#VERY much.
stringbeans-and-peas · 3 months
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^ This was about Philip Wittebane
I had surgery 2 weeks ago; so after I got wheeled out of the hospital and fell asleep, these were the very first things I sent to my friends(????)
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meringuejellyfish · 2 years
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lets talk about this otto figment
#the way otto is depicted within the other members' mental worlds is somethin. ive been thinking about this for the longest time#i think helmut is the only one with a version of otto that isnt negative. but i suppose thats just because helmut loves all his friends so#very much.#this pictures actually funny because compton and cassie are 1 figment aswell as ford and lucy being 1 as well. and ottos just standing#all the way over here.#awesome#interestingly to me is the fact that an otto figment is at helmuts version of the wedding but there is no otto figment in bobs version of#the wedding while all the others are there (IM. pretty sure. ive checked a few times#which since i forgot about the otto figment in helmuts mind made me wonder for a while whether or not otto was at the wedding at all#but no. he was and for one reason or another bobs memory of the wedding does not have otto in it...lmfao#however there is a fully fledged otto on one of the islands in bobs mind - interesting to me considering the other two characters here are#lilli and truman.#(this version of otto is very unsupportive and all like ''we never really liked you that much helmut deserved someone better blahblah''#so id say perhaps this otto is a more general ''this is how bob thinks the other members thought of him'' and using otto to represent the#entirety of the psychic 7#im kind of just ? about bob and otto especially because in helmuts mind they are hanging out and theres maybe? and implication that they#actually did have a bond in the real world#yeah theyre arguing in helmuts mind (or something of the sort) but its like friend banter#.kind of#i think they annoyed eachother a lot sometimes but it is okay.#(i like the implication that helmut and bob used to get high together (i like the concept art of otto smoking psitanium#i was going to make a point somewhere where like i wouldnt be surprised if maybe bob gained a deep hatred of some sorts towards otto#after helmut was lost like oh its because of your stupid machine its all your fault#but im not sure if theres any real evidence for this (psychonauts is a game all about small throw away lines theres definitely a chance im#forgetting something#im very much just rambling and saying things#ok fine maybe bob and otto were just arguing in helmuts mental representations of them it does seem like bob has the least fond memories of#him out of any member#most definitely why hes missing from bobs version of the wedding and why otto is the stand in for how bob thinks all the members saw him#sad
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bettertwin9000 · 2 years
KO. I HAVE MISSED YOU-- a little bit. Obviously. Not too much. No no- not me
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yellowocaballero · 1 year
Oh wisest of DC fanfic writers, I come to your shrine with a request
You think Batman can work in a cyberpunk setting?
Oh, I'm relatively certain that somebody's done it! I'd call Batman Beyond the closest to Bat-cyberpunk we've had. And it fits in extremely well - Batman's highly stylized noir and always has been, and cyberpunk is always just futuristic noir.
Cyberpunk is one of the few genres I've consumed almost NOTHING of so believe it or not I'd have no idea how to do it myself. I think Batman Beyond's done it and done it very well.
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whiteshipnightjar · 8 months
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Zoozve, my beloved
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just watched a video of a wildlife rehabber tube-feeding the teeny tiniest orphaned baby opossum and the comments are fucking KILLING me
baby opossum (too teeny, hasn’t finished cooking in the marsupial pouch like it ought to have done, doesn’t even look like it should exist):
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the comments:
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beebfreeb · 5 months
Messaging people for the first time is so hard. What am I supposed to say? Like, "You seem really odd and your blog intrigues me. Do you want to have philosophical conversations or perhaps talk about fictional characters?" What! Whatever. I will just follow you back and stare at your blog with my big beautiful brown eyes.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 7 months
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The math just adds up!
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kelocitta · 6 months
Small artists you need to understand that when you see an artist who you think has 'made it' tells you not to worry about the numbers and to not fret about getting more likes than reblogs they are not telling you it because they think you are stupid for caring or because they dont need to network to survive they are very likely telling you that because they have witnessed first hand the way the numbers game tears people to shreds in terms of mental health and motivation
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When Bruce gets injected with truth serum
"Who's your favorite"
Everyone looked at Jason.
"Out of the four of us," he clarified. "Who's your favorite?"
He, Dick, Tim, and Damian turned to Bruce curiously.
Bruce proceeded to go on and on for over 3 hours about how he didn't actually have a favorite and how proud he was of all of them, only interrupted when Alfred walked in and Bruce started about how he was the best butler-dad ever.
None of them could honestly say they weren't at least a little teary.
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kendyroy · 28 days
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“They gave me runway in this film. There’s one monologue in there. I can’t tell you the details of it. I say more words in that monologue than I said in an entire movie once as Wolverine. But there are sides of the character that I’ve been scratching at for 24 years […] There is stuff in this movie where I was like, ‘This is the thing I’ve been trying to get out’ and I feel so excited about it.”
— Hugh Jackman talking about Logan in Deadpool & Wolverine (x)
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fosliie · 1 month
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The end result of my own reckless impulsivity
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hansoeii · 1 year
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we go just right.
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maeamian · 9 days
If you saw me agreeing with being annoyed about wasted helium in a fictional context and were like "I bet she has some more helium based anger in her life" good news LAPD fucked up a raid on a medical facility they thought was a pot farm and flat out ruined thousands of gallons of the stuff.
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Happy 10th anniversary to FNAF!!
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catmask · 1 year
its true that romance amd friendship will not solve everything but. objectively speaking its very hard to get sad when you can say 'lets go get cake tomorrow okay' and someone will go get cake with you. like there is some good at least. you know
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