#VERSE 001;;
starrypcrtal · 1 month
@sillymuses has liked/replied here for a starter (for Bill).
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"What are you doing here?" Astra scoffed slightly, a clear hint of wariness forming across her face. She still held onto her grappling hook as she took a few steps back. Bill looks...familiar to her and yet she felt genuine caution about Bill.
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starsburned · 2 months
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"HOW DO YOU get a dog to stop biting? Asking for a friend."
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stillsolo · 5 months
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                       //  2   /   ??
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willowswriting · 7 months
Muse⇥ Louis Piquet, 21-28, He/Him, Bisexual, Underground Fighter/Dealer. Connection ⇥ Boyfriend Plot ⇥ Louis shows up at Tanner's door bruised and beaten. He claims they're from the fight he had tonight, which he never attended, but they're actually from some guys that he owes money to. Open To ⇥ @musicallyiinclined.
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"Would you stop looking at me like that." Louis spoke as he held the towel wrapped ice pack that the hockey player had given him upon his arrival against the left side of his face "I already told you that I'm fine." he sighed. The sad part about the whole situation was that the fighter was fine. Any normal person might be a little shaken up after getting jumped in an empty parking lot but it was simply another day for him. He knew that it was long over due. He wasn't an idiot he knew how the way that the life he lived worked. He was constantly pushing boundaries and towing the line, admittedly he had always enjoyed the rush of it.
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resonette · 1 month
don't worry , god will forgive us .
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(   van helsing. accepting. )
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" you. "
the correction comes like sacrilege, almost. how brazen the flower maiden is when she looks at the goddess, casts her eyes upon her beauty, and still yet finds the bravery to correct her. it will get her punished, of this she knows, but she is not afraid. not she, who has looked upon the world and found it wanting. not her, who is responsible for the continued existence of her people. she is not yet princess, nor queen here, but she knows she is integral to this survival. they have made no mistake in ensuring that the flower maiden knows she will be sacrificed. that is why she must climb the foreseer's tower, seek his guidance, find a cure for her ailment before it is too late. before she dies, unable to help her people.
" our god will forgive . . . you. "
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" but what of me? there is no happy ending for me. i do not get to wed, nor bear children, nor see the beautiful flowers i spent ages of my life planting bear fruit or seed. and what of me, o aurora, for the only way for the rest of my people to carry on is when my blood is spilt? is that why ASTRA has cursed me in this way? is that why you have come to look upon me before i enter the foreseer's tower as so many before me have? i am going to die anyways; i would rather it be at the hand of a man who can present unto me the truth than be laid upon an altar to a god who refuses to look upon me? "
golden eyes tear up, here, wet and wanting like the most divine of waterfalls. it is like she is watering her garden, here, with the way the tears so freely streak down her cheeks, pale skin reddening with each breath the philean girl takes. her hands are overturned, her palms extended. if the goddess so much as wanted her to prostrate herself before her, she would, to prove her point. had the most beautiful of auroras chosen mankind? had there been another to finally, FINALLY , see what the flower maiden had begged for years , eons , lifetimes of seeing ?
" do you wish ASTRA'S forgiveness? because i do. i would throw myself to the wolves one final time if it mean ASTRA would end this hellacious cycle that has been thrust upon me. i cannot remember the lives that came before my own, yet i know they exist. i am dying, goddess, and i am scared. please - do not bar my path. please, o most beautiful aurora. let me find my truths, so that i might die knowing i did all i could. "
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saburaito · 5 months
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pvachypessa-archive · 4 months
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Eyes went to see her beloved friend as her name was called, finally! Finally she was free again!
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❝ Mario! (@red-man-of-mustache )Oh, thank you! You know I can't never thank you enough for all you do for me. So how about you go to the castle later for some fresh baked cake? I know it's not much. but you need to recover from everything so a nice rest would be nice to you, yes? ❞
Asked the pink princess to her red capped friend with a smile as she gives him a soft and gentle bow not only as greeting but as respect.
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deadsmart · 5 months
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He's sat at his desk , slouching a little more than he'd NORMALLY allow , because it's just the two of them . Edwin had been scribbling notes in his pocket book , hand PAUSING mid word as eyes lift to look at Charles across the room from under a knotted brow.
❝ I find myself UNSURE of what you're asking me ❞ Pen lifts off of paper , hovering mid-air , held by a relaxed wrist . ❝ We're the DEAD boy detective agency ( ... ) we work DEAD people cases . ❞ There's a smile in his eyes , if only because he knows FULL well what he's asking ( ... ) why he's asking . He's gotten attached to another one of his HUMANS .
❝ The last time you brought a LIVING being into our agency , I could not get the blood out of the rug for THREE YEARS , Charles . ❞
@deadbrawn //
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publicabsent · 3 months
@essentiamortis: " i remember ... everything . " / accepting.
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that isn't always a bad thing. after all, even the worst memories can be turned into lessons. (at least, that's what annette tells herself.) large eyes blink slowly, drifting into some middle distance. "s'n-n-not ... a-a-alw-ways bad. y'kn-now." she doesn't even sound like she really believes it.
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sialiia · 4 months
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ• . ° .┊┊@sheldoney - liked!
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ㅤㅤ❝𝓗and sanitizer?❞ Sydney offered the small portable bottle.
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eievuimultimuse · 11 months
@eyeknowmayhem | CLOSED STARTER ( from SUPERFLY; for MONDO ! )
     IT WAS SUNRISE when the fly mutant arrived back at the truly abandoned shipyard for the third morning in a row. It was kinda CRAZY to think it’d only been THREE DAYS since he’d finally escaped. Three days out of a whopping SIX MONTHS. Six months since they turned him back, since he was no more than a fly in a jar, since his FAMILY turned against him . . .six months since he lost everything.
     He’d made it part of his new habit to wander New York’s streets at night and to return here during the day so as to not get caught by any humans. He only used it to have a safe place to crash at this point, feeling exhausted after staying awake and alert all night. Not like he had much reason to use it for anything other than sleep; not when it was so…EMPTY now, save for some few things. He knew it wasn’t the smartest thing, frequenting a spot like this. He knew it made him more likely to get caught in the long run. But truthfully…he didn’t have anywhere else to go.
     When he enters the cavernous abode, he’s got a duffle bag strapped over his shoulder — just some items he nabbed while he was out, things that he needed to, y’know…LIVE. He plans on just taking it and himself to his room  ( which, surprisingly, seemed to be only part of the place that remained mostly intact. guess they didn’t care enough to clean it out like they did the rest of the place )  before settling down to sleep the day hours away. Sleep away the day, just to wake up by nightfall and do the whole thing over agai—
     Shortly upon entering, he suddenly pauses full stop, antennae twitching suspiciously. He swears that he hears something.  ( Maybe it’s just the lack of sleep getting to him ? )  No, he really does. Or, at least, he senses that something’s amiss. There aren’t any immediately noticeable changes to the place, yet he can’t help but feel that something’s changed regardless. Someone’s been in here in his absence.  ( Shit. Did they find him again already ? ) 
     Paranoid thoughts running through his mind, he ditches the bag — simply lets it drop to the floor, to which it lands quietly — to go investigating.  ( He’s honestly not sure if he has the stamina to go for a round two with these guys if push comes to shove — they certainly put up one hell of a fight when he made his escape — but he sure wasn’t going to run away. IF NOT EVEN HERE IS SAFE, THEN HE’S S.O.L. )
     He’s naturally taken to flying up towards the rafters to get a better view, compound eyes scanning every possible area. It becomes evident — much to his benefit — that even if there are any of those ASSHOLES around, there can’t possibly be that many. The ship is BIG and has plenty of places to hide, but not so many that he wouldn’t have spotted a whole pack of ‘em already if there was one. At the very least, if there is an intruder  ( he may be beginning to doubt; may be beginning to think it really is just poor sleep catching up to him ), it’s only—
     Wait. He’s spotted movement below, somewhere. It’s in his peripheral, but he caught it. So someone IS here. The place is so dark at this current hour that he can’t really make heads or tails of who or what he’s looking at — but if he’d wager a guess, this isn’t TCRI coming to bust down his door. Again, it’s hard to tell, but the individual looks far too skinny compared to TCRI goons’ habit of wearing some of the bulkiest armour seemingly known to man. That doesn’t exactly ease his concern any, though, because if it’s NOT them, then— WHO THE HELL IS THAT ?  And what the HELL are they doing in HIS home ?
     He observes for some time longer, keeping himself hidden while he does, just to try and piece together what’s going on. Eventually, it becomes apparent that this— TRESPASSER is poking around at some of the few remaining things left around. HIS things.
     ( Oh, HELL no. He KNOWS that this guy isn’t trying to freakin’ ROB him right now. )
     When he shoots down, he’s as swift as a bullet, landing a few feet away with a pretty hefty and angry THUD. He just so happens to land in one of the few sunny spots there is, leaving no part of his person a secret. He’s speaking before he’s even given himself a chance to LOOK, already running his mouth as he moves closer, moving to close the gap. “ Man, I dunno WHAT you’re thinkin’ you’re gonna find in a damn shipyard, but I suggest you— “
     He stops in his tracks suddenly, as if he’d just been struck. Demeanour completely changes; the defensive, hostile expression is immediately replaced with a wide-eyed look of SHOCK. Now that he’s closer to this mysterious guest, he can actually see that this isn’t just some weird, rando human that’s somehow snuck their way in here. He’s not sure which part he registered first: the tail with the skate attached, the faux hair, the eccentric outfit that Superfly could NEVER talk Mondo out of in favour of something a little tougher  ( not that he tried particularly hard; he quickly accepted that with some things, he was better off just letting his youngest sibling do as he pleased rather than try to fight it ).
     What DID occur to him at that moment, though, was that he quickly realized that, seeing as they ALL BUT CLEARED THE PLACE OUT, he’d neglected to consider the possibility that…any of them would actually…COME BACK. And FIND HIM here. So, as he’s standing there, STUNNED, it’s…probably pretty EVIDENT that he was not at ALL prepared for this.
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     “ . . . Oh. “ His voice is flat, but the surprise is still evident. " It's just...you. " He's aware that he's saying it as if he HASN'T been separated from him for months. In his shocked state, he's just...BLANKING on what else TO say.
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starsburned · 2 months
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"AT LEAST TAKE me to dinner first." A chuckle bubbles up from his chest as he reaches out to tilt the muzzle of the gun downwards.
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florencc · 4 months
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i'm doing memes and rlly finding flo's voice in different verses so perhaps give this a lil like and throw something at ya !
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victoriousfidelity · 5 months
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"If anyone is going to understand this, it's me, so go on."
one line starter for @theresastargirl
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turkcentric · 4 months
For the time being, the "Helper's House" was closed seeing as this was one of two off days it went through due to the sheer volume of people that walked through its doors on a daily. It could be an inconvenience for some, but it was necessary for the Mage's own mental health too. Due to that, the Mage tended to live quite a ways away from the city, preferring a much quieter life in a huge treehouse he'd created that was nearer to the natural countryside than anything else.
With so little people around, if any at all, it was quite the surprise to get a knock at the door when he'd been in the middle of relaxing in the living room with a cup of tea.
Could someone truly have stumbled on his wooden abode and taken to the steps to get to the front door? How interesting... With this thought in mind, the Mage fetched a well-loved shawl and draped it across his shoulders before moving to answer the door.
"Yes--?" / @crew-from-capulet !
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maliignant · 10 months
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@in-every-generation (amythest) sent: ∗ 14﹕ sender places their head in receiver’s lap .
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FINGERS LACE WITHIN TRESSES OF HAIR as an instant response, a gentle hum soon to follow like a lullaby. There's a tenderness to the action, regardless of past discretions, treating the woman before her like the little doll she'd always saw her as. It didn't matter that such an action might have been seen in many cases as something to be despised, because in truth, this was Drusilla's language of love and affection. She knows nothing else. Devotion and security, a sense she attempts to display even in the most subtle of notions. Leaning down, she places a kiss to the top of Amythest's forehead while still caressing fingers through her hair in a slow and tender manner. ❝ Darling Dove… ❞ she whispers, ❝ do you see the poppies that grow? They grow for you, my love. Do you see them? ❞
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