Day 1
2023 May 7
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I am a 47-year-old nonbinary/genderqueer/tumtum individual that is 5'2.5" (158.75cm). I have mobility issues and use forearm crutches, a walker, and a wheelchair daily. I'd like to get down to a healthier weight and strengthen my core muscles. This is my journey.
Used the Yoga for Weight Loss application (found on the Google App Store). It was Day 1 of their beginner yoga plan. My OCD would not let me just have it start on the 7th day of the month, so I moved the calendar back and did 4 days worth. (It's more like 3 days because they make you rest after the third day.) I tried to get the rest of them up to today's yoga workout but there were internet issues. I will try again later.
I went to the gym after that. I intended to work on my Zombies, Run! app while trying a modified 12-3-30 treadmill workout. (That is where the treadmill is at a 12% incline at 3mph for 30 minutes.)
I modified it by first easing myself into it, giving myself 11 minutes to warm up, and gradually getting up to the required incline and mph. I also added an 11-minute cool down with the same slow progress.
In the end, a 5-6% incline at 2-2.5mph for 30 minutes was where I was most comfortable pushing myself without danger of injury.
I also finished Zombies, Run! Virtual Race 2, Training Mission 2. I'll have to make a separate post with those stats after this. Tumble broke adding photos on mobile.
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