#Vapor zipped up
minnyroll · 2 months
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Why dis 🛝 look so mad 😭😭😭
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burrotello · 1 month
Kester I quadruple dare you to kiss Vapor on the cheek.
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ebonnat · 15 days
This is just for giggles and funsies
Vapor and Kester belong to: @minnyroll
Idk if everytime I post something like this I’ll @ because I don’t wanna seem annoying but I’ll probably be disappearing for a while again lol
Also fishe is my oc, they name Koi cuz I’m smart with names
Silly fishy reporter
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invece-sto-sdraiato · 2 months
Petition to make Vapor (and Kester) from Zipped Up a Tumblr sexyman. Because yes.
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waitimcomingtoo · 11 months
Wasn’t Me
Pairing: Peter Parker x Stark!reader
Synopsis: when Vision accidentally phases through your wall and catches you and Peter in the act, you try to stop it from spreading to everyone in the tower before Tony gets home
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“Wait, this isn’t the kitchen.” Vision said as he accidentally phased through the bedroom wall. You and Peter froze at the sound of a third voice and slowly looked up. Every time you snuck off to have some private time with each other, you made sure to lock the door. But despite all your best efforts to keep your relationship a secret, neither of you accounted for Vision coming through the wall. Especially not when you were right in the middle of….something.
“Oh. Hello.” Vision said and gave you and Peter a polite wave. The act he had caught you did not seem to phase him at all while you and Peter were horrified.
“AHHHH.” You and Peter screamed at the same time. You rolled off of Peter and landed right on the floor while Peter grabbed a pillow and placed it over his lap.
“Forgive me for intruding, but I am looking for the kitchen.” She said to meet her in the kitchen.” Vision asked politely.
“Well you’re not gonna find it here!” You exclaimed as you threw your shirt back on.
“Dude! Get out! ” Peter shouted as he hastily tried to zip his pants.
“Oh, sorry, am I interrupting something?” Vision genuinely asked.
“YES!” You screamed like it was obvious.
“My apologies. I bid you both a good day.” Vision nodded curtly and disappeared back the way he came. You and Peter stayed in silence for a while as you processed what had happened.
“Do you think he saw us?” Peter asked to break the silence. You sat up from under him and gave him a look.
“Do I think he saw us?” You repeated slowly.
“Well do you?” Peter asked as you climbed back onto the bed.
“Are you kidding me? Of course he saw! The straw was already in the coconut. There’s no way he didn’t realize what was going on.”
“Maybe he thought we were just wrestling?” Peter shrugged weakly.
“Uh huh. Wresting with your dick out. Just like WWE.” You said sarcastically.
“Damn it. He definitely saw us. Do you think he’ll tell anyone?” Peter worried.
“He better not. My dad will kill you. And then vaporize your corpse. And then set the ashes on fire. And then blow them into a shrimp cocktail.”
“But I’m allergic to shellfish.”
“Exactly.” You whispered.
“Oh shit.” Peter gulped. “We need to go find Vision and make sure he doesn’t tell anyone.”
“Let’s go. He’s probably charging or in a bowl of rice or something.” You said and lead Peter out of the room. You went into the kitchen and found Vision at the breakfast table.
“Hey Vision.” Peter smiled awkwardly as you stood beside him.
“Hello, Peter.” Vision said politely.
“So, about the little snafu from before. We just want to make sure you don’t tell anybody about what you saw.”
“Yeah. Because it wasn’t what it looked like.” You added.
“Oh, no? It looked like the two do you were engaging in sexually explicit activity.” Vision replied. You and Peter exchanged a panicked look and tried to think of a way out of this.
“It looked like that, yes, but that’s not what we were doing.” Peter lied as you nodded along.
“Hm. That’s funny. I can detect heart rates and both of you appear to be lying.” Vision said with genuine curiosity.
“We’re not lying, silly.” You forced a laugh. “My heart is racing because I haven’t had any food yet but I drank a bunch of coffee.”
“You know women and their pumpkin spice lattes.” Peter added, earning himself a jab in the side.
“Watch it.” You said through a smile.
“And my heart just beats fast because I have the heart rate of a spider.” Peter added. “No lying here.”
“Oh, I see. But if you two weren’t engaging in sexual activity, what were you doing?” Vision questioned.
“Uhhh…” Peter scratched his head and tried to think of something.
“Peter was just choking on a pretzel and I was getting it out of his throat.” You jumped in.
“With your tongue?” Vision asked.
“Yes?” Peter said weakly.
“With your shirts off?”
“It’s a new technique.” You deadpanned.
“I’m not aware of this technique. Can you demonstrate on me?” Vision asked you.
“Absolutely not.” Peter snapped and stepped between you and Vision. Vision looked at Peter in confusion and you had to jump in again.
“Because it didn’t work.” You explained. “He still choked.”
“He seems fine to me. Although, I am detecting some slight discomfort in the abdomen.” Vision said as he looked Peter up and down.
“I have a tummy ache.” Peter admitted and patted his stomach.
“Would you like me to conduct a physical exam?” Vision asked and held up both his hands.
“No. I probably just have to fart.”
“Oh my God.” You groaned and rubbed your eyes.
“So are we cool? You’re not gonna tell anyone what you saw?” Peter asked Vision.
“We are cool. I will not be telling anyone what I didn’t see.” Vision confirmed.
“Okay. Good.” You sighed in relief.
“Except for Wanda.” He added. “Because I already told her. I tell her everything. I love her quite dearly.”
“Oh my God.” You groaned even louder.
“What did you tell her you saw?” Peter asked him.
“Just you were engaging in-“
“It wasn’t sexual activity!” You exclaimed. “He was choking and I was saving his life.”
“Then why was his penis out?” Vision asked Peter.
“Because…it…was… cold.” Peter said slowly, hating himself with every word.
“Oh my God. Both of you need to stop.” You stated. “Do you think Wanda going to tell anyone about what you thought you saw but didn’t actually see?”
“I’m not sure.” Vision replied. “You’ll have to ask her.”
“Fine. We can ask her.” You sighed and pulled Peter by the hand and brought him to where Wanda was reading on the balcony.
“I don’t want to. She’s scary.” Peter whispered to you.
“We have to talk to her and find out what she knows before she tells my dad.” You whispered back.
“I can whisper too.” Wanda whispered as she suddenly appeared behind the two of you. You both screamed and jumped apart as she laughed. You grabbed Peters hand and ran away, brushing past Natasha as you went.
“They’re a little odd, aren’t they?” Natasha chuckled as she watched you run by.
“They are.” Wanda agreed. “You know, Vision caught them doing it before.”
“What? No way.”
“Yeah. He said he accidentally phased through Peters bedroom wall and caught them.”
“Oh God. Yuck. New fear unlocked. That’s hilarious though.” Natasha laughed at the thought.
“What’s hilarious?” Steve asked as he came into the room.
“Vision caught Y/n and Peter doing it.” Natasha told him.
“What?” Steve laughed. “No way.”
“That’s what I said!” Natasha laughed.
“Honestly, I kinda figured they were doing it. They are the only two in the tower around that age. And lord knows Peter is hornier than an…animal with horns.” Steve said weakly when he couldn’t think of an animal.
“Rhino?” Wanda asked.
“I was thinking Triceratops.” Steve admitted.
“Wait, isn’t there a rule again dating on the team?” Nat asked. “At least, that’s what Tony tells me and Bruce every time we make eye contact.”
“If he had a problem with that, he’s definitely gonna have a rule against one of us dating his daughter. Especially Peter.”
“I thought Peter was a nice boy, no?” Wanda asked.
“He is.” Steve nodded. “But all Tony will see is that he’s a boy who Vision caught with his daughter. He’s gonna blow Peter into a million pieces.”
“I’m pretty sure that’s what Vision walked in on.” Wanda mumbled. From across the room, you and Peter were peeking out from behind a wall to watch them all talk.
“This is bad. They’re all laughing and saying our names.” Peter whispered to you.
“Do you think Wanda told?”
“I don’t know. What if she made them all see it with her mind powers?”
“Why would she do that?”
“Because she’s evil and not to be trusted!” Peter whispered harshly.
“We just need to talk to her and find out what she knows. Maybe she didn’t even believe Vision.”
“Do we have to?” Peter whined. “What if she enters my mind palace?”
“She wouldn’t find much.” You mumbled.
“What was that?”
“Nothing, sweetie.” You patted his cheek and pulled him out from behind the wall. Natasha and Steve had left at that point and Wanda had gone back to her book.
“Hey, Wanda.” You said with an awkward wave.
“Oh. Hello. I haven’t seen you two in forever. What have you been up to?” Wanda said sarcastically.
“Not much. Same soup, just reheated. You know the vibes. So, uh, we just wanted to talk to you about something. Something Vision might have said.” You began.
“Oh. You mean you two swallowing each other alive in Peters room?” Wanda asked. You and Peter exchanged a look and Peter let out a loud gulp.
“Vision doesn’t know what he saw.” You told her.
“Vision is made from the highest form of artificial intelligence. He knows everything.”
“Okay.” You said mockingly. “But he doesn’t know in this specific situation.”
“He’s programmed to access a situation down to every last detail in case there is a threat of danger. And it seemed the only threat of danger in Peters room that day was running out of oxygen. Or maybe a broken pelvis.”
“I’m flattered but I’m not that good.” Peter said humbly.
“He’s right. He isn’t.” You nodded in agreement.
“What was that?” Peter asked you.
“We just want to make sure whatever Vision told you about what he thinks he saw isn’t going to be told to anyone else.” You said to Wanda.
“Now hold on.” Peter tried to go back to what he had heard.
“Secrets safe with me.” Wanda smiled and zipped her lips.
“And me.” Bruce said from behind you. You and Peter whipped around and saw Bruce staring at you while eating a bowl of cereal.
“What?! Were you in here the whole time?” Peter asked.
“Yeah. Wanda, you are funny. How come I never noticed that?” Bruce chuckled.
“I’m not sure.” Wanda shrugged. “You tell me.”
“God damn it. Are either of you going to tell anyone what Vision saw?” You asked and pointed at Wanda and Bruce.
“I thought Vision didn’t see anything?” Wanda smirked.
“Right. Is anyone going to tell my dad about what Vision thinks he saw but definitely didn’t see?” You asked with a hopeful smile.
“Maybe? I don’t understand the question. Can you reword it? Or maybe write it down so I can see it?” Bruce asked.
“Oh my God.” You groaned. “I thought you were the smart one.”
“Ouch. Can you tell your girlfriend to stop being mean to me?” Bruce asked Peter.
“I’m not his girlfriend because we weren’t engaging in sexual activity because we’re not dating. Everyone got that?” You asked angrily.
“Got it.” Wanda nodded.
“No, sorry. Still confused. So you are dating but Vision didn’t catch you guys doing it?” Bruce asked so genuinely that you wanted to scream.
“No, he definitely did.” Wanda snorted. You looked at her in betrayal and she smiled apologetically.
“Oh. Now I get it. You guys are dating and Vision did catch you having sex.” Bruch realized. “But what are we not telling Tony?”
“No one is telling Mr. Stark anything. Everyone just keep your mouth shut about the activities, which may or may not have been sexual in nature, that Vision allegedly walked in on. Okay?” Peter exclaimed.
“My lips are sealed.” Wanda assured you. “Well, now they are. Because I already told Steve and Nat. But that was before you asked me not to tell anyone.”
“Oh my God. Find. Can we trust you?” You asked Bruce.
“I’m not gonna rat. Don’t worry.”
“Thank you.” Peter nodded. “You’re dismissed.”
“I don’t take orders from you.” Bruce snapped and walked away.
“Jesus Christ.” Peter whispered and felt genuinely offended by the tone. You took his hand and brought him away from Wanda to regroup.
“We need to get ahead of this before anyone else finds out we’re secretly dating.” You told him.
“You guys are secretly dating?” Sam asked as he came into the hallway, making you both jump.
“Damn it!” Peter shouted and hit the wall.
“Oh great. Captain fucking America knows now.” You grumbled.
“Since when are you two a thing?” Sam laughed and looked between you and Peter.
“Two months.” You admitted.
“Two months? And Tony still doesn’t know?”
“Do you think Peter would be alive right now if my dad knew?” You asked and gestured to Peter.
“That’s a joke, right?” Peter laughed nervously.
“I guess not.” Sam shrugged.
“Are you gonna tell my dad?” You asked him.
“No.” Sam replied.
“Cool. Thanks.” You sighed in relief.
“But only if-“
“Mother fucker.” You exclaimed now that there was a new obstacle.
“Only if you promise to never bring up that one time with the TV.” Sam continued.
“You mean when you got caught-“
“Zip it.” Sam cut you off. “Or I’ll tell Daddy Warbucks about your affair with Little Orphan Annie here.”
“This whole conversation has been wildly emasculating.” Peter mumbled.
“I never saw anything.” You told Sam.
“Good.” He nodded. “Then we have a deal.”
You went to shake hands when your phone started to ring. You looked at Peter curiously and pulled it out of your pocket.
“Hang on. Hello?”
“Hey short stack. I’m landing in 20 minutes. I can see that most of the team is in the tower today so I thought we could all have a nice, family dinner in the dining room. How does that sound?” Tony asked you through the phone.
“The entire team? In the dinning room? For dinner? Tonight?” You asked as panic grew in your chest.
“Are you playing a one man game of Clue? Just let everyone know, will you?” Tony asked.
“Sure, daddy. No problem.” You laughed nervously and looked at Peter with wide eyes.
“Thanks, peach. See you soon.” Tony said before having up.
“Shit balls.” You whispered once you were off the phone.
“Was that super good news?” Peter asked hopefully.
“My dad wants the whole team in the dinning room for family dinner.” You said and held your breath for his reaction.
“Son of a…” Peter started to shout and then quieted down, “shart mama.”
“I know. It’s bad.”
“This has gotten so out of hand. I’ve never taken this many L’s in a row. I don’t know if I can take anymore. My body is shutting down. I haven’t peed all day.” Peter said as he paced back and forth.
“Keep it together.” You said as you gripped his shoulders.
“Oh no. This is going to be so awkward.” Sam laughed at your misfortune.
“Why? Because everyone knows we’re secretly dating except for Mr. Stark and they also know Mr. Stark will kill them for knowing and not telling him right away so tonight will be a long, uncomfortable game of who tells him first?” Peter asked all in one breath.
“Yes, that’s exactly why.” Sam nodded and looked at Peter strangely.
“I don’t want to go.” Peter whispered and turned to you.
“We all have to go.” You told him. “He’ll get sus if we’re not all there.”
“But what if your dad kills me?” Peter whined.
“Then I’ll wait at least three months before getting a new boyfriend.” You smiled sweetly and patted his chest.
“You can do that but I’ll just haunt him and kill him in his sleep.” Peter smiled back.
“Oh my God. Come on. We have to go get ready for dinner.” You said and pulled Peter to your room.
30 minutes later, everyone was seated in the dining room with Tony at the head of the table. You and Peter nervously peered through the doorway to see what the set up was.
“What’s our plan?” Peter asked you.
“Sit far away from each other and diverge the conversation every time my dad gets close to happening upon the truth.”
“Okay. How hard can that be? We never get together for family dinner. They’ll all be talking so much that you and I won’t even come up.”
You and Peter took your seats at the table with you next to your dad and Peter further away. You made eye contact with Peter and nodded to let him know that you were in this together. Everyone stayed dead silent as the food was passed around and Tony was quick to notice.
“Why is everyone so quiet? Did Sam leave porn on the big TV again?” Tony asked as he chewed his food. You gulped and looked at Peter in a panic. You had been wrong about everyone talking and keeping the attention away from you. Instead, everyone was silent and tense since they didn’t want to be the one to let Tony know what Vision had seen.
“That was one time.” Sam defended.
“But how could we ever forget?” Tony teased him.
“I just wanted to watch Mama Mia. My eyes were burned.” Bucky said as he shut his eyes to keep out the memory.
“Let it go.” Sam said flatly.
“I don’t remember that.” You said robotically. Sam gave you a discreet thumbs up across the table.
“What? You were the one that found it.” Tony reminded you.
“Doesn’t ring a bell. I think you’re all remembering incorrectly.” You said with no much stiffness it sounded like you were reading from a prompter. Tony looked around the table and everyone avoided eye contact with him. They mindlessly pushed their food around their plates to look busy so that Tony wouldn’t ask them anything.
“Why is everyone acting weird?” Tony asked.
“What? We’re not. You’re being weird, dad.” You forced a laugh and patted Tony’s arm.
“Right.” Tony said skeptically. “So, Pete the treat. Any romantic interests at school?”
Everyone turned to stare at Peter, who was in the middle of taking a sip from his glass. Peter started choking on his water for a long time. No one made any effort to help Peter so he just sat there choking for an uncomfortably long period of time. Everyone stayed silent as he Peter coughed, turned red, and clapped his chest to try and get the water out. When he was finally done, he was crying and bright red.
“What?” Peter asked horsely.
“Peter doesn’t want to talk about girls, dad.” You laughed nervously. Everyone exchanged looks while also sneaking glances at you and Peter.
“He does with me. Come on. My dad never bothered with this stuff and I want to break the cycle. Tell me about your love life.” Tony insisted and playfully patted the table. You shot daggers at Peter and everyone turned to look at him. Peter felt sweat dripping down his forehead and smiled nervously.
“There’s no one, Mr. Stark. No girls.”
“I don’t buy that for a second. I can see the hormones brewing in your eyes. You’re sweating just at the thought of her. I know there’s a girl.”
“Maybe.” Peter squeaked out.
“See? I knew it. Tell me about her. She cute?” Tony asked. Peter looked at you for a brief second and quickly looked away.
“Yeah, yeah. She’s gorgeous. Really pretty.”
“She’s all right.” Sam shrugged, making everyone stifle a laugh as your jaw dropped.
“Fuck did you just say?” Peter snapped.
“I was kidding. Damn.” Sam held up his hands in defense.
“Damn, indeed.” Tony laughed. “Way to stand up for your girl, kid. She’s a lucky lady.”
“Thank you, sir.” Peter said and hoped that was the end of the conversation.
“You really are a good kid, Peter. I don’t tell you enough. I was just saying this to Pepper the other day, but if anyone is ever brave enough to try and date my daughter, I hope they’re like you.” Tony said sincerely. This time, you started choking as everyone murmured with amusement.
“Really?” Peter asked hopefully. He looked at you but you didn’t dare make eye contact.
“Yeah. Sure, you’re pretty annoying and way too eager at times, but you’re a good kid. You’re responsible, you care about other people, and you know how to get a decent haircut.” Tony continued.
“So you’d give Peter your blessing? If he and I ever wanted to date?” You asked skeptically.
“Absolutely not.” Tom said immediately.
“What?” Your face dropped. “But you just said-“
“I said I hope the person you date is like Peter.” Tony specified. “But Peter would never be allowed to date you.”
“Why not?” Peter asked and you shot him a look. Everyone else kept their heads down and turned away from Tony so he wouldn’t suspect anything.
“Not that I care. Psh. Peter is lame. I would never date Peter. Haha. But yeah, why not?” You asked your dad.
“Because he’s a superhero. And no daughter of mine is dating a superhero.”
“But you’re a superhero.” You pointed out. “And mom married you.”
“I know. That’s why I’d never allow you to go down the same path. I’ve missed hundreds dates, thousands of calls, and a million important moments because I was off being a superhero. I was saving the world but I was hurting the person I love most in the process. I don’t want that life for you. If Peter was an average guy off the street, I’d be thrilled to know you were dating him. But Peter isn’t average.”
“I know that.” You replied, starting to get annoyed now that your dad was trying to tell you that you couldn’t do something. You were already doing it, but he didn’t need to know that. He needed to know that he couldn’t make your choices for you.
“Ayo. Yeah she does.” Sam snorted. Everyone gasped and looked at him, making him freeze. You and Peter stared daggers at Sam who smiled sheepishly.
“You little bitch.” You mouthed across the table at him. Tom noticed the way everyone reacted and grew suspicious. He looked at you and noticed you weren’t making eye contact. He then looked at Peter, who looked like he was about to pass out.
“What was that?” Tony asked Sam.
“Nothing.” Sam scoffed and went back to eating.
“Samuel. Tell me what you just said.” Tony said with an eerily calm smile.
“I don’t want to.” Sam whispered.
“Tell me or I will shove your wings so far up your ass-“
“I said she knows Peter isn’t average.” Sam admitted before Tony could finish his sentence. You buried your face in your hands while Peter chewed off all of his fingernails.
“What does that mean?” Tony asked and turned to you.
“I can confirm that as well.” Vision raised his finger as he spoke up. You and Peter looked at Vision in betrayal while everyone else stayed silent.
“Oh my God.” You whispered and rubbed your face.
“What? What’s the big red giant talking about?” Tony asked you again, sounding angry this time. Before you had a chance to think of something, Vision spoke up.
“I’m talking about how I accidentally caught them fornicating earlier today, sir. Also, am I required to be here? I can’t actually eat food.” Vision said politely. Everyone was dead silent as Tony processed what he was hearing. No one dared to look up from their plates or even move a muscle.
“You know what? Vision is right. We should actually all leave. And never return. Bye!” You said and got up from the table. Tony grabbed the back of your shirt and made you sit back down.
“Nobody move.” He said in a low voice. Silence fell over the table again as Tony slowly looked to Peter. That’s when he noticed that Peter had passed out and had his limp head in his dinner plate.
“Wake the son of a bitch up.” Tony ordered. Wanda lifted Peters head by his hair and a green bean stuck to his cheek and forehead.
“Peter?” Tony asked, but Peter didn’t wake up. Wanda shook him, then took his pulse to see if he was even alive.
“He’s unresponsive.” She reported.
“Jesus Christ.” You groaned to yourself as you watched Wanda and Steve try to wake Peter up.
“He peed his pants.” Steve announced, making you groan even louder.
“PETER!” Tony shouted as he banged on the table. Peter woke up and looked around in confusion. Tony slowly stood up and leaned over the table while staring daggers at Peter.
“Somebody tell me what’s going on.” Tony demanded. No one said anything, so you bit the bullet and stood up as well.
“Dad, Peter and I are dating. Vision caught us before and the whole team found out about it. That’s what’s going on, okay? Please, don’t kill my boyfriend.”
“What?” Tony asked as he slumped back in his seat. You couldn’t tell if he was angry or upset, but it was definitely not good.
“Sam was watching porn on the big screen!” You blurted and pointed to Sam.
“You said you didn’t see anything!” Sam pointed back at you.
“That was before you didn’t hold up your end of the deal!” You shouted.
“Shut up, both of you. Are you kidding me right now? You’re dating Peter Parker?” Tony asked in a calmer voice.
“Yes, daddy. I am. I have been for two months. We didn’t tell you because we knew you’d be mad and we just wanted some time together before you forced us apart. I wouldn’t normally lie to you like this but I knew you’d never allow us to be together and I love him. I just needed to love him for as long as I could before the world knew. I’m sorry. Please, don’t be mad at me.” You said as you took your dads hands. Tony stared at you for a long time and finally, put his hand on your cheek.
“I could never be mad at you, princess.” Tony said kindly. You smiled in surprise as Peter let out a sigh of relief.
“I’m gonna turn Peter inside out, though.” Tony said sweetly before lunging at Peter. He punched Peter right in the throat, making Peter collapse to the ground. You rushed to Peters side as Tony shook out his hand.
“Dad! You can’t hit him that hard. He’s only 5’8. He could’ve died.” You yelled at Tony as you pulled Peters head into your lap.
“That didn’t even hurt.” Peter wheezed out as he clutched his throat. Tony wound up to hit Peter again, but stopped when he saw something that surprised him. He watched Peter reached up and touch your face as he whispered to you that everything was going to be all right. He thought he had just been punched in the throat and was awaiting the punishment of a lifetime, his priority was to comfort you when you were upset. Tony then knelt down beside Peter and helped him sit up.
“I’m sorry, kid. I should not have hit you. It was a slight overreaction.” Tony sincerely apologized.
“Slight?” Peter croaked out.
“I just wasn’t expecting to come home to this news. But if it’s been two months and my daughter says she’s this in love, maybe I was wrong. Maybe it wouldn’t be as bad as I thought.”
“Mr. Stark, I know it’s probably hard to think about your daughter dating someone with a life as unpredictable as ours, but I don’t put anything above her. If I’m out on patrol, chances are, she’s hanging out on a rooftop with a walkie talkie telling me where to go. If I have to miss a date to take care of something, I take her with me. She’s my partner in all of this. I don’t leave her waiting around for a text back all night. She comes first.”
“Actually, “Vision began, “when I entered your room, it seemed as though Peter was going-“
“Do not finish that sentence, jumbo tampon.” You cut him off.
“You can trust me, Mr. Stark. You can trust us.” Peter said as he wrapped an arm around you. Tony looked between the two of you for a while but didn’t say anything.
“Please, daddy.” You whispered. Tony finally caved and smiled softly.
“Okay. You’ve convinced me. I’m not gonna kill Peter. You have my blessing, underoos.” Tony said as he helped Peter off the floor.
“Really? You’re not gonna force us apart?” You asked hopefully as you wrapped your arm around Peters.
“I’m not.” Tony confirmed. “You’re old enough to make your own decisions. But if he breaks your heart, he’s getting turned inside out. At least for a day. I cannot compromise on that.”
“Deal!” You clapped your hands before hugging your dad.
“Hold up, do I get a say in that deal?” Peter questioned.
“Don’t push your luck, kid. After what Vision walked in on you doing with Tony’s kid, you’re lucky to be alive right now.” Bruce said as he patted Peter on the back. Tony frowned as he pulled out of the hug.
“Hold on, what exactly did Vision walk in on?” Tony asked. Peter motioned for everyone to keep their mouths shut as Tony looked around the room. When no one answered him, he looked at you expectingly.
“So.” You laughed nervously. “Dessert, anyone?”
Tag List 🏷️
@thebookwormlife @imanativeofswlondondahling
@whatareyouhidingpeter @takenbyheartstrings
@imyourliquor-youremypoison @andreasworlsboring101
@justcallmehitgirl @jackiehollanderr
@emmamarshmellow @unbelievableholland
@sovereignparker @every-marveler-ever @undiadeestos @eridanuswave​ ​
@solarxmoonchild @canyouevencauseicant
@quaksonhehe @lovelessdagger
@thesuitelifeofafangirl @marshxx @nooneinvitedfascistbarbie
@alexxcorona113 @lethal-wisdom
 @officialsimppage @peterbenjiparker @itsemohours
@freakofmusic25 @tomholland85
@olixerwxxd @leilanixx
@whereismytelephone @so-very-asleep @white-wolf1940
@spideyspeaches @hihiweezing
@dhtomholland @insomniac-nerd-posts-things @prancerrparkerr @loudthoughts-softspoken
@hallecarey1 @adayasgeorgia @blackwidowisthebest @imawhoreforu
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indiefilmfatale · 7 months
Can you do a smut piece where steve and gator are absolutely destroying fem reader, maybe some spit and breeding kink in it?
yo we're doing these as separate headcannons bc i can't mentally comprehend clonecest in my horny little peabrain. gator loves spitting and stevie loves breeding you, oooobviously
it's really hard for gator to be soft. he just gets too excited in all of your heat and musk and his hard cock rubbing gently against the cloth of his army pants
like he barely participates in any foreplay because he can smell your cunt through your panties and can't help but shove you down on the bed and tear your underwear off in one foul swoop
and you're into it, but it doesn't exactly give you enough time to arouse yourself enough to be ready for him
to compensate, he kneels before your spread pussy, and lets a long string of spit dribble from your mouth and directly onto your clit
you're dizzy from the sight and feeling from it, head swirling, but he's too busy unzipping his pants and pulling his cock out-- not even bothering to take them off
and he just slams into you, causing an immediate whine in you as he splits your body with his cock with a coarse groan
he's pounding into you, hard and deep and you don't have time to adjust to his size before he's grabbing you by the throat and bringing his face close to your's
"goddamn, yur takin' me so well baby— shit." his hips are relentless and only quicken at the sound of you moaning at his words. "you sound so fuckin' pretty, open your mouth. open,"
but you don't really need to try, because his hands have moved up to your jaw and is squeezing your face so your lips pucker open
this time he spits aggressively in your mouth with a hard puh sound and you can taste the watermelon vapor in his saliva
"so good for daddy, that's it," he can feel your core tightening and throbbing around him, and he's done for
your back arches and the feeling of his tight grip on your throat and his big cock hitting you in the exact right spot... it's all too much. you crumple underneath him, orgasm clobbering you and you wrap your legs tighter around his hips with a "fuck, oh my god, i'm cumming..."
"that's it, honey, good girl, cum all over my cock.”
the slick of your orgasm creates these slopping pounding sounds as his thrusts grow faster and wetter as he chases his orgasm
he stops suddenly, shaky moans spilling from his mouth as his grip around you loosens and he buries his face in your neck
when he's calmed down, he climbs off of you immediately, leaving you as a limp body damp on his bed. he zips his pants, wipes his chin, mumbles a "thanks, darlin" before sitting back down at his desk and goes back to cleaning his gun
steve on the other hand is anything but aggressive
he prefers to take his time getting you nice and wet before he even thinks about taking care of himself-- kissing slowly down your body, palming at your nipples as he lovingly suckles on your clit, watching every wave of pleasure hit you
rubbing his groin against the end of the bed just enough to alleviate the throbbing agony of his hard untouched cock
and after he's sure you've cum at least once from his mouth, he kisses and licks and sucks his way back up to you, slipping his boxers off in the process. you can feel his sprung cock pressed against your wet core and you're all open and ready for him
when he pushes into you, it's slow and unsure and paired with a series of gasps at the relief
"n-not gonna last long, i'm sorry." he stutters, as if he hasn't already given you what you needed
"fuck me like you want, stevie. do whatever you want to me." you whisper past his hair and into his ear
he settles into a steady, agonizing rhythm and angling his hips upward so the tip of his cock rubs against your g-spot
but just because he's soft, doesn't mean he can't direct you to give him exactly what he wants, even if his words are snuggled between helpless moans and grunts
"can you.. mmph.. cum again for me babe? fuck— squeeze that perfect pussy around my fuuuck... fucking cock? mm-hm?"
and when you do, he's breathless. mouth open, heaving against your mouth, each exhale complimented with the perfect moans that grow higher in pitch with every thrust
you grip his back muscles and press him even closer to you as you cum, your tits pressing firmly against his chest as you spill pretty moans and convulse your thighs until their shaking
"i'm gonna-- i'm gonna-- please can i cum in you? please let me fill you baby, please please please." he's whining
you just nod feverishly as his cock warmths your cervix with his orgasm, his thrusts growing sloppy and slow.
then he kisses your sweaty forehead and rests his entire body on top of you, only pulling out of you to lower himself slightly and lay his head on your chest as you both catch your breath
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damedechance · 6 months
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lovesick all over my bed
a 'Love and Deepspace' oneshot >> read on ao3
Pairing: Rafayel/MC Rating: Explicit Summary: Rafayel has been keeping you up late at night, and not in the way you might prefer. When Rafayel's late nights spent painting cause him to have trouble falling asleep, you're the one he calls. Your ill-advised decision to confront him at his house at 3am leads to yet another sleepless night.
💙🩷check below cut for a snippet
The street is slick with the thin, vaporous mist lightly falling over the city. Shallow puddles have formed in dips in the asphalt, the street lights reflecting off the otherwise seamless black surface of the water with a yellowish glow. You watch these reflections shake and bob over the puddles as you barrel towards them. Your front tire slices through the water, and you whip your head behind you to see how the water ripples violently in your wake.
Between your thighs, you feel the low rumble of your motorbike, and as you turn back around to face the road, you rev the engine. The roar of it in your ears is only slightly mollifying, and so you repeat the action–louder this time–and you streak beneath a traffic light just as it turns red.
The roads are especially clear this late at night, allowing you to zip through the city effortlessly. You recklessly weave in and out of the dotted yellow lines, just to blow off some steam. Rafayel might be pissing you off, but that doesn’t mean you want to arrive at his place seething with anger. You’re still hoping you might be able to resolve this situation peacefully, to find a reasonable solution to his–there’s no other word for it–bullshit.
But just as you are mentally preparing yourself to behave rationally as soon as you see him, your phone vibrates in your pocket, and a frustrated scream rips up your throat. You lean forward, pressing your torso flat against your bike, and the quiet city streets begin to blur past you as you accelerate even faster, the rain slicing like razors against your skin and splattering against your visor. The phone call goes ignored, and you feel it buzzing against the front of your thigh a few more times before mercifully, it stops.
This is the fifth phone call in less than an hour.
Rafayel’s house sprouts from the distance, and you grind your teeth together at the sight of it. All of the lights are off, and for some reason that only aggravates you more. Unfair, that Rafayel may spend a peaceful, quiet night in his luxurious home while you’re tearing through Linkon City streets and dedicating every last shred of patience that he has not yet worn down to taking deep breaths just so you don’t rip his head off as soon as you see him.
Not that he wouldn’t deserve it.
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Drink Up
Summary: A night out in Metro City has Jamie as drunk as could be.
Still there was nothing that intoxicated him quite as much as his desire for you.
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: F!Reader/Jamie
wrote and completed this exactly right after i finished my ryu piece from last night
mercy how i beg for you for peace from those shirtless mods
Jamie was drunk.
As if the burning hot red streak of scarlet across his golden complexion didn’t proclaim this loud enough, the exposure of his chiseled chest with the dramatic drag of his zipped top and the flowing river of thick onyx black hair stated plentifully.
Yet that was not how you knew that he was drunk.
Sure, there was an earlier off-key singing match against Luke that pitted Faye Wong deep cuts against The Chainsmokers’s singles during karaoke.
Along with the wobbled dance battle between the two of them outside the bar that they stumbled out of.
Not to mention the subsequent clash of inebriated senses with Luke punching the air while Jamie was lucky to even glide the edge of his shoe against the other’s forearm in a spinning kick.
No, there was a far more personal reason as to how you determined your boyfriend’s drunken state.
It was in the sloppiness of his actions.
While the ways of drunken fighting was his forte, there was still a grace and logic to each maneuver that he masterfully performed.
But in this case, every action he performed onto you spoke less about careful thought and far more about passion-driven instinct.
A drunken Jamie was the one who was damn near tempted to kick down the front door to his own while he had you wrapped in his arms, his lips hungrily seeking out yours.
He was the one who was huffing over your clothes being in the way, his fingers itching to strip you down so he could feel up your body as much as he desired.
Though, as much of a lush he was, his eyes still gleamed with a sharp competitive edge the moment you teased about his earlier clash with Luke.
A reminder about a previous loss to his rival.
Those were fighting words and you were eager to be delivered a punishing defeat.
There on the floor, upon your hands and knees, Jamie hunched right over you from behind, the entirety of his long cock pummeling into your core at a punishing pace, his nimble fingers anchored onto onto your hips while his teeth sunk into the nape of your neck 
He had his fill of drink, but he craved more and more to hear the mewl of his name from your lips.
And certainly, he was in no mind to stop, inebriation aside.
After all, Jamie was drunk in love and so were you.
As you can see, I'm a bit sauced from SF6 fahfklah I plan on treating this as an open-ended collection as I work my way through the quarter circle vapors
But oml as always thank you so much for reading!!!
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perfectsunlight · 1 year
(𝟑𝟐) - 𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐞
𝗐𝖺𝗋𝗇𝗂𝗇𝗀𝗌: 𝗇𝗈𝗇𝖾
𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬: 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮
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“you should really remember to bring a jacket, my love.” jimin wrapped her jacket around you before she kissed the crown of your head. a small pout formed on your lips during the process. truth be told, you actually had remembered to bring your jacket this time. however, you seemed to have accidentally left it on the couch before you left. 
“baby, i don’t need it, seriously.” you tried to take your arms and pull them out from the piece of clothing, but your girlfriend halted your movements with her hands. 
the taller girl’s fingers fumbled with the zipper before she managed to zip up the jacket on you. truth be told, jimin wasn’t that cold. she actually thought the weather was perfect this time of year, but she still brought a jacket just in case it got too cold.
not for herself, but for you. she always made sure to grab her jacket or a sweater before your outings or dates because she wanted to be prepared. she wouldn’t let her girlfriend freeze on her watch.
a whine escaped your lips, the pout on your lips only amplifying at the sight of your now barren lover. this situation wasn’t new for either of you, but no matter how many times you insisted on giving her jacket back to her, jimin refused each time.
“see, don’t you feel warmer now?” jimin’s hands cupped your face, thumbs gently grazing your rosy cheeks while she gazed upon you with pure adoration. the pure fondness in your girlfriend’s gaze made your breath hitch. even now, after dating for so long, she still managed to make you flustered. 
“but what about you?” you tried to reason, moving your hands on top of hers and caressing them in a similar fashion. “you’ll get cold too.” 
you always felt bad that your girlfriend was always sacrificing her sweaters and jackets for you. sure, you were cold, but so was she; it only made sense for her to keep her coat.
except jimin would rather it be her own self freezing instead of it being you. she would gladly spend her entire lifetime giving you her jackets. 
your girlfriend flashed you her signature radiant smile, dimples on display and eyes full of love.
the night air blew in between you and jimin as you walked. dinner was fine, and you two were actually able to converse somewhat normally. at least, as normally as it possibly could be given the situation. nevertheless, conversation was flowing naturally between you two, which was a miracle in itself.
the both of you decided to just to walk around for a bit, wanting to burn off some of the food you just ate as an excuse. the han river slowly came into view while you both walked down an empty street. it was later in the evening, but not too late. there seemed to still be a few people out, but not too many on this side of the river.
your feet moved in time with hers as you walked, shoes hitting against the pavement in an unspoken rhythm. the taller girl glanced your way for a moment.
 “are you cold?” she asked genuinely, and when your eyes met hers, you could practically see the concern dripping from her gaze.
no. stop it. don’t do that. don’t act like you care after you ended things.
you were quick to shake your head no, but your body betrayed you because a quick gust of wind quickly blew past and making you shiver slightly. 
jimin’s lips pressed into a thin line as she shook her head at you. “you still don’t bring your jacket with you even now, huh?” she teased while she unzipped hers and began taking it off.
“hey, no that’s not true,” you defended, trying to prove your innocence. your train of thought was instantly lost once you noticed karina trying to give you her jacket. “yah, i don’t need it jimin, seriously.” 
the aespa member flashed you a small smile before wrapping it around your shoulders, an action that was practically still muscle memory to her. 
“you’ll feel much warmer, i promise.” 
a huff escaped your lips while you put the jacket on, the vapor dancing in the air as a result. you slipped your arms through the jacket, putting it on properly since you knew it was useless to go against the other girl.
the older girl began briskly walking in front of you in an attempt to get you to stop fighting against her offer. you chased after her, only a few steps behind her. 
even when you two were dating she didn’t let you give it back to her. it would be a fruitless attempt if you tried now. however, you still put up some resistance.
“what about you though,” you reasoned, trying to persuade her with your logic and reasoning. jimin shared the same analytical mind as you. it was something that you were always grateful for, but it also came in handy in situations like this where you could use it against her. it never actually worked, of course. but you still always tried. “you’ll get cold too.”
jimin’s head turned over her shoulder. her gaze flickered towards yours, and the faintest ghost of a smile graced her lips. 
the two of you walked a bit further until you were standing near the edge of the river. the lights from the city and streets illuminated shades of yellow onto the water. you noticed jimin on her phone for a few moments, and you assumed she was probably texting her girlfriend.
minjeong. her girlfriend.  
the unspoken thoughts regarding their relationship still left a bitter taste in your mouth. however, your opinions regarding who you ex was now with were not important right now. you needed to have the conversation, something you never thought you would be having. 
the lingering silence was deafening, and you were positive that karina could feel the tension slowly building. you finally took a deep breath before focusing your attention on the small ripples of the water in front of you.
your heart pounded in your ears, and your fists shook in the coat pockets of your ex’s sweater. you knew you had to do this, you knew you needed to do this. with one final deep breath, you exhaled slowly before speaking.
“i think we should talk about it.”
jimin swore she got whiplash from how fast she turned her head to look at you. your attention was elsewhere, of course, but from your peripheral vision you could tell she was staring right at you. 
karina wasn’t expecting this conversation from you, especially right now. if anything, she expected you to bring up minjeong or the argument at the dorms. she cleared her throat before turning to look ahead, joining you with your attention on the waterfront.
“alright.” she replied in a voice barely above a whisper. this was going to be a very painful, and honest conversation. she had to mentally prepare herself to poke at some old scars, but she assumed you were under the same mentality. 
you bit your lower lip, sighing deeply as you shifted your weight from one leg to the other. this was harder than you thought, but you knew it was necessary. after a few minutes of silence passed, you finally spoke in a voice barely above a whisper.
“i don’t hate you, jimin.”
the SM idol’s head slowly turned to face you once again, eyes widened slightly in disbelief. she couldn’t believe the words that just came out of your mouth. you didn’t hate her? after everything? she didn’t know how to respond, and thankfully you continued speaking so she didn’t have to.
“i did in the beginning, once everything went down i was so upset that i eventually left the company entirely. the breakup, our breakup, put me in a bad state of mind for a little over a year.” a sad chuckle escaped your lips while you kicked at the ground before continuing.
“i took a year off from anything music or trainee related. honestly, i was seriously thinking about giving up on it entirely.”
jimin’s gaze softened, her eyes never leaving your face as she started at your side profile. she couldn’t fathom the thought of you, someone who was practically born for the stage, would ever consider giving up on it.
“why did you want to quit?” she hesitantly asked, fearing that she may be overstepping during this already vulnerable moment.
you didn’t look at her, but a sad smile slowly crept onto your face. “i guess i just wanted to remove myself from anything that reminded me of you.”
for what seemed like the first time since the day you left, jimin felt her heart breaking within her own chest. 
silence passed between the two of you once again, and she figured you were giving her time to think of a response. you had said how you honestly felt, it was only fair that she did the same. 
jimin’s head hung as she stared at her shoes. she always felt guilty for the breakup and everything else that followed. when she heard you had left the company entirely, she nearly lost it entirely. aeri had to lock her in the dorm until she finally calmed down enough to not go out and threaten her freshly signed contract.
after what felt like an eternity, the aespa member finally gathered her thoughts, as well as she could at least, and finally began talking.
“i never wanted to break up with you in the first place, y/n.”
you wanted to laugh in her face, truthfully. how on earth was that possible? she didn’t want to break up with you, but still did it. that seemed very counterintuitive in your book. 
“it was either they did it, or i did it. and i couldn’t,” she swallowed the lump in her throat as she tried to prevent herself from getting choked up. “i couldn’t stand even the thought of you losing what we had because of them.”
confusion laced your features once more. “jimin, who are you talking about?” you asked gently, trying your best to understand what she was saying. 
karina’s head looked up to face the water, distracting herself with the dancing hues of yellow on the waterfront for a moment. she couldn’t believe that you didn’t know what she was talking about. hadn’t you been told? did you not find out about anything? were you kept in the dark this entire time?
“you were taken out of the lineup because management caught wind of us.”
your brows furrowed, thinking back to your training days as you wracked your brain trying to recall any memory of management informing you of anything. even if they had their suspicions regarding your relationship, then wouldn’t jimin also be taken out of the lineup as well?
“jimin, you told me that you were breaking up with me because of the debut.” 
“i know,” she emphasized, “but i did it because if i didn’t do it, they were going to, and i couldn’t let them get the chance of hurting you even more. especially after you got kicked off the lineup.”
your head turned to look at jimin, watching her breath dance in the wind gently. you could tell that this was vulnerable for her too from the way her lower lip was slightly quivering. with this newfound light on your breakup, you couldn’t help but feel her frustration. it must have been a difficult decision, sure, but it still hurt you both in the end.
except, something still wasn’t adding up in your mind. the pieces weren’t matching up correctly, because you needed more clarification on something: how did management even find out in the first place?
“rina,” you whispered, and you didn’t know it, but the nickname gave the older girl butterflies. it was something she hadn’t heard from you in such a long time. the mentioned girl lifted her head and met your gaze for the first time since the conversation started.
“how did they even find out?” 
jimin’s shoulders sagged, “i still don’t know. nothing was ever told to me directly, so im not sure.”
your frown deepened at this revelation. now the pieces were even more disorganized. if she wasn’t told anything directly, then how in the world did she know any of this? was it just a rumor? no, it couldn’t have been. you could count on one hand how many people knew about the two of you.
“wait, then who told you that it was either you breaking it off or they were going to?” you asked, eyes never leaving hers. this was surely not the direction you expected the conversation to go.
jimin’s eyes remained locked on yours, not moving for even a moment. she truly had no idea that no one told you anything. she mentally punched herself for not giving you an explanation sooner. 
karina then swallowed and exhaled through her nose, the white vapor dancing in between the two of you. the movement of the water and the wind seemed to halt for just that moment, and even though it was only a small whisper, you heard her loud and clear.
“minjeong did.”
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┊┊┊┊⋆ ✧    ·   ✧ ✵ ┊┊┊☆ *   * ⋆ ┊┊★ * ┊┊* . * ✦ ┊☆ ° ✧    · ★*
you and jimin met as trainees before she debuted, and you two never felt more in love. however, once she breaks up with you before her debut, you completely leave SM entertainment under the notion of needing a fresh start. you eventually debuted a few years later in le sserafim, where you met huh yunjin and have slowly started developing feelings for the idol. much to karina's dismay, she hates to see you have moved on, but deep in your own heart, you still can't help but feel as if maybe she has forgotten about you.
𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭: @captivq , @wonyoluvr , @yunalvrrr , @spritin , @babycubchae , @vnschldd , @sserafimez , @chaersly , @rosiehrs , @baldd , @bwljules , @jenaissantesworld , @jennasluma , @dream-chasers-things , @lcv3lies , @elyds , @archerheejin , @vnschldd , @skisk1 , @cfvgbhndun-new-blog , @silantryoo , @phamminji , @bzeus28 , @writingficsblog , @strangegirlcode , @uzumakioden , @noiacha , @sserabey , @archerheejin , @pindoris , @yourstrulytrissmerigold , @jisooftme , @yacii , @ddrummie , @justalittledissociation
[ 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐥𝐲 𝐜𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐝 ]
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minnyroll · 19 days
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Here's a new set of lineups for some fresh new renders of the Zipped Up cast! Now you can see them all in their stunning, shiny glory! IN ONE PLACE!!
Render Sketches + Lineart: @minnyroll Render Shading: @burrotello
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burrotello · 1 month
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These will be very canon fanon nonsensical responses to ANYTHING (as long as its not weird)
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ebonnat · 2 days
Silly fashion meme go brrrr
Zipped up and its characters are owned by @minnyroll
I just like drawing silly characters yippee
Also I’m sharing some silly thoughts I had when making this:
1. I kept accidentally calling Kester, Zester in my head.
2. I wanna smooch the bat idk why
3. I was 👌 this close to drawing Vapor in a maid costume since he’s already wearing a suit, maybe next time
4. I can’t get this bat jester out of my brain someone help me
5. I don’t know honestly I hope you guys like this
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zippedupofficial · 6 months
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The most powerful being in all of the multiverse! The overseer of all evil …
Introducing... VAPOR!
Vapor is a malicious, heartless, evil doer who wants FULL CONTROL of the multiverse. With the multiverse in his hands? What could POSSIBLY go wrong?
Stay tuned to meet more of our main VILLAINS from our indie series, Zipped Up! 💚💚
Character Design by: @sillyminny
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muniimyg · 2 years
04 | skinny dipping pt 2
series m.list
warnings: smut !!! pls have safe seggz friends :) teasing, skinny dipping, dirty talk
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“You came.”
Turning your head to the direction of his voice, Park Jimin approaches you. Together, you two look out into the beach side by side, shivering from the November air. He’s wearing a baggy gray hoodie and sweat pants—an unusual choice of attire as he’s more of a business-casual and academic aesthetic. Still, it suited him.
“You told me to,” you huff, watching your breath vaporize in the air.
“I honestly thought you were going to stand me up.”
“Why would I do such a thing?” you snap. “I’m not like that.”
“Never took you as the type to listen, that’s all,” Jimin says so nonchalantly, you almost miss it as a backhanded compliment. Though it’s true that you’re stubborn, no one has ever really told said that you didn’t look like the listening type. This is a first.
You tilt your head and shrug. “I listen better than you. My GPA is 0.6% higher than yours—”
“Show off.”
You laugh. For the first time, Jimin catches you off guard and you let yourself laugh at his childishness. He smiles, moving his body closer to yours. Leaning in, he furrows his eyebrows at you. You roll your eyes and shift away when he moves his face closer to yours.
“Hold still, I want to see you.”
“Why not?”
“Why?” you repeat.
He doesn’t answer this time. Instead, he holds you still by cupping your face with the palm of his hands. You’ve never been this close to him. In every class you had together, you were always on the other side of the seating row from one another. At meetings, you two sat on opposite ends of the table. At parties, aside from the latest one, you two would barely be in the same room. Aside from glances and momentary wonderment, you and Jimin have never ever been this close. 
You clear your throat, breaking the silence and tension that begins to build.
“Get on with it,” you attempt to sound stern. You’re beginning to feel impatient. “Hurry up so we can get this over with.”
“Which part? Skinny dipping with me or sleeping with me?” Jimin smiles.
You scoff.
“You lost. I’m not skinny dipping with you—”
“Awh,” he starts, dropping his hands to your jacket zipper. “So, sleeping with me.” Jimin answers his own question.
You open your mouth to say something but he continues and cuts you off.  “Isn’t foreplay the best part of sex?” Then, he unzips your jacket entirely and your mouth drops.
“How would you know?” you ask, shoving his hands away and zipping your jacket back up.
“Let’s find out,” he suggests, placing his hands on top of yours. You stiffen at his touch. “We won’t know anything unless we try.”
Jimin has always had a way with words. Not that he was a better writer than you—no, that 0.6% definitely drew the difference between you two—but he was persuasive. Something that isn’t appealing to others, but somehow is on him. It makes you nervous. It makes you cave.
“Good girl,” he says as you take a deep breath and unzip your jacket.
Jimin heads for the water first. He practically plunges himself in and you just hear echos of him hyping himself up.
As for you?
Surprise, surprise.
The water is fucking freezing.
“Park Jimin, I hate you!” you cry, shivering from the cold. You turn your body, ultimately giving up. It’s been less than 5 minutes and your naked body is only halfway in. Meanwhile, Jimin ran right in. He’s completely in the water and swimming around like a child.
“It’s colder if your body isn’t fully in the water, yams. Come on! Don’t be a quitter.”
You glare at him. He can’t see it, but surely he can feel it. He knows exactly what to say to get on your nerves. You hate that it works. You hate that you’re butt naked, on the edge of getting hypothermia—Park Jimin is right.
That’s literally the worst part.
“It’s warmer beside me, yams.” Jimin sings with a cocky smirk.
It’s not true.
Of course, it isn’t! Yet, you find yourself heading and reaching toward him. Amused, he grabs your hand and pulls you to him. He tugs you towards his body and you let out a yelp from the sudden wave that crashes on you two.
You wrap your legs around his torso and bury your face into his neck, in an attempt to make yourself smaller from the wave. He laughs, holding you tighter and taking the hit. It’s weird because he only stumbles a little. He doesn’t fall or let you go. This moment between you two happens so fast and so… Intimately that it doesn’t faze you that you two are literally holding each other naked. It wasn’t lewd.. It was nice—comforting, even.
“See,” he snorts, “it’s warmer beside me.”
You groan, jumping off of him and splashing water at his face. He just laughs and finds you cute. God, you’re so cute.
In response, you sulk, shaking your head.
“Can we go? I hate this.”
“I thought you hated me.”
“I can hate two things at once.”
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You hardly saw each other's bodies.
It was dark, the water covered them, and the water served as a third party. It was all cockblocking Jimin and turned out to be less of a sexy foreplay plan… But it led to this.
You shivering in his hoodie, sitting on the edge of his bed.
His room is nicely put together. His desk was neat and his bed was made when you came in. Honestly, if you didn’t know Jimin any better, it would be safe to assume that he cleaned up for you. He was expecting you obviously…
“H-how are you not freezing?” you ask as you watch him take a towel out of his drawer and step into his bathroom.
“I’m only a little cold,” he confesses. “Hot shower?”
You freeze.
“W-what? Like.. T-together?”
He pokes his head out and rolls his eyes at you. “For someone who brags about being 0.6% smarter than me, you’re kinda dumb.”
“Why would I shower with you?”
“You smell.”
You glare at him. “Grow up.”
Jimin laughs and leans against the bathroom door frame. “Okay, fine. You smell like the winter sea, yams.” He then goes out of his way to grab another blanket in his closet for you. Before you can protest, he wraps it around you and sits next to you.
“So…” Jimin begins.
“Shut up—”
“Are you warm?”
Suddenly, you notice how close Jimin is to you again. Will you ever get used to this? His soft eyes, plump lips, and his cheeks.. Why do they look like they belong in between you fingers? You want to pinch them.
“I know you said you were in the mood earlier and the whole skinny dipping thing was kind of a buzzkill, so I’d understand if you don’t want to—”
You pinch his cheeks.
“What are you doing?” he asks shyly. “Wait, stop. I’m actually kinda insecure about my cheeks—”
His gaze softens. “I don’t like them.”
“I like them,” you tell him as you squish and stretch them. “… And I’m still in the mood if you are.”
“Wanna let go of my cheeks so I can fuck you then?” he laughs, moving his face away. You put your hands down and pout. Without much thought, you reach for him. But, you miss.
Before you know it, Jimin gets up to dim the lights. With the extra blanket and the heater he put on, you aren’t cold anymore. You find it in yourself to get out of the covers and stand up in front of Jimin.
“How do you wanna—woah,” he gasps.
You’re taking off his hoodie when you feel him tug on the hem of your shirt to stay on. You shove his hoodie to his chest and look at him blankly. He stands confused.
“Get on with it,” you urge. “Strip.”
Jimin runs his tongue against his teeth, unable to stop himself from smirking. “You’re fast.”
“Let’s hope you aren’t,” you comment. “One more thing.. I was wondering if…”
“Spit it out,” Jimin suggest, pausing taking his clothes off.
“Could we fuck without a condom? I mean, you and I are both virgins and I know I’m clean.. If you’re clean, then can we?” Your question has Jimin’s heart stopping.
Was this a dream? Were you really the one initiating this? Instantly, he feels relief that he’s saved himself to this point. Fucking someone that was as hot as you… Raw? He was right to wait.
“I’m clean,” he answers you. “Are you sure? I bought condoms and I’ll even pay for your morning after pill if you aren’t on birth control.”
You shake your head. “I have an IUD.”
“Why?” he snorts. “You’re a virgin—”
“In case this ever happened,” you shrug. “Not that I’ve been wanting it to happen—especially not with you.. It’s just.. It’s better safe than sorry and it lasts for a long time. It was just easier.” Even though you know he was just teasing, it made you feel better to explain yourself.
Jimin smiles. “You’re smart.”
“That I am.. Plus, I want to have sex and feel everything, you know? The full experience. So, you better fucking last.”
He shoots you a glare before dropping the hoodie you gave to him to the ground. You watch him take off his long-sleeve shirt and suddenly reveal his—
“You’re drooling,” he teases.
“Abs?! Where have you been hiding those?” you can’t stop yourself from placing your hand on top of them. He takes a step back, covering his stomach with his own hands. He closes his eyes, chuckling softly at your sudden break of character. Who knew you just needed to see abs to pin the bitchy atttiude?
As he slides his sweat pants down, you cross your arms over and take off your shirt. Jimin pauses and his focus returns to you once he eyes your leggings hitting the floor. With your half naked body, Jimin’s eyes practically fall out of his head. He’s seen naked girls before, but they’ve never looked like you. You’re not even bare yet. He was holding his body just an hour ago at the beach—how could he have gone this long without knowing how it looks like? God, his head is spinning.
“Tits?! Where have you been hiding those?” he remarks.
You roll your eyes and sigh.
“Now what?” you ask him.
“Now,” Jimin takes a step closer to you. He’s only in his boxers and you’re also just in your undergarments. “We get this over with.”
Or rather, let’s begin.
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Jimin is a good kisser.
Like, a really good kisser.
He’s probably the best kisser you’ve ever kissed. It’s insane that this is the same mouth that insults and competes with you. It’s the same mouth you get to shut up every time you beat him; 0.6% and all.
By now, you two are half naked and under his covers. His hands roam around your body and as do yours. His lips travel from your lips, to your neck, and down to your collar bones. You can’t remember exactly when or how, but Jimin has music playing in the background. You think it’s a little ridiculous though… You were so focused on him and everything happening between you two that it wouldn’t have mattered if there was music or not. Regardless, it was nice of him to put it on.
“Can you take it off?” he asks, in between kisses. You nods, lifting your chest as he slips his hand behind and unclasp your bra. Once the bra is off, Jimin moans in fulfillment.
“Fuck,” he mutters, cupping them. He looks up at you and you don’t know how to react. He looks so different right now. He looked determined—no, possessive. “All. Fucking. Mine.”
What the fuck.
Was he slapping your tits?
Why did you like it?
This is sick. This is freaking crazy! What the hell is happening—
“You’re soooo wet.”
When did his hands get there? His fingers slide up and down on top of your thin panty, making you absolutely drench them. Shit, why is he right? Why does this feel so fucking good? He’s hardly touching you and you’re already spilling yourself…
Maybe you should relax and just shut up. This was happening and besides—you asked for this. Jimin is extremely hot and this.. This doesn’t have to be a big thing! You two can move on after this since you’re hardly friends. It’ll be okay—
“Are you okay?” he asks, “maybe I should’ve asked you before I—”
“No, it’s okay… I..”
“You?” he bites his bottom lip, fighting the urge to smash them onto yours.
“I liked it. I like everything happening right now,” you tell him as you wrap your arms around his neck. He smiles at you devilishly before hovering on top of you. Again, he cups your breasts and sighs.
“Is that all you have to say about them?” you laugh, beginning to get self continuous. He nods with pouty lips.
“They make me speechless,” Jimin admits with much adoration. It makes you laugh even harder and before you know it, he joins you.
“Can I be speechless too?” you imply as your hands travel to his boxers. He chuckles and nods, letting you pull his boxers down.
You gasp when you see it—in a sarcastic, overdramatic way. Jimin rolls his eyes and flicks your forehead. You look at him with big eyes and an innocent smile before reaching and wrapping your hands around him. His mouth drops, breath hitching as you lazily pump him.
“Fuck,” you mimic in a low tone. “All. Fucking. Mine—”
“Don’t slap it!” Jimin hisses at you. He pulls away from you before you can even do anything. You weren’t actually gonna do it, but his reaction is freaking gold.
“You slapped mine,” you squint your eyes at him, playing along. “It’s my turn to—”
“Be serious, yams.”
You huff. “Say my actual name then maybe—”
“___,” he whines, “take your panties off.”
Even with his whines, he sounds demanding. You can’t tell if it irritates you or turns you on. Maybe both? He looks and sounds so fucking good right now, you’ll probably just think and reflect on this later.
You listen to Jimin.
You lift your hips and he helps you take your panties off. Once they’re out of the way and Jimin gets a full view, he sharply inhales. You plop on your elbows as he moves himself in-between your legs.
“Do you want me to eat you out or something? You’re really wet and honestly can probably take me with no problem.. But if you want me to, I will.” Is it weird that you find him considerate? As mentioned before, Jimin has always had a way with words. It’s difficult to stop your heart from fluttering from such a lewd suggestion.
You look at him innocently. “Do you want a blowjob?”
“What?” he asks in disbelief. Of course he wants a blowjob from you.. But maybe another time? Right now… He needs your pussy.
“Well, it’s only fair. You mentioned it before.. This transaction is mutual. Like, if you eat me out then I think I should suck your dick. You pitched it to me after all,” you remind him. He chuckles, shaking his head at your ramble.
“Honestly? Just wanna play with your pussy.”
You blink at him. “Thank you for your honesty, I guess.”
“So can I play with your pussy?” Jimin repeats, this time bringing his lips to your neck. You moan softly and close your eyes from the building stimulation.
“Uhmm, o-okay. Yeah,” you stutter, “I’m all yours.”
Jimin smirks, as he pulls away from you. He spreads your legs and sits on his knees in-between them. There, he gives himself sloppy pumps and you lower your gaze to watch him. He likes that you’re watching, it makes him feel more and more liberated.
You think he’s going to start. You prepare yourself mentally that in a few seconds, he’d be putting himself inside you and this would be it. This would be the end of your virginity. You watch him carefully as he places himself on top of your wet pussy.
He drags his cock in-between your folds, up and down. Then, slightly to the side and adds the tiniest push inside. He’s teasing. More than that, he’s fucking playing around.
“Jimin,” you cry. “Wh-what are you doing?”
He doesn’t answer you. Instead, he continues to play with you. He holds his length and hits your pussy with it. It’s speedy and before you know it, he does it again but in-between your folds. He’s jerking himself against you and you can’t fathom why it feels so fucking good. Then, he takes his fingers and spreads your folds. With his other hand, he does the same fucking thing. This time, he does it slower. He glides his cock up and down, side to side, and then adds a little bit of pressure to it. More than ever, you crave for him.
You need him so bad.
“Fucking put it in,” you beg, “p-please.”
If there’s one thing Park Jimin has issues with; it’s listening. Though he hears you, he likes to take his time and does things his way. It’s also one of the many reasons as to why you were so hesitant to doing this with him from the very start. Park Jimin has always been a little selfish and surely loved to ruin your day. Why would you ever put yourself in the position to be someone he doesn’t listen to?
Except tonight, he listens to you. He kisses you fondly once more and then it begins.
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First, thanks for writing stuff! Your words always make my day better. Second, I’m seconding the avarice football au, and also asking who is the keeper and why is only correct answer Mary, because someone has to manage these idiots. Third, can I prompt you: Mother Superion visits LA because she, too, likes tacos and margaritas, and maybe she also meets Bea and Ava’s newborn baby.
[a tiny preview of footy au for the culture]
you’re always the first. 
it’s your duty — as captain, as the starting 6, as someone who has suffered for sport for so long you don’t know anything else.
you’re always the first.
but today, as you walk onto the training grounds as the sun is just drifting over the horizon, still hazy and bruise-blue, you’re not first.
ava silva — a few years your junior and back from two years of grueling injury and rehab, the newest signing for your club, splashy and entirely unpredictable — hits a perfect bending ball into the upper left 90, then smiles to herself and races away from goal, arms spread wide, like she’s just scored in the world cup or won the champions league.
she has on team issue shorts and socks, one slipping down her ankle, a pair of boots that are a cycle behind your brand new mercurial vapors that nike sends you like clockwork, and a hoodie that you’re really only supposed to wear on the plane or bus for away travel days. her hair is cut above her shoulders now, haphazardly in a little bun but mostly falling into her eyes. she’s a far cry from your quarter-zip, zipped all the way up, tucked into your shorts like always, a ritual, and the ponytail braid that you make sure is neat and perfect before you ever step onto the field or into the gym.
ava lines up a shot again, hits another perfect bending ball, clinical and ruthless and beautiful, and throws her arms up again in celebration. you haven’t really found joy on the pitch in a long time; you haven’t seen joy on this pitch like this maybe ever. ava’s sheer delight at her unmarked goals, on an empty net, is frustratingly infectious. you had watched replay of her back injury; you hadn’t been in the same league, at the time, but she had been a bright young star and you had watched in horror a few months before the world cup, on a grainy stream in your hotel room with lilith and mary, as ava’s spine had apparently broken, a bad tackle in the box gone terribly, terribly wrong, projected to never play again. you won’t say it out loud — it’s impossibly sentimental, devoted, romantic; all things you are decidedly not — but watching ava play now, even like this, or maybe especially like this, is a miracle.
‘ava silva,’ you say, carrying your own bag of balls onto the pitch in her direction. she turns toward you with a grin.
‘oh captain, my captain,’ she says, then tucks an errant, sweaty strand of hair behind her ear, offers her hand.
‘beatrice,’ you say, ‘pleasure.’
ava’s smile doesn’t waver at all. ‘oh, i know,’ she says. ‘ballon d’or winner, wsl champion, nwsl champion, champions league runner up, the face of nike football. arguably the best player in the world.’ she winks, lets go of your hand. ‘the pleasure is all mine.’
‘that’s — i’m a 6,’ you say, feeling a little out of your depth and bewildered without any warning.
ava just laughs. ‘yeah, you seem like it.’ she flicks a ball up, does two around the worlds, and then catches it between her shoulder blades before popping it back up and sending it your way. ‘wanna play one v one, or do you have a whole little routine?’
‘i —‘ ava, in the early morning light, with the dew on the grass soaking into the juncture of your cleat and socks, the crisp air — it’s all perfect. you remember, in a flash, why you fell in love with football in the first place. ‘first to five, small goal.’
ava fist pumps. ‘show me how it’s done, then.’
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rjzimmerman · 2 months
Excerpt from this story from Canary Media:
Most ferries in the United States run on diesel fuel, with groaning engines that spew harmful emissions into waterfront communities. But in San Francisco, passengers on the city’s newest vessel will find the trip to be much quieter and cleaner as they zip around the bay.
On Friday, a hydrogen-powered ferry called Sea Change officially launched after more than six years in development. The vessel is the first commercial passenger ferry in the world to run entirely on hydrogen fuel cells — a technology that doesn’t directly emit carbon dioxide or toxic air pollution, just a little heat and water vapor.
On a breezy morning, city and state officials gathered at the downtown ferry terminal and climbed aboard the blue-and-white boat to celebrate its public debut. The ferry will begin a six-month pilot service on July 19, operating Friday to Sunday between the historic Ferry Building and Fisherman’s Wharf and at no cost to passengers.
Sea Change is owned by the startup Switch Maritime and was developed with support from a $3 million grant from the California Air Resources Board. A group of private partners are sponsoring the ferry’s demonstration run, including Chevron New Energies, United Airlines, and the Golden Gate Bridge, Highway, and Transportation District.
Sea Change is launching as ferry operators in the U.S. and globally are facing rising public pressure to clean up their dirty fleets.
Many of America’s nearly 620 ferries rely on decades-old, inefficient diesel engines, making them some of the largest emitters among commercial harbor craft. They also typically operate around densely populated and marginalized communities, exposing people to health-harming pollutants such as particulate matter (PM) and nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions.
In California, where ferries represent only 2 percent of harbor craft, the vessels are responsible for 11 percent of total PM2.5 emissions and 15 percent of NOx emissions within the maritime category, according to the California Air Resources Board. In 2022, the regulatory agency adopted a rule requiring all short-run ferries in the state to be zero-emissions by the end of 2025.
A growing number of ferry operators are turning to battery power to address emissions and upgrade their fleets.
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