creepingsharia · 4 years
‘Tortured Beyond Recognition’: Muslim Persecution of Christians, December 2020
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Christians executed by jihadis on Christmas Day in Nigeria.
by Raymond Ibrahim
The following are among the abuses inflicted on Christians by Muslims throughout the month of December, 2020:
The Slaughter of Christians
Nigeria: In a video that appeared on Dec. 29, Islamic terrorists executed five Christians. The footage showed five armed members of the Islamic State (West African province) standing behind five men dressed in orange suits with their arms tied behind their backs and on their knees.  The terrorists order each of the men to say their names and the hostages oblige, each adding, “I am a Christian.”  One of the terrorists then says “This is a warning to Christians in all parts of the world and those in Nigeria….   Use the heads of these five of your brethren to continue with your ungodly celebrations,” a reference to Christmas.  The five Muslims then open fire into the back of the Christians’ heads and kill them.
A few days earlier, on Christmas Eve, and for several hours into the early morning of Christmas Day, Muslim raiders terrorized a Christian village, where they slaughtered between seven and 11 people, including a 5-year-old, and kidnapped 11 more (it is believed that the five Christians who were executed on video were from among these 11).  Riding on trucks and motorcycles, the jihadis opened fire indiscriminately, torched 10 homes and one church, and plundered the food supplies meant to be distributed on Christmas Day.  Although traumatized, some Christians remained defiant, as captured by a Christmas Day text by one Markus Bulus, a local:
Whatever Boko Haram planned against us has failed.   Whatever it is, we shall still celebrate Christmas. Jesus, we’re so grateful this day even with the bad experience we had last night. We have nothing to offer as our thanksgiving, but we offer our hearts in deep supplication to your majesty on this Christmas Day.
Elsewhere throughout the month of December, Muslim Fulani herdsmen “killed 33 Christians, destroyed 18 homes and displaced more than 2,500 people.” Moreover, according to a report released by the International Society for Civil Liberties & the Rule of Law (“INTERSOCIETY”), Muslims have massacred at least 2,200 Nigerian Christians between Jan. 2020 and Dec. 13, 2020.  Of this figure, “Jihadist Fulani Herdsmen,” it said, were responsible for about “1,300 Christian deaths, followed by Boko Haram and its splinter groups (ISWAP and Ansaru) with 500 Christian deaths….   In other words, Nigeria in 2020 has lost average of six Christians per day and 180 per month.”
Uganda: A Muslim mob attacked and killed a man “a few days after he renounced Islam to follow Christ.” On Nov. 30, Yusuf Kintu, 41, then an imam at a mosque, converted to Christianity. “We had been talking on several occasions,” Pastor Andrew Nyanma explained, “but he was so argumentative when we touched on matters related to faith. He was a brilliant Muslim Imam but also respected other people’s faith. On this day [of his conversion], he was calm and receptive.”  Three days later, his wife divorced him and left the house with his two youngest children.  On Dec. 6, one week after his conversion—or, in Muslim eyes, apostasy—an angry Muslim mob rose up against him.  According to one source, “the local Muslim community was upset in [sic] Yusuf for leaving Islam and becoming a Christian. Yusuf was seriously beaten and left unconscious.”  Pastor Andrew found him in the morning and took him to a hospital, where Yusuf succumbed to his injuries on Dec. 7.
Egypt:  On Dec. 10, two Muslim brothers went on a stabbing spree targeting Christians in Alexandria; one man was killed and two others were severely injured and hospitalized.  According to authorities, they went on their murderous rampage because they were “upset” that their mother had died earlier that day.   “The matter began with insults and curses to the shopkeepers for being Christians,” explained Fr. Michael Gamil, whose nearby church was also targeted.  “The Copts present responded with patience.  Then, when one of them, Ramses, quietly went to close and lock his shop door, they lunged at and stabbed him with knives.” Ramses’ brother, who ran a grocery store nearby, saw what was happening, rushed to his brother’s aid, and was also stabbed.   The Muslim brothers then barged into the clothing shop of another Christian man and stabbed him in the torso, near his heart.  All three men were hospitalized with serious injuries in intensive care; Ramses died of his wounds.  The rampaging Muslim brothers then entered Fr. Michael’s church and cursed at a partially blind priest.  Discussing the alleged motive, Fr. Michael said: “They [Egyptian authorities] say they started cursing the Copts because their mother died; and two years earlier, they cursed the Copts because their brother died: what do [familial] death and the Copts have to do with each other?”  He emphasized that the two brothers had been in the habit of verbally harassing and insulting Christians for years—though they clearly took their hate to another level on Dec. 10.
Artsakh: Muslim fighters tortured a 58-year-old Christian woman of Armenian descent by hacking off her ears, hands, and feet, before finally executing her.  According to the Jan. 14 report,
On the same day of talks between Erdogan and Putin, when Turkey’s leader said he would like to create conditions of ‘coexistence’ between Armenians and Azeris, officials located the body of an Armenian woman today who had been reported missing.
The woman has been identified as 58-year-old Alvard Tovmasyan who was a resident of Karin Tak village, near the Shushi region of Artsakh currently occupied by Azerbaijani forces.
Tovmasyan was a second degree intellectually disabled person killed and ‘tortured beyond recognition’ outside of her home with her hands, ears, and feet cut off, according to her brother Samvel Tovmasyan who confirmed her identity by recognizing the clothes she was wearing.
As to why she was mutilated before being killed, jihadis often cite the Koran’s calls to cut off the hands, feet, and throats of infidels (e.g., Koran 5:33, 47:4).
According to a separate Dec. 15 Church Militant news report, “Armenians are being brutalized” and have “lost territory to their jihadist neighbors before agreeing to a cease-fire enforced by Russia…. Prior to violating the so-called peace agreement, the Turkish Muslims of Azerbaijan did as Muhammad commanded in beheading Christians.”  The report linked to a video of camouflaged soldiers overpowering and forcing down a struggling, elderly Armenian man, and then casually carving at his throat with a knife: “Azerbaijan has accused Armenia of violating the peace deal first,” the report continues, “but observers note the only provocation Muslims need to attack Armenians is their continued existence.”
Democratic Republic of Congo:  Members of the Allied Democratic Forces, widely acknowledged as “an insurgent jihadist group,” slaughtered at least 30 Christians and raped ten women and girls in five villages between Nov. 20 and Dec. 3. One of the survivors, Tony Longi, managed to escape his home in time and hide in the outside bathroom: “through the ventilator of the latrine he saw the rebels killing 4 members of his family including his wife and 3 children.”  According to one local official, “We got information that as they killed the Christians the[y] were saying that they were killing them because they refused to convert to Islam.”  Another report describing these raids said there were “scenes of terrified Christians flooding into the streets as the jihadists surrounded churches in each of the five villages armed with guns, machetes, clubs, swords and axes.”
Attacks on Muslim Converts and Christian Preachers
Uganda:  A Muslim man beat and forced his wife to drink pesticide on learning that she had become Christian.   Three months after Zubeda Nabirye, a 38-year-old mother of three, had secretly converted, her husband discovered Bibles in her possession and demanded if she had apostatized.  She told him that  “a friend had given me the Bibles, and I was using it to compare it with what is written in the Koran, and after all religion is a matter of personal choice”; she added that “I was convicted and decided to embrace Christianity.”  In response, “My husband began reading verses in the Koran that allowed men to beat their wives if they disobey them, and after that he started beating me with slaps and sticks.  As if this was not enough, he forced me to take Dithane M-45,” a toxic pesticide.  He forced the poison into his wife’s mouth; though she managed not to swallow most of it, she “ingested some while he was trying to strangle her and hitting her leg with sticks… He also injured her chest, neck and thigh.” It was late in the night when “I regained consciousness and found myself surrounded by neighbors.” One of them later explained that “we heard groaning from a nearby banana plant, and there we found Zubeda Nabirye, who had just regained her consciousness but with vomit and blood all over her body.”  They took her to a nearby hospital. According to the Dec. 17 report, “she suspects her husband took her to the banana plants expecting she would die there.”  Even so, she did “not file charges with police over the assault as it could provoke further violence.  She still looks very weak and asks about the wellbeing of her three children,” who at the time were staying with her husband’s mother due to COVID-19 travel restrictions: “I am worried about my children [aged 9, 13, and 16], who are under the care of my mother-in-law,” Zubeda said. “I know it will be very difficult for me to see them and reunite with them.”
In a separate incident in Uganda, on Dec. 21, Muslims gang-raped a female church pastor. The widowed mother of five was walking home from Christmas preparations at her church when she heard someone crying for help in the dark. “When I stopped,” explained the 50-year-old whose name is withheld for security reasons, “I was surprised to see people coming from the bush, and one of them shouted in the Arabic language, ‘Allah is greater—we have warned you several times to stop converting Muslims to Christianity. Today we shall teach you a lesson that you will not forget.’”  One of the men covered her mouth with a chemical-doused handkerchief that caused her to lose consciousness.  She awoke three hours later and was found by her nephew.  “He saw blood on my torn skirt. He could not stop tears rolling from his cheeks, crying and shouting for help, and he took me to a nearby clinic for medical treatment.”  Two months earlier, a Muslim neighbor had complained to her:  “I am warning you not to come to our home. My children are now singing some Christian songs. I know soon they will come to your church. We as Muslims have no relations with infidels.”  A church member said the rape victim remains traumatized: “Sometimes she is quiet for about one hour; … she is having severe headache[s], swelling at her neck and severe pain in her private parts.”  “I am hurt,” confirmed the visibly emotional and tearful pastor from her hospital bed during an interview on Christmas Eve. “I will miss Christmas celebration with my church members….  I hope these Muslim rapists have not infected me with deadly diseases. I forgive them,” added the mother of five who was widowed five years earlier.
Attacks on Churches
Pakistan: On Christmas day, a mob consisting of as many as 60 Muslim men attacked a church during Christmas service.  According to the Dec. 30 report, “They aimed to kidnap and assault the women in attendance.”  However, the church’s security guards and male congregants “fought back with bare hands against the staff-wielding intruders, giving the women time to escape. Many Christian men suffered blunt trauma injuries and fractures in the fight.”  Before things got violent, the Muslim invaders had made derogatory comments about the Christian women, adding that they were “looking dashing today. Let us have all of them in our beds.”  When one of the Christian defenders angrily rose up, “The Muslims,” he said, “warned me never to stop them from doing whatever they wanted to do with Christian girls.”  On arriving, the authorities “helped the defeated Muslims escape, and blamed Christians for fighting back.”  According to a spokesman for the Christians,
They scolded and threatened the Christian community, the Christian church, saying it’s illegal to have their own security. Which is truly an unjustified and illegal action by the police, because it was announced by the government of Pakistan two years ago, that every church must have its own security. They must have their own CCTV cameras, barbed wires, and medical equipment.
Sudan:  A temporary church structure of the Sudanese Church of Christ has been burned down five times by what one pastor described as “radical Muslims.”  They also threatened to butcher the Christians if they dared erect another tent again. According to the Dec. 22 report, “Saying they didn’t want a Christian presence in the area, the extremists have burned down the structures on Jan. 19, 2019, and this year on Jan. 4, Jan. 19, Jan. 28, and Aug. 7…. The church decided to report the attacks to police after the Aug. 7 arson in spite of the threats.”  The original church building, which had been in operation since 1993, was first torched in 2019; since then the 150-member congregation have been setting up and worshipping inside tents, though all five have been “reduced to ashes along with Bibles and prayer books.”  Church members identified several of the assailants.  Police initially refused to file a case until an attorney got involved.  Five of nine suspects involved have been arrested.
Discrimination, Misogyny, and Violence against Christians
Egypt:  In what human rights activists described as an “egregious miscarriage of justice,” a court acquitted three Muslim men charged with assaulting a Christian grandmother, including by spitting on and beating her, stripping her naked and parading her in the streets of their village, on the accusation that her son was romantically involved with a Muslim woman.   Although this attack took place in 2016, and although video evidence and witnesses have identified the three Muslim men, the Egyptian courts refused to render a decision.  As a Dec. 21 press release from Coptic Solidarity explains:
After multiple delay tactics, including judges ‘recusing’ themselves and retrials by different court circuits, the case reached this sad conclusion. The Egyptian judiciary has revealed their true face of Islamist fanaticism and blatant bias against Coptic victims. This is indeed shameful for a country that has employed some form of a ‘modern’ justice system for 150 years.
Upon hearing news of the court ruling, Mrs. Thabet [the victim], burst into tears, simply saying “What shall I do after being so humiliated! My right is in the hands of my Lord who shall render me His justice.”
Pakistan/China: Christian and Hindu women in Pakistan are being marketed to China as concubines and forced brides, a Dec. 9 report revealed.  Due to China’s longstanding one-child only policy and cultural preference for boys, the nation suffers from an acute shortage of females, causing Chinese men to import women from abroad. Speaking on Dec. 8, the top U.S. diplomat for religious freedom, Samuel Brownback, said that “religious minorities, Christian and Hindu women” from Pakistan are “being marketed as concubines and as forced as brides [sic] into China.”  This is because “there’s discrimination against religious minorities that make them more vulnerable” in Muslim Pakistan, he added.
France: “Handwritten letters were mailed to seven black African priests with their names and the address of the rectory where they live,” reported the Vicar General of the Diocese of Avignon Pascal Molemb Emock: “The mail only says ‘Allah Akbar’ in French and in Arabic.”  Because violent Islamic attacks on clergymen and Christians in general have been escalating in France—five weeks earlier a Muslim man crying “Allahu Akbar” entered a church and slaughtered three Christians in Nice—an investigation was quickly opened. As a police source explained on Dec. 9, “These are not direct death threats, but in the context of a terrorist threat, this matter is taken very seriously.” “I am not afraid for myself,” commented one of the priests. “I will continue to live alone in my rectory. But I am responsible for a community, I must be careful for the parishioners.”
Iraq: At least 14 shops that sell alcohol in Baghdad—most of which are owned by Christians—were firebombed throughout November and December.  According to the Dec. 16 report, these escalating attacks have “terrified shop-owners who fear hardline Islamists are flexing their muscle against alcohol consumption.”   Discussing the situation, Andre, an Iraqi Christian, said the recent bombing of his shop has cost him thousands of dollars in repairs.  “These groups want the last of the Christians to leave the country,” he said of the attackers: “They’re targeting us.”  He also blamed security forces for leaving their post for hours, thereby providing the attackers with “time to place the explosives, take pictures before and after and publish them on Facebook.”  “Why doesn’t the government arrest them?” he added, pointing out that he had even provided authorities with the license plate number of the attacking vehicle as captured by the store’s surveillance camera.
Christmastime Terror
Spain: On Christmas day, a Muslim of Moroccan background, known only as Muhammad Q., stalked through a Christmas street celebration while brandishing a machete and crying out, “Allahu akbar, I’m going to kill you,” at random passersby. He lunged at police when they arrived and slightly injured them, though they managed to subdue and arrest him.  Subsequent investigations revealed that the 45-year-old had a criminal record relating to the sexual abuse of a minor and ties to the Islamic State.
France: A group of Muslims thrashed another Muslim for participating in a Christmas Day dinner.  After Nabil, 20, published pictures of the dinner online, a schoolmate expressed his “shock” via text that a fellow Muslim would celebrate Christmas, at one point texting, “I’ll show you what a real Arab is.”  Nabil and his scandalized Muslim schoolmate then agreed to meet and discuss the matter; but when Nabil arrived, the schoolmate and four other men ambushed and beat him, leaving him with a bloodied and bruised face and a warning not to report the incident to police or else.  Undeterred, he contacted local authorities who subsequently arrested the schoolmate.  During his trial, he continued to assert his “shock” that Nabil had posted such pictures, adding “It is not Muslim to celebrate Christmas.”
Western Europe: Some Christians celebrated Christmas under threat in a few nations:  According to a Dec. 3 report, British intelligence, relying on a former al-Qaeda bomb-maker, warned that “a senior Isis commander is plotting a Christmas terror campaign in European countries, including Britain.”  The Muslim terrorists had reportedly “decided to try and use the lifting of lockdown restrictions during the Christmas period to launch attacks in Europe, in particular against the UK, France and Germany.”
Germany: In a video that appears embedded in a Dec. 19 article, a Muslim cleric living in Braunschweig declares that “Christmas is an insult to Allah”
About this Series
The persecution of Christians in the Islamic world has become endemic.  Accordingly, “Muslim Persecution of Christians” was developed in 2011 to collate some—by no means all—of the instances of persecution that occur or are reported each month. It serves two purposes:
1)          To document that which the mainstream media does not: the habitual, if not chronic, persecution of Christians.
2)          To show that such persecution is not “random,” but systematic and interrelated—that it is rooted in a worldview inspired by Islamic Sharia.
Accordingly, whatever the anecdote of persecution, it typically fits under a specific theme, including hatred for churches and other Christian symbols; apostasy, blasphemy, and proselytism laws that criminalize and sometimes punish with death those who “offend” Islam; sexual abuse of Christian women; forced conversions to Islam;  theft and plunder in lieu of jizya (financial tribute expected from non-Muslims); overall expectations for Christians to behave like cowed dhimmis, or second-class, “tolerated” citizens; and simple violence and murder. Sometimes it is a combination thereof.
Because these accounts of persecution span different ethnicities, languages, and locales—from Morocco in the West, to Indonesia in the East—it should be clear that one thing alone binds them: Islam—whether the strict application of Islamic Sharia law, or the supremacist culture born of it.
Previous Reports - monthly back to 2011
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scripttorture · 5 years
I understand that you care more about people and that torture only applies to people. But do torturers usually have a history of animal abuse? Or are they likely to abuse animals as well after starting torture? I’m not talking about killing for food or resources, but things like dog fighting, cutting off an animal’s ears for losing, or stealing a pet to kill it (which happened in my neighborhood). I don’t understand how these people wouldn’t have symptoms of trauma, or be seen as safe people.
I find questions comparing animal abuse to torture highly disrespectful, and I will not be answering any further questions relating to this. This is my final answer on this matter.
 I spent three asks being polite and warning you it was coming. Which you can find here, here and here. The third link talks whether torturers abuse animals.
 This ask is worded in a way which suggests a casual disdain for the poor, the people vulnerable to torture and the mentally ill (animal abuse is not a symptom of trauma or mental illness).
 This is about Mohammed Akhlaq, beaten to death by a mob at 50 years old for ‘possibly eating beef’.
 I don’t have a picture of him to share with you, as far as I can tell he was too poor to have ever had his photo taken.
 His neighbours surrounded his house, dragged Mohammed and his son from their beds and beat them with bricks. Locals estimated that between 60-70 people were involved in the attack.
 Here’s what a member of a local Hindu group said in response to the murder: ‘But this is a very sensitive matter. For Hindus the murder of a man is not so sensitive as the murder of a cow.’
 Emphasis is mine.
 Here’s a video of Kasturi Muniranthinam talking about how she was imprisoned, beaten and had her arm cut off by her employers.
 While we’re on the subject let’s talk about Adelina Sau, starved, beaten and made to sleep outside with her employer’s dogs. She died. You can find pictures of her online, sitting outside her employers home in the yard she was forced to sleep in.
 Or how about Joanna Demafelis who was tortured, strangled and stuffed in a freezer?
 Or Mrs L T Ariyawathi who had 24 nails hammered into her body by her employers?
 Should I quote some of the people Kara interviewed for his books on slavery?
 This is Prak who survived the Thai fishing industry: ‘I worked on the first ship for five months. The guards treated us like animals. They shouted at us and beat us. We had to work all the time. We did unloading the fish, cleaning the ship, making repairs. If we complained the guards tortured us. They chained us to the deck to burn in the sun. They threw men overboard to drown. They gave us electric shocks. I saw six men killed on those ships. Some men were so afraid they jumped into the ocean and drowned themselves. My best friend Chan drowned himself. He said ‘I will decide how I die, not them.’’
 Here’s Debjeet: ‘The dalals come to our villages and offer 50,000 rupees if we donate a kidney. We have almost nothing in this place, so many people accept these offers. I was only paid 10,000 rupees after they took my kidney. The dalal said I will have medicine and the doctors will care for me, but no one gave me any care of helped me when I became ill. They left me here to die. I am always sick and I cannot work. Now my wife must sell her kidney or we cannot eat. […] I am tired all the time. I have so much pain. I know I will die soon.’
 This is Gift, she was 15 at the time this abuse began: ‘I flew to Milan. When I arrived a Nigerian woman met me. She wore beautiful clothes and jewellery. She took me to an apartment and said she had purchased me and that I would work in prostitution until I paid her forty thousand euros.
I told her there was a mistake, but she beat me until I cried, then she forced me to be with men.[…] She said the men who took me to Lagos would kill my mother and sisters.
I worked in prostitution for this madam for eight months in Milan. The madam was evil. She beat us and made us do horrible things with men.’
 She then describes being arrested and deported back to Lagos where she was picked up by traffickers, enslaved for another six months before being trafficked to Europe again-
 ‘At Tunisia we went to the coast where we took a rubber boat called a zodiac. We got lost on the way and it took us four days to arrive in Spain. There was very little food and water on the boat and two girls died. The trolleys threw their bodies into the sea. We landed on a beach in Spain where tourists were drinking cocktails.’
 Shall we talk about how Western organisations dedicated to helping animals support the torture, rape and murder of poor people of colour across the globe? I’ll admit I haven’t read every section of that particular report, but the pattern of Westerners rewarding child-murderers, torturers and rapists for ‘saving animals’ does not surprise me at all.
 Why on earth do you think that hurting a dog is the line that makes torturers ‘unsafe’?
 These people are, by definition, hurting, killing and mutilating people every day for years on end.
 So why is dog fighting the line Anon? Why do you think that slavery isn’t going on in your neighbourhood?
 Do me a favour, don’t write about torture or abuse or slavery.
 Read Mao’s Great Famine and We Wish to Inform You That Tomorrow We Will be Killed With Our Families and The Question and The Wretched of the Earth. Try The Annihilation of Caste. Hell look at Amnesty International’s website.
 Get some compassion and some perspective or don’t come back.
Availableon Wordpress.
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currentnigeriannews · 3 years
US lady caught by her Naija hubby sleeping with another black man on bed (video)
US lady caught by her Naija hubby sleeping with another black man on bed (video)
The Nigerian man caught his wife red-handed who is a white woman born in the US sleeping with another black man in the bed. The man questioned her why she decided to embarrass him that way because she had advised the other man to abort the unborn babe which his girlfriend have for him, then both of them can continue being together. The man could not lay his hand or beat his white woman who is…
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olutaller-blog · 3 years
Nigerian Man Packs His Bags Into the Street in UK, Says His Wife Always Beats Him, Video Stirs Reactions ▷ Nigeria news
Nigerian Man Packs His Bags Into the Street in UK, Says His Wife Always Beats Him, Video Stirs Reactions ▷ Nigeria news
– A relatively old video of a Nigerian man, Tunde, crying that his UK wife maltreated him and he had to pack out into the street has resurfaced online – Many people who perhaps have not watched the full video of the story sympathised with the man – A YouTube video that reportedly has the voice of his first wife reveals how the man left his family for another woman PAY ATTENTION: Legit.ng is on a…
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yup-ng · 5 years
Nigerian lady accuses her parents of physical and sexual abuse, shares details (video)
A Nigerian lady who goes by the name Madam Praizzy on social media has accused her  parents, Bishop Jude Nkemdilim Chukwumaife and Pastor Favor Agaezi Chukwumaife of anusing her sexually and physically. Madam Praizzy who shared a video in which she showed the injuries she sustained after allegedly being assaulted by her father, who she described as Bishop Jude as a former cultist, a lazy, angry and frustrated man who blames her, her mother and her sibling for "bringing him down".  She also described her mother as a narcissist and a nympho, who ended up leaving her marriage after 22 years of frustrations and abuse.  Asides recounting the physical abuses she allegedly faced in the hands of her father, Madam Praizzy also accused her mother of forcing her to have sex with an unnamed Pastor, while hoping that she (Madam Praizzy) will become the cleric's wife.  She wrote;  March 22nd I was born.2 years later, udochukwu was born Feb 22nd to the family of Bishop Jude Nkemdilim chukwumaife and pastor favor agaezi Chukwumaife/okoli.My father and my mother fight every day. In the morning we wake up to fight. As a child, I became a mother of four, and years later, I became the father; everyone looking on to me to provide needs.My mother would leave the house and come back late in the night, 12 am, on good days 10pm. My dad beat her to stop keeping late nights and fucking men. She would run out of the house and prophets and maybe her mother would have to bring her back. She fucks multiple men and tells Udochukwu, Jude is not her father; that it’s some dead man called Chidi Ike.Jude is former cultist, an angry man. He hits Favour a lot with all manner of things including pounding moter, AKA, aká odo. He’s a frustrated man – he blames Favour and us his children for bringing him down. He exaggerates, he spreads so many made up stories about how he’s failing, meanwhile he’s lazy and spends all day on Facebook without even showering (that’s how I learned social media and became a public figure).My mother is not a saint either – she is a narcissist and a nympho. She’s another messed up fucker. She ended up leaving after 22 years of frustrations and abuse. She has a lot of stored up anger and she became a witch. Using juju to take revenge on the family that she claims caused her so much pain.I forced myself to stay in school after years of begging and fighting away from hell to a virtual space. I started getting my own space in year 4, the end of school year. The year my lecturer decided to frustrate the hell out of me.I started having peace of mind and focusing on my life while in school.After years of disconnecting, I felt I should come back home for the sake of love, family love, I found myself in my mums house first, because a mother’s care is just so ahhhhhh orgasms (you know what I mean yeah) I stayed with her after a few months of desperately needing a home. She took me to this weird juju prophetic church in the outskirts of gariki. My mother is evil; how can a pastor of more than 23 years go to such church where they kill people in real life and rape children. She did charm to bring Udochukwu and I to stay with her. She kept boasting of how her pastor brought us to her and he’s powerful. She collaborated with the pastor to rusticate me, even pushing me to have sex with the man in the hopes I will become his wife. Twisted, right? I was in the spiders web and she was feasting off me. Every Morning she would curse me. It was hell and we could not even leave the house. She would lock us up and go out to the streets, spreading lies, and fucking multiple men. I even found out she fucked her evil pastor The day my intuition led me to break her wardrobe, I discovered a doll tied up and my hair with weird prayers. My mother pastor favor agaezi Okoli IKUKU has been bewitching me and Udochukwu.At the sight of me finding out, she ran out and reported me to the police and forged fake applications against me. She took the laptop and hid it. Such wickedness. We ran away from her house. We got several accidents when we escaped.Ah! my own mother snitched to the police.E pain me o.I ran away and started hawking. Igbo people threw me to the Hausa community and they cared for me during my days of hawking in the hot sun. Accidents were constantly projected towards me. Accidents where the two drivers didn’t know what was happening, and how they lost control of their steering.Omoh, I so was scared. I ran to my dad THE BISHOP of a Pentecostal church in Enugu for spiritual covering. But it was still hell staying with a woman beater; even though he’s a pastor. On youtube you’d find out that he didn’t really care for me nor udochukwu. Every night I cried from the cruel mean things he told me. Cursed me all the time like I’m the reason for his church failure? I continued self hurting and turning so toxic. I became rebellious and did things that hurt myself. The booze would help me for a few minutes. I promised jude I won’t smoke anymore.Yesterday I received the beating of my life, I ran on the streets of new haven out for safety. But there’s no safety on the streets, found out after he dragged me by my hair ready to kill me on the spot.Everyone is saying to put the post down cos people are laughing at me. But who ever laughs would receive double portion. Amen Amen Amen. Praise Mariya!I got serious beating for saying No to abuse. I’m tired of this abuse Abeg. I ran for my life. On march 22nd my birthday I say No to the name chukwumaife. My mother is a witch and my father is the king of wickedness. And I no want. I’m choosing a fresh start today. Goodbye hell! She also wrote on her YouTube page;  From physical abuse to sexual abuse. I've lived in hell. Waking up to curses every morning. what is wickedness? Toxic house? I'm so sad. I've been depressed for years. How do you get out of depression? Have you ever said no to abuse? Do you take any substance to fight depression? Have you ever hurt yourself? Everywhere hurts. My back hurts, Pure wickedness My hair was yanked off my head I am your father, it is my right I have no tears left to cry Everywhere hurts from my neck to my back Eventually when I beat her, She put it on WhatsApp Telling the whole world.Playing the guitar singing This pain I feel would it every end Would it ever end Let me die Let me die die I disown you. I don't want you to ever say my name My father is a monster Worse than coronavirus I get bruises on my body And my back is sore I wanna die Were adults I'm sure you people are asking people for help Looking dorehere to run to Udochukwu according to you You are looking for where to run to They would give you Relax they would give you I'm really sorry for bothering you guys Coming on this live camera just made me feel better And playing on the guitar made me feel better. If you have anyone around you going through some kind of abuse Just hold them close and tell them some nice words Cos this works is just really a bad place And to be fighting with the person you love Is just the worst I'd just go back to crying and not bother any of you So bye
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Here is the video she shared below;  Read the full article
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cynthiabryanuk · 6 years
Commuter who had remarkable row with female who put foot on his seat is Tory political leader accountable for capital's transport
The male who included in a shocking video of a row emerged on a commuter train has actually been identified as a Conservative councillor responsible for London's Transport.Councillor Keith Prince was
shot throughout the verbal exchange after the female reportedly put her feet on his seat.The video, which consists of allegations of marital
infidelity, was shared on the Dartford Rail Travellers Association's Facebook page where it rapidly went viral.In a declaration Mr Prince's representative said:"We are aware that video footage has been published online of a spoken dispute between an unidentified female and London Assembly member Keith Prince."The exchange occurred on a train travelling from Dartford to London Bridge the other day early morning at around 8.30 am." Mr Prince said:"I regret getting associated with such a petty dispute."This is one of those situations in which it is better to just walk away."By the end of the journey we were joking with each other and having a pleasant conversation."That stated, I 'd like to apologise to my fellow commuters for the disturbance our initial difference caused."< figure data-mod=image itemprop=image
itemscope=itemscope itemtype=http://schema.org/ImageObject >
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Councillor Keith Prince is a Conservative councillor responsible for London's Transport.
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The fiery row was captured on cam
Councillor Keith Prince shows the lady his wedding event ring Read More Councillor Prince is the Conservatives representative for transportation on the Greater London Assembly and is chairman of the transport committee.During the run-in the lady raves at councillor Prince:" Touch me again and I'll f **** g slap you. You're a moron. "That's why you're not married you stupid idiot, no one will stand you, "she says prior to the male waves his wedding finger happily at her and chuckles.
"Are you sure she's not cheating on you?" she then asks pointedly.But he responds that his partner is a" lovely Yoruba girl".
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At one point she threatens to slap him He makes fun of her and asks her not to put her foot on his seat Check out More "Your partner is from where I'm from. Trust me, I'm Nigerian, I understand exactly what I'm discussing, she does not enjoy you, she is utilizing your money, you idiot,"she replies."Touch me once again and I'll slap you.
The same way your other half beats you in your home "she then appears to say.But the male then states:"My wife is not like you. "The lady then puts her foot up on his seat between his legs and says:" I'm literally getting you by your balls, do you comprehend this? You understand you cannot do s ***."
The man is then seen shouting at the woman for putting her foot on his seat.He laughs and states: "You're making yourself look like a complete fool. Even if you can't appreciate other individuals's residential or commercial property. Take your shoes off my seat."
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< figure data-mod = image itemprop = image itemscope = itemscope itemtype = http://schema.org/ImageObject > A witness said it cooled down after a few minutes
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She then calls him racist and an idiot again.An on-looker said:" It began due to the fact that she had her feet on his chair as he went over to take a seat. "She took her feet off of the chair and
then brushed them against his suit-- he wasn't happy anyhow and this pressed him overboard."The guy then put his feet back on hers which's when she started. "At very first she kept on calling him a'f *** ing'idiot then
threatened to slap him, which is when I turned my camera on."The argument then continued with them making ludicrous comments at
one another."It seemed to cool down rather quickly after they both had their phones out.
By the end of their journey they were chuckling with each other and talking about his wife's heritage."A representative for Southeastern stated:"Southeastern can verify that they have actually not received any reports of the incident up until now."
from http://taxi.nearme.host/commuter-who-had-remarkable-row-with-female-who-put-foot-on-his-seat-is-tory-political-leader-accountable-for-capitals-transport/
from NOVACAB - Blog http://novacabtaxi.weebly.com/blog/commuter-who-had-remarkable-row-with-female-who-put-foot-on-his-seat-is-tory-political-leader-accountable-for-capitals-transport
0 notes
kevingbakeruk · 6 years
Commuter who had remarkable row with female who put foot on his seat is Tory political leader accountable for capital's transport
The male who included in a shocking video of a row emerged on a commuter train has actually been identified as a Conservative councillor responsible for London’s Transport.Councillor Keith Prince was
shot throughout the verbal exchange after the female reportedly put her feet on his seat.The video, which consists of allegations of marital
infidelity, was shared on the Dartford Rail Travellers Association’s Facebook page where it rapidly went viral.In a declaration Mr Prince’s representative said:“We are aware that video footage has been published online of a spoken dispute between an unidentified female and London Assembly member Keith Prince."The exchange occurred on a train travelling from Dartford to London Bridge the other day early morning at around 8.30 am.” Mr Prince said:“I regret getting associated with such a petty dispute."This is one of those situations in which it is better to just walk away."By the end of the journey we were joking with each other and having a pleasant conversation."That stated, I ’d like to apologise to my fellow commuters for the disturbance our initial difference caused."itemscope=itemscope itemtype=http://schema.org/ImageObject >
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Councillor Keith Prince is a Conservative councillor responsible for London’s Transport.
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The fiery row was captured on cam
Councillor Keith Prince shows the lady his wedding event ring Read More Councillor Prince is the Conservatives representative for transportation on the Greater London Assembly and is chairman of the transport committee.During the run-in the lady raves at councillor Prince:” Touch me again and I’ll f **** g slap you. You’re a moron. “That’s why you’re not married you stupid idiot, no one will stand you, "she says prior to the male waves his wedding finger happily at her and chuckles.
"Are you sure she’s not cheating on you?” she then asks pointedly.But he responds that his partner is a" lovely Yoruba girl".
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At one point she threatens to slap him He makes fun of her and asks her not to put her foot on his seat Check out More “Your partner is from where I’m from. Trust me, I’m Nigerian, I understand exactly what I’m discussing, she does not enjoy you, she is utilizing your money, you idiot,"she replies."Touch me once again and I’ll slap you.
The same way your other half beats you in your home "she then appears to say.But the male then states:"My wife is not like you. "The lady then puts her foot up on his seat between his legs and says:” I’m literally getting you by your balls, do you comprehend this? You understand you cannot do s ***.“
The man is then seen shouting at the woman for putting her foot on his seat.He laughs and states: "You’re making yourself look like a complete fool. Even if you can’t appreciate other individuals’s residential or commercial property. Take your shoes off my seat.”
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A witness said it cooled down after a few minutes
Learn more
She then calls him racist and an idiot again.An on-looker said:“ It began due to the fact that she had her feet on his chair as he went over to take a seat. "She took her feet off of the chair and
then brushed them against his suit– he wasn’t happy anyhow and this pressed him overboard."The guy then put his feet back on hers which’s when she started. "At very first she kept on calling him a'f *** ing'idiot then
threatened to slap him, which is when I turned my camera on."The argument then continued with them making ludicrous comments at
one another."It seemed to cool down rather quickly after they both had their phones out.
By the end of their journey they were chuckling with each other and talking about his wife’s heritage."A representative for Southeastern stated:"Southeastern can verify that they have actually not received any reports of the incident up until now.”
from TAXI NEAR ME http://taxi.nearme.host/commuter-who-had-remarkable-row-with-female-who-put-foot-on-his-seat-is-tory-political-leader-accountable-for-capitals-transport/
from NOVACAB https://novacabtaxi.tumblr.com/post/173317152091
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gospelmusic · 4 years
.. I AM WRITING THIS MESSAGE TO THOSE WHO ARE GENUINELY BORN AGAIN, BUT THEY ARE STRUGGLING WITH SOME SECRET SINS... BECAUSE, I WAS ONCE THERE! .... There is something glorious about your future God will show you, you will not need your pastor to keep preaching holiness message to you daily... (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); When you see a girl singing in the choir, yet, from the choir, she keeps sexual appointments, check that girl, she has not seen anything yet about her future... When you see a young boy who dresses to church, to seduce those small girls to bed and his mates will be clapping for him, check that boy, he has a spiritual eye problem... He hasn't seen anything about his future yet... If you do it again and again and again, God will forgive you again and again and again... But, while He is busy forgiving you, angels are busy searching for some one else heaven will use to replace you ... (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); What separates men before God is not how long they can pray or how much scriptures they know... The value God places on people is not determined by the position they occupy in the church... But how much they can bear for His Name sake... Some times, He allows your salary to be delayed, to know if you will start stealing in your office... Sometimes, He allows some lose ladies to start suggesting sex with you, to know if you have grown... But unfortunately, you still fall again .... Yes, He will forgive.... But, you will still remain in the same class in the school of glory... Decision separates men... There is an OIL that comes with separation... The weight of a man is buried in the decisions he makes when no one is watching him ... Many times, God allows you to be lonely so that you can be holy... Forget this public revival messages all of us are preaching... Many are still behind in the school of glory... Not because they chose to, but because they still don't want to pay the price of separation... If it takes a man to be married to be responsible, we will not have many married irresponsible men scattered all over the place who are renting houses for their girlfriends, while their wives are still at home.... (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); When a man is due for marriage, he should get married... But don't tell me to get married because you want me to escape fornication... Marriage is not an escape route into a responsible life... What you cannot control when you are single has the power to control you even when you are married ... No matter how beautiful your wife will be, you will still see other beautiful ladies.... Teach me how to die to flesh sir... Teach me that I can live alone in a house alone and yet, I will not think rubbish thoughts... Joseph was not married before he ran away naked from Portiphar's wife bedroom ... It was not a marital ring on his finger that made him refuse that gesture.... But because he knew the future God has planned for Him will be messed up by a single decision.... God wants to raise a generation of young boys and girls that will love God where no one is seeing them ... God wants to raise a breed that doesn't appear holy only when they see their parents or their pastors... This holiness by dressing is sending people from choir seats to hell fire... They are dying in secret sins, yet, they have none to cry to, because, once they confess, they will be stigmatized... (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Consequently, we are raising a generation that is speaking in tongues on their way to hell... Sister, singing in choir doesn't confer value on men before God, but decision... Stop attaching your spiritual growth on night vigils where you go and flog enemies ... God is waiting for you when no one is there... If you can succeed there, you will be a commander of the supernatural... The greatest tool against the end time church is the adulteration of the message of grace... They teach you that God will forgive... But they will not teach you that God will not promote you to another class... No matter how you love your child, you will not give him your car key to use when you know he has not perfected his driving... As long as that child is finding it hard to drive perfectly, he will keep trekking to school... There is someone reading this posts now, heaven is saying that you are due for manifestation, but you have not made a decision yet... You are still afraid of hunger.... You don't want to starve.... You are ashamed of what people will say when you stop sleeping with men for money to pay bills... They have even told you that there is no young person like you that doesn't have sexual partners... That human beings were wired by God to fall and rise again... Several times, you have made moves to delete all those phone numbers that connect you to your vomits... But you have been afraid of the days of loneliness... You don't want to miss those cuddles... You don't know if you can ever look into his eyes and tell him: "No more sex"... Even if he accepts, you are afraid that you might never cope... Sister, don't let weekend orgasms rob you of eternal value... Your enemy is no more that witch in the village.... But any man that is making you comfortable in a place of rebellion with God ... Don't be in church singing in the choir and God will go to the nearest hotel and catch a prostitute, wash her, clean her and fill her with His power... I know you have been trying to make amends ... You have answered altar calls several times, yet, you still fall back, even more deeper ... (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Some of us were there not too long ago... Singing in choir, leading in powerful prayer sections, yet, battling with addictions... Worse of all we were afraid to tell anyone... Because, people around would never have understood how much we were trying to be better ... We bought different anointing oil, from different men of God, yet, we were not free... We even afflicted ourselves with fastings... Yet, nothing changed ... Until we encountered the Word of God..... When Jesus said that " We are made clean by the Words that I speak unto you..." We began to read and study the Bible... Like Job, we began to esteem God's Word above our necessary food... Gradually, addictions began to lose its grip... God began to change our appetites... Until today, the darkness is past, the true Light now shineth ... Brother, I want to recommend you to the Word of God.... The Word of God will settle that lust issue... Don't go and rush into marriage if you are not ready, because you want to avoid temptation... The spirit of lust does not respect wedding ring... Especially now that our sisters who are still in Babylon even prefer having it with married men ... (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); There are still single guys who are serving God in spirit and in truth... 5 chapters of the bible every day and 1 hour prayers or more... You will see that your mind will stop going to those thoughts ... Jesus did not say it is easy... But He said that with God all things are possible ... Your heart is beating faster now as you are reading this... You are wondering if you will ever get free from the things you are struggling with... Friend, that God that did it for us, He will show up on your case... Receive grace to feast on the Word from now.... In Jesus Name...please teach the young ones in your church and God bless you. There is no obligation to share. No whips or curses if you don't share. But we both know that when you share this, it goes a long way to help someone. So I'm asking you to help someone . .. Thank you for reading God bless you. Author: Unknown Follow us on social media: Facebook: @hottestnaija.com Twitter: @wherehot Instagram: @hottest9jablog Click here to take a look at our posts on gospel music download or click this link to see all posts that include gospel music lyrics You may also like our gospel worship songs page which contains, the best, coolest and hottest Nigerian Gospel Songs, and Foreign Gospel Songs. Whatsoever is the mood, we've got you covered. Do you feel like dancing, rejoicing, shouting, screaming, or you're filled with jubilation because of the Mighty things the Lord has done? Then look no further, cos our gospel praise songs page, containing the hottest Nigerian and foreign praise songs collection, was prepared specifically for you. Peradventure you need the lyrics of the songs you are downloading now, just downloaded, or have downloaded before, our lyrics page is the best place to look. What more could be more helpful and entertaining than seeing the lyrics of your most favourite song before you, as the music unfolds unto the climax. Hey we've been there before, and still encounter it from time to time when the vocals get lost in the cloud of heavy orchestration. Are You a Classical Music lover, our classical music page, contains the best of classical songs, composed and written by composers like G. F Handel, Bach, Joseph Haydn, etc. As you listen to your best gospel song, you may also want to get some more insight and knowledge about the word of God, from eBooks written by God's servants, or you may want to learn something new or build yourself up in some way. Then our eBook Page is the right place to look. You may be in need of entertainment, and probably want to watch a video too. We understand that as well. You can get entertaining video downloads from our video downloads page.
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ibilenews · 5 years
Police, health workers bicker over alleged harassment on movement restrictions
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• Residents lament torture by security operatives over lockdown
The Lagos State chapter of the Nigerian Medical Association (NMA) and the Medical Guild have raised the alarm over an alleged “undue” harassment of health workers by men of the Nigerian Police Force. The NMA in a release signed yesterday by its chairman, Dr. Saliu Oseni, said the statement made by the Lagos Commissioner of Police, Hakeem Odumosu, on Tuesday, was exposing its members and other healthcare workers to unwarranted harassment by the police.
“The attention of the association has been drawn to the comments made by the Commissioner of Police in Lagos aired on TVC News on March 31. The CP said, amongst other things, that health workers, in addition to carrying valid means of identification, must show evidence of being on duty whenever they move around the state.
“Is the CP suggesting that health workers engage in ‘illegal duty’ or wander about aimlessly? Perhaps, the CP underestimates the enormity of the work at hand. For the avoidance of doubt, all hands are needed on deck at this critical time. Several countries have already called thousands of health workers out of retirement.”
In a related development, the Medical Guild leadership said its members are being harassed by the police on their way to attend to sick patients in the hospitals. Chairman of the Guild, Dr. Oluwajimi Sodipo, said: “The Medical Guild wish to call on Lagos State Government to prevail on the security operatives to allow all health care workers through the roads to provide services in our hospitals.”
But in a swift reaction yesterday, the Lagos police command denied the allegation by some health workers that they were harassed by security personnel while discharging their duties, stating that it has only arrested a police inspector and two others for violating the movement restriction order in the state. The command said the only health worker that was questioned was a medical doctor who was on leave from another state but was on personal business with two others.
The Lagos Police Public Relations Officer (PPRO), DSP Bala Elkana, said: “The allegation is completely false and misleading. The Commissioner of Police personally went round to monitor compliance across the state. Reports received from Area Commanders, Divisional Police Officers and Officers from the field shows a high level of compliance. Few cases recorded have to do with some individuals intercepted on the roads who claimed to fall under the categories of persons exempted but turned out to be false.
“Some could not provide any means of identification while others who actually belong to the professions mentioned were hiding under the cover to carry out their private businesses. An example is a medical doctor serving in another state but on annual leave in Lagos, intercepted with three other passengers in his car going on private mission. A Police Inspector was also arrested with two passengers in his vehicle going on a private assignment in total violation of the restriction order.
“It is pertinent to state that the exemption given to certain categories of persons is not absolute. The order states that, ‘Although these establishments are exempted, access will be restricted and monitored’. To ensure that persons who are not on essential duties are restricted, the Command insists that apart from occupational ID Card, there must also be a document to prove that the person is on essential duty.”
Unlike what happened on Day One of the lockdown on Tuesday, some Lagosians were seen moving round the city yesterday while youths were playing football on the highways. A few tricycles were seen conveying passengers from one place to another.
Residents of Mushin in the Lagos metropolis have however expressed dissatisfaction with the actions of some of the military security outfits. The residents said the military officials harassed and beat up some of them up. One man was reported to have sustained an injury on the head while trying to flee for his life. Another resident at Idi-Oro area said the military officers allegedly shot into the air twice, making people scamper for safety.
Meanwhile, there have been videos and unverified reports emerging on social media showing alleged police and military brutality in the enforcement of the COVID-19 lockdown. Since the lockdown directive by the president, there have been videos showing policemen, military officers and other security agents, whose identity cannot be ascertained, flogging, harassing and humiliating citizens for straying outside.
It was reported that a guy was allegedly killed yesterday by soldiers at Ayorinde Street, Tolu road in Olodi-Apapa area of Lagos when the soldiers were trying to disperse a crowd fighting over a football game. The soldiers were shooting into the air and a stray bullet hit the young man, who died instantly.
Another viral video shows a man who reportedly went out to buy food for his pregnant wife but was allegedly beaten to death by policemen in Abuja. In the video, the police officers and the man got into a heated argument, which elicited rage from the police officers and they beat him till he collapsed and died.
A human rights lawyer, Inibehe Effiong, noted that it was unconstitutional for security officers to engage citizens in such a degrading manner. “Section 34 of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, 1999 (as amended) guarantees the fundamental right to dignity of the human person. It states that no person shall be subjected to torture or to inhuman or degrading treatment. The Anti Torture Act of 2017 makes it a criminal offence for the police and others to subject any person to torture or to inhuman or degrading treatment. We should not tolerate barbaric and abusive conduct and actions by law enforcement agencies because of COVID-19 pandemic.”
Also, the Socio-Economic Rights and Accountability Project (SERAP) has called on the Chief Justice of Nigeria (CJN), Ibrahim Tanko Muhammad, to immediately instruct reopening of the courts to hear cases of human rights violations and abuses linked to COVID-19.
“COVID-19 doesn’t mean suspension of the Nigerian constitution. The president’s plan to use the military to police any public security challenges in the context of COVID-19 lockdown in some parts of the country is wrong and unconstitutional. Deploying military in this context will lead to widespread human rights violations,” it said.
The police spokesman in Lagos however denied reports of police brutality in the state, saying: “I can confirm that the police have not beaten anybody in Lagos and am also not aware of any reports of soldiers brutality.”
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newssplashy · 6 years
Drake is the cream of the crop in the rap game, but questions have been asked of his abilities lately and he provides adequate answers on ''Scorpion''.
Adversities either breaks or make a man and for Drake, he utilises his dark moments to create a radiant project in 'Scorpion'.
Drake had started the year as the heavyweight boxer in the ring, and despite the best attempts by the likes of Kendrick Lamar and J Cole at shooting for the throne, deft moves like giving out the entire budget for his videos for 'God's Plan' and the star-studded 'Nice For What', ensured that the belt was tightly wrapped around his waist.
But everything changed in May when Pusha T reignited a long feud by baiting him on Infrared from his long-awaited Kanye West produced Daytona album.
Fired up, Drake released a response in Duppy Freestyle barely 24 hours after the album was officially out, his reply was a deep punch that struck the right the right nerves and landed Pusha a well-struck punch.
ALSO READ: Album Review of Nas's album, Nasir
But everything changed with The Story of Adidon, Pusha went personal, he had unearthed Drake's secrets, touched on his family and landed a knockout punch that was way below the belt.
This had fans excited, their heavyweight rapper was about to rise up and land his own blows, but Drake never did, he laid with his face in the ring, while the Referee counted away.
Hip-hop don, J Prince had attempted a reason for this, people began to insinuate that this could turn bloody, but the truth is Pusha had won the battle, at least this round of it, now it was time to focus on the war.
Of what use is a Scorpion when it cannot sting?
Friday, June 29, Drake released his fifth solo studio album, Scorpion, the album has two sides, Side A contains 12 songs which cater for his rap fans, while the B Side is filled with 13 RnB songs, so this review will be broken into two parts, with this part focusing on the Side A.
Scorpion shines bright, as he maintains the same concept and delivery styles that worked for him on his early projects, but this time there is an edge to his delivery, a new hunger that makes it more lethal.
The album features previously unreleased material with Michael Jackson and the late Static Major, a verse from Jay Z, Nicki Minaj, TY Dolla $ign and Future.
'Survival 'and 'Nonstop' open the doors into Scorpion, on the former, he touches lightly on his industry beefs and how he is the cream of the crop, while the latter sees him demanding for respect like Lebron.
But it is on 'Elevate', where it begins to get really exciting as Drake is intricate with his lyrics, this is the ultimate demonstration of his newfound level of domination.
''Couldn't picture wifing Braden when I was pumping gas on road trips to go from Cincinnati on to Dayton, I couldn't gauge it, I wanna thank God for working way harder than Satan, He's playing favourites, it feels amazing (yeah)''
 'Emotionless' is the reason why we have been waiting for this album with heightened expectations in the past few weeks, as in contrast to the title, Drake lets his emotions out as he addresses the issues raised by Pusha T on his ''Story of Adidion'' diss, with the blessings of a Mariah Carey sample.
''I wasn't hiding my kid from the world, I was hiding the world from my kid, from empty souls who just wake up and looked to debate, Until you starin' at your seed, you can never relate''.
Previously released singles, God's Plan, which topped the charts following its release, and I'm Upset are lined up immediately after.
There is the bragging Drake on '8 out of 10', ''I been on top for three sets of three years'', Mob Ties and Can't Take A Joke is Trap Music with Southern flavour.
''Sandra's Rose'' is one of the most enjoyable moments on the project.
 Drake delivers a track that is the very essence of what brought him to this great heights as he makes the beat fall back while he just raps from his soul, there are more names dropped on this song than on a line assembly.
From Sandra (A perceived reference to his mother's name, Sandi, to Charmalagne, Mohamed Hadid, Adele, Amber Rose and more), this is a line by line dissection of his story.
Jay Z appears on ''Talk Up'' and the duo indeed Talk it up, this is a smart move as the duo have also been involved in a beef in the past, but with Pusha's association with Kanye, it was only wise he aligns with another top-shot in Hov.
No one brags like Jay Z and he reigns 'Supreme' (No pun intended) on this, ''Niggas would be like Young, I got your President tweeting, I won't even meet with him, Y'all killed X and let Zimmerman live, Streets is done''.
Drake is imposing on ''Is There More'' as he closes the Side A gloriously while acknowledging there is more music on the R&B part.
It has been a year of great albums, rap has flourished under the Kanye West album series and the unannounced invasion of Everything Is Love by Hip hop's power couple, Hov and Bey but Scorpion, as expected, doesn't get lost in the numbers.
There is a plea, a raw one at-times mixed with relatable, catchy and re-energised edge in Drake's lyrics, even when he is bragging.
Scorpion is not Take Care or Nothing Was The Same, but it is a beautiful masterpiece that even when it does not totally wipe out the cut that Pusha placed on his abilities, it is an album that keeps the crown on his head and reminds doubters of the greatness of the man from Toronto when he is in the zone.
Rating: 4/5
1-Dull 2-Boring 2.5-Average 3-Worth Checking Out 3.5-Hot 4-Smoking Hot 4.5-Amazing 5-Perfection
via NewsSplashy - Latest Nigerian News Online,World Newspaper
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creepingsharia · 5 years
“F**k Your Pig-God!” Muslim Persecution of Christians, April 2019
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(Midway Presbyterian Church , South Carolina)
by Raymond Ibrahim
About this Series
The persecution of Christians in the Islamic world has become endemic.  Accordingly, “Muslim Persecution of Christians” was developed to collate some—by no means all—of the instances of persecution that surface each month. It serves two purposes:
1)          To document that which the mainstream media does not: the habitual, if not chronic, persecution of Christians.
2)          To show that such persecution is not “random,” but systematic and interrelated—that it is rooted in a worldview inspired by Islamic Sharia.
Muslim Persecution of Christians, April 2019
Slaughter of Christians
Sri Lanka: On Easter Sunday, April 21, Islamic terrorists launched a bombing campaign on Christians; the death toll reached 359, with hundreds more wounded.  Eight separate explosions took place, at least two of which were suicide bombings: three targeted churches celebrating Easter Sunday Mass; four targeted hotels frequented by Western tourists in connection with Easter holiday; one blast was in a house, and killed three police officers during a security operation.  At least 39 foreigners — including citizens of the United States, Britain, Australia, Japan, Denmark and Portugal — were among the slain.
Most fatalities occurred in the three church-bombings. The worst took place in St. Sebastian’s, a Catholic church in Negombo; there at least 150 Christian worshippers were murdered. At St. Anthony’s Shrine, another Catholic church in Colombo, the nation’s capital, at least 52 were murdered; and at the evangelical Zion Church, at least 38 were murdered.
“I don’t have words to express my pain,” said a Christian man who survived the bombing at St. Sebastian’s Church in Negombo:
We lost so many people…. The smell of flesh is all around me…. We are a peace-loving community in this small city, we had never hurt anyone, but we don’t know from where this amount of hate is coming. This city has become a grave with blood and bodies lying around…. Since the past three years, we don’t know why, but we see an extremist’s mindset developing among the Muslims. I know many good Muslims, but there are also a lot who hate us, and they have never been so before. It is in these three years that we see a difference.
“People were in pieces,” recalled Ms. Silviya, 26, concerning the bombing of St. Anthony’s Shrine in Colombo. “Blood was everywhere. I closed my son’s eyes, took him out, passed him off to a relative and ran back inside to look for my family.”
Nigeria: The jihad on Christians claimed dozens more lives in April:
On Sunday, April 14, Muslim herdsmen slaughtered 17 Christians who had gathered after a baby dedication at a church.  The infant’s mother was among the slain; the father was left hospitalized in critical condition. 
On Wednesday, April 17, 2019, Fulani militants launched an attack on a predominantly Christian village; four people were killed, six were injured; over one hundred homes and food storage barns burned down. 
On April 19, Muslim raiders killed 11 Christians returning from Good Friday church service; they also kidnapped and slaughtered a female British aid worker. 
On Sunday, April 21, ten boys were killed while taking part in an Easter procession. Emmanuel Ogebe, a Nigerian human rights lawyer remarked in an email, “The Holy Week killings in Nigeria do not grab headlines like Sri Lanka but still Nigeria’s Christians are dying the deaths of a 1000 cuts in as many installments!”
The author of a separate April 21 report, a Nigerian Christian, gave his take of the nonstop carnage of Christians in the West African nation:
In the course of investigating anti-Christian violence throughout Nigeria, I have seen things that drove me to tears. I have entered rooms and houses that were covered with blood. I have seen bodies that were shot and butchered; corpses of pregnant women who had their stomachs ripped opened, the bodies of unborn babies strewn about; homes destroyed; mass graves. In some of these attacks, entire families were killed. In a visit to one state in northern Nigeria, I went to 13 villages that were desolate as a result of herdsmen attacks. In another state, I visited eight churches that were bombed in one day, and in one town I saw the only four Christians who survived a Boko Haram onslaught. They were in hiding after all other Christians fled.
Another report quotes a local Nigerian pastor’s reaction to another church attack in April:  “After that attack, I came to visit the villages in the two-mile area around my church, and it was like a cemetery, as dozens were killed. I have dozens of little children, with no school supplies, no uniforms and no desks, and I need to create a school for them.”
United Kingdom:  A court “sentenced a Muslim Iranian asylum seeker to jail,” an April 5 report says, “for stabbing his wife to death, in part for her conversion to Christianity.”   Dana Abdullah, 35, stabbed Avan Najmadiein, his estranged wife and 32-year-old mother of four, 50 times with a kitchen knife because she refused to support his asylum application.  He was deported from the UK in 2013 for sexually assaulting a 13-year-old girl, had returned illegally, and was now “threaten[ing] to kill his wife because she ‘dishonored’ him by converting to Christianity, authorities said.”  One detective involved in the case characterized Abdullah as “an arrogant and controlling man,” who “killed Najmadiein because he resented her rejection, her refusal to support his application and her conversion to Christianity.”  Abdullah was sentenced to a minimum of 18 years and one month in prison.
Attacks on Churches and Crosses
Italy: A 37-year-old Muslim migrant in Rome was recently arrested for attempted homicide after he stabbed a Christian man in the throat for wearing a crucifix around his neck.  “Religious hate” is cited as an “aggravating factor” in the crime.
Days earlier, a separate report noted that “crosses on graves in an Italian cemetery in Pieve di Cento have been covered with black cloth so as not to offend those who may come from another religion,” an apparent reference to Muslim migrants, some of whom have been known to desecrate Christian cemeteries.   “The cemetery,” the report adds, “has also installed motorised blackout curtains in a local chapel following renovations to hide Roman Catholic symbols during ceremonies involving other denominations.”
United States of America:  South Carolina’s Midway Presbyterian Church was vandalized, including by having its 125 year old windows shattered.  “SUBMIT TO GOD THRU ISLAM” and “MUHAMMED IS HIS PROPHET” were spray painted in black on the church’s side. “It was very disturbing because we feel like this was an individual act and we don’t hold any religious group responsible for it,” said Bob Harrell, a church leader. “We think it most likely was some misguided young people.”
Indonesia: Several crosses in the Bethesda Christian cemetery in Mrican were vandalized, broken and burned in the most populous Muslim nation.  The cemetery keeper said that “in the ten years since he has held the job, he has never seen such vandalism.”  The report notes that
the incident joins a long list of cases of intolerance that have taken place in recent months….   In December 2018, some residents in Purbayan removed the upper part of a cross placed on the tomb of Albertus Slamet Sugihardi, after informing his widow, Maria Sutris Winarni, that the cemetery was ‘for the exclusive use of Muslims.’  Before that, the Catholic family was forced to hold a private funeral to avoid tensions with the Islamic community.  A few weeks later, Christian tombs were vandalised in several cemeteries in Magelang, 30 kilometres north of Yogyakarta, Central Java.
Germany: While cursing his “pig god,” Muslim migrants beat and repeatedly stabbed a homeless man in Berlin for apparently displaying some Christian symbol.  According to the report, “Arabic-speaking youths were caught on video assaulting and stabbing a homeless Berlin man is speculated in the German press to be an anti-Christian motivated attack….  After physically attacking the victim, one of the men then drew a knife and stabbed him several times, leaving him with severe injuries to the buttocks, thigh, and arm, according to investigators.”   The Arabic words they yelled were translated as “We f*ck your sister, we’ll finish you!” and “Your pig-God, we f *ck your pig-God!”  The report adds that this “incident is not the first in which a migrant-background Christian has been physically attacked by Arabic-speaking young men for displaying Christian symbols in public in the German capital.  Recently, a 39-year-old had been beaten for wearing a necklace with a cross on it.”
Separately in Germany,a migrant man, apparently of Somali origin, entered a church in Munich during Easter Mass and threw dangerous objects at worshippers (variously described as stones or firecrackers) while shouting, “Allahu akbar” (Allah is greater).  Congregants hurled their Easter meal baskets on the ground and rushed out in a panic.  Some were injured; children were left in a “state of shock.”  Authorities concluded that he was “mentally ill” and therefore not responsible for his actions.
Egypt: After a large Muslim mob beat two Christians, one a Coptic priest, in front of 200 terrified children who had gathered for Bible lessons, authorities responded by arresting the beaten Christian priest and shutting the church in compliance with the mob’s wishes.   On the previous day, the mayor had gone to oversee ongoing reconstruction of the church.  Angered at what he considered too much of an “add-on,” he accused the church of “treason” and riled local Muslims against it.  At that point, according to the report,
The city council immediately arrived, stopped the work and confiscated building materials, including the cement and the reinforced steel.  The next day at 4 p.m., dozens of angry demonstrators tried to enter the church premises but were unable to get through a steel door. Carrying clubs and knives, they started shouting, cursing and pelting the building with rocks, according to Coptic Solidarity.  Additional forces arrived, and Father Basilious was struck as he and another priest were escorted off the premises. Parents and church leaders were not able to move the 200 children away from the angry, chanting villagers until security forces dispersed the crowds. Though police witnessed the beating of the priest, no arrests were made.  Both Father Basilious and Father Bakhoum were taken for questioning into the evening hours.  Police issued an indefinite closure order, pending investigations, and froze all activities of the 10-year-old church, including its daycare and the Sunday School.
One local Christian woman said, “The hardest emotion in that incident is the kids lived the incident in the reality. They saw the extremists attacking the church and how they injured the priests. This incident will hurt them psychologically in the future.”  “This is a very hard situation,” said another. “You can see kids praying in tears because of their feelings of fear … that is very painful for us as Christians personally. I don’t trust in the government promises, but we have to continue praying for [a] reopening [of] the church.”
Attacks on Muslim Converts to Christianity
Kyrgyzstan:  Three Muslim men nearly beat to death a former Muslim man because he converted to Christianity.  After they broke into the home of Eldos, in his 20s,
They shouted at him that he was a kaffir (a derogatory term for a non-Muslim) and that he had betrayed Islam (the classic Islamic view of Muslims who leave Islam).  Then they tried to force him to say the shahada (the Islamic creed), which is considered conversion or re-conversion to Islam, but Eldos bravely refused. They then repeatedly kicked him in the head as he lay helpless on the floor, fracturing his jaw and smashing his teeth and leaving him semi-conscious.  They then threatened that they would come back to kill him if he did not leave the village by the morning. 
Eldos reported the incident to local authorities—only to find them siding with his attackers.  He “was held captive for ten hours in a prosecutor’s office in the capital Bishkek by the lawyer of his attackers. The lawyer tried to force Eldos to drop the charges against the three men who viciously attacked him.”  Among the threats made during his ordeal, the defense lawyer told Eldos, “We are going to lock you in prison and you are going to beg me for your life.”  Eldos and his uncle, also a convert to Christianity, fled the Muslim-majority nation two days later.
Uganda: A  former Muslim imam and secret convert to Christianity, Sheikh Hassan Podo, 28, explained what happened to him after an informer told his family that he had been missing mosque prayers and was seen entering a church: “my brothers immediately began surrounding me, with sticks. It was difficult to escape [from the family house]. They began shouting, beating and insulting me as an ‘infidel’ and enemy of the Islamic religion.”  A local heard “a loud cry emanating from Podo’s homestead, raising a big concern from the neighbors who arrived at the scene of attack and helped Podo to escape.  He bled as he fled for his life. Later he was found in a pool of blood a kilometer away from the homestead, unconscious.”  His wife and two children managed to escape to a nearby Christian neighbor.  Podo was rushed to a clinic, where he was treated for wounds to his head and body; two days later he was discharged to a pastor’s home. According to the pastor, Podo’s father has since assembled a group of Muslims from different mosques “to hunt for the life of his son, declaring a fatwa and disowning him, and giving his land to the brothers for bringing blasphemy into the family.”
Kenya: Charles Ndingi Mudasir, a former Muslim who converted to Christianity in 2014, shared some of what transpired once his Muslim father learned of his apostasy:
One Sunday morning, [my father] followed behind me and saw me enter the church. That evening, he called two imams and my uncles. All of them descended on me with blows, slaps, and whips, calling me a kafir (infidel)….  They forced me to repeat the shahada [several times]. They continued to beat me mercilessly. My furious father hit me in the head and I fainted. When I woke up, I found myself locked in a dark room and with a lot of pain. Back in my mind, I knew that I was still a Christian and if I died I would go to heaven. I was released after two days. Life was never the same again. I was not allowed to leave the compound on Sundays.
Then, “in 2015, my father arranged a trip for me and my uncle, Mohamed, to Qatar. We were to be there for a month and come back,” continues Charles.  While at the airport with his uncle, Charles asked his brother why he was weeping:   “My brother, who is still a Muslim, had compassion for me. He [told me of] the plan my father had devised; to have me beheaded in Qatar because I had refused to convert back to Islam. I acted very fast, escaped from my uncle at the airport and rushed back to the church.”
Later, “while surfing in a cyber café in Mombasa [with] my childhood friend, some people blindfolded and whisked me into a waiting car,” says Charles:
I was taken round and round by the men, [who were] praising Allah that they had found me. Finally, I was taken to a mosque and uncovered…..  I was later moved to another house and locked inside a small dark room. I was given seven days to repent and re-Islamize. Every day, I was given a blue pill with very little water. My captors told me that my father had sent that pill to help me remove unbelief from my thick head. Yes, my father again. My heart sank deeper….  On the eighth day, I was told that they would take me to the mosque to either be killed or [to be dropped off after] injecting me with poison. I knew my end had just arrived. I said my final prayer for deliverance from the claws of the enemy or a gracious welcome to the heavenly presence of God. The Lord answered my prayer, and my captors asked me where I wanted to go. I told them that I wanted to go to the South Coast.
He was again blindfolded, shoved into the car, driven to the South Coast, and dumped near the Word of Life Mombasa.
General Discrimination and Persecution
Palestinian Authority: On April 25, “the terrified residents of the Christian village of Jifna near Ramallah,” states a report, “were attacked by Muslim gunmen … after a woman from the village submitted a complaint to the police that the son of a prominent, Fatah-affiliated leader had attacked her family. In response, dozens of Fatah gunmen came to the village, fired hundreds of bullets in the air, threw petrol bombs while shouting curses, and caused severe damage to public property. It was a miracle that there were no dead or wounded.” The “rioters,” the report continues, “called on the [Christian] residents to pay jizya—a head tax that was levied throughout history on non-Muslim minorities under Islamic rule. The most recent victims of the jizya were the Christian communities of Iraq and Syria under ISIS rule.”   Moreover, as often happens when Muslims attack Christians in Islamic nations, “Despite the [Christian] residents’ cries for help … the PA police did not intervene during the hours of mayhem. They have not arrested any suspects.”  
Malaysia:  After moving to a Muslim village, Slamet Sumiarto, a Catholic artist and his family “were expelled from a village because they are not Muslim.”  Sumiarto made a video about the situation:
I just moved here to Pleret and brought all my stuff and paintings to Karet.  Today I am very sad to know that I do not have the “right” to stay and live here simply because I am not a Muslim and my whole family is Catholic.  From an emotional point of view, I am really exhausted from this unexpected experience.  My poor wife, my children and I hope to soon find a good solution to this problem so that I could stay here, in this rented house in Pleret.
Although some local officials tried to get involved after seeing his video, in the end, Sumiarto and his family opted for prudence and moved.
Pakistan:  On account of his Christian identity, Muslims attacked and beat Kenneth Johnson, a 27-year-old Christian, after he tried to open a small grocery store.  According to Johnson, a poor agricultural laborer who takes care of three children, “It took about a year for me to save and arrange the required funds to establish a grocery store. However, Christians in this Islamic society are not allowed to initiate a business.  I had customers in my shop when Fiaz Khattak led an armed group of about a dozen Muslim.  They attacked my shop, damaged the stuff, thrashed me, passed derogatory remarks against Christians and Christianity. However, I managed to escape from the scene and protected myself from major injuries.”  The Muslims told Johnson things like, “How dare you, a Christian, initiate a business of a grocery store in the village. You are born to clean the roads and our houses, not to do businesses.”  Johnson continues:
The police did not reach the scene on time when we called the helpline.  Instead of a legal course of action, the police officer referred the case to the community leader. However, the community leader is even more helpless in front of an influential Muslim, therefore, I have not got any relief.  It is very hard for Christians to uplift themselves.  They are deprived and discouraged at different levels and face discrimination. Muslims often resist to provide opportunities to Christians. Rather, they create hurdles to keep them at lower positions.
Egypt:  On April 16, parliament approved the final draft of Egypt’s proposed amendments to the 2014 Constitution.  Although the Sisi government had emphasized that these constitutional changes would help ensure the rights of Christians, the final language has disappointed many Copts.  According to Article 244—the only article that mentions Christians—“the state shall guarantee that youth, Christians, the physically challenged and Egyptian expatriates are fairly represented in line with laws regulating this aspect (adequate representation).” Aside from likening Christians to handicaps and minors, “the language is in itself problematic, as the population of Christians is considered a state secret and thus it is impossible to ascertain what fair representation looks like for believers,” notes one report. “Most Egyptian Christians live in the Minya Governorate, where they are believed to represent nearly 50% of the population. The proposed constitutional changes also ignore other challenges Christians face, such as being treated as second-class citizens and difficulties at getting new churches approved.”
Read all of Ibrahim’s previous monthly reports here.
19 notes · View notes
dixiechikdigger · 8 years
🤗 TREATMENT OF WOMEN IN ISLAM 🤗 “Our women are PRECIOUS to us.” That is the TYPICAL MUSLIM response when asked about the treatment of women in Islam. Women are COVERED from head-to-toe because they are so “PRECIOUS,” and in the West, DOMESTIC ABUSE is HIGHER in the MUSLIM ENCLAVES than in the neighborhoods of the natives because women in Islam are “VALUED so HIGHLY.” FEMALE GENITAL MUTILATION is apparently another way to demonstrate how women are treated like queens by their Muslim families, and getting FLOGGED or even BEHEADED for getting RAPED (that is VICTIM BLAMING), also proves how special women are in the “RELIGION of PEACE.” HONOR KILLINGS are another wonderful EXAMPLE of the TREATMENT of WOMEN in Islam. Recently in PAKISTAN, a man and his two accomplices KILLED his SISTER for allegedly having “illicit relations” with a neighbor. In another Pakistani case, a WOMAN, her AUNT and COUSIN were ALL KILLED in an honor killing because the woman left her husband to MARRY ANOTHER MAN. The other two women helped her, and the JIRGA, assembly of tribal ELDERS, decided that they MUST be KILLED. No, it wasn’t madness or a crime of passion but an OFFICIAL DECISION made by what is essentially the governing group there because "WOMEN are “PRECIOUS ” in ISLAM". This beautiful Iraqi WOMAN was KILLED in an HONOR KILLING in AMERICA by her FATHER, who RAN OVER her. In August, a WOMAN, her DAUGHTER and SON-IN-LAW were also VICTIMS of an HONOR KILLING by the woman’s BROTHER after the woman had married WITHOUT her family’s CONSENT. Her BROTHER KILLED her for it. These honor killings are all too common in PAKISTAN with new cases reported EVERY FEW DAYS. Earlier this year, TWO teenage GIRLS and THEIR MOTHER were KILLED because the girls had been filmed DANCING in the RAIN, and the video made the rounds via mobile phones. According to the Express Tribune, “the HUMAN RIGHTS Commission of PAKISTAN says 943 WOMEN and GIRLS were MURDERED in 2011 after being ACCUSED of "TARNISHING their families’ HONOR.” PAKISTANIS make up the LARGEST MUSLIM immigrant group in the UK, though honor killings take place ACROSS the Muslim WORLD. In 2010, around 3000 HONOR ATTACKS occurred in the UK’s MUSLIM community, though the actual number is believed to be FAR GREATER as many CRIMES go UNREPORTED or are not classified as honor attacks, which include ABDUCTION, MUTILATIONS, BEATINGS, ACID attacks and MURDER. UNDERAGE MARRIAGE is all too common in the MUSLIM world, and a new report shows that instead of progressing, MALAYSIA is getting WORSE with MORE UNDERAGE marriages in 2012 than in 2011. While NON-MUSLIMS in the nation must WAIT until the age of 18 to marry, the LEGAL age for Muslims is 16. But with the common belief that girls must be married once they reach PUBERTY, UNDERAGE CHILDREN can marry if they get CONSENT from the SHARIAH court. And that is what they do to GET AROUND the supposed legal age the country has “officially” adopted in order to comply with world expectations. In NIGERIA, Senator Ahmad Yarima SUPPORTS CHILD MARRIAGE. The SENATOR himself MARRIED a 13 YEAR-OLD in 2010 and has voted to UPHOLD a law which states that ALL MARRIED GIRLS are “OF AGE.” ONE out of every FIVE NIGERIAN CHILDREN is NOT in SCHOOL, partly because of this MUSLIM BELIEF that PUBERTY means MARRIAGE when it COMES to GIRLS. Over HALF the GIRLS in the NORTHERN part of the country are MARRIED OFF by the time they are 16. And these GIRLS are EXPECTED to HAVE a CHILD their FIRST YEAR of MARRIAGE. As a RESULT, NIGERIA which makes up TWO PERCENT of the world’s POPULATION has TEN PERCENT of the world’s VVF CASES. VVF is VESICOVAGINAL FISTULA, a condition which occurs when URINE involuntarily enters the vaginal vault. WHY does this happen SO MUCH in NIGERIA? Because the CHILDREN giving birth are TOO SMALL. Their PELVISES are still TOO narrow. It’s a good thing these girls are CONSIDERED “PRECIOUS.” That helps ALOT. A 12 YEAR-OLD in PAKISTAN was FORCED to MARRY a 60 YEAR OLD MAN. FORCED MARRIAGE in the BRITISH MUSLIM community is also OUT-OF-CONTROL, with at least 8000 per YEAR in ENGLAND ALONE. In MANY of these cases, YOUNG GIRLS, BARELY teenagers, are FORCED to MARRY MEN at least TWICE their AGE, which is a dream compared to those who MUST MARRY men THREE or FOUR times older. REFUSAL to marry these men can RESULT in an HONOR attack. A HEROIN-DEALING MUSLIM in the UK became so INFURIATED with his WIFE for WANTING an EDUCATION, he SUBJECTED her to a year of “HELL” TELLING her that married WOMEN DON’T do this, apparently EQUATING it to some sort of LEWD BEHAVIOR. He FORCED her to wear a NIQAB, a FACE VEIL, but this was NOT enough. After she didn’t smile while with the family for Eid, he BEAT her. His SUBSEQUENT BEATINGS included RIPPING her TONGUE, KICKING and PUNCHING her, GIVING her BLACK eyes, keeping tabs on her via her cell phone, ACCUSING her of CHEATING, etc. The ABUSE CONTINUED EVEN AFTER she got PREGNANT, and their baby was delivered prematurely. Eventually HE STABBED her with SCISSORS and HIT her with a DUMBBELL. The ASSAILANT was a “DEVOUT MUSLIM.” This is NOT an ISOLATED case. Stories like this one are ALL TOO COMMON in the MUSLIM WORLD and are NOT contained ONLY in MUSLIM countries. This CASE took PLACE in the UK, but it could have been in France, Sweden, Australia, the United States or in ANY MUSLIM community AROUND the WORLD. The precious WOMEN of IRAN are ALLOWED to get an EDUCATION, but as a SENIOR CLERIC has RECENTLY STATED, if they are NOT DRESSED “PROPERLY,” their GRADES should REFLECT that. He CALLS for STRICTER REGULATIONS of WOMEN’S Islamic ATTIRE, saying, “IF her VEILING is BAD, DON’T LET her into the UNIVERSITY and let her feel it in her grade. This is not troublesome. Start here! If you PUT someone at the UNIVERSITY GATE and TELL students that if they DON’T OBSERVE proper VEILING it would AFFECT their GRADES, they would certainly pay heed.” SAUDI Sheikh Salah al-Luhaydan has another suggestion for the “precious jewels” that are MUSLIM WOMEN: DO NOT DRIVE. WOMEN in SAUDI ARABIA are NOT ALLOWED to DRIVE, but THIS SHEIKH EXPLAINS the reasoning behind it. BELIEVE it or NOT, DRIVING “DAMAGES a WOMAN’S OVARIES and PELVIS.” It is ACTUALLY a “HEALTH RISK.” THAT’S RIGHT, a health risk. Why getting in the passenger seat is less of a “health risk” must be some kind of a miracle. DRIVING is SO UNHEALTHY for WOMEN, according to the SHEIKH, it could even affect her unborn babies. In fact, IF SAUDI ARABIA were to ALLOW it, more women and men would turn to homosexuality and pornography. These comments were BASED on a “SCIENTIFIC ” study DONE by SAUDI ARABIA’S HIGHEST RELIGIOUS COUNCIL alongside a former professor at King Fahd University. The study also “FOUND ” that ALLOWING WOMEN to DRIVE could result in PROSTITUTION and DIVORCE. 😂😂😂 PROSTITUTION however, is ALREADY a PART of the MUSLIM WORLD and has nothing to do with driving. A new report from an NGO states that there are over 100,000 SEX SLAVES in TURKEY, and HALF of them are CHILDREN. And while MUSLIMS from AROUND the WORLD have been travelling to SYRIA to JOIN the fight of the AL-QAEDA linked rebels, UNDERAGE TUNISIAN GIRLS have also DONE their part to “HELP the CAUSE.” They’ve been SENT to SEXUALLY SATISFY these JIHADIS and have RETURNED PREGNANT. NOTHING MORE than a PROSTITUTION RING, this is another PRIME EXAMPLE of how ISLAM treats its "PRECIOUS JEWELS". Ibn Warraq explains the BASIS for DEMEANING WOMEN in ISLAM. BEGINNING with the CONCEPT of EVE, the FIRST WOMAN, as a TEMPTRESS who set the stage. Warraq writes, “MODERN Muslim COMMENTATORS INTERPRET certain verses to SHOW that GUILE, DECEIT, and TREACHERY are INTRINSIC to a WOMAN’S NATURE. Not only is she unwilling to change, she is by nature incapable of changing – she has NO CHOICE …” QURANIC VERSES EXPOSE the truth about WOMEN in ISLAM: 4.11. Allah chargeth you concerning (the provision for) your children: TO the MALE the EQUIVALENT of the PORTION of TWO FEMALES 💸 of their property (for the support of women). THE TREATMENT OF WOMEN IN ISLAM “Our women are PRECIOUS to us.” That is the TYPICAL MUSLIM response when asked about the treatment of women in Islam. Women are COVERED from head-to-toe because they are so “PRECIOUS,” and in the West, DOMESTIC ABUSE is HIGHER in the MUSLIM ENCLAVES than in the neighborhoods of the natives because women in Islam are “VALUED so HIGHLY.” FEMALE GENITAL MUTILATION is apparently another way to demonstrate how women are treated like queens by their Muslim families, and getting FLOGGED or even BEHEADED for getting RAPED also proves how special women are in the “RELIGION of PEACE.” HONOR KILLINGS are another wonderful EXAMPLE of the TREATMENT of WOMEN in Islam. Recently in Pakistan, a man and his two accomplices KILLED his SISTER for allegedly having “illicit relations” with a neighbor. In another Pakistani case, a WOMAN, her AUNT and COUSIN were ALL KILLED in an honor killing because the woman left her husband to MARRY ANOTHER MAN. The other two women helped her, and the JIRGA, assembly of tribal ELDERS, decided that they MUST be KILLED. No, it wasn’t madness or a crime of passion but an OFFICIAL DECISION made by what is essentially the governing group there because "WOMEN are “PRECIOUS ” in ISLAM". This beautiful Iraqi woman was KILLED in an HONOR KILLING in AMERICA by her FATHER, who ran over her. In August, a WOMAN, her DAUGHTER and SON-IN-LAW were also VICTIMS of an HONOR KILLING by the woman’s BROTHER after the woman had married WITHOUT her family’s CONSENT. Her BROTHER KILLED her for it. These honor killings are all too common in PAKISTAN with new cases reported EVERY FEW DAYS. Earlier this year, TWO teenage GIRLS and THEIR MOTHER were KILLED because the girls had been filmed DANCING in the RAIN, and the video made the rounds via mobile phones. According to the Express Tribune, “the HUMAN RIGHTS Commission of PAKISTAN says 943 women and girls were MURDERED in 2011 after being ACCUSED of "TARNISHING their families’ HONOR.” PAKISTANIS make up the LARGEST Muslim immigrant group in the UK, though honor killings take place ACROSS the Muslim world. In 2010, around 3000 HONOR ATTACKS occurred in the UK’s MUSLIM community, though the actual number is believed to be FAR GREATER as many CRIMES go UNREPORTED or are not classified as honor attacks, which include ABDUCTION, MUTILATIONS, BEATINGS, ACID attacks and MURDER. UNDERAGE MARRIAGE is all too common in the MUSLIM world, and a new report shows that instead of progressing, MALAYSIA is getting worse with MORE UNDERAGE marriages in 2012 than in 2011. While NON-MUSLIMS in the nation must WAIT until the age of 18 to marry, the LEGAL age for Muslims is 16. But with the common belief that girls must be married once they reach PUBERTY, UNDERAGE CHILDREN can marry if they get CONSENT from the SHARIAH court. And that is what they do to GET AROUND the supposed legal age the country has “officially” adopted in order to comply with world expectations. In NIGERIA, Senator Ahmad Yarima SUPPORTS CHILD MARRIAGE. The SENATOR himself MARRIED a 13 YEAR-OLD in 2010 and has voted to UPHOLD a law which states that ALL MARRIED GIRLS are “OF AGE.” ONE out of every FIVE NIGERIAN CHILDREN is NOT in SCHOOL, partly because of this MUSLIM BELIEF that PUBERTY means MARRIAGE when it COMES to GIRLS. Over HALF the GIRLS in the NORTHERN part of the country are MARRIED OFF by the time they are 16. And these girls are EXPECTED to HAVE a CHILD their FIRST YEAR of MARRIAGE. As a RESULT, NIGERIA which makes up TWO PERCENT of the world’s POPULATION has TEN PERCENT of the world’s VVF CASES. VVF is VESICOVAGINAL FISTULA, a condition which occurs when urine involuntarily enters the vaginal vault. WHY does this happen SO MUCH in NIGERIA? Because the CHILDREN giving birth are TOO SMALL. Their PELVISES are still TOO narrow. It’s a good thing these girls are CONSIDERED “PRECIOUS.” That helps A LOT. A 12 YEAR-OLD in Pakistan was FORCED to MARRY a 60 YEAR OLD MAN. FORCED MARRIAGE in the BRITISH MUSLIM community is also OUT-OF-CONTROL-control, with at least 8000 per year in ENGLAND ALONE. In MANY of these cases, YOUNG GIRLS, BARELY teenagers, are FORCED to MARRY men at least TWICE their AGE, which is a dream compared to those who MUST MARRY men THREE or FOUR times older. REFUSAL to marry these men can RESULT in an HONOR attack. A HEROIN-DEALING MUSLIM in the UK became so INFURIATED with his WIFE for WANTING an EDUCATION, he SUBJECTED her to a year of “HELL” TELLING her that married women DON’T do this, apparently EQUATING it to some sort of LEWD BEHAVIOR. He FORCED her to wear a NIQAB, a FACE VEIL, but this was NOT enough. After she didn’t smile while with the family for Eid, he BEAT her. His SUBSEQUENT BEATINGS included RIPPING her TONGUE, KICKING and PUNCHING her, GIVING her BLACK eyes, keeping tabs on her via her cell phone, ACCUSING her of CHEATING, etc. The ABUSE CONTINUED EVEN AFTER she got PREGNANT, and their baby was delivered prematurely. Eventually HE STABBED her with SCISSORS and HIT her with a DUMBBELL. The ASSAILANT was a “DEVOUT MUSLIM.” This is NOT an ISOLATED case. Stories like this one are ALL TOO COMMON in the MUSLIM WORLD and are NOT contained ONLY in MUSLIM countries. This CASE took PLACE in the UK, but it could have been in France, Sweden, Australia, the United States or in ANY MUSLIM community AROUND the WORLD. The precious WOMEN of IRAN are ALLOWED to get an EDUCATION, but as a SENIOR CLERIC has RECENTLY STATED, if they are NOT DRESSED “PROPERLY,” their GRADES should REFLECT that. He CALLS for STRICTER REGULATIONS of WOMEN’S Islamic ATTIRE, saying, “IF her VEILING is BAD, DON’T LET her into the UNIVERSITY and let her feel it in her grade. This is not troublesome. Start here! If you PUT someone at the UNIVERSITY GATE and TELL students that if they DON’T OBSERVE proper VEILING it would AFFECT their GRADES, they would certainly pay heed.” SAUDI Sheikh Salah al-Luhaydan has another suggestion ETURNED PREGNANT. NOTHING MORE than a PROSTITUTION RING, this is another PRIME EXAMPLE of how ISLAM treats its "PRECIOUS JEWELS". Ibn Warraq explains the BASIS for DEMEANING WOMEN in ISLAM. BEGINNING with the So good women are the OBEDIENT, guarding in secret that which Allah hath guarded. As for those from whom ye FEAR rebellion, ADMONISH them and BANISH them to beds apart; and scourge (BEAT) them. Then if they OBEY you, seek not a way against them Lo! Allah is ever High Exalted, Great. MALALA YOUSUFZAI was SHOT for speaking out AGAINST the Taliban. At just 16, she struggles for CHILDREN’S and WOMEN’S rights. Warraq explains that IN ISLAM, a MAN is ALLOWED to BEAT his WIFE if she refuses to make herself beautiful for him; REFUSES to meet his SEXUAL DEMANDS; LEAVES the house WITHOUT permission or without any legitimate reason recognized by law; or NEGLECTS her religious DUTIES. Having to walk around like a BLOB, COVERED HEAD-TO-TOE; getting their CLITORIS CARVED out and getting SEWN almost completely SHUT; being DENIED an EDUCATION or the right to WORK in a “gender mixing” job; verbal, physical and sexual ABUSE; running the RISK of GETTING KILLED for any number of horrific “CRIMES ” such as looking at a boy, talking to men on the street if they aren’t relatives, wearing Western clothing, not wearing ahijab, having a boyfriend, refusing to marry a stranger, getting raped… If this is what “precious” means, I’m glad I’m not so precious. In the mid-sixties, the West accepted the SUICIDAL DOCTRINE of MULTICULTURALISM as its official approach to the problem of immigration. This RESULTED in an ENDLESS stream of IMMIGRANTS from THIRD WORLD countries POURING into Europe, the USA, Canada and Australia, subsequently displacing the native populations and creating both social tensions and an unsustainable financial burden. Uncontrolled immigration has contributed to a dissipating economy, disturbing CRIME statistics, a high rate of UNEMPLOYMENT among natives, SWOLLEN WELFARE rolls so out of control they are practically bankrupting Western countries, and has even led to an unprecedented wave of TERRORISM. But the gravest problem of massive immigration, that which dwarfs all the rest, is the SUPPLANTING of the NATIVE populations of Western countries with people who quite often DO NOT SHARE those VALUES that were and are the CORNERSTONE of WESTERN CIVILIZATION. Moreover, they often come to the West with the INTENT to DESTROY it. The SHARP GROWTH of the number of immigrants often openly hostile to the West, combined with the distortion of traditional Western values by liberals and leftists pose a serious threat to the very existence of Western civilization. As for those from whom ye fear rebellion, admonish them and banish them to beds apart; and scourge (beat) them. Then if they obey you, seek not a way against them Lo! Allah is ever High Exalted, Great. MALALA YOUSUFZAI was 🔫 SHOT for speaking out AGAINST the Taliban. At just 16, she struggles for CHILDREN’S and WOMEN’S rights. 😠Warraq explains that IN ISLAM, a MAN is ALLOWED to BEAT 😈 his WIFE if she refuses to make herself beautiful for him; REFUSES to meet his SEXUAL DEMANDS; LEAVES the house WITHOUT permission or without any legitimate reason recognized by law; or NEGLECTS her religious DUTIES. 😠 Having to walk around like a BLOB, COVERED HEAD-TO-TOE; getting their CLITORIS CARVED OUT and getting SEWN almost completely SHUT; being DENIED an EDUCATION or the right to WORK in a “gender mixing” job; verbal, physical and sexual ABUSE; running the RISK of GETTING KILLED for any number of horrific “CRIMES ” such as looking at a boy, talking to men on the street if they aren’t relatives, wearing Western clothing, NOT wearing ahijab, having a BOYFRIEND, REFUSING to marry a stranger, getting RAPED … If this is what “PRECIOUS ” means, I’m glad I’m NOT so precious. In the mid-sixties, the West accepted the SUICIDAL DOCTRINE of MULTICULTURALISM as its official approach to the problem of immigration. This RESULTED in an ENDLESS stream of IMMIGRANTS from THIRD WORLD countries POURING into Europe, the USA, Canada and Australia, subsequently displacing the native populations and creating both social tensions and an unsustainable financial BURDEN. Uncontrolled immigration has contributed to a DISSIPATING economy, disturbing CRIME statistics, a high rate of UNEMPLOYMENT among natives, SWOLLEN WELFARE rolls so out of control they are practically bankrupting Western countries, and has even led to an unprecedented wave of TERRORISM. But the gravest problem of massive immigration, that which dwarfs all the rest, is the SUPPLANTING of the NATIVE populations of Western countries with people who quite often DO NOT SHARE those VALUES that were and are the CORNERSTONE of WESTERN CIVILIZATION. Moreover, they often come to the West with the INTENT to DESTROY it. The SHARP GROWTH of the number of immigrants often openly hostile to the West, combined with the DISTORTION of traditional Western values by liberals and leftists pose a serious threat to the very EXISTENCE of Western civilization. 
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