#Valery Venom
neutron669 · 1 year
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Valéry Venom
Photography by Woogielicious
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greeeenhand · 11 months
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Happy Halloween!
It's been a hot minute since I drew these two, and now thanks to that new Spider-Man game, I realized the stars had aligned for perfect couples costume.
Bonus: ⤵
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Round 1 - Side B
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Propaganda below ⬇️
tw unreality skip to eddie
His feet are washed in a scene very reminiscient of Saint Peter being washed by Jesus, his leitmotiv is stronger than ever in the scene in front of the church, and his whole arc is about forgiving those who sinned against him.
I'm pretty sure he's actually russian orthodox but rules say that's allowed. His conversation with Katya Jesus told them to turn his cheek literally made me cry ahhh greatest mafia movie of all time
Eddie (tw mentions of suicide)
He meets Venom (the alien goo parasite that inhabits his body) in a church. Eddie is depressed and about to end his life and just before he does it goes to church and prays to God to forgive him because suicide is… y’know, a sin. Anyway Venom possesses him and saves his life and they have a crazy relationship/love story and the stained glass window in that church becomes important symbolism for them <3 He is the most catholic man ever
Admittedly, most of Eddie's insanity has little to do with Catholicism, he's just a deranged weirdo (affectionate) but he was suicidal once and went to a church to ask forgiveness before killing himself. That's where he met the symbiote and their relationship has parallels to both marriage and religion.
Listen listen he is the epitome of Catholic trauma. He’s got the angst. The repression. The je ne sais quoi. His whole story is basically very dependant on churches if that makes any sense. Like he tried to kill himself in a church and that’s when he bonded with the symbiote. They stopped a symbiote invasion by fu̶c̶k̶i̶n̶g̶ crying out in agony in a church. EDDIE AND VENOM GOT MARRIED IN CANON IN THE CHURCH WHERE THEY MET. He also has so many breakdowns in churches and we love that for him.
He meets Venom in a church and has a lot of religious moments connected to Venom. They also sort of get married in the church they met at? It's gay. Eddie is catholic and in a committed relationship with an alien and it's gay.
(Cw suicide mention) He's canonically Catholic and has such a funky (read: kinda fucked up) relationship with it. When his life fell apart he went to a church to pray for forgiveness for the sin of committing suicide and to ask God to kill spiderman i think but then before he could actually do anything an alien came down and connected with him (in a gay way) and he was like "are you an angel". Also his sense of morality is totally fucked, its like "if you've done something bad once you deserve to die" and I like to think that's related to the specific brand of Catholicism
killed a cop in church (amazing spider-man 1963 comic, issue 300), had a homoerotic rebonding moment with his symbiote in church (venom: planet of the symbiotes comic), asked jesus to carry out a hit on former coworker peter parker (spider-man 3 movie)
more here
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nicodrawings · 1 year
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More spider stuff. I did the band one very abruptly but I like it. Last two drawings are older.
Update: added one more picture to end this group. It’s another older one. Some b-boys (and one girl).
Update 2: Now that I have some coffee in my system I can actually write more stuff about my AU. Read below if you’re interested.
-In my AU Hobie does not have spider powers, he never got bitten. He created a movement using the Spider-Man costume as a symbol and a disguise from the police. He doesn’t need powers to fight against injustice. The other spiders find out about him and he becomes a honorary spider cuz they appreciate his work and they think it’s super cool. Also like what more punk than fighting with no powers? Anyway that’s why is patrols are more sporadic, Peter does it on purpose cuz he doesn’t have powers and doesn’t want him getting severely injured. He’s the only spider on foot. Also he’s a parkour kid.
-The other spiders involved are Jessica, Julia and Anya.
-Valerie (the OG spiderwoman) is also in the story but she’s retired from her role and lives in upstate New York. She comes by though to visit. Her and the older spiders are like siblings (she would be like the oldest sibling). The older spiders call her Val and the younger spiders call her Ms. V.
-Everyone loves Valerie. She’s great honestly.
-Judge is also in the story but he’s next door to Ganke and Miles’s room instead of rooming with them.
-Peter and MJ have a daughter.
-Ganke’s mother knows that Miles is Spider-Man. She finds out before his parents by accident.
-Billie has High-functioning autism.
-Don’t know if I made this obvious or not but like…many of the spiders are not straight. Not all of them but like…many of them.
-The younger spiders have to be extra careful with injuries. Especially when it comes to school. One time Miles wasn’t careful and teachers started getting very concerned and it almost turned into a…big situation.
-Ganke and Venom become buddies.
-Ganke’s grandparents on his mom’s side passed away when he was a kid. Ganke doesn’t have a close relationship with his grandparents on his dad’s side but he is pretty close with his Uncle on his dad’s side. His mom was an only child.
-Ganke’s mom gets really sick at one point and his Uncle helps out a lot during this time.
-Miles is a terrible liar due to his anxiety. Ganke is the smooth talker out of the both of them. Miles tries to smooth talk and…it just doesn’t go well.
-Whenever the go past the music store for Ganke the owner lets Miles fuck around on the drums in the music room. But the rule is that a) if you break it you buy it and b) if a customer comes in and wants to see the drum set he has to get off. Same for Ganke and the keyboards.
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hotvintagepoll · 2 months
I was ready to submit my favorite scrungly actor from Kung Fu films, until I realized his first credit is from 1974, making him ineligible. He’s so scrungly, and no one will ever know now. 😭
I thought you still might enjoy seeing this delightfully scrungly guy in action, even if he arrived on screens just a few years too late.
i very much enjoyed reading about this guy, thank you
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zalrb · 11 months
katherine/stefan/elena fic dialogue preview
Elena laughed. Cackled. With a hint of craze. Katherine furrowed her eyebrows in partial annoyance and confusion. 
“You sound like a donkey,” she said. “Are you having an aneurysm?”  
“Sorry, it’s just, it’s just,” Elena continued to laugh. “You think that you and him actually have something. You think it’s, oh my God,” she reached out to touch Katherine’s shoulder, “you think it’s special.” 
Katherine removed Elena’s hand from her shoulder and clenched her wrist, her fingers grinding into her bones. “I think I reach a part of him, a base, animalistic part of him--” Elena willed herself not to wince at the words “--you’ve never, could never touch.”
“Right,” said Elena, nodding frantically, ignoring the pain both physical and emotional. “Even if that was true, you wouldn’t be the only one. You wouldn’t even be the first.” 
Katherine flung Elena’s hand away. “Oh please.”
“You stalked him for years, Katherine, he told me what you said to him the night of the masquerade ball. You’re telling me you don’t remember Chicago? You don’t remember Rebekah?” 
Katherine’s eyes narrowed and Elena felt a terrible glee. 
“I had him before Rebekah,” said Katherine. “I had him before anyone.” 
“I don’t know where you’ve been --- oh that’s right, hell --- but you’re wrong. Valerie did.”
An anger started to simmer within Katherine, Elena could see it. She relished it. She was past jealousy, past heartbreak, and had plummeted to a venomous, exhilarating spite that pushed her to spew words she knew would cut, would wound. 
“But you don’t care about that,” said Elena. “You care about the part of him only you can reach but I’ve read his journals.” 
Elena did her best to ignore that the imagery she was conjuring, that the thought of Stefan with Rebekah, with anyone else hurt her just as much.
“He’s a descriptive writer. Especially about the, um -- how did he describe it? -- oh yeah,‘crazy sex’ they’d have, the limits she would push him to, but you, you probably saw it.”  
She wanted to inflict damage. Katherine had pushed her to this. Katherine and Stefan together had pushed her to this. 
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neutron669 · 1 year
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Valery Venom
By Rocksau Pictures
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sapsanka · 4 months
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Valdemar the Neo Vamdemon and Valery the Venom
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abarbaricyalp · 7 months
SPOILERS (and reactions) FOR 142
1) I'm glad to see the alliterative naming convention for episodes seems to still be going strong. That out of the way:
(Well now we know why there aren't as many asides 😬)
Russell!!!! The new grounds keeper 🥹🥹🥹🥹 (assumedly because Walt saved him once and he can save others too? I will explode)
Venus!!!!! (The audio processing disorder stays winning. One more way Venus and Venom are the same to me. I gotta go put on subtitles)
(I know this could be assumptions on Valerie's part etc etc but those words!!!! Noooooo)
14 years! An answer now! (Did I say 10-15 years or what)
That is so long!!! I have so many theories (I'm still sitting chiefly among Proximity To The Heart Time Distortion but now I'm worried)
Not-daughter?!?! After all of the angst from season 3???? You reject her now?
It's so wild that Valerie is incapable of doing the painful parts of parenthood. When Clem was fawning and new, she was Val's favorite and Riot was the trouble maker she couldn't connect with. Now that Riot is not actually around and Clem has her own personality and traumas, Val is pushing her away/ not fighting to stay connected.
Ahhh not a known character. Abraham Walker. (We haven't met them yet right?)
Buck would've cracked this before lunch?? !!!!! 🥹🥹🥹🥹 I'm so proud
And he's gone but not dead 🤞🤞🤞 I wonder why he left though
Does the concept of copy cat killers not exist in the future? I know it CAN be a ghost/ revenant/ other Black Rain magic but it doesn't HAVE TO BE.
Arnold 😬😬😬😬 buddy I'm so sorry. 14 years?!?! But he seems so much more confident and grown now!
Now why is it so painful to imagine Scout Post badges being removed (by someone else, not just to reuse the jacket)
Rebirth: was the heart not just a heart? It was an egg of sorts too? A cocoon?
Someone with access to the bonus stories, tell me if the story structure is different too. The titles all being "File # Name" make me think it's definitely related to whoever is holding Nik. They're watching Scout City/ the characters as well.
Marlomar has always kind of irritated me but I'm especially suspicious now. Why does it sound like he's blaming Nik for something?
Also very interested to see how the end pieces with Marlomar fit in with the beginning pieces where Nik is clearly being held/ hunted. Are the Marlomar pieces from the s3 narrative? Is Nik's consciousness being teased with? I'm still saying, this 14 year gap is too long for Nik to react to Marlomar from the end of s3.
Crack theory for the season: the froglins are copy catting the Instrumentalist to take control of the Hallowoods
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twinchampionsofkalos · 11 months
Since a lot of you wanted to see it, I present to you
Serena's Top 50 Ways I want to die
All of the below ways but Malva also dies
Yveltal’s Oblivion Wing
Skewered on Xerneas’ Horns
Thousand Arrows
Deleted from reality by Arceus itself
Stabbed through the stomach by Durendal
Soul sucked out by Durendal
Venom kiss. Like Poison Ivy
Drop a fucking city on me
Tie me to a firework and launch me into the sky
Crushed under Zygarde’s foot
Brain blast from Nightfall
Burnt to a crisp by Mega Charizard
Head taken off by Mega Blastoise water cannon
Fucking wrecked by Mewtwo
Assassinated by Interpol
Dropped from the sky 
Crushed to death (spicy)
Crushed to death (normal)
Trapped in a massive web (spicy)
Trapped in a massive web (normal)
Frozen in Wulfric’s gym
Ripped apart by Maenads
Stabbed by Drasna’s Dragon Jewelry
Stabbed by Drasna’s Dragons
Diamond Storm
Fleur Cannon
Ramos’ Gardening Sheers
Beheaded by sword in a public execution, pre-execution dialogue
In space
Falling off Grant’s climbing wall
Obliterated by Korrina
Obliterated by Korrina’s Mega Lucario
Valerie’s fairy magic
Olympia’s psychic powers
I’m sure Clemont can put together some sort of insane device that would make a totally kickass death
Eating food so good I die
Eating food so bad I die
Steam Eruption
Wombo Combo
Sephiroth’s sword but wielded by a woman
Obliterated by a 2x4
Suffocated under a pile of my Pokemon
Calem finally loses his patience and just fucking murders me
Ritual sacrifice so that I might ascend to godhood as the god of Lesbians
Being too gay
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A video has been uploaded, watch?
[In one of the local green spaces of Amity Park, Valerie Gray was confused and angry, messing with her wristwatch, which is actuality, her control center, for her Red Huntress suit.
Danny can be seen walking up to her two grocery bags in hand. When he reaches her, he takes a deep breath and taps her shoulder.
Valerie visibly startles, turning to face Danny. Her face turns angry, "You better have a good explanation for what's going on, Ghost boy," she spits venomously.
Danny holds up his grocery bag, filled hands in a sign of surrender. "I'll get there just let's me pass you some things I bought, this will be a long conversion."
Valerie gazes at what Danny is doing with suspicion as he pulls out several sodas and two convenience store sandwiches. Danny spilts the pile of food and drinks into two equal piles and nods at Valerie to let her choose which pile she'll take. The two gazing into each other's eyes as Valerie slowly takes the pile on the left.
Danny takes the pile on the right, opening a can of soda right away. "You probably want me to start the explanation from the beginning, correct?"
At Valerie's hesitant nod, Danny continues, "It all started about two weeks after my fourteenth birthday. My parents had left the house for something. I can't remember what, and Sam, Tucker, and I thought it would be best to spend time in my parents' lab. We were incredibly dumb fourteen year olds, as one thing led to another, and the next thing I know, i've let Sam convince me to walk inside my parents, inactive at the time, portal. I think I was trying to impress her with my guts, but I'm not sure. It's very fuzzy after the next bit."
Danny takes a sip of his drink, Valerie is raptured by Danny's words before he continues with, "I put on my Hazmat suit trying to provide myself a little bit of safety, not enough for what comes next, but Sam ripped of my father's face off the suit before I walked inside the inactive portal, I had put my hand on the metal walls because the inside was dark and I didn't want to end up walking straight into the back wall. Next thing I know, my hand ends up in a dip, and I hear a soft click. By the time my brain had processed what I heard, it was too late to escape."
Danny shudders, rubbing his arm, and takes another drink. To try to give himself a little bit more time before he has to explain what happens next.
"Next thing I know, my world is nothing but pain that seemed to stretch out for an eternity... I just wanted it to stop, but I wanted my friends safe as well." Danny rubs his arms as echoes of the electricity that flowed through his veins back then causing muscle twitches and continues, "It did end... Eventually, when I got spat out of the now active portal and I unceremoniously flopped on the floor. I looked like you know..."
"The Ghostkid, Phantom, right?" Valerie asks gently as she hesitantly places a hand on Danny's shoulder and gives it a comforting squeeze.
"Yeah," Danny takes another drink, "Boy, did the three of us panic badly, thought I was just a ghost for a hot minute. It wasn't until I started really thinking about my human life that I turned back to human again and found out I was an even bigger freak than I thought I was."
Danny takes another drink, emptying the soda can, so he crushes it with his hands into a ball and throws it in the trash, not far away, and opens another. " Of course, I was in denial for a while. Thought it all was a strange dream, maybe even a nightmare. It took about a month before I accepted that the powers were real. The other form was real. it took even longer to accept the fact that I died that day, even if it didn't stick properly."
"Didn't stick? You mean you're not a ghost that can just look human?" Valerie questions
Danny shakes his head, "No, if it was just that I probably wouldn't have been in denial as long as I was. No, like this, I'm human. My heart beats, my hair and nails grow, I need to breathe, and the biggest sign is that I can use a persona."
"Persona?" Valerie asks
"A special power only humans and human-adjacent can have, It's literally impossible for a ghost to have a persona, but I'll explain them later." Danny says, "Anyway, where was I... oh, right, the Aftermath. So, by the time I accepted the fact, the Powers and Ghost form was real. My parents' portal had gotten attention from the local ghosts on the other side, and they got comfortable enough with it to try to explore the other side, which is when the first ghost attacks started happening."
Danny takes another drink of soda, "Now because it's my fault that the Portal was open in the first place, I decided to take responsibility for the consequences of my own actions." Danny says with a secretive smile, "and decided to use my new powers to protect the people of Amity Park the best I could."
At this, Danny looks at Valerie in the eyes, imploring her with his gaze to believe him. "I'm sorry about what happened to your dad. I tried to stop what happened, but I wasn't good enough. You don't exactly get an instruction book on how to control your powers after death, and Cujo just wanted his toy back from when he was alive and wouldn't take no for an answer. I tried again and again to keep him in the ghost zone, but he kept escaping. I found out later that Cujo could create his own portals, and I had no hope for keeping him contained, but I still felt absolutely terrible for the part I played in getting your dad fired."
"So that Dog isn't yours?" Valerie
"Back then, no, he wasn't. Cujo was a puppy put down by Axiom when the lab changed over from using guard dogs to the automatic defense system your father came up with. Now a days I'm definitely Cujo's person, though I finally managed to get cujo to stay in the ghost zone the majority of the time, but sometimes he does come over to play fetch with the ball he was after in the lab" Danny explains
Valerie looks at Danny and sighs, pulling the boy into a hug. "I can't believe I didn't see how much of an honest dork Phantom was before now. You tried your best. I see that now I was just blinded by wrath before I opened my eyes to the truth."
Valerie then grabs Danny hands, "Thanks for reaching out and becoming my friend even after I treated you terribly, as both Fenton and Phantom. I don't hate you anymore, but I'll need a little time to process all the information I have now before I can hear the rest of the explanation."
"Sure, take all the time you need, and you can keep the soda and food, I got it for you anyway." Danny says as Valerie turns to leave.
Valerie rolls her eyes with a smile on her face to collect her share of the soda and her sandwich, giving Danny a little wave as she leaves
Danny waves back until Valerie is no longer visible, then turns around and happily skips, "Woohoo! My chariot bond has returned to upright, and I got a rank up. This is the best day ever!"
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totentnz · 8 months
I was tagged by @miss--river to do the OC interview, thank you!! tagging @bishicat | @hamburgerslippers | @southernvampire | @streetkid-named-desire & YOU if you wanna do this. (i feel like everyone else has already done this lmao)
Name: "-- Ah fuck it. Valerie Jeanne Scene. Used to be Evans, I guess? Also it's Jeanne, not Joan. It's french, burned at the stake, or somethin'."
Nickname: "Most people call me V, some Viper or Venom or Jeanie - don't call me that by the way."
Gender: "Female but like... lowkey."
Star Sign: "Leo, don't know the rest. Do other people know the exact time they were born?"
Height: "Too tall apparently. Like 6'2? Looove goin' pants shopping."
Orientation: "North. -- Both ways, violently, with a bat. -- FINE! pansexual."
Nationality/Ethnicity: "NUSA, Night City born and bred."
Fave Fruit: "Can't remember the last time I had real fruit, if I ever had some. -- I ChroManticore Lime tho."
Fave Season: "All seasons're the same in NC. Don't like rain or cold weather. Summer fuckin' sucks too tho, it gets way too hot."
Fave Flower: "... Yellow ones."
Fave Scent: "Pussy. -- What? I ain't jokin'.
Coffee, tea or hot chocolate: "Ya gotta be kiddin' me! Don't know! Or care!"
Average hours of sleep: "According to Vik? Not enough. -- Five I'd wager."
Dog or Cat person: "Got a cat. Kinda. He's not mine, he just likes to come around to sleep and drink outta my shower."
Dream trip: "Molly."
Favorite fictional character: "Don't got an answer for that."
Number of blankets they sleep with: "One?"
Random fact: "Every time I fuck a rockstar, I get a tattoo of their signature. Got three so far, coulda been four but Eurodyne refuses to fuck me."
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five-rivers · 2 years
Life's Great Lie 10
Okay, so.  Clint had a concussion.  A nasty concussion.  Not the worst he’d ever gotten, but he was impaired.  Probably wouldn’t be hitting any bullseyes in the next few hours, that was for sure.
However, he wasn’t nearly as impaired as he was letting his current captors believe, thank God.
(No, wait, a god was the reason he was concussed in the first place.  Screw god.)
At least, that had been his initial impression.  When one of his teenage captors disappeared in a whirl of sand and the other two had started hitting buttons that turned the… Yeah, okay, he didn’t know what he was in, but he’d seen brick.  He was pretty sure that things with brick in them weren’t supposed to turn into a blimp.  Or a jet.  Since the two remaining children (who had tied him up surprisingly well) were arguing about turning it into a jet. 
Had Barton seen some weird stuff in his time?  Yes.  Did he frequently work from an aircraft carrier that also flew?  Yes.  Had he just spent the last several days mind-controlled by a Norse deity alongside a kid who was fifty percent dead?  Yes.  Was he, Clint Barton, also incredibly strange?  Yes.  Yes, he most certainly was.
But a guy had to draw the line somewhere.  He was just debating if he should draw the line before or after the weirdly competent children simultaneously being wizards and mechanical geniuses.
… Or, now that he was starting to reorient himself, they were just using the Fentons’ gear.  Where were the Doctors Fenton anyway? 
Maddie Fenton squinted at her phone.  “Jack, honey,” she said, with the kind of venomous sweetness she generally reserved for Vlad Masters and Pamela Manson, “I think we’ve been had.”
Jack with an equally uncharacteristic grimness surveyed the mostly empty street.  “I think you’re right.”
“There’s been another report,” said Maddie, still squinting.  She wished she remembered how to make the words on the phone bigger.  “Park and Amity.”
Jack started for the GAV.  “Park Place?  Or Park Row?”
“Park Row is in another city, dear.”
“I was sure there was a Park Row here as well!”
“Alright, and which Amity is it?  Or did you mean A. Mitty?”
“You’re the only one who calls Alfred Mitty Boulevard that, dear.”  Maddie sighed.  “I suppose we’ll just have to check them out one by one.”
“Ha!  Well, with the Fenton Ghost Assault Vehicle, that’ll be a snap!”
The most surprising thing about all of this, mused Danny, was that his parents had yet to add to the chaos.  Uncharacteristic of them, really. 
He phased a prone SHIELD agent’s body armor into the sidewalk and pivoted to punch another in the face, bypassing their helmet and face-shield.  Come to think of it, were the ones wearing armor and combat gear agents, or were those just the ones in suits?  Not that it particularly mattered.  His job right now was just to keep anyone from getting killed.  A task that would get exponentially harder once SHIELD’s backup got here. 
“Why,” he asked Loki, when the rhythm of the fight allowed it, “are we still here?”
Yes, technically the answer was ‘we haven’t gotten Barton’s signal yet’ and, yes, he knew the real answer was probably ‘self-sabotage’ of one kind or another, but keeping everyone alive was a strain, if not on his abilities, then on his focus and attention.  There was Loki, Loki’s various minions, SHIELD, the police, random people still inside the nearby building – It was a wonder the GIW hadn’t shown up, and Valerie and his parents would be here before too much longer.  Not to mention—
There was a slight pause in the gunfire. 
Danny looked up to see Valerie Gray, Iron Man a growing red streak in the sky behind her.  His secret identity had been a very secondary concern since Loki snatched him, a lost cause, really, considering this fight, but the only way Valerie would have gotten the memo this fast was if someone told her. 
… Maybe Danny would pretend to be mind-controlled a little longer than strictly necessary, for the purpose of punching a certain few SHIELD personnel.  Namely, Fury and Coulson.  He felt like he deserved it.  As a treat. 
“Hi, Red?” tried Danny, knowing that he was just trying to delay the inevitable.
“What,” demanded Valerie, calling up her biggest gun, “do you think you’re doing?”
“We need to leave, now,” said Danny.
Loki grinned.  “But the fun’s just getting started!”  He multiplied himself, which was the ‘we’re leaving’ signal, and Danny disappeared. 
Valerie fired the gun, which was honestly really unfriendly of her.  What had SHIELD been telling her?
Finding the real Loki was easy.  Danny had experience at this point, and a touch was all it took to make him invisible and intangible, too. 
“Do you think Barton’s gotten what we need?” asked Loki, airily. 
“I think Barton’s been caught,” said Danny, flatly.  “If we came to draw out my parents, it hasn’t worked, and the only reason I can think of why it wouldn’t work is if they got distracted by something else.”
“Like Barton breaking in prematurely.”
“Pity.  I suppose we’ll have to—”
And this is where Danny was revealed as just as self-sabotaging as Loki, because he had neglected to remember that Valerie’s equipment could pick him up while invisible.  Unfortunately, the fact that he did know that combined with his sharp reflexes meant that he was able to shield himself and Loki from the blast. 
“Oi!  Red riding hood, can you see them in all this?”
“What did you just call me?”
And there was Iron Man.  Lovely. 
“Red, can you point me at them or not?”
“Come on,” said Danny, tugging on Loki’s elbow. 
“But this is entertaining.”
“It’ll be a lot less entertaining when your brother and Captain America get here.”
“Oh, very well.  We’ll go.  To Fentonworks.”
“Oh, come on—”
The sandstorm blindsided them, literally and figuratively, the heat of cutting through Danny despite his intangibility.
Ah.  Heck.  Duulaman.  Why did Tucker have Duulaman’s scepter?  Were they trying to solve mind control with different mind control?  That was a terrible idea. 
… But admittedly about on par with Danny’s current plan.  Darn it.  There really weren’t a lot of better options out there.
“Oh,” said Loki, “I didn’t know there were any humans who still practiced the arcane arts!”
“Uh huh,” said Danny, pulling on his core to cool the air around them and gritting his teeth.  “That’s Tucker for you.  This is going to be fun.”
“And by fun you mean…?”
“Absolutely miserable.  You’d better hope you’re as good at magic as you think you are.”
“He hasn’t seen us yet.”
Sand swirled around them and deposited them on top of a sand dune directly in the middle of the Park and Amity crossing.  A few of the SHIELD vans had turned to stone, and others were slowly dissolving into sand. 
Tucker was still, mostly, in his normal clothes, but gold bangles were wrapping themselves around his right arm and his beret was looking awfully Nemes-like.  His eyes glittered red, accentuated by kohl. 
The scarab jewel on the end of the scepter flashed, and Danny felt a tug on his mind. 
“How dare you,” hissed Loki, reasserting his control of Phantom with a twist of his staff.
“How dare you,” snapped the dark-skinned boy.  “He’s mine.  He was mine first, and you have no right to him!”
“I have every right!  I am a god, you pathetic sorcerer!”  Loki called on his magic, and on Phantom’s blanketing the sand with ice. 
“You?” sneered the boy, tilting his chin up.  “You think you are a god?  I am Nebmaatre Djedamun, called Duulaman!  I am the Son of Ra!  The Son of the Sun!  I have lived and walked through the Duat and returned, as Osiris!  Who are you, foreigner, to take what is mine?”
The ice beneath Loki began to steam, and the sun burned down from directly overhead, a position it should not be in under any circumstances at this latitude on Earth. 
So.  That was how it was going to be, was it?
“I am Loki Laufeyson, god of mischief and rightful king of Asgard.”  He bared his teeth and called up his armor, scepter growing into a full staff, the false sand desert morphing into an equally false vista of ice.  “Let’s see if you’re worth my time.  Human.”
It turned out that extended desert-based trauma and resultant obsessive sand-proofing of technology was good for something.  That something was freak sandstorms caused by strangely glow-y teenagers.  Who knew.  Not Tony, that was for sure. 
“Hey, Red, you okay?”
“I’m fine,” hissed the girl – and Tony really had to have words about whoever was setting SHIELD policy regarding the recruitment of teenagers, planetary threat or not – doing something that had her hoverboard zooming back to her, shedding sand as it went. 
“Great,” said Tony, “you know this new guy?”
Red was silent, and Tony wished he could see her face through the tinted visor of her suit.  “I know the kid, not the ghost possessing him.  I’ve never seen any of them use sand like this before.”  She looked up.  “Or the sun.”
Yeah, whatever was going on with the sky was throwing Tony for a loop.  Sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic, yadda, yadda, yadda, like he hadn’t heard that spewed in his direction a few hundred times.  Thor made him believe it a little more, though.  There had to be some explanation behind all the freaky stuff he could do. 
The sand was abruptly replaced by a blizzard, and Tony pulled the girl to the roof of one of the buildings just in time for the river to melt into a gleaming river, its banks thick with reeds and flowers.  The river rose out of its bed, sporting fangs and scales, eyes sharply green.  Sand sizzled against its clawed feet and the plants wilted and burned.  The good thing was, there didn’t seem to be any actual people down there, beyond Loki, Fenton, and the new kid. 
The possessed new kid.  More mind control.  Just what they needed. 
“Any way to un-possess someone?”
“Shoot them with one of these,” said Red, lifting a gun Tony was pretty sure she hadn’t had before.  He had no idea where she had gotten it from.  Neat. 
He reached for it.
“Nuh uh,” said Red.  “This stays with me.”
“Okay, little Red, I don’t know if you’ve noticed—"
“Here’s how this’s gonna go,” Red interrupted him.  “I’m going to go take down Phantom while those two are distracted with each other.  You cover me.  Once I’ve got Phantom, I’ll shoot the ghost in Tucker out, and you and SHIELD have a clean shot at Lorry or whatever.”
“And I’ll be way better at covering you if I have a weapon that can actually do damage to these guys.”
“I don’t have time to argue with a stupid billionaire—”
The building they were standing on turned into a sphinx, and moved, dumping them at its feet.  It leaned close and growled, eyes glowing.  Both Tony and Red fired at it, their weapons leaving craters on its face.  It only made it flinch. 
Then lightning cleaved the sky. 
“It’s about time!” shouted Tony, ignoring Jarvis’s comment about the rising temperature of the sand for the moment. 
Thor jumped up on the rubble that had been the sphinx and shrugged.  “The directions were very confusing, and there is strange sorcery on this place!” 
“No kidding!  Where’s capsicle?”
“Captain Rogers was taking the plane with the Widow!”
Next to him, Red started to move again.  “You’re not a ghost,” she said. 
“Yeah, he’s an alien, get with the program.  Are you sure you can take care of Fenton?”
If Tony hadn’t been looking for it, he wouldn’t have caught the split-second hesitation.
“I’ve fought him before,” said Red. 
That didn’t mean anything by itself.  Tony had frequently fought gravity, the ground, and chemistry during pre-horrible-kidnapping benders.  That didn’t mean he’d ever had any chance of winning.  Still, he supposed they had to take it.  There weren’t any other options. 
“Come on, Red, you know I was always holding back.”
Feeling like he was in a cheap horror movie, Tony looked to the right to see Danny Fenton. 
Delight was almost certainly the wrong emotion to be experiencing at the moment, but Danny wasn’t exactly in what he’d describe as a proper state of mind.  Besides, Tucker’s giant lens was really cool.  Danny hadn’t known that a lens made out of illusions could focus light like that, but it was logical enough.  Most illusions probably were just bending light, at their base.  Although why he was going through the steps of creating a false sun, the fake lens, and aiming, Danny didn’t know.  Wouldn’t it be easier to just create lasers or something like that to begin with?
“There is something wrong with the people on this planet,” hissed Loki, ripping the lens to shreds before it could melt through Danny’s ice shield.
“Well, yeah,” said Danny.  “But I’m not sure you can generalize what’s wrong with Tucker to the rest of the planet.”  He leaned as heavily into his ice powers as he dared in human form, which was actually quite far, and used telekinesis to bat away a pair of animate statues. 
Arctic cold and equatorial heat pushed together in the air, swirling into clouds.  Lightning forked from the sky.  Danny caught a bolt and swung it to the side, glassing the sand under him. 
Tucker was looking up at the sky, teeth barred.  “Who dares strike against my people?”
Oh, Tucker really was a great friend.  But fighting Thor really wasn’t a good idea—Assuming the lightning was Thor arriving, and not a random weather phenomenon caused by three people with superpowers playing with the laws of physics.
Good distraction, though. 
Danny appreciated what Tucker was—Well.  What he assumed Tucker was trying to do, underneath the past life personality takeover.  Rescue him, and all.  But Danny did have his orders.
Loki’s mind control and Tucker’s were different.  Loki’s was focused and direct, while Tucker’s diffused like dust on the air, subtle but insistent.  Loki’s staff was of this world, powered by something native to this part of the universe.  Duulaman’s was laced with ghost magic.  Loki’s drew on something primal, something that brushed at some fundamental force Danny could only guess at.  Duulaman’s control was woven, carefully, from ancient spells layered on one another like steel folded over and over. 
Tucker’s pull on Danny’s mind wasn’t negligible, but Loki’s control of Danny was stronger.
Also, this couldn’t possibly be healthy for Tucker. 
“Tucker!” shouted Danny, over the howling wind.  “Snap out of it!  Don’t let Duulaman make you do this!”
The expression on Tucker’s face was offended and incredulous.  Danny would have liked to laugh but the fate of the world was at stake here. 
“That’s what I want to say to you, idiot!”
“Hey, I’m not doing this willingly!  Why do you even have that?  You know what it does to you!”
“Forgive me for wanting to get the big guns when my best friend is shanghaied to lead an alien invasion!”
“Don’t be ridiculous, I’m not leading it, that’s all him!”  He gestured behind him in Loki’s general direction. 
Oh, and there was Thor.  And Iron Man.  And Val.  Oh, they really did have to get out of here.  Danny didn’t think he could handle all this while still in human form.  They looked like they were having some sort of planning session over by the sphinx, but he didn’t think that would last all that long.  On the other hand, it looked like Loki was sneaking up on them, so that was about to become very interesting.
The sensation Danny was coming to associate with Duulaman’s magic spiked as Tucker tightened his grip on the staff.  “His arrow minion shot Jazz.”
Danny froze.  “Is she okay?”
“She’s not bleeding to death, if that’s what you mean,” said Tucker. 
Danny expanded the list of SHIELD agents he wanted to hit to include Barton.  He probably wouldn’t hit him, given the mind control, but he wanted to. 
“Look,” said Danny.  “I do have a plan.”  One that was, admittedly, falling apart rapidly. 
“Which you haven’t told us beyond trying to use us for shopping!” 
The influence of Tucker’s magic on Danny wasn’t as strong as Loki’s.  But that didn’t mean it was nothing. 
Danny gritted his teeth.  “That’s because the stuff wasn’t for me to use, it’s for you.”
And then Tucker was hit by one of Iron Man’s repulsor bursts.
In Tony’s defense, he still wasn’t used to the illusion thing, and he wasn’t the only one who had fallen for the fake Fenton.  He hadn’t meant to hit the kid with the staff, and given a few minutes out of battle, he’d probably feel bad about it. 
He also hadn’t realized how angry Fenton would get about it. 
The boy’s body flickered and his eyes started to glow with a radioactive light even as the rest of him seemed to fade into shadow.  The air got cold and heavy. 
And then the quinjet arrived, laying down cover fire between Phantom and Tony.  The feeling vanished as Fenton threw up a shield, protecting himself and Loki.
And then, because the day just had to get weirder, a blimp with Jack Fenton’s face on it showed up and started shooting at the quinjet. 
And then an absolute monstrosity of a vehicle, an unholy cross between an RV and a tank, barreled over the top of a nearby dune and started blasting everyone.
Between defending himself and trying to keep the poor unconscious kid from getting shot again, Tony was just barely able to see Phantom grab Loki’s arm and phase into the ground.  What he wouldn’t give to be able to get out of stupid situations so easily. 
Finally, proving that the only god of this world or the next was Murphy, a green-tinged energy bolt went wide, soaring over the sand, the ice, and several streets’ worth of intact buildings to ping off the bottom of the helicarrier and somehow short out all the camouflage panels. 
The fighting stopped as the blimp turned into a jet and zoomed – complete with sound effect – away, and the Fentons seemed to realize who they were firing at. 
A blond civilian Tony had somehow missed in the chaos staggered into view, followed by a bedraggled cameraman.  “Yes!” he said, hands raised in jubilation.  “Yes!  Now this is some freak weather, baby!  Do you know how long it’s been since I’ve been able to report on the weather?  This is the best day I’ve had all week!”
Before Tony had any time to process that, Maddie Fenton got out of the Monstrosity (which was quickly becoming capitalized in Tony’s head), calmly walked over, and slapped the man across the face.  She grabbed his shirt and pulled him down to her level.  “Do you have any idea how many Parks and Amitys there are in this town?”
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mortiium · 5 months
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     𝐰𝐡𝐨  𝐢𝐬  ..  𝒇𝒓𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒆𝒔𝒄𝒂 𝒈𝒓𝒂𝒉𝒂𝒎 ? 
tip  of  the  iceberg. 
full  name :   francesca valerie graham
nicknames : chess , chessie
age / dob :   twenty - five ( four hundred )  /  april  thirteenth  ( aries  ass  bitch ) 
gender / pronouns :   cis woman  /  she + her
sexuality :   homosexual 
species :   dragonkin
dwelling :   prospect hill
occupation :   dance instructor at rose thorn
in  a  word. 
proud. enigmatic. vain. resentful. jealous. determined. confident. competitive. refined. spoiled. 
rich girl loves daddy's money! isn't life so freaking funny?
the princess was the dragon the whole time. down the rabbit hole politics are still power. fur coats and sharp heels, filed nails and sharp smiles. everything you touch either pricks or burns. pearls falling slowly off their snapped string. long silhouettes in front of thick red curtains. pointed toes, polished floors, venom and volcanoes.
let’s  talk  about  francesca. 
so the grahams were richer than they had any business being. so they hoarded wealth like the literal dragons they are. so francesca went through nannies like a normal little girl went through milk cartons. so what?
francesca was a happy baby, but she always had a bit of a mean streak. she broke rules and blamed it on her brother. she got in trouble for hair pulling on playdates. she frequently made up clubs just to keep others out.
the childhood of a dragon is long and exhaustive. even today the graham siblings are rather young. they spent decades, centuries perfecting how to get on each other's nerves. ever competitive, their parents didn't shy away from pitting them against each other for attention and praise. chess was always desperate to please her parents, especially her father.
to be a graham is to exist through entitlement and self confidence. always carefully considered, francesca's earliest and favorite hobbies included pottery, math, shopping, and dance. especially in dance, she was naturally gifted. particularly in that annoying way where someone doesn't even have to try .. so she's danced for hundreds of years. her movements are ancient and refined. poised, exhibiting control beyond control. as she aged and her powers became stronger - hotter inside her blood - dance cooled the temper that ballooned with her strength.
marina island never felt large enough for her, but she's too stubborn to leave her family behind, so she stews in her dissatisfaction. she would kill for her brother vincent, but their relationship is still complicated. they never learned how to not be at each other's throats, how to look someone else in the eye and see an equal and not a competitor. she's really insecure and locking it away behind a hundred iron walls.
she's attended university a few times in her years. she has a habit of collecting degrees when she gets bored. so far she's obtained bachelor's degrees in political science, physics, dance, art history, and finance. right now she's enrolled in a wine tasting class. kind of just fucks around and learns things.
been at one time a part of a lot of different friend groups but she always inevitably gets herself kicked out or leaves. abandonment issues and a god complex are hard to get along with forever. drugs tw but coke problem. vyvanse. uppers. overpays for them to keep things very quiet.
she's too hot to be evil!!!!!!!!.
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pronoun-checks · 3 months
Hey there! Wondering if we could get some feminine/neutral V names, with ties to spiders, gods/godesses/mythology of any culture, or the colour blue if possible? Also with "Bad Bitch Vibes" as it's telling me- (These are for a headmate -v-) The names aren't required to start with V btw!! Just a purrefurence!
So there aren't repeats, they already go by Vinny & Vee (And their source name, which we aren't fully comfortable disclosing as it's controversial to some.)
They'd also like xenopronouns with similar themes of mythology, spiders, blue, and the number 8? As well as neopronouns such as xe/xem or ae/aers, stuff like that-
Thank you!
~ 🧭&🕷️, @starry-fieldcollective
Sure thing!
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fidenciojesusfan92 · 1 year
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Agent Haunting the Agent Venom of Danny Phantom (Earth-616)
it’s no secret that Danny Phantom is largely inspired by Spiderman, with a lot of DP characters being based on spidey characters - and its possibly most obvious with Dash Baxter being based on the most notable bully-turned-friend of all time, Flash Thompson.
of course, Flash Thompson ended up bonding with the symbiote to become Agent Venom, a hero and ally to his pal spidey - so my partner and i were thinking wouldn’t it be cool if Dash got something similar? working with that premise, we immediately started brainstorming and eventually decided that, well. if Shade’s whole deal involves using shadows to camouflage herself and others - so, different from intangibility - but still with all the abilities of a typical ghost including overshadowing, then surely she would qualify as the most analogous to the symbiote wouldn’t she?
so the idea is based on elmer’s summary of Shade’s deal being that she would be an enemy turned ally to Valerie, and somewhere in the middle of this - either as an enemy or after she’s an ally - she overshadows Dash for whatever reason, but they get character development and willingly decide to become the hero PolterDash in a similar fashion to Agent Venom (well, i was originally thinking just “Poltergeist” but given all the other alter ego names it seems inserting Dash’s name in the word is more likely…)
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