#Valorant Sova hcs
wisteriaiswriting · 11 months
𝕀𝕟𝕚𝕥𝕚𝕒𝕥𝕠𝕣 𝕙𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕤
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Includes : If they smoke, vape, do blunts or none | Fav ice-cream flavours | Fav kissing places - giving and receiving | Height | Age | and extras
Words: 441
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Has done all three plenty of times as a kid, heavily leaning to smoking while in the protocol.
If you ask him, he has no favourites. But when he finds a new flavour and likes it suddenly there are 3 tubs of it in a freezer.
6’8 / 203cm
He’s only 32 years old but everyone thinks he’s in his 40’s, the stress and scars make him look older.
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Only smoking a little when she was younger but slowly stopped, staying mostly clean nowadays. Smoking a few times with trusted people
She loves the most sickeningly sweet flavours. (And liquorice)
6’2 / 188cm
30 years old
Has had Tritanopia (blue-yellow color blindness) and somehow never realised until recently, Cypher found out and took her to Sage.
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Dude is a gum addict now, used to vape but is trying to quit. Got dragging into blunts.
Haven’t told the person he’s trying to quit, trying to seem cool.
Loves a classic flavour, rainbow (Truly vanilla but don’t tell him)
Loves receiving butterfly kisses on his neck and jaw. Gives thigh kisses. (Is 100% a thigh man)
Will watch shitty romcoms with Reyna after everyone else is gone.
Is covered in freckles and beauty marks.
Will destroy anyone in ddr and racing games.
Is a piercing addict. (accepting bets just to get a piercing)
Has a tongue piercing. (Knows how to use it too)
Also has a belly piercing
Has a fear of losing his buddies. (Creatures and the protocol)
At first tried to befriend Deadlock, quickly finding she isn’t fond of his creatures. Tension always follows these two.
5’7 / 170cm
21 years old
Dude is a gum addict now, used to vape but is trying to quit. Got dragging into blunts.
Haven’t told the person he’s trying to quit, trying to seem cool.
Loves a classic flavour, rainbow (Truly vanilla but don’t tell him)
Loves receiving butterfly kisses on his neck and jaw. Gives thigh kisses. (Is 100% a thigh man)
Will watch shitty romcoms with Reyna after everyone else is gone.
Is covered in freckles and beauty marks.
Will destroy anyone in ddr and racing games.
Is a piercing addict. (accepting bets just to get a piercing)
Has a tongue piercing. (Knows how to use it too)
Also has a belly piercing
Has a fear of losing his buddies. (Creatures and the protocol)
At first tried to befriend Deadlock, quickly finding she isn’t fond of his creatures. Tension always follows these two.
5’7 / 170cm
21 years old
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Can not smoke, (Closest is a fog effect.) Has and will express the dangers of doing either. (Always called a buzzkill)
Can not eat ice-cream. (Killjoy has tried to make a version he can, which was oil and a few other things. It did not end well.)
No set age (Android)
7’6 / 229cm
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Has smoked a blunt and will die before doing it again.
Loves hazelnuts.
Will give slow and gentle kisses, taking extra care on any injuries gained.
5’8 / 173cm
33 years old.
One of the few people aware that Sova isn’t a natural blond, so she will dye his hair in his bathroom, often shaving it as well
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Will vape after very stressful missions, (only with others who vape or by himself) but doesn’t know the names. Will not learn and calls them by their colours.
Biggest fan of rocky road.
6’2 / 188cm
Only 34 years old. (Others always guess older or younger, never getting it.)
Is a natural brunt (brunette) with only 3 people knowing. (Cypher, Fade and Skye)
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jojikawa · 2 years
Ships: Sova, Fade, Sage, Cypher, Kayo, Omen (again)
This is completely for fun and not to be taken to seriously! 🌟
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Thinks you are a goddess
Sends you selfies of him and his grandmother. He talks to her about you as well. Brings you her cooking.
Is awkward but you can’t tell bc he’s so cool. You find him very charming.
Mildly protective bc he doesn’t want to be overbearing.
Is the type to want to have alone time in the private quarters of the protocol to drink hot cocoa!
Forehead kisses
Wants to teach you Russian
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Your goth gf
Protects you from nightmares
Tsundere! Acts like you smother her but she really craves the affection. She is very touch starved.
Is always your rock when you need comfort from anxiety/panic attacks.
Forehead touching ❤️
Thinks you’re too good for her. Too innocent for valorant too.
Refuses to let Chamber talk to you. He’s too flirty. Pheonix too
Kissing is her favorite thing to do.
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Literally so depressed and exhausted with everyone but you always seem to cheer him up.
Doesn’t really get why you give him time when he believes your precious time could be spent on anyone else
Gets flushed when you ask about his tech or when you express concern when it’s broken.
Respects your privacy and doesn’t spy on you.
Let’s you see his face…once.
Gets super flushed when you go on about how cute he is!
Calls you pets in Arabic like كيتي (kitty/kitten)
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You are the reason she makes difficult decisions and wants to get stronger
Mommy gf ofc. Makes your bed and does your laundry.
Cooks for you. Packs lunches.
Eskimo kisses + hand holding (falls asleep holding your hand) 🥹
Heals you first no matter what
Takes the time to learn how to do your hair
Random gift giving. Her love language is LITERALLY DOING EVERYTHING.
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Forgets that he’s a machine when he’s with you. You make him feel things that do beyond the shackles of his AI.
Let’s you hold and even throw his knife.
Regularly threatens the other agents over you. Especially Reyna.
Wonders what if you’d like him as a flesh person.
Urges to teach you self defense. He’s lost so many and he doesn’t want to lose you too 😭
Replays cute past events in his memory files while you’re sleeping. And is always storing new ones.
Can’t lie to him bc he documents everything. He can always detect when something is wrong.
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Is a private guy so he will only ever agree to hold you when no agents are around. If you’re really needy he’ll smoke you two for privacy. Probably finds more comfort on it than you do!
Has a hard time with his whole shadows situation and not being able to remember himself before “omen” but believes that if he has you then he’s okay how it is.
Tries to be funny…fails. His voice makes the punchline go over your head.
Sends you emails to your protocol device when your away too long.
Doesn’t allow you to go on any missions alone or he is a nervous wreck.
I’ll add more soon! These are fun to write before bed.☺️ I gotta find more of these cute pictures! I get them all from Pinterest so I can’t exactly credit the original artists. Hopefully they don’t mind! - Maron!
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brewing-radianite · 8 months
tier list of val agents on the topic of napping
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froggibus · 2 years
omg what abt valorant sova/chamber watching their s/o get killed by their mirror counterparts 🤭🤭
The Wrong Reflection - ft Cypher, Chamber, Sova & Phoenix
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Includes: Cypher, Chamber, Sova and Phoenix
Genre: angst, hurt/comfort
Summary: you encounter your boyfriend's mirror counterpart and realize all too late what's about to happen, and all he can do is watch
CW: violence, major character death, stabbing, shooting, degrading?, lots of angst, major injuries, near death experience, resurrection, hurt/comfort, some fluff at the end?, fainting
so this isn't *quite* what you asked for but i really loved this idea and wanted to make it a little less angsty so here we are lol...also this is my first time writing about Sova, Chamber & Phoenix so if they're a little OOC or there's timeline issues thats why
Though everyone at Valorant had been warned about the evil doppelgangers that seemed to look and sound exactly like your closest comrades, hearing about it just wasn’t the same as seeing it. No matter how many times the other agents testified to you that it was the truth and swore up and down that there were “two Phoenix’s”, you just couldn’t wrap your head around it.
Until now, of course. Sent on a mission with Cypher and Jett, separated when a grenade went off and forced to hide in an alleyway until the smoke cleared, you didn’t think the day could get much worse. Then you saw your boyfriend’s hat through the smoke and went to pursue him, only for him to spin around and shove a dagger just below your ribs.
You flinch and lurch forward, just barely able to catch yourself before going toppling over. He yanks the dagger from your side, and just as you’re about to ask ‘why’, blood bubbles over your lips. You blink a few times, head spinning from both the pain and blood loss. 
Why would he…
And then you remember. You remember the warnings from Brimstone and the stories from Phoenix. This wasn’t your boyfriend at all. This must have been the mirror counterpart they told you about. 
Worst yet, your real boyfriend was nowhere to be found and you’re losing blood fast. It’ll be a miracle if you can even crawl, let alone fight. 
Somehow, you manage to get to your knees and pull out the small pistol you had tucked into your waistband. You brandish the weapon threateningly, swinging it around in a warning. The doppelganger doesn’t seem to care, though. 
You squeeze the trigger.
Cypher is frantic. He’s tearing through the streets, desperately searching for you. He didn’t want to be separated, but there was no other choice. The camera he had placed where you had first been was shrouded in smoke, smoke that was clearing way too slowly for his taste.
How long has it been since your comms went dead? Five minutes? Ten? He shakes his head. He can’t worry about that now. You have to be okay. You can’t die on him now.
He checks his camera one more time, leaning his back on a brick wall in a futile attempt to catch his breath. When the familiar screen loads, he’s relieved to see the smoke finally cleared enough to grant him sights on the streets below. 
The relief lasts only a second.
You’re on your knees, blood pooling down your side and forming a dark puddle on the scorched pavement. And standing in front of you is him. His heart sinks. He doesn’t need audio to know what must have happened. You must have mistaken the counterpart for him, and paid the cost.
Not you, he thinks. Anyone but you. Before he knows it, he’s tearing away from the wall, sprinting as fast as his legs can carry him back to where you were. He’s only seconds away, but he doesn’t even know if he’ll make it in time. He turns the corner just in time to hear the gunshot.
He flinches, heels skidding to a halt. You collapse to the ground face first in a pool of your own blood. His doppelganger is nowhere to be seen. His heart is racing so fast it's painful. Everything seems surreal. This can’t be happening, not to him, not again. 
His only solace is the slight twitch of your body, a miniscule sign of life.
He rushes forwards, dropping onto the pavement and sliding to you. He ignores the burning in his knees, the strain on his lungs. All he cares about is your collapsed form on the ground.
He flips you over, examining every inch of your body. He squints. There’s no bullet wounds, no signs of being shot. There’s only a gash just below your ribs, and that's clearly the source of the blood.
But hadn’t he heard a gunshot?
He looks at the small pistol laying on the ground next to you, the barrel still warm. There’s a bullet hole in the wall in front of you, and he almost sobs in relief. You didn’t get shot. You shot back.
He squeezes your body to his, so happy he almost forgets you’re bleeding out. It’s only when he feels your warm blood staining his clothes and hands that he remembers. 
“I’ve got you, little one,” he murmurs, scooping you up into his arms. “I promise.”
You’re not going to die on him today, he thinks. You’re coming back to him, no matter what.
You wake up in your own bed. It takes you a while to realize where you are, your eyes barely able to focus and your head pounding. You inch your way towards sitting up, your side burning the whole time.
What happened? You blink, trying to force yourself into remembering. You had been on a mission, right? With Amir.
Oh, you realize, memories coming back. He was there, but so was his mirror counterpart. And he had stabbed you. That’s why your side hurts. 
Still, it doesn’t explain how you got back, or how you’re even alive.
The door bursts open, and Cypher is standing there panting. “Y-you’re awake!” 
You’re beyond asking how he knows, assuming he put a camera in your room the minute you got back. You just nod, taking in his disheveled state.
“I was so worried,” he closes the door softly, coming down to sit in front of you. “You were…you almost—” he sighs “—are you sore? Can I hold you?”
“Yeah,” you say, your voice so hoarse you barely recognize it.
He wastes no time in wrapping his arms around you and nuzzling his head into your shoulder. “Don’t ever leave me again,” he mumbles into your neck, hot breath fanning over your shoulder, “please. I can’t lose you.”
Chamber had never once been worried about his counterpart. After all, they shared a common goal, and he assumed his counterpart had the same soft spot for you that he did.
He assumed wrong.
It was a month ago when you went on a mission together. A month since you followed the wrong Vincent, and a month since he almost killed you. Had your real boyfriend not been there, you would be toast by now. 
That incident was almost enough to make him reconsider his partnership with his mirror self. Almost. Still, he swore if he ended up in that situation again, he would protect you. That wannabe wouldn’t lay his damn hands on you again.
Now, stepping off the jet with him, you’re not worried. You know better now, and you and Chamber had also come up with a codeword only he would know to distinguish the two.
“Just stay by my side, okay?” He cautions, overprotective as always, “if we stick together, he won’t get the chance.”
You nod, letting him lead you across the abandoned pier. You duck behind storage boxes and abandoned machinery, Vincent trying to find the place where they’re going to plant the bomb. 
There’s a slight clicking behind you, ever so slight, like the scraping of footsteps on gravel. You turn your head for a second, see nothing, and turn back to see your boyfriend staring at you.
“What is it?” You ask, “did you find it?”
He shakes his head, “we already passed it. We have to go back a ways.” You nod in agreement, letting him lead the way. He leads you back the way you came, around a corner and to a deserted place in the docks. The surface is incredibly damp and uneven. You can’t see how they could ever plant a bomb here.
“Are you sure? It looks—”
You’re cut off by him pulling out his pistol and shooting you through the shoulder. The force of the shot is enough to knock you onto your ass, the pressure from the bullet making you scream in pain.
No, you think. This can’t be. You took your eyes off of him for one second, not even. How had he replaced your Chamber? How did your Chamber not notice you missing or—had he done something to him? “How?” You wheeze, applying pressure to your shoulder.
A smirk finds its way to his face.
Chamber expects you to be behind him when he runs from the storage box you’re currently behind to another. He’s so sure you’re going to follow him that he doesn’t even turn around. He’s so focused on finding where they’re going to plant that he doesn’t even realize your body heat isn’t behind him. 
To him, nothing seems wrong until he hears the sound of a gun go off. Not just any gun, his pistol. He whips around, expecting you to be there. His heart drops when you’re not. 
How had he tricked you? Did you run off? He shakes his head. You weren’t stupid, he was just too smart for his own good. But if he’s hurt you or worse, Chamber can only imagine the ways he’ll torture his mirror self.
He sprints back to where you were before, desperately looking for any evidence of you or where you could have gone. He tries to think like himself, tries to think of what he would do if he was trying to lure you to an early grave.
But he can’t. He would never hurt you, he would never think to even try. Time is running out, he knows it. If you’re not already dead, you will be in seconds. He slams his fist against the steel of the crate, the pounding echoing throughout the pier. 
He freezes. An echo. That’s right, for the sound to carry where he was, it had to have echoed off the boxes. So, he just has to follow them and find you, right?
He takes off quick as lightning, climbing the crate and leaping across the tops for a better vantage point.  Come on, y/n, he sighs. You can’t die on him like this. You can’t die because of him. 
He’s done a lot of bad things in his life, but he can’t possibly see what he’s done to deserve this. He can’t possibly see what higher power is cruel enough to take you from him.
He’s going fast, faster than he’s gone in his entire life. All he needs is to reach you, to save you, to do his job as your damn boyfriend and protect you. 
He hears a whimper and skids to a halt. There, just below him. You’re laying on the ground, blood pooling around your head. His other self is crouched above you laughing, dragging his pistol across your body.
He’s taunting you, he realizes.
That’s fine. If he wants to play, Chamber will play. His mirror self doesn’t see him coming, doesn’t see his sniper rifle being pulled out. Chamber takes a deep breath, steadying the scope like he’s done a million other times in his life. 
Just as he takes the shot, so does his doppelganger. The bullet rips through your chest, your body seizing once before going limp. The other bullet tears through the skull of his doppelganger and sends him toppling to the ground. 
Chamber hops down, rushing to your side. The blood is pouring out now, and though he’s seen countless people die, it's different when it's the love of his life. Your face and hair are coated in your blood. He hates the way it gets on his hands and covers his sleeves when he tries to apply pressure to the wound.
Your heart is beating, just barely. His mirror self must have missed but…he shakes the thought away. He needs to focus on you now. You can’t die on him, not now. Still, his own hopes don’t change the way your heart rate is slowing down more and more by the second.
He’s out of time.
You wake up in a flash of blue light. You have to blink a few times to focus, but the energy coursing through your veins is so intense it's like your senses have been dialed up to 11. Sage is standing in front of you, looking at you in concern. Her eyes are slightly puffy.
Next to her, his head hanging low, is Chamber. Your eyes shoot wide as you remember what happened, and start to register what's going on. He had killed you. Well, not him, but his other self. You died and—and Sage resurrected you.
The energy starts to leave and your strength wanes. You pitch forwards, expecting to hit the floor, but Chamber catches you before that can happen. He’s holding you gently but securely, strong arms unrelenting. 
“Mon chérie,” he sighs into your hair. “I can’t bear to part with you again.”
It’s white as far as you can see across the horizon, snow blotting out everything in your path. You’re already nervous—this is a big mission, after all—but the snow just makes you feel even more uneasy. 
Your boyfriend grabs your shoulder reassuringly. “We get in, we get out.” 
You nod at him but your nerves are still on fire. Brim got wind of someone planning on bombing a safe house, and sent you and Sova to go investigate. 
It made sense why your boyfriend would be sent—he practically breathed cold air—but you? You despised the cold. Yet, they were unrelenting in their decision and no matter how many times your boyfriend assured you that you would be fine, you weren’t convinced. 
“Cover your footsteps,” you remind him. “They’re easier to track in the snow.”
He sighs, “angel, there’s nothing out there to hurt you. I’ll protect you.”
It warms your chest slightly to hear him say those words. Only for a second, though, until you make a wrong step into a snowbank and you’re sent tumbling away from him.
You roll to your feet, covered in snow and glaring. You look up to where you were, but your boyfriend is nowhere in sight. 
“Sova?” You call. 
No answer. 
You turn around. Could he have gone a different way? Or did you fall so far that he’s out of sight?
You hear a noise behind you and whip around, drawing your weapon. There’s nothing there. “Sasha, please! I—“
“I’m here.”
You turn around, coming face to face with him. He has his head tilted at you curiously, using one hand to push your weapon down. 
You frown. Something seems off. How did he get down here so fast? And if he was here, why wasn’t he answering your calls? 
“Why didn’t you answer me? I was calling you.”
“Sorry,” he shrugs. “I came as fast as I could.”
“Right…let’s get back up, okay, we need to monitor the situation.”
You start hiking through the knee-deep snow, trying to get back to where you were. You pause about halfway up, though, when you realize you don’t hear footsteps behind you. 
You turn around, about to ask why he isn’t coming up with you. You face him, and just as you do, you hear another voice behind you, Sova’s voice, yell: “y/n look out!” 
It’s too late, though. 
The Sova you’re facing let’s an arrow fly loose and you have no time to dodge. It embeds itself into your chest with a seeing pain, and you fall backwards into the snow. Despite the cold, your whole body feels like it’s on fire now. 
Your breaths are shallow and ragged, your chest barely rising and falling with each one. 
Sova stares horrified, looking between you and his doppelgänger. 
As soon as he saw you fall through the snowbank, he was coming up with a plan to come and save you. To get a better look at his surroundings, he uses his Recon bolt. 
That’s when he sees two figures at the bottom of the snowbank. His blood runs cold (or colder than usual), and he’s sprinting towards you. Just when he can see the top of your head, you turn around. 
He gets closer and that’s when he sees someone that looks exactly like him. He tries to warn you, yelling your name, but all he succeeds in doing is distracting you. 
That’s when the other Sova lets an arrow fly at you. You have no time to move before it’s planting itself in your chest. 
Sova nocks an arrow and lets it fly, but all it does is wound his other self. The other Sova gives a half-hearted salute, and runs away. 
Sova runs to your body, the snow beneath you stained red. He checks your pulse, but there’s nothing there. He’s frantic, desperately pressing his head to your chest to hear your heart beating. 
Maybe it’s the cold. 
Hoping is all he can do. Hoping against all odds that the cold has slowed your pulse down enough to save your life, that that’s the reason you’re not breathing. 
He breaks the arrow, hands shaking when he realizes it’s one of his. He tosses the arrowhead to one side and the shaft to another, before lifting you as gently as he can. 
You come to in an infirmary bed. Starch white sheets pulled up over your chest. Your eyes adjust to the light and you see that you’re in the Valorant infirmary. 
You try to sit up but your chest burns and you’re left laying down in the bed. You turn your head to the side, just to see Sova laying there. 
His hair dangles in his face, tickling his nose. You smile softly and push it out of the way. He’s frowning in his sleep and dark circles sit under his eyes. 
You wonder how long it’s been since he slept. It was only in his nature to blame himself for something like this. You could only hope it wouldn’t change anything between the two of you. 
You stroke his head gently, flinching when a hand grabs yours. Sova is half awake now, looking at you through tired eyes. His hand is in yours, thumb rubbing circles over the back of your hand. 
“I didn’t mean to wake you,” you say softly. 
“No, no. I’m just—I’m glad you’re alright.”
“How long has it been?” You ask. 
He grabs your other hand in his, his need for contact practically insatiable. “A few days,” he admits. “I was worried you would never wake up…”
“Hey, I’m here,” you give a weak smile, “and I’m alright. But you, you look like hell.”
You slide over in bed as much as you can and pat the spot next to you. “Come rest with me.”
He reluctantly climbs in bed next to you, wrapping his arms around you carefully. He nuzzled his head into your shoulder and kisses it softly. 
The two of you stay like that until he falls asleep. 
Phoenix was the first to see his doppelgänger—and he would not shut up about it. Night in and night out, he would talk non stop about it. 
“He’s just as cool and as sexy as me—it’s like me, but evil!”
And you would roll your eyes at your boyfriend. “Sure he is, Jamie.”
You never pictured you would come face to face with him, so you never cared too much about your boyfriend’s words. 
Now, on a mission chasing your boyfriend's doppelgänger, you wish you had paid more attention. He really was identical to your Phoenix, and it only made it harder on you. 
You’re pushing yourself hard, harder than ever before, trying your best to catch him. He was faster than you and stronger, and way more agile. It made you wonder just how much he had been holding back on you in training. 
Your Phoenix is nowhere to be seen, too. You split up at the start of the mission and now he wasn’t answering his radio and you had no possible clue where he had gone. 
The Phoenix ahead of you disappears into a building, and despite your unease, you duck through the doorway and follow him. You follow him up the stairs and into a tiny, half-finished room. 
He smirks at you, eyes flickering with flames. “Wow, you really are almost as pretty as my y/n.” 
“It sucks you’re not nearly as hot as my Phoenix.” 
He rolls his eyes at that. You wonder what he’s doing, why he hasn’t attacked yet. Is he waiting for something? You can’t tell. 
You had no time to react when he raises his hands and the whole room erupts into flames. They’re scorching and they take the wood easily. The mirror Phoenix only gives you a half-hearted salute before leaving you to burn. 
You rip off your shirt, using it to cover your face from the smoke. You can’t possibly escape—the windows are barred and the door is blocked by the flames. You’re going to burn to death, and there’s nothing you can do to stop it. 
Phoenix only realizes something is wrong when he sees a building up in flames. His comms broke as soon as he left and he had been searching for you ever since. 
When he sees the building, he just knows what must be going on. It only takes a matter of seconds to get inside the building and tear his way up the stairs to where the flames are beginning to spread. 
He sees you, limp in the corner with a shirt pressed over your face. He runs through the flames, the heat barely tickling his skin, and scoops you up into his arms. You’re alive—barely—but he knows running through the flames with you in his arms might do more damage than good. 
He can’t lose you, and staying here he’ll lose you for sure. He has to take the risk, but for the first time in his life, he hesitates. He would rather burn here with you than lose you. 
You start to come to while Phoenix carries you, coughing up blood and wheezing more than breathing. He rubs your back and tries to reassure you that everything will be okay, but he doesn’t know what he’s going to do. 
You’re awake, and that’s a good sign, but you need more medical attention than he can possibly give you in the field. He already called HQ but he has no idea when they’ll be here. 
He settles down on the ground near where the jet will pick you guys up, holding you firmly on his lap. He kisses your forehead, rubs your back and tries to keep you as calm as possible. 
You slump into him, arms lazily wrapped around his shoulders. His touch is reassuring but your skin still feels like it’s on fire and your lungs still ache from the smoke. 
You silently hope you make it through this because you know if you don’t, it’ll tear him apart. 
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potential-fool · 2 years
Valorant x Reader: You in their clothes
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This was fun to write hkhgfhgdjfh
Paring: Sova, Pheonix, Yoru x reader
Tags: Fluff, Established relationship, sharing clothes, teasing
Will 110% be left slack jawed
The amount of adoration this man has for you
Every neuron in his brain is firing rn
Bro is absolutely flabbergasted
It was a pretty calm morning at the agency, lucky for you there wasn't much to do today; because of this, you didn't let Sasha's alarm go off and rouse him, you knew he needed the rest. You thought it might be a good idea to surprise him with something nice, a smile drew across your face as you knew exactly what you were going to do.
When Sova woke up, he felt surprisingly well rested and was equally as shocked to realize that his alarm didn't go off- he looked over yo your side of the bed. Empty. He was worried for a moment before catching the smell of something being made in the kitchen, with only his grey sweatpants and without a second thought he made his way out into the kitchen where he saw you.
Good god were you a sight to see, his jaw hit the floor at the sight of you in his shirt, only his shirt. Shades of pink and red dusted his otherwise pale face as he took a moment to take in your beauty, the beauty of you, in his clothes.
"My dove.." He couldn't even finish his sentence, instead opting to come up behind you and bury his head in your neck pressing himself up to you and smothering you with kisses.
After breakfast there was definitely more then just kisses and cuddles though ;)
Giddy and excited while he picks you up and spins you around
he's hyping you up
Will probably want to try on your clothes after
It started with his jacket, you were in a silly goofy mood as you like to put it. then it was his shirts, and now you've taken a shoelace out of an old pair of shoes to use as belt to keep a pair of his sweatpants up around your waist. You were proud of your ingenuity and smiled to yourself as you looked in the mirror.
You wandered out with your new outfit into the living area of the Valorant HQ, playing down your excitement as you walked out and greeted your friends, Jett, Yoru, and Pheonix were on the couch and Sage was in the kitchen. Jett and Yoru were both totally in on this plan of yours and Jett had quietly started recording as you caught Pheonix's eye.
Pheonix was, ho boy- he was stunned, his face starting to burn up with blush, Yoru started to snicker at this, earning himself a playful smack from Pheonix before he got up to embrace (tackle) you.
"BHABBBBBEEYYY, youresoprettyandohmygodiloveyousomuchwhatwoudlsndahwdklw-"
Pheonix's jumbled mess of words earned laughter from his friends, though he paid them no mind, instead opting to spin you around and press kisses all over your face.
Sage chuckled to herself as she watched the display, glad they could find these moments of peace.
This man is too shy to admit your rock his jacket
Smitten and overprotective
he wants to be the only one allowed to see you like this
he def doesn't think anyone else is worthy of the sight of you in his clothes
Yoru doesn't like sharing, this is a well known fact. You love to tease people, especially Yoru, this is another well known fact. So today in your ongoing and never-ending crusade to mess with your boyfriend you decided to one of his shirts and his jacket.
Yoru was alone with a book on the couch at Valorant HQ and when you walked in he mindlessly greeted you before doing a double take-
"Is that-" He couldn't even finish his sentence as he took in the sight of you in his clothes. "What's wrong baby?" You teased as you walked over, taking the book from his hands and sitting down in his lap.
"Idiot.." He mumbled, blush tinting his cheeks as he drew you in close to him, a loving- though also possessive- hold.
From around the corner Jett and Pheonix were watching with slack jawed grins, though.. Pheonix's camera flash gave them away.
"Pheonix and Jett, you have five seconds." Yoru called into the room, sending a rift anchor after them as they both started to book it, laughter echoing through the hall. He set you down onto the couch, pressing a small kiss to your cheek before opening a rift to the anchor he'd sent after the two.
He'd never hear the end of this.
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angelismmm · 1 year
hellooo!! i hope you’re having a nice day ^_^ if ur taking requests still could you please write some hopeless romantic sova x gn!reader PLEASEE SOVA FANS R STARVING! THANK YOUU
⟡ moth to a flame ft. sova
・synopsis. just affectionate lover with lover things ♪
・notes. i love sova sm too but i barely see content for him and it makes me pretty sad honestly </3, no need to worry tho why read when i can write!!!
・warnings. gn! reader, implied relationship, lovey dovey icky stuff (cheesy*), fluffy wuffy
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AGENT 6: SOVA, just him trying to love <3
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treats you like an equal, but also respects you more than normal,
when he realized his feelings for you that were romantic, definitely starts treating you like a god, babooshka taught him nothing less.
and if you haven't ate anything in the most recent time and you're really just zoning out and stuff; he'll cook, you don't have to say anything, he'll get started as soon as he sees you, because most of the time the agents back at work didn't really have lunch, and didn't cook that often other than sage, jett, reyna, and breach (breach only cooks instant noodles), and honestly lowkey shy about giving you food when he does end up cooking.
kind of awkward, but you know he means well. probably a bit protective over you, will always volunteer when there's a mission that concerns you if you work at the val protocol, if not, he'll try his best to always be by your side, and when he can't, there's his daily calls with you, just to make sure.
and if you ask, he doesn't mind teaching you his mother language, honestly encourages it. if you already know russian, talking to each other about private matters in public is no problem if you don't live there. forehead kisses are a must, number 1 favorite of his, quick pecks before he leaves work is a close second.
definitely gets flustered easily, if he gets jealous, obviously he'll make sure that the person knows you're already taken. if you can, doesn't mind cooking together honestly, like him from behind you, head on your shoulder, talking to you about his day, or both of you in the kitchen just cooking together, if you're shy about anything in your appearance, he'll be sure to say otherwise.
doesn't care what you say to try argue with him, loves everything about you, and if you don't seem to talk a lot, he'll do the talking, and when you do, he'll always be there to listen. tends to be a lot like a hawk over your shoulder when with other people. is constantly near you unless something happens (like he's out on a mission, etc.), likes to hold you from behind and just whisper praise into your ears, or just in silence, either way he just falls in love all over again.
if you don't like physical touch, that's okay too, those little love letters he writes for you if he ever has to go out while he stayed the night before. and the quality time together, dates aren't all that uncommon, and i have a gut feeling he loves picnic dates the most. but a simple i love you, or a loving glance from you afar is enough to give him motive for anything.
a cute thing he does when flustered is that if he's ever moving, he just go stiffs, and red. and if there's anyone around, they also laugh a little, the calm sova they knew was easily flustered by their s/o, definitely would laugh too. jett- no, mostly all the agents tease him for it, and tease him about you.
jett and pheonix like to bump sova near you if you work there.
admires you greatly, doesn't matter if you're just a healer, or a little worse than other agents, or hell if you're way better, he admires a lot of things you do.
・overall such a sweetheart, please give him lots of kisses and appreciation
live laugh sova forever
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illubean · 8 months
The Orange Theory
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Characters: Valorant Protocol except for a few of them Type: Headcanons, Gn!reader
I was eating an orange and thought of this <3 if any of these are ooc forgive me I'm going solely based off of what I interpret from the game
Warnings: idk last one can be a lil angsty?
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❥ These agents would peel your orange for you without a second thought. As a matter of fact, they'd make sure to get rid of all the stringy bits left behind from the peel. Hell, they'd probably even feed it to you! They're sure that their lover gets only the best, sweetest, peel-less orange and would peel a thousand more over just to make you happy.
-Gekko, Harbor, Jett, Neon, Phoenix, Raze, Skye
❥ They're not to sure why you can't peel the orange yourself but would do it for you regardless. It was a simple enough request of them, why would there be a need to complain? Maybe they don't go above and beyond all the time but they love you enough to complete the tasks you ask of them.
-Brimstone, Cypher, Deadlock, Fade, Iso, Killjoy, Reyna, Sage, Sova
❥ Why would you ask them do so something so trivial? Can't you tell they're busy? They have no time to do anything as silly as peel an orange for you, they have much better things to do. Seriously, why can't you just do it yourself?
-Chamber, Omen, Viper, Yoru
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darlingmisa · 2 years
Hiii how you doing?
I'm relatively new to valorant, but the characters are just all so charming ^^,
I was wondering if I can request; agents' (of your choice, preferably with cypher or sova) reaction to a reader who is pretty shy, doesn't talk much but it's just so easy to tell what they're thinking. Like when they sad, they look like a kicked pup, when they happy you could almost see tiny flowers flowing around them. Kind of like an air-headed but they don't talk.
Feel free to ignore it or delete it tho, no pressure if you don't want to do this.
Shy s/o hcs | Sova, Cypher
So sorry for how late this is, school and work are both kicking my ass lately. I chose to do hcs so I could include both characters without things being too long, I hope you don't mind!
tws: none
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Being the observant man he is, Cypher would generally be able to figure out your emotions either way, but when your expressions are so obvious it makes things a lot easier for him.
Often times you sit in his office with him while he works. Silently glancing at what he's doing while simultaneously doing your own little things beside him.
All it takes is one little glance to the side from him to realize you might need a little help. Your eyebrows tightly knit together and a frustrated frown on your lips that grows every second.
He knows you well enough to know you won't usually ask for help on your own, so don't mind him when he rolls his chair closer to yours to help fix the small error on your screen.
Cypher loves the way your expressions show just what you're thinking. When he cooks your favorite food and your eyes sparkle before you can even say anything, or when you watch him with wide eyes while he works, shocked at how experience he seems.
its almost as if he can feel your smile without even looking your way.
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ohhh this man is just infatuated with you.
One of the first things that caught his eye was how you never really spoke, but your expressions did for you.
Sometimes he'll even praise you or get a little flirty just to watch you get all flustered in the face,, he finds it adorable.
Sova definitely takes you out hunting with him every chance he gets. The way you get so focused when he's teaching you just does something to him that he can't even explain.
It also may or may not boost his ego a bit when he turns to see you looking so proud after he makes a successful shot.
Overall will do anything to make you light up, and calls you his "little sunshine".
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mudcasper · 2 years
You know whats something adorable about the cysova/cyberowl community, is that Cypher is always the one to fix Sova's owl drone; Like its the middle of the night and Cypher is probably tinkering in his workshop cu he's a workaholic bastard. Sova burst in, holding his broken drone like a kid who got his toy broken (eyes red and snot dribbling), and cypher is like "ah you poor thing, here lemme get that for u~" he doesn't even question it, he just got to work and sova is standing there with a small pout and his eyes adorably looking at the drone
We stan a man who takes care of his wife mishap
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poisonarrow98 · 10 days
y’know the voicemail from breach where he asks out brim to join the jam session?
and the voicemail kinda implied sova knowing how to play a musical instrument?
anyways it made me soooo excited when there were fanarts of sova with an acoustic guitar after the voicemail; really went well with his chill, down-to-earth vibe ;w;
then later i wondered about viper and if she went to the jam session (don’t think they said anything if my memory’s correct). assuming she was in HQ at that time, i figured she hadn’t gone bc of her work and/or strong aversion to really loud noises.
so ofc what does my soviper brain come up with????
here's how i imagined it: viper will be walking back from her research lab late in the evening (early morning? 1am-ish?), physically and mentally exhausted, when she gets stopped by the most beautiful guitar notes coming from inside the main lounge area.
obvs her first reaction is wondering how strange it is for another person to be up at this late hour besides herself—she knows how particular brim gets when someone doesn't follow his curfew rule. even if the musical notes have her mesmerized, a part of her is annoyed about it since she's not really in the mood to hand out punishments on brim’s behalf when she just wants to get some rest. 
(should she pretend she didn't hear anything? let them get in trouble on their own?)
(should she get it over with so that she didn't have to deal with the consequences from brim the following morning?) 
eventually her feet made the decision for her as she moved closer and closer . . .
. . . and suddenly the annoyed look on her face completely melts away at the sight of sova, dressed in his pajamas and hair half-tied back, playing his acoustic guitar on the couch.
only when he finishes playing do they have their heartfelt talk.
viper will be the first to compliment his skills and mention how she never knew he played an instrument in all the times she’s known him. ofc sova would be super humble about it; he recently got his acoustic guitar months ago when brim finally started giving him more breaks, and he needed smth to entertain himself.
atp she lets him know how glad she is to hear him getting the rest he deserves, then trailing off with a casual, ‘it’s a shame i couldn’t be there. had i known you played i might’ve reconsidered . . .’
and sova just has this contemplative look from the comment before making her an offer: ‘i could give you a private session, if you like.’
‘i would like that.’
andddddd ending this hc with a visual picture of sova playing his acoustic guitar on the couch w/viper’s head on his shoulder, eyes closed as she gets lulled to sleep listening to the soft melody ~
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mothshroooms · 1 year
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i-love-you-all · 1 year
For the valorant hc game could you do sova please?
Of course! Sova, my love <333
Also realizing how long these posts get so I've put the keep reading line in.
5 things they usually see:
A practice target (often those poor bots). His greatest fear is failure - a missed shot. It could determine the fate of his teammates or the world, so it cannot happen (again). As a result, he spends ungodly amounts of time training and working out. No mistake will be repeated on his watch.
Wildlife! It's already established that he enjoys photographing nature, so I imagine that he see trees, flowers and animals quite often.
Chess boards and pieces. He's a pretty avid chess players (same with Cypher so I imagine those two compete as often as Sova can stand the information broker).
Guns and other weapons. I HC him as being military/special ops then onto whatever the Brotherhood is. And before then I HC his family to be a military family so he's grown up seeing guns, learning how to use them... and using them himself.
Various shades of blue. I think it's a top 3 favourite colour of his (looking at the clothes he wears outside his armour). But I like to think that he got his walls painted blue at the protocol. And that he got some say in what he would wear out on his missions and whatnot. (because if we're being honest, if he does work up north in snow and stuff as shown in his card, he should be wearing arctic camo).
4 things they usually feel:
The cold. He grew up in a cold place and like his voiceline on icebox, he enjoys the cold as well. For the most part, he doesn't mind it, but when he's out for a long time, he does enjoy the warmth of a fire, or just a heated room.
The calluses on his hands and the weight of his bow. He's been trained since young with the bow and arrow, so his skin is not soft, and it's not perfect. However, it is who he is, so when he makes a fist or absentmindedly rubs his hands together, he feels them quite often. It's a permanent reminder of who he is.
His wet hair as he leaves the shower + all the cleaning and brushing he does for it. I think that he takes special care of his hair because it's like the one part of him that "stayed the same" throughout his life, or that it's the only thing that can't be scarred. He must have so many scars around his body (though I sometimes write him to have none bc he's that OP :p) and then he lost his eye, so the fact that his hair can still stay nice and soft must be something to treasure :))
The sore feeling you get after a workout. Whether he was injured on a mission or just after a hard day, he can feel that stiffness. Maybe there are days he wishes he was a radiant. Maybe then, all the physical strains he takes on wouldn't hurt as much. He knows the soreness will only get worse, no matter how great he is at keeping in shape. And that's when his admiration for Brimstone gets stronger because that man has been working through this for decades longer than he has.
3 things they usually hear:
His electro music. I'd like to think that maybe, the reason why he likes that genre more (from what you can hear on the playlist for him) is because the drums are softer/rounder. A loud hit on a snare might make him tense up a little too much because it can sound like a gunshot.
His breathing, and his efforts to control it. Snipers have to work to control how they breathe, so as he settles down into a sniper's position, he needs to be extra aware of his breath. Also, in worse times, he needs to calm himself down when he has a nightmare intense enough to make him jolt upright in the middle of the night. Thoughts of losing his eye again, or a mission that was failed because of his action - or lack of action, sometimes plague him, and he hates how he loses control for those few moments.
A cold wind/nature. I've already talked about him being out in the world and enjoying cold weather, but he likes to be closely attuned with all the possible and plausible sounds of nature. Not only is it a good way to calm himself down, but it's also great training. When he's alone out on a mission, he needs to know what are normal sounds and what could be an enemy trying to sneak up on him.
2 things they usually smell:
Nice, warm, tea in the morning. He would never admit it, and Cypher has no proof, but it is him that sometimes takes Cypher's teas. Especially when he doesn't have any of his own available at that moment.
Metal/nothing. Not metallic as in blood, but as in the general iron smell of a gun or his bow. It's clean and isn't really reflective of the scents in his everyday surroundings, which is what I mean by nothing. He can smell food, gas, or whiffs of perfume as he travels around cities. He can smell flowers, trees, and nature when he's outdoors. He can't smell anything in that armoury as he prepares to leave on a mission.
1 thing they usually taste:
Blood. I know it's kind of a cop out for any agent, but I think Sova more than most (maybe not deadlock or brimstone) just due to his history in this line of work. He has lived through war, assassinations, and straight fist and knife fights. He has hit others, and inadvertently tasted a bit of blood splatter, or he has been hard enough to taste some of his own blood in his mouth. I think he might be a medium steak kinda guy if he does go out because he doesn't want to be reminded of anything while enjoying a meal. Though, there are times where he's in that sort of mood and will order something medium rare and let himself taste just that little bit of blood.
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toopolar · 2 years
I'm Lowkey so obsessed with sova and omen interaction because they're both genuinely friendly and Sova is all like "you're a man" and just nice things about omen he doesn't usually get and omens like "you have destructive power inside you" as a compliment bc it's "beautiful" tbh i wanna out them under a microscope
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hvstias · 1 year
I need more fuel for the Sova and Reyna besties agenda. Help me out here?
say less i see it!! they give me that scary lesbian & her bimbo best friend energy i dig it
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sovas-bow-string · 1 year
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Sova got this bag from gekko and neon for his birthday. He wears it everywhere. Why? Bc I said so.
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Random valorant agents headcanons bc I'm sleep deprived
(this means I didn't get my 12 hours of sleep today)
Hugest ally on the VP (which, lets be honest, doesn't mean much since they're all gay)
First person KJ came out to and he was so emotional about it
Constantly tries to get the agents to get closer or at least respect each other but after Cypher mentioned how him and Breach treat one another he gave up
Calls some agents (Viper, Sage and Killjoy) by their first names on the everyday and calls Sova, Chamber and Deadlock (the other ex militars) by their last names
I wanted to hc him an American football team but idk any💞💞💞
Brimstone and Vyse are the only ones to call her Sabine bc they know her since before the "incident"
KJ also used to call her Sabine before the VP but Viper was bitter abt agents calling her by her first name
Scared for her life of failing Reyna, not because she actually fears her, but because she actually cares about Lucia
Older sister who lost contact with her family
Has a snake named Viper that is older than the protocol
Is annoyed by people mistaking knitting with crochet
Very kind to the younger agents
In his own way though
Has an older sister who doesn't talk to her since she was a teenager
The fact her dad died before she was born probably has something to do with her closeness to Cypher and Brimstone
Rich af but rents an apartment with another girl and that place is absolutely precarious
Pays the rent monthly even if she doesn't spend a single night there
Has a huge lesbian flag on the living room and that has gotten her very straight roommate into delicate situations with her boyfriends
Her roommate is Brazilian from São Paulo bc I want her to
Very easily impressed by anything Raze does even if it's something she can do a thousand times better
I feel like she would main a duelist if she played val, probably Reyna or Raze
Has a picture of his wife and kids on his bedside table
He keeps Nora's favorite clothing and his children's baby toys
Girl dad obv
Killjoy reminds him of his oldest daughter and sometimes he calls her his daughter's name
Hates kingdom but since he joined the protocol he learned how to convive with their workers, even if he doesn't like it most part of the time
Scares little kids on Roblox for fun
Wouldn't mind having a relationship with a man but after Nora he can't imagine himself in another relationship so he doesn't give it a try
(I love him and Nora😭)
Calls the other agents by their first names
Was friends with Sage since before the protocol
Recommend Sage to Brimstone
One of the only coworkers Viper enjoys the company of
Once he tried to speak Spanish to mess around with Reyna and Raze swore he was speaking Portuguese bc of the accent
Trans bc I want to project into my fav characters
Morning walks
Calls everyone by their first names
Has two younger siblings but she hasn't had notice of them since she started the monk training
Misses them
Met Skye when researching about her healing powers, Skye was doing the same
Born radiant
Great at cooking but Jett gaslit her into thinking it was bad as a joke and she still believes it
After Harbor joined the VP she got back into cooking
Lesbian bc I said so
Not much close to the other women in the protocol, only Skye, Jett, Neon and Reyna
Closer to the men on the VP (Sova, Brimstone, Cypher, Iso, Omen etc)
Doesn't have a clue of why Clove doesn't like her
This man is a canon theater kid, he absolutely LOVES musicals, specially Hamilton and Jett and Raze tease him Abt being British and liking it
For some reason Jett gaslights him into thinking he's actually gay, obviously never worked
Him and Jett break up for the most ridiculous reasons, they've already broken up more times than one can count on fingers
Banned from every kitchen he steps on
Learned Korean só Jett would shut up about her being bilingual while he only spoke English
Once he let Astra undo his dreads to give him braids, it was the saddest day of his life
Raze bullies him for his style💔💔💔💞
Can cook five stars dinners but insists on eating leftovers she finds on the fridge and steals from the other agents
Doesn't dare touching Chamber's "monstrosities of dishes"
Makes people their favorite dinner and a special breakfast on their birthdays
Cooks for the whole protocol on weekends
Most my hc surround on the fact she's always eating something and was a chef😔
Gaslights everyone into believing the most random and/or stupid things and has actually convinced Gekko that dog is a common dish in east Asia
First thing she asks every east Asian she meets outside of east Asia is if they eat dog
Sage was mad at her for this
Also bi
Actually very caring and worried for most agents
Siblings relationship with Yoru
Randomly starts speaking Spanish to Sage just to annoy her
Learned Chinese just to mess around with Sage
Flirts with Breach as a joke
Iso actually believed she and Breach were a couple when he arrived
Homophobic to Raze and Killjoy
Non ironically has offered to find Raze a better girlfriend than Killjoy
Wants to be a mother but can't because of her duties and Sage doesn't like children
Hugest anarcocomunist
Grafitti artist
Has sent Kingdom, Killjoy and Viper dozens of blackmails before joining the protocol
Didn't like Killjoy for her first years in the protocol
Boombot was created as a "rebellion" from Killjoy's tech with an alarmbot that Kingdom placed near her house
Has a younger brother who is her absolutely whole world
Actually speaks Portuguese very well
Dad jokes
Hates children and the only exception is Raze's younger brother
Please please please please please read the joke I posted😭
Didn't get along with Deadlock nor Chamber at first
Gets along well with Cypher, Harbor and Fade
Likes men and makes it everyone's business and is very annoying to homophobes about it (bi)
Has kissed Harbor once just to see the look of terror on a homophobic guy's eyes
Owes a personal gun that she uses to scare bigots and idiots in general
Was guilty about rejecting Yoru
Still is very close to him
Skyelock beloved
The ship name should be changed to Hiking Buddies or something
Can make a cat with her powers and it plays with Nightmare when it's starting to affect Fade too much
Closer to Fade than most agents think
Morning walks with Sova and Deadlock
Has a huge knowledge on east Asian culture in general
Speaks ainu and a little uchinaguchi
Values culture and tradition more than his life
Constantly educating Jett on Korean traditions???
Mansplains a lot
Neon (single) teases him for being single
Has the "lesbian curse" in which every woman he likes is a lesbian and it's starting to develop into an "aroace curse"
Homophobic to Killjoy
Misogynist to Killjoy
everything you can think that is bad against Killjoy
And Reyna is with him on these
Nerd on physics
Knows a lot about quantum physics
That was me projecting, sorry
I need more astra content to make more headcanons 😔😔😔
Galaxsea/ astrarbor/ Neptune/ sea star
Born radiant
Doesn't actually have feelings, he's just programmed to make humans feel loved (besides, obviously, being a war machine)
It was a way of keeping the non radiant soldiers hopeful during the radiant war
He's a robot, of course he doesn't have feelings
Killjoy is absolutely fascinated by him and wonders if it was her who built him or at least made his project
The "hatred" he has for the radiants is also a way of keeping the non radiants feeling safe and appreciated
Sage is the exception from his radiant hatred because she's always appeared to be against Reyna's radiant dominant ideal world and he read that as a powerful ally to his cause
He's AI ofc he's gonna be a little dumb even though he's from like 2060
I refuse to
Does he like men?
Was homophobic to Killjoy and Raze when they started dating and to Sage and Reyna
Was actually homophobic
Turned out he likes men???
I'm confused
I don't like him
She probably knew Killjoy before the VP or at least heard about her not as an professional but as a person
Definitely likes women
Since she became a radiant at such a young age and os so powerful there were probably lots of accidents
Was mostly isolated from the outside for a long time before the thing that is sticked to her back was finished
That'd explain why she doesn't like making new friends, she doesn't know how to
Knows a lot of stuff involving quantum physics and science since her parents work at kingdom and she has worked with them
Constantly found sleeping on the floor
Sometimes she leaves Nightmare out of her bedroom to get a peaceful night of sleep
Goes to sleep on about the same time Skye is waking up
Fadelock goes hard too
You'll rarely see her awake but when you do she looks like she hasn't slept in a decade
Doesn't actually sleep, just take 30 min naps throughout the day
Took a while to stop calling Harbor "agent Batra" during missions
I just checked and that is lore inaccurate but idc
Likes men and women, never stopped to think of it as "oh, I'm lgbt" that's just one more small detail about her
Had a cat that her brother gave her when she was a kid, it died of kidney failure a few years before she joined realm
History and architecture nerd
Also a philosophy enthusiast
Has a tattoo that says "Memento mori et memento vivere" and that's what caught Astra's attention at first
Him and Astra spend a lot of time just nerding around
He's very caring yet not much protective to the younger agents
Randomly throws water at people who walk by
Breach and Deadlock learned on the hardest way not to be around him with a glass of water
Calls Fade Hazel because at first he thought that was how it was and never corrected it
Older brother of two sister
Grafitti artist
Is an only child but is very close to the children is his neighborhood
That guy looks so gay I'm gonna cry
Has a dog named Lizard
Him and Raze talk to each other in Spanish and Portuguese and it's an absolute nightmare for others to decifrate their alien language
Asked Sage if people actually eat dogs in Asia and was punished for a week, Reyna had lots of fun
Jett still teases him about it
She told Iso about that and every time Gekko asks him what he's eating he says it's dog
Him and Deadlock are actually chill about each other for as long as one doesn't cross the other's boundaries when it comes to his radivores
This woman doesn't have a drop of heterosexuality on her body
She thought she liked Iso but it turned out he was just the only one not asking her to get along with radivores and radiants
Hates when she's called by her first name
Lost contact with her family and legally got rid of her last name
Skye, Sage and Sova call her Iselin or Ise
Used to go on lots of missions involving radivores before the VP but after the polar bear she didn't trust herself near them again
Graduated in biology
She wanted to be a scientist when she was a kid
Used to be obsessed about radivores and radiance before the bear
Can't cook for his life
Used to think he liked Deadlock but it was just compulsory heterosexuality
Not much close with most agents but Sage and Deadlock
Him and Raze are absolute nightmares to go in mission with, those mfs listent to music so loud they can't hear anything else
KJ was scared of him
Only listens to music that are on languages he doesn't speak
Raze showed him Brazilian funk and he started listening to it during missions
Don't give a shit if they're misgendered
The pet rock is to throw at those who insist that they're a woman even after they correct them
Sleeps the whole day and is awake during the whole night
Immortal, queer, sleeps during the day... Are they a vampire?!
Randomly dresses up fancy and stays on that fit for the whole day, they can be seen wearing a suit during missions in breeze
Spends all their time awake doing unproductive stuff
Was a physicist and later got into engeneering
She can't really remember those last years before the scions took her
Was took by the scions by Omen but none of them know
Doesn't like Iso
Her and Viper used to be very close friends, their friendship cou be compared to Jett and Phoenix's, they were very spontaneous
The "incident" was something involving her but no one really remember how it was
Had a cat named Jaguar
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