#Varaharu (saiyuki)
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What have you done?! You, who have no rank, and no name, you, who are of the lowest standing... How dare you do that to Hakkai's beautiful face?!
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returntoclear · 3 years
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セブンイレブン、ファミリーマート、ローソンでプリントできます。 ぜひプリントしてみてくださいね!
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Varaharu: ya'll'd've
Goku: *tears streaming down his face* i don't know what ur saying
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rosssrandomblog · 2 years
Saiyuki reload zeroin finale aka ep 12 and 13.
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At least we have all the gang now, let's just hope that it won't be a massacre. Spoiler! It is.
Well let's just say that not only Ukoku is the most terrifying person on this goddamn planet but he's also a fucking clown 🤡.
It was known but this is ridiculous. Arghhhh.
Ok I am calm.
Sanzo is kinda ok now 'cause he have his ✨besties✨ but Hazel...
He was a destroyed man before but in this two episodes he had been annihilated and I am not ok.
To me is very clear that all the Varaharu story is a narrative mirror of the mental dinamic of Hazel. If it's not I... Don't know maybe I am crazy.
Hazel for all this time directed all his rage and anger and grief to something other than himself, to something external: the youkais. And that was a defence mechanism to distract himself from the fact that the real target of all that rage was himself. He was the demon all along, but if he hates something else can't use that energy to hate himself and self destroy.
For a hot minute I thought that would have been Varaharu to kill Gato... Thanks god it wasn't, it would have been even more devastating and I gonna need some days to recover already so... yes.
Anyway Sanzo and Hakkai bullying Hazel to make him react gives me life. I appreciate that they made Hakkai give him the final 'hit' because it was clear from the beginning of the series that they are the two faces of the same coin.
*fast forward* hearing Ukoku saying "I am bored now" froze the blood in my veins. I was like <has been nice, but I am going now. Goodbye>
Goku and Gojyo going at Ukoku with no care in the world was philosophical in a very Saiyuki style, I love it.
The flower will die eventually but it blooms. They are going to lose this fight, they know but what matters is the fight it self, what matters is to fight even if you know you will lose at the end. The flower will come back the next season and you can win the next fight.
Gato death... Guys, I am not ok.
It was nice to see Hazel really show of his powers (yes Varaharu's fit doesn't count) obv he's no match for Ukoku but was nice seeing him handle himself in battle.
Gato using his last strength to stop Hazel and 'relieve' him from his oath of atonement had me sobbing.
Hazel and Sanzo being the ones to be able to hit Ukoku for real was a little reward, thank you I really appreciate it.
I knew that Hazel wouldn't die that way but he was ready to do so, he really was. His interior monologue sounded very much like a goodbye.
Sanzo Ikkou aftermath is the only reason I am still sane, reminded very much the post Kami-Sama.
But Hazel's cries and sobs are still ringing in my ears.
Well that was a long walk through, all the serie was intense, so many feelings. I am glad though it was amazing, for me is even better than Reload Blast.
It's pretty obvious but Hazel quickly climbed up the 'favorite charcters list' accommodating himself at Sanzo's side at the top of the chart. Sanzo for me had always had been some kind of role model, an inspiration. Hazel is the one who I relate to, I see myself in him completely.
Anyway I don't know what I gonna do with my self now.
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Varaharu: ya knoww,...in all my *claps* over 2000 years on this earth, and...my,...17 consecutive years of demonic possession . i have learned absolutely nothing
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Gat: It's what's inside that makes you beautiful.
[Varaharu, who's possessing Hazel]: *blushes*
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Gat: Hazel, what do you want to eat?
[Varaharu, in Hazel's head: the souls of the innocent.]
Hazel: A bagel.
[Varaharu: Nooooo!]
Hazel: Two bagels.
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