#Valentines day horro
aperfecthalosblog · 7 months
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Freddy Krueger Valentines day pastel pink 20oz or 30oz skinny tumbler (Glow in dark)
This listing is for one 20oz or 30oz skinny tumbler.. Glow in dark Option..
Vacuum insulated tumbler with lid and straw. Drinks stay ice cold or steaming hot ALL DAY LONG. Perfect for hot coffee in the morning, cold drinks all day long, or wine at the end of the day.
These are custom made and can be custom made for you with a process called sublimation..
Add a name or saying
Since these are handmade the image maybe slightly different then pictured
** All tumblers should be hand washed and not placed in the dishwasher.
There is no actual glitter the image make it appear like glitter..
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coolbonnieart · 8 months
(Tw: body horror)
When love struck ( a pizza tower au comic)
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( part 1, part 2 )
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davef85 · 7 years
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Have some Valentines
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beaglelinefics · 7 years
My Soulmate Has to be an Asshole
Doyoung X Reader (Gender Neutral)
Writer: Jaime
Summary: Soulmate AU in which when one soulmate dyes their hair, it changes the color of the other soulmate’s hair.
            To say you were upset when you woke up would be an understatement. When you went to bed the night before, you expected to get up the next morning with the same color hair as when you fell asleep, but no, apparently that was too much to ask for. Because when you walked into the bathroom to get ready for the day and looked in the mirror, you were greeted with purple hair. Purple hair! Your eye twitched just a bit as you realized your soulmate had dyed their hair yet again. The first few years of your life had been fine; you’d lived on with your natural hair color, but then someone must have changed within your soulmate because suddenly you woke up with your hair a shade of brown that you’d never had before. That was fine, though, at least it was a nice, natural color that wouldn’t get you in too much trouble with any school officials or, you know, your parents, but then sometime last year you woke up with—surprise!—orange hair. And that’s when you started resenting your soulmate. Just a bit. You’d had to go to class with orange hair, and, just your luck, was served detention for dyeing your hair such an outlandish color. Even with the explanation that it wasn’t your fault, you had to sit there in silence for an entire week. You weren’t really looking forward to explaining the new change to your boss later today or your friends, for that matter. Their soulmates didn’t dye their hair bright colors!
            So, with one last silent curse at your soulmate, you got ready and stuffed your hair into a hat before leaving your apartment to get to the class you had that morning. You spent the entire journey planning on how to avoid your friends until you could pick up a box of black hair dye from the convenience store. You figured that someone so obsessed with bright colors would be pissed at suddenly having black hair, and honestly all you wanted right now was some revenge. You’d heard stories of some people dyeing their hair rainbow in retaliation, but you assumed your soulmate would actually appreciate that. So, no, they would be waking up to a head of natural—and boring in their opinion probably—black hair. And when you finally met them, they better square up because you were not going to be happy. Not after all they put you. You were still a bit bitter about the whole detention situation. That had been the one disciplinary action on your entire record! You wouldn’t let that stand, even if you met your soulmate twenty years from now. You were known to hold a grudge, and a grudge you would hold.
            “Hey, nice hat,” one of the kids in your class complimented as you sat down beside them. “Is it new?”
            “No, I just haven’t had an excuse to wear it until now,” you answered lowly. “Woke up today with a surprise from my soulmate.”
            “Ah,” he replied in understanding, “I see. How bad is it?”
            “It’s pretty bad.” You leaned in so you could continue talking as the professor entered the room. “It’s purple.”
            He winced empathetically when he heard exactly what color you had been blessed with that morning. “Could be worse, though,” he offered with a shrug. “My friend once dyed his hair bright red. I feel sorry for his soulmate.”
            “Tell me about it. And another friend dyes his hair practically every two months.”
            “What a terrible person.”
            “I know, right? I don’t know what possesses him to do it, honestly. I get the feeling his soulmate will actually murder him when they finally meet.”
            “I know I would.”
            He let out a laugh before focusing on the professor who had begun to speak. You, too, turned your attention to the lesson and took notes as diligently as you could while still fuming from the events of the morning. Honestly you hoped you met your soulmate soon so you could yell at them because who even had purple hair? You’d had a hard time finding a job with the whole orange hair thing, and you didn’t want to think of what your boss would think about you suddenly having purple hair, even if it wasn’t your fault. One could only be so understanding before the rules and regulations forced their hand. You were pretty sure the restaurant you worked for had pretty strict rules about hair color, which was ridiculous considering the whole soulmate thing. Like where did they get off? Not everyone had normal soulmates! Some people were unfortunately stuck with soulmates who liked dyeing their hair strange colors! You let out a groan as your class ended, meaning you would have to face the music with your employer.
            “Work?” your classmate guessed with a sympathetic smile.
            “Yep. And they aren’t so tolerant with bright hair colors.”
            “Good luck, bro.”
            “Thanks. I’ll see you around.”
            You waved goodbye to each other before going your separate ways, him probably off to his dorm and you off to work. You mentally prepared yourself for the tongue lashing you were going to receive when you took off the hat and passed by your boss. You wondered if it was too late to get that job at Taco Bell… you hated the smell of it in there, but you’d be willing for the money. After you got fired here, you were going to be desperate for one just to get food on the table. Your roommate had a habit of eating literally everything in sight, and he enjoyed eating his way through your paycheck. You slowly changed into your uniform, loitering by your employee locker to stall until your shift started so you wouldn’t have to take your hat off just yet. You glared enviously at all your co-workers with normal hair. Why couldn’t you be so lucky?
            “Y/N,” your boss called almost immediately after you ducked out of the employee changing room, “could you come here for a moment? What happened with your hair?”
            “Uh, y’know, I really wish I knew, but unfortunately it was like this when I woke up.”
            You nervously tugged at the silvery-purple locks, desperately trying to avoid eye contact with the woman who signed your paycheck every two weeks. She eyed your hair in disappointment, but ultimately there was nothing she could do. It wasn’t really your fault if your soulmate dyed their hair. Unfortunately it was something everyone had to deal with, so she just gave you a look and sent you on your way. You didn’t need to be told twice. Free from any scolding, you quickly scampered to your post at the hostess stand and smiled brightly at all the customers who came in looking for a nice meal. Oh man, when you got your hands on your soulmate…
            A crash and loud curse could be heard as your roommate scrambled to his feet to flee from your wrath. He knew that snappy tone, and he knew to stay far away from you when you spoke in it. Unfortunately for him, you were determined and on the war path. You wrapped your arms around his waist and tugged him down with you as you plopped down on the couch. He looked up at you with wide eyes, offering you an innocent smile when he saw just how angry you were; he hoped he wasn’t the cause of your anger because that usually didn’t turn out too great for him.
            “So, uh, rough day at work?”
            You wordlessly yanked off your hat, displaying your newly colored tresses to him, and he threw back his head to laugh at your misery.
            “Oh my god, that’s so great!”
            “Jaehyun, this is not funny,” you whined as you smacked his arm. “You don’t have to deal with stuff like this!”
            He continued to laugh but maneuvered you so you were tucked into his side comfortably; usually you wouldn’t get too mad at him if he was cuddling you. You two would often act touchy with each other, probably more than most roommates should, but when you were stressed college students, you would take all the comfort you could get, and until you guys met your soulmates, that comfort would just come from each other. He rubbed your arm in an attempt to sooth you as his laughter finally died down.
            “I’m sorry, dude, I just couldn’t help it,” he apologized with a small snicker. “It’s funny how your soulmate is never content with a natural hair color like me.”
            “Dyeing your hair blonde isn’t much better, Jeffrey,” you grumbled while curling into him some more. “Pretty sure your soulmate was still upset with you for that.”
            “Probably. But at least their hair wasn’t purple when they woke up.”
            “I’ll kill them. I really will.”
            “Right, okay, sweetheart.”
            “I will!” You pouted up at him and poked his side. “You’re going to help, right?”
            “Oh, you know me. I’m a lover, not a fighter.”
            “You literally almost punched an old woman for taking the last box of pizza rolls at the grocery store last week.”
            “I am a growing boy! I need them more than her!”
            “Note to self: make sure my soulmate has the last box of pizza rolls when you two meet.”
            “Oh, hell, if they do, bitch better square up!”
            You laughed and shook your head fondly at your roommate. When you two first moved in, you weren’t sure how well it was going to work out. It was your first time living away from home, and to have your first roommate be a guy? Yeah, you were terrified. But you two bonded over a severe love of food and drama, and now you were practically inseparable. It really helped when it came time for post Valentine’s Day sales on chocolate. You guys loaded up with as much candy you could carry and stashed them all over the apartment to get you guys through until the post Halloween sales. It really was like a match made in heaven. If you hadn’t woken up with your orange hair after Jaehyun had dyed his blonde, you would have been sure you were soulmates. But, alas, fate had not deemed you two to spend eternity together. So you were left plotting your soulmate’s murder with Jaehyun.
            “What if they’re cute?” he asked later that night as you two started to drift off. “Could you really kill such a fine piece of ass?”
            “I don’t care if they’re Beyoncé,” you replied with a snort. “They’re going to pay for what they’ve done.”
            “…Could you really kill Beyoncé?” he whispered in horror as if you’d just said you had murdered a puppy.
            “…Okay, so maybe I’ll let it slide if they’re Beyoncé.” There was no way in hell you could ever even raise your voice at Beyoncé, let alone kill her. “Anyone else, though, and they’re catching these hands.”
            “Let me just say that Jay-Z is so lucky to have Beyoncé in his life,” Jaehyun said drowsily as he tugged you tighter to his chest. “That man… he gets to wake up every morning to the presence of an actual goddess.”
            You yawned right in his face and blinked back the few tears that had formed from the sheer intensity of the action. “I get to wake up to the presence of an actual pig.”
            He laughed sleepily and blew a raspberry into the inside of your elbow. “A cute pig, though.”
            “Eh, I guess.”
            You smiled at your best friend and fell asleep happy, finally getting over the anger you felt when looking in the mirror that morning. If there was one thing Jaehyun was good for, it was making you feel better when you were in a shitty mood. It was like a superpower really, but you wouldn’t ever tell him because it wasn’t fair that he had another one besides inhaling food at the speed of light. It was probably better for everyone if you just kept this one to yourself. His soulmate was going to be very lucky when they finally met Jaehyun; the kid could cook a mean meal, eat his own weight in junk food, and could honestly achieve world peace with his smile. All you got was some dick who thought purple hair was cool.
            “What about him?”
            “Jeffrey, his hair is blonde.”
            You and Jaehyun were eating ice cream in the park one fine day, people watching and having a blast pointing out people who could possibly be their friend’s soulmate. So far, Jaehyun had a solid five people, and you had a solid none. Apparently no one shared your fun hair color; who would’ve thought?
            “How can you tell?” he asked as he took a spoonful of your treat. “He’s wearing that ridiculous fedora.”
            “Look at his sideburns.”
            “Ew, look at them.” He gagged dramatically before patting your leg. “I’m pretty sure I just threw up a bit in my mouth.”
            “Congrats. You’re disgusting.”
            “Listen, I paid for your ice cream. I could very well ruin your whole life right now if I wanted to.” He mimicked smacking the cone from her hand. “One little flick of my wrist and BOOM! Entire life shatters to pieces onto the pavement right before your eyes.”
            “…I’ve been living with a sociopath this entire time without knowing,” you told him as you tried to shield your ice cream from the monster beside you. “Oh my god, I’ve been cuddling with a sociopath this entire time! I gave you my food,” you finished in a horrified whisper.
            “Yeah you better watch your back.”
            He wrapped an arm around you as you both went back to eating your ice cream, all threats forgotten as they enjoyed the nice weather. It had been raining the past few weeks, and you two had finally left the nest you’d made for yourselves to chase the sunshine. It was the first day either of you had been outside without being completely covered in what seemed like at least a month. You admired how his hair seemed almost golden in the light from the sun, and he twirled his fingers through your purple hair, which you’d both actually grown fond of.
            “Oh, hey, there’s Mark,” you pointed out lazily.
            You watched the younger boy talk excitedly to his friend as the pair drew closer to where you were lounging on the bench. Both Mark and his friend wore snapbacks, a change from Mark’s usual choice of beanies. Guess the coming of spring meant he needed to mix it up from his winter wardrobe. You and Jaehyun lifted your hands to wave to the boy who eagerly waved back and changed his path so he could make his way over to where you two were soaking up the sun.
            “Hey, Mark,” Jaehyun greeted. “You guys taking advantage of the break in rain?”
            “Doyoung and I were actually heading to meet up with Johnny and Winwin to get some coffee. Do you guys want to join?”
            “Oh, ew, gross,” you said in mock disgust. “Spending time with that giant? I mean, I love Winwin, but having to be around Johnny?” You exchanged a look with Jaehyun and laughed. “Count us in.”
            The two of you stood from the bench and threw away the napkins soaked with melted ice cream before joining Mark and his friend. You looked at the tall boy curiously and nudged Mark with your elbow.
            “Are you going to introduce us to your friend or…?”
            “Oh, right! Guys, this is Doyoung. He just moved in with Taeil. Doyoung, this is Jaehyun and Y/N. They’re roommates.”
            You shook his hand and smiled. “It’s nice to meet you, Doyoung. Tell me, has Ten tried to bring you a cake yet? If not, look out for that. Johnny told me he never washes his hands before baking.” You blinked when you noticed he was staring at your hair, probably not even listening to what you were saying. “Oh, yeah, sorry about this. I woke up last month with purple hair. It really isn’t as bad as when my soulmate decided to dye his hair orange.”
            “Have you met them?” he blurted out as he was finally shaken from whatever trance he’d been in before. “Have you met your soulmate yet?”
            “Ha, nope!” Jaehyun answered for you. “They’re still plotting how to get back at them for all this.”
            “You don’t like it?”
            “I got detention for the whole orange hair thing,” you told him with a frown. “That was the only thing I’d ever gotten in trouble for.”
            He laughed nervously and gave Mark a wide-eyed look. The other boy just grinned and shrugged. “It’s all you, man,” he said to Doyoung with a grin.
            “What? Am I missing something here?”
            Doyoung slowly reached up to take off his hat, revealing his hair to be the exact color as yours. You kind of just stood there, staring at him slack jawed. This was your soulmate? The cute, lanky dude Mark just happened to be friends with? Oh, hell, now you couldn’t kill him! You sighed and extended your arm to lightly punch Doyoung’s.
            “Why do you have to be cute?” you whined. “Now I can’t be angry with you for my hair!”
            “You think I’m cute?”
            “That does not make it any less annoying that you dyed our hair such strange colors, sir. You have a lot of explaining to do.”
            “Okay, but you think I’m cute?”
            “My hair is purple!”
            “Hey, it looks cute on you! And you obviously think it looks cute on me!”
            “That isn’t the point! Square up, Doyoung, because I am not living the rest of my life with these outlandish colors you have a thing for!”
            “Whoa, wait, can’t we compromise!”
            “A week of detention!”
            “Alright, okay, I can respect tha—ow!”
          The two of you were laughing as you chased Doyoung, your soulmate, around the park, pretending to still be angry for the whole orange and purple hair thing. To be honest, you didn’t have any room to feel anger, not with how happy you were to have actually found the person you were going to spend the rest of your life with. Hell, you’d let him dye his hair green if it meant you could spend eternity looking at that bunny smile of his. You’d spent the last few years cursing your unknown soulmate, but now that you’d found him, you’d spend the next many loving him, crazy hair and all.
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aperfecthalosblog · 7 months
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Chucky and Tiffany 20oz or 30oz skinny tumbler (Glow in dark option) This listing is for one 20oz or 30oz skinny tumbler ( Glow in dark option) Vacuum insulated tumbler with lid and straw. Drinks stay ice cold or steaming hot ALL DAY LONG. Perfect for hot coffee in the morning, cold drinks all day long, or wine at the end of the day. These are custom made and can be custom made for you with a process called sublimation.. Add a name or saying Since these are handmade the image maybe slightly different then pictured ** All tumblers should be hand washed and not placed in the dishwasher. There is no actual glitter the image make it appear like glitter.. Check out my other listings if you can't find what your looking for message me I can put almost any image on a tumbler..
0 notes
aperfecthalosblog · 7 months
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Chucky and Tiffany 20oz or 30oz skinny tumbler (Glow in dark)
This listing is for one 20oz or 30oz skinny tumbler ( Glow in dark option)
Vacuum insulated tumbler with lid and straw. Drinks stay ice cold or steaming hot ALL DAY LONG. Perfect for hot coffee in the morning, cold drinks all day long, or wine at the end of the day.
These are custom made and can be custom made for you with a process called sublimation..
Add a name or saying
Since these are handmade the image maybe slightly different then pictured
** All tumblers should be hand washed and not placed in the dishwasher.
There is no actual glitter the image make it appear like glitter..
Check out my other listings if you can't find what your looking for message me I can put almost any image on a tumbler..
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