#Vampire Haytham kenway
wyyvernn · 7 months
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angy old vampire
template cr: JEOYofLIFE
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gococogo · 1 year
Day Eleven: Vampire/Blood
Kinktober 2023 Masterlist will come after October
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Synopsis: Shay and Haytham are out on a longer voyage than usual. Haytham hasn't fed in a while and his hunger is getting to him. He doesn't want to attack Shay crew, so the Captain gives himself up.
Word Count: 2.8K
Genre: Assassin's Creed Rogue
Pairing: Shay Cormac/Haytham Kenway
Warnings: Blood/nsfw/Anal/Desperation/Biting/Vampire
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The storm had caused havoc across the Morrigan. Some sails are torn and are having to repaired as they go. There wasn’t too much damage due to Shay’s sailing though. Any other Captain with less experience and less determination would have had their ship been ripped apart and thrown about in a storm like that. Yet Shay had gotten them out of there in one piece. But, it was still enough to set them back a couple of days… or three.
And it was enough to send Haytham over the edge.
It was that night of the news of delay that Shay found the Grandmaster in his quarters looking over his fleet reports with his back turned to him. Shay closes the door behind him with a click and locks it.
Haytham’s red eyes snap to him over his shoulder.
Knowing what the Grandmaster is, isn’t some secret within the Templar order. A creature of the night that feeds on the blood of humans to sustain their well beings. Nightwalkers and lovers of the moon. The British adopted the name vampire many years ago and the name stuck.
It should have scared Shay when he first heard that the Grandmaster of the Colonial American Rite was a vampire, but he only found himself intrigued in the unknown. He had seen a city fall to him disturbing an ancient site from people that lived millions of years before them. What is it to say that unfathomable creatures that don’t obey human laws might live among him.  
And this wouldn’t be his first blood donation to Haytham.
The Grandmaster looks away, as if ashamed that Shay already knows what’s coming.
“I was hoping it wouldn’t come to this,” Haytham speaks lowly.
Shay moves forward, assuring the other with a hand on his upper arm. As far as Shay’s knowledge goes, Haytham was not born a creature, he was made. Turned when he had saved his sister and Birch’s last act on Haytham was a sin that would take him to the bottom of hell.
It was late one night when Haytham had told him the tale. Because he knew Shay wanted to ask but didn’t want to pry. Many other vampires are thousands of years old. But here Haytham is, still reasonably in his human years.
“The storm came by surprise. We couldn’t have expected it,” Shay tries to reassure even though he knows his words do little.
And in fact, it only has Haytham scowling downwards at the table where his hands grip the edges tightly. Shay’s hand falls from his arm as he steps away. He makes his way over to his weapons and clothes rack while unbuckling all the straps that crisscross his body. He neatly hangs them up before shrugging off his heavy coat and doing the same. Then follows his vest, the leather armour he wears and then lastly his shirt, all folded up and placed away.
He can feel Haytham’s eyes on his back but it isn’t anything romantic or alluring. It feels predatory. The delay in returning back to New York has set Haytham’s feeding back. Shay knew the risks of having him aboard and having such a tight schedule and yet he thought all would be fine yet here they are. Haytham had told him he had fed before, but this, this is different.
It’s not that Shay dislikes this. He would gladly give himself up to Haytham to save any of his crew meeting a much less pleasant fate. It is just the pain. His hand subconsciously runs over the nape of his neck where fresh scars lie from Haytham. The first time was the worst. But Shay will never admit that.
After kicking his boots off, he keeps his pants on and walks over to the bed. He sits down on the edge and meets hooded red eyes from across the room. Haytham hasn’t moved an inch. He reminds Shay of a cougar waiting to pounce, hunched over and staring without breathing.
“Come here, Haytham,” Shay coos over. “No need to be standing there with a frown.”
At that, the vampire huffs in annoyance and bows his head, his shoulders slouching. He takes off his hat and places it atop of the fleet reports and his cloak soon follows neatly folded. He walks over silently, his feet almost not making a sound against the floor of the ship. He stands in front of Shay, looking down his nose at him.
As much as Haytham wants to act or look like his vampirism isn’t affecting him, it is visible that is jaw is clenched and his hands are tightly fisted. And he isn’t talking. He’s more silent than usual and that only means his mind is running like a ship sailing at twenty knots through a thrashing storm.
As if doing this a million times before, Shay begins unbuttoning Haytham’s coat and undressing him. The one thing that they’ve figured out to make this a more pleasant experience for Shay is through sex. When Haytham is only completely naked is when he leans down to Shay. But it isn’t for a kiss. Shay stops him with two fingers over his mouth and slowly pushes him back.
“Can’t get greedy now,” Shay firmly yet softly states.
Haytham’s mouth is slightly parted and two sets of fangs can be seen. It’s almost like looking into the mouth of an animal. He licks Shay’s fingers before taking them into his hot mouth. His fangs threaten to pierce his skin as he sucks on Shay’s appendages. There was one time that Haytham had bitten down, lost in his own world and nearly took his fingers with it. So right now no one would give Shay shit for being a little weary as his heart beats rapidly in his chest. But his dick likes this, hardening in his pants.
Haytham’s red eyes stare intently at him as he makes work of sucking his fingers. When Shay bids it enough, he takes them out and shuffles up the bed. Haytham quickly follows, his eyes never leaving Shay for a moment. Haytham takes off Shay’s pants a little too eagerly before he comes down face to face with him. He licks his lips, staring at Shay’s own.
He opens his mouth to say something but Shay brings him down for a kiss instead. Haytham’s fangs graze against his lips, threatening to make him bleed. But Shay pulls away as Haytham’s teeth snap together centimetres away from his face.
“Enough of that,” Shay teases.
Haytham huffs slightly before he pushes Shay back on the bed. He parts his legs, shuffling himself in between them so that their dicks are flushed against each other. Shay is already hard and ready but if they go too quickly, there’s a risk of Haytham loosing control. And with a hungry vampire breathing at your neck, that’s the last thing Shay wants. He doesn’t want to end tonight with his head on the other side of the room away from his body.
Shay grunts as his ass is propped into the air. Haytham doesn’t waste any time by licking a strip over his ass. A shiver runs down the captain’s spine as Haytham’s silver tongue does it job of loosening things up. His tongue dives into his ass, hot and wet and-
Fangs prick at Shay’s cheeks and he flinches slightly. But Haytham feels it and stops, looking up at him from under his brow. He stares as he continues opening Shay up for the main course. Haytham’s mouth ventures up to his inner thigh, one hand cradling his leg as if it’s something delicate. His plump lips a breath away over his skin. His fangs a little too close to comfort but Haytham wouldn’t…
Before he knows it, fangs are sinking into his inner thigh. Without a warning. Without a notice. And Shay can’t hold the shout that escapes his mouth. The way his body convulses and how he instinctly grabs on Haytham’s hair. He groans as he feels his own hot blood dribbling down his thigh only for it to be licked up. He breathes heavily, trying to control himself and collect himself. But it is very hard. The thigh is much softer than the neck.
“Christ, Haytham,” Shay sneers.
Haytham would apologize but he knows damn well that he isn’t truly sorry. His lust and hunger got the best of him. He knows how to control himself yet every time he’s around Shay, he can’t help it. Especially when Shay is so willing to give himself up to Haytham. It’s a problem yet it’s a problem similar to a drug. A very addictive one at that.
The vampire sucks and licks at the bite mark until it stops bleeding, giving a small kiss before moving away. It still canes, the pain throbbing through Shay’s thigh but it’s manageable. He’ll just be walking with a limp from for the next few days.  
Haytham litters kiss up Shay’s stomach, to his chest then up his neck. A hand slithers down to his own cock and he lines himself up to Shay’s hole. He doesn’t want to wait any longer, he can’t. He dives into Shay a little too forcefully, pushing a deep, pushing a shaky grunt out of the Irishman. Shay holds onto Haytham’s shoulders, nails digging into skin. He pants loudly and shows his discomfort. But he doesn’t say stop.
Roughly, Haytham moves. His thrusts are short and uncoordinated. He’s desperate to get to the main course. Shay stops him before this gets too out of hand. He grabs Haytham’s face with both hands and makes the vampire look at him. He stops dead and his jaw is clenched so tightly that Shay can feel it.
“When was the last time you fed?” Shay asks, his voice all but a whisper.
The shaky inhale that Haytham does is all Shay would need for an answer. But he waits, because he wants to know how long Haytham has been holding out.
The vampire swallows, regaining some strength. “Three weeks before we voyaged out,” he softly responds, his voice cracking.
Shay’s lips thin. So that is why he’s so needy. So desperate to feed. He’s been holding himself together this entire voyage. Today was just his breaking point which is something not at all seen with Haytham.
A pit of guilt settles into the Captain’s gut that he didn’t notice anything. Yet, at the same time he knows he shouldn’t. Haytham has somewhat perfected hiding his vampirism. So, hiding his hunger until it gets bad would just be another thing he has worked on until flawless.
“You silly, silly man,” Shay finally responds.
This gets a short chuckle from Haytham. Which is a big win in Shay’s books.
“Alright now?” Shay asks before they continue on.
“I’m not some fragile antique vase,” Haytham grumbles back.
The man below him raises a brow. Haytham frowns deeply but it’s something along the way of amusement.
Haytham exits Shay so he can reach over the bed. He grabs one of the pillows and positions it under Shay’s back all so this is a better experience for the Irishman. Shay had taught him this little trick after learning it from the girls in Albany. He then reaches back over to Shay’s bedside table and picks out the small bottle of oil he keeps in there.
Truth be told, this isn’t for Haytham. He only needs Shay’s blood but to make this a better experience, the sex is needed. Haytham lathers up his dick with the oil and prods Shay’s ass with some so it isn’t as painful as before.
Haytham re-enters Shay slowly, with more care this time. The moan that comes form Shay’s throat is something that he didn’t know he had in him tonight. The oil does more wonders than just spit.
Haytham starts slowly, letting Shay feel good and let his body buzz with the pleasure. Letting him moan and pant with every thrust that becomes harder with each turn. Haytham comes down on his hands and knees, hot breath hovering over Shay’s neck. But he comes up and gives a small kiss to his lips. Telling Shay that he is here.
Shay holds onto the vampire’s sides as he moves to the nape of his neck again. The pleasure that holds onto him is only something he can get lost in before the next notion comes. He brings a hand down to his cock and strokes himself to the timing of Haytham’s movements. He relaxes his body, knowing that tensing only makes the first bite worse.
The vampire hesitates for a moment, his eyes grazing over the old and new scars that seem to litter Shay’s shoulders and nape. All perfect bite marks caused by Haytham in events such as now. He doesn’t want to think too much of it. Not when he’s starving.  
When the set of fangs sink into Shay’s skin, it isn’t something out of those romance novels he’s read. It hurts. Shay’s body tenses up as he fights his inner self to not push Haytham off of him. He has forgotten about his own dick and his holds onto the vampire for dear life as Haytham’s fangs sink deeper into his flesh. The pain is blinding. It’s almost too much with Haytham keeping an even pace inside of him.
He doesn’t realize he’s holding his breath until he’s letting it out. And with his breath, comes out a pained cry. He can’t help it. Shay inhales in shakily, trying to control himself but, as Haytham drinks his fill. The burning pain only ebs down his chest and up his neck. He claws at Haytham, but the vampire doesn’t budge.
He can feel Haytham’s hot tongue lapping at the blood seeping from the bite mark. Pushing down so that more blood pools out. Shay grinds his teeth again, threatening them to crack. Haytham works carefully though. Not letting a drop slip down his body and onto his bed.
“Ah, Hay- Ngh…” Shay grinds out pass his teeth.
His head becomes dizzy, something familiar to what he’s felt before. The dizziness that comes with blood loss. He pants shallowly, his grip beginning to loosen and his dick beginning to soften.
Haytham pulls away, feeling Shay’s fight lesson. He licks at the wound that pearls blood. The taste sends a shiver down his blood. Metallic, coppery yet sweet. He licks and kisses until the bite mark doesn’t bleed profusely, but it still is something that will need attention. He did bite quite deep tonight. The scars will welt more than the others.
His thrusting pauses as he sits up to look down at Shay, who pats him on the thigh lightly. He looks pale, more so than he does usually.
“We can finish this later,” Shay groans out. “Clean me up, Haytham.”
Haytham pulls out and swats the pillow out from under Shay so that he can bring the man into a sitting position. He’s a little dazed but he can hold himself. He stays sitting while Haytham walks over across the room stark naked.
Any other time, Shay would soak in the view. But right now he feels so ungodly tired. He knows he can’t sleep just yet though. But the notion is so welcoming.  
When Haytham comes back, he wipes the blood that drips down his chest. He’s had his fill, even a drop more would be greedy. He dabs a rag with straight alcohol and places it on Shay’s wound. The Irishman hisses, seeming to wake up all at once.
“Don’t apologize.”
Haytham frowns slightly. He continues dressing the wound the best he knows. All so that it doesn’t get infected. None of the others have ever gotten infected but Haytham doesn���t want to play his chances.
“Do you feel better?” Shay manages to mumble out.
“Yes.” The vampire pauses in thought. “I appreciate what you do for… this.”
This, referring to his vampirism. This, referring to his curse. This, referring to his bloodlust. All that Shay is more than willing to help for. Something that Haytham -in his own eyes- doesn’t deserve but yet he receives.
“Lay down now, Shay,” Haytham murmurs. “Gist has the helm.”
Shay doesn’t lay down straight away though. He pries open one eye and looks to Haytham. He stares for a moment, at the red staring back at him that now seem to have dulled.
“Stay with me? Hm?” He asks, his accent making his words slurred together.
Haytham softly places a hand over Shay’s, his own cold compared to the living. He shouldn’t linger any longer than usual. Last thing he wants is to have the crew talking, or let along Gist.
But it’s Shay. The one that has given up so much for their cause. For the Order. For Haytham.
“Just for a moment.”
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demigoddessqueens · 2 years
cold to the touch
Based off some AMAZING vampire!Haytham art from the ever-talented @wyyvernn , I wrote a couple of headcanons and a one-shot for the Templar
Despite the vampiric and secretive nature of being a Templar, Haytham cares immensely for you. Slightly over-protective to a degree.
If he ever lives a few centuries, the memories of you still remain with him. But it haunts him, perhaps if he was passing by someone and they have features that’s reminiscent of you.
Summary: You knew this life could be cruel, but it was also unexpected that one such as him would be a part of it.
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You were too young to remember, but you had lost those who were close in the earthquake. When you came of age into the world, there were few you could call your own.
And it left you embittered. Life dealt you a cruel hand in taking the rest of those close to you, and you entered the world an adult with none.
It was completely unexpected for you to become a Templar, but there was nowhere or no one left to turn to in your life. Yet in this moment, that short life flashed before your eyes in mere seconds.
The candles aligned on the desk eerily filled his face. Dark shadows across the sharp features and fangs that ever so protruded from the corners of his mouth. Him, the mysterious leader of the order. It was striking, compelling, but you kept face in the presence of one who plagued all the cautionary tales you heard in your younger years.
Unbeknownst to you, Haytham was waiting for a reaction from you. Most who saw his supernatural nature cowered or looked for the nearest exit.
There was no sign of that in your expressions as you recited back the Oath to him, swearing fealty to the cause.
Given that you knew how to survive and where to look or go, Haytham took a liking to the knowledge you provided. Of course reconnaissance took place right as dusk set in. It must have been an odd sight to see yourself trailed by an imposing cloaked figure.
Though it was a professional union, Haytham respected your skill. Maybe a twinge of pity for you, but he would never admit it out loud let alone to himself.
Still, he enjoyed your conversations even if they derailed into learning more about you. Favorite foods, color, even down to the most mundane details you didn’t pay much attention.
Was it boredom or just a fascination with the one who less afraid than most?
It clenched at your heart to have one take somewhat of an interest in you. There was never a definitive moment you recall such a time, but there was more to it. Thoughts that clawed relentlessly at your mind.
There’s a sadness to you, Haytham. You may not see it or admit to it, but it’s in your eyes when you talk.
I can feel it in any room, like a cold spot that draws everyone’s attention. As much as I enjoy our talks, I worry that there will be a day when we won’t be able to have them.
And I could never wish that sense of false hope onto anyone, let alone you.
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bloodhaven99 · 8 months
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Vampires will never hurt you
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konnisart · 1 year
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"𝕴𝖓𝖙𝖔 𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖗𝖞 𝖌𝖊𝖓𝖊𝖗𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓 𝖈𝖔𝖒𝖊𝖘 𝖆 𝖁𝖆𝖒𝖕𝖎𝖗𝖊"
-𝓗𝓸𝓵𝓵𝔂 𝓑𝓵𝓪𝓬𝓴-
Just so you know everyone,there is more vampire Haytham coming and no one can stop me 🫠🫡😈I AM OBSESSED!
I have a second version where the other character has hair ,well for reasons 🫢😏 and few extra,like process thingies I remembered to record lol.
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rea-grimm · 11 months
Masterlist Assassin's Creed
Grim reaper Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad
Dragon of Masyaf - Dragon Altair x Reader
Weapon Altair
Dullahan Malik Al-Sayf
Incubi Ezio Auditore da Firenze
Weapon Ezio
Wendigo Connor Kenway
Weapon Connor
Dragon Haytham Kenway
Merfolk Edward Kenway
Weapon Edward Kenway
Vampire Arno Dorian
Demon Jacob Frye
Anubis Bayek
Harpy Alexios
Werewolf Eivor
Ghost Desmond
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turtlesaph · 1 year
Writing Prompts/Requests/RP
Hello! Welcome to my listy! My rules are relatively simple. I don't do smut, kinks, incest, degrading matters, super sexual or sexualized content, multiverses or crossovers. I try to stick to the universe of the character personally. I will do platonic or romantic connections. I work a fulltime job so please be patient if I don't immediately respond.
I'm a story driven person so I love adventure, angst, fantasy, comedy, trauma/drama and some fluff. I do requests and/or RP (RP sticks to Discord). So feel free to ask me anything or request anything! Please share your thoughts, feelings, conspiracies, theories, head-canons and anything else related to the characters I write for!
Albert Wesker (Resident Evil)
Claire Redfield (Resident Evil)
Sesshomaru (Inuyasha/Yashahime)
Naraku (Inuyasha)
Toga (Inuyasha)
Kirinmaru (Inuyasha/Yashahime)
Slade (Teen Titans)
Jace Beleren (Magic The Gathering)
Darth Vader/Anakin (Star Wars)
Alex Mercer (Prototype)
Haytham Kenway (Assassin's Creed lll/Rogue)
Ganondorf (Legend of Zelda)
Rauru (Legend of Zelda)
Volga (Legend of Zelda)
Twinrova: Koume & Kotake (Legend of Zelda)
Lucifer (Hazbin Hotel)
Lilith (Hazbin Hotel)
Vecna/001-One/Henry Creel (Stranger Things)
Niklaus Mikaelson (Vampire Diaries/The Originals)
Caroline Forbes (Vampire Diaries)
Haleru (King Rauru's brother) [Legend of Zelda]
Alanis (Overlord Sinner fox) [Hazbin Hotel]
Laviel (Slade's Apprentice/antagonist) [Teen Titans]
Locus (Teen Titan/hero) [Teen Titans]
These lists will not include everyone I write for, just the ones off the top of my head.
MY DISCORD IS:: aschrach
(Posted with half of the tags, will do another with the rest)
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sebby-jellygrace · 4 years
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Vampire Haytham and Connor.
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elisenin · 4 years
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Halloween’s crossover with film “What we do in the shadows” 😺🧛🏻‍♂️🕺🏻
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asscrackcreed · 2 years
I don't know if you've already done this but what are your headcanons about our main assassins as monsters/mystical creatures and how they would become said creatures ?
Altaïr - genie - given that he has the apple of eden in canon i think being a genie makes sense and i don’t mean the aladdin type i mean more like a spirit in its mesopotamian origins - just born like that
since altaïr is also strongly associated with wisdom he could be a griffin or a sphinx
ezio - vampire - maybe it’s cuz he’s italian but major vampire vibes, i feel like vampires would have killed the men in his family and then a vampire bit him but for whatever reason he didn’t die he only ended up turning into a vampire OR his dad was a vampire so ezio turned out to be one too and when they all died he ended up alone as a (half?) vampire
the kenways - werewolves - it just makes so much sense as they’re all aggressive and brutal in their fighting alike to werewolves, maybe when edward was travelling he got bit by a werewolf or something and now it’s a hereditary thing
if not werewolves i’d imagine their some sort of scaly/lizard creature like a sea serpent for edward, basilisk for haytham, connor im not sure tbh i can’t answer why or how they turned into one of those that’s why i’m sticking to werewolves
arno - this is really hard actually i think because some of the ones i would choose are just women (i was gonna say harpy) so i’ll have to say a gorgon - i think the idea that he’s practically lost all his close in his life gorgon can be fitting since he gets to ‘permanently’ keep them close to him and he won’t lose them, probably got cursed by a god like medusa (i think in the original story she was born a gorgon tho)
jacob and evie - whenever i think of them and myths i think of apollo and artemis the personalities just fit and they’re twins but since you said creatures maybe griffins? or centaurs like chiron who are very smart i just get the feeling they’d be the wise creatures so i’m gonna say griffin cuz they’re fast and quick with their kills - born that way
bayek - i mean this guy fought gods so in myths he’d be like a warrior like hercules or something but as a creature maybe a phoenix? or specifically Bennu, the bird of fire said to be one of Ra’s families, both phoenix and Bennu have the rebirth characteristics and i think fire is just the best element for bayek (hence why i hc him as Hephaestus in a greek god au)
kassandra - well given she canonically fights mythological creatures and deities it makes things a little harder, maybe typhon, the last child of Gaia and the ‘father of all monsters’, he’s basically like the strongest creature, otherwise minotaur? though i swear she does kill one, i just think something angry and aggressive suits her since rage is a large part of her character - born that way
oh my god mass could literally be a valkyrie it’s norse mythology but it literally works so well wtf
eivor - well if they’re not odin then probably fenrir, i think big and powerful are key factors of eivor so i can’t see eivor as anything else but somehow related to the gods
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wyyvernn · 1 year
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A/n: Decided to continue the whole Vampire!Haytham thing from last year.
Art by me.
✧・゚: Masterlist :・゚✧
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"Come along, dear girl. Quickly now."
He urged you down the darkness of the alleyway, hidden away from the empty, open streets of Boston. The stark brightness of the moon illuminated your bodies in a soft glow of white, and then disappeared the further you stalked down the path.
Despite the sternness of his words, his smooth voice radiated a kindness that he would find himself never adressing the other Templars with, a kindness so tender and earnest that he only reserved for you, his spy.
He stopped suddenly, by the end of the alley, and his palm came up to lay flat on the middle of your back, guiding you to see what he saw.
There was a flash of movement, a shadow that you noticed. Or that you thought you noticed. The event was only confirmed once Haytham cleared his throat.
"Did you see it? By the general store over there."
Haytham was much more composed than you and he dealt with his nerves easier, and maybe part of that was due to the fact that he was unliving and lacked a heartbeat. But you like to think that he was just as unbothered by the worst of situations when he was human, when his heart pumped fresh, hot blood all throughout his body.
Still, it didn't mean his eyes and ears weren't as alert as ever - quite the contrary. You saw, out of the corner of your eye, his other hand inching for his sword, more out of caution than fear.
He sensed your rising heartbeat in your chest and moved his hand on your back lower.
"Calm yourself, I have a job for you to do in a moment," he whispered, accent as clear and elegant as ever.
You nodded, your fingers a bit shaky. He barely took you out at this time, when the air was as crisp and freezing as ever. But when he did, you cherished every second of it.
"Yes, sir," you mutter, quietly, and whether you notice it or not, Haytham tugs you closer to his side and lowers his voice by your ear.
"Good. I need you to stay here and keep a lookout while I investigate up ahead. Do you understand?"
You lock eyes, watching the greys of his irises soften slightly. For a moment they flash silver, or maybe it's the way the moon brings out the shine in them. Your gaze lowers to his fangs peeking from behind his lips and they glint with the same light.
You nod again and he pats you on the shoulder.
"Good. I won't be a moment."
Your Grand Master, with many years of experience and guile, slinks away to the otherside of the street, his form devoured by the shadows once more.
For several minutes you're left alone, the alleyway keeping you hidden while your mind flits through thoughts of possible explanations. Another vampire? A human on a midnight walk? Unlikely.
Although, your attention is brought back to the reappearance of Haytham, and your eyes widen at the sight from fear, to realisation and then finally, a meagre amount of pity and annoyance.
"Christ, sir..." you pinch the bridge of your nose as you take in his outfit bathed in blood. The white of his cravat is absolutely doused in it, and if you didn't know what he was, you would be bolting to the other end of the alleyway by now.
He licks the blood from his fangs and reaches into his coat, procuring a handkerchief and gently dabbing away the deep red liquid from his lips and chin in a graceful manner.
"An Assassin," he mutters, ignoring your distaste. He uses the cloth to wipe down his sword before sliding it back into its sheathe and neatly folding his handkerchief. "A foolish one at that."
"The servants will be pissed."
You make a gesture referring to the state of his clothes and the corner of Haytham's mouth curves up slightly in amusement but you barely see it in the dark.
"They know better than to whinge like a petulant child, which is apparently more than I can say for you."
You roll your eyes, playfully and scoff. He adjusts his hat and motions for you to follow him once more. You watch him from behind as he clasp his hands behind his back in a sophisticated fashion, all prim and proper and so very Haytham.
You do your best to keep up with his long strides.
"Did you at least get your fill, sir? Of blood, I mean."
Haytham clicks his tongue in minor irritation, but not at you - at the lingering filth on his tastebuds.
"I did not, unfortunately. His blood was not to my liking."
'His', of course referring to the Assassin whom Haytham hunted earlier. The both of you continue your midnight stroll, occasionally casting glances to each other or the buildings, admiring how everything felt more tranquil than the bustling noise of the day, not like he would ever experience it again. These sweet hours of peace spent with him would not last much longer and soon you would need to make preparations for your next mission when the sun arose.
As you walk, this time a little closer to him, you decide to speak up.
"Well, if you're not sated, sir...I wouldn't mind, well...you know."
He actually halts in his step and you nearly slam into his back, quickly preventing yourself from doing just that and rearing back a bit.
Haytham turns his head to the side, watching you from the far corner of his eye and you swear that they darken a little at your suggestion. He doesn't fully angle around just yet, keeping himself tall and proper with his posture.
"Go on..." he urges you to finish, but he already knows of what you're offering and it's no small matter.
The words play on repeat in your head yet you find it hard to expel them from your throat, even as the air shifts around you and he silently demands you to say them. You take a deep breath.
"Blood, sir. Mine specifically. If you want it then I wouldn't be opposed to giving it."
He faces you again finally, eyes of steel narrowed with cold austerity, and a hint of something else. Desire.
He sighs.
"I may lose control and take a lot more than just your blood. You know this, do you not?"
"I know you won't," you reply, quickly. He frowns at that.
It was true that the Grand Master maintained a lot of self-control when it came to blood, certainly a lot more than the likes of Hickey or Charles. Yet, he still didn't want to take that risk, especially with you.
"I won't feed from my loyal spy, not when I have servants for that. Make certain that you don't mention this to me again," he says, bluntly with a rigidness that tells you to let it go. But you dare to grab his wrist to stop him from turning away.
"I insist, sir."
When he gazes upon you again, he detects the sheer determination in your eyes and he admires it. He listens to your gentle heartbeat thumping away in your chest and your soft breathing like a whisper in his ear. He feels himself drifting towards it.
Another sigh loosens from his lips. Haytham kindly draws you closer to him, his hand on your upper arm and his eyes soft.
"You're certain? Once I start, I may not stop..."
His finger slides up your shoulder, shifting your neckline to the side so he can trace over your collarbone and up to the crook of your neck. His touch, laced with longing, sends shivers down your spine and he nearly smiles as he hears your breath hitch. Your heart has begun to pump faster now. He savours the sound.
You shakily nod your head, and reply, "I'm sure, sir."
His left hand came up to grip the other side of your neck gently, his palm pressing against your pulse as he takes away his other and replaces it with his mouth instead. His lips are cool when they brush over your jugular. You slightly jump at the sensation and gasp as his cold tongue pokes your skin and then licks a flat streak up until he's nibbling on your ear. His voice, now a low purr, whispers to you, hums to you.
"I won't lie. It will hurt at first. But I promise that you'll barely feel anything after the pain subsides."
Before you can reply, his lips are back on your neck and his fangs press insistently, eager to break the skin and feel your hot blood drown his tongue like sweet nectar. And he does just that.
You cry out in pain, a quiet whine that stills in your throat when his left arm comes to wrap around your waist and beckon your body closer until your nose is buried against his chest and you're gripping fistfuls of his cape in your hands.
You're divine. Absolutely divine and you taste like heaven in his mouth. He's not sure if he can stop himself after all, and as the pain numbs away into pleasure, you moan and gods, he can't stop, you're the best he's had. You can feel him drinking from your neck with more insistence, more animalism, and you fear that your Grand Master has given in to his more predatory instincts.
But something snaps him back into place, shouting at him to stop once he sees your grip on him grow lax and notices how your body slumps against him. Your heartbeat is considerably slower than it was when it raged earlier, and your moans simmer into tiny whimpers.
You're losing too much blood, he realises, and he pulls his fangs away and whisks you up in his arms.
"Oh, dear girl...I didn't mean to go this far," he coos, his tone soft and concerned as he cradles you against his chest. Your blood drips down his chin and he licks it away, staring down upon you.
You're so dizzy and cold, but he's oddly warm. Perhaps it's due to your blood filling his body.
You murmur incoherent sounds, small noises that don't mean much. You can't even think.
"I know, I know..." he mutters, soothingly, more like a lover than your Grand Master. "Sleep now."
He makes sure that you're well-rested by the morning and that his servants deliver you the most nutritious foods to help you regain your energy back.
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blaxkrosethorn · 3 years
Connor’s best friend.
Well. One shot time ig.
Pairing: Haytham Kenway, Temptation Nevadah(my oc), Hailey Nevadah. (Temptation’s daughter, is half vampire.)
Genre: fluff, I think. Slight AU.
Parts: (1/?) gee idk. If you want me to keep this going lmk and I will.
3rd POV.
Temptation flew through the trees, easily dodging branches and birds. Her red and white assassins dress hugged her body nicely and her cloak fluttered behind her. She stopped and perched on a branch as she heard voices. Temptation pulled up her hood to conceal her face and bright red hair. Her naturally tanned skin glinted beautifully in the small patches of sunlight that shone through the leaves of the tree she sat perched on.
She saw two raven haired men, one of which she recognized as Connor Kenway, her best friend. He was also her childhood friend, having grown up in the same tribe. She left the tribes a year before him though, and trained with a few others to become an assassin. The two stopped to rest for a moment, standing under her tree and conversing casually. She uses this as her time to strike.
With a huff, Temptation hops onto a lower branch and hooks her black boots under a piece of the beach before swinging downwards and hanging upside down, surprising both men. “Bark!” She called out, her hazel green eyes glinting playfully and boring right into Connor’s grayish brown orbs. “Testa Rossa!” Connor yells, excitement coating his tone. “D’ya miss me?” She asks with a small smile. “Of course.” Connor replies, removing her hood and playing with her red hair. “Whose the look alike?” Temptation asks. “Oh! Temp, this is my father. Haytham, this is my childhood friend Temptation.” Connor says as Temptation flops out of the tree and lands on her feet skillfully. “Haytham Kenway..” Connor’s look alike introduces, and Temptation smiles politely, holding her hand out so he could shake it. “Temptation Nevadah. Pleasure.” She says, a small blush reaching her cheeks as Haytham takes her hand and kisses the knuckles.
Three people descend from the trees above, one of them holding a small three year old little girl who looked like Temptation. “HalfMoon was getting cranky. Wanted mom.” A man says, handing the little girl over to Temptation. “HalfMoon?” Connor questions as Temptation holds the little girl delicately. “Her tribal name.” Temptation answers. “Connor, meet my daughter; Hailey.” Temptation says, gesturing to the little raven haired girl. “Did you shit her out? The only thing different is her hair!” Connor exclaims, and the little girl flinches, burying her face into her mother’s neck. “She’s been through allot..” Temptation says quietly, stroking Hailey’s long black hair lovingly.
“Awe.. it’s okay. I’ll be like her big brother!” Connor says, and Temptation grins when Hailey giggles. Hailey holds out her palm, and Connor leans forward, allowing her to lay it on his cheek. A few moments later he gasps and moves away with a blush on his cheeks. “What’d she show you?” Temptation asked softly. “M-my soulmate..” Connor stuttered. “Wait, how’d she do that?” Connor asked. Temptation smirked. “Haytham, would you like her to show you something?” Temptation asks. Haytham nods before stepping forward hesitantly. Hailey places her hand on Haytham’s and Temptation’s cheeks at the same time, showing them both something they didn’t expect.
Haytham and Temptation were soulmates.
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storybookstalker · 5 years
Fandom List / what you can ask for/request - Needs to be Updated
Yandere Anons/Messages
Human Flesh Lamp
Jealous Face Carving
Happy toothbrush
Yum Yum Darling’s essence  
Big Brother! Jason Todd ft. Sister! Reader
Werewolf! Jason Todd headcanons
Batman x Hero! Reader 
Arkhamverse! Joker Headcanons
Riddler ft Hero!Reader small Imagine
Penguin ft Winged Hero!Reader small imagine
Riddler Headcanons #1
Scarecrow ft Fearless!Reader Imagine
Contin. of Scarecrow ft Fearless!Reader Imagine
Scarecrow ft Amnesiac!Reader Imagine
Mad Hatter ft Psychologist!Reader
Riddler ft Super Flexible Batfam!Reader 
Contin. of Riddler ft Super Flexible Batfam!Reader 
Penguin ft Winged Hero!Reader Headcanons
Brother EYE Headcanons #1
Penguin ft Neon(?) Hero!Reader
Scarecrow x reader headcanons 
Scarecrow ft Caught!Reader headcanons
Mad Hatter NSFW Headcanons
Mad Hatter Headcanons Before vs After Capture of Obsession
Jason Todd SFW + NSFW + Nicknames #1
Jason Todd SFW + NSFW + Rouge Nicknames #2
Jason Todd NSFW 
Killer Croc SFW + NSFW Headcanons
Two-Face ft Civilian!Reader 
Black Mask Headcanons
Scarecrow / Mad Hatter headcanons (separate) 
Black Mask NSFW Headcanons
Ra’s al Ghul Headcanons
Arkhamverse!Jason Todd Headcanons
Riddler General Headcanons
Scarebeast Headcanons
Poly Scarecrow + Mad Hatter Headcanons
(Some of the) Batfam as Monsters Headcanons
Mad Hatter ft Dark Haired!Reader
Scarecrow letter list - S
Scarecrow letter list - O
The Riddler Letter list - S
Scarecrow letter list - B + F
Scarecrow ft Horror Lover!Reader
Rag Doll / Peter Merkel letter list - G
Riddler ft someone who actually likes him
Jason Todd / Older!Damian Wayne letter list - V, H, A, B, + F
Bucky Barnes ft EX Cult!Reader
Peter Parker ft Reader singing Lullaby of Broadway
Natasha Romanoff ft chubby + curvy!Reader
Steve Rogers ft Pararescue!Reader 
(separate) Mysterio / Iron man ft Runaway obsession 
Mysterio letter list - G
Mysterio letter list - A + T
Poly Steve Rogers + Bucky Barnes headcanons
Jessi Mccree Imagine
Assassin’s Creed
Haytham Kenway Letter list - P 
My Hero Academia 
Present Mic Headcanons
Present Mic ft Student!Reader
Present Mid ft Villain!Reader
Shinsou Hitoshi Headcanons
Eraserhead ft Technopath!Reader
Amaijki Tamaki Headcanons
Plantonic!All Might Ft His Biological Kid!Reader
The Outsiders 
Two Bit Headcanons
Jealous Two Bit Headcanons
Far Cry 5
Faith Seed and Jess Black Punishment Headcanons
Jess Black Headcanons
Seed Family Short Headcanons
Hobo Heart ft nervous romantic! Reader
Dark Web Yandere
1st Dark Web Yandere Imagine
Continuation of 1st Dark Web Imagine
1# Headcanon
NSFW Imagine 
Rei Kashino General + NSFW headcanons
Joe Goldberg Imagine 
Black Butler / Kuroshitsuji
Sebastian Michaelis Headcanons
Mother’s Day Imagine 
Father’s Day Imagine
Concepts / Imagines
Cunning Yandere With Friends in High Places
Popular Golden College Boy
 Fae ex Lover 
Jock + Supernatural AU
Scarecrow’s Crow Escapes VIA Batman
Yan!King vs Yan!Vampire
Delusional Yanderes are delusional
Darling: [doesn’t speak the yandere’s language]  Yandere: Haha, this won’t stop me because I have the power of love!
Scarecrow’s “tapes” 
Scarecrow’s “one night stand”
Batman ft Hero!Reader
can we get an F in the chat for DC darlings
How to manipulate a Yandere
How to get frisky with a Yandere
Soft yanderes
Scarecrow joins a bookclub
Court Of Owls 
Ghost Scarecrow
Vampire Mad Hatter
Christmas with Scarecrow
One of the reasons I started my Choose Your Own Adventure story on a sideblog
Another reason
I have a bad habit of wanting to do Fics for everything I love
The Birds and The Bees
Cats are yandere you just won’t admit it
Kermit Cooks His Rival
Local Yandere Werewolf is dumb af
When your yandere’s moves are so sick you let them catch up to you
Yandere Assigned Big Bird
Mccree has had enough of your shit
When Your Obsession Doesn’t Love You :/
This isn’t really yandere nor a meme but It’s important to me
When you under arrest for murder but ya gurl’s parent’s aren’t home
You: is slightly sad or lonely
Call off the guyssss with the crOw bArs
Darling/Obsession: “No.”
Yandere Blog + Edgy Blogs
Dark!Steve meme from a REALLY FUCKING GOOD BLOG
Darling -YEET 
Buncha Memes
Gen Z darling
Not yandere but extremely important
Me, Randomly hyperfixating on miraculous ladybug 
Life-consuming obsession
Yandere’s Religion 
A surprise tool!
Monster Fuckers Where You At??
Wow I can’t believe how hard it is to pick up my crush’s signals 
Modern problems require modern solutions 
Yandere Tik Tok
Protective yanderes be like
G O D ?
Darling: I need a favor from you
Tell your friends and family bout em
Only my darling 
This sign won’t stop me because I can’t read!
Otome games 
Pile of memes
A Single Soldier...
How To Make Really Good Cookies.
201 notes · View notes
konnisart · 1 year
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Some more Vamp Haytham.
I spend legit 1 hour just looking at this sort sketch debating on if I should post this or not. I don’t know part of me likes it and the other part of me hates it 😅,cause it is looks like Haytham but not like him at the same time ?! Really I don’t know 🤷‍♀️ 😅😀.Anyway I decided on uploading it ,cause part of an art journey is to sometimes share works you might not feel really confident with.
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captaincinderbella · 5 years
Ok I’ll do it. I was tagged by @caseycrumb 
Rules: name ten favorite characters from ten different things (TV, movies, books, etc.), then tag ten people
1. Rowena (Ivanhoe, BBC 1997)
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2. Morgane (Mists of Avalon)
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3. Snow (Hunger games)
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4. Kaidan Alenko (Mass Effect 1-3)
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5. Haytham Kenway (Assassin’s Creed 3)
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6. Soren (in @leightoningstrike‘s the Wraith, based on a Marvel original character)
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7. Soulafein (Baldur’s Gate 2)
8. Lestat (Interview with a Vampire)
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9. Bastila Shan (Knights of the Old Republic)
10. Rita Vratasky (Edge of Tomorrow)
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I’m tagging:
@leightoningstrike @vociferrari @pandora-cleo @pennygesserit  @fairyringsandwings  @eosdawns @elenapadmeamidala @butterflyagua4 @etherealenigma​ @andsweetdreams
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turtlesaph · 1 year
Writing Prompts/Requests/RP
Hello! Welcome to my listy! My rules are relatively simple. I don't do smut, kinks, incest, degrading matters, super sexual or sexualized content, multiverses or crossovers. I try to stick to the universe of the character personally. I will do platonic or romantic connections. I work a fulltime job so please be patient if I don't immediately respond.
I'm a story driven person so I love adventure, angst, fantasy, comedy, trauma/drama and some fluff. I do requests and/or RP (RP sticks to Discord). So feel free to ask me anything or request anything! Please share your thoughts, feelings, conspiracies, theories, head-canons and anything else related to the characters I write for!
Albert Wesker (Resident Evil)
Claire Redfield (Resident Evil)
Sesshomaru (Inuyasha/Yashahime)
Naraku (Inuyasha)
Toga (Inuyasha)
Kirinmaru (Inuyasha/Yashahime)
Slade (Teen Titans)
Jace Beleren (Magic The Gathering)
Darth Vader/Anakin (Star Wars)
Alex Mercer (Prototype)
Haytham Kenway (Assassin's Creed lll/Rogue)
Ganondorf (Legend of Zelda)
Rauru (Legend of Zelda)
Volga (Legend of Zelda)
Twinrova: Koume & Kotake (Legend of Zelda)
Lucifer (Hazbin Hotel)
Lilith (Hazbin Hotel)
Vecna/001-One/Henry Creel (Stranger Things)
Niklaus Mikaelson (Vampire Diaries/The Originals)
Caroline Forbes (Vampire Diaries)
Haleru (King Rauru's brother) [Legend of Zelda]
Alanis (Overlord Sinner fox) [Hazbin Hotel]
Laviel (Slade's Apprentice/antagonist) [Teen Titans]
Locus (Teen Titan/hero) [Teen Titans]
These lists will not include everyone I write for, just the ones off the top of my head.
MY DISCORD IS:: aschrach
(Posted with half of the tags, will do another with the rest)
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