#VA e-waste recycling company
tryc2management · 5 years
Ensure Your Electronic Data is Destroyed Efficiently to Safeguard Business Interests
Have you ever thought about what will happen if your E-data lands in the wrong hands? Electronic data are sensitive data which include laudable information such as company details, transaction and bank details, customer database, etc. with the growing volume of E-data, companies are looking forward to Electronic Data Destruction Services as provided by many companies around the world. But the problem arises if you have not approached to the right service provider.
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Data that seems to be a waste to you can be manipulated by others and sold across the globe in exchange for a good amount of money. To safeguard such sensitive data, companies’ must look for reliable and professional VA Electronic Waste Solutions providers who have a proven track record.
C2 Management is one such service company that offers highly professional services at a reasonable price. Their E-data destruction service is highly secured with trained professionals. They offer destruction service for both hardware storage devices and virtual data destruction process.
We have earned positive feedback from its recent clientele which reflects their success story over the years. It introduces the latest methods of data destruction with the help of regular training to its team as they can carry out their work efficiently and on time.
Other than E-data destruction, they also provide onsite shredding services, asset recovery services, liquidation services, etc. Therefore, approach C2 Management to get affordable yet highly professional ad reliable services.
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fassicranes · 5 years
Working in perfect synchronisation
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The company "Idraulica Fratelli Sala" uses a Fassi F710RA.2.27 and a Fassi F315RA.2.25 crane in tandem at a purification plant in Carpi
Carpi (Italy) – The focus is on the company "Idraulica Fratelli Sala", located in Concordia sulla Secchia in the province of Modena, which has more than fifty years of operational experience, a period in which it has been able to evolve according to the needs of the market. The company’s activities include the maintenance of plants for public services, such as Waste-to-Energy plants, sorting, recycling, and waste disposal centres and district heating and gas distribution lines, and covers a vast area that includes the regions of Emilia Romagna, Lombardy, Veneto, Liguria and Tuscany. To do this, Idraulica Fratelli Sala has a fleet of about one hundred vehicles that ranges from the van to the heavy tractor truck. An indispensable piece of equipment for the work of the Modenese company is the articulated crane, which is mounted on different types of truck. To illustrate the flexibility of Idraulica Fratelli Sala’s equipment, last month we accompanied a team to the purifier at Carpi with the task of replacing the old fiberglass covers of the tanks with stainless steel elements, made by the company itself. This work required fast intervention, total safety for the operators and maximum precision in coordinating the work of two Fassi cranes in the best possible way. To meet these requirements, the Sala brothers sent an Iveco Stralis 8x4 with a Fassi F710RA.2.27 crane equipped with a basket and an Iveco Stralis 6x2 with a Fassi F315RA.2.25 crane equipped with a hook. The two cranes worked in perfect synchronisation, completing the work in one day.
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Due gru Fassi all'opera nella manutenzione di impianti di depurazione.
Carpi (Italia) - In primo piano la società "Idraulica Fratelli Sala" di Concordia sulla Secchia, in provincia di Modena, che ha superato i cinquant’anni di attività, un periodo in cui ha saputo evolvere seguendo le esigenze del mercato. L’azienda è attiva nella manutenzione d’impianti destinati ai servizi pubblici, come termo-valorizzatori, centri di selezione e recupero e di conferimento dei rifiuti, linee di tele-riscaldamento e distribuzione del gas, e spazia su un vasto territorio che comprende Emilia Romagna, Lombardia, Veneto, Liguria e Toscana. Per farlo, l’Idraulica Fratelli Sala ha una flotta di un centinaio di veicoli che va del furgone alla motrice pesante. Una delle attrezzature indispensabili per il lavoro dell’azienda modenese è la gru articolata, che monta su diverse tipologie di autocarro. Per illustrare la flessibilità delle attrezzature della società "Idraulica Fratelli Sala", abbiamo accompagnato il mese scorso una squadra presso il depuratore di Carpi con il compito di sostituire le vecchie coperture in vetroresina delle vasche con elementi in acciaio Inox, realizzati dalla stessa azienda modenese. Questo lavoro ha richiesto contemporaneamente rapidità d’intervento, totale sicurezza per gli operatori e massima precisione d'intervento per coordinare al meglio il lavoro di due gru Fassi. Per soddisfare queste esigenze, i fratelli Sala hanno inviato un Iveco Stralis 8x4 con gru Fassi F710RA.2.27 equipaggiata con cestello e un Iveco Stralis 6x2 con gru Fassi F315RA.2.25 equipaggiata con gancio. Le due gru hanno lavorato in perfetta sincronia, completando il lavoro in giornata.
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La société Idraulica Fratelli Sala utilise des grues Fassi F710RA.2.27 et F315RA.2.25 en tandem à une usine d’assainissement à Carpi
Carpi (Italie) – Focus sur la société Idraulica Fratelli Sala, située à Concordia sulla Secchia, dans la province de Modène. Forte de plus de cinquante ans d’expérience opérationnelle, elle a su évoluer selon les besoins du marché. Ses activités comprennent la maintenance des usines de services publics, notamment celles destinées à la transformation des déchets en énergie, les centres de tri, de recyclage et d'élimination des déchets, ainsi que les réseaux régionaux de distribution de gaz et de chauffage. Idraulica Fratelli Sala couvre une vaste zone incluant l’Émilie-Romagne, la Lombardie, la Vénétie, la Ligurie et la Toscane. Pour ce faire, elle dispose d’une flotte d’environ cent véhicules allant de la camionnette au tracteur routier. Un équipement indispensable à l’activité de cette entreprise de la province de Modène est la grue articulée, montée sur différents types de camions. Pour illustrer la souplesse des équipements fournis par Idraulica Fratelli Sala, nous avons le mois dernier suivi une équipe intervenant dans l’usine d’assainissement de Carpi, avec pour mission de remplacer les anciens revêtements en fibre de verre des réservoirs par des éléments en acier inox fabriqués par la société. Ce travail nécessitait une intervention rapide, une sécurité totale pour les opérateurs et une coordination d’une précision maximale entre deux grues Fassi. Pour satisfaire ces exigences, les frères Sala ont envoyé un camion Iveco Stralis 8x4 avec une grue Fassi F710RA.2.27 équipée d’une nacelle, et un camion Iveco Stralis 6x2 avec une grue Fassi F315RA.2.25 équipée d’un crochet. Les deux grues ont travaillé en synchronisation parfaite, terminant leur travail en une journée.
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Zwei Fassi-Krane führen Wartungsarbeiten in einer Kläranlage durch.
Carpi (Italien) – Dieser Bericht stammt vom Unternehmen „Idraulica Fratelli Sala“ mit Firmensitz in Concordia sulla Secchia, Provinz Modena, das über mehr als 50 Jahre praktische Erfahrung verfügt. Ein Zeitraum, in dem sich das Unternehmen entsprechend der Bedürfnisse am Markt weiterentwickeln konnte. Die vom Unternehmen durchgeführten Tätigkeiten umfassen die Wartung von öffentlichen Anlagen wie etwa Müllverbrennungs-, Sortier-, Recycling- und Müllentsorgungsanlagen sowie von Fernwärme- und Gasverteilungsleitungen und deckt einen großen Bereich ab, der aus den Regionen Emilia-Romagna, Lombardei, Venetien, Ligurien und Toskana besteht. Dazu besitzt Idraulica Fratelli Sala eine Flotte aus ungefähr 100 Fahrzeugen, die von Vans bis zu Zugmaschinen des schweren Sortiments reichen. Unabdingbar für die Arbeit des Unternehmens aus der Provinz Modena ist der artikulierte Kran, der auf verschiedenen Arten von Lkw montiert wird. Um die Flexibilität der Ausstattung von Idraulica Fratelli Sala zu veranschaulichen, begleiteten wir vergangenen Monat ein Team zur Kläranlage in Carpi, das dort die alten Abdeckungen der Becken aus Glasfaser durch neue Elemente aus Edelstahl, vom Unternehmen selbst hergestellt, ersetzen musste. Dabei waren schnelles Arbeiten, vollkommene Sicherheit der Arbeiter und höchste Präzision beim Koordinieren der Arbeit zweier Fassi-Krane auf bestmögliche Weise gefragt. Um diesen Anforderungen gerecht zu werden, schickten die Gebrüder Sala einen Iveco Stralis 8x4 mit einem Fassi-Kran F710RA.2.27, ausgestattet mit einem Korb, sowie einen Iveco Stralis 6x2 mit einem Fassi-Kran F315RA.2.25, ausgestattet mit einem Haken, zur Kläranlage. Die beiden Krane arbeiteten perfekt zusammen und konnten die Arbeiten innerhalb eines Tages beenden.
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La empresa "Idraulica Fratelli Sala" utiliza las grúas Fassi F710RA.2.27 y F315RA.2.25 en tándem en una planta de depuración de Carpi
Carpi (Italia) – En primer plano la empresa "Idraulica Fratelli Sala", situada en Concordia sulla Secchia, en la provincia de Módena, que tiene más de cincuenta años de experiencia operativa, un período en el que ha conseguido evolucionar de acuerdo con las necesidades del mercado. Las actividades de la empresa incluyen el mantenimiento de plantas para los servicios públicos, tales como plantas de conversión de residuos en energía, centros de clasificación, reciclaje y eliminación de residuos y líneas de distribución de gas y calefacción urbana, cubriendo una vasta área que incluye las regiones de Emilia-Romaña, Lombardía, Véneto, Liguria y Toscana. Para ello, Idraulica Fratelli Sala tiene una flota de aproximadamente cien vehículos que van desde la furgoneta hasta el camión tractor pesado. Un equipo indispensable para el trabajo de la empresa de la provincia de Módena es la grúa articulada, que se encuentra montada en diferentes tipos de camiones. Para ilustrar la flexibilidad del equipo de Idraulica Fratelli Sala, el mes pasado acompañamos a un equipo a la depuradora de Carpi con el objetivo de reemplazar las viejas cubiertas de fibra de vidrio de los depósitos con elementos de acero inoxidable, fabricados por la propia empresa. Este trabajo requirió una intervención rápida, seguridad total para los operadores y máxima precisión para coordinar de la mejor manera posible el trabajo de dos grúas Fassi. Para cumplir con estos requisitos, los hermanos Sala enviaron un Iveco Stralis 8x4 con una grúa Fassi F710RA.2.27 equipada con una cesta y un Iveco Stralis 6x2 con una grúa Fassi F315RA.2.25 equipada con un gancho. Las dos grúas operaron en perfecta sincronización, completando el trabajo en un día.
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jodybouchard9 · 5 years
Want Free Mulch for Your Garden? Here’s Where to Find It
Mulch plays a vital role in keeping your landscape in prime condition. This natural material, typically made of ground wood, leaves, or yard clippings, is used as top dressing on garden beds and trees.
“Along with its aesthetic appeal, mulch protects soil from harsh climates, prevents weeds, retains moisture, and protects sensitive seedlings,” says Missy Henriksen, vice president of public affairs for the National Association of Landscape Professionals.
It’s easy to source mulch at your local nursery or home improvement store—for a price. But what if we told you there are places you can find mulch for free? Nada. Not one penny.
But before we reveal these secret locations, there are a few pointers you should know.
“Many free mulch places are self-serve, so you’re going to want to bring some supplies or an extra pair of hands,” says Steven Voss, owner of Voss Land & Tree, in Columbia, MO.
Voss also recommends bringing a shovel and a tarp, and transporting your mulch via truck so you don’t get the interior of your vehicle dirty.
So gear up and go forth to these places where gardeners can get free mulch.
City or county disposal site
According to Henriksen, many cities or local townships that collect leaves and tree limbs in the fall will offer free mulch to residents. Check with your city to see if this is an option where you live.
Mulch may be doled out at recycling and disposal centers. But be aware that the mulch from these places might not be 100% pure.
According to Dan Scott, associate director of horticulture and River Farm at the American Horticultural Society, in Alexandria, VA, the source material is not screened, so there may also be some plastic and other stuff in there. But, remember—it’s free.
Local tree care companies
Tree care companies remove trees that have fallen, grown too large, or need to be removed to clear land. So naturally they’re bound to have some extra shredded wood on their hands.
“Tree services are a great resource for fresh mulch, as they generate and need to dispose of wood chips on a daily basis,” Henriksen says. “Many services are willing to offload their chips for free, and they may even be willing to deliver it right to your driveway.”
The reason for their generosity? Scott says many companies, especially those in urban areas, have to pay to dump their chips at the end of the day.
“There is a fee associated with dumping, as well as fuel cost, drive time, and employee time,” he says.
Grass clippings
Another source of free mulch is also right in your yard: grass clippings.
“The key with grass is to set it aside for a few months before using it on your garden,” says Henriksen.
Why shouldn’t you use it immediately?
“Fresh grass contains high levels of nitrogen that may have a negative effect and burn your plants,” she warns.
Susan Brandt of Blooming Secrets, an e-commerce gardening website, advises against applying the grass mulch too thick because it can result in sogginess. And don’t use clippings of grass that has been treated with herbicide.
As summer fades into fall, you’ll see more leaves in your yard. Henriksen recommends using the leaves for mulch instead of bagging them.
“Professionals recommend shredding leaves with a lawn mower and mulching with a heavy layer of leaves around plants for added protection, nutrients, and moisture,” she says.
Natural compost
Speaking of compost, you can also use a layer of  compost as a natural mulch.
“Comprised of your grass clippings, leaf debris, and food waste, compost is a readily available source of nutrition for your plants,” Henriksen says. And you’ll be recycling materials from your home in the process. That’s a win-win!
Other recycled items
When you open a bottle of wine, don’t throw that cork away.
“I saw one gardener use shredded old wine corks as a mulch layer on the surface of the soil of his potted plants,” Scott says. Shredded cork allows water to permeate the soil, plus it’s aesthetically pleasing and unique.
Scott also says stone or sand can be used in some scenarios.
“I had some leftover sand from a project and used it as a mulch layer around some of my hardy native cacti,” he says.
And those prickly pine needles are yet another free mulch source you can get out of your yard.
Just be sure to check that your plants can tolerate coming into contact with a mulch that lowers the pH of the soil, as pine needles do.
“Pine needles make an excellent mulch, especially for plants like azaleas that love acidic soil,” Brandt explains.
The post Want Free Mulch for Your Garden? Here’s Where to Find It appeared first on Real Estate News & Insights | realtor.com®.
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tryc2management · 5 years
With the growing dependency on Information Technology, we are also creasing E-waste which needs to be disposed of as similar to our daily waste products.
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tryc2management · 5 years
Reliability plays a great role when it comes to asset recovery. Richmond offers a few reliable companies which offer reliable and efficient asset recovery services.
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tryc2management · 5 years
Investment recovery, which is better known as asset recovery, is the procedure of retrieving the cost of the unused resources. The process is usually carried out by selling or recycling items that are not profitable or left unused.
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tryc2management · 5 years
Quick Tips About Data Destruction
Data destruction is what you need if you want to run your business without putting it at any risk. Today, in this article, we are going to discuss some of the quick tips about data destruction. Note it down away! 
#1: classify your electronic waste according to the risk factor it carries with it. Some consist of confidential information while others not. Hence, Electronics Recycling Virginia can help you in destroying the sensitive ones. 
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#2: don't keep on ignoring and waiting for the last minute to get rid of e-waste. Invest your time in planning the logistics. It will save you further. 
#3: do not forget to ask for certificates of destruction for e-waste. A reliable company provides certificate including the information such as the description of the type of destruction, method of destruction, tools used and so on
Time to Sum Up: 
So, these were some of the quick tips about data destruction.
Founded in 1998 by Chris Hansen, C2 serves over a dozen customers in the northern Virginia, Maryland, and DC metropolitan areas and employs 48 at our Berryville, VA facility. If you are looking for quality Electronic Data Destruction Services, feel free to contact us. You can contact us via the means:
You can even visit our website to know more about the company. 
So, what are you waiting for? Call us right away! We will get back to you soon in the next 24 working hours for sure!
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tryc2management · 5 years
Are you searching for E-Waste Recycling Solutions in Virginia? C2Management is the best electronics recycling industry in Virginia. We provide many kinds of services like - asset recovery, electronics recycling, and data destruction, etc. If you want any kind of service, then you can contact us at + 1 540-955-5740.
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