wtfelflecha · 2 years
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mis queridas vías parte 4
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elchaqueno · 5 months
"Despliegan operativos de ayuda en comunidades afectadas por desbordamiento de ríos en El Puente"
Daniel Ozorio, sub gobernador de El Puente, informó que se han desplegado operativos para brindar ayuda a las familias damnificadas en las 63 comunidades del municipio, luego de que el Gobierno Municipal declarara zona de desastre por los daños causados por el desbordamiento de ríos y quebradas. Se están habilitando caminos afectados y levantando muros de contención en las zonas más afectadas.…
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nr-ghost-nr · 9 months
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12endigital · 1 year
El presidente de APHA, Luis Castillo, apuesta por la variante de Torrellano como solución para retirar las vías de la fachada litoral
El presidente de la Asociación Provincial de Hoteles de Alicante (APHA), Luis Castillo, ha asistido al “Encuentro empresarial CEV” celebrado en IFA esta mañana y que ha permitido al empresariado alicantino conocer de primera mano los proyectos del nuevo Consell para la provincia, donde se ha entrevistado con la Consellera de Medio Ambiente, Agua, Infraestructuras y Territorio, Salomé Pradas. En…
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upsurge-esp · 1 year
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europahoynews · 2 years
El cambio climático reclama vías férreas, casas y playas en California
El cambio climático reclama vías férreas, casas y playas en California
El mar se está tragando casas, caminos y las hermosas playas de California. Steve Lang puede ver la erosión catastrófica empeorada por el cambio climático en tiempo real a lo largo de una de las líneas de ferrocarril más pintorescas del mundo, donde el mar se está tragando casas, vías y las hermosas playas de California. “Todos los días vengo aquí y veo esto, y me dan ganas de llorar”, dice a…
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sevicia · 1 year
At first it didn't bother me when people used "delulu" so freely cause I was like whatever it's not THAT harmful but I have seen it used SO often that it's started to annoy the shit outta me like none of these people even know what delusion ACTUALLY is. Delusion is not the cute little hopeful voice that tells you they're interested because they made eye contact with you, delusion is waking up one day knowing, being absolutely convinced, that your parents' bedroom is a portal to another dimension, that all your friends are paid actors, that animals don't exist and are actually robots with cameras for eyes, and those are just the ones that I have personally experienced and was able to snap out of with lots of help and without hurting myself or anyone around me.
It's actually so fucking annoying to see people being like "may your delulu becone trululu 😋👍" like if you knew what delusion actually is, how hopeless and paranoid and confused it makes you feel, you would not be saying that. I have known of people who became convinced their families were demons, or that they themselves were possessed, and then ended up committing serious crimes. But no. It's all fun and games, and being "delulu" is cute and quirky.
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Gran Vía, April afternoon
Madrid, Spain -- 4/16/09
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strawberryseeded · 10 months
thinking abt bllk (no surprise there) and how (at least until now) all (well, most of?) the characters backstories aka basically the reason for their most prominent issues are, instead of extremely tragic and complex events, simply children's logic applied to recurrent situations in their daily lives (and especially the sport they love):
bachira feels lonely: bachira was a weird and lonely kid who was also extremely passionate abt (and talented in) football, more than any other kid, making bachira feel isolated even when he was playing with others. this got even worse when the kids he played with started to resent him, calling him a "monster" and bullying him. while talking with his mom, she told him to keep believing in his inner voice and ignore those who dont understand him, resulting in bachira giving that voice the form of a "monster" that can play football with him to feel less lonely. which, obviously, made him even more lonely, even if it was an imaginary friend created to aliviate that feeling. because bachira still felt lonely, even after many years and even after playing with other people in school who werent any fun for him, he kept the monster by his side. believing no one could ever beat this monster (thank GODNESS he did 🎉!!! HE is the monster no one can beat!!!! his arc is one of my favs hes literally unstoppable now, i love him dude i love h)
isagi holds himself back too much: isagi (i read the light novel abt him hehe) was a timid and mild mannered kid until he discovered football, which he fell in love with. while playing the sport he could let go of his shyness and actually be selfish and go all out. uuuntil... he entered his high school's reputable football club, where the motto was to play as a team above everything else (a very anti-blue lock logic lol). isagi then, in an effort to accomodate to the social norms of the club (bc hes isagi, and off the field hes calmer and timider), had to simmer down in the field as well. supress himself. at times it seems like his on and off switch is kind of stuck.
barou has main character syndrome: barou was a very, on top of talented, meticulous kid and therefore the best in football out of every other kid he knew, who didnt take it as seriously and were more than happy to let him score all the goals. he didnt understand why they were satisfied with letting other people take all the glory, so he secluded himself, convinced that he was the only player that actually mattered on the field. the best. the Main Character. everyone else was completely worthless, their only use being to serve HIM. (until he got his ass kicked by isagi and became the villan instead of the main character, bc oh, shit, barou's not actually the main character???? then he'll hunt down & DESTROY the main character).
rin (god, rin) has a brother complex (i used to hate when ppl oversimplify whats wrong w him w this term but tbh it does boil down to this lol ToT): rin idolized his older brother like crazy and wanted to be just like him. bc he was also blessed with talent and also had a great relationship w sae, he had everything he needed to fulfill his dream of being the 2nd best striker, the 1st obviously being his older brother, who rin viewed as the best, most talented player in the world. when sae comes back from spain and tells him 'the world is big and im not actually the best, you go and be the best striker by yourself' (basically: our (your) dream is over), rin has a fucking breakdown. its not really a tragic, despair-inducing event, objectively speaking. but in the manga its framed as such bc for rin, in his childish logic, it is. bc his brother IS the BEST player, what the fuck do you mean hes not number 1 outside of japan?? ....then what about rin? if his brother cant be the best, rin cant be the 2nd best either, let alone the best. he feels like sae ruined everything, gave up, broke their (rin's) dream!!!! after sae humilliates him, rin directs all of his frustrations at him and bows to defeat him. as long as rin sees himself as sae's little brother, he's never gonna be able to surpass him, bc in rin's mind, sae is still the best, his talented big brother.
ness believes kaiser, not him, is the magician: ness's case is more serious bc his family was (is?) emotionally abusive towards him. basically, like every other kid, ness believed in magic. the concept of magic is exciting for children and gives them, in the form of play, the opportunity to express their creativity and exercise their imagination; work out a way to make the impossible come true. bc this is so important for their development, usually its the parents role to, at least to a certain degree, keep alive the belief that magic is real. ness's parents, on the contrary, shut down this belief bc it didnt match with their own views. they saw his interests as a waste of time, even letting his sibilings bully him and treat him badly to make him give up on them. ness, however, didnt, and instead found a more socially acceptable way to 'do magic' and express his creativity: football. he feared greatly, however, that football would be taken away from him, so in that faithful match in which he met kaiser he decided to put all of his trust and hard work on him, bc ness believed kaiser was the person who would be able to make the impossible, the magic that ness wanted to create, happen. i think the key to unlock his full potential is stop relying on kaiser so much and start believing in his own magic (kind of like what happened in hiori's arc). we have yet to know kaiser's backstory but i have a feeling those two enable each other's worst traits...
ETC !!!! sorry i got tired of writing lol
anyways these r just my interpretations of the characters feel free 2 b like "was is she ON about"
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elbiotipo · 3 months
Wuxia story set in the remote land of Yinhe, where a hero seeks the secret technique of the Hands of General Bi Long to unify the people and defeat the corrupt emperor Mi Lei, the Lion of Greed.
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acidgirl · 1 month
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wtfelflecha · 2 years
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vías parte 3
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sefarad-haami · 4 months
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🇪🇸 La ciudad de Monastir, ubicada en la antigua ruta Vía Egnatia, fue conquistada por los otomanos en 1381-1382, comenzando un periodo de dominio turco que duró hasta 1912. Hacia finales del siglo XV, judíos sefardíes expulsados de España se establecieron en Monastir, donde ya residían judíos romaniotes desde tiempos romanos. Los sefardíes formaron dos comunidades separadas, la aragonesa y la portuguesa, con sinagogas independientes que a menudo enfrentaron disputas. En el siglo XVI, Monastir contaba con unas 1,500 casas, de las cuales 200 eran propiedad de judíos. Para 1889, la ciudad tenía 31,257 habitantes, con 5,500 judíos. La comunidad judía en Monastir prosperó gracias a su experiencia en comercio y oficios textiles, estableciendo fuertes vínculos comerciales por todo el Imperio Otomano. A finales del siglo XVI, un incendio destruyó las sinagogas aragonesa y portuguesa, lo que llevó a la reconstrucción de una sinagoga conjunta. Sin embargo, las tensiones entre las dos comunidades persistieron. Durante el siglo XVII, la comunidad judía creció tanto que el espacio en las casas de oración se volvió insuficiente, requiriendo la renta de espacio en casas particulares, una práctica que continuó durante generaciones.
🇺🇸 The city of Monastir, located on the ancient Via Egnatia route, was conquered by the Ottomans in 1381-1382, marking the beginning of a period of Turkish rule that lasted until 1912. By the end of the 15th century, Sephardic Jews expelled from Spain settled in Monastir, where Romaniote Jews had already been living since Roman times. The Sephardic Jews formed two separate communities, the Aragonese and the Portuguese, with independent synagogues that often faced disputes. In the 16th century, Monastir had about 1,500 houses, 200 of which were owned by Jews. By 1889, the city had 31,257 inhabitants, with 5,500 Jews. The Jewish community in Monastir thrived due to its expertise in commerce and textile-related trades, establishing strong commercial ties throughout the Ottoman Empire. In the late 16th century, a fire destroyed the Aragonese and Portuguese synagogues, leading to the reconstruction of a joint synagogue. However, tensions between the two communities persisted. During the 17th century, the Jewish community grew so much that the space in the prayer houses became insufficient, requiring the renting of space in private homes, a practice that continued for generations.
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ringneckedpheasant · 3 months
i feel like i’m never going to figure out how solas fits into ahwt like ive been thinking about this semi-regularly for yearrrssssssss & i have no idea how he & kiernan would hook up in a town of like 2000 people in 90s fantasy texas. i can’t just make them both work at dairy queen
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12endigital · 1 year
Los hoteleros se suman a la protesta contra la electrificación de las vías del sur de Alicante de la plataforma 'Variante de Torrellano Ya'
APHA se ha reunido con la “Plataforma Variante de Torrellano, YA” y ha mostrado su respaldo a la reivindicación para evitar que se consume el proyecto del gobierno central de electrificar las vías del sur de Alicante. El encuentro ha tenido lugar en el hotel AC Alicante y ha contado por parte de APHA con la presencia de Luis Castillo, presidente; Carlos Bosch, vicepresidente; Cristina Seguí,…
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miradas-world · 2 years
Sunset 🌅☀️🌊🌌
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