danger-tits-lute · 3 months
"hey Lute so uh, no hard feelings for you know what right?" Lucifer would obviously know better than to bring that up
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“I will bring all of Heaven’s wrath with me when I come back down here and destroy you all for what you did to Adam.” She glared at the King of Hell with rage and sorrow induced tears in her eyes.
“You will not escape extermination this time.”
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amalagam · 12 days
every time i see someone go off on “um ackshually ovid isn’t the real mythology he’s not even greek and he made gods into symbols of authorities that he hated so it’s invalid. and also he hated women” i feel just so deeply tired in my bones and have to rant about the same things again.
like first of all. fellas. that is Not how reception of mythology and reinterpretation through different authorial lenses works. there’s no One True Version Of The Story quite nearly Ever in orally transmitted lore and most of the time ancient religion/mythology didn’t have a set canon as we think of it today. and also metamorphoses is nearly as old as the greek versions of the myths And had a very real impact on how they were transmitted through culture up to today so you cannot just dismiss it out of hand.
second of all if he Did use stories about gods being terrible as a way to criticize irl authority i think that’s based actually. down with the gods of empire are they not just the biggest imperials of all etc etc etc.
finally despite not being a classicist i’ve read enough classicists’ wildly different takes on gender in ovid to know that it was Definitely more complicated than “he hated women.” like i’m not gonna defend this man i don’t know that much about him and i am not a classicist and also he was an ancient roman so he probably did hate women to some extent. but i do know about the reinterpretation of the same transmitted stories and i like to sit and listen to different people’s analyses of history and art.
so basically that’s why i have a very hard time swallowing this rhetoric. every story comes from everywhere and can exist in multiple forms especially if they’re that old and especially if multiple forms are that old and had equal impact. maybe instead of dismissing it you can analyze what the different versions Say and how each might be interesting to reinterpret in some way.
i’m just saying there’s a reason people seize onto wanting to retell the version of medusa who was a rape survivor and not the version of her who was just a monster without anything else. it’s because in the current day the former version resonates with people who see a reflection of many survivors’ trauma in her story of being abused and then blamed for her own abuse and failed by the powers that be. the authorities who she believed were supposed to protect her. it’s not hard to see why people’s imaginations are sparked by it and i think looking at that is more interesting than harping on about “yeah but the oldest version” and ignoring all of the reasons why people chose This version. and i bring this up because this whole post Was prompted by seeing someone be like Um But The Real Medusa WAS Just A Monster. like ok but that’s not the version the retellers you’re talking about chose to retell
(ofc i’m not saying that classical myth retellings aren’t ass a lot of the time though LMAO there Is a big problem where a lot of the ones that claim to be Feminist are somehow less feminist than the ancient versions and also definitely overdone and boring as hell. but that’s not what this post is about)
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ambreiiigns · 2 years
i'm gonna say something abt johnny depp & my mom and then i'm gonna go to sleep leave me alone
#so my parents had a terribly abusive relationship#i watched my dad kick my mom in her stomach until she threw up when i was like. 6 or smth#and like. that happened frequently as far as i know. i don't remember much else but i'm aware#and she's been very interested in this depp heard situation since it started#admittedly she was. very biased. always a big johnny depp fan and raised me accordingly#but i did take some steps back when it first came out. i saw people say the situation seemed Sus very early on#and so i was mostly neutral. i hate to admit it nowadays but i was leaning amber at the time ya know#but i wasn't taking a Super Hard Stance bc of the Sus things. i wanted to see how it would end up going and all#and look at THIS now huh#my mom feels very vindicated#and sometimes when we talk abt it she says#even IF he Did hit her or push her or whatever sometime#she wouldn't blame him#after everything that has been basically confirmed that she put him thru#mom almost hopes he hurt her back in some way#and i agree that it's just. understandable if you end up lashing out after being abused for a long time#like. sorry if that makes me lose my feminist card or whatever but i hope he beats the shit out of her ackshually xx#my mom. she tried to stab . dad at some point. cops have been called to stay around the house almost bc the families were worried that#she'd snap and kill him jandnsjfjs like#of course there's cops bc dad has been beating her up for years. but also it got to a point where mom was ready to kill him#and like. are you gonna blame her. of course not. of course you're not gonna blame anyone in her position#of course she hopes to get some catharsis thru johnny depp maybe did smash a door against her head or whatever after all#me too i hope he hurt her at least once or twice i hope at least one of the bullshit lies she's been spitting out is true#i hope she experienced pain 💜 and i hope she experiences more in the future 💜💜#also. the people who are so intensely refusing to accept that the woman in the relationship just Might be abusive.#do you realize you're taking /feminism/ so far you're actually just doing a u-turn and going back to medieval idealization of women#like we're going all the way back to the angelic can-do-no-wrong women on these insane pedestals that do not exist#and didn't we agree those are bad too?#like. women can be fucking assholes. women can be dangerous. women can be abusive. even to men. fuck off with that. wake up#oh nay
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busghost · 3 years
How big would you want HI to get? I feel like the game deserves more attention, but I don’t know if I’d want to see it blow up so to speak
I would like it if Honkai Impact were more popular, it's my favorite story from pretty much anything and I’d love for more people to experience it. But also, seeing what happens in really big fandoms just makes me scared. Through barely interacting with Genshin twitter I can say that it's just terrifying because you'll get the typical scary fans like "weeb who can only view the characters as sex objects" or "so far up their ass with being the purity police that they can see daylight again". And those people just make it not fun to interact with people. You'll try to start a conversation with one about the themes and relationships or whatever and just get "I want o fuck her, her being 14 makes it better/SEGGGGGGS" or "UM ACKSHUALLY BRONYA SAID RETARD ONCE SO YOU'RE WORTH LESS THAN DOGSHIT AND DESERVE TO DIE" as a reply.
Obviously these are just loud minorities but it's still not fun.
And Honkai is a popular game! Just NOWHERE near as popular as something like Genshin Impact which is what it will always be compared to because they're from the same developer. I saw a report of the revenue from Honkai and Genshin and Genshin made thirty times more money in one month ($2 million vs $60 million). Honkai is still very popular, especially if you look outside NA and EU. Maybe GI is more popular cause it has shippable twinks and fandom will always care more about mlm ships. Seriously Su x Kevin is the #3 ship on AO3.
It's also hard to get people into hi3 because, let's be honest. The game starts off SLOW and in the middle of the story. The main characters' story begins in like 2014 but the game starts 2 and a half years later. And then you mention the comics because there's even more story for context and they want to play it even less cause they'll never believe you that Second Eruption is AMAZING. It would be nice if it were more popular cause it could financially justify the anime everyone's been begging for so long.
Tl;DR : more popular would be nice, but big fandom scares me so hopefully not as big is Genshin
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