#V: Jedi Knight aka Hero with no Fear (The Clone Wars)
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Anakin was on his way back from a mission. It had been fairly long. He actually was looking forward to getting back to Coruscant. He would try to get out of the de-briefing at the temple, and go see Padme. He missed her horribly. They'd talked over holos a couple weeks ago, but he hadn't heard from her since.
When they landed, he expected to see her in the tunnels, but she wasn't there or her apartment. He managed to find out that she'd gone on a diplomatic mission, but no one had heard from her in days.
Oh but she hadn't gone alone. She had Jar Jar Binks and C-3P0. That was amazing protection. He had more or less stomped out of the room in the Temple, and told Obi-Wan he would go find her, which he would.
He knew Obi-Wan and Ahsoka wouldn't be too far behind, but it didnn't take him long to grab R2 and get in a ship. He looked at the flight patterns, trying to see if he could detect her ship.
He finally spotted it.
"There she is." He put in a flight pattern and switched to hyperdrive. "I really hope it's not a droid army."
#bchemianrhapscdy#(Padme)#V: Jedi Knight aka Hero with no Fear (The Clone Wars)#you can pick where she is!
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Their relationship definitely caught him, by surprise. But Sabe had been honest with him, from the start. She hadn't gone back and forth with him, the way Padme had, even if he only had kissed Padme. But he and Sabe, one night had changed everything. He really didn't think that he could have ever been a random sex person. He loved her before he even knew that he did. Granted, it had taken her nearly dying for him to realize it.
"Accidental kissing, tinkering and sex. That was fun." He nodded. "You do lead me out of trouble, which sometimes I get into too much. But, I am mostly fearless, you know. But food is important."
He shrugged. "Whatever works. I'll eat. I'm in the mood for lots of things, some are definitely not the most encouraged though. But yeah, food. Nothing too heavy on my stomach though. My head is messing with me quite a bit, has been for a few days. There is a lot pulling on me, forcewise right now, despite being home. The war has been a lot, that's probably all it is."
He could feel it was more and he didn't know how to explain the pull he was feeling towards that, and how much he just wanted to tell her what he was feeling, but as much as he was an open book, with this, he wasn't.
He knew that he was all over all kinds of propoganda about the war. Whenever they were in a populated area of the war, he was always noticed. He had also been seen many times, and women had offered things. Obi-Wan was always embarrassing and pointed out that they had better things to take care of. Anakin frequently rolled his eyes at Obi-Wan. "I don't know what you're talking about. I am never terrified. Okay confession time, you know I have been terrified a time or two, especially about certain things, like when I didn't know if you wanted us to be a thing or if we were going to keep 'accidentally' kissing." He loved landing all kinds of ships, even if half ships were definitely harder to land. But, he had been in a more difficult mood, of late. It was good that he was home again. Being around her leveled him out. Anakin hated leaving her, and when he did missions by himself, he did tend to get into trouble, like that time on Dathomir. But, he was okay, more or less. Right now, he was off and he knew it, but being closer to her always helped. Food helped too. He let her lead him to the kitchen. "You know, you used to lead me to the bedroom first. Pregnant you has different priorities."
Sabé couldn't help a soft smile when he said that he'd been TERRIFIED by not knowing what turn their relationship would take. She was well aware that the whole hero with no fear persona was unsustainable, but —despite what Anakin seemed to think— she hadn't known him to be concerned about their relationship to the point of actually being afraid– or terrified, as he put it. It sounded like such a heavy word to describe anything regarding her.
"You must have been quite relieved when we finally settled things so that the kissing stopped being 'accidental'." she definitely had been.
She led him to the kitchen. His words made her scoff. "I don't always just lead you to the bedroom," she pointed out with a smile. "I've also done my best to lead you out of trouble plenty of times."
Besides, now was not the time to be leading him to the bedroom for anything other than sleep. He was going through so much, Sabé didn't want him to feel like the only way to deal with how he was feeling was through a carnal act. She knew a thing or two about that... enough to know that it helps, but only momentarily, and then things just feel worse with the added weight of shame.
"Let's see what we can get you and your daughter, because I can't even mention food without feeling like I've been starved for days," she sighed. "Anything you're in the mood for?"
Sabé knew that sometimes, he awoke nauseous from his nightmares and, while she wasn't sure if this was one of those nights and didn't was to prod, she also didn't want to risk further upsetting his stomach.
#mayxthexforce#(Sabe)#V: You don't look like her (Anakin & Sabe)#V: Jedi Knight aka Hero with no Fear (The Clone Wars)
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from here / @nieithryn
"Agreed." There was no hesitation in the deep, warm voice. Whatever else one could say about him, Bail Organa was hardly the sort who believed in ruling through fear. Even if he were, he doubted his wife would approve. It was enough to soften his dark eyes a little. "The people of any government are what give it power. Their respect for it's authority is all that allows it to function. Should a people cease to respect their government, cease to serve it, to obey its laws, that government is bound for failure. One way or another, it will have to change or die." A tired, wry smile flickered across the Senator's lips, and a small shrug rolled his shoulders. "Many of my fellow Senators would do well to remember that, in these harsh times."
Anakin was not one for politics, but being married, albeit in secret, to a politician, he sometimes had to listen to political matters. He definitely preferred war to politics and sometimes, he possibly deployed himself, versus having to deal with anything having to deal with diplomacy.
Padme was fond of Bail, and he had never been one of those annoying Senators. When Anakin was actually in Coruscant, he tended to loiter around the Senate Towers and pretend he wasn't there bothering Padme. But, she was in a meeting, so he was mingling. He was on leave for a few days, since he'd gotten hit in the head, pretty hard last time.
"You sound like Pad...Senator Amidala. I am not as much about politics, as I am out there fighting and being the whole 'Hero with no Fear"." He hated that name the holonet gave him, but he had learned to deal with it. "Senators don't tend to listen. I can only think of one or two that actually do. If they did all act like that, we wouldn't be stuck at war."
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❛ do you really think you’re in a position to give orders? ❜ from padme ofc
Smut Starters // @bchemianrhapscdy // Accepting!
Anakin felt like he spent more time away from Padme, than he actually spent with her. They had gotten married so fast. Okay so maybe that had been his idea. But, it had been a good idea. But then the Clone Wars had hit, and it just got really complicated, after that.
It had been several rotations since he had even seen her, this time. He missed her, but he missed every single part of her. He thought about her a lot of the time, and they communicated on a secure holo channel when they could, but still. He hadn't told her that he was coming back, when he was. He never really knew nor did he know how long he would be home.
He always just let himself inside her penthouse. It was more or less theirs, since they were married anyway. Taking a deep breath, he sighed when he heard her come in.
"You know with a war going on, you should keep your security higher. Anyone could sneak in."
When they got married, her security had changed as it was. He leaned against the wall. "You know Senator, that's not acceptable, especially for a former Queen. Care to explain yourself to a General of the Republic Army?"
#bchemianrhapscdy#(Padme)#V: Jedi Knight aka Hero with no Fear (The Clone Wars)#he's a mess with pickup lines
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@moonofiego gets a Clone Wars Era starter
Anakin hadn't been deployed since Ahsoka left..since she had left him. He had been quiet, probably quieter than he had ever been. Obi-Wan had even commented, that he never was this quiet, not even when he slept. But, he didn't say much either way about it. He still couldn't get any of it, out of his mind.
She had left. Ahsoka had left. She had left, because she needed to be without him. Those may not have been her words, but those were the words that he heard coming out of her mouth.
He gave up working on his ship, and went back to Padme's penthouse, even though he knew she likely wasn't home yet, and decided that most everything in the kitchen needed to be worked on, so he worked on repairing things, that didn't need to be repaired.
R2-D2 had even given him a disapproving look but stepped back, avoiding his maintenance.
"I'm just updating things. I'm fine, R2. Go get me my extra tools, so we can check to make sure your mainframe is up to speed." The droid then sped off down the hallway and he heard the door close and lock.
Okay, maintenance would have to wait. He was still fixing things, anyway. Anything he could fix was better than Ahsoka leaving.
#moonofiego#(Padme)#V: Jedi Knight aka Hero with no Fear (The Clone Wars)#do you see what your other child did to my baby?
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He shrugged his shoulder. "I have more than one backup. I mean, it's not fun to get them put on and taken off. They connect to my nerves. It's not like I just take it off all the time." He shrugged. "I'll be fine."
Crossing his arms or arm as the case may be, he gave her the firm look that meant he meant business. "I'm not giving in. Get yourself look at, or I will get one of the Clones to get your ship and take you back to Coruscant right now. There are no negotiations in this place. I'm the General and therefore, I make the rules."
She raised an eyebrow at him and tried not to laugh at the irony of the situation. "Well.... at least he went for the same arm? And you have a backup. Otherwise we'd be in a more difficult situation." She grinned at him, coming over to see what R2 was doing. "Your secret's safe with me, General."
His last statement surprised her. "What? But I'm not hurt! I wasn't ever under any fire or anything except for the very beginning, when you were with me in the forest." It wasn't that she minded being looked over by Kix. She just felt that it was a waste of everyone's time. She would know if she was hurt, and she didn't feel any pain at all. "Really, I'm fine. Don't you think it would be better if I started working on dinner or something. I'm sure everyone's especially hungry now."
#desireandduty#(Padme)#V: Jedi Knight aka Hero with no Fear (The Clone Wars)#I don't fear the Queue like you do
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🕯️ (from Merrin)
send me 🕯️to hear my character’s inner thoughts about your character // @mayxthexforce // Accepting!
You get both Vader and Anakin, because while they are one, it's a different thought process.
She really is different from anyone I've ever seen or met. I mean, maybe I thought that she was Mother Talzin at first, but it's an honest mistake right? How come she can do the colors though and why does she have tattoos? Obi-Wan never let me get tattoos. I should have gotten some anyway, on my forehead, to give him a heart attack. But, she seems more interesting than Ventress, for sure. She was one of the Nightsisters, I think. This place makes my hair stand up in weird ways...and I probably shouldn't think this, but yeah, she's hot. I wonder if she'd teach me the glow thing?
For the first time in my life, I suppose I feel some sort of freedom again. I made the decision to allow her to help return me to some of who I was, at least physically. I made the decision to fuck her on Kujet's throne more than a few times, and I am making the decision not to run from her being pregnant. She is a Nightsister and I am a Sith Lord. I swore that I would never allow myself to get anyone pregnant again, but yet, it seems to have happened. I wonder if she'd teach me the glow thing?
#mayxthexforce#(Merrin)#v: magick and a sith lord#V: Jedi Knight aka Hero with no Fear (The Clone Wars)#V: Henceforth you shall now be known as Darth Vader (Suitless Vader)#V: I am what you made me (Darth Vader)
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[ Anidala for @bchemianrhapscdy (sorry I took forever) ]
Did Anakin feel guilty for throwing Ventress into the depths of Coruscant? No. They were going to fight to the death. She had made a mistake that no one made, when it came to him. She had threatened Padme's life and it made him snap. The darker impulses in him raged, so much that he barely felt the pain on his face, when she struck him.
But now, it did hurt quite a bit. He was trying to watch a holo from Padme and he had been assuring her, that he would come to see her later, but debriefing the council on this could wait, he needed to see Padme.
He was glad that she was no longer at work, according to 3P0, but he had gotten to her penthouse...theirs...the penthouse before her. He still had his cloak on, but when he heard someone come in, he spoke.
"I may have gotten hurt, but you can't freak out. Its not as bad as the hand."
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❛ i’ve got a suprise planned for you later. ❜ (from Padme to Anakin)
[ Dirty Kind of Teasing / @burnnouts / Accepting! ]
Anakin didn't get back to Coruscant as much as he liked. This damn war was annoying. Sure, it was cool to be a General, have an army, a Padawan and all that. But, right before this war started, he had gotten married and he missed his wife. They'd gotten so little time together and he was craving time with her.
Since he often visited Palpatine and the Jedi frequently visited the Senate building, it was not shocking for Anakin to be in the Senate Tower. Letting himself in, he took a seat and put his feet up on her desk while she finished up a call.
He took in how beautiful she was, how much better she looked in person and he moved to sit on her desk mouthing, 'Get off the phone'.
Finally, she was off the phone and he moved down then, to pull his wife into a deep kiss. "I have missed you so much. Why a surprise later? Why can't I have a surprise now?"
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"That is a perfect way to find me in the dark, actually." He smiled slightly. "Thank you. I think I can handle Obi-Wan, though. Besides, he tries to pretend that he is well-behaved and not remotely condescending, when it comes to being around anyone else. It's just me that gets normal Obi-Wan. But, he's alright. I don't mind you defending me though.
"No, no? But that would be a good way to find you in a crowded room." She's unsure what she means - if it's metaphorical if it's physical. Certainly, it felt heavy and tangible at times. An overwhelming pull. It scared and comforted her just the same. "If he's giving you a problem about it, I will tell him." She knows he doesn't literally need her to tell Obi-Wan but he must know she would if need be. Lord knows she fiercely sticks up for those she considers beloved.
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"Cryptic. I hate that."
Anakin looked over at Obi-Wan, as they were on some recon situation, early in the war. He already had his scar from Ventress, but was still learning to be a General. His army and Obi-Wan's still tended to work together, a lot of the time.
He had to admit that since he had been given a Padawan, he had been sulking a bit. He just didn't see himself as ready for tha king of responsibility. Plus, constantly disagreed with him. He didn't know she was like that, but she was.
He was sitting out by a fire with Obi-Wan in the evening, having had Ahsoka go help the troops with something.
"Is this because I was a bit argumentative?" Then he heard his words.
"You were always cryptic, you know that. I mean, are you all making me take on a Padawan because I could be argumentative before?" He was still argumentative, but that was beside the point."
#lightfaithed#neither could imagine being without the other (Obi Wan)#V: Jedi Knight aka Hero with no Fear (The Clone Wars)#This is so late#I'm sorry!
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"There's no one in the world I trust more than I trust you."
Trust Starters / @lightfaithed / Accepting!
Those were words that surprised Anakin. He had spent most of his life, trying to earn Obi-Wan's trust. Anakin was a Jedi Knight, had his own army, his own wife. He just felt so much uncertainty. He wanted to tell Obi-Wan how he had been feeling really off, how this past tour in the Outer Rim had tested him, but Obi-Wan trusted him.
Obi-Wan was starting to ask questions about Padme, had known that he had been talking to her, when Rex was covering for him. He could tell that there were unspoken words between them. But, the thing was, sometimes he hated keeping the secret.
But, he knew there were rules. But Obi-Wan said he trusted him. He just...Anakin didn't know how he felt, considering Obi-Wan hadn't trusted him when he went undercover.
"Say I am hiding something. You say you trust me, but you didn't trust me when you went undercover as Rakko Hardeen and made me think you were dead..."
That one had hurt deep.
#lightfaithed#neither could imagine life without the other (Obi Wan)#V: Jedi Knight aka Hero with no Fear (Clone Wars)#I don't fear the queue as you do#HI
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"You being ridiculous." Padme smiled his words off like it was nothing. And to her, there was nothing. Yes, she was working with a few people that sometimes tended to be a little flirty but all of these things bounced off her. Not when she was married to the most beautiful and talented man in the galaxy. She already made the perfect match. Yes, their love was forbidden and still, love always found a way. And here they were. She gazed up into his eyes, her hand reaching up to cup his cheek. Her thumb was softly caressing his cheek, giving him a soft smile. "You know I have only eyes for you." she spoke gently. "There's no other man that could compete with you. Ever." she assured him.
He was not ridiculous, or maybe a little bit. But when you had a secret marriage and your wife was a beautiful senator, there were a lot of reasons to be jealous. He didn't like sharing her with anyone, and there was one senator in particular, that enjoyed getting under his skin. He didn't make it easier, because he made a point of half force choking him, although he tried to play it cool.
Leaning into her hand, he sighed. "I know that, but does he? If he looks at you like that one more time, I swear I'm going to punch him in the face. I don't care if it's not diplomatic."
#bchemianrhapscdy#(Padme)#V: Jedi Knight aka Hero with no Fear (The Clone Wars)#LOOK I FINALLY AM REPLYIN GTO SOMETHING
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Don’t say without me ⇨ Anakin & Ahsoka
[ Plotted starter with @mactabilis ]
Nothing that had happened sat well with Anakin. In fact, it all had angered him. How far had the Jedi fallen? They were caught up in this war that they didn't even belong in. They had not listened to him or Ahsoka, about any of this, when it turned out she had been telling the truth all along, and even though he had asked her to come back, did he even blame her for not wanting to?
But, her words had stung. She had said that she needed to do this without him. Had he failed her that much as a master? It made him sick and despite how much Padme had tried to tell him it wasn't his fault, her words were still haunting him and he couldn't get past them.
It was time to get deployed again and he walked out of council chambers, with a simple no. He was done following orders, or hearing it wasn't his fault. He needed to find Ahsoka. He needed to make sure she was okay. She might think she didn't need him, but he needed her.
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My brother's keeper | Anakin & Feral
[ Plotted starter for @mayxthexforce ]
Anakin had not been a padawan in years, and Obi-Wan hadn't been his master. But one would think he was the master, when it came to the way he sometimes, he had to track him down, the second it came to anything regarding the Duchess of Mandalore or Darth Maul. Mr. 'Oh I never act rashly' was gone in a second and Anakin had to go try to figure out where he ran off to, so he didn't get himself killed.
He knew he was looking for Darth Maul, so he figured maybe going into the Nightbrothers village, might get him some luck. He wasn't scared of any of them.
So they had horns, so what.
He had a lightsaber, and on top of that, he could kick any of their asses, if they tried. He was tough, and he knew it. Going through the village, he rounded corners, staying hidden, not wanting to have to face all of them at once, before he stepped out and into a building.
Hearing someone walk in, he turned, seeing one of them.
"I just need to know where Darth Maul is."
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From HERE // @multistoty
Her jedi husband was standing right in front of her and she miss him like she hadn’t seen him in years. Padme’s body is a carnivorous flower, a poisonous houseplant, a loaded gun with a million triggers and he’s more than ready to fire. But there’s something about the darkness, the stillness of this hour that creates a language of its own. There’s a strange kind of freedom in the dark; a terrifying vulnerability we allow ourselves at exactly the wrong moment, tricked by the darkness into thinking it will keep our secrets. We forget that the blackness is not a blanket; we forget that the sun will soon rise. But in the moment, at least, we feel brave enough to say things we’d never say in the light or around crowds of opinion makers. The former queen can’t feel her ivory artist trained fingers or the cold or the emptiness of this room because all she feels is him, everywhere,filling everything. Every sense.And he smiles.Its the kind of smile that makes you forget how to do everything but blink and blink and you don’t understand what’s happening to you. You don’t know why you can’t convince your eyes to find something else to focus on. you don’t know why my heart is losing its mind. Her senses once again chose his eyes over anything else. They truly spoke poetry without words and were a color every artist would be kicking themselves over. Anakin is a hot bath, a short breath, five days of summer pressed into the five flesh ingers writing stories on her body. This was impulsive even more than the ring on her finger. Obi-wan was here. He could figure things out so easily. So many,but all that was in her head was the rhythmic sound of his breathing dueting with his heartbeat. And his touches are everything. Everything is on fire. her cheeks her hands the pit of her stomach and she is drowing in waves of emotion and a storm of fresh rain and all she feels is his silhouette against hers and she never ever ever ever want to forget this moment. The doe eyed girl wanted to stamp him into her skin and save him forever wether or not he was back in those less than comfortable jedi rooms.
“ I want to know every curve, every freckle, every shiver of your body. I want to study the secrets tucked between his elbows and the whispers caught behind his knees. I want to follow the lines of your silhouette with my eyes and the tips of my fingers. I want to trace rivers and valleys along the curved muscles of the body of my husband,” Padme agreed with an eager nod. Her hand reaching to pull him teasingly on top of her as she elegantly laid against the penthouse bed. “I would very much like this place, master jedi. There is a reason I didn’t take the time to put anything else other than this cloak of yours on your return which the window was much more dramatic than need me and felt a bit like a teenage boy not wanting to wake his parents. Let me memorize you with my fingers.”
Despite the fact that Anakin was not supposed to be attached, he had married Padme in secret. She was beautiful and she was a mystery. She also tended to sometimes talk in a way, that he didn’t always understand. He was more blunt and more direct with the way he spoke, especially in times like this. “I want all that too, and to have you, to be inside of you, to watch you in complete ecstasy, when you can’t stop yourself from begging for more of me, if I don’t give you exactly what you want. We both know that I give you a lot though.”
He always did what he could to satisfy her. She was beautiful and she was all his.
He moved to take the cloak off of her. “While the cloak is very sexy on you, you won’t be needing it tonight.” He took a deep breath, and watched her. “How do you plan on memorizing me with your fingers?”
#multistoty#(Padme)#V: Jedi Knight aka Hero with No Fear (The Clone Wars)#Basically Anakin always wants her
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