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I really like the running gag of "Vangardia is weird.", pretty funny to see Sif and Dile react to the others insane lives.
It is also the reaction of my online friends every time I talk about France-
crabs are inevitable…….
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Berni, bajo la lupa del diario español La Vanguardia: el superhéroe que aspira a ser presidente #SergioBerni #CristinaKirchner #AlbertoFernández #inseguridad #coronavirus #pandemia #Superberni El ministro de Seguridad de la provincia de Buenos Aires, Sergio Berni, "es una de las figuras más inclasificables de la política argentina", dijo el diario español La Vangardia en un intento de describir la figura del funcionario de Buenos Aires.
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Sasha Kirina in Dolce&Gabbana for Fashion&Arts magazine by La Vangardia March
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‘as i was saying, the corsairs have taken the flight key, which we need to get back. you have tracked them here.’ howie jabs their finger down at the notebook, taps it on the x-marked house.
cautiously, ellie—that is, barley, chosen of the god of light—peers over the barrier between their party and the open field.
‘can we see what kind of defences there are between us and them?’
‘that would be a job for your ranger.’
ellie grunts. ‘parker?’
‘yeah, i’ll check it out. chosen one,’ he adds with a snide little aside and ellie has to turn away to hide a grin. they’ll duke it out at some point—ellie has plans to take him aside into the court of the sunlit gods when they make it back to vangardia, and maybe fight him if he keeps being a pig-headed idiot—but that can wait.
‘time to put that behind you,’ dina—lothera, warlock of the undying mistress—says. ‘focus on the task at hand.’
‘maybe i’d feel better about the task at hand if i knew barley wasn’t about to go killing herself,’ jesse hisses. ‘you’re being reckless, and you’re not just putting yourself in danger.’ he locks eyes with ellie for a moment and, when he gets a nod from her, relents somewhat. ‘i will search ahead.’ he nods to howie and the two of them creep off.
without some of the tools the guide books talk about, they’ve had to become a little creative with how they play the game. the hall is always in use for something or other and their games, which more often than not involve discussions turning into arm wrestling or shouting matches, had gotten them kicked out one too many times. so howie had made up new rules to go with their somewhat expanded set up. it was hard to roll for things when the board game was this big, and especially when not everyone had good dice. so howie kept the dice, and the story, and everything they needed on their person and all the players had to remember was a single set of numbers.
ellie, barley lightborn, was a paladin healer. she has a sword made of light and a shield, which she hefts into a more comfortable position on her left arm. it’s a small thing made of lightweight metal and strapped over with excess leather but it makes her feel like a real knight when she’s wearing it, as absolutely goofy as that sounds. she also has her stat block tucked into a pocket on the shield so she can get at it quickly—body 5, brain 2, spirit 6. what howie does with the numbers is apparently complex and fascinating but ellie is content to just let them tell her what happens.
‘what do you think is out there?’ dina—lothera—whispers in ellie’s ear. together, they peek up over the barrier again and watch as howie gestures to a corner of the field. jesse writes in his notebook, nodding with a frown.
‘i don’t know. what’s parker’s brain score?’
‘five. but howie might lie to him. they do that sometimes,’ dina grouses. she’s still bitter about the fact that her best friend and fellow warlock, margareth, had been turning their patron against her and framed her for the destruction of their temple.
‘very true.’ ellie pats her shoulder sympathetically. her hand goes to the walkie on her hip when it crackles.
‘hunker down or i’m giving your enemies advantage on perception. over,’ howie tells them sternly. ellie glances to where they are with jesse and finds them staring right at her.
ellie drops. ‘roger that. over.’
‘we’ll be back soon. if you have any preparations you want to make, do it now. over and out.’
Ellie and Dina (and friends) playing dnd (with the most likely very limited recourses that they have found) I’ve been watching critical role and this prompt won’t leave my head
there’s an empty lot out beyond the stables that in the warmer months is a rather lovely grassed lawn where the older settlers relive what they call “glory days” and argue about the rules of rugby and soccer and the younger settlers straight up brawl and sometimes pass the ball as well. the game they’ve created is called ruckus and it has been unofficially banned by perry, the settlements premier doctor.
it’s winter now, which means that a hastily constructed barrier of old wood has been raised approximately halfway into the field and a handful of kids—hardly any of them actually kids, nearer to twenty honestly, but that’s what they’ve always been called so the designation has stuck—are hunkered down behind it. dark string has been strung out across the field to form large five by five foot squares and on the far side of the field there is what looks like the remains of several sheds and maybe a car that has been made into one odd building. the game they’re playing now has not been banned, though if it continues developing at the pace it has been, ellie suspects it might be soon.
‘the space station is just ahead,’ howie tells them in a low voice. howie is the only one of them dressed all in black and they stand out harsh against the greys and whites of the snowfall. they’re not holding any weapons; instead, howie clutches a notebook in one hand and a pen in the other. they’re crouched down in the centre of the cluster of friends, showing the rough map drawn into the notebook. ‘as we all know, the corsairs have taken the flight key and if we want to get off this planet, we have to get it back.’
‘i’m sorry, hold on, i missed last weeks game.’ that voice - quiet, cracking in the vulnerable midst of puberty, belongs to darren. clad in furs, face has been painted with a grey handprint, he would at first glance make a rather frightening figure. until one sees the big smile behind the paint and the gangling limbs hidden by bulky furs. ‘can i just get a quick refresh?’
howie sighs. ‘yes, fine, okay. we,’ howie gestures to the group, ‘are the heroes of destiny, a group named -‘ here howie grimaces and their friends grin, leaning in to hear them say it. ‘a group named the tits.’ theres a slight cheer and scattered laughter and, making eye contact with each of them, howie flips to a Forbidden Page in their notebook and scrawls something down. the others fall instantly silent. ‘the tits were on a sacred mission from the queen to recover the lost relics of the first age when they came across a band of pirates who were intent on finding these same relics and using their powers for their own nefarious means. the group is called the corsairs and they are your mortal enemies. even more so now,’ howie says, and they watch as several of the group begin to frown and grumble and glare daggers into the distance, where the corsairs are said to be hidden out. ‘after they greviously wounded your leader, the holy messenger of the god of light, barley.’
seemingly without anyone really noticing what they’re doing, everyone checks subtly on ellie. dina leans a little more heavily on her. jesse looks her over as though checking for injury. georgie grips tight to the handle of her blade. darren, who hadn’t known that, whips entirely around to face ellie.
‘i’m fine now. parker saved me.’ she nods to jesse, who nods back.
‘correct. parker, our ranger, dove into the fray to save their friend, valiantly taking the blow intended for barley and almost dying as well before bringing barley back up to—‘
‘six hit points.’
‘and smiting the undead with an incredible use of turn undead, actually destroying almost everyone within thirty feet because they were only level two skeletons.’
‘wow,’ darren breathes.
‘now, you’ve all had a rest to recover after the fight—lothera, you were uninjured during the fight, you kept watch,’ howie says. dina nods. her face has been painted almost entirely white, in the shape of a skull. ‘and tee, our barbarian, set up traps to make sure you’d wake up if there was an incursion into the camp but when you woke up everything seemed to be just fine.’
‘seemed to be,’ ellie mutters, and fixes howie with a distrustful look.
‘right, right,’ darren nods, and he scribbles quickly in his book. ‘barley, paladin. lothera, warlock. tee, barbarian. parker, ranger. and i’m a wizard.’
‘correct. ready?’
darren tucks his book into his pocket and grabs onto his wand, a rather prettily carved stick he had been gifted. ‘ready!’
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MSJ #2 - Memory: Shadowjack
“Alright my little ones, it’s time for bed.” My mama laughs, looking at me and my brothers and sisters with a smile.
My mama is a very pretty Scrafty, she has a long crest that hangs down the side of her head. She says that crests don’t mean much, but then why does the other kids say that having no crest is bad?
The bad thoughts quickly go away when she scoops me up and walks over to my bed, when she gently sets me down she places the blanket over me. I blink and look at the other beds, seeing that my brothers and sisters are already in theirs.
“Mama, can you read us a story?” I ask, looking at her with big eyes.
“Yeah mama!” One of my brothers shout. “Can we hear a story?”
Soon the rest of my brothers and sisters join in, mama merely smiles and nods. “Very well.” She sighs.
We all cheer at this and watch her walk over to the bookshelf, looking at the many books to read to us. She hums to herself as she thinks on what to pick, after a few seconds she grabs a book as well as a small stool. When she gets to the middle of the room she places the stool down and sits on it, she crosses her legs like she does a lot and opens the book.
My smile grows as I see what book she chose, this one is my favorite!
Mama clears her throat and looks around, seeing that we were ready she began to read.
“In the Unova Region is a city, a city called Vangardia.” She began. “It is a place where people worked together, to live nice and honest lives. They helped one another in need, to make themselves as well as those around them happy.”
Her eyes squint as her voice getting real scary. “However...at night, the people had to hide away. For many invaders would come, to cause trouble and hurt anyone that they would see. They would stay until the night was over, leaving Vangardia when the sun rose. This happened every night, and during the day the people living in Vangardia would fix the damage that the bad people have done.”
She started smiling again, I couldn’t help but feel excited since I knew what was happening next. “One Bisharp had enough, they didn’t want to hide while the invaders kept breaking things and hurting others. So they went to work, creating an outfit that would help strike fear into their hearts. He made a cloak as black as night, with the symbol of Vangardia on the sides of his hood.”
She pauses for a moment before continuing, her voice becoming a hushed whisper. “Then...night arrived, the Bisharp snuck out and watched from the rooftops. He saw the invaders below, breaking wagons and throwing rocks at windows... And then...”
Mama stops and looks at us, her grin growing as she sees my excited look. She knew this was my favorite part.
“And then he jumped!” She shouts, jumping right off the stool. “He attacked the first invader, kicking them hard in the chest! And then he moved onto the next, delivering a powerful punch to their jaw!” Mama follows this by making fighting sounds with her mouth, enjoying our cheers. “They never knew what hit them, and before they knew what was going on...he took them all down! Each and every one of them were beaten, unable to fight back the town’s mysterious protector!”
Her voice deepens, as if she’s copying a big man. “’Who are you?’ They ask, looking at him in fear.” Mama straightens herself, her voice sounding heroic. “I am the protector of this city, to watch over it at night.” She flicks her head, causing her crest to wave in the air. “I am the Shadowjack, and I say that you shall trouble Vanguardia no more! Begone!”
She lets that hang in the air for a moment before sitting back down, her face loosening up. “And so the invaders ran, too scared to fight this noble hero. They never returned after that night, never bothering the city again when the moon rises. The people never knew why they disappeared, for the Bisharp never told them. From that night on he watched over the city at dusk, making sure the people rested peacefully without worry.”
She closes the book, giving a satisfied nod. “And that is the end of The Shadowjack of Vanguardia, my little ones.” She chuckles.
“Awww...” We groan, looking at her real sad.
Before mama could say anything, a loud chuckle is heard from the entrance from our room. “Now ya mama loves her readin’s, eh?” Papa laughs, walking in with a very wide smile..
Mama’s face turns red before looking at him with a giggle of her own. “What can I say? I enjoy what I do.” Papa walks over and kisses her on the forehead, receiving several gags and ‘ewwws’ from my brothers and sisters. I don’t know why they think it’s yucky, sometimes they can be really weird.
“Oh quiet.” He huffs, although his smile stayed. “That’s me showin’ ya mama I love her, so no complainin’.” His smile getting even bigger, an obvious twinkle in his eyes. “Now...while I was out shoppin’, I found another Shadowjack book for ya!”
We all gasp in surprise, excited that papa found another book. I knew I was the loudest.
“Eeyup!” He nods. “Now if ya go ta’ sleep, ya’ll wake up sooner in the mornin’ so the next bedtime story will be faster.” He looks down at mama, flashing her a brilliant smile. “And then ya can have ya mama read it ta’ ya.”
I quickly pull the covers over my face and scrunch my eyes shut, hearing the moving sounds in the other beds I can say that my brothers and sisters did the same.
“Sleep peacefully, little ones.” Mama says. “Yeah, goodnight kids.” Papa laughs right after her. They turn of the lights before leaving the room, covering the room in darkness.
I couldn’t wait for tomorrow night to come, because another Shadowjack book! He is my favorite character, how he fights bad people at night so that they can sleep without being scared!
Whenever I feel that there’s monsters under my bed, I would imagine Shadowjack watching over me so that he would fight off those monsters if they wanted to eat me. Shadowjack is so cool, I want to be like him!
Ever so slowly I began to drift away, and soon...sleep overtook me.
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Soros finanțează şi Separatismul Catalan
Fundația „Inițiativa pentru Europa” a lui George Soros, a finanțat în 2014 organizațiile care militează pentru independența Cataloniei, a dezvăluit anul trecut ziarul „La Vangardia” – stire preluată de site-ul CerŞiPământRomânesc
Potrivit documentelor interne ale fundației lui Soros, fundaţia a plătit: – 27.049 USD pentru Consiliul de Diplomație Publică din Catalonia; un organism înființat de Generalitatea de Catalunya cu diverși parteneri privați; – 24,973 USD la Centrul de Informare și Documentare din Barcelona (Centrul Internațional de Informare și Documentare CIDOB – Barcelona), un grup de reflecție pentru independență.
CIDOB joacă rolul de pre-minister al afacerilor externe pentru regiunea Cataloniei. CIDOB are şi apără în toate privințele același puncte de vedere progresiste ca şi cele ale lui Hillary Clinton.
http://ift.tt/wa8XrE /politica/20160816/403969314802/ george-soros-diplocat-financio.html
El proceso catalán
George Soros financió a la agencia de la paradiplomacia catalana
La fundación del financiero colaboró con 27.000 dólares para diversas actividades del Diplocat y también con 24.949 para el CIDOB
Quico Sallés, Barcelona
Imagen de archivo de una conferencia de George Soros (Johannes Simon / Getty)
La Fundación Open Society Initiative for Europe de George Soros financió con 27.049 dólares actividades del Consell per la Diplomàcia Pública de Catalunya, el Diplocat, la agencia ‘paradiplomática’ catalana. Según los documentos que se han filtrado de las actividades del financiero, Soros aportó estos dólares para cofinanciar una jornada sobre la xenofobia y el euroescepticismo que se celebró en Barcelona en enero de 2014 ante las elecciones al Parlamento Europeo.
Fuentes de la dirección del Diplocat han admitido a La Vanguardia la financiación de este proyecto por parte de la fundación del famoso financiero. De hecho, no es la única aportación a agencias o think tanks catalanes a los que Soros ha ayudado económicamente. El CIDOB, think tank de prestigio internacional bajo el paraguas de diversas administraciones catalanas, también recibió 24.973 dólares para financiar una jornada sobre la integración.
El seminario internacional del Diplocat, titulado “Eleccions Europees 2014: l’augment de la xenofòbia i els moviments euroescèptics a Europa”, fue coordinado por Elisabet Moragas y se realizó a puerta cerrada y al que sólo se podía asistir por invitación.
Según las explicaciones del Diplocat, que preside Albert Royo, se realizó en forma de diálogo abierto entre los expertos académicos y representantes políticos, todos con experiencia sobre el tema del debate, junto con periodistas o representantes de medios de comunicación influyentes de diferentes países de la UE.
La explicación de la financiación de Soros al Diplocat (Quico Sallés)
http://ift.tt/2x8L9be attention-revolution-george-soros- finance-l-independantisme-catalan.html
Attention révolution – George Soros finance l’indépendantisme catalan
La fondation Open Society Initiative for Europe de George Soros a financé en 2014 des organisations militant pour l’indépendance de la Catalogne, a révélé La Vangardial’année dernière
Selon des documents internes, elle a versé -27 049 dollars au Consell de Diplomàcia Pública de Catalunya (Conseil de diplomatie publique de Catalogne) ; organisme créé par la Généralité de Catalogne avec divers partenaires privés ; -24 973 dollars au Centre d’Informació i Documentació Internacionals a Barcelona (CIDOB — Centre d’information et de documentation internationale de Barcelone), un think tank indépendantiste.
Le CIDOB joue le rôle de pré-ministère des Affaires étrangères pour la Généralité de Catalogne. Il défend en toutes choses le même point de vue que celui d’Hillary Clinton.
“George Soros financió a la agencia de la paradiplomacia catalana”, Quico Sallés, La Vangardia, 16 de agosto de 2016..
Source RV
Analizand cele doua articole deducem ca:
Artur Mas, fostul luder catalan, a căutat un sprijin decisiv în rețelele puterii mondiale și a angajat Grupul Diplomat Independent pentru a da mai multă atenție secesionismului catalan.
Compania fondată de britanicul Carne Ross primește ajutor financiar și sprijin cultural-politic din partea Fundațiilor pentru o Societate Deschisă.
1. Diplomat Independent, printre alte lucrări, consiliați și articole susține cererile de autodeterminare a Saharei Occidentale, precum și, începând cu martie 2013, el a fost responsabil de gestionarea a stabili relații diplomatice și politicile pentru coaliția rebelilor sirieni cu structura ONU și cu mulți membri ai organismului internațional. Generalit, ID-ul a preluat doi ani de 1,6 milioane de euro, dar serviciile lor au fost anulate atunci când a avut loc învestirea Puigdemont.
2. Dar ca să nu o numească nimeni drept o greșeală, gândindu-se că actualul președinte al generalității este în opoziție cu predecesorul său menționat și care a părăsit sfera sateliților Soros-ului. Dimpotrivă. În 2016, el a angajat sociologul și scriitorul Jeremy Rifkin să dicteze o conferință, plătindu-i o sumă enormă de 50 de mii de euro. Rifkin este un alt habitué al forumurilor Fundației pentru o Societate Deschisă.
Puigdemont, noul lider catalan, nu reprezintă aceeași putere în Catalonia. El reprezontă doar o bucată din acea putere deținută de alții, care caută să adauge mai mulți aliați în cercurile internaționalismului financiar.
În anul 2016, generalul a acordat Academiei Catolice de Gastronomie și Nutriție un pic mai mult de 7 mii de euro în conceptul de „promovare în academii”. Această entitate a fost ridicată la rangul de corporation of public right de Artur Mas.3 Ne amintim că ACGN este prezidat de Carles Vilarrubí Carrió, un antreprenor care este vicepreședintele Banking Rothschild din Spania și clubul de fotbal din Barcelona.
Carles Villarrubí, de asemenea, se integrează tendințelor separatiste ale Fundația Catmon considerate aliați naturali majori doar unei Cataloniei independente în Israel, Statele Unite și Germania4. Este căsătorit cu femeia de afaceri Sol Daurella Comadrán, președintele partenerilor europeni ai Coca-Cola și acționar al Banco Santander. Sol Daurella integrat până în luna ianuarie a acestui an, un consiliu consultativ creat de Diplocat pentru a ajuta la integrarea Cataloniei la nivel mondial. În evidențele Fundației pentru Fundația pentru o Societate Deschisă, Diplocatul este una dintre entitățile care au primit bani din circuitul Soros.
Din moment ce CATMON a menționat ca aliat principal al Israelului, subliniem că, în timpul domniei fracțiunii pujolismo, relațiile multiple cu Israelul au crescut. Chiar și Banca Catalana a început să lucreze cu contribuția monetară a lui Moses David Tenennbaum, un cunoscut comerciant de diamante și prieten al tatălui lui Jordi Pujol(5).
Artur Mas, de la început, a căutat sprijinul său de-a lungul procesului. Diferența de perspectivă în elitele israeliene a împiedicat obiectivul principal pe care l-a căutat liderul secesionist; Cu toate acestea, guvernul israelian nu sa exprimat niciodată împotriva separatismului catalan și, chiar și cu divergențe în această privință, elitele sale fac afaceri cu Catalonia (la fel ca în cazul lui La Moncloa).
Anul trecut, după 19 ani, Consulatul Onorific al Israelului a fost redeschis la Barcelona. Poliția au primit sfaturi de la Mossad și chiar Accio – agenția pentru competitivitatea Generalit- a intensificat acordurile de relație și semnarea cu actori israelieni. În calitate de observator internațional al referendumului, el a marcat prezența sa în Catalonia parlamentarul israelian Ksenia Svetlova. Acest Parlament este un membru al Uniunii sioniste, alianța politică de centru-stânga, care caută eyectar guvernului Netanyahu.
Mulți membri ai Uniunii sioniste au simpatie pentru figura și pentru opera lui George Soros. Dar, așa cum se întâmplă astăzi în administrația Mas, există încă diferențe între fracțiunile israeliene cu privire la problema Cataloniei.
Alte organizații separatiste catalane este Centrul de Cultură Contemporană din Barcelon (CCBC) un think tank care ține strânsă cooperare cu Jordi Vaquer, Director Regional pentru Europa al Open Society Foundations si co-director al Inițiativei pentru o Societate Deschisă pentru Europa.
Vaquer a fost anterior președinte al Centrului pentru Studii Internaționale și Documentare din Barcelona (CIDOB), un think-tank care a primit de asemenea bani de la Soros, din 2008 până în 2012.
Promovând jumătatea anului 2017, Parlamentul Catalan a adoptat legea care reglementează asociațiile utilizatorilor de canabis, cultivarea și distribuția lor de către aceste asociații. Măsura se potrivește perfect cu agenda internațională Soros privind consumul de canabis (marijuana), iar aceste cluburi catalane se referă în cea mai mare parte la studiile și campaniile Fundațiilor pentru o Societate Deschisă(6).
„Uno de los personajes que desde hace años está detrás del proceso independentista es David Madí, nieto del empresario catalán Joan Baptista Cendrós, fundador de la asociación Omnium Cultural, fanáticamente secesionista. Esta organización fue creada por el alto empresariado de Cataluña y entre sus fundadores tuvo a Lluís Carulla, representante de los intereses de Rockefeller en la región. David Madí, hombre de Convergencia Democrática de Jordi Pujol, fue el ideador del lema “Derecho a decidir” que despertó la histeria de la base secesionista y agradó a los burgueses pro secesionistas. Cuando Artur Mas estaba en el gobierno, lo tenía como uno de sus asesores predilectos y sigue siendo uno de los interlocutores válidos que tiene la élite separatista con sus pares del resto de España y del extranjero. Madí es considerado muy allegado a Tatxo Benet, mano derecha de Jaime Roures en Mediapro(7)”.
Ceea ce tradus:
Unul dintre personajele care cu ani în urmă, se afla în spatele procesului de independență este David Madí, nepotul antreprenorului Catalan Joan Baptista Cendrós, fondator al asociației Omnium Culturale, fanatic secesionist. Această organizație a fost creată drept mare antreprenoriat din Catalonia, și printre fondatorii acesteia a fost Lluís Carulla, reprezentant al intereselor lui Rockefeller în regiune. David Madí, un om al Convergenței Democrate a lui Jordi Pujol, a fost creatorul sloganului „Dreptul de a decide”, care a stârnit o isterie la baza miscarii secesioniste și plăcerea pro-separatista a burgheziei. Când Artur Mas a fost în guvern, a avut rol major in intentiile de vot la alegeri și continuă să fie unul dintre partenerii care sunt validati, care au format o elită separatista cu colegii lor din restul Spaniei și în străinătate. Madi este considerat a fi foarte aproape de Tatxo Benet, mâna dreaptă a lui Jaime Roures în Mediapro(7).
Afaceristul catalan Jaume Roures este partener de afaceri al British Group WPP și George Soros (Gala Capital) în Mediapro. Putem continua să furnizam mai multe informații cu privire la realitatea existentei unor personalități de legătură, organizații, instituții și companii catalane secesioniste cu Soros.
The post Soros finanțează şi Separatismul Catalan appeared first on JurnalulBucurestiului.Ro.
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New Post has been published on PBA-Live
New Post has been published on http://pba-live.com/ariel-vangardia-hoping-phoenix-can-learn-to-win-without-matthew-wright/
Ariel Vangardia hoping Phoenix can learn to win without Matthew Wright
PHOENIX coach Ariel Vanguardia admitted the absence of Matthew Wright has immediately hurt the team, as seen in its 81-66 loss to Meralco in the PBA Commissioner’s Cup on Wednesday night.
Wright was present in the game but was reduced into a spectator as the rookie wingman is on loan to Gilas Pilipinas for now as the national team prepares for the Seaba championship.
Without Wright, who averages 9.2 points, 5.2 boards, 4.2 assists, and 1.4 steals in 26.6 minutes this conference, the Fuel Masters were held to their lowest output this conference.
“We have to figure out how to win without Matthew Wright,” Vanguardia said. “Medyo (ramdam yung kawalan), kasi he opens up the lane for Jameel (McKay) eh at tsaka siya rin yung second to RJ in assists sa team.”
“But it’s a sacrifice we have to make for the national team,” he added. “Siguro by Friday, mas sanay kami to play without him.”
Vanguardia admitted it’s tough to juggle commitment to country and desire to suit up their star gunner for the mother club.
“Ever since we got him sa draft, we know that this will happen,” Vanguardia said. “We just have to live with it. For sure, there’ll be lots of tournaments after this, especially in the third conference, so kailangan masanay kami to play na sometimes wala siya.”
The Fuel Masters are now 1-2 (win-loss) when Wright is out, splitting their first two games of the conference when Wright was sidelined with an ankle injury, and try to improve that record when they take the court again on Friday against Globalport. – Spin.ph
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This is an international paper from La Vangardia about the elections in France.
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Aymeline Valade in Dolce&Gabbana for Fashion&Arts magazine by La Vangardia January
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