#Utsuro sdra
secretkeepersystem · 2 years
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dra/sdra2 fandom wake up i made memes
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pillowpettt · 2 years
Dumb silly bisexual protagonists on their way to have the best mastermind au's ever thought up of
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fukouyanomusume · 1 year
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i will be genuinely surprised if no one’s done this already but anyway
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picture-game · 2 years
So I was thinking about Teruya and Yuki(Utsuro) 's relationship in DRA. I wish more people talked about it,it's really wholesome!!
I'll probably do a whole analysis on them sometime, but I just wanted to put a note on at the end of the game, I find it really fitting and interesting that Teruya asks about the real intentions of Utsuro and Akane.
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The awnser to Teruya's questions has never actually been brought to light directly in the games, only having implications.
The core question "Why did he let us go?" is a golden and important question.
The awnser lies in the chapter 6 DRA trial from Utsuro, talking to Akane
".... So, you've become obsessed with them too?"
I think that Utsuro's Yuki Madea persona definitely affected him and by the time he reverted back to Utsuro,he was on a mission to save those 3,as he had, to put it into his words, "become obsessed with them".
It's late now, but I will hopefully expant upon this tomorrow!! :D
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My fanganronpa crossover: Danganronpa Hope, Despair and Redemption
Don't judge me for having 2 Protagonists and 3 Supports
Protagonist 1 : Mikako Kurokawa/ Ultimate Excroist(DRA 1)
Protagonist 2 : Rei Mekaru/Ultimate Professor (DRA 1)
Support 1: Kokoro Mitsume/ Ultimate Psychologist (SDRA2)
Support 2: Emma Marogobi/ Ultimate Actress(SDRA 2)
Support 3: Kinji Uehara/ Ultimate Priest(DRA 1)
Antagonist: Celestia Ludenberg/Ultimate Gambler(DR: THH)
Chapter 1:
Victim : Ayumu Fujimori
Culprit: Chisa Komyoin
Chapter 2 :
Victim: Kaede Akamatsu
Culprit: Misuzu Aisaka
Chapter 3:
Victim 1: Mikan Tsumiki
Victim 2: Ibuki Mioda
Culprit: Shozo Asayoru
Chapter 4:
Victim: Kokichi Oma
Culprit: Akane Taira
Chapter 5:
Victim: Chiaki Nanami (Suicide)
Traitors: Kanata Inori and Kakeru Yamaguchi
Chapter 6:
Victim: Celestia Ludenberg
Culpirt: Sora Taria
Fake Yuki Maeda/Utsuro
Akane Taria(Survived her execution)
Junko Enoshima
Sacrifice(s): Yukari Kisaragi(Oc) and Utsuro
Rei Mekaru, Mikako KuroKawa, Yamato Kisagari, Sonia nevermind, Kinji Uehara, Tsurugi Kinjo, Kokoro Mitsume, Emma Margarobi, Kizuna Tomori, Marin Mizuta.
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danganronpafan777 · 2 years
SDRA Boys reaction to finding out Kanade killed there Fem S/O because she is best friend with Hibiki which resulted in Kanade cutting up S/O gruesomely like she did to Setsuka in the canon Game
Damn, fellow angst fan! 
You didn't specify if Hibiki committed the murder too, so I included how they would interact with her after the trial knowing what her sister did-
Yuki Maeda: 
When he sees your body at first, he's in complete shock
He wants to look away, but his eyes won't budge
It isn't until Shinji and Sora say his name a few times when the dam breaks
He's horrified, sad, angry, and full of grief all at once
He throws up during the investigation, and can't go near the body
There's no point, since it's already burned into his mind
He's quiet and crying during the trial, barely even blinking and ignoring anyone who tried to help
Sora tells him if he wants to get justice for you, then he must work with everyone
"...huh...What the hell do you know? About me? About Y/n? She's dead. I don't care anymore."
Yuki goes blank. Even void is a little worried, isn't it a bit soon for Utsuro to come out?
Anytime he sees Hibiki, he feels his stomach drop, the image of your body appearing fresh in his mind
He doesn't want to hate her, as she's just as much of a victim as you were, but her resemblance to Kanade makes him mistake her sometimes
Teruya Otori:
He slams his fist down on the podium in grief and anger, his eyes beginning to swirl in despair.
Why was this happening to him again? It was really all because you befriended the wrong person? Why did you have to die? Why couldn't it have been him!? 
He thinks back to all the moments he had with you. Sun gazing, cuddling, your first kiss... he'd never see you again, he promised he would protect you and he failed again. Why was he such a failure?
He didn't want to give into despair, he really didn't, but sitting idly while everyone you loved died a horrible death made him wonder if hope really did exist 
He stays in your dorm for a while, but definitely keeps a closer eye on everyone
If Hibiki didn't die, he couldn't bring himself to resent her, just her criminal scum of a sister
He has to keep the others safe and put an end to the killing game. He's well aware that he's not smart, if he was, he would have been able to save you
But he's strong. He's pushed himself past his limits before and he's not afraid to do it now. 
He’ll protect everyone because it's what you would have wanted
That's the only thought keeping him sane
Shinji Kasai: 
Also in shock when he sees your body
You were....there...(and there, and there-)
He’s seen a lot of gruesome sights of people who had terrible burns (Including himself, which you always reassured him over) but this was…
He starts to cry right there, as Yuki and Sora rush to comfort him
He can’t bring himself to investigate your corpse or your room, instead talking to everyone about their alibis
This whole time, he was saying that the people in void were friends and probably had some kind of reason for doing this, but…
He’s not sure anymore.
What kind of monster would put you through something so horrid?
When he finds out that it’s Kanade, he nearly breaks his podium
He’d never hit a girl, even if she is a literal demon spawn, but he’ll still yell at her for what she did to you
He can’t forgive her, turning his back on her and not even bothering to watch the execution
He stayed in his room for a few days, barely opening the door to anyone except Yuki
He is actually nicer to Hibiki, and even helps train and comfort her with all she’s been through
but there’s there a part of him that can’t help but think about what would’ve happen if he done this sooner, if he would have met your fate
The thought makes his stomach churn
Hajime Makunouchi:
Falls to his knees upon seeing the body 
He nearly vomits at the way the face on your decapitated head was twisted in terror and your limbs were contorted as if you were nothing more than a doll
Hajime doesn’t feel angry, he just feels… sad.
Abandoned…once again.
He finds himself sobbing, unable to stop
He just felt so alone, but he told himself not to blame you, you hadn’t left him, not on purpose
He can’t investigate… he just can’t…
Ironic, that the strongest person in the class never felt so weak
Another part of him feels guilty, of all those times he talked you into training, into eating healthier foods… what was the point of all that when you were going to die so young?
He can’t say anything to Kanade, he can just glare at her through his sunglasses, his void eyes coming to life
He watches her execution, but he can’t bring himself to smile or feel happy
It just makes him feel….empty
He actively avoids Hibiki, but he’ll try not to treat her any differently
He confronts Nikei about turning against Mikado
Syobai Hashimoto:
Syobai wasn't attached to a lot and he rarely let anyone get close to him 
But he made an exception for you
That's what you were, the exception
He was never loved by anyone in his life
Except you
He never cared about anything other than money and his own survival
Except you
He never fell in love with someone before
Except you
He never felt such sadness and grief when seeing a corpse
Except you.
The moment he saw your corpse, he felt a sharp pain in his chest, a pain unlike any he had felt before
Followed by a tsunami of emotions that were running wild
He forced them all down, much harder to do than ever and investigated your body
He found the culprit easily, charging Kanade with his knife almost immediately
She was quick but not quick enough, he left her within an inch of her life while Hibiki screamed and cried
He used his own medical knowledge to keep her alive for the trial, no matter how hard he wanted to end her right there 
He smiled when she was voted, everyone understanding Syobai's actions
He doesn’t care about Kanade's backstory, he hates her for killing you, that's it
He won't hurt Hibiki, knowing Kanade would probably like that, but he glares at her anytime she's in the room with him 
Yuri Kagarin:
He claimed it was a male the whole trial, only a male would be capable of doing this to you
When he found out it was sweet Kanade, his views shattered
"W-Why...?"  That’s all he can ask, and when she explains, he wishes he kept quiet
You were gruesomely murdered because of your kindness, and how you befriended and comforted a scared and paranoid girl
Kanade was a demon through and through who took pleasure causing pain in others
Only then did he realize what you were always trying to say, about all males not always being bad, funny how the message only got through when he learned the opposite
If Hibiki isn't executed alongside her, he wouldn't ever directly blame her for the person her sister was
But he'll never be able to look at her without thinking of the monster who killed you
Mikado Sannoji: 
This wasn't supposed to happen.
That's the first thought that crosses his mind, out of everyone here, you were supposed to make it to the end
He'd think it was Nikei, being the only void who would dare to do this, but even Nikei is not that psychotic
This was someone that made him look like a saint
He contributes everything during the trial, ignoring when people tell him to be quiet
They don't get to tell him that, not after his S/o was dead
When he learns of Kanade, he feels angry, at both her and himself
He could have figured Kanade's past out if he had just dug a little deeper...
He lightly avoids Hibiki, but doesn't make much of an effort to push her away, 
Not like anyone else besides you would ever willingly talk to him
Nikei Yomiuri:
God damn it... 
Rage. He can only feel raw unhindered rage when he sees your mutilated corpse
The whole trial, he thought Mikado was the only bastard messed up enough to do this, there's no way anyone in void would do this to him
To kill the one thing he had left
His leadership, his power, his luck (the whole reason he was pressured into creating this messed up game) 
And now he lost you, the one thing he achieved without the use of his remaining luck
And now you were gone in one of the most messed up ways possible
He demands Kanade's reasons for doing this to you, and only feels more disgusted when he finds out
He hopes she burns in hell
He can't look at Hibiki without his void eyes flaring and his face being consumed by undeniable rage
He lashes out at her a few times, but he doesn't care
He uses the rest of the space in his notepad to write about you
He's not sure if your dead in the real world, but if you were, then he wanted some way for the world to know the kind of person you are
Because he knows for a fact that he's not making it out of here alive
He just hopes he can bring Mikado down with him
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leviadraws · 1 year
Can you please talk more about sdra actor au? It's super interesting and I would love to hear more!
For particular consideration, How did the actors for Tsurugi, Rei and Teruya react to the twist for the trio in sdra2? Were there words? Were those words coming from any particular person?
Side question you don't have to answer, are any of the actors dating doesn't have to be with each other.
Oh man, I'm gonna have to actually sit down and think about this properly /lh I'm really happy people like it!
Under cut, since game spoilers and that
I'm... not actually sure which twist you're referring to with the trio? Rei's execution in the prologue, Teruya's actions in chapter 4, or chapter 5/chapter 6 in general. So, I'll just write a bit about them in general filming the series.
So, because of the nature of the series in that its an overarching mystery the cast are only given the script of the episode they're filming. So like each episode would be prologue/ch1 daily/ch1 deadly etc. This meant that everyone thought that Rei was killed in her execution, but she knew to return for the filming of chapter 4 onwards.
So like, Rei, Tsurugi, Akane, and Utsuro knew that they would be returning for chapter 5/6. Teruya knew he was returning for chapter 2, but didn't know of Rei's role (or the rest) until chapter 4.
They had to keep the details of the later chapters hidden from him as Teruya is so bad at keeping secrets and would've told the rest of the cast immediately and production didn't want details leaking out to fans before filming had finished. He caught on a little when everyone stayed around after filming the prologue but figured it could be they'd be filming flashbacks like in the original series.
I think Teruya's actor would've had words about how chapter 4 panned out. It's just such a turn without foreshadowing (imo) so I can't imagine he'd be super stoked about it. Especially since his character was pretty heavily slammed in the fan reception of the first series and so during filming he was pretty convinced that the turn in character was just so they could kill him off as the least popular from the first games cast.
He gets pretty down about it when he goes to get dinner with the rest of the returning cast, they have a pretty hard time cheering him up since they know what's going to happen but can't tell him yet either.
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He's unaware that his character becomes a lot more popular until after series 2 airs. He's very confused by this.
I think, Tsurugi's actor was a little disappointed with how he is in chapter 6, when you've played a character for so long it's a little disheartening to see them change so much off-screen. It didn't help that fans blamed him a lot in the reception of the show's series two, while the reception of the first series still had him 50-50 from the rather open ended ending. Like Kanade, he gets a fair few unpleasant mails from more unhinged fans.
Rei is less bothered by the writing changes, she's working on other projects between the second series and so her part was reduced to a couple of days work before chapter 6. She's the kinda actor that would normally go to the script writer with questions and an annotated script. But she has so little to work on in the second series that she only works to make Rei a little more compassionate over that time.
They had huge problems with the effects in her prologue execution, and they didn't have the budget to CGI her burning, so they use that close up of her face and then cut straight to ash. It got quite a few laughs in early screenings with how b-movie it looked.
Both Rei and Tsurugi are really glad that the bonus episode (ova 2) let's their characters shine a little more.
As for ships, I kinda wanna leave that to each their own! Whoever you want to be dating can be dating.
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irlnikeiyomiuri · 2 months
🍬🍦🧩!!! for that thing u reblogged <333
DONT send me hearts i do NOT know u . …. and pride month is over. not a skittle safe space
post an unpopular opinion about a popular fandom character
who’s even popular in sdra at this point. yuki maeda (dra) is Not a nice kind person. he doesn’t actively work against the group but he is judgy and lacks compassion. this isn’t to say he never has kind or good moments but. a lot of people compare him to and categorize him as makoto? hes really not. he’s a lot more utsuro than i think gets recognized. yuuki is Also not makoto and no it is not exclusively due to circumstances or narrative role
name three good things about a character you hate
1- died in the first chapter 
2- unlikeable personality means i’m not alone in hatred
3- dra is small enough that there’s sometimes No One shooting for mitch which is great. peaceful. 
(it isn’t a cop out when there’s not really any characters i hate ? only other option would be mikado and that’s an impossible task)
what will make you click away from a fanfiction immediately?
funniest answer is if it’s too convoluted. sorry. i love hypocrisy. i’ve dragged u down enough crazy fanfic holes that u know i’ll Stick w shit but for those who haven’t heard me be deranged i do rock w things that are Long and have Tons of plotlines and mysteries and intrigue and etc.  for those who are not this guy. i frequently binge read 100k+ fics in a day or two because yk it’s fun !!!!
 it’s more like…… if u have this pre established world, and it’s super in-depth and canon divergent, and it’s both *part of the mystery*, while also being smthn the cast is fully aware of, i just Can’t. i can’t be questioning things and trying to work out who knows what and what connects to who while ur dead set on not explaining things. id rather the cast just unrealistically verbalize the canon contradicting backstory u decided to give them than get a headache trying to understand ur lore. i’ll deal w grammar i Love esl fic writers i’ve even rocked w stuff Clearly not written by someone who engaged a lot w the source bc it’s abt fandom and community and fun!!!  but i have to be on the same page-ish of ur setting as ur characters are. hope this makes sense probably doesn’t SORRY
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yomiurinikei · 1 year
brief emeto joke that’s the only cw i think? anyways. this fucking guy…..
- My identity hc for them
iiii….. think his whole “nothing matters because i get whatever i want” had already set in by the time he would’ve really started getting interested in other people? i don’t really have identity hcs for him i don’t think he actually exists. collective hallucination by the entire sdra cast.
also i think the divine luck got him gender affirming healthcare. but anyways.
- Thoughts on their home life/family
i hope his parents explode ! anyways i wonder if utsuro (prior to his no emotions no attachment era) was like damn i’ll find some people to actually love and respect me!! and sure enough found a couple willing to love and dote on him w/o knowing about his divine luck but he got paranoid and dipped out because he felt he was forcing them into it and they actually hated him.
- How i feel about their canonical writing/handling
underutilized sorry. sooo much more could’ve been said could have been done et cetera. the ramifications of the divine luck are underused his coming back in sdra2 was underused etc etc. there’s sooo much that could be said with him and it’s so easy to do it is the smallest fucking reach and linuj is like. this is utsuro he is like kamakura but with divine luck :). and everyone was like omg so true!! and he’s reduced down and isn’t handled with actual depth. like. there’s Reasons for why he is the way he is. aaa!
- The one thing i’d want to make canon about them
system. for utsuro specifically i think he struggles a lot with detachment and has frequent dissociative episodes. he’s not quite prone to third person/out of body episodes but i think he struggles with orienting himself in the world (spatial awareness) and staying aware of his surroundings.
- My number one favorite ship for them
*looks up from where i’m poking utsuro with a stick while in the rain* huh.
- …Now everyone else i ship with them
*goes back to poking at him*
- The thing i will NEVER ship
utsutai. im pretty much chilling with whatever else (above answers were just me conveying that idgaf im neutral whatever happens happens!) but i think reading their interactions as romantic is a disservice to their characters. like if u look at them and go yeah there was romantic love and desire to date here. ?????
- a dynamic/relationship i wish was explored more (in canon, or in fandom)
was trying to think of smthn and i think we should chat about utsuros feelings on mikako more. she tries to get him yeeted in ch5 as we all know and also there’s everything with pre game and it’s just. ??? why do we not address this. alsoooo i’ve yet to see like. a non despair/post game/etc au or fic or anything that portrays utsuros vibe with the voids/cou in a way i enjoy. so. …. maybe i need to read more fic tho
- thoughts on their design (appearance-wise)
cute! sometimes it looks a bit off to me but i think that’s just a matter of hues/undertones. i reaaaally like his color palette in sdra2, it hits right there. i’ll always think the color choices of the uniform were a bit silly but ultimately it looks cute!! in dra it’s just a weird mix of warm hues vs gray undertones (this applies to like.. skin and hair not just clothes) but sdra2 looks very nice!!!
- A music-related thought- a song that reminds me of them, or what their music taste is, etc
AGH. hold it in, and beady eyes on the horizon, both by jukebox the ghost. i don’t want to talk about it tho. i have nothing else to say. im gonna go throw up over beta.
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modstarfell · 2 years
Fnaf lore post but its my au lore
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There’s a lot of misconceptions and confusion about what’s going on with my SDRA AU.... So per anon’s request, I wrote as much as I could without spoiling much of anything that hasn’t been said!
The story mainly is focused around Akane Taira and “Utsuro”. A self labeled name of a boy trying to forget his past. The story is wonky at the start because they each have their own separate story, Akane’s is more talked about over Utsuro’s as I refuse to give out more detail then his name that I shared. (I will not be posting it myself until I get to the point in the story where it’s finally said.) They run away together and live together in a house that Utsuro’s luck found for them in the forest (Later referred to as the void house). Some time down the line, Utsuro enrolls himself and Akane into HPA originally for Akane to have a chance at making more friends and getting a better education. He goes because she’ll literally get lost without him.
Canon events that are linked in DRA game happen. (Everything in DRA does still happen in this AU. Things expanded more on later for ch6.) Shobai has taken on a ‘favor’ for Akane and has come to the children weekly to help them with whatever they may need. The children grow increasingly concerned for why Akane and Utsuro haven't returned and set off on a mission to try and find them themselves. Mikado creates AiKado and AiKado manages to locate the video that was sent to Enoshima of the DRA killing game, taking a bit longer but eventually finding the Kisaragi Laboratory where they were located.
Mikado and Kokoro went to the Laboratory and managed to find and retrieve the bodies of class 79. To their surprise, they were all technically still alive. They were put into a comatose state of sorts. After returning back to their work place with the bodies, Mikado worked with a few other co-workers (Unnamed as of now) to create healing-pods. Slowly but surely the pods began replenishing their bodies to workable states of their former selves. Some were easier to heal then others but it was a success! Kokoro wanted to try and bring them back from their comatose/dead state... So she had Mikado create the Revival project(Refer to the background story here)
The program DOES help them come back, but there’s an error in their memories. None of class 79 remember any of the killing game and need to remember in order to leave the program like everyone else.
First things first, I made profiles here for the cast in AU. Click their names for their google doc to pop up.
Class 79:
Akane Taira: Devoted as she, there’s a soft spot in her for children. She’s not much of a conversationalist unless the topic at hand she’s been prepared for or about Utsuro. This being said, she created a persona to use while she was at HPA to come off as easier to talk to, more befitting of a maid (Maid!kane). She and Utsuro agree to use their persona’s in the killing game rather than themselves as their classmates wouldn’t know the difference between the real them or the persona’s.
Ayame Hanato: Not many changes. Serves as more of a big sibling/peacemaker role.
Haruhiko Kobashikawa: Not many changes. It’s been discussed BTS that his brother may have had a deeper influence on him than intended. (Nothing fruitful to change)
Kakeru Yamaguchi: Not many changes. Nothing’s been talked about him too much aside from his relationship with Midori and friendship with Kanata occasionally. He made time to visit Midori every free chance he could get even if he had to sneak in with Kanata’s help.
Kanata Inori: Not many changes. She’ll claim she’s fine with living a ‘boring life of a surgeon’, but it’s mostly to keep her patients' information safe but her life dealing with patients is more than enough for her then focusing on getting new interests. Although she likes ‘cute things’.
Kinji Uehara: Not many changes. Talks about his past/the orphanage kids have been talked about a few times BTS... It’s more than likely that instead of having lived in a church setting, he lived with the orphanages instead and used money that was donated for the children.
Kiyoka Maki: Although she struggles to think before she speaks, she can read the room a bit better. She doesn’t comprehend her feelings properly though. Yuzuki and Rika have been brought up before and she would try and communicate with them if she were able to.
Kizuna Tomori: Due to having her school memories, she’s changed quite a bit. While she’s still very sassy... Her views on others has changed. More often than not she’s hanging out with the besties™️(The sports-gang) and tries to ignore the boys that are ogling her. Her jokes are still a bit on the iffy side but she’ll apologize if she’s told it’s too far at least.
Mikako Kurokawa: She generally still keeps her peppy attitude but fatigue washes over her easily if she’s moving for too long or her emotions are in high stress. She can still be difficult to get to know but she’ll perk right up as soon as Yamato comes into the picture. Very protective over her friends no matter how close.
Mitsuhiro Higa: Just like Kizuna, having his school memories changed how he would’ve acted. Now he’s gotten his ego under control and more or less hangs out with the other athletic students just to be included in things from time to time. He’ll at least try and teach the others soccer from time to time. (Post regaining his memories he WILL apologize to Akane.)
Rei Mekaru: When it comes to DRA Nothing really changed. Her role in the Kisaragi Foundation got her speaking to many more people though and she figured out how to separate her work from her personal life. However, she spends most of her time at work to avoid the fact she would be alone after hours in her personal life.
Satsuki Iranami: Not many changes. Her and Haruhiko continue their relationship from HPA, there was no reason for them not to since their memories continue from the game. (Forgot to add this earlier.) She expands more than what was just written in her FTE’s and is really good with animals! Her family has been talked a lot more BTS but they would need their own post and I don’t have any writing done for them yet as I forget who’s who still.
Teruya Ootori: When it comes to DRA Nothing really changed. Besides the canon financial department, he interacts a lot more with survivors of the tragedy and is a bright cheery face to everyone he’s meeting with. He still has his father around and helps him a lot with the replenishing of Otori Mart.
Tsurugi Kinjo: When it comes to DRA Nothing really changed. He has kept Juu alive and he is currently in the foundation’s care locked in a place only Tsurugi knows of. Tsurugi’s mother has been talked about BTS, his relationship with her has yet to be made public. His wounds of needing a wheelchair and his eye were caused by the sui attempt in ch5. His wounds worsened as the divine luck began wearing off over the years.
Utsuro: The people who he’s helped have been a little more hands-on meeting wise. He wants Akane to be able to move on from being by his side, to have a life she deserves. Looking into the HPA register roster for class 79, he decided they should join in to give Akane a chance to make better friends. ‘Kidnapping’ Yuki and taking his place, he created a persona like Yuki that he used while interacting with the other people in the academy. When the two of them met Enoshima things began changing. He didn’t want Akane to fall down the despair path so he used hypnosis findings he found in the library to create ‘Sora’. A being of hope that should deter her from following him and become an entirely new person. He has emotions but shuts them out for the most part, is afraid to understand them. His first meeting and first few months with Akane have been written out (I don’t remember where) but not talked about on the rp blog.
Yamato Kisaragi: Not many changes. (FROM CHAPTER ZERO) While he still receives brain damage, it’s mostly recovered in the simulation. Him regaining his memories will affect this a bit in various ways... His death was very peculiar with the explosion and missed points it should’ve very well exploded too. Aside from that, most of the change happens in his family relations. How he grew up pre-Mikako was brought into the picture.
Emma Magorobi: While she still has the same general childhood; After a while she instead ran away from her home to an airport and hid in a plane's undercarriage that happened to be going to Japan. She ran away once the flight landed and ran deep into the forest where she eventually collapsed. She was taken back to the Void house and cared for by Akane till she woke up. Emma actually chose her first name herself. Her last name was given to her by the agency manager she works with later down the line.
Hajime Makunouchi: While he still has the same general childhood; He had gained a ‘last wish’ from the adults who felt bad about his situation. He was able to go to an amusement park where he had met Utsuro and Akane. The two felt bad for him... Utsuro cured his illness and took him home with them.
Hibiki Otonokoji: Nothing has changed much for Hibiki. She might occasionally be nicer to Kanade, but only when it has something to do with their ‘talents’. I haven’t had much time to develop her... Sorry.
Iroha Nijiue: While she still has the same general childhood; A banquet was held and the family was attacked, with the building coming down they didn’t bother to try and even alert the tiny Iroha as she was trapped in her room. Utsuro happened to pass by and wandered into the building and took Iroha with him. The Nijiue family never bothered looking for her after that.
Kanade Otonokoji: After succeeding in her plans, she continued on with the band for a while... Although she quickly grew tired of their fans so she ended the band with a charity concert and that was the last of ‘Melody Rhythm’. Getting everything she wanted should’ve been all she needed but she wasn’t satisfied still. Part of her missed her older sister. So she went to Kokoro after hearing through the grapevine about the project and asked for her help to recover Hibiki to a state where she can at least have some of her spunk back in her. She also had thrown away her hair clip as there wasn’t a need for it anymore.
Kokoro Mitsume: Most of Kokoro’s changes occur AFTER Mikako’s death. Prior though, she still kept and answers to both Mitsume and Kurokawa. After going through the files that the chip recorded from Mikako that she never bothered to delete, she began to feel guilty and regret... She knew she was a horrible parent and wanted to make it up somehow. Since Mikako and this ‘Utsuro’ were in the same class, she was the one to ask force Mikado to build a simulation that would work on reactivating their brains while she and other co-workers began working on repairing parts of bodies that weren’t capable of being replenished normally.
Mikado Sannoji: While he still has the same general childhood; He instead had followed Utsuro home, growing more and more curious about his ability and who he was as a person. While he still roughly remains an introvert, he’s the oldest of all the ‘void’ children. Trying to keep a way to make his family happy and take on the duties Utsuro once had. (This is mostly a made-up pressure he’s put on his own shoulders.) Once he realized he wasn’t able to give the others a proper oldest brother in himself, he had created AiKado to try and replace himself with someone more happier and extroverted in his family's life. Although when Kokoro had him create the simulation... He had no way of launching the EXE properly, and running it with AiKado at the time seemed like the best solution and it held itself together decently well.
Monocrow: A duplicated coding from Mono-san (Yuri’s AI). Turned into a bird for easier data compression. He mostly flies around the island looking for Utsuro as ordered by his coding. Doesn’t do much, just a funky bird, certainly no reason to be hosting a game.
Nikei Yomiuri: As Nikei has no canon backstory yet, I threw one together to a similar level of the other voids. The easiest comparison is Kotoko Utsugi’s backstory. Due to how intense everything was for him, Nikei had developed into a system with an alter to help protect him in bad situations. He had gone on later to kill his parents before running away, as far as his legs could carry him when he bumped into Utsuro and began spewing everything out to the other. Utsuro didn’t talk but still took him in.
Setsuka Chiebukuro: Her ‘big sis’ and excitable personality is only a front she puts to make herself seem more friendly. Her avatar having her eye covered with hair is just to help her hide it more secretly as she would in the real world. Having both her eyes open for long periods of time will cause her to not only feel dizzy but have her faint like a narcoleptic no matter how she tries to counter it. She’s more likely to snap right back at those who employ her if she doesn’t appreciate their tone towards her.
Shinji Kasai: Over stricken with grief and guilt, he and Kokoro struck a deal that would help his pain go away and possibly work on fixing his back in the meantime. Sadly he's in a similar situation to Hibiki where I haven’t had the time/any ideas to work on him.
Shobai Hashimoto: While he still has the same general childhood; One day he saw a wandering Akane and for some reason after looking at her... He saw himself in her. He’s been in that position so he called her over before others could get to her and took her in like a little sister. He won’t admit it but he’s gained a real attachment to Akane. Part of his hair is dyed underneath his ponytail (You can only see it in certain sprites in the real world) to match her hair so she’ll always be with him in some way. Even if he has a job, Akane’s request comes first. He’ll visit “the twerps” once a week, bringing them food and various items they’ve requested. He holds quite the grudge against Utsuro.
Yoruko Kabuya: Having the same upbringing as canon still hadn’t freed her from her social-phobia. She used to go around school with something (I cannot remember if it’s a bag or a box) over her head so the others wouldn’t have to look at her directly just because she was that afraid of them. She has ‘quit’ hostessing to some extent. While she still works it’s not as often and has been in frequent touch with Minako, who helped her get set up to go into the simulation.
Yuri Kagarin: The reason for him being in the simulation has been talked about a few times but I don’t remember if anything has officially been written down. While he’s had some help with the simulation himself, he refuses to take credit for anything involved in it. (Monocrow is not his, Mono-san is.) He created Mono-san as a means to be a therapist to help out others, he figured an AI like that could provide use given what the simulation was meant to be used for.
‘Extra’ Characters:
Aiko Maeda: Surprise surprise, she survived. She wasn’t actually harmed in the motive video. They made it seem like she was attacked and injured but at the most they scared her till she fainted. She wanders through the streets looking for her son.
Hikaru Ando: Nothing of note-worthy difference. Yet. There’s been some BTS talk about the Ando family in general a few times.. but nothing solid.
Keisuke Iranami: Just as said in Satsuki’s section, their family has been expanded upon BTS, he is a twin!! He’s way more serious on doing anything for Satsuki over anything else (to the point there’s been memes about him not allowed to have his phone during training sessions in case Satsuki were to call him). A stand alone difference though, not much...
Midori Yamaguchi: Was actually one of Kanata’s patients. (Unsure if this was true canonically but she is in AU.) She’ll remain quiet about her symptoms if she thinks she’ll be able to aid someone much easier without having to worry about her sickness in the grand scheme of things. Overexerts + anxiety in one bundle.
Minako Tomori: Understands she wasn’t the best of parents to Kizuna... Just wants to hold her daughter again. She is often trying to cheer up the others to not worry about their families too much because they wouldn’t want them to be sad when they're alive right? While she still doesn’t play much of a fighting role, if needed she’ll join alongside in fights the best she can. Relationship with her ex-husband has been talked about BTS + scenes from Kizuna’s childhood.
M/Mikado!Sora: A glitch in the simulation. They will exist as long as AiKado exists in the simulation. They express emotions more easily and has a nearly unsatisfiable rage. Despite their extroverted nature, they don’t believe they can be saved. They will be deleted after the simulation has taken its course.
Ryutaro Maki: Nothing of note-worthy difference. His relationship with Kiyoka and his parents has been talked about but hasn’t made a difference in character story yet.
Y/Yuki!Sora: A glitch in the simulation. They will exist as long as "Yuki Maeda'' exists in the simulation. They solemnly express actual emotion. An opposite to M, they are quiet, introverted and often just watch the others in the simulation. Occasionally acting as a guide to help outsiders get to where they need to. They have hope that they can be salvaged by the end of everything at least.
Yuki Maeda: D̵͔̝͈̱̮̖͚̘͍̜͑̑͊͋̕̚ê̷̝̫͕̮̰̟̙̭̜̩̓̾̍̎̔͂̾͂̚͘͝a̸̢͙̫̞̪̮̙̫̽́̽̌ḑ̸͛?̴̛̲͇̖̦̬̲̻̕?̸̬͈̒͛͂̏̀̓͂̋́͂̂͘?̵̻͇̊̋̒̓̓
Most of what is different are how things played out pre-game and ch5-6 in terms of what occurred through Akane. To try and explain without giving too many spoilers in detail:
Utsuro only really learned about Yuki Maeda after learning about class 79′s supposed class roster. His luck took care of the rest for him, having slowly changed his appearance to look more like Yuki day after day. One day, Akane and Utsuro hunted down Yuki and knocked him out and left him somewhere to die.
While in the killing game, when Tsurugi accuses Taira of being the mastermind, Utsuro’s luck was supposed to interfere and wake up Project Hope to take her place and start over an entirely new slate, never to be considered Taira again. However, Akane’s willpower overcame the slumbering luck and she instead returned to her rightful place and continued on with her goal of waking up Utsuro. 
Utsuro, realizing that his luck had failed him in ‘saving’ Taira, made sure that if anything he’ll keep her safe out of the entire class. With him being awake and his luck back in action, her wound bleed enough to lull her into a comatose state with the other survivors.
Things to note:
All of VOID are one-two years apart in age. In order of oldest to youngest it’s Mikado -> Hajime -> Emma -> Nikei -> Iroha
Mikado and Kokoro still work at the same unnamed research facility and are co-workers. 
The Kisaragi Foundation members are all still co-workers and Teruya was the one to get a call from Kokoro who then relayed the message to Rei and later Tsurug about the Revival Project.
Characters like Setsuka and Yoruko have motifs changed to their avatar to reflect real world things to aid themselves, where Kokoro’s was pure cosmetic from her not caring about how her hair looked.
Taira(s) have an ability to sense just what Utsuro is feeling regardless if he verbalizes his words.
Maid!Kane, Sora and “Yuki Maeda” are not alters to Akane Taira/Utsuro. They were personas created to have them act like other people. Both Despair!Kane and Utsuro were active while they were in HPA times.
Everything I write I have either done extensive research into or have had experience with it myself. I try to tag things accordingly as I’m aware a lot of what is involved can be sensitive topics for things. There are few things that are dramatized for the fact of fiction writing and it is impossible to write them with 100% accuracy in works.
Y sprite helped made by @proftsutsu​ . Please do not use it.
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ath16blf · 1 year
My rules
Not yet
Not yet
Izuru Kamukura x Reader male x Yui Kamukura
Ultra despair girls
Not yet
Headcannons for Danganronpa
Sora x Reader part 1 part 2
Teruya Otori x Male Reader who is secretly a void
Nikei Yomiuri x reader female who has been overworking herself too much
Keisuke Iranami x reader with divine unluck
Tsurugi and Juu Kinjo x reader: Adoptive family
Satsuki Iranami x Reader x Haruhiko Kobashikawa
Rei Mekaru x Female Reader with divine luck
Teruya Otori x Male Reader
Mikako Kurokawa x Female Reader
Tsurugi Kinjo x Female Reader with divine luck
Headcanons for danganronpa fangames
Headcanons Tsurugi Kinjo x Reader with divine luck
Sdra Rei Mekaru x Reader female chapter 6.5
Tsurugi Kinjo x Reader with divine unluck
Utsuro x Reader with divine unluck
Keisuke Iranami x Reader with divine unluck
Headcanons for JSHK
Soul Eater
Little Soul part 2
Headcanons for Soul Eater
The love never die
Cheater Y/N x Dabi
Headcanons for MHA Heroes
Headcanons for MHA Villains
Headcanons for MHA Students
Headcanons JJK
Food Wars
Headcanons Food Wars
My ocs
Yui Kamukura x Reader Male x Izuru Kamukura
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 2 years
Sdra2 yuki in dra:
This is all so meaningless what’s the point.
Akane: Utsuro?
Yuki: for the last time I’m YUKI
Dra yuki in sdra:
Can I leave yet?
Teruya who’s been guarding him for the past 4 days: …..maybe
Sjdhfhehfheh real
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sorry I just have like super autism about funger and sdra. And I am not entirely sure how tumblr works so I'm sorry if it is spammy . I know I type weird and I'm sorry for that too I was just so excited to see that. Funger is so cool especially termina!! Love ur drawings!' Thank u!
Tumblr media
Also. Yeah no Nikei ain't surviving the festival lmao, I feel like he either gets killed somewhat easily (pretty much everyone can kick his ass in hand to hand combat, he would have among the lower stats in the entire cast. His only real advantage would be the fact his main weapon would be a gun) or he doesn't survive too long before becoming Moonscorched. His Moonscorched would be a BITCH to kill off, definitely a Chaugnar type where if you fail the toin coss you get an instant game over.
I would love to draw more for a sdra/funger au tbh, if anything else pops to mind I'm definitely drawing it!
Also, oooh, I've thought about who would be who, and tbh, I always thought Syobai would be a pretty snug fit for Daan? They both have medical knowledge and their signature weapons are knives, and I always connected that the 'blank soul' was due to the ungodly amounts of trauma Daan had to go through, and. Yeah, I don't think anyone could beat Syobai as far as trauma goes. Or you could also give Sora the blank soul, considering... Well, yeah, amnesia WOULD leave her a blank slate.
Mikado as Samarie could fit considering his very... interesting obsession for Utsuro in the canon game. Then maybe Marina can be Yuki? Lol Mikado as O'saa would also be funny (mostly because the Moonscorched is called Mastermind) and just. Imagine Mikado being his usual insane self, walking around with Utsuro's head deadpanning everything he says. (Utsuro would take Nas'hrah place here ofc)
As for other characters... I think Hajime taking Olivia's spot would be very interesting- I mean, he was also canonically stuck in a wheelchair when he was younger. I need to think about this more... Not sure about any of the others yet.
Also, really, dw!!! This made me really happy!!! I'm glad to not be the only one with the dra and funger brainworm, I'll take any excuse to talk about them lol
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77ngiez-archive · 2 years
sdra pride hcs letsgooo
kiyoka maki: trans woman, pansexual, she/her
mitsuhiro higa: cis man, thinks he’s straight (but probably wrong), he/him
kizuna tomori: cis woman, lesbian, she/star
ayame hatano: non-binary woman, butch lesbian, she/he
kanata inori: intersex woman, wlw, she/her
kakeru yamaguchi: cis man, unlabeled aspec, he/they
kinji uehara: agender, aroace, hy/hymn
haruhiko kobashikaw: trans man, bisexual, he/him
satsuki iranami: non-binary, pansexual, all pronouns
mikako kurokawa: demigirl, aroace lesbian, she/they
yamato kisaragi: transmasc non-binary, gay, he/it
akane taira: unlabeled, omnisexual (but only acts on her attraction towards woman due to past trauma and the fact that it’s what’s healthy for her), she/love
yuki yumeno: cis man, bisexual, he/him
utsuro yumeno: agender, aspec and unlabeled, they/them
teruya otori: non-binary man, pansexual, he/rainbow
rei mekaru: non-binary, demisexual, she/they
tsurugi kinjo: cis man, demisexual, he/him
ryutaro maki: trans man, bi, he/him
midori yamaguchi: trans woman, bi, she/bloom
keisuke iranami: trans man, bi, he/sparkle
yuri kagarin: trans woman, bisexual, she/her
hajime makunouchi: trans man, bisexual, he/him
kokoro mitsume: non-binary and neurogender, aspec and unlabeled, they/ne/ey
emma magorobi: transmasc non-binary, butch lesbian, he/she
setsuka chiebukuro: trans woman, lesbian, she/her
hibiki otonokoji: cis woman, lesbian, she/her
kanade otonokoji: non-binary, demisexual, she/it/gore/xe
shinji kasai: cis man, straight, he/him
nikei yomiuri: trans man, gay, he/him
iroha nijue: genderfluid, unlabeled/questioning, all pronouns (but especially she/bun/nya)
mikado sannoji: gendervoid, mlm, any pronouns (genuinely does Not Care)
ai sannoji: pangender, mlm, all pronouns
yoruko kabuya: non-binary woman, lesbian, she/her
yuuki maeda: questioning, questioning, any pronouns (because he cannot for the life of him figure out what he prefers)
syobai hashimoto: non-binary, mlm, he/it
tttthanks for reading this far lmao
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autistic-taka · 2 years
Utsuro: Where is everybody?
Iroha: Emma had a nervous breakdown, Akane is looking after her, Hajime went back to bed, Nikei is trying to kill Mikado, and I’m in charge.
Iroha: Why is THAT the only thing that you're panicking about?!
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danganronpafan777 · 2 years
Can you try to write SDRA Boys being with the Ultimate Seer/Bruno S/O they hear the Song about them and even the so call bad predictions they made a Goldfish death,a bald priest and man who grew a gut
Utsuro, Teruya, and Haruhiko were already answered in a previous post, but the other bois are here!
Yamato Kisaragi:
He thinks your talent is so cool! He also likes to jam out to the song, but feels terrible when he realizes how cruel it is to someone so kind
He would never blame you for something bad happening, only thanking you for telling him
He loves your different personas, even making up some of his own 
He's very affectionate and sweet towards you, and will tell off anyone who talks and about you
He would also make a nicer parody to the song, and would intentionally sing horribly just to get you to laugh 
He's always there to comfort you if you feel bad about your ability, and won't hesitate to tell off your Abuela
"Hey, It's okay, S/o. I know about your ability, and how people feel about it. I love your ability, and I love you! Don't ever feel like your a bad omen, you're one of the best things to ever happen to me!"
Tsurugi Kinjo:
He's probably gotten multiple calls from people saying that you told them something bad would happen to them, and every time he would just ignore it
As he learned that everything the callers said would actually happen to them, he was still a bit skeptical. 
How are you able to do that?
He tries not to treat you any differently when he first meets you, but he’s still suspicious of you
After a while though, he does learn to trust you, and decides that you aren’t to blame for misfortune
He doesn’t care about the song or anything, and as a cop he can publicly debunk the whole thing anyway
Your personas make him smile, and forget about whatever troubles he had faced during the day
“S/o, your…gift still confuses me, but I appreciate you for who you are. Your ability does not define you. You are not a bringer of bad luck, on the contrary… my life has been better with you in it.”
Mitch Higa:
He avoided you for as long as he possibly could He heard of what happened to the priest, the goldfish lady, and the fat man (his words)
With his reputation being extremely important to him, he didn't want to be anywhere near you, and you, being the understanding and kind person you were, accepted it
It wasn't until Haruhiko invited the class to an event and Mikako literally forced Mitch to introduce himself, did he realize how wrong the rumors were 
Even if you were socially awkward, you still listened to what he had to say and even complimented him a few times 
He hesitates over interacting with you again, still a bit skeptical about the rumors, but with the help from his class, he approaches you again
Your smile made him immediately decide he made the right choice
The two of you are the definition of the phrase "opposites attract"
He thought the song was pretty awesome, but wouldn't admit it
He was kinda jealous you had a whole song written about you-
He would chuckle a bit at any of your personas and give you a soccer ball to use as a prop 
Eventually, when his experience at Hope's Peak gives him his growth as a person, and he comes to realize that fame isn't everything (a lesson you helped him learn), he makes the choice himself to put his (and hopefully yours) happiness first and your reputations aside and ask you out, 
"Hey, S/o... I know I was a jerk when we first met, but you've definitely changed me. I know I'm still just a dude who loves soccer, but...ugh, what the hell.. asking someone out has never been this difficult...I really like you S/o, and I don't believe what they say about you. I don't care what my fans think. Will you.. go out with me?"
Kinji Uehara:
He isn't one to judge people based on rumors, even if one of the pastors at his church claimed to go bald because of you
He introduced himself to you and treated you like he would treat any other person, and soon you guys became close friends 
When someone warns him to stay away or says something bad about you, he'll politely correct them, telling them that you never wanted anything bad to happen or any fish to die 
He wouldn't blame you for any predictions you have about him. He tries to remind you to focus on the good predictions, and the happiness you have given people.
He doesn't care much for the song, politely asking people to stop singing it, maybe less politely if they sing it while you're still there
He would smile at the personas, and the two of you would use it to make the kids at the orphanage laugh
"You're ability is a gift, S/o. You were given the ability to see the future from a miracle. Even if the results may not yield to what people may wish, your gift was never meant to be a curse. You are not a curse. I'm sorry that your grandmother can't see that, but I do."
Kakeru Yamaguchi:
He was definitely scared of you
Kakeru apologized for everything he said, worried that you could curse him or something if he offended you
You were a lot sweeter than he imagined!  He thought you were adorable and caught feelings pretty quickly, and would bury his red face in his hands whenever you pulled out one of your personas 
The song is catchy to him, but he would feel terrible every time he thinks about it. How could he like such slander against you?
You, Kakeru, and Kanata are known to be the wholesome trio of your class
It's a while before he is able to gain the courage to confess his feelings, and it isn't until he finds you doubting yourself when he finally does it,
"I-I love you, S/o! A-And I don't care what people say! They're wrong about you! Y-You're the nicest p-person I know! Your grandmother is wrong... You're the miracle! All of you!"
DRA Yuki Maeda:
Yuki knew a lot about you from the start, having researched all the ultimates before going to Hope's Peak
However, you seemed so much cuter and shy than he thought you would be 
He thought the song was pretty catchy, but he stopped listening to it when he learned how wrong it was about you, and wouldn't hesitate to correct anyone if they thought this was what you were like
"Hey, it's not S/o's fault that those things happened to you. You asked for your fortune and they told you, even if it's not what you wanted to hear." 
He would be curious about his own fortune, and wouldn't blame you if it was bad 
He would chuckle at your other personas, while mentally thinking about how cute you were 
"Hey, S/o, you shouldn't let their words get to you! They don't know the real you, and you're so much better than they realize! That's why... I like you!"
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