been in a vault? What do you think about them? “Yes, I have… I think what VaultTech has done is deplorable. The idea of a safe place to survive the war was a good one, but the human testing was not. While not all the experiments caused bodily or even psychological harm, the subjects were unaware, let alone consenting, of being participants.
The Vaults themselves are standing the test of time pretty well and make excellent, secured settlements. I’ve been working with the Overseer of Vault 81, another Vault where the scheduled experiments failed. Her advice has been essential in establishing Vault 88, though… we have a BIT more of an open-door policy.”
20. How do you beat all the radiation around here? Has it affected you? 
“Avoiding it when I can, wearing a hazmat suit when I can’t, keeping Rad-X and Rad Away on hand. Preventative practices are best, but not always an option. The best advice I received was, “Early intervention is key. It’s easier to treat light radiation exposure than fully progressed radiation poisoning.”
21. What’s your favorite wasteland critter? “I have a soft spot for deathclaws. My wife calls them “human meat grinders” and I 100% agree… but damn they look cool.”
22. What’s your least favorite wasteland critter? “Molerats for sure. They can swarm and surround you if you’re not careful. Not to mention they are a nightmare for crops.”
23. How do you feel about robots? 
*Shrugs* “If they’re non-hostile, I have nothing against them. We have a settlement run entirely by robots. I happily attended the Zwicky wedding. Lovely couple by the way. Codsworth has been a family friend even BEFORE the war.”
24. How many caps do you have on you right now? “I’d prefer not to answer that, if it’s all the same to you.”
25. Nuka Cola or Sunset Sarsaparilla? “Ooo, Nuka Cola has good variety of flavors.”
26. Do you do chems? “No. Nothing against those who do. “As long as you’re not hurting anyone.”
27. Do you ever think about the Pre-War world? “Sometimes. Certain dates and places bring back memories, but I try to remain as present as possible. That life is gone…”
28. What’s your deepest regret? What would you do differently? [It’s noted that after being asked this question, Samantha looked over the interviewer’s shoulder into another room; where a woman was doing dishes and two children laughing while attempting to put together a mini robot model]
“I have none. No regrets.”
29. What’s your biggest achievement? Or what do you hope to achieve? “Rebuilding the Minutemen is something I’m proud of, but it was a collective effort. I don’t think I can claim that as a personal achievement. As far as what do I hope to achieve? I’m not sure. I don’t measure life by what I have accomplished or what I will accomplish. I’m just a regular person doing my best.”
30. What do you want for the future? For yourself? Your friends? The world?
“I want to be part of a safer Commonwealth. Everyone coming together not jut in crisis, but in celebration as well. With the Institute gone there is more of a chance for that to happen, but we have along way to go. It may not happen in our lifetime, but we can lay the groundwork for future generations.”
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viewfromthevault · 5 years
Fallout OC Interview
Thanks to the lovely @tarberrymentats for the tag 💜
Choose an oc
Answer the questions as that oc
Tag 5 people to do the same
I’ll tag @nonbinaryrobot @rogue-lavellan @drneverland @commonwealthcommoner and whoever else wants to do it because I never know if I’m bugging people by tagging them or not 🤣
Gonna do this with Lesley
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Okay so I got waaayy carried away and thought maybe I should throw this under a read more for the sake of your dashboards.
1. What is you’re name?
“Lesley Elvira Mathews. Not a real fan of Elvira so don’t call me that unless you wanna get whacked.”
2. How old are you?
“Shit, I dunno. I was nineteen when I got the boot. How many years ago was that now?”
(Lesley’s timeline is a bit funky at the moment. I wanna say this takes place after main story stuff and before fo4, so she’ll be in her early twenties)
3. What do you look like?
“A fucking legend.”
4. Where are you from? Where do you live now?
“See, I thought I was born in Vault 101, but actually I was born somewhere in the wasteland then grew up in the vault. Not a fun environment to grow up in, to tell you the truth. A lotta assholes livin’ there, except Amata.
“I’m happy to say that now I live in my very own house in Megaton. It’s not a super private place, though. Gotta few couch surfers.”
5. What was your childhood like?
“Could’ve been better, actually. Like I said before, there were a lot of assholes in 101. Had a real hard time making friends. People liked to call me the problem kid because I got in a lot of fights, but I didn’t start all of them and those fuckers had it coming. Grown-ups complained about me all the time and the Overseer hated my guts, but that’s ok because I hated his about the same.
“I guess it wasn’t all bad, though. My dads were pretty great, even when James was too busy being James. Granny Palmer used to look after me when they were both busy, she was really nice. And then there’s my best friend, Amata. If it weren’t for her I probably would have went nuts in there.”
6. What groups are you friendly with? Are you allied with any factions?
“I currently do work with Reilly’s Rangers and the Regulators. I get to run around the wastes and kill bad guys for money?? They had me at ‘caps.’
“I used to be part of the Brotherhood of Steel, though I don’t remember actually signing up or anything. They dropped my sorry ass as soon as they thought I wasn’t useful anymore. Bastards.
“This one lady also said I could be part of this Railroad group if I didn’t tell this fancy suit where this android person went. Still waiting for them to call me back.”
7. Tell me about your best friend.
“It used to be Amata, but we went our separate ways. Good terms, though. The fella that fills that role now is the bee’s fuckin’ knees. Tall, knows his way around a gun, kinda cranky, but he has a secret softy side.”
8. Do you have a family? Tell me about them!
“Well, the family I told you about earlier kinda fell in on itself when James fucked off. Jonas was murdered and I got stuck with the blame, James zapped himself with enough radiation to ghoulify a super mutant. Last I checked, Granny Palmer was ok, as okay as you can be when your only grandson is killed. I don’t know if she’s still around. I also had a mom once, she died about five minutes after I was born.
“The family I got now? Pretty bomb. There’s aunt Cross, though I don’t get to see her much anymore, Butch who surprisingly is like a brother to me, Fawkes the coolest meta human around, Dogmeat the goodest boy, that little urchin from Lamplight that shows up now and then to drink all my Nuka-Cola, and Charon of course. I’d say Wadsworth, too, but he’d take offense to that.”
9. What about partner or partners?
“Oh man he’s fuckin’ great. Lots of people are scared of him, but he’s real sweet when you take the time to know him. A complete badass that I would absolutely die for. A lot smarter and funnier than people give him credit for. He’s one of the few people who actually listens to me and doesn’t get mad when I get to yakking too much. Is willing to stick his neck out for me, not that I want him to do that, mind you, but it’s real nice to know he’d never throw me to the wolves like others would. Nice ass... what were we talking about?”
10. Have you ever heard of the Brotherhood of Steel? What do you think about them?
“Uh, yeah? I just told you I was with them once. To be honest, though, they’re far from perfect. Sarah and the old man are pretty great, and Cross of course. But there’s a lot of shit that goes down without the old man knowing about it. I wouldn’t be surprised to hear the guy died under ‘mysterious circumstances’ and they put up some wet mop in his place.”
11. Who are your enemies, and why?
“Jeeze who isn’t? I don’t know who’s paying them, but the Talon Company is dead set on killing my ass. Their client could be slavers since they hate me with a passion. Arefu doesn’t like me for some reason (ooc: thanks for the gitch, game). I don’t have enough fingers to count this shit out.
12. What about the Enclave?
“Those motherfuckers are lucky I wasn’t at Adams Airforce Base. I’d teach them the meaning of the word slaughter.”
13. How do you feel about super mutants?
“They’re real fun to fight with, but it’d be nice if they didn’t always try to shoot you on sight you know? Why can’t they be more chill like Fawkes?”
14. Have you ever fought a deathclaw?
*points at stump* “The fuck do you think?”
15. What’s the craziest fight you’ve ever been in?
“Me and a bunch of folks took over a spaceship once.”
16. Do you like fighting?
“Does a yao guai shit in a landfill?”
17. What’s your weapon of choice?
“I’m a real fan of stabbing shit, so I mostly work with swords. I have this neat ass one I made myself from schematics I got from vampires, don’t ask, I like to call Shishkebab. That baby has a funky little function where the blade catches fire, which is pretty damn cool if you ask me. I also got a neat sword with an electrified blade from a weird pre-war bunker thing.”
18. How do you survive? Your wits, your charm, your skills, brute force, some combination? (a.k.a. what’s your S.P.E.C.I.A.L.?)
“I’m fast, strong and I talk real good.”
[S-7 P-5 E-7 C-7 I-5 A-6 L-5]
19. Have you ever been in a vault? What do you think of them?
“Yes, I grew up in one. Keep up! As for the others I’ve seen, I guess I should consider myself lucky that I was stuck with the one I was. Vault-Tec is fucked, man.”
20. How do you beat all the radiation around here? Has it effected you?
“Rad-X and Radaway are pretty expensive, so for the most part I just try to stay away from it. I did intentionally get super sick from radiation once, but as far as I know it didn’t have any lasting effects.”
21. What’s your favourite wasteland critter?
“Dogmeat. He hasn’t tried to eat me yet.”
22. What’s your least favourite wastelad critter?
“Fucking mirelurks. With their big meaty claws and their gross shells, swimming arounf waiting to get you by the ankle. I hear they have more legs in other parts of the country.”
23. How do you feel about robots?
“I guess they’re ok. I wouldn’t put a whole lot of trust in them, but if they don’t bother me then I won’t bother them.”
24. How many caps do you have on you right now?
“Not enough for you to wanna mug me for after this wraps up if that’s what you’re asking.” (she’s fucking broke)
25. Nuka-Cola or Sunset Sasparilla?
“Sunset Saspawhat?”
26. Do you do chems?
“Only when I need to, they’re too expensive otherwise.”
27. Do you ever think about the pre-war world?
“What is there to think about? They fucked up the world and now we have to deal with the consequences.”
28. What’s your deepest regret? What would you do differently?
“Maybe if I got to Dad sooner he wouldn’t have died. Maybe neither of them would have died. I don’t know.”
29. What’s your biggest achievement? Or what do you hope to achieve?
“I guess my biggest achievement would be getting to where I am now, finding a place and people who like me because I’m me. Learning that I can be loved. Mushy shit.”
30. What do you want for the future? For yourself? Your friends? The world?
“To be able to live freely and happily no matter how you look or act. To always have an adventure waiting around the corner. I just want us all to have a good time, you know?”
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red-flare-art · 5 years
Fallout OC Interview!
Tagged by @boarix, thank you! :D
1) Choose an OC
2) Answer questions as that OC
3) Tag 5 people to do the same
I feel like everyone I know has already been tagged, so whoever wants to do this with their OC, consider yourself tagged. :P
(I'm gonna do my lone wanderer Ruby, before finding her dad & before becoming romantic with Charon)
1) What is your name? My name’s Ruby! Ruby Flynn
2) How old are you? 19, but I’ll be turning 20 real soon
3) What do you look like? I’m about 5′5″, pale, scrawny, green eyes, I wear glasses, & I’ve got red hair with the right side of my head shaved.
4) Where are you from? Where do you live now? I was raised in vault 101 by my dad, but I currently live in Megaton in my very own house with a robot butler & everything! It’s pretty sweet.
5) What was your childhood like? I didn’t have a lot of friends growing up. Hell, I pretty much only had one, & that was Amata. Her dad was the overseer & he didn’t really like me or my dad. I was always seen as the weird kid & got picked on regularly by Butch & his “gang.” I never made it easy for them though; I always fought back. But of course I would get into trouble because I did.
6) What groups are you friendly with? Are you allied with any factions? People in Megaton like me a lot, since I disarmed the bomb in the center of town & I fixed the water pipes. I’m pretty good friends with the kids over in Little Lamplight & the older kids over in Big Town as well. & all the ghouls in Underworld seem to like me too, since I’m there all the time & I’ve helped them out a bunch. The BOS seem okay with me, but I don’t think they like the fact that I travel with a ghoul, & they generally don’t like outsiders.
7) Tell me about your best friend. My best friend in the vault was Amata, but after I killed her dad before escaping the vault, we’re...not really friends anymore. But now I’ve got Charon, who’s the best friend I’ve ever had! He tends to come off as a big, mean, grumpy guy, but he’s got a soft & sweet side (don’t tell him I said that though, cuz he’ll deny it).
8) Do you have a family? Tell me about them! My only family is my dad, since my mom died giving birth to me. My dad is a doctor & a scientist, & he’s really smart. He’s really passionate about his work, which most would say is an admirable trait, but he spent more time on his work than he did with me, so...I had a lot of alone time as a kid.
9) What about a partner or partners? Partner? Hmm. I guess you could say Charon is my partner, since we watch each other’s back & take care of each other. Is that what you mean? 
10) Who are your enemies, and why? Well, I guess the Talon company would count, since they all seem to be after my head. Also the slavers at Paradise Falls, because they’re scum & I hate them. Also any raiders out there can fuck off. & the Enclave. & everyone back in Vault 101. & Moriarty. & Roy Phillips. (Man, I have a lot more enemies than I thought...)
11) Have you ever heard of The Brotherhood of Steel? What do you think about them? Some of them are okay. The ones that seem to actually wanna help people, anyway. But most of them seem to hate “outsiders,” & they definitely don’t like ghouls, which is stupid.
12) What about The Enclave? The enclave are crazy. The whole idea of rebuilding America with that weird “president” of theirs is nuts. They stomp around like they own the place & take things by force, with no regard for the people just trying to get by in the wasteland, so fuck ‘em. 
13) How do you feel about Super Mutants? They’re really annoying. They seem to be everywhere & have a ton of armor & weapons, so they’re a real pain to take down. Especially when you’re just trying to get from one place to another & you have to pass through their territory. They don’t let up!
14) What’s the craziest fight you’ve ever been in? I’ve been in situations where Raiders, mutants, & radscorpions are coming from all sides, but they also fight each other, so it gets pretty crazy. Luckily you can just shoot at any of them and you’re bound to hit something.
15) Have you ever fought a Deathclaw? Oof, yeah. I’ve fought quite a few in Old Oney & even the Deathclaw Sanctuary. Those things are fast & deadly, which is a dangerous combination.
16) Do you like fighting? Eh...I mean, there’s a certain thrill to it that I like, but that usually happens after the fight is over & you get that “holy shit, that was crazy!” kind of feeling. Especially when me & Charon are working together & fighting off bad guys. But obviously, I’d rather not have to fight every asshole or creature I come across. 
17) What’s your weapon of choice? I’m fond of fire-based weapons, like the flamer or the Shishkebab. They’re just so effective & intimidating & badass! Helps keep the enemy at a distance too, y’know?
18) How do you survive? Your wits, your charm, your skills, brute force, some combination? (a.k.a. what’s your S.P.E.C.I.A.L?) I’m not very strong, or tough, but I’m smart & fast, & I’m pretty good at talking my way out of a sticky situation. I leave all the muscle to Charon. I’m the brains & he’s the brawn. 
19) Have you ever been in a vault? What do you think about them? Well, yeah. I was raised in one. & I’ve been to several around the capitol wasteland too. I can’t say I’m very fond of them. A lot of bad memories associated with my own vault, & seeing all the horrible experiments that Vault-tec performed with the other vaults makes me sick.
20) How do you beat all the radiation around here? Has it affected you? I make sure to take a lot of Rad-x & Radaway, & so far I seem to be ok. I’ve gotten pretty sick & nauseous a few times, but I always bounce back.  
21) What’s your favorite wasteland critter? I think the molerats are kinda cute. I also like dogs, but not the rabid ones. The furry ones like Dogmeat. Brahmin are ok, but they’re not very cute.
22) What’s your least favorite wasteland critter? Radscorpions. Those bastards are everywhere & they’re huge & gross a pain in the ass to kill. 
23) How do you feel about robots? Robots are pretty cool I guess. Can’t say I love ‘em or hate ‘em either way.
24) How many caps do you have on you right now? I’ve lost count, lol. But I’ve got a ton. I’m really good at bartering & saving. Now I don’t even know what to spend them on.
25) Nuka Cola or Sunset Sarsaparilla? What the hell is Sunset Sarsaparilla?
26) Do you do chems? Only in emergencies or for medical reasons. 
27) Do you ever think about the Pre-War world? Yeah, but the only reference I have for what it was like is from old books we had in the vault, & even a few videos & holotapes. So it’s hard for me to imagine what it was really like. Hell, It was hard for me to imagine what anything looked like outside of the vault growing up, so it was a big shock when I finally got out.
28) What’s your deepest regret? What would you do differently? Part of me wishes I hadn’t killed Amata’s dad...maybe then she wouldn’t be mad at me. But in the end I guess it doesn’t really matter, because I’m never going back, so it’s not like I was ever going to see her again anyway...Besides, her dad was an asshole & he deserved it.
29) What’s your biggest achievement? Or what do you hope to achieve? Hmm...I dunno. Maybe disarming the bomb in Megaton? or killing a super mutant behemoth? There’s still a lot of wasteland to explore, so I’m sure there will be other things I can accomplish. But I do hope I find my dad soon...or at least find out what happened to him.
30) What do you want for the future? For yourself? Your friends? The world? I just wanna make the capitol wasteland a safer place for everyone, if I can. But for myself...maybe, I dunno...not necessarily “settle down” with someone, but just find someone who’ll stick with me, no matter where I decide to go or what I decide to do. Like a...life partner. OH WAIT, THAT’S WHAT YOU MEANT EARLIER!
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thewolfamongussy · 7 years
Can we have all of them for fucker? Interesting name btw i have one named fuckface von bastard
fucker is a huge meme so u get some meme answers (aka these are not very serious lmao)
1- What was their previous career?
Fucker spent most of his life as a soldier, but before that, when he was still mostly known as Shaun Flicker, he was a phys ed teacher.
2- What method of fighting do they use (ie- long range)He fights usually with a laser rifle and power armour like most people in BoS ‘cause who doesn’t want to fight in a robotic death machine? He is very strong so he’s good at close range too.
3- Main weapon? Secondary? Melee?Laser rifle, baseball bat, sledgehammer for crushing super mutants.
4- Companion? Relation with said companion?Danse: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Fucker is v thirsty for Danse. They kinda had a thing going on for a while but later they were just good friends.Right now, in-game he hasn’t really met any other companion, but he is probably thirsty for most of them. I can see him getting along with Strong. After, he realizes how bad the BoS actually is he will probably join the Minutemen and prrrobably romance Preston.
5- Family life prior to nuclear devastation?Had a wife and kid that he loved very much. Pretty much the typical fo4 sole survivor life, ya know, being a soldier and stuff.
6- Favorite kind of post apocalyptic foodFucker’s got a sweet tooth. He knows he probably shouldn’t eat 200 year old snacks but it’s sooo good~
7- Worst mutation in their opinionHonestly he’d probably think having a hand grow out of your stomach is cool. As long as there isn’t a mutation that makes his dick fall off he’s good.
8- Opinion on SynthsFucker is a bit oblivious. He fully well knows he has friends who are synths, but when the BoS tells him synths are bad he just kinda like yeah tru.
9- Worst memory so farWell the entire world was destroyed that kinda sucked.
10- Best memory so farHe found the Junk Jet and realized he could actually kill people with teddy bears.
11- Favorite settlementNot a settlement but he’d steal the Prydwen in a heartbeat if he could.
12- Outfit right nowBoS power armour painted pink. Probably goes again regulations but I don’t think he cares.
13- Opinion on Jet and other drug use He doesn’t exactly need drugs
14- Opinion on non feral Ghouls Once again, oblivious as heck.
15- What’s their perk chartArmorerAwarenessBig LeaguesHeavy GunnerLady KillerLife GiverRad ResistantScroungerStrong BackToughness
16- S.P.E.C.I.A.L stats?S:11 P:4 E:6 C:3 I:3 A:3 L:3
17- Collect anything? (ie- vault lunchboxes)Teddy bears for ammo also cus he loves teddy bears. Also dresses, fashionable glasses, makeup. Who’s gonna tell a tall buff man wielding a sledgehammer that he can’t wear a dress.
18- Favorite animal, mutated or notYaoguai!!! He just wants to cuddle with them
19- Opinions on the instituteEveryone seems to be scared of them so he’s like “I guess they’re bad”
20- Opinions on the warHe was very proud to serve his country. He’s used to the violence by now but he’s not inherently a violent person
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batgirl-87 · 5 years
for the jacob/mc questions could you answer 2, 5, 19, 23, and 27? :D
Yes, thank you for asking! =)  
(I hope these makes sense, I have been exhausted these last few days - if they don’t or you want more explanation on something, let me know! =)  )
Talk About Your MC and Jacob
2. Does your MC/Jacob’s family have any relation to canon characters/families? Are these relations impactful to MC and their story?
Hmm… Does Adelyn-Keira Black and Jacob-Taylor Black have any connections to any canon characters and families…. =p
Nope, happy coincidence. 
Just kidding!
(This got a little long, sorry!) 
TL;DR: House of Black via scandal with Orion - leads to more rumours about Jacob and Keira; ignored by other members of the family who grow increasingly frustrated with talk of this; but helps Keira feel connected to a family again, feel like she’s not alone, and helps her gain confidence (maybe too much? =p) and becomes motivated to change the negative, blood purity elitist perception of the House of Black name as well as the blood prejudices in the wizarding world as best as she can; connection to the Marauders - IT’S HER MAP AND SHE WANTS IT BACK!
Yes, they are part of the infamous Most Ancient and Noble House of Black. As I’ve mentioned before, my OC was originally Sirius’ daughter but since that clearly wouldn’t work in this timeline, especially with an older brother Jacob, I had to adapt (and I like to think I’m quite adaptable) and make her and Jacob half-siblings to Sirius and Regulus. (I know there’s evidence and theories about MC and Jacob being related to Queenie and Jacob Kowalski but I’m a Black, sorry =p)
So yes, these relations are impactful to MC and their story. One, you can imagine Keira’s surprise when she finds out her and Tonks are related! Of course I believe that only strengthens their bond and relationship. 
When Keira first arrives in the UK she doesn’t know much about the House of Black besides a little bit about those who resided in 12 Grimmauld Place. She wasn’t even going to use their last name and use her mother’s last name but Jacob had already caused quite the commotion when he went to Hogwarts and being done being this shameful family secret (mainly for his mom), took the Black family last name and proved he and his sister were House of Black directly by blood (I’ve done some interesting research on blood magic for paternity tests) so the secret was already out, but she was always interested in learning more about them especially after her mom died since they were not kind of the only family she had. Of course, but the time she goes to Hogwarts Orion and Regulus are dead and Sirius is in Azkaban. The rest of the House of Black, despite the proof of these two being blood related to them, go on ignoring them and pretending they don’t exist for as long as possible.
Maybe it was just her extreme curiosity or strong desire to feel connected to family again to not feel so alone, but when Walburga passes and 12 Grimmauld Place is just left abandoned (except for Kreacher) Keira gives a very passionate speech on why they should move in there. And there she’s finally allowed to learn more about that side of the family. 
And then comes a whole new wave of motivation to change the perception of The House of Black and their judgmental blood purity elitism by first making 12 Grimmauld Place a usual hangout for her friends and anyone who needs a safe place to stay (which then leads to Barnaby moving in =)  ) no matter what their blood status is (Walburga’s portrait CAN NOT). 
Despite moving into 12 Grimmauld Place and Jacob causing a stir in the wizarding world when he went to Hogwarts about being a Black, fortunately his Vault adventures outshined that so Keira was able to use her mom’s last name at first but the more she learned about the family the more she wanted to embrace it, but didn’t want to be perceived as a blood purist - finding out her and Tonks are related was really what convinced her to do it because if Tonks and her mom are part of this family then clearly they’re not all like Bellatrix (who is still a badass and Keira respects!). 
So then she fully embraces it, wears a vintage cameo necklace with the House of Black crest on it, goes by their last name, may even change her style a bit, and honestly it helps her gain a lot more confidence. Part of it is definitely the power and influence behind the name with its history and being well-known in the wizarding world, but also because she felt connected to family again and like she wasn’t all alone and lost. Of course that also means besides rumours and talk about her and her brother and the Vaults, there’s more going around about her and her brother being offspring via scandal of The House of Black. So… that’s great… Probably also greatly pisses of a lot of the other members because this is bring brought up again and Keira hasn’t disappeared like her brother so the stories of her and the Vaults (thanks Rita…) and being a Black is never ending so talk about the scandal is also never ending! (omg R is a member of the family trying to kill her because she’s ruining their reputation =p)
And if you thought Rita was annoying about the Vaults, imagine how annoying she is trying to get a story about the Vaults and the House of Black scandal. UGH....
Being a member of the House of Black helped her find family again and not feel so alone, motivate her to change the dark and negative perception that can go along with being a member of this family as well as do what she can to end this blood prejudice in the wizarding community, and gain confidence so much so that she will march right into the Lestrange mansion and greet Bellatrix as “Bella” and claim to be her favourite =p Because although there are some dark wizards and witches in the family, you can’t deny that they are badasses. With great hair. And Keira wants to be a badass with great hair also =p
This also gives her a connection to the Marauders (who we all love right? At least their map, right?!) particularly Remus Lupin (yes and Sirius but we’re talking about Remus right now) who has to be the one to take care of her because she literally has no one else in Europe to take care of this little 11 year old. (They have a very close relationship that I have written some stuff on and one day I’ll post =p) Also this means the Marauders Map is super meaningful to her (once she makes the connection because Remus has mentioned they called themselves the Marauders when she demands stories from him about him and Sirius and their friends and then she’s told to find the Marauders map and she’s like ‘where have I heard that before…’ It clicks eventually =p) And yes she’s going to throw a HUGE fit when Rakepick takes it because that’s one of few things she has to directly connect her to Sirius. Also isn’t it sort of her map now since she’s related to Padfoot? IT’S HER MAP DAMNIT!
5. What career does/did Jacob want to pursue? Did it change after he was freed from the Vault?
He’s a Keeper ;D
He wanted to play Quidditch professionally, was on track to do so, and even after all the drama with the Vaults would do anything to be able to play professionally. Nothing can squander that passion of his.
19. How do MC’s parents react to Jacob’s return?
Lots of crying, lots of tight hugs, a couple smacks upside the head - what the hell, don’t you ever do that again! They were worried sick and so glad he’s back and okay but also lots of scolding - seriously, what the hell?! Put us and your sister through hell! What were you thinking?! Here, we made your favourite for dinner but you are grounded and never leaving your room for the next twenty years! 
(They are unofficially the adopted parents of Keira and Jacob, close friends of their mom who took them in after she passed, so there was a lot of guilt also over letting their friend down by losing her son, so a lot of relief when he’s back. But they really are like actual parents to them so it was like coming home to mom and dad who were worried sick, happy he’s back, but don’t pull shit like that again! No wonder they got stricter with Keira, couldn’t lose both their friend’s children!)
23. Is MC friends with Billingsley, or is he just as much as legend to MC as they are to the player?
I have a headcanon that Billingsley is an unofficial member of the Cursed Vaults Gang (Crew, Squad, whatever =p) and they will place bets on what Billingsley will do next as well as dare him to do ridiculous things. He’s definitely a legend, but a legend they call their friend.
27. Does MC/Jacob have any interest in learning any non-human languages?
Keira loves learning languages, wishes she could speak every language in the world, seriously! So if there’s a chance to learn a new language, human or non-human, she’s going to take it. And while Jacob isn’t as keen as her, he does love creatures and learning non-human languages would be cool so he may be interested in learning one - he could also use that to chirp other players and confuse them because they won’t know what he’s saying and what he just called them =p So it’s also a Quidditch tactic! And he’s competitive so if he could learn a language his sister didn’t know or knew more of than her he would be very smug about it. 
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team-skull-admin · 7 years
My favorite 40 games of all-time
Made an arbitrary list of my favorite games of all-time cause I wanted to figure out where Breath of the Wild is on it. It’s, uh, pretty high. Assload of text below the break.
40: Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow I'm not the world's biggest Symphony of the Night fan (outside of the incredible soundtrack) and I think this is where Iga's seamless platformers found their footing.
39: Call of Juarez: Gunslinger I love goofy, experimental games like this and Far Cry: Blood Dragon, but I think the schtick in this (an unreliable narrator bragging about their heroic exploits) works better than Blood Dragon's dorky 80s nostalgia.
38: Rayman Origins A beautiful platformer with incredible level design. The music for the diabolical secret level is seared into my memory.
37: Cibele A short, story-centric indie game that captures the essence of playing MMOs in the mid-2000s and long-distance relationships. The awkward conversations in this game made me think about my WoW years for an entire weekend.
36: Mario Kart Wii It's not technically the "best" Mario Kart, but I actually enjoyed the motorcycles and I have fond memories of crushing my brother while we downed beers and talked shit.
35: Guild of Dungeoneering I'm usually not super into "We made X game, but added CARDS!" even though I love card games, but they nailed the loop here. I vaguely remember one of the decks being super busted, though.
34: Tropico 4 Adding a political slant to Sim City by making you the leader of a banana republic was just the slant to that formula I was looking for, and I lost a weekend circa New Year's '13 just delving into this hard.
33: Gran Turismo 2 My brother bought a PS1 off a friend when they upgraded to a PS2, and I grabbed a copy of this cheaply at the local EB Games. Once I wrapped my mind around the simulation, upgrading cars and havin fun with them here might have more to do with me being somewhat of a car person than anything else.
32: Metal Gear Solid 4 I should really put the whole series on here, but MGS4 deserves special note for making the core stealth actually fun and somehow tying all the loose ends of the insane plot together while dialing up the insanity even further.
31: Sim City 2000 I figured out how to make a 50,000 person city when I was like, 8. I still have no fucking idea how I did this. It took me till my 20s to crack 100k.
30: Pokemon Black/White People are torn on this game, but the contentious design decision to hide the old Pokemon in the postgame made every new encounter incredibly exciting in a way the series hadn't been since the orignals. The writing also shows signs of the maturity that Sun/Moon would follow through with.
29: Dragon Warrior Monsters 2 I think most would deride this series as a soulless Pokemon cash-grab on the surface, but they're actually roguelikes with a crazy monster breeding system and the most rote of stories to get you into the core loop of exploring new keys to breed ever crazier monsters.
28: Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls Diablo 3 vanilla's reliance on the auction house created design issues that were hard to look past, but Blizzard abandoning it for the expansion made the game into an incredible dungeon crawler. I never laddered, but had fun for hundreds of hours chasing loot with friends.
27: Fallout 3 I'll never forget the feeling of walking out of the vault for the first time, and feeling like I could go anywhere. I also think this is the only Bethesda game that regularly pays off when exploring - weird shit like the Republic of Dave or the man stuck in the tree are fantastic rewards for poking at the less inhabited edges of the map.
26: Bassin's Black Bass featuring Hank Parker I'm honestly wondering if the rest of the world has picked up on this game's low-key genius since I saw it for 15 bucks at a retro game store recently, but this game's arcadey fishing is incredibly satisfying and snappy. It has some major, obvious, irritating mechanical issues, but the core gameplay loop is so good I don't care.
25: Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor I still remember my nemesis. This motherfucker was right at the beginning of the game, inside the first quest area, and was like level 5 or 6, but had a defensive ability that made it harder for me to gank him easily. So he killed me. Twice. And leveled up each time, becoming a level 12 badass who could literally sniff me out when I hid. But he was weak to fire, and I lured him to a campfire and set him ablaze, getting my revenge.
24: Super Metroid I feel like most people would have this game higher on the list, but I think the controls are floaty and Meridia is overly confusing. The rest of the game is incredible and I can't believe they pulled it off on a Super Nintendo.
23: Pokemon Sun/Moon After XY and ORAS were disapointments I was cool on Pokemon, but Sun/Moon challenged a ton of series conventions and got a lot right in the process. I can't believe how deftly this game handles dysfunctional families.
22: A Link Between Worlds This was Nintendo's hit at what was to come with Zelda - a smart, experimental take on the franchise that's easily its best 2d outing.
21: Muramasa: The Demon Blade Vanillaware's magnum opus, a gorgeous Metroidvania where everything is hand-painted. The combat's loop of mixing launchers with sword management is also incredibly fun, if not particularly deep. But fuck I loved looking at it so much and it felt good.
20: The Walking Dead Only time a video game made me cry.
19: Banjo-Kazooie The only 3d collect-a-thon platformer from that era that still holds up, it combines cheeky humor and an incredible soundtrack to craft a world that's always surprising.
18: Borderlands 2 is better crafted, but I enjoyed the dry wit and more grounded guns of the first. I've replayed this like 4 times and I'm not entirely sure why, but I have a blast each time.
17: Doom (2016) Apparently the secret to making this license work in a modern context is to give Halo combat arenas a healthy dose of cocaine and play Meshuggah riffs over it. It so fucking works.
16: Saints Row: The Third I think the writing in GTA is usually sophomoric at best and its attempts at commentary are eye-roll worthy, but having a game say "FUCK IT" and just Mel Brooks that experience is such a wonderful idea. It's also hard to pull off, and SR3 totally sticks the landing (unlike the sequel).
15: Super Mario World The best traditional Mario game. I replayed it recently, and it struck me how much secret exits add to the level design versus 3, and how freed Koji Kondo is by the new hardware. The castle music's classical overture sticks out.
14: Monster Hunter 4 I liked Monster Hunter 3's various iterations but I hated swimming. Taking out swimming and replacing it  with mounting was enough for me to sink hundreds of hours. I actively avoided getting Generations because I knew it would interfere with school.
13: Mario Golf (GBC) The perfect portable game. Golf works well on the platform, and adding basic RPG hooks was enough to make a rote story totally engaging.
12: Super Mario Maker I think the real triumph of Mario Maker isn't the levels (which are usually terrible), it's how Nintendo imparted the feeling of being creative in such an easily digestible and satisfying way. It's an achievement that ascends past Mario design (which still works here) into something greater and more profound.
11: Hearthstone I fucking hate this game and I keep playing it because the Arena is like literal fucking crack and every time I have an opponent at 1 life and they beat me they can eat fucking dicks.
10: Super Mario RPG Clever writing and a strange world grabbed me way harder than Intelligent System's later Paper Mario games. It's too easy and doesn't look as slick now, but the writing still holds up.
09: Mass Effect Trilogy You can't really separate these, as the experience that makes Mass Effect great was carrying your Shepard and their decisions from one game to the next. Everyone will remember Garrus, Wrex, and co. Shame about the ending.
08: Tetris I am weirdly good at Tetris. I know what a T-Spin is. I sank hundreds of hours into it on Facebook. I don't regret it.
07: Persona 4 Describe a game to me as a mix of a J-RPG and a slice-of-life anime and I'll run to the hills, so the fact this game's sharp, mature writing and "just one more day" calendar mechanic combined into one of my favorite games of all-time is a shock. They also put in Pokemon with fucking demons, how cool is that shit?
06: Ocarina of Time I can't believe this game came out in 1998. The world is still fun to traverse, and the dungeon design (especially as an adult) still holds up at the top of action-adventure puzzle design.
05: Magic: the Gathering I wish it was less expensive otherwise it'd be higher.
04: Breath of the Wild I can't believe Nintendo reinvented the wheel so well that I'm putting the game so high on the list. Every design decision in this game is carefully considered to make exploring this iteration of Hyrule that much more satisfying. And its incredibly clever chemistry engine, where every object in the game has chemical properties that can be manipulated as well as physics, creates a ton of emergent gameplay scenarios where you're constantly asking "Can I do that?" and the game almost never lets you down.
03: World of Warcraft Sometimes I regret the 4000 hours I spent in Azeroth, but I'd have a hard time giving up the friends I made there. I could probably shred and like, speak another language though.
02: Pokemon Red I was the perfect age for Pokemon mania, and the fact that the core game was literally designed to appeal to me didn't help. I still love collecting the things and min/maxing ways to beat the Elite 4 with minimal grinding.
01: Mega Man X I think this is literally the perfect platformer. Moving X feels incredible. There's nothing in any of the levels I think is out of place. The soundtrack is a masterpiece. And the game's hidden secret is so insane you'd probably call bullshit on any kid who told it to you at recess. I'm really glad the rest of the world picked up on it after Arin Hanson did a Sequelitis about it, because I've been beating this drum for decades.
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charlesjening · 5 years
PwC Once Again Tops Vault Accounting 50 (2020)
It’s one of our favorite times of the year at GC HQ when our friends at Vault put out their yearly rankings of the top accounting firms in the U.S. in several categories. But for now, we’re going to focus on the overall top 50 ranking. The No. 1 firm in the U.S. for 2020, based on Vault’s methodology, is PwC—a title P. Dubs has held for the past seven years.
PwC US Chairman Tim Ryan will probably do an extra set of 100 sit-ups and 75 push-ups today to celebrate the occasion.
The cool thing about Vault’s rankings is it surveys only accounting professionals that work at these firms to come up with their lists. Vault uses a weighted formula that takes into account the issues accountants care most about, combining quality of life rankings (like culture, satisfaction, work/life balance, and compensation) with overall prestige.
Some initial observations on the 2020 Vault Accounting 50 overall rankings before we dig in:
The top five firms remain the same as last year; however, there was some movement among the top midtier firms that usually hold down spots Nos. 6-10. Friedman cracked the top 10 for the first time since 2012, while Crowe, which was No. 7 in 2019, fell 21 spots all the way down to No. 28 in 2020.
For the second year in a row, EY sits outside the top 25 at No. 27, up one spot from 2019.
The firms that made the biggest gains from 2019 were CohnReznick (up 19 spots to No. 11) and Mazars USA (up 14 spots to No. 25).
Besides Crowe, the firms that dropped the most spots from 2019 were BPM (down 28 spots to No. 48) and Dixon Hughes Goodman (down 20 spots to No. 31).
Four firms not ranked in 2019 made Vault’s 2020 Accounting 50: Freed Maxick CPAs (No. 23), Untracht Early (No. 24), Doeren Mayhew (No. 47), and The Bonadio Group (No. 50).
Next, let’s look at some of the pros and cons of working at the top 10 firms, based on anonymous but verified employee reviews posted on Vault within the past year (previous year ranking in parenthesis):
1. PwC (1)
“Generally good partners to work for, and smart people.”
“Exposure to big clients.”
“A company that truly values a work-life balance and understands the importance of its employees’ lives outside of the office.”
“Brand name recognition.”
“The level of opportunities provided to do new things, learn new skills, and constantly reimagine the possible.”
“Upper management may care about employees, but individual partners just care about making themselves money.”
“Busy season never ends.”
“To achieve a higher tier you must take on more than your fair share of work and you will receive the equivalent of about $50 a month. Rest assured you are adding more than $50 of value. The firm will take advantage of your productivity and in turn give you promises that are often empty.”
“Pretty much everything. This is a miserable place to work.”
“Feeling like a prostitute charging by the hour.”
2. Deloitte (2)
“I am surrounded by the best clients and the best professionals as colleagues working in a dynamic (emphasis added) environment as we look for opportunities to always get better.” (Are we sure this person doesn’t work at Grant Thornton?)
“Great place for working moms. We have an outstanding leave program, but this doesn’t limit you professionally. Our women still continue to rise to the top – just look at our female CEO!” (Welp.)
“The flexibility to get the work done wherever and whenever you want.”
“Great formal training at Deloitte University and prestigious firm.”
“A great place to grow old: Work life balance, vacation policy, compensation.”
“Get the feeling that you are just a number and not a person.”
“Overtime, tight deadlines, too many requirements for promotion.”
“Boring work, lack of real training oppurtunities, inability to control career course, lack of mobility within the firm and no entreprenuerial spirit.”
“Inconsistencies among leadership in fulling Deloitte values, do not have sufficient time to work on personal development, mandatory training.”
“Poor lines of communication around performance and advancement.”
3. KPMG (3)
“Most people are brilliant and team-oriented. The firm is highly entrepreneurial.”
“This is the absolute best place to start and build a successful, rewarding career.”
“The learning environment is amazing and the people I work with everyday are amazing. I am very excited about our future.”
“Competitive in pretty much every way with other firms except it has the best culture.”
“Flexibility to be a mom to my 3 kids.”
“Workload is ridiculous. They understaff jobs and reprimand employees for not getting work completed.”
“PCAOB expectations.” (Just ask David Middendorf and crew.)
“The firm continues to struggle with moving past “traditional” accounting roles, how audits should be done (including the technology used) and breaking the model of a traditional accounting firm.”
“Communication is poor, work quality guidance is lacking from managers and micromanagement from above.”
“Lack of transparency regarding promotion/compensation opportunities; unfocused leadership.”
4. Grant Thornton (4)
“Great culture, people, and atmosphere! Couldn’t ask for a better place to start your career.”
“The size of the firm allows you to really step up and take on responsibility if you are game for it, even at an early stage in your career.”
“GT stands for “Good Times.”
“I love the people I work with and the clients I work with. The firm celebrates your achievements.”
“Great work/life balance. The firm values you and your contributions. There are great mentors within that help you grow faster and to your full potential.”
“The culture is, throw you in the shark tank and hope you survive.”
“Poor technology across the board. Need to upgrade multiple software platforms.”
“Leadership (out of touch, not engaged), too much emphasis on consensus building, disjointed infrastructure and internal support.”
“FTO policy, lack of reputation, benefits, overall very nascent consulting model that is hamstrung by the firms accounting origins.”
“Compensation is much less than some of my other offers, I would like to have more autonomy with choosing my own projects.”
5. BDO USA (5)
“The prestige of working at a top 8 firm. The generous holiday and PTO packages. Diverse client base offering excellent experience.”
“Great compensation and benefits, great culture and friendly people, open door policy, strong training program, strong mentorship and career advising program.”
“Exceptional professional quality of services, flexibility work schedule, culture.”
“Commitment to people, support for career growth and taking pride in what we do.”
“Working with people who are supportive and truly want the best for you and your career.”
“Compensation, hours requirement, recognition of work done by top management — no matter how much you do they always want more.”
“Work/life balance, managers, compensation.”
“Unrealistic expectations and lack of trust.”
“Excessive hours with subpar pay. Lack of staffing causing undue stress on individuals.”
“Lack of responsiveness and accountability in new employees which creates hardship for seasoned employees that end up taking on the responsibility.”
6. Baker Tilly (8)
“Baker Tilly supports me (a trained auditor) splitting my time 50/50 between auditing and consulting, which is a major career development mechanism.”
“They promote teamwork and always try to see what they can do to please the employees. Very receptive to feedback.”
“At Baker Tilly, you will be provided with the opportunity to grow and advance your career, no matter which way you define that.”
“Although the firm is a national firm, they do a great job of listening to everyone’s input and are receptive to many ideas.”
“Challenging work; compensation/benefits; culture; reputation of firm.”
“Most of the senior accountants do not appear to be happy and seem stressed out.”
“Pass on this opportunity and look elsewhere. The compensation and promotion systems are not based on merit, but based on a political buddy system. The opportunities for advancement of your career are very limited.”
“Unfair division of work. Some work more than others.”
“Compensation doesn’t match the hours worked. Maybe it’s typical for the field but the perception is that it isn’t and there isn’t much transparency. More should be done to retain top talent.”
“Lack of subject-matter expertise and managers that are not easy to get along with.”
7. RSM US (10)
“Authentic people who care. Real upward mobility if you’re patient and take initiative (earn it!). Big firm resources, opportunities and benefits with smaller firm/family feel. Super flexible – value that you are a person FIRST, worker second.”
“The local leadership and non-drama/no politics atmosphere.”
“You will be stretched as a professional, but the resulting growth is incredible.”
“Solid advancement path and steady salary increases.”
“Significant investments are made in our people to position them to adequately serve their clients, strong focus on work/life balance.”
“Compensation, number of hours worked, inadequate staffing and quality of staff.”
“The amount of work required of you starts not being worth the pay.”
“Management’s micromanaging and lack of development of staff.”
“Busy season and feeling like I don’t get rewarded for my work.”
“The firm takes what should be a prestigious career and turns it into a job.”
8. Plante Moran (6)
“Caring culture, focus on career advancement and developing current talent, opportunity abounds and is for the taking, flex time and generous pay and vacation time.”
“I have worked with great clients and have learned from amazing people who care about me.”
“The firm prides itself on being a best place to work and works hard to earn that reputation.”
“You can achieve career goals while achieving work/life balance and personal goals.”
“Great culture, great long term economic outlook and an incredible sense of fairness.”
“Compensation is below industry average and non-negotiable, promotions are based on years of experience rather than merit/accomplishments.”
“No clear route to management/leadership.”
“Silo effect (one hand does not know what the other is doing), lack of development (but this is improving).”
“It’s very feast or famine. I always feel like I have too much on my plate or not enough.”
“The 401k match, the travel over holidays.”
9. Moss Adams (9)
“Opportunities to work with great clients, brilliant teams, and involved leadership all with excellent compensation.”
“Optimistic culture, focus on mentorship, small firm feel with the resources and depth of a larger firm.”
“Flexibility, work/life balance, ability to work without much micro-management.”
“The workload here is very manageable as the firm only requires 55 hour weeks in busy season and the scheduling team works really hard to evenly distribute the firms’ workload.”
“It is well established and highly regarded; there are tremendous technical resources across the firm.”
“Compensation, hours, stress, being overworked, some members of management.”
“Being one of the very few people of color in the office is difficult and can be daunting. I wish the firm would put the same amount of effort as it does in retaining its women to attract more people of color.”
“They emphasize work/life balance, but that was not achieved for me. Compensation is not high enough for the amount of hours worked. You are treated nice for first couple of months, but after you are chewed out all the way until manager. If you’re willing to sell your soul and be unhappy for the next 4-6 years of your life, you can make it here.”
“Gossips gossiping.”
“Pay, promotion policies, big 4 mindset, lack of communication, gap between firm leadership and the rest of the firm.”
10. Friedman (13)
“I have freedom to do the job the way I want.”
“Progressive firm with excellent leadership and commitment to growth and firm culture.”
“Great company culture, easily talk to any employee unlike other mid-size accounting firms.”
“Relaxed atmosphere. Good people.”
“Firm very much cares about quality of life and willing to work with individual to make situation work.”
“Staff are treated like they are dispensable. No positive outlook on the future.”
“Compensation is not quite competitive.”
“Few women and minorities in leadership positions.”
“Benefits could be better.”
“Way too many emails and intrusions by HR and marketing.”
Here are firms No. 11-50 on Vault’s 2020 Accounting 50 list:
CohnReznick (30)
Eide Bailly (12)
Armanino (18)
Frank Rimerman + Co. (14)
Withum (21)
PKF O’Connor Davies (19)
Brown Smith Wallace (15)
Elliott Davis (17)
Marks Paneth (25)
Sikich (23)
Rehmann (24)
Freed Maxick CPAs (NR)
Untracht Early (NR)
Mazars USA (39)
MBE CPAs (26)
EY (28)
Crowe (7)
CliftonLarsonAllen (29)
BKD (31)
Dixon Hughes Goodman (11)
Marcum (33)
EisnerAmper (34)
Cherry Bekaert (32)
Wipfli (35)
Citrin Cooperman & Co. (41)
UHY Advisors (37)
RubinBrown (38)
The Siegfried Group (40)
Cohen & Co. (36)
Blum Shapiro & Co. (42)
Novogradac & Co. (44)
Anchin (45)
Weaver (48)
Berdon (47)
Grassi & Co.
Doeren Mayhew (NR)
BPM (20)
Carr, Riggs & Ingram (43)
The Bonadio Group (NR)
Let the bragging and bitching commence.
The post PwC Once Again Tops Vault Accounting 50 (2020) appeared first on Going Concern.
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ashleydpalmerusa · 5 years
PwC Once Again Tops Vault Accounting 50 (2020)
It’s one of our favorite times of the year at GC HQ when our friends at Vault put out their yearly rankings of the top accounting firms in the U.S. in several categories. But for now, we’re going to focus on the overall top 50 ranking. The No. 1 firm in the U.S. for 2020, based on Vault’s methodology, is PwC—a title P. Dubs has held for the past seven years.
PwC US Chairman Tim Ryan will probably do an extra set of 100 sit-ups and 75 push-ups today to celebrate the occasion.
The cool thing about Vault’s rankings is it surveys only accounting professionals that work at these firms to come up with their lists. Vault uses a weighted formula that takes into account the issues accountants care most about, combining quality of life rankings (like culture, satisfaction, work/life balance, and compensation) with overall prestige.
Some initial observations on the 2020 Vault Accounting 50 overall rankings before we dig in:
The top five firms remain the same as last year; however, there was some movement among the top midtier firms that usually hold down spots Nos. 6-10. Friedman cracked the top 10 for the first time since 2012, while Crowe, which was No. 7 in 2019, fell 21 spots all the way down to No. 28 in 2020.
For the second year in a row, EY sits outside the top 25 at No. 27, up one spot from 2019.
The firms that made the biggest gains from 2019 were CohnReznick (up 19 spots to No. 11) and Mazars USA (up 14 spots to No. 25).
Besides Crowe, the firms that dropped the most spots from 2019 were BPM (down 28 spots to No. 48) and Dixon Hughes Goodman (down 20 spots to No. 31).
Four firms not ranked in 2019 made Vault’s 2020 Accounting 50: Freed Maxick CPAs (No. 23), Untracht Early (No. 24), Doeren Mayhew (No. 47), and The Bonadio Group (No. 50).
Next, let’s look at some of the pros and cons of working at the top 10 firms, based on anonymous but verified employee reviews posted on Vault within the past year (previous year ranking in parenthesis):
1. PwC (1)
“Generally good partners to work for, and smart people.”
“Exposure to big clients.”
“A company that truly values a work-life balance and understands the importance of its employees’ lives outside of the office.”
“Brand name recognition.”
“The level of opportunities provided to do new things, learn new skills, and constantly reimagine the possible.”
“Upper management may care about employees, but individual partners just care about making themselves money.”
“Busy season never ends.”
“To achieve a higher tier you must take on more than your fair share of work and you will receive the equivalent of about $50 a month. Rest assured you are adding more than $50 of value. The firm will take advantage of your productivity and in turn give you promises that are often empty.”
“Pretty much everything. This is a miserable place to work.”
“Feeling like a prostitute charging by the hour.”
2. Deloitte (2)
“I am surrounded by the best clients and the best professionals as colleagues working in a dynamic (emphasis added) environment as we look for opportunities to always get better.” (Are we sure this person doesn’t work at Grant Thornton?)
“Great place for working moms. We have an outstanding leave program, but this doesn’t limit you professionally. Our women still continue to rise to the top – just look at our female CEO!” (Welp.)
“The flexibility to get the work done wherever and whenever you want.”
“Great formal training at Deloitte University and prestigious firm.”
“A great place to grow old: Work life balance, vacation policy, compensation.”
“Get the feeling that you are just a number and not a person.”
“Overtime, tight deadlines, too many requirements for promotion.”
“Boring work, lack of real training oppurtunities, inability to control career course, lack of mobility within the firm and no entreprenuerial spirit.”
“Inconsistencies among leadership in fulling Deloitte values, do not have sufficient time to work on personal development, mandatory training.”
“Poor lines of communication around performance and advancement.”
3. KPMG (3)
“Most people are brilliant and team-oriented. The firm is highly entrepreneurial.”
“This is the absolute best place to start and build a successful, rewarding career.”
“The learning environment is amazing and the people I work with everyday are amazing. I am very excited about our future.”
“Competitive in pretty much every way with other firms except it has the best culture.”
“Flexibility to be a mom to my 3 kids.”
“Workload is ridiculous. They understaff jobs and reprimand employees for not getting work completed.”
“PCAOB expectations.” (Just ask David Middendorf and crew.)
“The firm continues to struggle with moving past “traditional” accounting roles, how audits should be done (including the technology used) and breaking the model of a traditional accounting firm.”
“Communication is poor, work quality guidance is lacking from managers and micromanagement from above.”
“Lack of transparency regarding promotion/compensation opportunities; unfocused leadership.”
4. Grant Thornton (4)
“Great culture, people, and atmosphere! Couldn’t ask for a better place to start your career.”
“The size of the firm allows you to really step up and take on responsibility if you are game for it, even at an early stage in your career.”
“GT stands for “Good Times.”
“I love the people I work with and the clients I work with. The firm celebrates your achievements.”
“Great work/life balance. The firm values you and your contributions. There are great mentors within that help you grow faster and to your full potential.”
“The culture is, throw you in the shark tank and hope you survive.”
“Poor technology across the board. Need to upgrade multiple software platforms.”
“Leadership (out of touch, not engaged), too much emphasis on consensus building, disjointed infrastructure and internal support.”
“FTO policy, lack of reputation, benefits, overall very nascent consulting model that is hamstrung by the firms accounting origins.”
“Compensation is much less than some of my other offers, I would like to have more autonomy with choosing my own projects.”
5. BDO USA (5)
“The prestige of working at a top 8 firm. The generous holiday and PTO packages. Diverse client base offering excellent experience.”
“Great compensation and benefits, great culture and friendly people, open door policy, strong training program, strong mentorship and career advising program.”
“Exceptional professional quality of services, flexibility work schedule, culture.”
“Commitment to people, support for career growth and taking pride in what we do.”
“Working with people who are supportive and truly want the best for you and your career.”
“Compensation, hours requirement, recognition of work done by top management — no matter how much you do they always want more.”
“Work/life balance, managers, compensation.”
“Unrealistic expectations and lack of trust.”
“Excessive hours with subpar pay. Lack of staffing causing undue stress on individuals.”
“Lack of responsiveness and accountability in new employees which creates hardship for seasoned employees that end up taking on the responsibility.”
6. Baker Tilly (8)
“Baker Tilly supports me (a trained auditor) splitting my time 50/50 between auditing and consulting, which is a major career development mechanism.”
“They promote teamwork and always try to see what they can do to please the employees. Very receptive to feedback.”
“At Baker Tilly, you will be provided with the opportunity to grow and advance your career, no matter which way you define that.”
“Although the firm is a national firm, they do a great job of listening to everyone’s input and are receptive to many ideas.”
“Challenging work; compensation/benefits; culture; reputation of firm.”
“Most of the senior accountants do not appear to be happy and seem stressed out.”
“Pass on this opportunity and look elsewhere. The compensation and promotion systems are not based on merit, but based on a political buddy system. The opportunities for advancement of your career are very limited.”
“Unfair division of work. Some work more than others.”
“Compensation doesn’t match the hours worked. Maybe it’s typical for the field but the perception is that it isn’t and there isn’t much transparency. More should be done to retain top talent.”
“Lack of subject-matter expertise and managers that are not easy to get along with.”
7. RSM US (10)
“Authentic people who care. Real upward mobility if you’re patient and take initiative (earn it!). Big firm resources, opportunities and benefits with smaller firm/family feel. Super flexible – value that you are a person FIRST, worker second.”
“The local leadership and non-drama/no politics atmosphere.”
“You will be stretched as a professional, but the resulting growth is incredible.”
“Solid advancement path and steady salary increases.”
“Significant investments are made in our people to position them to adequately serve their clients, strong focus on work/life balance.”
“Compensation, number of hours worked, inadequate staffing and quality of staff.”
“The amount of work required of you starts not being worth the pay.”
“Management’s micromanaging and lack of development of staff.”
“Busy season and feeling like I don’t get rewarded for my work.”
“The firm takes what should be a prestigious career and turns it into a job.”
8. Plante Moran (6)
“Caring culture, focus on career advancement and developing current talent, opportunity abounds and is for the taking, flex time and generous pay and vacation time.”
“I have worked with great clients and have learned from amazing people who care about me.”
“The firm prides itself on being a best place to work and works hard to earn that reputation.”
“You can achieve career goals while achieving work/life balance and personal goals.”
“Great culture, great long term economic outlook and an incredible sense of fairness.”
“Compensation is below industry average and non-negotiable, promotions are based on years of experience rather than merit/accomplishments.”
“No clear route to management/leadership.”
“Silo effect (one hand does not know what the other is doing), lack of development (but this is improving).”
“It’s very feast or famine. I always feel like I have too much on my plate or not enough.”
“The 401k match, the travel over holidays.”
9. Moss Adams (9)
“Opportunities to work with great clients, brilliant teams, and involved leadership all with excellent compensation.”
“Optimistic culture, focus on mentorship, small firm feel with the resources and depth of a larger firm.”
“Flexibility, work/life balance, ability to work without much micro-management.”
“The workload here is very manageable as the firm only requires 55 hour weeks in busy season and the scheduling team works really hard to evenly distribute the firms’ workload.”
“It is well established and highly regarded; there are tremendous technical resources across the firm.”
“Compensation, hours, stress, being overworked, some members of management.”
“Being one of the very few people of color in the office is difficult and can be daunting. I wish the firm would put the same amount of effort as it does in retaining its women to attract more people of color.”
“They emphasize work/life balance, but that was not achieved for me. Compensation is not high enough for the amount of hours worked. You are treated nice for first couple of months, but after you are chewed out all the way until manager. If you’re willing to sell your soul and be unhappy for the next 4-6 years of your life, you can make it here.”
“Gossips gossiping.”
“Pay, promotion policies, big 4 mindset, lack of communication, gap between firm leadership and the rest of the firm.”
10. Friedman (13)
“I have freedom to do the job the way I want.”
“Progressive firm with excellent leadership and commitment to growth and firm culture.”
“Great company culture, easily talk to any employee unlike other mid-size accounting firms.”
“Relaxed atmosphere. Good people.”
“Firm very much cares about quality of life and willing to work with individual to make situation work.”
“Staff are treated like they are dispensable. No positive outlook on the future.”
“Compensation is not quite competitive.”
“Few women and minorities in leadership positions.”
“Benefits could be better.”
“Way too many emails and intrusions by HR and marketing.”
Here are firms No. 11-50 on Vault’s 2020 Accounting 50 list:
CohnReznick (30)
Eide Bailly (12)
Armanino (18)
Frank Rimerman + Co. (14)
Withum (21)
PKF O’Connor Davies (19)
Brown Smith Wallace (15)
Elliott Davis (17)
Marks Paneth (25)
Sikich (23)
Rehmann (24)
Freed Maxick CPAs (NR)
Untracht Early (NR)
Mazars USA (39)
MBE CPAs (26)
EY (28)
Crowe (7)
CliftonLarsonAllen (29)
BKD (31)
Dixon Hughes Goodman (11)
Marcum (33)
EisnerAmper (34)
Cherry Bekaert (32)
Wipfli (35)
Citrin Cooperman & Co. (41)
UHY Advisors (37)
RubinBrown (38)
The Siegfried Group (40)
Cohen & Co. (36)
Blum Shapiro & Co. (42)
Novogradac & Co. (44)
Anchin (45)
Weaver (48)
Berdon (47)
Grassi & Co.
Doeren Mayhew (NR)
BPM (20)
Carr, Riggs & Ingram (43)
The Bonadio Group (NR)
Let the bragging and bitching commence.
The post PwC Once Again Tops Vault Accounting 50 (2020) appeared first on Going Concern.
from Accounting News https://goingconcern.com/pwc-once-again-tops-vault-accounting-50-2020/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=pwc-once-again-tops-vault-accounting-50-2020
0 notes
lisarprahl · 5 years
PwC Once Again Tops Vault Accounting 50 (2020)
It’s one of our favorite times of the year at GC HQ when our friends at Vault put out their yearly rankings of the top accounting firms in the U.S. in several categories. But for now, we’re going to focus on the overall top 50 ranking. The No. 1 firm in the U.S. for 2020, based on Vault’s methodology, is PwC—a title P. Dubs has held for the past seven years.
PwC US Chairman Tim Ryan will probably do an extra set of 100 sit-ups and 75 push-ups today to celebrate the occasion.
The cool thing about Vault’s rankings is it surveys only accounting professionals that work at these firms to come up with their lists. Vault uses a weighted formula that takes into account the issues accountants care most about, combining quality of life rankings (like culture, satisfaction, work/life balance, and compensation) with overall prestige.
Some initial observations on the 2020 Vault Accounting 50 overall rankings before we dig in:
The top five firms remain the same as last year; however, there was some movement among the top midtier firms that usually hold down spots Nos. 6-10. Friedman cracked the top 10 for the first time since 2012, while Crowe, which was No. 7 in 2019, fell 21 spots all the way down to No. 28 in 2020.
For the second year in a row, EY sits outside the top 25 at No. 27, up one spot from 2019.
The firms that made the biggest gains from 2019 were CohnReznick (up 19 spots to No. 11) and Mazars USA (up 14 spots to No. 25).
Besides Crowe, the firms that dropped the most spots from 2019 were BPM (down 28 spots to No. 48) and Dixon Hughes Goodman (down 20 spots to No. 31).
Four firms not ranked in 2019 made Vault’s 2020 Accounting 50: Freed Maxick CPAs (No. 23), Untracht Early (No. 24), Doeren Mayhew (No. 47), and The Bonadio Group (No. 50).
Next, let’s look at some of the pros and cons of working at the top 10 firms, based on anonymous but verified employee reviews posted on Vault within the past year (previous year ranking in parenthesis):
1. PwC (1)
“Generally good partners to work for, and smart people.”
“Exposure to big clients.”
“A company that truly values a work-life balance and understands the importance of its employees’ lives outside of the office.”
“Brand name recognition.”
“The level of opportunities provided to do new things, learn new skills, and constantly reimagine the possible.”
“Upper management may care about employees, but individual partners just care about making themselves money.”
“Busy season never ends.”
“To achieve a higher tier you must take on more than your fair share of work and you will receive the equivalent of about $50 a month. Rest assured you are adding more than $50 of value. The firm will take advantage of your productivity and in turn give you promises that are often empty.”
“Pretty much everything. This is a miserable place to work.”
“Feeling like a prostitute charging by the hour.”
2. Deloitte (2)
“I am surrounded by the best clients and the best professionals as colleagues working in a dynamic (emphasis added) environment as we look for opportunities to always get better.” (Are we sure this person doesn’t work at Grant Thornton?)
“Great place for working moms. We have an outstanding leave program, but this doesn’t limit you professionally. Our women still continue to rise to the top – just look at our female CEO!” (Welp.)
“The flexibility to get the work done wherever and whenever you want.”
“Great formal training at Deloitte University and prestigious firm.”
“A great place to grow old: Work life balance, vacation policy, compensation.”
“Get the feeling that you are just a number and not a person.”
“Overtime, tight deadlines, too many requirements for promotion.”
“Boring work, lack of real training oppurtunities, inability to control career course, lack of mobility within the firm and no entreprenuerial spirit.”
“Inconsistencies among leadership in fulling Deloitte values, do not have sufficient time to work on personal development, mandatory training.”
“Poor lines of communication around performance and advancement.”
3. KPMG (3)
“Most people are brilliant and team-oriented. The firm is highly entrepreneurial.”
“This is the absolute best place to start and build a successful, rewarding career.”
“The learning environment is amazing and the people I work with everyday are amazing. I am very excited about our future.”
“Competitive in pretty much every way with other firms except it has the best culture.”
“Flexibility to be a mom to my 3 kids.”
“Workload is ridiculous. They understaff jobs and reprimand employees for not getting work completed.”
“PCAOB expectations.” (Just ask David Middendorf and crew.)
“The firm continues to struggle with moving past “traditional” accounting roles, how audits should be done (including the technology used) and breaking the model of a traditional accounting firm.”
“Communication is poor, work quality guidance is lacking from managers and micromanagement from above.”
“Lack of transparency regarding promotion/compensation opportunities; unfocused leadership.”
4. Grant Thornton (4)
“Great culture, people, and atmosphere! Couldn’t ask for a better place to start your career.”
“The size of the firm allows you to really step up and take on responsibility if you are game for it, even at an early stage in your career.”
“GT stands for “Good Times.”
“I love the people I work with and the clients I work with. The firm celebrates your achievements.”
“Great work/life balance. The firm values you and your contributions. There are great mentors within that help you grow faster and to your full potential.”
“The culture is, throw you in the shark tank and hope you survive.”
“Poor technology across the board. Need to upgrade multiple software platforms.”
“Leadership (out of touch, not engaged), too much emphasis on consensus building, disjointed infrastructure and internal support.”
“FTO policy, lack of reputation, benefits, overall very nascent consulting model that is hamstrung by the firms accounting origins.”
“Compensation is much less than some of my other offers, I would like to have more autonomy with choosing my own projects.”
5. BDO USA (5)
“The prestige of working at a top 8 firm. The generous holiday and PTO packages. Diverse client base offering excellent experience.”
“Great compensation and benefits, great culture and friendly people, open door policy, strong training program, strong mentorship and career advising program.”
“Exceptional professional quality of services, flexibility work schedule, culture.”
“Commitment to people, support for career growth and taking pride in what we do.”
“Working with people who are supportive and truly want the best for you and your career.”
“Compensation, hours requirement, recognition of work done by top management — no matter how much you do they always want more.”
“Work/life balance, managers, compensation.”
“Unrealistic expectations and lack of trust.”
“Excessive hours with subpar pay. Lack of staffing causing undue stress on individuals.”
“Lack of responsiveness and accountability in new employees which creates hardship for seasoned employees that end up taking on the responsibility.”
6. Baker Tilly (8)
“Baker Tilly supports me (a trained auditor) splitting my time 50/50 between auditing and consulting, which is a major career development mechanism.”
“They promote teamwork and always try to see what they can do to please the employees. Very receptive to feedback.”
“At Baker Tilly, you will be provided with the opportunity to grow and advance your career, no matter which way you define that.”
“Although the firm is a national firm, they do a great job of listening to everyone’s input and are receptive to many ideas.”
“Challenging work; compensation/benefits; culture; reputation of firm.”
“Most of the senior accountants do not appear to be happy and seem stressed out.”
“Pass on this opportunity and look elsewhere. The compensation and promotion systems are not based on merit, but based on a political buddy system. The opportunities for advancement of your career are very limited.”
“Unfair division of work. Some work more than others.”
“Compensation doesn’t match the hours worked. Maybe it’s typical for the field but the perception is that it isn’t and there isn’t much transparency. More should be done to retain top talent.”
“Lack of subject-matter expertise and managers that are not easy to get along with.”
7. RSM US (10)
“Authentic people who care. Real upward mobility if you’re patient and take initiative (earn it!). Big firm resources, opportunities and benefits with smaller firm/family feel. Super flexible – value that you are a person FIRST, worker second.”
“The local leadership and non-drama/no politics atmosphere.”
“You will be stretched as a professional, but the resulting growth is incredible.”
“Solid advancement path and steady salary increases.”
“Significant investments are made in our people to position them to adequately serve their clients, strong focus on work/life balance.”
“Compensation, number of hours worked, inadequate staffing and quality of staff.”
“The amount of work required of you starts not being worth the pay.”
“Management’s micromanaging and lack of development of staff.”
“Busy season and feeling like I don’t get rewarded for my work.”
“The firm takes what should be a prestigious career and turns it into a job.”
8. Plante Moran (6)
“Caring culture, focus on career advancement and developing current talent, opportunity abounds and is for the taking, flex time and generous pay and vacation time.”
“I have worked with great clients and have learned from amazing people who care about me.”
“The firm prides itself on being a best place to work and works hard to earn that reputation.”
“You can achieve career goals while achieving work/life balance and personal goals.”
“Great culture, great long term economic outlook and an incredible sense of fairness.”
“Compensation is below industry average and non-negotiable, promotions are based on years of experience rather than merit/accomplishments.”
“No clear route to management/leadership.”
“Silo effect (one hand does not know what the other is doing), lack of development (but this is improving).”
“It’s very feast or famine. I always feel like I have too much on my plate or not enough.”
“The 401k match, the travel over holidays.”
9. Moss Adams (9)
“Opportunities to work with great clients, brilliant teams, and involved leadership all with excellent compensation.”
“Optimistic culture, focus on mentorship, small firm feel with the resources and depth of a larger firm.”
“Flexibility, work/life balance, ability to work without much micro-management.”
“The workload here is very manageable as the firm only requires 55 hour weeks in busy season and the scheduling team works really hard to evenly distribute the firms’ workload.”
“It is well established and highly regarded; there are tremendous technical resources across the firm.”
“Compensation, hours, stress, being overworked, some members of management.”
“Being one of the very few people of color in the office is difficult and can be daunting. I wish the firm would put the same amount of effort as it does in retaining its women to attract more people of color.”
“They emphasize work/life balance, but that was not achieved for me. Compensation is not high enough for the amount of hours worked. You are treated nice for first couple of months, but after you are chewed out all the way until manager. If you’re willing to sell your soul and be unhappy for the next 4-6 years of your life, you can make it here.”
“Gossips gossiping.”
“Pay, promotion policies, big 4 mindset, lack of communication, gap between firm leadership and the rest of the firm.”
10. Friedman (13)
“I have freedom to do the job the way I want.”
“Progressive firm with excellent leadership and commitment to growth and firm culture.”
“Great company culture, easily talk to any employee unlike other mid-size accounting firms.”
“Relaxed atmosphere. Good people.”
“Firm very much cares about quality of life and willing to work with individual to make situation work.”
“Staff are treated like they are dispensable. No positive outlook on the future.”
“Compensation is not quite competitive.”
“Few women and minorities in leadership positions.”
“Benefits could be better.”
“Way too many emails and intrusions by HR and marketing.”
Here are firms No. 11-50 on Vault’s 2020 Accounting 50 list:
CohnReznick (30)
Eide Bailly (12)
Armanino (18)
Frank Rimerman + Co. (14)
Withum (21)
PKF O’Connor Davies (19)
Brown Smith Wallace (15)
Elliott Davis (17)
Marks Paneth (25)
Sikich (23)
Rehmann (24)
Freed Maxick CPAs (NR)
Untracht Early (NR)
Mazars USA (39)
MBE CPAs (26)
EY (28)
Crowe (7)
CliftonLarsonAllen (29)
BKD (31)
Dixon Hughes Goodman (11)
Marcum (33)
EisnerAmper (34)
Cherry Bekaert (32)
Wipfli (35)
Citrin Cooperman & Co. (41)
UHY Advisors (37)
RubinBrown (38)
The Siegfried Group (40)
Cohen & Co. (36)
Blum Shapiro & Co. (42)
Novogradac & Co. (44)
Anchin (45)
Weaver (48)
Berdon (47)
Grassi & Co.
Doeren Mayhew (NR)
BPM (20)
Carr, Riggs & Ingram (43)
The Bonadio Group (NR)
Let the bragging and bitching commence.
The post PwC Once Again Tops Vault Accounting 50 (2020) appeared first on Going Concern.
from Accounting News https://goingconcern.com/pwc-once-again-tops-vault-accounting-50-2020/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=pwc-once-again-tops-vault-accounting-50-2020
0 notes
manic-old-man · 7 years
We drag into another month, at 8.01 of 2017/06/01 R, with many problems, the biggest being perhaps the ca. immobility of the Arp.   See notes re feeling tired, hopefully only this morning – till pipe time.
 Another problem is the pipes aren’t cleaned, at 8.09.  A larger one is xxxx to seek airline tickets.  The wall rock is in there; what else carrying over from May, to do? Grass cutting is coming.  Maybe things aren’t TOO bad.  
 8.13 – ca. TV suggests lots of games are good for old me – sol qualifies, I am completely confident.  But, did their examples suggest 2-person games?  Not sex.
 Come with me back in time, after 8.48, back to the BDC, with its old, ca. smart sol game, and its Wonder Ware – can such open those quest files that seemed to be NG Word files?  
 Slip of 4/25 for 5/31 W; drag into draining at 9.41
V a. 12.24 – pee 1                               BELLS X
 V b. 3.27 – pee 2, VG
 V c. 5.17 – pee? V 3    Did I dream of the Goddess Athleta?  And super bugs, in the forest.  And 1’ NOP’s.   --   What it was, before 9.50, was a dream of Mitre and the 7090 that showed a bug of a program doing a pause waiting for some event, and the pause state would break after one minute, gratuitously.
 V d. 7.18 – poop
 V e. 10.39 – poop 2.
 V f. R 1.42 – pee 1
 V g. 3.48 – pee 2
 V h. 5.56 – pee 3, some audio; sun on clothes hamper
 V i. 7.28 – finally up, pee 4, quite asleep, no audio – now charging.  Earlier dream of squeezing into ~bus seat next to ~Diane Dixon   Tired today?  Only this morning?  
 V j. 7.51 – poop? V  Read Emily Dixon.
 Landing drag-ily done at 9.54.  Skip the pipe cleaning?  
 Back we come at 10.45 from the BDC, having finally got the smart sol game going, but unable to remember how to use the smart features, like endless apps////un-do’s. Also with W Ware, I am unable to find any of the old file boogers that would not open, by normal processes.  
 Before 10.48, I was poking about, drag-ily, barely refreshed by ca. 20’ in the recliner, in that ca. packet of undrained slips, and it was very clear to me, maybe not stated earlier, that these, coming soon after the 2/3 stricken-ing, suffered mightily in the quality of the handwriting, hence lack of draining, and that this was from the handwriting hand being on an arm and shoulder that were in deep do-do.  
 Well, I thought, before 4.04, that that Pipe Fairy had a hard job cut out for her today to get me completely restored, and indeed it was too much, in spite of a walk again to the second summit, and a good smoke starting in that corner, and moving under cover when a tiny shower came up.  Again I smoked only the B III tobac, and again it was jolly good.  Finally I must clean the pipes, and try to get the Bent Ehrlich unplugged.  
 Before 4.08, with Wonder Ware and the Quest notes, I was able to find dicey files, and ‘restore’ a bunch, but not specifically identify one that was earlier seen as dicey. Never the less, the thing is clearly powerful, if hard to use, but with a bunch of fiddling will probably do all that fetching stuff that I earlier called for.  Put the BDC back to hibernation, after another try at the smart sol features.  
 Done, at 4.30, but still quite stumped by those smart features; I couldn’t even start a new game.  How to crack this nut?  The answer lies deeply buried in some way-earlier J-file.  
 At 4.39, the real hot item is not PHC’s powder milk biscuits, but a ca. e/m to the Arp folk, citing the error message gotten just once – how come not again?  A vaguely remembered screen shot of the message is not readily found in the Aside paste file.  What was the text?  THINK. Before 4.49, it was to the effect that a coordination file could not be found/-located.  It is noted in last month’s notes?  Page 40 at 4.55 has ‘can’t load localization file’ as that note. Load, maybe find.  
 Before 8.04, an hour’s nap, out heavily, and then the dishes, sailed thru, together may have finally restored me.  Don’t count on it.  At 8.14, the P Soft ca. e/m is sent, using their nice form, omitting that I have had the trouble before.  I have to re-install?  
 Don’t count on it indeed, now or after 8.52, as I slide down the slope of fatigue.  I can book up the recent Lunch emails?  Pipe cleaning is what is really needed.    Google, etc., were only moderately kind to old sol, or supportive of its value.                                                                                R
 2017/6/2 A 8.46 F – the auto-date guy is not showing up for work – it will be a bad day? A note speculates that we are well-rested; grass-cutting, especially, may prove it wrong.  At 8.47, everything is okay propped up on those toothpicks – we can do these niceties and start the real work.  The TV Titan work is done already.  
 Before 8.49, at / 8 25 \ a peek at the P Soft web site suggests that their operation is / Stagnant \ in that their most recent News posting is from 07/23/15 – this suggests that, tho their bot acknowledges the sending of my query, that I may not get a human response.  This prompted at / 8 31 \ looking at the download collection, and seeing that on / 16 7 7 9,29 \ I seem to have created the time stamp in doing the / Arp down \ loading – look for in in J16-07.  / Can I find and rename the present version? \ I asked, before 8.55.  Or, / Re-install on BDC?  There is an Arp there already? Use that for a while? \ This seemed a good idea.
 Before 10.05, with seemingly many threads of activity ongoing, at / 9 16 \ I was back to the Bowling Banquet’s suggestion/invite to / Todd lunch \ for four, noted last month.  Liz will continue to consider a next Wednesday date.  For Todd, I have been seeking a song to apply my ca. new algorithm to, to generate goofy humor, of the sort appreciated by Todd.  Liz’s report of / Kate smith \ daily singing at 9 AM for Bitner, set me to composing, at / 9 58 \ starting to compose ca. nonsense lines, by ca. randomly shuffling particles (and then some) as in: / God bless the Mer’ca, land of a love, stand aside a, and glide a, … \ maybe to be continued after 10.25, and more grass cutting.      
 Earlier, before 10.26, at / 9 34 \ we had found that indeed the BDC has an Arp on board, and it records for more than one minute, but the cut is silent.  The setting of its / BUTTONS \ looks different – therein may lie the silence problem.  SRC buttons show all 8 top setting on, except for Voice.  10.30 – stop eating nuts.  Play a sol game/round as replacement.
 Oh dear, at 10.46 we have a mower balk – long time no see.  No better at 10.58.
 Before 10.59, we could hear no radio on the BDC – how come?  THINK.  Button settings noted and changed.  Look at dos search results.  At 11.03, I find the structure obscure, but an effective, hiding, rename COULD probably be worked out.  
 11.16 – try mower again and/or do more Booking.
 11.27 – the second big yank was a winner.  I mowed over to the rock brace boards, and found one or more ca. loose – the rock seemed to be staying in place on its own; maybe there’s hope.  
 Recent Lunch Book-ing caught up at 11.43 – there is an earlier, old problem?  
 Before 4.11, with the mower set down a notch, and thus producing mucho mulch, at / 3 37 \ we resolved, that we got to / Scrape   xygyg that sucka! \
 With the mower ca. stalled again at 4.03, and merciful clouds about, we will note the walk to the mail box and around the Scenic Loop.  Then we had an excellent smoke with Kuhner just on fire today, especially re the ca. burned out comedienne, and again smoking just one pouch’s stuff, Balkan I.  We cleared a plugged white boy - and the bent boy too.  We ca. indulgently took no mowing breaks during this sacred pipe time.
 Now, or soon after 4.07, we need to solve a Lunch Book problem, xygyg of a seeming big gap between 2016/7/19 and 2016/2/3, five months.  I guess we got to search back thru the Outlook holdings for possible neglected email during that time.  
 Hooray, the mower started on the first yank before 4.40, and we finished the living room plot, without too much more to go after we rest and cool off.                                                                                                        F
 2017/6/3 P 12.32 S – maybe it will help me perk up to try to catch up this typing.  I felt wiped out after finishing the mowing - and thru the evening, but pretty much okay in the early morning.  I can get up to Cy’s house by the designated 1 PM for our prearranged smoke?  I will carry a light kit.  
 I did cool off yesterday after 4.40, and finished the mowing with appreciable difficulty and fatigue. After supper I had an hour’s nap and then worked pulling clean dishes, and had to Recline for a while before loading the dirty dishes.  That done, I reclined more – and did a third work stint? Yes, only to load the few things to wash into the dish pan and then collapse back into the recliner – and remained there, sound asleep I suppose, till near 10 PM and TV time.  This I was at least able to stay awake thru quite handily, with Murder in Maine – with Betsy and Rachael.  12.41
 Earlier, at / 11 08 \ we vowed, before catch-up time at 9.46, to / Uninstall \ the Arp software, and at / 12 26 \ thought to seek / Factory reset and other options \ for it, feeling / Wibed out \ and at / 12.42 \ thought to seek such / Features on web site \ of theirs – not likely productive?  
 Completely restored, we are, after a delightful smoke with Cy up at his house, sitting just inside his garage avoiding the rain.  More is to be said about it I am sure, but WHAT is this stuff above?  I hope it will come back to me.  5.08 – it is what is to be done with Arp.
 On returning from the great smoke up with Cy,   --   I was interrupted by something, before 9.51, and time to hang it up.
 Before / 3 50 \ and before 8.58 M, I took a fall onto the driveway trying to ca. vault down off of the wall.  I had / Blood \ from a scrape on my left arm, pain from a bump to my right elbow that persists to this day at 9.00, and a bump on the back of my head from hitting the driveway.  I lay there prone a bit collecting my wits, and someone called from across the street, seemingly Desiree rather than Julie, are you all right?  I called back Yep as I rose, and meant it, I guess.  I had tho a ca. / Absent \ feeling from this / Fall \ which slowly passed away.  
 At 3.54, I am a little woozy, maybe from that fall, trying to vault off of the wall onto the driveway, and falling rather heavily, and some bloodying of my left arm.    It has quite addled my thoughts?  
 Now at 4.07, I am little better.  I need to go away and do something else – help Liz with the ca. gardening?  I could do worse than cleaning up pipes – or unloading a Slip.  Before 4.10, and before this fall, I did feel quite completely restored from any lethargy of the morning.  
 At 4.30 after helping Liz some and lying down for 10 minutes, I still do not nearly feel right – from that fall.  I thought I would have a knot on the back of my head, where it hit the driveway, but there seems to be none.  Yes, do clean those pipes.  At 4.54, I find some abrasion of my right elbow.
 Cleaned they are at 4.49 – good therapy, that.  BUT it is nowhere nearly fully restorative, and I still feel somewhat confused.  I was distressed in this cleaning process to find a ca. chip gone out of the stem of the White Boy, just to the right of the bit.  I dropped the thing yesterday?  Causing this damage – not nearly fatal.  I need to smooth down a sharpish edge?  
 Good therapy, before 4.52, but I still don’t feel nearly right.  Try some sol therapy?  Or Slip unloading.  At 4.55, the call is to clean up for the gardener.  
 That being done at 5.06, I still feel a bit woozy – sol therapy will help?  Repeated wins before 5.46 are encouraging, but I am not at all clear-minded – a little bit off.  Donning party clothes has helped some.
 We are back at 9.39 from nice dinner, with Liz, at Bison County with nice walk across that Charles River dam.  We had a nap of indeterminate length – but, that or the sum seems to have left us in fine shape, with seemingly no continued impairment.  We will clean up stuff above as much as possible.                                                                                        S
 2017/6/4 A 8.26 S – we made good progress there above, but there is much more to do re this rather strange, complicated day.  There is much to do for THIS day too, in its own right.
 Slip of 4/26 for 6/1 R, to drain at 9.22, trying to get going
V a. 11.27 – poop? V #2 – helps me? V    BELLS X
 V b. F 12.56 – pee 1   --   Landing at 10.13 getting a little done
 V c. 3.26 – pee 2; dream of corporate intrigue & 1 like Mark Mathews  --   That is, the guy in the dream looked like Mark, but wasn’t him. 10.13
 V d. 5.51 – pee? V VG   View to Spy Pond   --   That is, we recalled days long ago when the trees were shorter, and we could see skaters on pond.
 V e. 7.16 – poop X – rested?  
 V f. 8.01 – poop #1
 V g. S 1.13 – pee 1
 V h. 3.41 – pee 2; finally getting under the covies.
 V i. 5.24 – pee 3; c later – 2 awake, Left heel is sore, rt. Foot ~bunion is better.  Left pinky is sore from mowing.   --   Not mentioned before 10.09?  Scrape and ca. bruise on right elbow – and another?  How could I have missed, before 11.40, the scrape and wound which bled, just below left wrist?  Progress made of mower scraping – maybe 2/3 done?
V j. 7.01 - up, pee 4 – pinky worse?                                                           U
 2017/06/05 A 8.42 M – how erratic, the auto-date guy is back on duty.  With an e/m gotten off to Holgate about lunch possibly Wed. after bike to BPL, I still have two days’ record to clean up above, and not trivially either.  A reply is wanted of course to Ivan re Arp, and Ukraine too.  Then there is still good old draining and TV Titan, and a wash load too.  At least it is a rainy day, limiting the outside drangs, to drag in some German.  And THIS time, clean the pipes!  I am quite well rested, yes?
 At / 7 47 \ and before cleanup at 9.08, I half-resolved to work up   xygy a method to have this here SRC time-out period of ca. 1 minute end with ca. 1 minute of the ca / Brush \ program that runs so fetchingly on Liz’s pc before it times out and shuts down.  It is named Stripes?  
 There, at 9.10, I think I have gotten ALL of the junk above ordered up.  Having gone quickly and well re Holgate, hopefully we can do as well with Ivan.  In comes the Swim Team.
 Back at 9.23 with the whole team coffee-ed up and me too, we turn to TV T and daily slip stuff.   At 9.34, most of that stuff rolls off till later, and we proceed with high hopes toward Ivan.
 Well, such went quickly, and well, before 11.01.  Then, alternating with the wash work, we roared into the TV and Slip stuff, sustaining well, I think, the extra stimulation/distraction of Joe Avery, etc., of P Hall CD, stored music ca. discovered in the process of the Ivan work file searching.  At 11.09, we are still roaring along, in great form, surely tops.
 Slip of 4/28 for 6/3 S, drain at 11.08, still doing well.
V a. P 9.35 – roll over                                    BELLS X
 V b. U 12.57 – pee 1
 V c. 4.56 – pee 2 – VG
 V d. 7.03 – up, pee 3
 V e. 7.32 – poop
 V f. P 11.29 – pee 1
 V g. M 4.41 – pee 2, VVG
 V i. 7.08 – pee? X   no alarm!   --   Before 11.13, she said No, she is not getting old and losing her grip.
 V j. 7.26 - poop
  11.32 - dry load is some dry?  That left pinky is still definitely sore.  
 Yes, as I sometimes say, at 3.45, and always, I am always in a good mood after my pipes.  We are sometimes fully restored, and I certainly am today, if I wasn’t already in top form.  Yes, it’s great to feel good, Kurt.  
 I got in a walk to the second summit before 3.48, detouring away from the dripping trees, to open sky, tho dark and heavy.  Smoke in near drain pipe assisted by the paper and plastic recycle containers was very good, with old WM backing up the new one which is again crook.  Let us clear up that stuff and see what is pressing next.  Drat, no reply yet from Holgate or Ivan.  
 And, at 3.59, the winnah is – the Lunch Book e/m gap, noted somewhere – above, of HERE? Finishing the mower scraping has been rolled off to tomorrow, appearing to be another rainy day coming.  The reader will surely understand by now that I use HERE the way Shakespeare used THIS, in saying that this gives life to there, and perpetual life, as long as men may breath and eyes can see; my objectives to perpetuity are more modest, only 350 years – from 1666, if that is the year of the Great Fire of London, and Pepys’ note of it.  Make that 351, right?                xygy
 At 4.46, it appears that the five-month-plus gap in the Lunch Book record may be valid; that e/m search reveals nothing relevant, and the message content above and below the gap seems fairly consistent with Going Dark.  The alternative is that the sought missives are simply lost, deleted, but I think I was pretty careful with them.
 Before 8.02, we felt pretty tired right after dinner, but a little later, a 30 + 5’ Timer nap seemed quite enuf.  I did go right back to sleep for that second shot.  Now with just a few dishes done, and, drat, still no Replies, what’s next? Pipes are done, tho not before supper, as was sworn.  Some Googling clear-up is due.
 Done at 8.37, well enuf – tho carn and rath from church music did not resolve at all well. What’s next, questing or V3 typing? The latter, I think.  The weariness steals o’er me like a chill, or something.
 At 8.47, a five-minute chair-nap has helped, with a dream I can touch but not grasp; ended by footsteps above.                                                         M
 2017/06/06 A 7.43 T – the auto-date guy is on duty – a good sign for a good day?  It seems such so far – I seem well rested.  Mood continues quite flat, if we dismiss these ca. bursts of energy.  I am keen to finish the present chunk of V3 stuff and post it to Kurt, with a supplemental piece.  
 Slip of 4/29-30 for 6/6 T, partial draining at 7.47
V a. T 2.13 – pee 1                              BELLS X
 V b. 4.16 – pee 2; dream, OK, of RR tracks
 V c. 5.09 – pee? X   c later; good dream of good German backup woman – a widow?  My hand on her thigh.  I told her? No audio.   --   That is, before 7.55, I was fairly familiar with the reasonably attractive, slim woman in Germany, seemingly unattached, whom I may have told that if anything happened to Liz, I would want to have her address, to contact, and be with her.  
 V d. 6.29 – pee 3 now.  Yes, do measure waist.  Some audio.   --    xygy Make that 40 inches at 9.50, to be reduced.
 V e. 7.29 – poop
  There, at 9.24 this stint of V3 typing is done, and it is the last one?  How to tell?  Where is Kurt’s note?  I have to count the typed stints, = 3?  Bind the book back up.  
 The note is found, at 9.39, the book done up, and returned to that xxxx top shelf.  Me return to it fairly soon, maybe after more Questing, and type the next stuff in order – and return the book to the attic. Scrape?
 Yes, after 9.45 try to get the mower scraping finished in one stint - then next is that Kurt thing.  His note is found.  
 Oh dear, at 10.43, I am quite tired, but the mower is scraped.  A test start-up went poorly, maybe helped by filling gas tank. Another at ca. 11.30 will recommend sparkplug attention?  
 It started pretty well before 12.39, and a half-hour nap that may have well helped me, but try the mower again.  And, from bed,     xygyg Security I thought was the Control Panel icon I needed to find ca. Stripes for the screen – maybe screen saver – Security is NF.  What would be a synonym for such?   Read thru the icon list.  
 Before 3.51, in spite of the rain, we got in, with the big umbrella, a walk to the first summit, and turned back – the rain was too much.  Smoke was good in under cover, and, at / 3 24 \ we declared, / Restored? Yes. \ And, I add now, yes indeed.
 We have in the strange Outlook category, at 3.53, of Archive, some Lunch mail that may be ca. lost/missed over.  At 4.07, it looks like we have hit pay dirt – now comes the tedious process of scooping the stuff up.  
 In the quest for a Security D Top icon at 4.19, we encounter Dell Touchpad, and tentatively turn it off – soon back on?  We will avoid some ca. bobbling?  Likewise, at 4.22, in IDT Audio Control Panel, we disable Power Management, which it says will enable PC Beep.
 SFU: ‘screen’ at 4.34 leads us to the On-Screen Keyboard – neat; and maybe to the screen saver, and the ca. Stripes option.  4.36 – Ribbons it is.  Screen Saver is set for wait 1 minute, and to do Ribbons.  At 4.40, it’s pretty, but understandably cpu heavy, at about 20% - how do I get it to stop in a bit?  After 4.52, forcing it to Sleep will be good enuf?  7.39 W – no, regular sleep setting at TWO minutes takes care of the problem.
 7.28 – 35 + 5’ Timer nap not enuf?  Where’s my coffee?  Try pipe cleaning.  At 7.39, it has worked pretty well.  Still, the weariness of the post-mower morning has returned.  
 Dishes done at 8.10; some weary; we can progress on the e/m scooping?  Before 8.21, I got along a little way – then hit the wall.  
 8.24 – making shopping list was enuf for the Stripes to come up – and then soon gone!
 We are too tired for questing?  Maybe back to V3.  We can finish the Kurt e/m, short?       That made it easy, at 8.33.  Onward we drag, at 8.57.  The Ivan work revealed Win OS tools not known before – DxDiag for getting the ca. configuration of the machine, and recorder.log for Arp ca. recently going berserk.                                                                          T
 2017/06/07 A 7.42 W – wow are we on a roll, pumped by the lunch deal, as the slip note observes – or 3x5?  
 PJ Pocket 3x5 of 5/21, initial draining at 7.43
V #1. 2.57 – SEPARATE, GROSLING   --   See below after 9.07 re subway separation.  Grosling for some reason seemed a good name for a tinny runner shoe – a brand name?  
 V #2. 3.57 – 2 – DIR *AVED*   --   Can the Dos Dir search command xyfy skip past the start of the name SAVED GAMES?  9.10 P 9.24 – indeed!
 X #3.  --   Before 8.07, we had another lost item/idea?  No?
 X #4. 4.32   WORD…   --   One seems lost here.
 V #5. WINNER   --   See below re Reality Winner, after 9.11
 V #6. PUMPED BY LUNCH   --   Mood, energy, creativity way up, < 9.12.
 V #7. 4.38 – TDC, CUDDLE   G: BDC, & URB;   --   Google top and xygy bottom dead center, of engines or activities, and see X Urban Dict. too.
 V #8. TOUCH, CARESS, CUDDLE   --   See below, after 9.13.
  Slip of 4/29-30 for 6/6 T, final draining at 8.41
V f. W 2.13 – pee 1
 V g. 3.41 – pee 2, c later; some; do some audio? After a nap.  Good dream earlier of a ~cuddling girl on bus   --   Also see below, 9.14
 V h. 7.01 – pee 3, VVG    37 seconds – beep   B F P from bed: ____ fungus Psalm    ____ is backspace?  Yes - meaning WHAT?   --   The WBZ xygy time beep was at 6.59.37 on the SSH; compare.  9.36 – 31” behind SRC; dope out the logic when fresher.  8.29 R – that time has come, I hope.  The SSH was 23” behind the radio beep; it is 30” behind the SRC clock. So the beep seems to be 7 seconds behind the internet time – OK?
 V i. --   Mushrooms are fungi, right?  10.26                               xygy
V j. --See the hymnal for Oh God, our help in ages past – what psalm? 90  
 V k. 7.33 – Winner as surname, verified (7.21 - poop)   --   Reality Lee xyg Winner in the news has an awfully odd name, at 8.05.
  At 8.47, try to handle all this touching and cuddling stuff together here – it is that I have lately a number of dreams in which I become somewhat intimate with a fair lass, usually young.  At least two of the dreams have involved being on (T) transportation, but the one with Emily Dixon on the bus was not of a fair lass.  I sit next to them, perhaps to talk, somehow to touch, then to stroke and then to caress their arm, or in the case of the German woman a thigh, in a way that says she has lovely, silky skin.  She does not reject these advances and compliments, and soon my arm is around her, cuddling, and she happily, delightedly, cuddles back.  In one, her newspaper was in front of me, its contents being the subject of the ca. oncoming conversation.  
 In the SEPARATE dream noted before 8.55, Liz and I were in a subway car as it reached our stop. I went out, with her behind me.  I turned looking to see her emerge, but she did not.  I waited as more came out, then scanned around the platform, but she was not to be found.  I became agitated, maybe desperate or hysterical, not only at her absence and yet again such a separation, but also at the implied threat to my sanity, and my knowledge of physics in the world, and causality. 8.59
 Reading thru this work so far at 9.05, I think that Kurt or other Freudians can have fun with the contrast displayed above.  
 Boy have I got a lot of catching up to do at 3.51, not the least being the rest of the stuff from last night’s active time.  There, at 4.38, a lot of the small, easy items are done, including tightening the bicycle seat knocked askew when I fell, once again, approaching the library and misjudging how high a lip I was trying to regain the sidewalk from the grass.  This gave me a slightly bloodied left knee; I am carrying five wounds now?  Left wrist - and another from that wall fall?  Right elbow was from that?  What else? At 8.05, left pinky is still some sore, but better.  8.27 R – add in the bad arm and shoulder!
 Lunch with Michael before 4.42 was pretty good, good waffle with better Nutella, with him seeming to accept the ca. challenge to get on Tumblr, follow me, and hopefully get to the archive – unspoken of.  Politics were gingerly brought up – ye gods, he wanted to vote for Bernie. He agreed with me we should do this again – fairly short, 45’ – after he has time to enter the Tumblr glade?  
 Before 5.03, now grasping at light straws, I had a half-hour nap, most of it asleep I think, doing me good.  Library trip was fine.  Belated smoke was good, somewhat shortened.  
 There, at 8.00, we have even gotten the ripping started of the BPL CD’s of Death in Belmont, which wonderfully complete, including the old drug store where I bought my first cassette player/recorder.  The book seems pretty good, heard some doing dishes, after 35 +5’ Timer nap, seemingly enough.  The ducks come into a row.  
 Now, at 8.10, the Landing is finally done, but there is MUCH doing to do.  With more advancing still done at 8.44, I think we down to the x-ie’s and the abundant Googling, but first let us clean the pipes in a timely fashion.  We can start another Rip to go with it.  Pipes are done at 8.59, done with rapid and precise movements, becoming ever more rapid, and more practiced.  CD #3 is starting to rip.                                                      W
 2017/06/08 A 7.58 R – soldiering on; as the slip notes, we are back to the blah’s of M0; the party’s over.  Continue last recent cleanup above, then some earlier x-s, and a shakedown note to Ivan, and more Lunch Book pursuit; weed whacking outside.
 Too tired at 10.39 to think it’s just the weed whacking.  We will see afternoon recovery?  I must do edges and associated weeding soon, ahead of rock stuffing.  
 Also, after 4.51, sweep stairs and sidewalk and get rid of dead bird.  Pooped, but the weeds are done – with ca. thread exhausted
 Pipe - burned box
 9 10
 Give up                                                                                                         R
     Dddddddddddddddddddddddddd. F
 2017/06/09 A 9.05 F – I wander thru the several things needing done this morning, and stumble upon the matter of Father’s Day gift requests – I had in mind three items needing ‘net purchase, right?  CTC minimum subscription has been spoken of; ppi Tungsten replacement, ca. $40, has not; the May file reveals Balkan Sobrannie ca. smuggled tobacco as a third; it suggests/reveals no more?  No, we say at 9.21, with coffee service done for the returned swim team, triumphant. At 9.29 we are not finding $30 ppi’s; push it back – go for the tobac?  $18 price seen at 9.35 is to be believed?  $7 for 1 month of CTC at 9.37 is great, at 9.38.
 Yesterday, alas, before 9.22, I dropped the ancient but currently long running perk coffee pot’s lid assembly on the stone-hard sink, and broke it into a thousand pieces – a big problem.  Liz dug a more ancient perk pot, non-self-heating ca. like the broke one, out of her ca. archive, and I struggled thru its first use for that team service.  
 Good news before 9.38 was Reply from Ivan, but saying do full delete, fresh download, and re-install; this will later need a new ca. certificate number?  How much time is this going to take?  Do before slip draining, but after starting on that sweeping?  
 The stairs are half done at 10.20, and my arm is tired.
 At 10.52, we are back from the mailbox mailing Cynthia’s BD card, with legs tired.  
 From the Dos view at 11.07, arp looks in order, way too complicated to try to hide with renames – also Ivan calls for complete reinstall, and probably means full uninstall.
 What was that layer idea I had and lost before 11.09?  it was, if it will come back a little more, to handle Death in Belmont files by xygy changing  something - the Album file, yes, that’s it, if that can be done to the folder containing the several files of a disk image.
 Ivan’s called-for and regedit.exe deletion of AudioRecorder left above it an empty Folder Pistonsoft, which I deleted too, before 11.26, bolstered by new probiotic trail mix, in lieu of morning nut ration, forgotten.  Ready to download?  Oh dear, at 11.34 there is a conflict with something already existing – a folder? Break off.
 Back at 12.15 from 15’ nap we are, involving a dream, good, of Leslie Fink sharing an office with James Comey, maybe at MIT – partners, they were sent out on some sort of a case together.  I was not in the dream at all?  This is rare.
 Back we are at 3.58 with the front steps sweeping finished, and till too hot.  Kuhner was again today VG, with me getting every bit of it I could, to the ca. detriment of yesterday’s Rush stuff.  Four pipes are to be cleaned, and more tobac to be portioned out.
 We had a late morning walk to the mailbox – oh yes, I said that, and it sufficed for walking and hill climbing.  Yes, I said it is hot, ca. 82%% max.  I guess now at 4.17 with a break for gardening support and a bit of good old sol, we turn back to download stuff
 I think I have maybe said how, before 4.18, how I like the sol game better after Google, etc., gave it fairly good marks for exercising the mind.
 Ugh, I am stuck at 5.00 needing response from Marc as to the Administrator password, in order to delete a P Soft folder that the download install process is complaining of. Worse than that, my e/m to him is not coming back as a bcc.  
 Strange, the bcc finally arrived just before supper, before 8.53, and his reply with a NG PW after supper, showing a time stamp ca. 4’ before that on my bcc, above it on the screen.  Get NG reply off to Ivan soon, after I regain some strength.  The sweeping seems to have done me in.  I closed my eyes for a nap at 6.22, and opened them at 7.23, quite by accident – and fatigue.  
 Air plane tickets mentioned before 9.07 – she said we still don’t know when this house is getting painted.  Tired – pooped – too much to clean pipes?  Try another sol game - then fall back on dish pulling.  Winner.  9.15 – too late, right?                                                  F
     Dddddddddddddddddddddddddd. S
 2017/06/10 P 3.19 S – we return to the top to do the niceties, and, being quite fully restored from a BAD morning, we start to catch up.  
 7.14 – my sloth and shame overwhelm me.  I can recover?  --   That is, last eve I was quite wiped out, and did shockingly little, and was off early to watch the continuing-great Laugh In reruns.  How quaint and strange and un-PC they seem, with smoking, and jokes like if Beverly Veronica Hubbard, of Germany in 1049, married Otto Drenwitz, she would be BVD; and Lilly Tomlin in her great phone sketches introducing herself to her called party as Miss Tomlin.  Also, before 9.23 T, jokes re marriage.
 Slip of 5/5 for 6/7 W; drain at 7.18 – yes.
V a. 9.38 – poop #2    BELLS X   --   doing penance.
 V b. R 133 0 pee 1.  Wound => break in skin?   --   Usually.
 V c. 4.03 – pee 2 – try some audio? V
 V d. 5.34 – pee 3 – back to dull M0.
 V e. 7.04 – pee? 4 – Over-drowsed.
 V f. 7.28 poop
 V g. F 12.08 – pee 1; bad dream of NF sox & threat of finger infection
 V h. 2.08? V pee 2 – bad dream continuing of trouble formal dressing.  Hotxx Pilsxx – help?
 V i. 4.28 0 pee 3 – long, good dream of tall, bonny bldg. at S end of long, oval lake in NY state – not a finger lake.
 Continuing to clear and catch up at 3.28, we have from / 2 41 \ that I was quite / Restored \ from the shortened smoke time, but with / Tinnitus \ just a / Trace \ and at / 3 16 \ noted / Great smoke, running thru that pouch of Balkan III \ involving the / Principal 3 pipes \ - 3.30.
 Not at all hot thru 87%% heat, low humidity I guess, some breeze, till near the end, tho the temp’s seemed to have been down to 82.   --   That from about 3.17, and before 3.30.
 I spent a good deal of the morning ca. babysitting the attempts at installation of a new AC in Liz’s bathroom.  I was already strangely almost dead tired from only a moderate amount of sweeping of the front sidewalk, keeping to the shade, in the only moderate heat – not extreme. 3.32; I kept pigging out on nuts and this great probiotic trail mix, hoping to gain strength, and collapsing into the recliner.  May I hopefully continue in top form for the rest of the day, God willing.
 What to turn to at 3.35, seemingly caught up with the old, ca. near stuff, the clutter? The Ivan matter maybe; it is tops? Survey.  
 An element of clutter at 3.41 is the ca. advancement of the Junger Belmont stuff, with it not now clear what disk to turn to, or how.           S
 2017/06/11 A 10.14 U – why so dull and wan, old sinner, why thee oh so tired?  Could running out of Omeprazole with last pill Friday have anything to do with it?  I thought I might be needing Zantec for the sour stomach by now, but no such thing. O-zole is another medicine I might be getting rid of?  
 Does heat, and the prospect of MORE heat, have, at 10.18, and before, anything to do with it? Does sleeping long dreamless, audio-less stints and rising late and returning to the sack have anything to do with it?  A lot, you say?  You might be right.  
 Liz is feeling wan or something too, also sleeping late – with us finally agreeing that church had been eliminated, before 10.21.  I wish them well, ongoing.  With breakfast we brewed the second pot of ca. new coffee, with Liz getting the swell idea to boil the water in a separate, wider tea pot, and then pour it in the coffee pot, to start the brewing.  
 What happened, before 10.23, to that Saturday afternoon, and the associated evening?  I did get that Ivan stuff doped out, and his e/m sent; and the re-request to Marc was in there too?   The evening saw another excellent supper at Burton’s, and then some attendant running about to relevant Burlington mall shops.  We reached home and soon fell to watching the overly-ca. scary 20/20 In an Instant two-hour cult show, which I pulled out of ca. 9.40.  Some work HERE preceded a return THERE, and so much for the evening.  
 Now, at 10.20, we must pump ourselves up on coffee, maybe on sol, survey the mail and TV Titan and such daily chores, clean the pipes, settle the Belmont file placement, and maybe do something good.  Oh yeah, do a Drainage.  And try to stay cool – turn off the overhead light?  
 Trying to cool down at 3.22, we will clean up here a bit, and soon go out to sweep more.  No walk was had, in deference to the ca. 89%% heat.  Corner smoke was cool enuf, in our tank-a-top and shorts.  We quit with two pipes plugged, and again falling back on the little bent thing.  It took only ca. 15’ for the last smoke of the dear, reliable briar, getting us in some early.
 Before 3.25, at / 3 16 \ we resolved to / Sweep \ as noted above. / Rest9red””?  Maybe not. \ We concluded, with poor typing.  
 Slip of 5/6-7 for 6/9, F, we drain at 3.27, as above, and filling in more.
V a. 6.06 – pee 4 – pills not helping.  Some audio, Hear Death BELLS X files (W) dishes.
 V b. 7.03 – pee 5; 37” WBZ – same?-   No, 31 – sample more.  9.09 U xyg 10.05 6/30 – last sample – the SSH is 4 ½ seconds behind the beep, and 5 seconds behind the SRC clock, so WBZ beep time is very close to ‘net time.
 V c. 9.44 – poop #2
 V S 1.18 - pee 1; prep 11
 V e. 3.38 – pee 2   ~bad dream of being ~stranded on Nantucket
 V f. 5.11 – pee 3; no dream
 V g. 7.02 – pee 4 – overslept, D: 2nd dogwood blooming, seemingly
 V h. 7.29 – poop   --   Cool enuf now, at 3.32
 V i. U 3.44 – pee 1 – fantastic.  Leg cramps, lower rt, then both.  Prep 11?
 V j. 6.09 – pee 2 – VG.  No audio, or omep.
 V k. 7.26 – pee 3 – overslept; get W’s are from Omeprazole last pill Fri?
 V l. 7.43 – poop? V
 Back we are at only 3.51, with only the kitchen steps done, not so much from the now 90%% heat, as from arm fatigue – one more than the other.  
 Re Belmont Murder file placement, we find at 4.41 that we CAN control the placement of the stuff, but only of an individual file, and not by folders, as was sought – one-zie-s are just too tedious to be of use.  What disk image are we wanting to load?  Disk 4 has been heard – maybe out of order.   One of the later disks seems to be missing in the ripped stuff, and WMp says it has already been ripped.  It is, at 4.45, disk 4, so we are okay.  Loading: none now, two are already up to bat.  All done?  We seem ready for a return to BPL.  Do a Reply to Marc.  V
 After 8.40, try that Delete not via Dos, but Wxp.  9.19 – NG – tired.
 Can we, at 9.40, advance the Lunch Book, or even the V3 typing?  At 9.50, we have got all the Lunch e/m’s in sight – how to search any further?  Wait till they turn up?                                                          U
 2017/6/12 A 7.42 M – Happy Birthday Nelly – still sick with flu?  We here are well-rested?  Did we say there is a forgotten stretch of sidewalk to sweep?
 Slip of 5/8 for 6/11 U, drain at 7.46, getting going we hope – on the day.
a. 9.42 – finally up?  No Trin.                                 BELLS X
 V b. P 10.09 – finally burping up acid – Zantac pill taken.
 V c. M 12.59 – pee 1
 d. 2.18 - try to pee, 2, only. V  Continuing bad dream of having to code a language, & trying to get out of a cave, & ending sans car & wallet.  Zantac was slow to kick in.   --   Before 11.15 T, it was that I had to write the code for a language compiler or something, that I did not know how to do readily.  
 V e. 4.56 - pee 3; ~bad dream of muddy snow outside revolving door.  Why so many dreams some nights?  Absence of fatigue?  Heat?
 V f. 6.57 – pee 4; Liz up at 6.32 for summer swim hours; I lay drowsing.  Hardly any audio.
 V g. 7.27 - poop? V   scant
 9.24 – D: Todd lunch Wed.; keep wash going.  Not noted: can I rename the P Soft.exe file, if not delete it?  9.28 – nope, Access Denied, again, to Dos.  Play Marc’s PW reindeer/PW games.  
 Admin PW cracked before 10.52 and laundry finished, P Soft.exe renamed, good news sent to Marc – send such to Ivan too?  Done at 11.37.  What did I have BDC up here sleeping, waiting for something?  Not Palm work?  It is now sent back to hibernation.  Nothing to do but Quest, or V3 typing?  Before 4.11, we remember that it was interest in the Wonder Ware, re the Questing clunker files.  
 At 12.50, with high temps, we take a walk only to Alan’s erstwhile house, where the tree shade ends.  Now we wait for the sun to get out of our smoking corner.  
 Slowly we cool down at 3.25, with our fan turned to LOW and the overhead light off, in deference to Dan McCauley’s Reverse 911 call re power load.  I never was overly hot out in the corner smoke, again emerging with a plugged pipe or two.  Inability to keep the white boy going into the heel smoke cut the excellent experience some short.
 Did I say a while back, before 3.43, that I was getting less / Enjoyment \ from the pipes? The last couple days have set that right.  Good smokes are back, if they were gone, or weakened.  Try some questing?
 We had a pretty good session up to now, 5.04, but with a note about possible collating problems with the file naming in the Journal folder.  We may be approaching the need for a Zantac pill.                              M
 2017/6/13 A 8.30 T – Lord, what a night.  At 8.56, how shall we tell its tale?  Let it suffice for the moment to say just sour stomach.  The moral of the tale is to collect the time pattern evidence, see if indeed it xygyg shows two pre-supper onsets on two consecutive days, and, if so, take such a pill today half an hour before the ca. patterned onset time.  
 We have noted collating problem of above to settle at 9.00; Draining, pipe cleaning, pill ca. patterning, and another Ivan go-around to do; enuf easy work, maybe enuf hard work, to keep us busy this morning, whacked or not.  
 Slip of 5/9 for 6/12 M, to drain at 9.03, ca. reluctantly            xyg
X a. 7.35 – what word shifted emphasis?                         BELLS X
 V b. P 9.35 – Zertec pill taken   --   At supper, before 9.06, I thought water then crackers and lots of supper would soak up or dilute the ca. rising stomach acid, but gave up at 9.35, after some good Quest evening work.  After 9.17, read that as Zantac.  
 V c. 11.26 – pee 1, F1   --   Floor 2 was too hot, as well as, before 9.08, needing to be fairly upright against the tummy acid problems.  
 V d. T 12.21 – pee 2; tummy is all better now?
V e. 1.02 – pee 3 why so many?   --   I wondered, before 9.18, about acid stomach somehow provoking kidneys – not likely.  The assumption was that each of these pee’s yielded the regular urine volume.
 V f. 2.03 – pee 4
 g. 2.52 – pee 5 – awful   afghan) – small rug?   --   Read, after    Xygy  9.11, blanket. 9.20 – get derivation.  Before 9.37, it kept me warm.
 V h. 3.53 – pee 6 – a bit of an OK dream of a queue of actors   try F2
 V i. 5.27 – pee 7. F2 good.  Good dream of Arno in their back yard.  Turn off fan   Earlier good dream of Tom & mirror-image DNA   --   The Arno is, I think, the name in Ullman’s White Tower book of the Aarn River, roaring hidden by boulders, and in the dream such a memorable stream flowed just behind a principle’s house, with a freshet coming down to it.  The Tom dream involved him saying the name of a substance taken up by viruses for sustenance, and me unable to remember the name, but talking about a ca. mirror-image of its molecular structure, and the possibility of the two forms meeting in a burst of energy.  I slept better with the fan off, but got not nearly enuf rest for the night.  9.30
 At 9.50 slip is landed, bed is made, but clean dishes are not pulled – more donkey work; much to be done.  Try the collating thing.  Cleared at 10.24, not without cost.  Continue with more wd22 questing, I think.  V
 Now at 10.49 the dishes are pulled, the sol game is won, and pipe cleaning is the last time sensitive task for the morning.  The Patterning matter is sensitive for the day, after 10.52.  Ugh, too hard for 11.09 – try it PM, post-pipe – the pipe fairy will rise to the challenge of the day?  Try the Ivan thing now?  It’s harder than further questing, but it’s more interesting.  
 Ugh, at 11.30 the Administrator is saying she can’t erase the Pistonsoft folder because something in it is open to another program, even tho I shut down Arp – Fox could possibly in there?  Dos does think he has deleted the file, but it still shows up!  11.36 – Fox being gone no help.  Organize: Close for the file is accepted, but no help.  I need a Restart for cleanliness?  
 Maybe, at 4.09 on the SSH, we are going to get our wish.  Outlook locked up trying to get to MML, and won’t clear out with a cancel command. The task bar doesn’t come back, and some other things are unresponsive.  No, that’s it for non-response.  No, at 4.13, Dos won’t Minimize.  THINK.
 Curiously enuf, at 4.30, Ribbons came up, ran some, and froze with strange white lines across it.  Start cleaning up – but how will we get to Admin to shut it down?  The Windows key is dead.  We will have to do a hard, cold shutdown?  That will kill the Admin all right.  V
 Here we are back up at 4.44, with only Word and T Manager running, and we will try to that folder delete for Ivan.  It went before 4.48 slick as shit, but the deleted folder is not seen in Jim’s recycle bin – okay I guess.  Start rebuilding, ahead of further Ivan work?  I thought there was a Restart option somewhere in the T Manager, but I couldn’t find it.
 5.05 – mostly rebuilt.  Later recount the afternoon; restored, yes, I think so.  More so at 5.10, but B Box won’t come up.  Well, at 9.04 and tired of dishes, tired of high heat and dry, tired of lower heat after thunderstorm and damp, tired of life just now, we will re-install Arp and see if it can see a radio signal.  
 Bad news at 9.15? the Arp comes up with the same Sch items – okay?  And Arp gives that Bass error/whatever; due to no sound?  Fox won’t start either.  Restart again?  THINK. Clean pipes?
 Sol has not helped at 9.33.  Try cleanup of the day.
 Note that before 9.41, a welcome Roth Reply was received, recommending Rabbit, Run – CD’s duly ordered, when I finally got MML contact.  The smoke was just a wee mite hot, bordering on uncomfortable, at 96%% - remarkable how some little breeze in my catching and focusing corner will keep me cool/okay holding real still.  ‘nuff said? Restored?  Not so sure now.                                          T
 2017/06/14 A 7.13 W – we have a lot of time-critical stuff to do this morning, not the least of which is pipe cleaning.  Re-acquisition of radio sound is uppermost.  TV Titan is low;
 Slip of 5/10 for 6/13 T, drain at 7.19 – high enuf ca. priority.
V a. 7.14 – pee 8, surely a record.  Up, overslept.  BELLS X
 V b. 7.39 – poop; hard again, ~scant? V
 V c. 10.04 – poop #2
 V d. 5.17 – one acid burp & Zantac taken
 V e. W 12.07 – pee 1, Zantac taken, #2
 V f. 2.34 – pee 2, tummy fine, now   --   That is, for a while, before 7.30, I was having some acid problems.
 V g. 5.19 – pee 3, VG, from bed – C & W – continued good dream of hand on waist, (W) her 6’ tall.  G lost, Class?  Visit to ~class using ~tab equip – to make ~costumes.  Caramels?  On the floor as cont.  VG sunrise.   --   The earlier hand on waist involved a young, lithe silky-skinned beauty, but this 6’ older, dark-haired thing was very well padded – fat - above and below her belt.  We leaned together, to whisper on the tour at WGBH of these young people using a printer to print out sewing patterns, and some other tab equipment, but I said I missed the clunk clunk clunk of the 407 reading cards.  They used USB interfaces for the control of their equipment. 7.36 Caramels:  In this continued dream, before 9.27 and more ca. groping cleanup, I picked up some caramels from the edge of the floor, and pushed back in, away, some other more junky things.
 V h. 4.59 – 5.19 is NG – 4.49?
 V i. 6.43 – pee 4, 2 up
 V j. 6.56 – poop, pre coffee
  There, at 7.28, draining is done, maybe in record time, in spite of my awful typing – not manic?
 7.37 – some landing done – time to restart?  Make it a practice to note in this record the uptime – T M reports 1 hour 26 minutes, if I am reading that right – it must not include the Sleep time – reasonable? I would make it ¾ of a day since the forced shutdown – before that up for a week?  
 7.45 – back in jig time, with sound coming booming right up.
 7.49 – ugh, Arp, tho seeing the sound okay, cuts out at 1’.  What to do now?  7.51 – sound back somehow, with fiddling – go wash?  Brood.  
 File, test – how, before 8.27, did I lose yesterday’s Rush Fox file?  It was never made, somehow?  Start doing the testing of the smoke    xxxxx detectors.
 Arp still fails, at 8.38 – have I done all of Ivan’s steps?  Certainly not the later ca. unregistering.  Tomorrow, repeat them all as cleanly as possible?  Cut the grass today; finish building the working environment.  Why, if it’s coming down tomorrow?  
 At sixes and sevens at 9.33; we should start grass cutting?  Pipes are cleaned, with the super briar showing up plugged! Sometime       xxxx get back to pipe reaming.
 Finally at 10.49 the mower is carried up, and the first patch is cut, and I am tired already. Come on pipe fairy, do your stuff, in a timely fashion of course.  In the meantime, brood some more on Ivan and that game, and maybe try a bit more questing. How and when will we get back to V3 typing?  It is really low priority, lower maybe than prepping and posting some more T-stuff. Let’s see if I have any new T-followers; they used to send me an e/m re such coming on?
 Nope, no new at 11.02, still 6, two being tingle and my follower account. Cut some more grass? Why not?  Sun?  11.29 – no start – still.
 At 4.19 the top grass is cut, and the gardener is available at 4.30 to help carry the mower down. The smoke in BEAUTIFUL weather was great tho with plugging pipes, some cleared, some not, and the little bent boy brought in to help out.  Mowing tho quickly got hot.  No walk, needless to say.  
 Before 4.21, we got that message that restart is needed to finish updating, so we have got a two-fer, for potential restart for Ivan, etc., tomorrow.  
 At 9.04, in beautiful but now chilly weather continuing, I have been laboring onward in the Quest, but now I ponder weak and weary, like Poe, and pack it in.                                 W
     Dddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd. R
 2017/6/15 A 7.34 R – I am jolly keen to start that restart, etc., process, but am I being too quick?  Reviewing Ivan’s note, I will restart, clear PSoft folder from admin, clear the registration thing, take new download being careful of old, and install.  
 Back up in jig time at 7.47, but where in that list was un-install the old Arp?  Ideally earlier than this, but okay now, and then check the folder, and unregister?  7.49 – already uninstalled - no folder.  7.54 key not found.  7.59 – installed – Sch items are there – okay?
 Test new Arp at 8.03 – why do we get funny, repeatable ca. sizzling sound on speakers, and B Box is normal?  Arp says that Bass error something already started – we need to restart again? Think, and shave, etc.
 Done at 8.37 – no improvement here.  Shut it down.
 After strange trouble getting the sound to go, before 8.59 and smooth restart, the Arp acid test comes up bad but different – at 59” into the recording, it stops and says Not Responding, rather than closing a 1’ file.  Send Ivan the bad news, and another Recorder.txt file – from My Doc’s.  
 Sent at 9.10; build up working computer rig better, answer Todd’s e/m and soon Tom’s – then what?  Clean pipes, that’s what – and earlier.
 At 10.10 we are back from mailing Marc’s BD card – sometime we will get up the hill for a return walk, finally – and maybe in good weather.  
 Now at 10.44, my back is tired from sitting out on the ca. picknic table bark pulling out the interior weeds.  Soon comes the start of the big edging job of that patch, with greater fatigue.  
 Hooray, at 11.25 that pipe cleaning is done, and I grow more weary – come, o Muse of the Pipe, Come.  
 And, before 3.47, I think she made it, and made me, to full restoration, with a great smoke sitting out below the hill steps, on another quite beautiful day, but with the big bent boy emerging plugged again.  I have belatedly fished out one of those thick pipe cleaners bought a good while ago which I think may do good for the Best Briar.  What to do?  Did I start the Roth reply?  I could well start that long grass border weeding – and get the gardening stool returned to the back yard.
 That weeding went pretty well, before 8.08, till my back got tired.  Then I did good work on a Reply to Tom, and a PS, which I can now stand now to Book Up.  Clean pipes first?  What else is To Do?                                     R
 2017/6/16 A 7.24 F – still no auto-date thing; it will work in the xygy Quest Book, and not here? 8.44 6/19 – nope.
 Ivan’s Reply of this morning, at 7.25, says disable all features – scheduler, damp, eq – those of the Arp, not of Windows, right?  I have on SPLITTER, SCHEDULE, not VOICE, LPF, EQ, AGC COMP – what did I have on a while back, as noted?  Splitter could certainly belong being off.  
 These settings at 7.29 are back to a clean cut-off at 60 seconds, to my surprise.  Oops, I had 2 copies of Arp up – the first was saying Can’t load localization file! Program will be terminated.  Now at 7.33 it goes down, and comes back up very strangely quickly.  Then it is back to regular slow start, at 7.34.  This quits clean at 1 minute.  
 With all the seven ca. features OFF at 7.36, it runs on!  Ivan would agree to Sch being on, and Agc?  We have any idea what Comp is?  At 7.40, the G Beck Sch item for 9 AM is enabled as a test.  VOICE certainly doesn’t want to be on.  For this test, Sch, EQ, AGC & COMP will be on.  
 Before 7.44, it was Splitter that made it stop after one minute?  I should have guessed; one certainly gets the impression that Ivan did not write this code.  Break at 7.47 for washing and quiet celebration.  We can hang Fox up, with compliments for a job well done – but not till Rush is proved in.
 Before 9.01, we had a ca. 35 second SSH reading for the WBZ beep – same?  
 At 10.27, now tired from more weed pulling, we have lost the task bar in the process of shutting down all iexplore tasks, to clear ca. unresponsive email. We have to restart?  Again the Windows key is dead.  
 Slip of 5/11 for 7/14 W, drain and think about it, at 10.31
V a. 11.11 – Zantac, again.                                     BELLS X
 V b. ~11.30 mail gives omep; 1 taken.
 V c. R 1.31 – pee 1; cool; good sleep
 V d. 3.27 – pee 2
 V e. 4.59 – pee 3.
 V f. 7.03 poop; up early
 V g. F 12.30 pee? X
 V h. 1.04 – pee 1
 V i. 4.21 – pee – 1?  (No, 2) c later, rt. Foot cramps.  Seemingly long awake, after good dream of designing fighting ship for planes on 2 levels.   --   Not an aircraft carrier before 10.42; maybe for VTOL craft.  
 There, at 10.43 the draining and landing is done, and I have stalled xygy about as much as I can. Did that last iexplore cancel kill the task bar?  Try it. Shut down, I guess.  Indeed before 4.14, it did kill the task bar.
 I bobble my way back tiredly at 10.56, with task bar restored, and even the clock.  The Ivan piece is ready for a final proofreading.
 Sent at 11.10; more ca. rebuilding shows a lack of sound from B xxxx Box – this trouble again – why do I keep getting it?  Restart needed again?  Call it no big deal?  Just then, before 4.15, it was so, but not so long term.
 At loose ends at 11.12, dare we weed some more?  And carry rock supplies from wall to bark ca. repository.  And finish and clear a Rush file, listening?  Yes to the above.
 Well, before 11.40, it may have been a bad decision, but at least some work is done. There is still hope for that pipe fairy’s efficacy, and my restoration.  A hill walk will be a challenge, after so long away?  Ivan has answered very quickly, but without comment on Arp Features, as I xygy rather expected.  I should try out that LPF, and see if it seems to do anything, later?
 12.21 – no start, double!   --   That is, before 4.17, Arp and Fox both came up hung on that busy channel thing.  I had to do a cold, forced shutdown, right?  It was because of the task bar lost and the Windows key dead again, right?  Before 4.20, I said, at / 3 21 – restored?  Maybe. \ And it may have been, at least some, before some more uphill weeding in the front plot, awkward work.  / Task bar \ was / Yes \ killed before 4.32, as above.  We labor on, pretty tired.
 The walk was easy enuf to the second summit, and could have gone on around the loop, but for the time, before 4.33.  The threatened rain, finally here, did not bother me sitting in my favorite corner, coming out with the bent Ehrlich plugged again, but not marring the event. Load the new, semi-victorious Rush file? No, not till we are better rested and recovered.
 Did I sleep for 1 ½ hours after supper and before 8.19 and doing the dishes, and only roused by the need to take a leak?  A lot, anyhow; would that this particular brand of weeding is soon done; also that some ca paralysis of Outlook soon melts away.  
 Well, a 9.07, with the test cut having come up okay of SH, can I drag my way thru mpe RL and Death file loading?  At least the pipes are done, and in a timely fashion – it CAN be done.  Dragging done at 9.19 – time for Laff In yet?                                                                                          F
 2017/6/17 A 7.27 S – Good morning.  I here am still tired after a night of pretty heavy sleep, no audio, and no dreams? No, some ca. seen, but not noted – right?  I am still tired; coffee will banish it?  
 A thought from the sheets, and the pot – what a lot of time and effort, and a lot of tedious Fox cuts, all because I somehow clicked on Arp SPLITTER, and I wasn’t sensible enuf to recognize the one minute failure, and Ivan wasn’t knowledgeable enuf to help.  Break for poop, at 7.30.
 Dragging back at 9.17, with laundry to come.
 And it is in and ca. chopping, whacking, at 9.35, and I am still tired, with coffee.  Weed pulling does not explain this.  Still, the pipe fairy may be able to banish it.
 In spite of ca. 45’ nap before 12.46, I still feel quite tired; go, fairy, go.  
 And, before 3.51, I think she has done her job.  The smoke finished up with about five raindrops which did not continue. The walk went around by Cy’s house where two deck chairs and a sand chair were set up in our smoking area, as tho he was expecting me, but I did not see him.
 The smoke was fine, with the white boy almost plugged, but finishing okay.  Before 3.53, I did about a half a ton of Rush stuff, and finished one of the Death loadings – now we refresh a lot of stuff. We enjoy a slightly cool cup of the first product of the new coffee pot, which looks like it will be very good.  
 Death disk 4 claims it is already ripped, at 4.12, but I can’t find the results.  I certainly have not heard the audio; I have to skip it or Arp-record it via loop-back cable?  I am presently hearing disk 3; wait and see.
 Slip of 5/13-14 for 6/16 F, partial drain at 5.04, filling time
V a. 4.24 – I missed a pee earlier?  Yes.                           BELLS X
 V b. 6.47 – pee only please.  No audio! Note omep. Return   --   That xygy is, after 5.15, try 2 pills at 11 again.
 V c. 7.04 – poop
 V d. S 1.06 - pee 1, prep 11, NSH
 X e. 3.44 – pee 2; D: call Cy?
 V f. 4.48 – pee? X 3; FOUNDLING); try pills at 11?  Dream earlier of returning to Mitre to an office (W) Mike Wortis
 V g. 6.16 – pee – 3 count; no audio.
 V h. 7.17 – up; overslept.  Pee V
 V i. 7.31 – poop, in an awful rush.  
The LPF feature of the Arp is, at 5.28, probably a Low Pass Filter – it would enhance bass, and would not be wanted?  Try it now, approaching ca. 5.40 push time to Captain Jack Miller’s Boston Ale House, for a couple of ribs and half of a great Captain Jack’s Buried Treasure dessert.
 Before 5.34, the cut of radio voice and music showed no detectable change at all – stick to four features, and try not to accidentally click on SPLITTER!
 Before 8.39, did I have about an hour’s nap?  It seemed like the blink of an eye.  The supper was indeed fine.  Re Death disks, I could delete or rename or otherwise hide one disk image, and try to re-rip it, to see what’s going on with disk Four.                         S
      Ddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd. U
 2017/6/18 A 9.11 U – Happy Father’s Day to me.  The big hit was Len’s card that 4 out of 5 dach’s agree I’m a great dad, with Dachshunds outfitted as doctors –take it to church.  From Marc – candy bar known good, choc almonds, Starbucks coffee – good for our new pot; refill shaving soap stick, great.  Liz: nuts - and ‘net things to come.    Tired again?  No good reason?  Thus, mood?
 How to start, at 3.15, just after our pi-time mini-celebration, to catch up the day? First at the end – the pipe fairy again did her magic, and restored us.  Have I told you that she is first cousin to the tooth fairy?  
 No walk, in the 88 degree weather, and humid; still, corner-sitting was comfortable enuf. The smoking process, involving only the bent Ehrlich and the white boy, was marred by the former being lightly plugged, so that I could not keep the thing going, reloaded it, and could not get that lit.  So I have to dump out the pipe load.  
 Father’s Day presents after breakfast was good – oh, as noted.  Church was okay, but with a guest preacher woman going on and on way too much about sanctuaries – not quite saying cities.  I asked, do you think she voted for Trump?  No way.  
 First courtyard punch had a treat of about five offerings of delicious party breads, and Munchkins – replacing my anticipated rib leftover.  Nap was long, ca. 45’, but not enuf – going toward my fairy cure. Gail P was back doing healing at church, but I thought it late to be going for HER cure.  3.24
 Slip of 5/13-14 for 6/16 F, final draining at 3.27, cleaning up
V j. U 1.07 – pee 1, & 2 pills.  Dream, OK, of writing astro paper at Harvard.
 V k. 4.21 – pee 2, VG!  Set 2 clocks                                                      Xygy
 V l. 6.09 – pee 3, good, dream, good, of mist becoming rain, & upper deck.
 At 3.56, with sol ca. hung - what we going to do?  We will excuse ourselves from that awful weed pulling in view of the heat, and the festive, indulgent day; pipe cleaning does not beckon, but maybe calls – and Questing?  Witches’ lunch is far away, alas.                                  U
 2017/6/19 A 7.28 M – inadvertent Restart last eve instead of Sleep, for the night, has lost some stuff above?  Somewhere in there I got pipe cleaning done - and moderately thorough Portioning. There was a lot of sol.  
 This morning I seem to have a tangle, a swirl of ideas in my head, of things to do, like trying for the 8 AM WBZ time beep on the B Box, Liz’s clock not seeming to want to go for me.  Then I hit this ca. blank screen, from the restart, and it sets me back.  
 Ye gods, at 7.35 we have got Windows Audio Device Graph Isolation, Local, eating a fairly steady 25% of the cpu.  Now, at 7.37, it seems to be tailing off.  At 7.39, down to a reasonable 1%, maybe normal.  Strange.
 Another idea before 7.40 was to maybe record S & Garfunkle’s Feeling Groovy song which was so great last night on TV, From the Park. Hear Olivia N-J’s slow-down song in comparison.
 Sound, etc., at 7.51 and before seems to be settling into an unfortunate rut/habit of wanting Listen to be turned off and on before I can hear WBZ, etc.
 58 33 wbz wow   more   --   Finally we return, at 11.23 of 6/28.  I was surprised at this beep-data, and desired more.  
 Outlook on F Fox seems to work well at 8.46, not eating the cpu too much, but shows no Focused facility of ca. sorting the recent mail – strange.  Now, how about TV Titan?
 58 32.5 WBX at 9 – it is consistent.  Go figure. I misread that earlier data by a minute? It could happen.  
After 9.04, figure out B Cen for tomorrow with Pelligrini & Co. at 11 – haircut, choc at CVS, maybe, and something else qq before BPL maybe at the end, to give best chance for Rabbit to come in.  $$ too, right?  No junk silver.  Do Stimudents today.  Do Xerox at library; take change.  Try the scanner myself?  V
 At 9.34, with a wash load in too, and new coffee made, I am finally up to the point of looking around to pick something to do next, rather than having it virtually forced upon me, by time or some sort of circumstance.  
 Slip of 5/15 for 6/18 U, getting on, with Bill the Custom guy here
V a. 7.13 – up, pee? V 4, overslept. NO audio!  Well rested? BELLS X Happy Father’s Day, say 2.   --   Draining at 10.22, limping on
 V b. 7.27 – poop
 V c. 7.48 – canola) rape oil)                                                                   Xygy
 9.02 – great prez – Marc choc bar, almond-choc, coffee; Docs-Dach’s; Liz - nuts; …   --   Add also shaving bar/stick, from Mya, before 10.24
 V e. 4.32 – after poop #2, way too rushed, awful mess.
 V f. 11.50? Pee 1, c later, prep & pills at 10.
 V g. 2.16 – pee 2, poor.  OK dream of sealing Word files.
 V h. 4.57 – pee 3, better   OK dream of extending a ~quota.  Try F Fox. Strip Arp.   --   Okay, for the first RL file at least, we will strip ARP down to SCHEDULE only.  I already said F Fox is doing fine?  What was its earlier problem, eating the cpu, right?
 A while back, before 11.38, we turned off the touch pad, but now find, hooray, the right and left click ca. buttons below it are still on.  This xygy will be handy.  Use it again.  6/30 9.52 – back to ca. normal.  It’s easy.
 Well, before 12.53, I finally got my rib for lunch, and, having logged 1 ½ pound loss this morning, I awarded myself a cookie.  These and a 15’ rest I thought had me well on the way to restoration, but I was a little doubtful on arising.  Now after dragging up the first summit in the fairly oppressive 85%% heat, I am more doubtful still.  Still, Go Fairy, Go.
 Did she do it, before 4.36?  I think she did; I still feel pretty good, in spite of pulling another bunch of those awkward front yard weeds; we are still cooling down, tho it didn’t feel too hot out.
 At walk time it DID feel hot, and at 4.37 it’s still humid, and I went only to the first summit.  Corner smoke was again good, with good audio marred a bit by failing WM batteries; we returned with no plugged pipes – three.  Ehrlich is still down.  Again, sitting still with ample breezes, was no heat problem at all.  The pipes are cleaned already.  Now, what to do?  Try that Death re-rip thing.
 At 5.04, renaming allowed the re-rip to go forward; but where is the output?  Maybe doubled up in the Unknown music folder; return the disks, then sort it out at my leisure.
 It’s now 8.18, and the dishes are done, and sol has finally beaten me, and I start to feel some tired, after holding up pretty well, almost fully restored.  We’ll do another round of Stimudents, and then Questing?    M
 2017/6/20 P 4.34 T – late start, probably not a record.  I finally have the ducks in a row, with weeds pulled, not tiring me too much now, just at the time, and the dish washer unloaded.  The pack, from B Cen just cast aside, is a big exception, but it will keep fine, not being at all time sensitive.  Don’t reply again to Todd re tomorrow’s Chelmsford Seniors lunch - or yet to Marc re his piece, and his birthday?
 The bike ride went just fine, with me finally arriving for dentist a half hour early, before 4.38.  My ordered cyber-goody arrived this morning at BPL, just right.  The eastern-European girl barber was all alone, resulting in some waiting, with lots of slack.  Riding wasn’t too hot, and 88%% and moderate humidity did have me changing from short sleeves to the tank top.  The smoke was just fine, tho with having to dump out the reluctant White Boy – then he did okay.  That’s about it?  Pilligrini before 4.44 regretted that he was rushed, and did not have time to ask me questions – about my life, I guess; I am his model for an 80-year old?
 Earlier, before 8.27, I declared myself fully restored, if I was ever diminished, by the bike ride or the weeding – now I feel quite diminished, seemingly by a one-hour nap, that I am not snapping out of.  Ugh.  All I can muster is sol, but must do out the pack, at least.  Pipe cleaning wouldn’t be bad.                                                                                         T
 20217/6/21 A 8.25 W – could it be this morning that we have just a whiff of elevated mood? It may be just the mild excitement of having had a three-media night, including no audio, just charging, and ca. mild fun of ca. unraveling the note records.  Or it could the milder-still ca. fuss of us going to lunch with Todd, etc.
 Slip of 5/16 for 6/19 M, partial drain at 8.29
V a. 6.52 – pee 4, OK? 2 up                                    BELLS X
 V b. 7.11 – poop – OK?   --   I think at 9.56, I was funnin’ with that OK.
 V c. P 11.09 – prep, pills
 V d. T 2.07 – pee 1; good dream of Nixon in my ofc at R-HQ, re $ giving; dream of M & M color purity, in pockets
 V e. 4.24 – pee 2; c later?  Itch on left thigh is a bug bite?
 V f. 7.24 – poop; 7 – up
  BPL Due Date slip of Tues, stuff for Wed., drain at 8.59, used in lieu of Slip, it being in bed room
V #1. 2.42 – pee 1; prep, pills, swish mouth wash at 11, VG.
 V #2. Tenuous ideas   --   For several days, before 9.58, that, as I may have already said a ways above, that I seem to be less able to follow Rush’s sometimes tenuous trains of logic that he lately seems to spin out about the ca. weedy subjects around Trump and that FBI guy – admittedly obscure, but say five years ago I have the feeling that I could follow such better. When I have trouble following Kuhner, then I know I’m in trouble – it happens?  
 Slip of 5/16 for 6/19 M, final drain at 9.04, for W
V g. 4.29 – pee 2, c later; good dream of girl’s warm hands on the (T); earlier such of me predicting 20% ~profit on the (T) )). V   Leg is just awful – bug bite
 PJ Pocket 3x5 of 5/21, drain at 9.09, from last night
V #9? 4.59 – TRY SPLITTER & VO. ACT ON ARP.   --   To my surprise before 10.39, the Voice Activation does not kick in for a second cut after the Splitter feature ends the first cut one minute after the B Box was wired in.  Vo Ac does tho go in and out as the radio signal is cut and restored.  I still don’t see how you would use Splitter to do something like make short segments for an Audio Book, or such.  
 What to say about lunch with Todd, no Margie, and two Lingus’s?  Basically, it was very good – but time consuming.  The drive is rather long and a bit tedious, but worth doing again, I guess – in two, maybe three weeks?  4.55
 A short smoke back here of two pipes was still good, and then grass pulling - finishing a couple of ca. legs, I think at 4.56 has not hurt me.  Restored?  I venture to say yes.  Bad news – Brother Reese is out on vac on lunch day, the 29th.  Ask Kurt if his scruples will allow a twosome?  
 Ugh at 8.07 with dishes tediously done, tho there weren’t so very many of them, and enuf attention given to sol, I ought to drag myself to knock together a piece to Marc – tho I don’t much feel like doing it.
 Kurt has replied the lunch date has to yield to Ron’s vac schedule – I don’t have to reply yet, at 8.09.  Dishes saw the exhaustion of loaded Death files – the rounding up of more is one of the seemingly many tasks bearing on my shoulders.  
 With a Marc draft dragged out of me at 8.45, maybe good enuf, why do I feel so very tired? A slump/rebound from that possible mood bounce of the morning?  I doubt it. I can drag myself thru the pipe cleaning I never did yesterday?                                                                              W
 2017/6/22 A 7.30 R – oh dear me, I –DO- feel tired this morning, and felt tired during the night, with bad dreams, and particularly tired last evening – I could not get thru that called-for pipe cleaning.  I had about a 15’ chair-nap, and gave up.  
 Such fatigue I do not much expect to pass away today, at least not this morning, not before, possibly, the purifying pipe process.  A walk might help.  7.33   There are many loose-end things I hope I can clean up today; being tired like this is good for such?  I think I –WILL- ask Kurt about a twosome.  July 29th is too late for a lunch, too near NJ vac – that is his date?  No, the 20th.  Finish Marc first.  Done at 7.43 – go wash.
 Back at 8.28, still bushed, but pushing back the frontiers of disorganization.  Do Kurt next?  No, hymns, etc., from Todd.  Done at 9.34, and pull cord for opening hopper window, and nut ration, and new pot of coffee, and pipes – did I say?  So much, but how to I fire F Fox up for TV Titan?  All done and Bookmarked at 9.42; so much, simple stuff, is getting done you might think I was feeling good – but you would still be wrong.  We have also done a run of cutting out real junk mail, like LinkedIn’s piece; much remains to be done to clean up threaded good stuff.
 Wow at 9.49, I have finally succeeded in knocking down the ppi hot synch manager, and thus gotten rid of its frequent message about not finding the Com1 port.  See screen shot in Aside2, if needed.
 Slip of 6/5 for 6/21 W, draining at 9.58, still progressing
V a. 6.47 – pee – 3   2 up. Bad dream of muddy ascent of boulder ~bridge, almost falling down.
b. 7.12 – poop? V 2 from br. Table – Todd, copy – JXM* to Lunch Circle?  How to copy discs like Liz’s scanner stuff?  * - he’s too busy?  How’s Cy doing?   --   And, continuing at 10.29, how’s Holgate doing?  
 V c. 10.23 – poop #2
 V d. P 11.53 – pee 1 – why so poor?  Prep, pills, swish at 11.  ~good dream, OK, of team of 3 looking for trouble (W) kids ~balking writing journals.
  Oh dear, before 10.25 and bed-making, etc., I forgot to tell Todd of my humor-generating algorithm, of shuffling particles.  But I am getting other stuff done, and am quite on a roll – it feels great; almost as good as not feeling tired, and feeling energetic.  See what we can do with Death files.  
 At 11.26, I think that those - and a Quest mess - are temporarily above my pay grade.  Go to the mailbox, or just play a little sol till full lunch time?
 I should have, before 3.35, at least started ripping the Rabbit disks.  A walk to the mailbox sufficed, I hope, for walking; restored after the smoke?  Yes.  I was a bit too warm in this shirt – I should have had the tank top down here.  I ended with a partial refill of that little bent boy; otherwise quite good. Pull weeds soon – finishing I hope, and starting the recovery from these itchy bug bites.  
 At 4.50, we are cooling down, after wondering at / 4 36 \ if we were / too tired? \ After a particularly awkward and bending weeding session; but we are / Done \ with that top front stuff; now we need to do a bit of work on the weeds of the / Sidewalk? \
 Now at 5.05, the Quest ca. lost text problem is hopefully fixed.
 It’s 7.43, and the dishes are not done; 25 + 5 Timer nap was followed by some recliner time, and, still with coffee, I do not feel tip-top.  Do the dishes - and maybe we can shape up the Death files, or at least clean the pipes – and start Rabbit rips.
 At 8.27, beaten by sol, we have our marching orders, to find Death disk 4.  Well, before 8.39, I found something to load, but then couldn’t find it in the mpe.  Similarly, I loaded the short GB cuts into the Audible folder, but to mpe, it still appears empty.  Think about it, and return.  V
 Well, at 8.48, if we can’t load Death disk 4, try for 5 – and on up, if necessary.  At 8.50, we have maybe gotten all of disk 5 loaded, maybe goofy, maybe some duplication.  Try some Rabbit.  Try again when 18 Megs are freed up, after 9.01 – clean pipes and shut/ease down? 9.32 – more sol and Rabbit ripping done.                                   R
     Dddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd. F
 2017/6/23 A 8.46 F – ye gods, I got to get back to B Cen for BD choc and card.  Rabbit CD’s can maybe be returned at the same time.
 In a lightening-like raid before 8.57, I tried to install Liz’s scanner software to see if it would come up at least as well as that Epson stuff on the BDC machine – but in vain.  It seemed eventually to be looping, saying installing the reference guide, seemingly the 4th item to do of four.  I eventually killed it, and found none of those four seemingly installed; it did not look quite like a problem of a missing driver, as Liz predicted.  
 I can’t yet quite get the BDC Epson stuff going before 9.00, but there is hope for that, finding and seeing old slides, and maybe for it driving the scanner, anew.  
 Alas, at 11.13, I have given up toying with Photo Impressions 4 on the BDC, and put it back to hibernating.  I could bring up and view and manipulate their sample ca. slides, but not my old ones that I think some of were in there – I could tho find such in Palm Land. And I could not get it interested in starting to drive the scanner.  I am done and defeated?
 Are we well rested today at 9.03, and bright?  It would seem so – can/do we keep it up?  Oh dear, at 9.43, I fear I may have labored too long on the sidewalk weeding, but at least I got nearly all of it done – quite enuf, till next time?  And, back at the ranch, the ripping has finished.  The rain threat continues – else I might think of the bike.  
 If, at 10.02 we have done too much back-intensive weeding work, we may be somewhat substandard this morning, below code, but such a condition will surely not get past that marvelous pipe fairy – I love her so much I should give her a name?  It would not be Rou, such already being given to the goddess of mind potions, as was told of in JVol3.  
 Slip of 5/17 for 6/22 R, drain at 10.05, somewhat wearily.
V a. 6.22 – pee 3? 1 missed; bad dream of broad-sliding bike      BELL X down steep grassy slope, steering (W) caliper brakes
 V b. 6.49 – pee; up – couldn’t wait    Tired.
 V c. 7.18 poop? V    coffee – still tired
 V d. 10.06 – poop
 V e. F 1.11 – pee 1; try pills at 10?
 V f. 3.06 – pee 2, NSH.  OK dream of film speeds & GUPSLOG mailed in by Frodo Connelly.
 There, drained and landed at 10.14 – do I feel a flicker of satisfaction, pride? Conceivably.  
 Well, we have some excitement today, starting before 3.44, shortly before lunch, after starting that big picnic bark edging project.  For some reason I opened Show Hidden Icons, and saw a strange icon, which is shown in tje Aside 2 file – see it if you can.
 It reported that I had some sort of a Trojan-Horse-Spy thing aboard, and do I want it removed? Some high level consultation said yes, which took it a bit of time to do, and it said Restart to tidy it up. Well, with lunch and Rush coming on, I said Wait.  Meanwhile, the SRC charging plug had fallen out again, and, maybe it was after a walk to the second summit featuring the Greenstein’s driving by and stopping to report that Ira is now a senior VP of a travel company, etc., etc.  I got back to find the SRC Out of Gas and shut down, right in the middle of the Rush cut, which picked right up with power restored.
 A somewhat short smoke before 3.52 was interrupted by a thunder shower, moving me in about ten feet under cover, and then okay. I did the restart soon after washing, and we are back up without incident.
 How long was that ca. hidden icon in there – way before 3.54?  I xxxx should look in there often?                                                                            F
 2017/6/24 A 9.42 S – oh dear, oh dear, why am I so tired?  It would not be from the unaccustomed sound of an air conditioner making our bedroom cool enuf to stay under a sheet; I have made this noise-transition plenty.  One thinks of mood, and its variation.  Anyhow, I haven’t taken a shower, putting a still bigger implied load on tomorrow morning.
 At 9.45, let us try a bit to account for the journalistic blackout above, after 3.54.  I was feeling pretty good then I think, pretty spry, but was worn down later by the labor of helping to move that ca. new AC box upstairs, followed by lengthy stretches of some helping and some just baby-sitting its installation.  Yes, I think it is this total process what done me in.  
 The evening actually saw, before 9.49, the dishes getting done, actually with some audio. Not noted: no audio at all last night, just charging, again.  After dishes I just went downhill, with sol and later heavy recliner use, with only the merest tip of the hat to pipe cleaning, let alone the contemplated Questing – that is, I thought about such a little, as I contemplated what I would like to be doing if I could, and that’s as far as I got.  Let us now at 9.52 drag ourselves off to the done dish washer, but still loaded.
 P. S. at 9.53 – I need to ride my bike to B Cen for card and choc, and maybe BPL back, and it’s raining, on top of this exhaustion.  
 Perhaps after 11.34, and in the afternoon, the rain will be gone – but, even after the help of the pipe fairy, will I have the strength for the ride?  And can I be back and spiffed up by 5.10 for push time to Jimmy’s Steer House?  God be praised that the dishes are done, early.  
 Slip of 5/18 for 6/23 F, drain at 11.36, struggling forward
V a. 5.16 – pee – 3, OK   Good dream filming old India   BELLS X
 V b. 6.51 – pee 4, 2 up
 V c. 7.09 – poop? V
 V d. 7.42 – BDC has Twain, etc.?
 X e. 10.32 – poop 2? X
 V f. S 1.43 – pee 1; prep, pills, swish at 11 – good.  Dream, ~bad, of far north corn farm & my best friendxx.  Not so terrible tired now.
 V g. 3.58 – pee 2 – NSH.  Lost ~bad dream.  Small AC is helping sleep.
  Possibly a little less tired after lunch and regular 15’ repose, at 12.23 – go out to smoke.
 Before 8.25, now still full of good dinner, we thought, at / 2 37 \ in early from a good smoke and no walk, we were / Restored?  Maybe \ with much progress made on / Junger \ and Death stuff, all ready to roll files over.
 Before 4.21, the ride was tiring, and hot, but I think I can shake them both – maybe.
 Yes, I did pretty well before the big supper, but now, at 8.27, I am pretty tired, and ready for the 9 PM TV show about trouble in the SLC library. S  
       Dddddddddddddddddddddddddddd. U
 2017/6/25 A 7.11 U – mood is up, for sure; may I feel as good as I do now for the rest of the day – nay, for the rest of my life.  
 Before 7.14, \ but, at 7.36, I can’t remember what I was / Focused \ upon, or something.  2
 Before 7.31, and breaking for a poop, I finally got, ca. a week ago, a better handle on that preciousness of all life thing, human, and this conceivably extendable to lower life – it is the uniqueness of each individual – they really are individual, if you look at them closely, as Murray was ca. wont to do, and get past the seeming blankness and uniformity of two billion Chinese or whatever it is.  
 Slip of 5/19 for 6/24 S, drain at 9.01 – still feeling good?  Less so?
V aa. 6.13 – pee 3, 2 up, c later                                        BELLS X
 V b. 7.25 up – pee? V   still tired? More dreams lost.
 V c. 7.45 – poop – hard
 V d. P 11.43 – pee 1, pills
 V e. U 3.31 – pee 2, bad dream of Ed Bensley helping me (W) little girl’s book text of gift given to Her.  Mood rebounded?
 f. 3.39 – return to attic work?  Swish finally done.                              xxxx
 V g. 6.14 – pee 3, good; c later.  Good dream of conf. table trying to clear analog tapes, & smart, shy girl next to me. Audio earlier
 Before 5.17, at / 3 36 \ I observed that I was / Stuck in this shell \ and added at / 3 47 \ that the shell, my body, was full of / Complex processes \ such as urination, which was the activity of 3.36.  I understand better and better the lure, the fascination with, the idea of downloading one’s brain contents into an appropriate computer, and assuming an uncluttered, eternal life of pure intellectualization.  
 At / 4 20 \ we added / 6 20 push \ time to birthday special dinner in Stallina’s courtyard.  Still no word from Nelly about her birthday, or Ti’s and her present, or Liz’s, or Father’s Day – all before 5.23
 At 4.51, we have done a bit of edge-cutting, and come in with a few raindrops on us.  Were we restored by the pipe and attendant fairy? No, her work was already done – we were already in top form, even after a hot-ish walk around the full loop – we finally made it.  
 With a late start after BD presents or something, smoke-time was still a bit short, but, with that and the edging-time, we finished the audio book of Death in Belmont, by Sabastian Unger – ending inconclusively as to whether DeSalvo or Smith killed in Belmont.  Oh, oh – we’ve still got to get that murder house’s address.  4.56
 In starting that search before 5.04, we found a strange, not-too-loud squirrely sort of noise on the speakers – like ca. static form the lamp, but it’s not that; now at 5.11, it is gone – a pretty mystery.
 At 5.24, shall we, after changing clothes, clean pipes, or maybe return to Questing? Pipes can definitely wait, for the potential sluggish time after another good dinner, surely with a beer.
 We are back at 9.26 after a nice nap just ending when Marc called with longish wishes for the birthday girl.  The bluefish and crustada were delicious – I gain more weight?  The living has been easy, and good.  
 9.44 – pack it in after considerable Quest-success.       U
     Ddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd. M
 2017/06/26 A 9.35 M – wonders never cease – the auto-date dude is back.  He sobered up?  I have dragged myself thru a shower and getting out the lawm mower on this cool, dry, beautiful morning – but still it doesn’t perk me up.  I am back to being tired, alas.  But being maybe tired-er from mowing will not necessarily be a loss.  Now I need to drag myself thru pipe cleaning and portioning – but I can hear the end of the M Styne file to help me along.  
 At 10.50 the Styne thing is done, the dryer is going, and did drag all the way thru that double pipe process.  Oh how I look forward to the pipe time, communing with that fairy, without a tedious walk, maybe in the cool, scant shade near St. Francis.
 10.57, and we sink into a bit of sol, and brood on those mistakes I continue to make – increasingly?  They are mostly from errors in scanning across, and up, for possible moves before taking the next card from the stock.  Call them sol-gaffes?  
 Before 4.55, at / 3 30 \ we felt quite / RESTORRED \ a lot of it having to do with an excellent out by the hill stairs, watching a bunny for half an hour, sit on the grass cautiously eyeing me, and finally turning to eating clover blossoms, in the un-mowed grass.  I finally said, ‘Get ready to move, bunny, I am thru smoking my pipe and receiving the blessings of the pipe fairy, and I am getting up.’  I did, and still the critter didn’t move, to my surprise.  I walked toward it, and it moved a couple feet. More advances finally got it to move in a respectful way.  Thus, before 5.00, we resolved to / MOW \ and so it was.
 Double frustration at 4.54 – I can’t get the mower to start, and I can’t get a sol win, to ca. cover the time.  
 At / 8 48 \ we had had a nap of / 1 ½ hr’s \ which seems to have pretty well restored us from the hot, extended exertion of finally getting the lawn mower started at 5.10, and continuing straight thru the rest of the job – not a pretty picture. I did slump into that nap.  
 Over dishes I got pretty well dug into Rabbit, Run – and it does, at 9.16, seem pretty good. What did Tom say about writing like that?
  \ which seems to have pretty well restored us from the hot, extended exertion of finally getting the lawn mower started at 5.10, and continuing straight thru the rest of the job – not a pretty picture. I did slump into that nap.  
 Over dishes I got pretty well dug into Rabbit, Run – and it does, at 9.16, seem pretty good. What did Tom say about writing like that?  At 9.20, it is about Updike writing in vignettes in a sort that I don’t quite dig.      M
 2017/06/27 A 7.52 T – the auto-date guy is still sober, and on the job.  After that 9.20 we got a bit more Questing work done.  Today, cranking up the CTC $6.95 subscription, I see only five years of archives xxxx offered - not enuf to get back to Art Bell?  I’ll try it, then B Sobrannie.
 In from edging and then some rain at 10.34, we sort-a shuffle along.
 Slip of 6/2 for 6/25 U, drain at 10.35, progressing – somewhat.
X a. 7.01 – pee? 4; c later.  I woke up right on.  Confused       BELLS X
Dream, good, of trying to clear analog tapes.
 V b. 7.16 – poop – just right.   --   Meaning, I think at 10.47, that the process does not at all crowd over up into bed time.  
 V c. M 4.17 – pee 1 – prep, pills, swish at 11 – WOW!  W = 5 ¼ hr’s!
 V d. 6.12 – pee 2 – c later   Tired?
 V e. 7.16 – up, poop? X  Tired. Pee 3.
 V f. 7.37 – poop
 X g. 8.13 – much rested post shower?
 V h. 9.25 – rather intensive M Styne audio earlier; it done me in?  (Tired again now)  I don’t think so.
 Ca. 50’ nap has maybe got me fixed up OK at 7.40 after being tired-out by edging work then getting down Liz’s hill-cuttings. Walk to Radcliffe Road summit then corner smoke were good.  We can get going on EOM work?
 Wow an x-survey shows us at 8.44 that this file is in great shape, with few short range, fixable things to do, and more long range, reminder type things.  After 1/3 inches of rain, heavy at times, semi-far-away thunder rumbles on and on.                                                                                     T
 2017/6/28 A 7.23 W – drunk again.  We could not remember a night of such thunder and crashing lightening, not both of us together.
 The current slip speculates that we rise today, after much audio, mostly running out Rush, and one M Styne, maybe at a level of M3, no it was 2 – this level of energy and cheer.  No, Kurt, I still can’t separate mood from energy.  
 PJ Pocket 3x5 of 5/19, drain at 7.27 from last night
V #1. 5.33 – 2 – SONG, CAPTURE     BREAD,   --   That is, at 7.31, we have seen today. and hummed, the Trin Presentation Hymn – This is the place; it used to be longer, and we are now using just the end?
 #2. LGBTQ+ --   That is, before 8.24, I wanted to capture the somewhat remarkable Staff Tumblr post involving the LGBTQ+ community; more and more people are picking up the new Q letter, seemingly for Queer, a somewhat vague category, in contrast to T, which I guess is about the most specific.  The newly-added + is, I guess, a provision for a ton of additional letters that may dribble in thru the open door.  Here’s the text:
 Hi Tumblr —
We’ve heard from a bunch of you that Safe Mode was filtering posts from the LGBTQ+ community even though they were completely innocuous and totally safe-for-work. Please know that was never our intention - and we appreciate you letting us know so quickly—and forcefully! We’re deeply sorry. Tumblr will always be a place where everyone is welcome and protected, so we want to explain what happened.
The major issue was some Tumblrs had marked themselves as Adult/NSFW (now Explicit) as a courtesy to their fellow users, and their perfectly safe posts were getting marked sensitive unintentionally. That should never have happened. We’re sorry.
It’s a sad world out there at 8.31;   we’ve got to take it back – and I think we can, with Trump’s help – and God’s.  
 Before 11.21 we have done some edge cutting, and a bit of that stair weeding, till the sun got too much; the edging involved very wet soil, but not bad.  At least the pipes are cleaned, for a change.  The day is cool and beautiful.  
 Trying to pick up the tale at 10.03 R, I recall a walk, maybe to the second summit, and then a goodish corner smoke interrupted by the grocery shoppers arriving home, and carrying their stuff in.  The much bigger interruption was for repeatedly calling the Arlington lawn mower shop, and hitting their tape, beginning with 2.30 announced shop opening time.  
 Forgotten before 11.34 R was the rather big deal of, on the walk, finally resuming the habit of the promenading pipe – smoking the briar quite successfully as I went, refilling it, and it bearing up quite well under the strain.  
 The morning saw much ca. bustle of lawnmower ca. prep and decision, and the later afternoon with the trip taking the sick puppy in.  I was surprised that the gas was so bad, apparently leading to water in the carburetor and here and there, before 10.41 R.  We waited for the work, with some difficulty.  The later afternoon saw what?  
 At / 5 02 \ and before 10.43 R, played, for ca. solace, a sol game with / SAME SOL DECK FOR SURE \ as I am still convinced, but still cannot believe.  
 Doing dishes before / 8 08 \ saw much thinking of the boogie-woogie music of / WILL BRADLEY \ maybe held on a tape, or on an            xxx / LP \ - seek it?  How would I find such a tape?  The hymn / WE GATHER TOGETHER \ also thought of, and found.
 Before 10.48 R, at / 8 51 \ we found the mpe, lost since pipe time and NF in the pipe basket, on the / FLOOR AGAIN \ partly under the desk, just like that earlier, extended panic time.  The evening saw fatigue.     W
 2017/6/29 A 7.39 R – what a strange night.  It’s the dreams – I said, I’ve been trying to figure out where they came from – maybe from 111 Mass Ave.  Call it Fast Eddie’s Place?  It is a strange place indeed, with all those antiques and strange things crammed in. And strange people in a way – so very ca. nice.  Go back annually, for a tune-up, and more?  
 Some before 8.09, while washing, it seemed to me that this strangeness/weirdness maybe comes from the end/outrun of a mood cycle – elated yesterday morning, tired/isolated/shut off - last night, to the point of depression.
 Slip of 5/22 for 6/29 R – at 8.12, get to draining.
V a. 1.52 – pee 2, c later; pills                      BELLS X
 V b. 4.26 – good! Pee 3.  Dreams, OK, many, vague, lost.
 V c. 5.58 – pee 4 – strange, ~weird dreams of bad ~reading lists & no one knows who we are or where going.  C later. Strange food.  Earlier – locating a tree house.  Very tall power pylons.)   --   That is, before 8.17, that should have been who THEY are.  The food was sort of like pound cake – to make ca. us grow fast?  I still can’t make anything of that reading list thing – it was instructions for what we were to do, not so much what to read?
 V d. 7.03 – up – pee? V no?  Liz up earlier, not sleeping well.  Earlier dream of 2 men walking, & deliberating – tree house location?  My fate?  Audio not even close.  
 V e. 7.07? Dreams not very vivid)   --   From front of 5/22 slip   XYGY
 V f. R 7.14 – poop, hard – finally something normal?   --   This note is overflow, onto the front of the June 1 slip – see both if you can.  
  Slip of 6/1 for 6/27 T, drain out of order, at 8.26
V a. 12.47 – pee? V – 1 – Prep, pills, swish @ 11.  EOM – from   BELLS X WHERE?   --   That is, before 11.07, the reality of EOM upon us seemed to come out of nowhere.
 V b. 2.54 – pee 2
 V c. 5.14 – pee 3; Good sunrise
 V d. 7.01 – up, pee 4
 V e. 7.29 – poop
 V f. W 1.29 – pee 1; ~OK
 V g. 3.34 – pee 2
 V h. 5.14 – pee 3, NSH
 V i. 7.47 – 2 up; pee?  Lotsa audio done   --   That 7.47 should have been written as 6.47, right?  - 11.11
 V j. 7.08 – poop; hard
 V k. 9.22 – poop #2, a manic thing to do.  Some rushed, not hard.
 V l. R 12.07 – pee 1; prep – only   --   With pills & swish pushed back
 We drag ourselves back to what we hope at 9.58 is productive work, possibly being too tired from hill and edging work to recover readily – before lunch – that pipe fairy can surely dispel any malaise like THIS.
 Indeed, at 11.12, with Landing done, we are pretty draggy.  What needs to be done?  Not pipes – check x-s.  11.14 – do Fast Eddie’s check.  At 11.37 we have not been able to find an envelope or stamp, but HAVE helped with more A/C games, that are somewhat like reindeer games.  
 Before 4.51, we walked again smoking the good briar to the mailbox, then to the Leader Bank for back-fill cash, and then had another good corner smoke, soon running thru some more Rabbit stuff, but puzzling me, as to why he seems to be deserting his family, driving south.  
 Some more edging stuff has left me some tired at 4.53; was I restored after Pipe Time? Maybe.  We recover okay this evening, even taking a short-ish Timer nap?
 A 25’ such nap has left me a little groggy, but I am hoping to pull out of it – maybe with sol’s help. At 7.39, try dishes, with Rabbit.  At 8.19 we have to report very limited success.  We can get pipes cleaned before we crump?
 Done before 9.08, but crumping is close.  No x-ie’s found to do; too tired to call Cy, or ream pipes.  We cash it in at 9.19, and look for TV.   R
     Ddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd. F
 2017/6/30 A 8.30 F – poor Journal, still getting hind tit, coming back only after I clean up everything else, win two games of sol, and finally look around – oh, what can I do – Journal!  
 Is the night worth commenting on, at 8.31?  no, not really; the Slips will cover it well enuf, when filled, and drained.  The weather threatens showers ca. 11; I can start carrying rocks up the hill, clearing up at least some, and pulling some more of those stair weeds.  
 Maybe such will be with Rabbit; I do keep thinking of it, for the fairly gripping story, and not at all for the Harvard summa’s occasional flights into soaring adjectives, and language seemingly celebrated as very ca. eloquent by sager heads than mine. It IS pornographic in places, or at least very explicit.  8.35
 We return at 9.48 more tired than we anticipated before we stood up; we were in a little bit of rain-shower trouble, or might have gone on longer.  We could return, but, after a bunch of time and labor spent in ca. household support, we certainly should do a stint here, not just with sol, but trying to advance something; maybe the x-s can be advanced a bit. Geez, tomorrow is the first, and tonight is closing time; we are pretty well ready?  
 At 10.03, with some improvement, we are about as ready as we can get in present time.  
 The foray made earlier, and before 10.38, into Tumblr ca. account xxxx security, or management, ended today with a change made that should send me an e/m when someone (or I?) log onto that account – the MOM one, I think, not the Follower. Also at logoff time?
 With the decks cleaned of more and more found things, like putting away the hymnal, is it appropriate to ask about Booking up the recent run of lunch memos?  The account would seem to be dead for at least a month, after 11.02.  I was tempted earlier in my searching to go back out to cut edges, but now I think wisely drew back, with my upper body now feeling more tired.  I could have quite wiped myself out.  11.04
 Before 8.23, at / 3 30 \ the / SHOPPING BEAUTY \ was back, and my interrupted smoke time was over, and I felt only / PARTIALLY RESTORED \ a big impediment it being / TOO HOT \ and / HUMID \ and at / 3.34 \ thought to / Ca. rush out to the weeds, with Rabbit ca. hanging on the edge? \   He was out to dinner in a dicey situation.  At / 3 37 \ the story is told in / Not first person \ if that is the form Tom said it had.  At / 4 37 \ the / Lower stairs done \ were, it then seeming / Not too hot \ altho earlier we had / Ca. 87 max, ca. 40% - humid \ yes, humid indeed.  / Timer nap will be sufficient? \ Yes, before 8.28 35 + 5 seemed to be sufficient - and I guess is.  Smoke time, tho interrupted, was okay – no, say good.  At 8.30, we are about ready to close up.    F
 2017/7/1 A 7.40 S – back, to the Journal version.
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thewolfamongussy · 7 years
i was just abt to send you a bunch of the sosu questions for ghost but then i saw that someone else asked you ten so can you do the other ten questions they didnt ask?? :0
omg thank u :0 13 and 20 were already answered in a previous ask!
11- Favorite settlement
Probably Sanctuary or the Castle. Also Murkwater construction site almost because that’s where Mercer Safehouse is at in my game and where Deacon hangs out. At least, Ghost renovated it a bit so it’s less swampy. 
12- Outfit right now Ghost is pretty much always in his Minutemen outfit. 
14- Opinion on non feral Ghouls He really wouldn’t mind turning ghoul himself. One of his closest friends is a ghoul, eventually he finds out his brother survived the bombs and became a ghoul. Ghouls are cool. 
15- What’s their perk chart holy shit Ghost is level 82, he has way too many perks
16- S.P.E.C.I.A.L stats? - S:10 P:6 E:7 C:11 I:8 A:6 L:7
17- Collect anything? (ie- vault lunchboxes) Fancy Lads Snack Cakes for all his synth friends. Also some Old World widgets as Deacon calls them. Ghost would probably open some sort of Wasteland Antique Shop for all the cool stuff he finds that has stayed intact for 200 years.
18- Favorite animal, mutated or not Ghost Wolf’s favorite animal is the wolf. He also loves dogs and other canines. He pretty much bought all the dogs from that guy in Far Harbor. Also he lowkey wishes he had a pet Deathclaw.
19- Opinions on the Institute He absolutely hated the Institute. But after finding out Shawn was the leader of the Institute. He had mixed feelings. Of course, he is against the way that they treat synths, among many other things. But, Shawn was his son and the only family he had left (that he knew of, he didn’t know his brother also survived). Family was everything to Ghost but he still couldn’t let the Institute destroy everything he stood for. After realizing that he and Shawn could not find any common ground, he decided to destroy the Institute with the Minutemen, but felt a lot of guilt afterwards. Not for the Institute but for Shaun. He wanted to be a good father. He wishes he could have been there for Shaun and he felt like he had failed to do that. 
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