#Valorant breach
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shkretart · 2 months ago
hey! you're such a huge inspiration for me and genuinely thank you for creating :] I wanted to ask wether you have some art tips for rendering? your art is always so smooth and you capture the light amazing
Hi! Thank you very much. It's very nice to know that I can be an inspiration somehow ❤️
There are probably no special rules or wishes. The main thing is to look at the drawing as a whole and work on everything little by little, and not to zoom in on a certain area of the canvas and work only with it. Also, do not go into details too much... I mean very small details that are unlikely to be noticed by anyone, but they can worsen the overall picture.
Also some people asked for a speedpaint that I recorded a long time ago. It's simple. Also I apologize for the quality, my computer is very old and can't handle it. That's why I don't record anything..., but I decided to try, this is the second time I record a speedpaint, I was a little worried. (I drew using a lasso and a round brush)
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sarcasmprodigy · 11 months ago
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Sketching keychain ideas AGAIN but this time I commit.
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skaithis · 1 year ago
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Brimstone left them for two hours
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wisteriaiswriting · 8 months ago
Reuniting with their old friend (Who joined the protocol)
Words: 265
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Is in disbelief when she finds out you’re joining the protocol.
Highly likely she won’t approach you first, so you’ll have to find her.
Makes sure Chamber stays away from you at any cost.
If you’re willing, she’ll let you into her lab and help with some experiments
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She’s obviously surprised at your return, so she tends to avoid you for that first while.
Don’t push her to talk earlier than needed, as she thought everyone was gone, so when you show up she nearly goes into shock.
When that time passes though, she willingly welcomes you back into her life.
Rightly becomes protective, opting to stay near you during fights.
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He’s so excited that you’re here and back with him, and is also scared about what you think of him now.
He makes sure to keep himself around, claiming that he’s “Making up for lost time.”
Tries his absolute best to repair and strengthen your bond, really doesn’t want to lose you again.
In every story he tells the others, you’re always spoken highly of.
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My guy doesn’t actually find out about you until the day you arrive. (Brimstone knows he would never shut up about seeing you again.)
And they were right, introducing you to everyone so quickly even if you’ve already met them.
He’s constantly trying to bridge the gap that’s formed, wanting that past friendship to return.
Will bring you back to his family. (All are ecstatic to see you again.)
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keromies · 4 months ago
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The Initiator Gang
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cythanadiel · 6 months ago
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rewatched that honda odyssey scene 1001 times for this piece
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lebs · 1 year ago
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valorant-drabbles · 1 year ago
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Valorant Agents on Their Day Off
Brimstone implements a mandatory day off for each agent. No work is to be done on that day, and agents are encouraged to take advantage of this.
See below the cut for all agents
Brimstone: Despite the fact this was his idea, he’s one of the most reluctant agents to actually take his day off. There’s always too much to keep track of- missions, agent shenanigans… He’s only going to take his day off if he’s sure nothing bad will happen, and leave the Protocol in the capable hands of Viper and Sage.
Breach: Man is absolutely pumped to find out it’s his day off tomorrow. You bet he’s gonna drink the night away, knowing there’ll be no repercussions in the morning!… well, aside from a hangover. But he’s going to be noisy as hell all night, so other agents are encouraged to wear earplugs if they plan on getting sleep the night before his day off.
Astra: Oh you KNOW she is making plans the second she finds out when her day off is. She might even encourage Neon or Raze to ditch their training that day to go out with her for a few hours, assuming they aren’t being sent out on a mission. Near the end of her day off, she’ll dedicate some time to meditating and treating herself to some desserts from the VP’s kitchen.
Jett: She’s the first to be given her day off. As a result, she probably gloats to Phoenix and Yoru about her upcoming day off, claiming that she ‘earned it’ with her badass moves in the field, thinking she got it for impressing Brim. She’s quickly humbled upon finding out she isn’t the only one. Regardless, she’ll still probably spend the day with Phoenix when he’s not busy, watching movies, binge watching shows, and even brainstorming some future pranks to pull.
Chamber: The marksman is one of the more difficult agents to convince to take a break. He’s dedicated to working on his guns any free time he’s given- but at what point is he just continuously working? Brimstone ordered Chamber to take his day off, and forbid him from entering his workshop for any reason that day. He tried not to act too bothered by it, but Chamber was rather fidgety without occupying his mind with his guns. So instead, he opts to do research on how to improve his guns, and spend the time during meals watching soap operas. What? He loves the dramatics.
Gekko: He’s hyped, man. He calls up his mom to let her know he’s gonna drop by, and spend the day with his little buddies. Spend a few hours with his mom, helping out around the house like the good son he is- then walking the neighbourhood, getting boba… and trying to keep his creatures out of trouble. He just goes with the flow of the day, skateboarding around and letting the world decide what he does. And today? He’s getting ramen.
Omen: He’s… hesitant to take a day off. Not because he’s worried about being needed during a mission per se… but more-so because he doesn’t know what to do with himself. There’s only so much knitting he can do in a single day… and that’s bound to get boring at some point. Neon suggests he tries some other crafts or hobbies on his day off, so he dons a disguise, and visits a craft store. He buys more yarn, and picks up a few new crafts to do. Some diamond paintings, a sticker book or two… though he takes a liking to photography, with disposable cameras.
Viper: Another case of ‘workaholic doesn’t want to take a break’. The only way she’s taking a break is if Brimstone orders her to, otherwise she’s not taking it by herself. Similarly to Chamber, she’s banned from her lab for the day… so she decides to go visit a reptile sanctuary. She spends the day observing the different scaled creatures, taking notes and even sketching a few out if they inspire ideas for potential weapons. She’s of course drawn in by the snakes, and spends the most time watching them in fascination. She’ll end the day by ordering in something for herself and watching a documentary or two.
Reyna: She laughs when she’s told to take a day off- only to realize… Brim was being serious. It would take her awhile to figure out what to do that whole day… but after asking for advice from Sage and Skye, Reyna is convinced to try going to a spa. It’s a very different experience for her, but she does her best to actually relax and be pampered. It’s not something she would try again unless she had company… but she can’t deny how rejuvenated she felt afterwords. Reyna and Sage make plans to take a spa day together at some point in the near future.
Sage: Being the self-case wizard she is, Sage is probably the most normal about taking a break. She tends to her small garden during the day, treats herself to a nice bath… diffuser for oils, relaxing music- the whole nine yards. She’s almost entirely non-contact, with the only difference being Skye, who would bring her tea every so often or ask for quick advice on how to treat a certain injury. The next day, Sage is glowing with energy and extra cheerful.
Yoru: He’s immediately leaving the base the second he can. Grabs his motorcycle, and drives out to the highway- doesn’t turn back. He’ll never admit it, but the poor guy is pretty homesick. He misses the cherry blossoms of Tokyo. The hustle and bustle of the city… the authentic food. He doesn’t have time to go home, so he does the next best thing. Yoru rides into the nearest city, and has a night on the town. People watching, trying different hole-in-the-wall food places, maybe some random shopping? If he’s in a particularly good mood and sees something in a shop window that reminds him of an agent from the protocol… he’ll buy it and keep it stashed in his room as a birthday present for them. He’ll say it was just some junk he found laying around his room… best not question him too much on it.
Phoenix: This guy is getting into all kinds of mischief. Nothing illegal, of course… but he’s definitely hitting up a night club or two, talking to girls (and boys, let’s be honest). He’d find a clique of cool people to hang with, and spend the night riding around town with them. By the end of the evening, he’d probably have made good friends with his new posse, and most likely hangs out with them when he can outside of work hours on weekends. He most definitely gets a little too drunk and does some mild trespassing and messy parkour… and also ends up being everyone’s collective cigarette lighter. But a cigarette lighter everyone loves. Life of the party.
Killjoy: Tell her to stay out of her lab, and you have a German storm coming. She’ll argue as best she can, but she can’t do much to sway Brimstone. Since she can’t actively work on her tech, she grabs a notebook and sketches out some designs for new projects for the future… upgrades to current utility, anything. She has too many ideas and can’t be left to sit alone with them. By the evening, she’s gonna be pretty burnt out and have a sore wrist from all that writing… so she might invite Raze to grab dinner with her. The two will discuss potential upgrades for their current projects before Killjoy inevitably falls asleep. She’ll wake up in her bed, not knowing how she got there… and probably forget her day off even happened.
Raze: She’s similar to Phoenix in the sense that she wants to go out and do something fun. She’ll pack some spray paint and go out to find a place to tag or do art on; usually old, abandon buildings… since she’d gotten an earful from Viper the day she got caught tagging a building in the city and had to get bailed out by the Protocol. Turns out graffiti is illegal! Who knew? Raze didn’t! But she’s careful now, and really enjoys expressing herself freely. Might buy herself a large canvas so she can spray paint some stuff back at HQ. Just as long as she doesn’t make a mess.
Sova: The most difficult bastard to convince to take a break, good god. It would take a solid hour of arguing for him to finally concede defeat and agree to the break; ONLY under the conditions that Brimstone will promise to call him to action if they need him. Thankfully it doesn’t come to that, but Sova still spends the day prepared to be sent to a site at any second. He’s not the best at relaxing, and hasn’t done it in years. Still, he’ll make an effort. He calls his babushka, and talk to her for hours if he can. He’ll sit in his bed and journal, or go out hunting in the evening.
Neon: It was probably her idea to give the agents a day off. Though since her powers can be a tad unstable at times, it’s unlikely the protocol will want her leaving the HQ on her own. Not that she minds. She’s most likely spending the day hanging out with Phoenix and Jett when they aren’t busy training, or binge watching some shows she’d been meaning to catch up on. Might join Raze in whatever shenanigans she’s gotten herself into. Might also bother Sage a little bit during the day if she’s bored and wants ideas.
KAY/O: Day off? Does a robot need a day off? It’ll take some time to explain what a day off is to him, and why he needs to take one… Despite the fact he doesn’t have the need to rest as humans do. But he appreciates that he’s being treated like all the other agents, even if he doesn’t require the day off. Brimstone is probably more lenient with KAY/O, letting him be in the labs if he wants to upgrade something of his. As long as it isn’t under his ‘work’ protocol, KAY/O can do pretty much everything he usually does. He decides to take a stab at cooking for the other agents- and even though you’d expect him to pull it off (since recipes are just… instructions for food)… it ends up being inedible, and he makes quite the mess. Jett definitely has a bit of a hissy fit over it, and demands KAY/O clean the mess he’d made. He feels very bad. But you can’t blame a robot for trying something new!
Deadlock: She. Doesn’t know what to do with herself. She’d be one of the few agents who actually tries to get away with working while on her sanctioned day off, but is quickly foiled by Brimstone when he orders Killjoy to deactivate Deadlock’s arm from being able to use her utility. Deadlock is NOT happy about this, and will most definitely hold a grudge. She’ll be in the shooting range most of the day, and will threaten to break anybody who tries to stop her. Her form of relaxing is training. If she is forbidden from training as well, she’ll most likely just lay in bed all day being bitter.
Harbor: He’s not gonna turn down a free day off, that’s for sure. He’s going to make the most of it. Harbor goes down to the beach and spends the whole day there. Maybe he’ll try some local food shops, maybe he’ll play some volleyball… swimming, diving, watching the sunset, listening to the waves… he’s very laid back with whatever he does. Honestly, he’s most likely trying to get himself more in tune with the ocean, observing the waves and the creatures within. Or maybe he just wants to be a beach bum for a day, who knows. One this is certain though: everyone is jealous that Harbor doesn’t burn in the sun. Lucky bastard.
Iso: He’ll shrug and agree. He’s not one to cause a fuss over this kind of thing. Iso will spend most of the day looking into some new music, putting together playlists… he might do some obstacle courses in the training yard for fun, perhaps do a few laps around the field. It might look like training, but Iso is actually just doing it for himself. He likes to keep active, and make sure his agility is in check.
Fade: Oh god. She isn’t happy. Training and missions are one of the few things that keep her mind off the chaotic nightmares she has to deal with. Her prowlers get stir crazy if they aren’t allowed to be let out, so Brimstone promises to let them take out a few bots to satiate their bloodlust while Fade tries to actually relax. She’ll most likely blast music in her room to drown out any unwanted thoughts… and maybe do some online shopping for things she’s been meaning to order. Some new makeup, some hair dye (for herself and for Gekko). Might have a few drinks on her own in an attempt to loosen up at night… and will inevitably forget to drink enough water before bed, so she’ll be extra hungover.
Skye: The second she leaves the HQ, she’s completely off the grid. Nobody is able to contact her, even if they needed to, because she left all her tech at the base. She spends the whole day in the forest, meditating, being one with the nature around her, strengthening her bond with the creatures and life around. She’ll let her trailblazer out to run around, maybe play some hide and seek with it. She’ll climb trees, skip stones… you name it. Skye is making the most of her day off, and enjoying every second of it, living in the moment. She’ll always miss the fresh forest scents when she leaves to return to the protocol. Maybe she’ll bring back a succulent to her room so she can take care of it.
Cypher: It’s not that he doesn’t want to have a day off… In fact, he probably needs the break more than anyone. Though it’s difficult for him to be able to fully relax when he knows that at any moment, the protocol’s personal information, top secret plans, and more could swiftly be in the hands of their enemies if he isn’t careful. The only way he’s gonna accept his day off is if Brimstone allows him to keep his laptop, so he’ll be alerted if there’s any privacy threats the second they happen, and will be able to deal with them immediately. Thankfully, nothing happens the day he takes his breath. So the Moroccan spends the day in his room, mask off, drinking his very expensive tea, and reading a mystery book series he’d been meaning to get into for awhile. And of course, his door is locked so none of the younger agents can barge in and complain that a certain website is blocked… he has to protect whatever innocence they have left.
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shimutsuki · 2 years ago
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masaradu · 2 years ago
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goodbye double updraft + ult • x
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art-missy · 5 months ago
Breach couldn't move. Well, he technically could but it would disturb you and Raze's focus. This morning, he had to ask Raze for a revision of his arms, the left one becoming slightly squeaky and less efficient. And since he had been sat in the duelist's workshop while she was working on his arms, you took advantage of the situation to braid his hair.
He wasn't complaining. Feeling your fingers dancing from his scalp to the tip of his hair was one of the most soothing sensations he ever felt. Breach was known for his impatience, yet, he wished this moment could last forever. If Harbor could see this, he wouldn't believe his eyes.
"Is it too tight ?" you asked.
"No," he shook his head, his voice a soft murmur. "Det är trevligt."
You had a small laugh at his almost sleepy tone. You had never seen him like this, so relaxed and quiet. His energy was usually booming almost aggressively. Yet, instead of a burning explosion, you were faced with a soft but buzzing warmth.
"You know Raze," you said with a mischievous smile. "We should add some funny stickers to his arms. What do you think ?"
The Brazilian engineer smiled, her enthusiasm contagious.
"Heck yeah ! I'll even add some tags !" she suddenly stood up, her stool falling behind her. "Don't move, I go fetch my spray cans !"
You both watched her go with a fond smile. Breach shook his head, faking a worried pout.
"Don't I have a say in this decision ?" he laughed.
"Of course not, Erik !" you chuckled.
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*det är trevligt = this is nice
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shkretart · 2 years ago
Some art on my favorite Valorant. In such heat 40+ it is difficult to draw.... But i try
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homeboi-corn · 3 months ago
domestic cuddling might just be one of my specialties (and indulgences)
Long haired-husbands truther ☝️🔥!
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burntortilla · 1 month ago
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Twitter for more; p0lkad0lka
Okay fine I miss him a lot
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wisteriaiswriting · 9 months ago
Reyna, Sova, Fade and Breach getting proposed to.
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Words: 951
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You had gone to Brimstone with the request of a week off, as you and your partner, Reyna or as you call her by Zyanya, were going back to Mexico. She was ecstatic to return, you were as well but you had another idea in mind. And the locals were more than willing to help.
The first day was spent browsing some jewelry stores before commissioning a place, specifically for a ring. The metal was the best gold they had, with shining magenta stones placed in it.
For the next few days while the ring was being completed you let her show you around, not surprisingly all the locals loved you. At some point they started guiding you both towards the area’s centre, with everyone surrounding it. So she got rightfully suspicious.
“What have you done?”
“Zyanya, I think everyone can agree with me here,” Taking a deep breath before you continued, grabbing the ring to show her. “You’ve changed my life, and everyone’s for the better, and I’m hoping you’re willing to do it for the rest of my life?”
It was almost laughable at how you looked right now, but not maliciously.
“Of course, Estimado.”
Letting you place the ring on her finger before pulling you close for a kiss. Hearing everyone cheer for the two of you.
Estimado - dear
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The room was filled with conversation and the crackling of the fire. Sasha sat next to his Babuska while you were on her other side, this was a night she would love to have again. Soon enough he noticed how fidgety you were slowly becoming.
“Голубь, are you alright?”
Taking a deep breath as you stood up, reaching into your pocket to pull out the box.
“Sasha, ты выйдешь за меня?”
The other two paused, his Babuska wasn’t surprised, she was waiting for his response. Relaxing as he started laughing, reaching around into his back pocket. Only to pull out… another box.
“Y/N, it seems you’ve gotten quicker.” Covering the space inbetween you two in a few steps, “But yes, I’ll spend the rest of my life with you.”
Голубь - Dove
ты выйдешь за меня? - will you marry me?
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She never thought about marriage.
It was generally hard to think about it when almost every thought was a nightmare, but that's all you were thinking about. Hazal was the only girl you want to spend the rest of your life with, unable to imagine yourself with anyone else.
With hope in your mind you brought the rings, one with a light blue gem, representing her right eye colour. You could, and have spent hours staring into her own eyes, and you’d never get tired of it. The other one held a [colour] gem, matching your own. Keeping them safe in your pocket until the right time, which came soon enough.
You were still awake until the late of night, unable to sleep knowing what you were planning. Hazal on the other hand fell asleep easily enough, staying asleep was the difficult part. At one point she gave up opting to lay on your stomach while on her phone, talking about anything that came to mind.
Reaching over to the bedside table, grabbing the two rings.
“What happened this time?”
She sighed before responding.
“They went after you, I don’t know what they did but…” Hearing her voice crack broke your heart, pulling her closer. “You didn’t return.”
“Well, you don’t have to worry about that anymore,” Curious, she looked up, eyes meeting yours before moving to the rings. “Please Hazal, let me into your mind and do whatever I can to help.”
Her eyes teared up slightly before she blinked, moving up to pull you into a harsh kiss. Showing you how she felt at that moment, mumbling something before going in for another kiss.
“I won’t let them touch you, benim rüyam.”
benim rüyam - my dream
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Marriage wasn’t something Erik thought about often, maybe once or twice in his younger years. Ever since he started dating you though, those thoughts have skyrocketed. It wouldn’t be your normal wedding due to… ya know, everything really.
Luckily enough for him you have also been thinking about marriage. For anyone else you would’ve spent a good chunk of your paycheck on a ring, but this is Erik you’re talking about. He doesn’t care for expensive rings, so something personal is what you are looking for.
So you went to one of his closest friends about this, Raze. She was ecstatic to take part in this, starting on it instantly. She had finished within the day, pushing aside any other projects to complete this one. Handing them and a necklace over to you she shoved you out of the room, following you all the way to the gym.
Which is where you found him, Skye and deadlock. The latter two were across the room, while Breach had just grabbed his bag to leave. All three of them paused and looked over to the now open door.
“Erik, I have something to ask you.”
“Did I do something?”
Silently laughing at him before pulling the rings from behind your back. Looking at him as you opened your hand.
“Erik Torsten, will you marry me?”
The room went silent, you held your breath. His eyes went wide while his mouth opened, his arms moved slightly before pausing.
In seconds he had dropped his bag, moved over to you and threw you up into the air before catching you. Holding you close as your arms wrapped around his neck, careful to not drop the rings. Leaning back just enough to clasp the necklace onto him, Erik placing you down soon after.
He took your ring and ever so carefully, placing it on your finger. Beaming when he succeeded.
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mezzy-1 · 1 year ago
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I'm surprised nobody has made this yet but regardless I stake my claim on it. Enjoy.
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