radioyaver · 2 years
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fileunderrecords · 4 years
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clavvsduo · 5 years
Our new video “Half Moon” is out now! it’s about my own challenges with self acceptance and the perpetual dance we all do, circling endlessly around love and loss, maybe finding ourselves in the process. It’s about nostalgia but also about hope and joy. We hope you find something in it. xo A+G
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sleepybiflinge · 5 years
Hey y’all what the fuck is up? This is a friendly neighborhood reminder that me and my buds host a DnD Podcast called the High Roll Cast (As well as a movie review podcast and pretty damn soon we’re releasing a third…)
What is the podcast about, you ask? Well, it is a DnD podcast. Set in a fantasy world. With an amazing story DMed by our wonderful DM, Kevin. Our group, while all male, is extremely diverse and very left-leaning. Our DM is Malaysian, and we have players from Nepal and Estonia as well (and me, a Russian). By way of LGBTQ+ rep, you’ve got me, a big huge bi, and Shawn, my ace best friend.
I play a 19 year old Bi Nonbinary Dragonborn Druid Boi named Flingeraldoth, or Flinge for short. 
Shawn’s character is Legion, a 15 year old tiefling paladin that is… Well, they are more… Weird. They use We/They pronouns for example.  
Holger, our Estonian friend plays a Dragonborn cleric that is obsessed with indoctrinating people into his cult? I don’t know either. 
There’s also Ebb, our vaporsoul/skatterwave pop star. She is a half elf bard played by Jesse, our good friend who’s out there weebing it up in Japan as a teacher. 
There’s also Gandy, our sadistic (half?)-elf sorcerer who… just… Does mad acrobatics and is obsessed with experimentation apparently? He is played by our Nepali friend Adish, who, I promise, is the opposite of Gandy personality-wise.
Anyway we are currently 14 episodes deep right now, with a new episode (hopefully) going up sometime next week. Episode 10 is the gayest one so far (and probably will be for a while) as it’s the one where Flinge tries his hand at flirting and... Has varied levels of success. A true disaster bi. If that doesn’t sell you, here’s some other things our podcast has:
An orc named Gimmlar that’s great at massages.
Teleporting Corgis from our latest episode.
A character that we’ve casually renamed to Dilf.
Flips n’ Shit.
A Druid that can only transform into a Giant Toad or a Giant Octopus (”they have the most HP!!!”)
 Here are the links to (most) of our platforms:
Spoofy (Spotify)
Patreon - if any of y’all are down to support us directly it would be greatly appreciated and we would love you loads (not that we wouldn’t love you if you only listen or only share) 
GooglePlay Music
Radio Public - where you, just by listening can directly support us!!! The app only has 30 second adds and is great for supporting small time podcasters!
HRC Website
Anyway thanks so much for bearing with me and listening to me go on about my show! I hope y’all have a nice day! And if you don’t mind, please reblog/share this post! You’d really make a whole bunch of nerds very happy.
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generactionx · 4 years
Lite Ice by TRCKDADY
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omgvaporsoul-blog · 6 years
Vaporsoul are increasingly being marketed regionally in marketplaces as well as on on-line retailers for the reason that many individuals are utilizing them these days for a replacement for cigarette and in some cases a transitional stage for quitting to smoke since it has cheaper cigarette smoking, however you can continue to deal with the dental fixation through striking the gases from the water drinks. Click here
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fileunderrecords · 4 years
A touch of beauty for a troubled world. Sentimental, melodic vaporsoul. Virtual intimacy for social distance days.
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clavvsduo · 6 years
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An old design from the moon era. 
New tunes out now! Lay Back // Slow Dive // Echo
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eva-420 · 11 years
are you tumblr user hungdad?
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bowiesnippleantennae · 11 years
vaporsoul replied to your post: I have been drawing so much lately and I am...
i can’t stop drawing i should probably see a doctor
sounds chronic
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sleepybiflinge · 5 years
Hey y’all what the fuck is up? This is a friendly neighborhood reminder that me and my buds host a DnD Podcast called the High Roll Cast (As well as a movie review podcast and pretty damn soon we’re releasing a third...)
What is the podcast about, you ask? Well, it is a DnD podcast. Set in a fantasy world. With an amazing story DMed by our wonderful DM, Kevin. Our group, while all male, is extremely diverse and very left-leaning. Our DM is Malaysian, and we have players from Nepal and Estonia as well (and me, a Russian). By way of LGBTQ+ rep, you’ve got me, a big huge bi, and Shawn, my ace best friend.
I play a 19 year old Bi Nonbinary Dragonborn Druid Boi named Flingeraldoth, or Flinge for short. Shawn’s character is Legion, a 15 year old tiefling paladin that is... Well, they are more... Weird. Can’t go into their background too much without spoiling stuff we recorded in the past few weeks, but trust us it’s good. Holger, our Estonian friend plays a Dragonborn cleric that is obsessed with indoctrinating people into his cult? I don’t know either. There’s also Ebb, our vaporsoul/skatterwave pop star. She is a half elf bard played by Jesse, our good friend who’s out there weebing it up in Japan as a teacher. There’s also Gandy, our sadistic (half?)-elf sorcerer who... just... Does mad acrobatics and is obsessed with experimentation apparently? He is played by our Nepali friend Adish, who, I promise, is the opposite of Gandy personality-wise.
Anyway we are currently 10 episodes into the show, with an 11th episode going up by the end of the week. The last episode Flinge got to be a full on disaster bi that he is, if that sells it at all to y’all! Anyway, I’m sure I’ve talked about my podcast enough, if that didn’t pique your interest, I honestly don’t know what will! Here are the links to (most) of our platforms:
Spoofy (Spotify)
Patreon - if any of y’all are down to support us directly it would be greatly appreciated and we would love you loads (not that we wouldn’t love you if you only listen or only share)
GooglePlay Music
Radio Public - where you, just by listening can directly support us!!! The app only has 30 second ads and is great for supporting small time podcasters!
HRC Website
Tumblr (currently empty and theme-less. I am still constructing it but this is where transcripts will eventually go)
Anyway thanks so much for bearing with me and listening to me go on about my show! I hope y’all have a nice day! And if you don’t mind, please reblog/share this post! You’d really make a whole bunch of nerds very happy.
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jilatos · 11 years
vaporsoul replied to your post: another message to the ‘~...
it isn’t me but i hope they stop because i saw that earlier and they sounded weird. i’m so sorry if it’s getting worse, don’t let it get the best of you dude.
like its ok if someone has a crush on me i just want them to be up front about it. honestly i kinda hate like anon crushes like genuine crushes (its totally ok for someone to say compliments on anon i know how embarrassing it is to just say that kinda stuff!!) but like if youre genuinely digging this person dont skirt the issue just say it up front dont wimp out
but now this person has taken it a little too far with that sorta thing like hey im flattered you think im cute duder but like dont...dont say that. only my friends can say that and its because i know theyre joking but like ..no..
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gooberfist · 11 years
vaporsoul replied to your post: fuck what pony should i m...
twilight sparkle
swegg thank you!
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fileunderrecords · 4 years
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fileunderrecords · 5 years
(File Under_ / BMYNH / Phaeder) #vaporwave by Phaeder. https://phaeder.bandcamp.com/ https://www.patreon.com/fileunder_phaeder
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