#Val Habar
monsterhuntermusic · 1 month
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mrmachupichu · 1 month
I've been pretty meh on the new monsters in Wilds so far UNTIL this trailer. I looove rose spider. Railgun dragon is pretty cool too now that I can see it better. And we got a bit more of that Monster Hunter goof as well (still hoping there's an adorable Felyne chef cooking animation). So yeah I'm pretty happy!
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Monster Hunter x Hetalia Concept Sheets :Old World Wyverians {{AU Collaboration with @gremlins-hotel}} Introducing Arthur the Guild Commander of Loc Lac, & Feliciano + Romano the Merchant Brothers of Val Habar.
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hollowtones · 1 month
ayy monhun fan! what are you thinkin of what we've seen of wilds so far?
The initial trailer they dropped months ago was pretty cool. "World" is my least favourite game that I've played (even thought I liked it a lot!!), and 90% of why I felt that way was "this is the first time they're making a game of this scale / scope / direction", so it's exciting to see them make a successor to it now that they're not also learning how to make a game like it from the bottom-up & not also building the tech side of it from scratch.
Big desert environments have me excited!!!! I love the way these games do deserts. I'm always dreaming of Val Habar. I love the colour palette they're using for this area. Big fan of Yoshi being a new mechanic. In general I'm noticing a lot of things in "Wilds" that feel like a really cool mix of ideas from "World" and "Rise" in a way that feels a little more grounded. It's cool that they're bringing back a buddy you can ride around on & control. I wonder if they'll let Yoshi fight with you. I don't remember if they showed that off already. Getting to hotswap between 2 weapons without having to run back to base camp feels like a big deal that I haven't really wrapped my head around yet.
The focus mode thing seems fine. More granular control over aiming sometimes seems neat, & the footage we've seen makes it feel like positioning & animation commitment are still a part of it, which I like. Expanding part-breaking into "opening wounds that take more damage & enable special attacks" seems cool! (There was a similar-ish tenderizing mechanic with the Clutch Claw in "Iceborne", and I fuckin hated using it. Loved the idea of it at first. Having to do this whole separate action that interrupted the flow of the fight in a weird way to enable more damage felt awful after a while!! And they designed all the fights around the fact that you have it & use it! So I'm glad they're seemingly taking what I liked about it & chucking out the rest, haha.) I remember there was some hubbub about focus existing at all when news was first dropping. Some people were mad about it? I feel like this happens every time they announce a new Monster Hunter. They reveal a new feature, and a couple guys crawl out of the woodwork to go "THEY HAVE MADE THE VIDEO GAME PITIFUL AND EASIER - THIS IS THE DEATH OF THE FRANCHISE!" The franchise has died every game since the first one, by my count. (They end up buying the game anyway, of course.) I hope they put out a demo soon, though. I wanna get my hands on it & see how it works in the middle of a fight to see how I actually feel about it.
Weapon & armour design so far has been great. Happy about that. The bits of NPC designs we've seen have been cool. I don't really like the smith's look very much. Which makes me sad because I'm pretty sure she's supposed to be Little Miss Forge. LOL
When they first showed the game off I remember thinking "yeah, that's cool, I'm looking forward to this, but it's coming out Next Year & we're not even halfway done with 2024." Well now we're almost two thirds of the way through the year. And they keep dropping gameplay trailers. And they look hype as fuck!! And now I'm feeling more impatient!!! I wanna try this shit out soon!!! I wonder if they'll drop a public demo after Gamescom or something. I wonder if my computer could even run it...
I liked the way Hunting Horn played in "Rise" but it's cool to see the more traditional recitals back. (But faster!! And with new combo paths!!) I think I've spent a cumulative hour or two watching that horn trailer over and over again for little details. The funny bubble reminds me of bead of resonance but it seems like it might also be some kind of AoE team buff? It could also just be extra damage like bead was. But I loved bead. So I'll take it. Being a Hunting Horn fan is accepting that you'll be playing an entirely different weapon in every subsequent game, so I suppose I fuss less about whether or not it plays like any one specific game. But mannnnnn it looks cool as hell this time around.
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cmykristyplays · 10 months
MH6 MH6 i must ramble about dearest MH6
I'm super invested in the OST starting with a synth and going almost full EDM before the more triumphant classic MH music plays. Going off Zinogre and Astalos, this is probably referencing the flagship and/or important Elder has lightning abilities. More obviously, it or both have something to do with the insane lightning striking the pangolin dinosaurs and lightning spikes in the area.
Unless it's just a design choice for the logo, either the flagship or final Elder is shaped like a snake, wee! This could land Najarala and its rig back in the series!
Also based on the logo, could we have an Ibushi & Narwa double elder/flagship going on? As above, so below... a snake in the sky and a snake underground.
The big Goss-like fanged wyverns seem almost like they're pack hunting. They'd be some pretty big Small Monsters - could this be a sort of multi-Big Monster? They could also be almost like a miniboss with no "Great" at all, or their Great is a higher tier threat and BIG.
Will this be the first open world? Who knows! MHWorld was close but not quite there. I'm fine with either open or closed as long as it's executed well.
The dynamic environment (dust storm, lightning, etc) looks so cool right now! I personally prefer the more lively, sometimes dangerous world to explore.
Cautiously optomistic about weather/seasons and how far it'll go. Sounds great now, but I'd hate cycling quests if they're off-season.
Huge fan of the mount, no notes
Idk how far away they are, but I'd LOVE to see something like Val Habar or the Caravan return!
Monster want list: Tetsucabra, Zamtrios, Malfestio, Najarala, Nibelsnarf!!!, Gogmazios (a Third/Fourth Fleet lad can dream, right?)
Now it's the waiting game!
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elendsessor · 6 months
on the 8th of this month, wii u and 3ds servers are shutting down, and i really cannot stress enough how horrible that is not just on a preservation point but how it affects the future of gaming and i think the monster hunter games on both consoles put that into perspective.
ignoring the overall boom in at least 3ds online play because of how easy it is to hack it, i noticed a lot of games are focused more on matchmaking than anything and it’s depressing. while i haven’t done any of 3u’s hub stuff yet, 4u is a perfect example of why we need online hubs.
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i mean aside from how wrong val habar’s hub’s gonna look without players in it especially when an entire lively cutscene shows it off, there is nothing like how hubs worked in old school. 3u and 4/4u’s hubs aren’t locked behind capcom servers and frankly it was all the more welcoming. you’re given so much incentive to interact with players. speaking from my own experiences since i still play online from time to time, the amount of people i met through and talked with in the span of 3-4 hour sessions did help me get used to actually talking and coordinating with others. learned a lot of useful tips, too.
idk there’s something about being forced into a lil hunter family for awhile that is completely unmatched. just being put into online matchups doesn’t. i feel like there’s a lot more toxicity when playing with randos period since you aren’t forced to get along. you don’t even need voice chat for it yet unless you do enable vc or you’re playing with friends, it does make it harder to connect with others.
gu’s switch servers are still up but the problem there comes from how the nintendo switch does online. first ok switch’s online servers suck ass. i’ve had more problems with it than i did with the 3ds and the 3ds is significantly older and is on weaker hardware that shouldn’t be acceptable. but also you have to pay for the online stuff in a subscription format which automatically alienates a good chunk of players. why pay for a crappy online service anyways especially when it’s a lot to begin with and people do not have that kind of money to waste anymore. unless you consistently play on a switch there is no reason to get it. i noticed back in the animal crossing new horizons days how quickly the online dies off mainly because there’s not much to do. new leaf had a hub of its own in a sense (aka the entire town), especially with tortimer island having mini games. after the acnh boom there was nothing, and really the only people who had their islands open were ones for turnip prices and if they had someone like celeste. you’d go in, do whatever, then leave.
old school monster hunter has what i believe to be the most ideal online play and the fact that it’s being taken away is genuinely depressing. there are currently work in progress 3ds servers being made, namely pretendo, but as wonderful as they are, i don’t think it’s fair to anyone that the only way you can see your online friends is through fan servers you’ll have to go through a process to even try and play online.
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gremlins-hotel · 8 months
what species are the monster hunters?
this is an au between myself & @artistically-hershie! the au overall is supposed to be a long story, hopefully someday written and posted as a fic with three main parts. there's a lot man, and with so much more to be added. pretty dang self-indulgent though.
while many hunters are human, alfred & mattie in this au are sons of a mysterious island-dwelling rider tribe located in the old world, off the coast of the primal forest. they personally are a mix between humans and the sea-people (not oft mentioned in lore), hence alfred's slightly pointed ears and webbed hands. alfred is already rare as a rider, and rarer still that he is registered with the guild - mostly as a researcher. ivan is a half-wyverian and a born-and-bred new world hunter that has been sent to the old world more than once; he's...taboo in seliana - where he's from - but he's also their best, so it's a little complicated there.
arthur is a full wyverian and a commander for one of the research fleets, and he's the boss of those two annoying motherfuckers through circumstance. we also have romano and feliciano as (wyverian?) merchants in val habar/loc lac - though it's said they may have once been hunters themselves. ludwig & gilbert are hunters, though they tend to work in the workshop as smiths! bjorn and antonio also make appearances as human hunters. erzse is the most girlboss hunter you've ever seen (she frequents the smithy to annoy her friend and a research base to annoy another friend, roderich). there is a desire to add many more characters as cameos or side-characters in the future.
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joined-shores-art · 10 months
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Introducing my girly on here! 🤗
Viola is the third main character of my fanproject WK in which she's chosen to bear the gift of seaming holes within the fabric of reality itself. As a multifandom crossover she stems from the world of Dundorma but is found by Sora and eventually becomes something like an older sibling to him as their journey goes on, throughout notably the worlds of Kingdom Hearts, Monster Hunter, RWBY and NieR Automata. Despite being unable to use other magic abilities, Viola does her best to keep up with the others, even if it means her shoulder wound caused by Maleficent may not heal properly.
You may be wondering how the wound disapears in the alt outfits, that is Faux S.M.B in action! It acts like a second skin to protect it's wearer from fatal injury but also comes with a camo option. It is meant to aid the WK cast to have a better chance in Remnant, but Vi uses it to her, well, "advantage" so people don't stare all the time as she does not enjoy the extra attention despite her mentality being all for visible wounds and scars. That is one thing she really hates about herself now, being a hypocrite to her own morals. Despite her younger brother Davis, Sora and the others deeply appreciating her for her nurturing and calm personality, she doesn't think positively about herself and can become stubborn and angry rather fast if it means to put a foot down.
Basic Description: Full Name: Viola Richter Age: 18-19 years old Birthday: March 10th (Debut of WK Chapter 1 in 2019) Sexuality: Bisexual Height: 1,57 cm Weight: 62,4 kg Job: Huntress (Former), Nurse Home: Bherna (Place of birth), Val Habar (Former), Radiant Garden (Current)
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votyasche · 10 months
★ process video ★
I really liked how this painting turned out, so I threw together a little process video for fun.
audio: rocking in the caravan, val habar - Monster Hunter 4Ultimate OST
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venalos · 8 days
((@storiedocs Chiyo and the Caravan!))
They’ve planned a party for him at the Guild Hall, because of course they have. There’s even a giant mooncake, courtesy of Mao, the Street Cook. (Whose oven did he have to borrow to make that…?)
Chiyo patted Ameth on the shoulder. “…Happy birthday.” (It was about as touchy-feely as she ever got.)
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Ameth would have returned to Val Habar even for the sight alone, let alone the oncoming celebration.
Val Habar's Gathering Hall erupted into cheers the moment he stepped in! The signature bangs of party poppers were peppered across the gathered crowd, confetti raining from above. There were balloons everywhere, in all manners of shape and colour, some floating along on strings while others were hanging from the ceiling. The tables were positively buckling under the weight of food and drink, more than enough for everyone gathered, though the colossal mooncake was the obvious centrepiece.
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Of course, the excitement did lull somewhat the moment Goldie followed through the entrance, but that did not last long.
Ameth (and his ever-loyal Pokémon, of course) was quite the big deal! What with him surpassing insurmountable odds and saving countless lives, it would come to no surprise that there were plenty of people present he did not know on a personal level. Said people quickly swarmed around him; many congratulating him, wishing him well, or simply wanting to get a closer look at this near legendary figure.
Who better than the Caravaneer and Val Habar's Guildmaster to arrange such a large party? If anyone knew how to have a good time, it was these two. Speaking of, Ameth spotted the two by the hall's quest counter, and waved at them like a gleeful child.
The Caravaneer waved back, smiling that award-winning grin of his, and raised an opened bottle in a toast to him. The Val Habar Master, meanwhile, gave a more restrained (yet still undeniably friendly) nod.
Ameth made his way through the cheerful crowd, a task turned child's play thanks to Goldie's massive frame tailing him, until he tracked down Chiyo. The dour Hunter did not seem all that high-spirited, as per usual, having never been one for making her emotions known. Ameth knew better, however, and his smile became genuine as she patted his shoulder and congratulated him to his birthday. Though she was never the 'touchy-feely' type, he knew her well enough to know when she was being sincere.
Really, what else could he have done in this moment other than scooping her up in a great, big hug? He even nuzzled his face against her own for good measure, knowing full well that there was nothing she could do about it because he was a very special birthday boy!
... Okay, well, Chiyo definitely could do something like kick him in the gut, truth be told. If she really wanted to.
"Ouuhh, thanks, Yo-yo!! You're all the best~!"
A sudden yelp and a yowl made Ameth whip his head to the tables, followed by mirth from the surrounding crowds. It would seem Street Cook Mao and Goldie had gotten into a bit of a spat over the feast.
"NO!!! Is not for you!" the Felyne chef hissed, swiping his little claws and waving his ladle threateningly, standing valiantly between the countless dishes and their would-be annihilator.
Goldie replied by flicking him away with one of her wing-claws, like a gnat, before grabbing one of the huge roasts and getting stuck in, her draconic fangs sinking into succulent flesh and tearing away great chunks of it. The Caravaneer roared with laughter at the sight of it, viewing the Risen Shagaru Magala as if she were a misbehaved pooch stealing food from a table and not some calamitous beast that tried to kill him and his caravan all these years ago.
Now was Ameth's turn to laugh, setting Chiyo back down on her feet. His attention still on her, he mused, "It's my birthday and all, but it's also the day I got to meet you and everyone." He then held out an open hand, his expression bright and lively.
"Here's to many more years of getting on each other's nerves, yeah?"
The Street Cook was yowling again, beating on Goldie's head with his ladle, the latter of which far too engrossed with her ill-earned meal to pay (much) attention to the furious cat.
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honey8and0milk · 9 days
Nostalgia plajei....
Vol. O gandire mare, pentru cifra 14 - M. Daniela Mihaela
Era o dimineata… c-am racoroasa. Multa lume ar fi fost in patul lor dormind, dar eu stateam pe o plaja. Nu orice plaja, ci plaja copilariei mele. Aici se auzeau pescarusii din indepartare, si imi alineau indurerarea. Briza imi sufla fiori de gheata prin maduva spinarii, si ma facea sa lacrimez mai tare. Simtind cum inima imi bate mai tare. Lua pe sus si nisipul din imprejurime, iar particulele micute imi intrau in ochi. Incercam sa scot nisipul din ochi, insa am zarit rasaritul care abia incepuse. Soarele arata superb, si se reflecta pe tarmul marii ca intr-o oglinda. Acea imagine ma facea sa simt un sentiment arzator in pieptul meu, nemai-simtind vreodata aceste emotii. Arata ca o pictura familiara care as fi vazut-o in visele mele. Aerul rece imi taia respiratia, si imi usca buzele. Parul castaniu imi intra in fata de la vantul puternic, si imi desfacuse impletiturile facute de mai dinnainte. Cu cat ma apropiam mai mult de apa marii, cu atat de mult simteam focul din piept incepuse sa arda mai tare. Eram desculta si unele scoici imi intrase in talpi. Uitandu-ma mai bine, puteam vedea ca fiecare dintre scoici era speciala in felul ei, laolalta cu defectele ei. Defapt defectele scoicii o evidenteau mai tare, si o facea mai unica decat celelalte. Prin nisipul noioros ,o stea de mare se ratacise cu ajutorul valurilor de mare. Imi adusesem aminte de cand eram copila ,iubeam stelele de mare.
Imi amintesc ca aveam multe visuri si dorinte, pe cand sa ajung mare. Dar putine le-am indeplinit. Putine? Ma scuzati… Adica niciuna! Doresc sa fiu dinnou copil, fara nicio boala, ingrijorare, niciun stress si nimic otravitor pe suflet. Sa pot retrai acele clipe dinnou. In liniste sufleteasca, si neavand habar de aceasta lume putreda.
Dintr-o data simtisem un val rece, trecand peste picioarele mele. Eram uimita la cat de curata era apa marii. La fel de uimita de linistea din imprejur. Eram singura de pe plaja, si ma simteam in siguranta. Ce sentiment ciudat. Siguranta pe care n-am mai simtit-o de ani intregi. Ca si copil nu poti simti pericolul, si nici consecintele.
Oricum de cand crescusem ,tot mai singura ma simteam. Parca tot mai multe persoane ma uitau, prin gandurile lor ingramadite. Dar atunci… era sinfonia valurilor si a pescarusilor cu mine. Nu eram singura in momentul acela, ci eram impreuna cu creatiile lui Dumnezeu . Simteam in sfarsit ca cineva ma intelege, chiar daca ar fi sunat ciudat.
In viata asta facusem multe decizii regretabile. Dar asa a devenit viata omului, initial omul era perfect fix dupa cum l-a creat Dumnezeu. Dar din cauza vicleanului de “sarpe”, Adam impreuna cu Eva au facut cel mai mare pacat care a schimbat intreaga lume. Ci au mancat marul din pomul cunoastereii a binelui si raul. Deci eu n-am putut sa evit pacatul, si daca mi-sar fi dat decizia sa schimb situatia din care eram. Tot nu as fi putut. Noi oamenii nu suntem in stare sa schimbam o viata putreda in una mai buna. Nici daca am avea o inteligenta mai inalta, si am fi unul dintre cei mai destepti oameni. Deoarece nu se compara cu puterea creatorului nostru. Ar fi penibil ca un om sa se creada mai spre sus decat un dumnezeu. Insa in zilele din acestea, se intample cat mai des. Oamenii nu mai au frica de Dumnezeu, si sunt egoisti. Crezand ca destinul se afla in mana lor propie, si pot alege ce sa se intample. Jucandu-se cu focul, zdrobind betonul, si arzand gheata. Iubind sa taie si sa spanzure pe cine vor ei. Arantu-si prostia si rusinea oamenilor. Ca intr-un final… sa le vina sfarsitul perioadei lor de aur.
Nimeni nu scapa de judecata. Poti primi devreme sau mai tarziu, dupa cum ai dat. (de continuat)
Aceasta mica compunere am scris-o initial pentru un concurs de la scoala. Insa nu l-am mai terminat fiidnca nu respecta subiectul dat din partea concursului. Si am facut alta compunere,iar acesta l-am abandonat crezand ca intr-o buna zi o sa-l pot termina.
UItati ca astazi am avut inspiratia sa-l pot continua, si sa-r putea in cateva zile cand mai am timp sa-l termin de asemenea.
Daca aveti niste sfaturi pentru felul in care am scris... Va rog frumos sa imi spuneti! Va multumesc ca v-ati folosit timpul pretios si l-ati citit. <3
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pastballads · 3 months
Where does your muse feel most comfortable at? (Chantelle) What is your muse's favorite food dish? Are they able to make it themselves? (Tino) What is a habit your muse has, which they consider perfectly normal, but others think is weird? (Kouki)
Untitled Headcanon Questions. | Accepting. | @dcviated
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Where does your muse feel most comfortable at? (Chantelle)
Research Commission members and her worried handler often find Chantelle lazing around at the highest point in the Wildspire Wastes, overlooking the harsh desert environment while she rests against the rocks. It's nothing like home in Val Habar or the Great Desert back in the Old World— no sandships, Jhen Morhan to worry about, no civilians to chat with... but it's close enough to bring her comfort.
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What is your muse's favorite food dish? Are they able to make it themselves? (Tino)
Although he has no go-to dishes for lunch and dinner, Tino's favorite breakfast is granita di caffe— a semi-frozen Sicilian coffee dessert made and typically served with a soft brioche. Admittedly, he prefers granita di gelsi over the coffee variety, but black mulberries are harder to come by, and nursing a tree for them wouldn't be worth it.
It's a breakfast from back home he hardly has a chance to enjoy. And while he can make it himself if he follows a recipe, his mobile workshop lacks a proper kitchen.
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What is a habit your muse has, which they consider perfectly normal, but others think is weird? (Kouki)
Did you mean: all of his habits?
Goofy answer aside, Kouki has a nasty habit of chewing on things that most normal kids wouldn't. Pull tabs from soda cans, bones from chicken wings, rock candy, cupcake wrappers, wooden furniture, popsicle sticks... the list goes on. His grannies used to have to chase him around the orphanage, trying to make him spit out whatever he had in his mouth like a dog owner chasing after their pet.
He still does it. Just not in front of other people.
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tigwex · 1 year
hello mh mutuals ... come to my friends and mutuals mh server we might do mh d&d
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secretly-on-skooma · 7 years
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My favourite game in the series | Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate | 2015
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letsdothismogastyle · 5 years
Welcome to Val Habar
Panjo was either still adjusting to the massive populations compared to the tiny village he called home, or Val Habar was exceptionally more crowded than usual. His lips stretched thin as he read over the notes for his next quest-- Kelbi horns of all things. This was the best they could come up with. He shook his head-- had he wanted these kinds of quest, he could’ve saved himself the travel fees and just stayed in Moga. Too late now, though.
Maybe Aisha already knew where he was headed and wrote a letter to the new girl to mess with him.
Orrrrr maybe the new girl didn’t appreciate him calling her Smarmy. But c’mon now though, it’s a cute nickname, whats the harm in that?! (‘Sides, that’s what she gets for calling him Doodle.)
“Hot damn.” The hunter was used to the summer heat from Moga, but this desert was a whole different level of toasty. The sun beat down on the hunter, but even moreso where his palico was resting over his shoulders. He could maybe use a drink to kill some time, maybe cool off a little before running off on a wild Baggi chase. If that old coot with the bird was correct, the Gathering Hall wasn’t too far off, but…
Panjo glanced at the Melynx on his shoulder, “Now Poki, I ain’t expectin’ much outta you, but if  ya could maybe keep yer mits to yerself for five seconds just so I don’t end up in the jail house on day one, I’d be much obliged.”
“Boss, nyow why would mew think an upstyanding critter like myself woul--” The young hunter made a very vocal chortle, ruffling the lynians ears. “Oh, shut the hell up, you furry bastard.”
The cool breeze was a treat for the two as they stepped foot into the bustling hall, but more importantly he didn’t feel like the moisture was getting outright sucked out of him. Panjo found a couple of barren seats at a table, gesturing for Poki to hop off his shoulders. The black and white Melynx lept from the hunters shoulders and onto one of the seats.
“Aight, you stay there, I’m gonna find some shit t’ stuff my face with unless yer lookin’ fer somethin’.”
“Nyah, I’ll be fine boss!”
Panjo eyed his mischievous palico, eyes furrowed suspiciously before backing away and turning around.
“Fuckin’ hell.” Panjo huffed, food in one hand and brew in the other. Damn canteen was packed full, and it took them a helluva lot longer than he was comfortable leaving Poki unattended. “M’back.” Panjo plopped his plate on the table with a loud ‘thud.’ “That damn canteen ‘bout as pack as--” The mans eyes trailed and-... Oh, speak of of the Deviljho. His lips curled in when he noticed the plate of half eaten food that very much wasn’t there before he left in front of Poki and the stray gravy on his whiskers. “...The hell did you get that?”
Poki glanced at the food, then back at his hunter, and back to the food.
“I found it, nya.”
“Fer fucks sake, cat! I asked if you wanted anything!”
“What?” Poki licked his messy chops,“It was just sitting there and if nyabody was going to claim it, that’s just wasted food and meowny!”
Panjo shook his head. As much as he wanted to strangle the damn cat, he couldn’t help but be mildly entertained that his palico managed to sneak an entire goddamn meal from under some poor bastards nose. He put his hand to his grinning mouth when he noticed a figure and a felyne approaching them. “Poki, I swear to god, that better not be them.”
Damn cat always got him into trouble, even now.
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