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Day 14
2023 May 21
We took the family to Disneyland for our son Andy's 16th birthday/Mother's Day. It is rather sad to say that only my wife and I are the only two that have made the trip previously as a family, as the three children that went with us in prior years are now adults with their own lives, and the others were yet to be born or come into our family. Even that statement is a stretch... my wife and I were dating at the time.
I have kept moving. Two days ago I also helped clean my other son, Brendon's room. He has cerebral palsy among other issues and asked for my assistance. I was having a good pain day, so we made great progress. It is only half done, but he's depressed, so I am very proud of him. It is hard to ask for help.
That took a lot out of me. I've still been trying to move... But it's been much less until I recover.
(I thought I lost this post. Tumblr changed how you add images on mobile, so now if I want to add any they have to come as a share from my photo gallery outside of the app. If the phone's screen turns off for any reason usually I will lose the post. Brendon came in for his shot and the phone timed out. Imagine my surprise this morning when it asked if I wanted to restore the draft when it hadn't before.)
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Day 3
2023 May 10
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I did day 1 of the "Lose weight & keep fit" workout of the Leap Fitness Group's "Home Workout for Women (Beta)". I hate that I have to choose gendered bullshit. The yoga app I use is by the same group.
I did not do yoga today. I wasn't feeling up to it. I did a little walking though, aside from the workout.
The family is going to be going to Disneyland on Sunday for our son's birthday/Mother's Day, and I will need my strength.
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Day 2
2023 May 9
I was still pretty sore and in a lot of pain from the yoga and adaptive treadmill workout from Sunday, but I had to take my son, Brendon to La Jolla for a medical appointment. There was a lot of driving and so much walking. So that's good (the walking part, I mean).
On the other hand... I wanted to die. I need to work on my stamina, but I realize that I can't will myself to just BE FIT... even if I wish it were so. It is the same way with my disability. *sigh*
I must be kind to myself. That is the hardest to be. (This was written on 2023 May 10.)
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Day 1 (cont'd...)
2023 May 7
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Learned disturbing things about a new virus while escaping the monster-filled base. #zombiesrun
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Day 1
2023 May 7
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I am a 47-year-old nonbinary/genderqueer/tumtum individual that is 5'2.5" (158.75cm). I have mobility issues and use forearm crutches, a walker, and a wheelchair daily. I'd like to get down to a healthier weight and strengthen my core muscles. This is my journey.
Used the Yoga for Weight Loss application (found on the Google App Store). It was Day 1 of their beginner yoga plan. My OCD would not let me just have it start on the 7th day of the month, so I moved the calendar back and did 4 days worth. (It's more like 3 days because they make you rest after the third day.) I tried to get the rest of them up to today's yoga workout but there were internet issues. I will try again later.
I went to the gym after that. I intended to work on my Zombies, Run! app while trying a modified 12-3-30 treadmill workout. (That is where the treadmill is at a 12% incline at 3mph for 30 minutes.)
I modified it by first easing myself into it, giving myself 11 minutes to warm up, and gradually getting up to the required incline and mph. I also added an 11-minute cool down with the same slow progress.
In the end, a 5-6% incline at 2-2.5mph for 30 minutes was where I was most comfortable pushing myself without danger of injury.
I also finished Zombies, Run! Virtual Race 2, Training Mission 2. I'll have to make a separate post with those stats after this. Tumble broke adding photos on mobile.
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