#V10137 au
bepisbee · 8 days
V10137 AU Chapter Index
Read on ao3 (Story WIP)
Chapter 1 V10137 Chapater 2 Growing Brain, Growing nerves?? Chapter 3 Someone Chapter 4 Date Night Chapter 5 Outing
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bepisbee · 8 days
V10137 au chapter 3
Not me realizing I didn't post the other chapters here LOL RIP Read on ao3
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Vio began sneaking out of their charging room overnight. They found that between a few hours plugged in and the tea and snacks Shadow provided daily there had been sufficient energy to fully charge them. Typically by around two in the morning. The facility was peaceful during that time. It was often they read stolen or downloaded books or browsed online in secret to learn. They also enjoyed just walking around the empty halls to see what they couldn't in the daytime. Granted, they had no access cards to any rooms.
They had a lot of time to think. Lately there has been a lot going on inside their artificial brains and body. The directors and care team they had thankfully were still in the dark about those recent developments.  Or so they had thought.  A bump outside their room forced them to fake recharge sleep. They shut their eyes and powered their systems low to make little noise. Voices were muffled outside the thick door. It beeped twice allowing access. Light flowed in from the hall as it opened during a conversation. 
"I don't trust that there hasn't been anything new. I mean I get wanting to take credit but this is ridiculous!" It was one of their regular technicians. At least before Shadow self appointed himself solo responsibility. "There shouldn't be any problem. Delete the logs. It isn't awake right now to record anyways."  Vio does their best to remain calm. What the hell were they doing? They felt their body getting lifted onto the cold metal table. It felt wrong. Vio had been sitting in the lone chair provided because laying down to recharge made them feel exposed and uncomfortable.
"We need to examine it and report. Physical paper only. Crack it open." Vio couldn't help the stiffening of their body in reaction. The crew did not notice at all. Now closer to the voices he could pick out Shadow's father for sure as the commanding tone. They felt their coating slip away despite their will because of buttons pressed. Their cavity exposed the wirework and the new strange substance that coated their insides. "Examine everything. Thoroughly." His assistant started with pulling wires out hard and reattaching them elsewhere to see the response. She picked several nerve wires with a scalpel to see them slowly heal over.
She kept making cuts on them in between the layer of metal and artificial flesh that coated them.  Each cut of nerve was agony. They felt every last pinch, poke, cut, and mishandling of their parts. They could tell their fans and systems were overdriving trying to find a way to stop this. There was no mercy.  They kept them there like that for hours. Diving through, cutting off samples, changing wires around. It took everything in them to not get up and run. Where would they go? They had no idea about the surrounding area let alone where to find Shadow. It wasn't like anything could come of it besides their death. The image of his face floating in their subconscious was the only thing allowing them to stay calm. If the director knew how sentient they really were, it could be their end.
The process of their prodding was painful, harsh, and cold. Methodical. Like a live vivisection. It reminded them of a horrible tale they had read about a person being awake during surgery, only the paralytic working instead of anesthesia.
"Nono… I don't want to risk anything. Maybe another time we'll check the processor. This is too intricate of wiring to safely analyze it's head." Vio started to panic. Their head?? They were going to remove their head?? Why had they thought of dying earlier? Now it won't leave their mind. They started to hyperventilate.  They closed them up as they were. Scraped, injured, aching in new painful ways they didn't really understand.
"To think he would install machinery like that without permission! With my funds!" The crew were so engrossed in their research and their mutilation not a single of the pair noticed their panicking robot.  Vio took deep breaths in and out. It was getting harder to keep it steady. They became erratic and hitched. 
"Wait until he finds out I'm kicking him off this project." Vio's eyes flew open. A monitor still attached to them started going haywire. Static screeching so loud the assistant next to it cowered. Her ears, covered by hands, were bleeding. Ice blue sharp eyes met the director's and shook him to his core. It was an obvious reaction to his statement. He didn't know how to take that.
Vio felt like their entire body was on fire. They could see themselves from the view of the screen but their own eyes at the same time. It made their head pound hard.  Words did not come out of their mouth. Vio wasn't even sure if they were trying to say anything. More of an attempt to release every feeling from the past two hours of torture. It was a match of the screeching static from the monitor. It became a cacophony in the room, indiscernible from who was making what. The assistant passed out on the floor with a loud thud. Shadow's father ran out of the room and slammed the door shut and locked leaving the assistant there on the floor. He cared nothing for any life but his own clearly. Vio shook and took in high pitched gasps; looking around frantically.
The thump startled them into snapping shut their mouth and the noise stopped. As they took in the dark room and the body lying there they suddenly felt over grounded in their own body. Everything was too much at once.  Everything was everywhere, their ears were ringing and their vision was swimming.  Then it was silent save for the labored breaths.  They took almost an hour to calm down. They disconnected themself from the wires and knelt by the passed out woman. The monitor is a blank screen now busted out with glass shards surrounding it.
They checked her. She seemed ok except for the bleeding eardrums. They had burst. Her pulse was normal. Vio frowned, a sick feeling twisting their insides. A mix of guilt of dread. They didn't like it. They lifted her onto the table and looked around the room. There was no way out. Vio sat on the floor, leaning against the table with a sigh. Everything hurt so much. They felt wrong. Violated. They hadn't asked them if they were ok with maintenance, if they were ok being samples, used, abused, cut, torn, hurt. Vio looked up at the bare ceiling. They were an object. Why wouldn't they do that? 
"I'm a creation. They made me. Why does it hurt? How does it hurt? How do I know that is what it is. Why did it feel so wrong when they cut and pull and tug? It's not him." Vio wasn't sure when they had started talking out loud.  "Am I…. Someone?" They whispered into the dark empty room. "What does that mean?"  "............... I want Shadow." 
The last part was barely above a whisper. 
They were like that the next morning when Shadow arrived at work. No one said anything. No indication outside of that room. At some point one worker had come in and taken the assistant away for medical treatment. Vio sat on the floor there, staring at the tiles. Why were they on the floor again?
"Hey! I brought some cookies thing to-daa ahh? Why are you down there??" Shadow frowned, putting the snacks down. "... Vi??" He knelt beside him and made them look up at him.
"Shadow…" they mumbled. Their eyes were wet. That was new. They leaned into the touch, making the Hylian's heart race.
"Good morning." Something was strange, their chords raw and creaky.
"Are you okay? What happened?" Shadow checked them over. No visible outward injury. "You never answered me, why are you on the floor?" The tech helped them stand up, and tried leading them to their 'bed'. Vio refused.
"Could we go somewhere else? Please?" Hadn't there been a small TV monitor in here? One second they looked at the empty spot and say a dark room, shattered glass on the ground, the head of the assistant bleeding with- Then it was gone. What had they seen? Vio shook their head. There was no glass on the floor right now. 
"You are seriously off today. What's up with you?" He kept pressing. 
"I am not sure. I think perhaps I did not fully charge, I woke up disconnected and down there." Vio kept staring at his face. Something in their core urging them to keep just looking at Shadow. It calmed the anxiety storm inside. "I think some tea might help." The blonde lifted a hand and hesitated before moving it to hold Shadow's. "If that is alright." 
"... I'm giving you a good check afterwards." Shadow squeezed their hand and helped them up off the floor. He had to catch them as their balance wobbled. "Woah, I gotcha." He wrapped an arm around their torso. Vio's face flushed at the contact. 
"You are very warm today. You do not have a fever do you?" Vio asked in concern.
  "Ha. No, I'm just wearing a heavier hoodie today. It's snowing outside!" Shadow walked them out of the charging room and to the main floor. One of the employees stopped in their tracks and just stared open mouthed at them. While they casually walked out to Shadow's tech room teaching the blonde about snow weather and how it worked with temperature. The employee ran up to the director's office. 
"That is so interesting. And you are saying that sometimes this weather can be influenced by the elemental holders?" Vio clung onto his every word. It made the strange painful ache throbbing throughout their body become an afterthought.  Shadow sat them down in their computer chair, noticing their discomfort towards the table.
"Yeah, although mostly if they work together like wind and water and fire to create clouds and rain storms and stuff…actually. Can I tell you a secret? Between us." Shadow sat on the desk next to the chair and opened a canned green boba tea for his companion. 
"I would never tell our secrets, Shadow."  "Hardcore haha. But uhm." He swung his feet. "There currently are not holders for them at the moment. Or supposed to be anyways. They belong to the heroes and they only show up when needed. It's been generations since they last appeared… I have one." He handed over the can. Vio sipped it gratefully and listened. "Not a main one I don't think but when I turned eighteen this appeared." Shadow hopped off and turned around, lifting up his hoodie. The robot got a nice eyeful of his smooth back, freckled a lot mostly around the shoulders. Their eyes roamed over appreciatively before landing on a symbol. A quick image search found it to be similar but slightly different to the symbol of the shadow element. It seemed to have a mix of earth inside it. Vio looked drawn to it.  They reached out and softly traced the symbol outline with their fingertips. Shadow's breath caught from the unexpected action.
"You are stunning." Accidental slip. They meant to say the mark was. It was Shadow's turn to flush now. He put the clothing back down and cleared his throat.
"Ah hem. W-eell that's it. No one else knows about it. I can also do some minoragic things but I try not to so I won't get caught." Vio was still focusing on how Shadow's hips had been slightly slipping over the top of the boxers barely visible. They really had an urge to hold them. "Vio?" They looked back up. "Alright that's enough. I need to take a peek at you something is wrong." He frowned. The blonde did not move. "Go on, up you go." He motioned to the table. 
".... I…." Their face scrunched up. Something flashed inside for a second. Searing pain and then gone faded out like it was never there. "I do not know… I don't know why. I… I can't. Thinking about it seems to be making me freeze. I feel strange. When I focus on this feeling it makes the room go dark and blurry around the edges" Vio's rough voice soft-spoken, not gentle, but scared. "I don't understand why." 
Shadow ran a hand through their hair in attempts to be comforting and distracting.  "The table is making you have a panic attack? Okay… try thinking in a new direction. What makes you feel this way?"
  "I think." They swallowed. "The thought of… being on it? Yes. Being on it and feeling… exposed?" Vio took deep breaths and closed their eyes. "I cannot pin point why exactly. Perhaps… I have been thinking a lot about what it could mean to be someone. If I am a someone. It makes me feel less… someone. Does that make any sense?" They opened and looked at Shadow. Almost pleadingly.  There was no denying at this point that Shadow saw them as a living sentient person. 
"Look at this differently." Shadow took their hands in his. "People need to get surgery sometimes right? Does that make them less people because they got an appendix out or whatever? Or a bone reset?"
"Well this is just like that! But less messy. And more required. You are just a person made of different insides!" 
"I am. I am a… I am a person?" Vio's gaze looked right through him for a minute before coming back to reality. Their face set in determination. "I. Am. A. Someone."
"Yes. I think you really are." The tech's gaze softened and he let their hands go. "Join me? I promise I will always respect your body and your boundaries." He opened a can of his butterscotch soda. The blonde stood up and kept eye contact as they slowly laid on the table. They took a big deep breath and slowly let it out.
  "Okay. I am okay. I trust you Shadow." Vio laid their head back not even looking. 
"Alright. I'm going in now," he lifted the purple shirt up his chest. Shadow's calloused fingers gently ran across the seams that would release and give him access to the wires inside. Vio repressed a shudder from the feather light feeling. Almost ticklish. "........."
There was a long stretch of silence as Shadow saw the damage.  Was Vio down playing something, or did they genuinely not remember whatever happened with this? He sucked a breath through his teeth.
"Alright Doll, don't move. I need to grab something." It wasn't the first time that nickname was used, but the first time for them. It made their stomach flutter. Shadow came back. "This might hurt and I'm sorry. There some crossed wires and some… damaging. It looks…" intentional he wanted to say. "Like nothing I can't fix." Shadow got to work.  He verbalized everything he was doing. He walked them through his steps to make sure they were okay with it and that they were prepared for sensations and pains. It took a few hours. 
"Okay." Shadow sighed. "How do you feel, Vi?" Shadow still had hands around his wires, but gentle. Barely enough pressure to just hold them. "No aching, pinching, or pain?"
  "No. I can feel you holding those. Which is new and strange. Not bad, but I can tell you are touching them. I believe whatever small wires you refer to as nerves are evolving. Ah also, something on my outter right side… itches? Is that the correct term?" Vio wasn't sure.
Shadow hummed and placed the last two. He caressed their side again to close his panel shut. The skin replaced itself again to smooth seamless perfection. Shadow shifted Vio slightly to check what they meant.  "!!"
"What is it?" "You- there is- what the fuck? Hold on." Shadow pulled out his phone and took a photo to show. It was a small mark with the element symbol of earth.
"What does that mean?" Vio sat up, shirt falling into place.
"... That the heroes are coming back. And you're one of them."
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bepisbee · 8 days
V10137 ch5 Outing
read on Ao3 Chapters Index Next Chapter (WIP)
heyhey! im so sorry its been over a year ;n; I changed some plans and designs but it is back babey!!!
With their newfound freedom Vio began making fast friends of the staff members. At least the ones who weren't in the know about their electronic magnesis freak out. Thankfully they were posted at different stations in the facility now, for them and for Violet. They still had nightmares that they tried to decipher, and talked to Shadow about. Shadow was odd about the subject, repeating that they needn't push themselves into thinking too hard but to be open about how it made them feel. It confused them a lot. They wandered to a small archive sector they had access to now. It was filled with books of all kinds. The delightful old woman running the check out even showed them their secret stash of real books. Although most of them were blushing romances with a shirtless man or creature on the front. Vio had a secret soft spot for this series about a group of vampires and their strange ward. It reminded them of themself and Shadow honestly. They came in and sat in their favorite spot, idly wondering if that was their situation if Shadow would be so eager to be their partner like that, going so far as intimate biting.
They shook their head and focused on the book they came in for. It was about carpentry. They wanted to understand this ex of Shadow’s named Green. It had started as mere curiosity but it also pooled something vile feeling inside. What was so cool about it anyways? They considered it for a while and decided it might be a type of jealousy, similar to how it was described in one of their romance novels. Despite that Shadow had explained the break up had been on good mutual terms, thinking of them maintaining a relationship spiked something inside them. Twisted their insides and dug into their chest. Of course they tried to let that be, since they fully trusted Shadow. They were sure it was a kickback from all these new feelings. It seemed everything they felt was incredibly intense as it came on and then settled afterwards. Vio sighed silently, these thoughts had them distracted, they had begun walking once again.
They looked around the hall, slipping into a side room near the entrance. They pulled out a pair of jeans and a hoodie they’d pilfered from Shadow’s drawers last week and stuck into his empty chassis. While they didn't really need it for the weather they would stand out horribly without some type of jacket, and absolutely without regular clothes.
Using Shadow’s personal code, they left right out the front of the building. A security guard snoring in his booth had no objections.
Vio stepped out and blinked as their artificial lenses adjusted to the bright sun. Now, where was this place? Accessing an online map, they began their journey. They had gone out a few times now with Shadow so they deemed it wouldn’t be too difficult. As they went, they admired everyone around them in the bustling city. People too busy to notice them, people going place to place, people laughing and smiling, or frowning with brows furrowed hard with their face into their devices. Some were stomping around with a phone to their ear. So many different people, different clothing styles, different hairs, eyes, skins, marks. They stopped as they spotted a shop on the corner. A wood carved sign, their destination: “Four Corners Carpentry”
Vio walked in, a tiny bell making a jingle as they did. They looked up at it before stepping in. Immediately they felt a rush of warm air across their skin. More so of an emotional warmth within something that their systems said smelled like wood and pine. Someone in the back cursed as a loud metal rack collapsed.
“Fuck! Shit! Not again!” Rustling of fabrics and a huff followed. A tall man walked out of a wood door near the back left, a towel covered in brown wood stain hanging half off his pretty blonde head. His hair was long, tied back in a ponytail. It was scruffy and everywhere, pieces sticking up. He stopped as he saw his customer. His shining green eyes stopped Vio also. Just past the stunning color were whirring gears. Invisible to any human eye, but not to them. That single moment felt like a lifetime as they both recognized what they were.
“Hello.” They cautiously greeted, the first olive branch. Green recovered and placed on an award winning smile.
“Oh my Gods. I'm so sorry I didn't hear you come in!” He swiped the towel off and threw it into the room he just came from. “Ahem sorry.” His cheeks flushed embarrassed. “Most people around here just call me Green,” he approached, startling Vio with his friendliness. He held out a hand to shake. It felt like more than just a handshake, it was an acknowledgement. “Not a problem at all.” they shook firm, and met eyes once again. “Green. Please call me Viol--” They shook their head. “Vio. Call me Vio.” “What brings you here, Vio.” Green was kind, but suspect. Vio assumed it would only be natural, surely the company had no idea that he was here. 
“I saw a piece of your work, and I was curious.” Vio let go, sticking their hands into the hoodie pocket in front. Why was there a creeping feeling of self consciousness? “Shadow seems very fond of you and now I have a few more questions than answers for you. If that is alright? I’ll buy you a coffee?” Vio titled their head, wondering if Green even ate or drank like they did. By his surprised laughter at the offer, that was a no. “Coffee with a side of oil? Hahaha sure.” Green clapped a hand onto their shoulder. “We can talk, I live upstairs.” He flipped the sign on the door to ‘closed’ and led them up a set of wooden steps. “Shadow huh? How is he? It’s been a long time since he’s had any time for his friends.” “Yes well… He’s given a lot of responsibility at the facility.” Vio couldn’t help but feel a little responsible for that. “Since when does he ever actually do that?” Green snorted and sat down on a pillow set up with a short table. Vio followed his lead and sat on a pillow cushion across from him. “I assume he doesn't know you’re here?” “....Yes.” Vio looked down at the table sheepishly. “He does not know.” “You’re from the facility?” “I am.” Vio frowns, “I am technically V-1-0-1-3-7. Violet. Or… Vio, as Shadow’s named me.” “He knows you’re an Android?” Green blinked. “You’re outside the facility and he knows??” “Yeah, he does. Does….” Vio fake swallows thickly. “Does he not know you are?” “So you could tell.” Green nods, “He met me after I escaped scrapping, and already established myself here. He has no idea, and for now I would like to keep it that way.” he said kindly but firmly. “Okay.” “Okay?” his eyebrows raised up. “You are okay with that? With lying?” “How do you think I got here? I lied. In fact, I snuck out unsupervised because Shadow is out of town on a big project and will not return until tomorrow morning. As long as I am within enough range to alter my presence as being still in my pod, no one will know.” “That guard still sleeps on duty?” Green shakes his head, amused but bitter. “How are you going to return?” “I’ll just sit in Shadow’s apartment until he returns and he can take me back, saying we had a morning teaching guide about- something. Something Hylian morning- something.” Vio sighed. This was a bad idea, they knew it. Green laughed again, and the tension in the room dissipated. “Unbelievable.” He was grinning, and took their hands in his. “Oh!?” he startled. “Your- skin layer is warm?” He put their hand to his cheek. “Woah. I’m no brainiac but that’s a lot more advanced than me.” Vio held back the urge to correct Green’s grammar and speaking. They didn’t want to offend their new friend. Friend?? Vio blinked, did he have a friend? They smiled softly. “Yes. Beyond what they know. If they knew I had self sentience and will out of theirs I wouldn’t be sitting here.” A disturbing realization. “Or the things I can do.” A mechanical sigh left their mouth. “It’s complicated and neither Shadow or I really understand it. He tries his best but everytime he looks there’s something different or new developed.” “And here I thought I was special with just sentience.” Green joked. “They really let you out on little field trips?” He was amazed, playing with the tablecloth distractedly. “Yeah. “supervised” They quote with their fingers sarcastically. “Hey… Do you want to come with me?” at hsi confused look he clarified, “To Shadow’s apartment. I’m sure he would be happy to see you and uh…” what’s the word? Oh yeah, “Hang out?” “You sound like an old man trying to sound hip and cool.” He teased, “Sure, I would like that.” And that’s all it took. Vio and Green walked downtown, stopping at the local shop Shadow and Vio had previously had their date. They ordered a new drink this time, a hot tea with something called “elderberry honey” Vio seemed interested in. Green was baffled as they took a literal sip of the drink and consumed it. They left a generous tip to the nice waitress.
“Where did you get money? Uh no offense.” “None taken. I stole it from Shadow’s wallet last week.” That earned them a large laugh. “Wow, you are different, that's for sure. I still can’t do anything like that, despite my free will. You can actually drink that?” He raised a brow. “What does it taste like?” They pressed the walk button on the street light pole so they could cross and continued while they waited. “That is something I have been finding difficult to explain, like emotions. It is warm, and sweet. With a tangy berry taste. It is fruity like the smell but not overpowering.” Vio hummed and it sounded more body than mechanical. “It is like…a warm spring mid afternoon, when you just start to smell flower pollen in a breeze.” “Wow, that’s poetic.” “Thank you. I read romance novels.” Vio snickered and they crossed while the green man symbol pops up across from them “No shit? Like mushy kind or the one’s with shirtless men on the cover?”
“Yes and no.” they passed him a sly look. “I’ve found that even though I have no uh… for lack of better terminology: equipment, I have that sort of feeling for Shadow. It is like an electricity build up.” their cheeks tinged a purple color in a blush. Green touched their cheek in curiosity, and as he suspected the skin there was warmer. “I have not mentioned it just yet, I am afraid it will make working on my interior wires different to us. Not that it isn’t already a strange form of care and intimacy.” they sighed wistfully, “I am not sure if he understands that, and there is not a lot of opportunity to bring it up. I know he knows I am interested that way, I might have ahem,” They scratched their cheek and looked away, embarrassed. “Helped him out  with my mouth.” “Holy shit!!” Green beamed at them, “That’s nuts. How?? Wait no-” he held up a hand. “I don’t actually wanna know. Well good for you dude! I always just told Shadow I was ace, which is mostly true just not quote in the way he expects hahaha,” Vio holds the door open for Green when they arrive. “This is kind of blowing my mind. I have so many questions.” “Ask away,” They went upstairs, and sat in the little kitchen nook. They talked hours away.
The door lock rattled as Shadow put his key in and unlocked it. He squinted in confusion, he could have sworn that he had turned off the lights when he left last night. He was tired as all hell. He grumbled to himself and opened the door. He placed his bags down with a thump and shuffled in, comically and entirely missing Green and Vio sitting in the kitchen. They shared a look. Vio looked amused as he went to his room and plopped face first onto his bed saying nothing to him. Vio motioned for Green to be quiet. “I have an idea.” they whispered. They googled a recipe they could make with the minimal groceries in the cupboard. Can’t go wrong with fried rice. He made it while whisper talking with Green and brought the bowl into his room. Green on one side and Vio on his other. They leaned over and put a hand on his back. “Shadow?” He shot up with a surprised yell and his head swiveled between them. “Fuck!! Shit-- h oly shit?? What the fuck?” Green was excited to surprise him. Vio laughed. “Hello. Welcome home.” he handed over the bowl. “H-how long have y'all been here?” He took it, confused but grateful. “Oh man, at least three hours now?” Green shrugged. “We’ve been talking for a while. Vio is very interesting. They came by to see my work and we just kinda hung out all day.” Vio nodded to confirm the story. “Oh, well. I’m really glad to see you. Both of you. I missed you.” Shadow took a spoonful and stuffed it into his tired mouth. “Mm…. hey wait a second. How are you here!?” he directed at Vio. Vio just shrugged and smirked, Shadow gave them a look that they were going to talk about this later. Green snickered. They all settled in to catch up and eventually landed on watching a movie. Shadow fell asleep on the bed between the two.
Vio would have had no idea what exactly they had missed in the facility. And the trouble they managed to avoid somehow with sneaking out. Daphnes had planned an intervention to try and alter his mindset. A first test to an ai programing thought process. One that would satisfy his true intention for the robots he distributes to the world. 
He scowled, setting another robot failure to the scraper, a builder bot designed in Blue coloring. At the last second, when he was turned away, the robot snuck off the line and into the vent underneath the system. He was not going to be scrapped for this monster, he was going to be free…
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bepisbee · 1 year
V10L37 ch2
Read on ao3!
Chapters Index Next Chapter
Loud electric guitar and piano blended with screaming metal music in the small lab. It vibrated their metal body in a not unpleasant way. They were starting to get used to it in their routine at this point. They reached out and for the third time today caught the bottle of butterscotch drink from falling to the floor.
Shadow looked up. "Oh shit! Thanks. Uh again." This time he moved it to his desk against the furthest wall. A bit had spilled on his oil stained hands. They were obviously well worked, despite the perfectly manicured clawed nails. Callouses from his work across the tips and palms.
"Are those real?" The blonde inquired. "Or painted?" A small head tilt and some of the wires open in their neck interface fell loose. Shadow swiftly caught and replugged them back.
"Is what real?" He gently reattached the last one. A shiver ran through their frame, they've only recently determined that was not in fact normal. Nor was the static filling their systems. Another strange visceral response to touch from their seemingly never ending self developing nervous system.
Vio gestured to his hands.
"Ah. The nails are real I know how to not scratch don't worry." Shadow frowned a little and continued his work more quietly. He jumped when they grabbed his wrist to stop him.
Shadow seemed cautious and stiff at the motion and question.
 "My apologies," the blonde's tone was soft, surprisingly so. "I did not mean my question like that. I was wondering about the color, that's all."
They gently let go. Shadow deflated from his defensive stance. 
"I paint them sometimes, but they come out black like that." He retreated to his desk pretending to search for a tool to avoid showing his face. He wasn't yet used to being vulnerable about his insecurities.
The music behind them changed tempo as the metal soothed into guitar and piano mixed. A favorite of the tech it seemed. s
Some band named "Rest Emblem" their song called "The Summoning".
Vio followed his movements with their gaze closely as he came back with a tiny mirror on a stick. They opened their mouth as motioned to without complaint.
"Seems the material is holding up. Though it's not like ya chew on thing or eat…" he mumbled. It turned into humming to the track. Shadow gently pressed his bare hands against the oddly velvet mock tongue to see the back molars better.
Vio was pretty sure there were protocols against that.
Their eyebrows scrunched up a little as a strange sensation washed over them. What was that? It was from their mouth. Something bitter and slick mixed with sticky sweet carbonation. As they concentrated on the new strangeness their brain supplied: high grade oil, the kind they used as a partial energy source mixed with electricity. And butterscotch root beer.
Shadow has gotten back into the work, swapping between humming and mumbling notes to himself. Not quite understanding the new buds on the velvet flesh over their tongue.
Vio accidentally licked his fingers while trying to adapt to this new sense of theirs, brain searching for more. The tech froze fully and stared with wide eyes. The blonde also froze mis tongue press.
Purple fluid rushed into their artificial cheeks realizing what they did. Their voice stuttered a bit. Muffled by the hands.
"Uhm. I… sorry. You just-"' They made eye contact. "It is just… your hands taste like oil and your soda and it is, as you have put previously, "weirding me out" " 
Shadow pulled his hands out fast. " What in the fresh hell do you mean taste??" Not necessarily disturbed, more flustered and confused.
"I do not have a word for the sensation other than that." They tilted their head thoughtfully. Blonde locks falling into their face a bit. "It comes from my mouth I believe?? I could tell what was there but it was also…"
Shadow leaned in with a sparkle to his eyes.
"Bitter. And sweet?" The android scrunched up their face again. "I do not know how I know that is what it is but I do."
"Wild." The tech stated awed. "Hang on-" he went into the leftmost cupboard. It was supposed to be used to store actual supplies. A loose bag of chips fell off of a huge stack and he choose that one. "Eat this." He put the bag in his hands.
"Whuh-? I cannot consume things Shadow-"
"You know what I mean! Put it in your damn mouth."
They had a half minute staring contest. Vio opened the bag and placed a single chip in their mouth while not breaking contact. "..."
They crunched it.
"... That is kind of satisfying." They admitted. "And tangy… are these…" Shadow was close enough to see the tiny loading circle move once around their ice blue irises. "Spicy lime prawn?"
Shadow once again wordlessly stared at them. Analyzing their reactions. They spit the potato mush out on an oil towel nearby; tossing it into the used bin from across the room.
"I'm totally gonna make it so you can eat." He ran to his desk and pulled out blueprints of the androids internals and a fresh empty set to work. 
Vio sat there watching curiously. They let their legs swing a little from dangling off the metal workshop table.
Shadow started talking at them about the mechanics of how his new tongue possibly worked. Vio pretended to be listening. Usually facts and information were their top priority. But right now how the red and blue eyes before seemed to literally light up and shift with his excitement? 
That was much more interesting.
It brought that strange feeling of tingly static across their frame again. How he kept looking up and back at them to see if they were paying attention, writing things on the paper and drawing. He had to get very close to see the details. Vio idly wondered if he needed glasses or if that was just a quirk.
Many weeks of testing and prototypes later, Vio laid back on the metal table. Wires once again connected them to various devices and a power source. They slowly blinked at the purple hair leaned over in their chassis. It was an incredibly odd sight to see the metal casing open just on their torso. The artificial skin retracted for access.
Tons of wired interfaces and boards of delicate electronics filled up the inside. The tech was currently working in deep concentration. Even his soda was on the other table. He would never risk getting any inside them. Not that he would ever admit that outloud.
Vio jumped as a small shock racked their body. Shadow lifted his bare hand out and shook it in the air.
"Shit-fuck-sorry." He hissed in mild pain. "That one's picky." Once again, bare handed ectronic work.
"Maybe you would have less issues in anti magnetic gloves." They quipped, their tone humorous.
"Mmmmm I could. But It would feel rougher. Also I can tell wires and parts by touch." He hummed, going back in. His hair was up comedically. Most of it in a scrunchie and the bits too short to flying haphazardly about his head. " 'sides, I thought the other techs hurt you using the gloves. Not that they'd care…"
Vio smiles softly when he wasn't looking.
Shadow paused his work. "Your core is up a bit. You doin' ok there?" He looked up at the slight purple tinged cheeks.
"Ah-hem." Totally unneeded throat clear for obvious reasons. "Yup. Just fine. Don't mind me."
"Hm." He looked back down after a suspicious look. "Well don't fry me please." A tiny spark flew up from reconnecting the wire. It sent a small shudder down their spinal struts. "You good?" He asked again but didn't stop this time."
"Mm." The blonde acknowledged and laid their head back down to stare up. They were afraid they would make a strange face.
After about half an hour of rearrangement they decided they would only let Shadow do this from now on. The sparking sensation lingering wherever he touched left them craving it. they weren't sure if it was a physical reaction of their electronics, or something else new they were developing now.
"There's so many new small wires. Where did they even come from??" Shadow talked out loud to himself. "They weave through your artificial skin…" he finally set up enough space. "Alright, this is the weird feeling part. Tell me if it uh. Hurts? I guess?" They were both approaching new territory in this.
Waves of low static shrouded them as he began operation taste test. Or so he affectionately named it.
"I still can't believe all this came about from you playing dentist in my mouth." Vio quipped out of nervousness.
"As much as I love your sarcasm you need to not talk for a few minutes. The cords and box need to be in base position for connecting this." Shadow had to lean on their body to get where he needed. That was enough to make them quiet.
The shakey bass around them finally soothed into calmer music. The playlist auto selecting music from Shadow's likes and history.
"Alright. Now really hold still." He took a tiny blow torch that made super hot flame the size of a match tip. He soldered some parts together and then jumped back as a weird stretching noise startled them both. "What in the fuck!?"
Vio's internal ai had become much more advanced than they'd anticipated. As he began to weld the parts in it had accepted them and attached it's own connection and coating. Shadow watched in fascinated mild horror as it surrounded the entire artificial throat and stomach.
"......" Vio had a weird face, wanting to say or ask something but still unsure if it was safe to do so.
Shadow looked between the new integrated bits and their face. "Um. How's it… feel?"
"Like nothing happened now. But it was very odd for a second there."
"Uh huh." Shadow prodded the outer edges before sighing. "Well. Interesting."
"Hey." Vio got his attention. "How exactly will the waste portion work?"
"..." A look of realization and after thought took his face.
"Son of a fuck-"
Several hours of tests later revealed that strange auto integration fused several systems. For some reason that the poor technician cannot wrap his head around, anything 'eaten' is turned purely into energy absorbed through the strange new wires. Adding to the purple life fluids similar to blood. Shadow sat, elbows against the table head in hands. His fingers messing up the purple locks half out of their ponytail now.
"You are insane. Incredible. You have to promise to not let anyone else in this facility know." Shadow was terrified someone would take them apart to research this new development. There was an attachment to them he still didn't understand. When had he begun to think of this machine as a person?
As more of a person than most he knew?
He couldn't look into their expressive eyes without admitting just how much they meant to him now.
Vio sat up, sitting cross legged on the metal table. All their wires and framework were closed and reattached now. They softly then firmly squeezed one of his hands. They pulled it away from his head.
Shadow looked at him with a raised eyebrow.
"You shouldn't do that, you'll pull it out." Vio continued their ever developing speech patterns. They only spoke less formally, and with conjugation around Shadow. Especially when emotional or flustered. Another secret just for them.
"Hey, it's okay. I promise Shadow." His eyes flickered over their face. "I only ever want you to alter or fix me anyways. You care about not hurting me or electrocuting me. Although," they flipped Shadow palm facing up. "You don't seem to care about shocking yourself most times. As much as I enjoy the touch, please be more careful. You are incredible too."
Shadow turned away as his face flushed warmly. "N-nuh uh."
"Fuck you mean nuh uh??"
Shadow's head whipped at them. "Did you just quote viral video at me?" Every second of today was becoming more and more baffling.
"Er-" busted. "I have internet access. Please do not tell." They intertwined their fingers, still playing with the techs hand.
"Oh my God." He shook his head affectionately. The metal ball in his tongue clanged against his teeth when he clicked his tongue. "Fuckin ridiculous." Shadow didn't take his hand away though. Vio became fascinated by the lines and such and kept running their fingers across his.
"Shut the fuck up."
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bepisbee · 24 days
i really should be using my sick rest time to write the shit rolling in my brain but what am i doing?
watching brainrot and snacking and rolling my v10137 au like a rotisserie chicken NOT writing it down
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bepisbee · 3 years
So. I have another brain go brrr au idea very very modern Vidow they/them Vio this ones a bit odd?
Tldr: Vio's an ai robot who gains a soul (and the heros spirit) of this era and falls in love with their technicion, Shadow, whose son of the company that turns out to be evil and they have to work together to save the world. More under the cut for details and stuff
Sorry for spelling issues or pronpun inconsistencies i made this on mobile and then decided to make it they/them Vio after writing a good chunk.
Shadow is the son of the head of a robotics ai corporation. He's a punk with horrible grades and attitude but stupidly fucking smart. Genius smart. V10137 (violet) is the latest and only model to function as intended. Only one day they malfunction but not how anyone would expect. You see there was a lot of debate around that time involving the hero's spirit and where it might end up as it's been foretold to come in this era. It does not, however, end up in a mortal hylian being. 
One day on the main work floor they are walking V10137 and Shadow is forcibly dragged along bitching about how boring they are, they're just a stupid robot it's not like they'd actually have interest feelings ect. V10137 starts getting uncharacteristically snippy back until they cut themself off and grab Shadow tugging him to their chest tightly. A frozen second where his heart beats super loud and is surprised at how warm they felt. Then Shadow of course freaks out because none of this is possible within the limits of their programming when a large something (balcony? Dropped metal box? Smth) falls heavily into the floor where Shadow had just been standing. Outside of their physical capabilities and program they had saved his life.
That's when he started calling them "Vio" or "Violet '' instead of the long numbers. Lots of little things happen after that aren't programmed in: humming a tune they heard Shadow listen to, showing interest in learning subjects outside their parameters/subjects they shouldn't have any reason to even know exist. Shadow grows fonder of them, going so far as to personally take up the mechanical and technical upgrades and repairs disallowing anyone else to touch them.
 (After an awkward intimate moment when Shadow first had to repair something on the insides like wires or a board and Vio mentioning they felt it when the technicians were a bit too rough on their circuitry. Sheepishly asking him to be gentle with them but only while no one was around. Also something not programmed into them: pain).
Plot twist it turns out Shadow's father is evil and has been spying on homes and planning to use the advanced ai robots like Vio to enslave his country. I haven't really thought much past this for that plot other than a few ideas about Shadow sneaking Vio out for dates and making them working equipment to seem more alive. Eating, drinking, other equipment ;)  They totally develop taste buds on their metal tongue before this happens which inspires Shadow's idea for it. (See below lol)
 Shadow: working in their mouth doing stuff maybe installing artificial teeth becuase they look fucking scary without them? And so they can develop speech with an actual mouth making sounds instead of a box.
Vio: "..................." awkward stretched silence. "Why do you taste like car oil and butterscotch?"
Shadow: "????? Fucking excuse me? W h a t?" How do they know what that tastes like? (They took a soda from Shadow once. Even though no food or drink is supposed to be allowed in the labs Shadow did it all the time. They couldn't consume it though, there was nowhere for it to go, but they still swished it in their mouth to see what all the fuss was about.)
Maybe the other color heroes come in at some point as previous versions of Vio?
R35: made for childcare. Malfunctioned when introduced to cooking can cause fire from hands initially for cooking purposes. scrapped due to arson lawsuit
81U3: Sparring model, fighting levels broke and became very aggresive and competitive, scrapped for inibility to cease at humane ending point
6R33N: the first ever model, scrapped for inneffective building and ininbility to upgrade not much is known about this model
Shadow fixes them all up after making an HQ to fight his evil dad (Zant? I do like Twilian Shadow) in the old disposal room so they have easy access to parts
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bepisbee · 2 years
Summer Heat Spicy Bonus!!
Vio catches Shadow trying to help himself when he thinks they're sleeping. So Vio helps him instead.
(Mature warning. I mean its literally just Vio learning to give their human bf a hj lmao)
Violet looked up curiously, meeting their boyfriend's gaze in the darkness. The small luminescence from their robotic eyes and the city's twilight behind a closed curtain were all that lit the cramped bedroom. While Shadow couldn't really see much, Vio had a perfect view. They had been woken from recharge when Shadow's full body weight had shifted onto them. Laying across their cool metal body seemed to give the other some relief. Skin on synthetic skin. It was still pretty warm this season but that wasn't the only reason for his desperate contact.
Having assumed that Vio was deep in their recharge sleep, Shadow had decided to take care of a need. One that Vio couldn't quite grasp onto, having no built parts (yet) to translate the experience.That didn't stop their faceplates from turning a burning purple
Of course they knew the how, what, and why though.
 Shadow hadn't realized at first his partner was aware and awake. Simply concentrating on being silent enough. His small fangs barrying into his bottom lip. Huffing out their name between clamped down whines and chest vibrated groans.
He startled when Vio carefully grabbed his hand that was furiously working him out. Shadow quickly turned into a flustered stuttering mess. The sentient bot just smiled fondly.
 "Want some help? I uh. I could give it a try?" They offered a little sheepishly. Reading it was one thing. Helping someone they cared for sexually was another.
Shadow buried his face into the blonde's shoulder to hide. Although that certainly didn't hide his not so little problem standing straight up between his juicy freckled thighs. He groaned in embarrassment and pressed them shut. It really only made things worse, he looked cute like that.
"Sorry." He mumbled into the tank top fabric on them. It was one of his own they borrowed. That thought sent a possessive shiver up his spine.  "I wasn't trying to be weird."
"It's not weird, Shadow." They comforted. "I'm honestly flattered that you would see me, with no actual "parts", as attractive enough to- " their voice box shorted and sparked. A mechanical sounding throat clear fixed the error. "To think about me like that." They brushed Shadow's calloused hands away from the occasionally twitching mast.  Their intetnal fan was kicking up onto high. They really hoped it wasn't aidible as last time was embaressing enough.
Luckily the blood and heartbeat pounding in his ears distracted him enough. Shadoe peeked out nervously, glancing between himself and Vio's curious expression. Vio would save the sight of his hopeful but timid expression from red and blue colored eyes forever.
"Tell me if I do something wrong." 
A sharp gasp made the android jump. They had barely put much pressure into the single squeezing pump. They stopped. 
Shadow hid his face again. "I-I…" he couldn't form real words at the moment. So Shadow just nodded. Usually he was the teasing one. Being so pent up and so close to Vio made him feel vulnerable in the best way right now. He spread his legs back out.
Vio pressed their lips against his forehead. Then his lips. They kept at an even pace of up and down with their han.d. The change in motion to being so caring and careful sprung on intense feelings. They continued the sweet chaste kisses across his face and neck. Shadow's chest warmed. Watching Vio play with him, one hundred percent only to satisfy him, made him throb with a low groan.
The blonde continued to gauge his reactions and how his hips stuttered everytime they ran a thumb over his slit. Every time they squeezed maybe a little hard at the glands around the head. Shadow's breath hitched as Vio's thumb circled the slit spreading precum on the tip. Eventually experimenting on different spots worked. until they got a rhythm down that made the other squirm deliciously.
"Shit that's really good- do it just like that." Shadow rushed out vocal encouragements. Shadow was letting them have complete control. Their hand barely fit around the base when they brought it down for longer strokes "Awh fuck. V-Vi!"  His expression scrunched up in pleasure.
He was trying his best to hold on. He gripped the sheets under him and Vio's upper arm. Breaths came faster much too quickly. Warmth and pressure pooled up inside him, taught like a string about to break. Shadow's head fell forward again onto Vio, this time more on their chest.
They tried a firmer grip against his thick head as they pumped suddenly speeding up.
"Wow. It's actually really hard, but the skin is so soft and warm…" the blonde mumbed their observations outloud. "Maybe I should have used two hands." They swapped hands, this one getting a cramp. "You look really big compared to what the typical sized… uh… anatomy can accomodate." Shadow wasn't sure if that was just Vio rambling over his dick or an attempt at dirty talk. "I kind of want to see if it would fit down my throat." The blonde swallowed fake saliva thickly.
Between the faster pace and giving Shadow an enticing mental image of making all nine dissapear into the androids mouth sent him over the edge unexpectedly.
"Oh-Gods-fuck-please-please-please" Soft whimpering pleas graced their hearing. Words slurring in together as his tone raised pitch steadily. Shadow began frotting up into their hand. His hips lifted off the bed itself to grind into the sweet friction as it snapped that thread leaving a quivering hot mess in its wake. 
He gripped Vio's upper arm tightly letting out a loud moan of their stammered name. A mess of sticky white spurt up and coated his stomach and Vio's hand. "V-vvvvioooo. Mmhgh." He recovered his breath enjoying the aftershock.
 "Fuccck. I don't think I've ever come that hard before." Shadow's entire body felt rocked. Vio slowed his hand down as the last shot twitched it's way out.
The android looked proud of themselves. They spread the strange substance between their finger and thumb. Vio looked closely before curiosity got the better of them. They licked it off their hand. With a hum they also bent down and licked it off Shadow's stomach and wilting dick. "Hm."
"Gods I would fucking wreck you right now if I could." Shadow mumbled, rubbing his face. "That was so hot." He praised, leaning in for a kiss. They happily accepted, wiping the other remnants of their hand on the black sheets. Shadow held their face lovingly. He pressed them back into the soft bed, straddling them.
Vio indulged him until he started falling asleep. They chuckled. "It is getting late sweetheart. Get some sleep."
"But I wanna keep touching you." Shadow whined. The blonde ran their mechanical hands up and down his shoulderblades. Applying mild pressure into his muscles. He melted, wrapping his arms around their torso and laying his head into their stomach. "Mm. That feels really nice."
"I bet. You work too hard. Although the calluses on your fingers do make a very pleasant texture against my skin nerves when you touch me." Vio admitted. They kept at their massage with minimal protest. "Your hands and fingers have such strength in them from working all day. I know you get to see me more then… but relaxing like this is nice too." Vio kept talking at him until his chest slowed and evened out. Finally resting.
The android hummed and began researching things about what they just did. Maybe, just maybe, they thought: Shadow could build some kind of nerve or electricity feedback device for them to feel like he does. There was something to this wire sensitivity they have. They got lost in the trail of thought for the rest of the night. 
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bepisbee · 2 years
Someone said chubby men in crop tops and brain liked that
Vio knew the concept of heat. Every once in awhile their internal systems would kick on a fan. Usually becuase their partner walked into the room or did something cool or adorable. The blonde android was very thankful they were allowed out of the tech facility more often, but today was one of those heat days. Their fans remained on at least on low at all times. A quick search told the local forcast called for 38C temperatures outside. Vio vented a sigh, no wonder Shadow hadn't gotten up yet. They wouldn't want to deal with that either. Physical bodies were much more susceptible to heat. They made a mental note to be careful not to touch Shadow's skin where they had any exposed metal though. The last thing they wanted was to accidentally burn him.
The blonde frowned, getting up from a seat in the small living room. They made their way into the attached open space kitchen and took a glass. Small to large various succulents thrived on the shelves in between; seemingly unbothered by their environment.
Vio carefully poured some water from the pitcher inside the fridge before taking it to the cramped bedroom. Shadow had insisted on having a full bed as a luxury leaving little room for any dresser. They pushed the partially open door further. They paused and smiled softly. Shadow was laying in the bed with a floor fan aimed at him. He was on his back, facing the ceiling. Curly purple hairs scattered in the usual areas one would find on a human (Twilian) across his body. Revealed by being clad in only boxers and a cheeky crop top. "Suck my '' titled on the shirt intentionally cut off with an arrow pointing down. Their icy blue gaze followed the arrow.
The robot took him in for a few moments. Enjoying the exposed incredibly soft looking thighs and stomach before them. Dots of freckles scattered everywhere on the expanse of the delicious boyfriend before them. Vio, despite not needing to worry about chapping, licked their bottom lip and broke their gaze back up to his face. Eyes shut and contorted into irritation. They weren't sure he'd noticed them yet. Vio was tempted to sneak an ice cube from the drink onto his sweaty skin just for the reaction.
Hey," they passed over the cool glass into Shadow's hands. "Morning." They were met with a weary groan. Blue and red eyes blinked open. The technician greedily downed the water. It was absolutely long past morning.
"Pahh~ fuck. Ohh my Gods." He flopped back down on the squeaky mattress. Vio reconsidered their earlier notion. They Stepped out and ignored the confused whine behind them, and came back swiftly.
"It is too hot for you, yes?" Vio's hands were suspiciously placed behind their back.
"Yeah no shit." He answered deadpan. The sarcastic tone didn't last long. Vio sat themselves on the edge of the black sheet gracefully. They leaned over. Shadow peeked an eye back open at the weight change. "What?" He was sort of expecting a kiss, or something, with how close they got. Vio stared at him momentarily before grinning like the bastard they are. Shadow shot up with a yelp as several ice cubes suddenly assaulted the insides of his crop top and boxers.
Vio covered their mouth, shaking with laughter. Meanwhile their partner danced and shook out the quickly melting offenders while stringing curses.
"Gods- fuck! Dammit! Eii!" Shadow squealed as one fell further down, brushing past sensitive parts and getting stuck between his thick thighs and the black fabric. Shadow shook off the boxers in order to get the last cubes out. Vio got caught staring, their cheeks flushing a vibrant purple. They looked away quickly in embarrassment, they hadn't done that with the purpose of getting flashed. Although they were certainly not going to complain. Shadow pulled the cloth back to its proper place.
"Vio! Come on." He reprimanded, although holding back his own mirth. "Th-haha. That was way too cold." He flicked their forehead playfully. Shadow placed a chaste peck where he struck at Vio's pout about it. "Heh. Okay that was a pretty good one though. You got me." The purple haired punk lay back down. He motioned grabby hands at Vio. "You can come join me if you want? You gotta be bored just sitting around."
They once again let their eyes wander the expanse of their partner. They wondered briefly if putting all of Shadow's piercings in the fridge for a bit and then back in would help cool him down. They let the thought drift out loud as they laid next to Shadow.
"Hm. Maybe." Shadow hummed and put his head onto the androids chest. The whirring of inside mechanics always calmed him. Vio ran a hand through the sweaty purple locks.
"What about swimming?" They began to gently detangle the strands through their fingers.
"You would sink. Besides, I don't want sunburn. Maybe later." His whole body melted into the sweet gesture. Shadow really did become much more pliant like this. "If we go closer to sundown there won't be kids screaming." He yawned. "And we could make it a date,"
Vio continued the soft ministrations, their other hand running up and down Shadow's arm. "I would love that." The blonde hummed in agreement as their boyfriend started to fall asleep in contentment. Maybe this heat wasn't so bad afterall.
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bepisbee · 3 years
Warning: Low Battery
oneshot short! and idea I got about my V10137 au just a little fluff and smooches. (this one) @justice-incarn8 @fuck-em-up-your-grace :D <3 lmnk whatchu think AO3
After an emergency shut down from battery loss Vio seems to have trouble remembering a few things. How will their precious Technician Shadow help?
Violet looked around the room boredly. It was incredibly small even for them. Two chairs and one bookshelf took up most of it. They had read all of the novels twice over. They didn't have a very large amount of options to choose from the approved list, they really hoped Shadow could sneak them more trashy romance novels. They would never admit it, but those were a soft spot for them. Probably because it was the first fictional option they had snuck into their room, they mused.
Vio hummed mechanically and glanced up at the ticking clock on the plain brick wall. It had been over four hours since they had gotten locked in here during an emergency drill and they were beginning to think that the air headed morning tech had forgotten them. They wished Shadow were here. They perked up. Their ears flicking up more at the realization that Shadow was supposed to work on them today. They were going to meet thirty minutes ago. Surely he'd started looking and asking around by now. A small notification suddenly popped into the corner of their eye from their HUD. Violet had been so lost in thought they hadn't noticed a low battery warning before. It was now an emergency notification for imminent shut down. They froze and stared at it too long. Then looking back up at the clock. They estimated they had about twenty minutes until their systems failed.They had never run out of battery before. And they had no idea what could happen as a result. If Vio could sweat it would be building. The blonde was getting worried and slightly scared. Their relaxed posture became much more stiff. Even though they knew it wouldn't work, they tried to open the door once again to find it locked. [Warning: low battery, seek charge immediately. Percentage: 7% power] flashed on their HUD across their eyes. "Fuck." Standing up in wide eyed panic, as they tried the door again this time it opened suddenly. As their vision blurred with red warning flashing across their sight, they fell forwards. Their body no longer responded. Thankfully a purple haired punk was at that door to catch them. Vio barely registered the soothing deep tone of their personal technician, Shadow, rising into panicked questions. Vio's vision faded quickly as they became dead weight in his arms. Everything just stopped. The next thing they knew, they were laying on their work table. The light above them was dimmed for comfort. As Vio slowly came back to consciousness they could feel some wires being moved and altered. Not unpleasant. In fact suspiciously gentle as if the person working knew they could feel it. They blinked until they could see normally and looked over to find a boy, biting his bottom lip in concentration. His long purple hair was tied back yet still reaching half past his back. He was bent over their now open service panel no doubt doing the scheduled work for today. There was a worried expression pinched into his brows. After a small internal debate over if they might startle the boy they decided to speak up anyway. “Um,” they start, eloquently. “Hey?” It does minutely startle him, but not enough to cause an accident. As Vio meets his eyes, they are astounded with how fond they are for the red and blue heterochromia that greets them. They feel their face getting softer with a smile.
“That idiot needs to get fired.” he sighed exasperated. “How do you feel?” An odd question for a robot even one with an AI, Vio mused. The technician put down his tools and scooted his stool up closer to their head. He cupped their face softly. “You’ve never run out of battery before. Do you remember what happened?” Vio searched his face, something wound tight inside his core. It nagged at them terribly. They should know who this boy is. Something was wrong, terribly wrong. It was right there at the tip of their processor but they couldn’t quite grasp it. The light touch of him sent electric shivers down their spine distracting them from the concern.
“Should I?” they stated hesitantly. “I think- I do not know. Everything is a little-” they struggled for the correct word. That was something they didn’t do, they always knew what they were saying without difficulty. “Fuzzy. I know I know it, but I cannot reach it.” The boy above them rubbed small circles on their cheeks with his thumbs. A reaction in their internal system made them heat up. Vio looked between his hands and his face in bewilderment. “Violet,” the boy leaned down closer. He glanced to the side reading something on a tablet pad. “Hm. Your system isn’t fully functional yet,” he mumbled looking back over them. Their system’s cooling fans kicked in from once again meeting his eyes. “It’s gonna take a while for that part of you to turn on.” He still hadn’t let them go. Vio looked up at him trying to hide the fact that it felt like their insides were made of ChuChus. An illogical statement. Of course their insides weren’t made of Chu jelly, that was ridiculous! He finally let go and took the tablet to scroll on it for information. “What should I call you?” the other boy totally stops, head wiping to them. Apparently he hadn’t expected them to forget that far back. “Oh, shit.” he swore. “Wait really?? What do you remember about me?” “I can’t recall things in specific but I know I can trust you.” Vio wasn’t sure if this was the right thing to say, “I’m not sure how to express this, but I’m pretty sure I can feel it?” The admittance felt right in their mouth. “Describing it is proving difficult.” they trail off. They can’t stop looking at his face and his lips. They don’t even know why, other than it brings them a feeling of wanting anticipation. “Describing what I want is also proving difficult.” “I’m Shadow.” Shadow turns to him fully, now sitting on the metal bed next to him. Their artificial skin feels warm and tingly where his thigh presses against their side. “I’m your personal technician.” there was something in his tone that implied another meaning to ‘personal’. “What does that mean? Personal?” Vio inquired, “You say that as if there’s more to that title.” he only get a devilish grin response. It knocks them breathless as they see the tiny fangs poking out of the toothy grin. A smart retort dies on their lips and this time they are caught staring.“Ha! Wanna see?” Shadow leans over their torso so their faces are only a foot apart. Vio’s ice blue eyes dart quickly across his features. They are failing at trying to play it cool. Taking in the darker tones, freckles, and small dimple they both hear another cooling fan turn on. “Oh- right. Your panel…” Shadow’s cheeks flush and he leans away, zapping Violet slightly just reconnecting a wire barehanded and tapping something on their inside. The panel on his chest shifts and locks and shines a moment before sealing and looking like normal Hylian skin. He runs his hands down where the panel is sealed to verify it’s closure. They feel a small shudder run up and spark inside their core at the feeling.That felt intimately familiar. Vio had a sudden flash of memory hit them.
The purple haired boy was working on detailed hardware on their innermost paneling. The electric sparks were starting to get to their head. Feedback from the literal voltage made them feel as Shadow had described earlier as “Drunk or honry or  both”. He was doing his best to make this fast so as to not overwhelm them but the cheeky smirk playing in the corner of his mouth said otherwise. A particularly large shock back made their systems whir loudly. Shadow stopped a moment to let them calm down. Placing kisses across their cheeks and nose and lips. Then running his hands down their side just like- “Violet??” They looked up, back into the present situation. They felt like their face was warmer than the summer sun. Their cheeks tinted a light purple from their internal fluids rising to the surface there. Overcompensation for the overheating. At this rate they’d pass out again.“Ahem, sorry. Remembered something.” They excused, sheepishly avoiding his gaze. Shadow was very close to their face again. “Oh? What was it?” Shadow’s playful tone wasn’t helping them calm down. “Nothing!” Vio huffed and looked away. “Nothing is why you’re blushing and looking like you wanna eat me?” “Eat you??” They weren’t entirely certain the connotation of the statement but the inflection behind it was telling. “That’s not- I don’t- I wasn’t-” they stammered. “Now I know you’re lying. You only shorten words when you’re flustered or mad.” which wasn’t exactly true but they did it in excess when they were. “It’s alright, here. I’ll help you.”Shadow pressed his soft lips against Vio’s. The blonde sucked in a gasp as a flood came back into their brain all at once. Their eyes lidded and met him kiss for kiss. Though their movement was pretty restricted with the large power cord attached to the back of their neck. They sat up more pushing back against their technician. Slightly amazed at how much they felt, they pulled back suddenly.
“W-wait. Need a minute.” they pressed their forehead against Shadow’s. Their mouth now tastes like butterscotch soda and saliva. How did they know that? They could taste? He ran a hand soothingly through Vio’s hair until they pulled away. They blinked owlishly for a moment. Vio’s face scrunched up in irritated anger. “Shadow?” “Yeah?” “Why the hell did they lock me in a room with no charging cable!?” Shadow smiled at them. They were back.
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