#Uterine fibroids are benign tumors that originate in the uterus (womb). It is not known exactly why women develop uterine fibroids. Most wom
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Uterine fibroids are benign tumors that originate in the uterus (womb). It is not known exactly why women develop uterine fibroids. Most women with uterine fibroids have no symptoms. However, fibroids can cause a number of symptoms depending on their size, location within the uterus, and how close they are to adjacent pelvic organs. These are most commonly abnormal bleeding, pain and pressure. We understand that women across different age groups have different health complications. At Ashuskincare, a lot of emphasis is laid on providing top notch gynaecological treatment.
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ASHU SKIN CARE , Plot No-202, Near IDBI Bank, Biju Pattnaik College Rd, Jayadev Vihar, Bhubaneswar, Odisha 082700 55000 [email protected] +91 90900 94000 +91 8270055000
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Female Fertility & Pregnancy – Female Fertility Treatments in Basaveshwara Nagar
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Ovulation Treatment in Bangalore
When you have tried to conceive or get pregnant continuously for a period of 12 months and have not experienced success, it might be due to infertility.
We, at Janisthaa, believe in helping our clients by empowering with the right information.
Read below to understand more about Female fertility, causes of female fertility problems, the diagnostic methods and the treatments available at our centre.
                     What is female fertility?
Female Fertility refers to a woman’s ability to conceive a biological child.  Most often, fertility is related to age. A female’s fertile years are considered to be between the ages of her menarche to 40’s. The ability to conceive or have live births is affected post this period and reduces drastically.
What causes Female Fertility Problems?
PCOS/ PCOD: is a hormonal condition in which the ovaries produce more than normal levels of male hormones called as androgens. This affects the menstrual cycle, ability to conceive or have difficulties during pregnancy.
Tubal Disease: In Tubal disease, the fallopian tubes that lead the eggs to travel to the uterus is blocked or damaged. Thus, the subsequent embryo is also prevented from reaching the uterus where it has to be planted. It can lead to Ectopic pregnancy or pregnancy outside of uterus
Endometriosis: is a condition where the tissue that is supposed to be the lining of the uterus grows outside of the uterus in the pelvic cavity (ovaries, fallopian tubes). This causes obstruction of the tubes or form cysts that prevent conception from taking place
Management of Borderline Ovarian Failure: Borderline Ovarian Failure refers to borderline tumors of the ovary that have low-malignant potential. Treatment of this involves removal of ovaries, fallopian tubes and the womb, including the cervix
Ovarian failure: is essentially the stopping of menstrual periods due to increased levels of FSH (Follical Stimulating Hormones) and decreased levels of Estrogen before the age of 40.
Thin Endometrium : Thin uterine lining that preventing the implantation of the embryo along its lining. Thin uterine lining is usually as a result of low level of estrogen, damaged endometrial lining, decreased blood flow, fibroids and infection of the endometrial cells
Repeated miscarriages : also known as recurrent miscarriages, it is defined as two or more consecutive, spontaneous loss of pregnancy or miscarriages. Causes include genetic defect, abnormally shaped uterus, uterine fibroids, and scar tissue in the uterus that may hinder implantation or growth of the fetus. Hormonal imbalances and illnesses or immune system abnormalities can also cause frequent miscarriages
Fibroid uterus: are basically benign tumors that originate in the uterus, and are thicker than the normal muscle fibres found in the uterine lining. They are known to cause complications during pregnancy such as first trimester bleeding, breech presentation, placental abruption and problems during labour.
Ovarian Cysts: are sacs or pockets that are solid or filled with fluid, which are found within or on the surface of the ovary. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome or clusters of cysts cause infertility.
There are several methods through which fertility and issues related to fertility could be diagnosed.  Series of medical tests and examinations help evaluate primary fertility factors such as age, physical health, fertility health such as ovarian function and egg quality, uterine and fallopian tube anatomy etc. These could be invasive and non-invasive
How is fertility diagnosed?
Physical examination: : involves check of patient’s Body Mass Index (BMI), fat distribution and abdominal obesity etc. This is often included along with history taking and helps in deciding the diagnosis evaluation to be carried out. Physical examination helps discover scars of previous surgeries, tenderness, speculum examination, inspection of cervix etc.
Ultrasound: Ultrasound scans that are done transvaginally (via the vagina) are specialized equipments used for fertility testing. They are painless and provide information on the internal health of the reproductive system (health of the ovaries, endometrium lining, fallopian tubes and the uterus). They are also used during the fertility treatment to test follicle development in the ovaries, thickness of the endometrium lining etc.
Hormonal profile: a lot of important hormones are involved in controlling and supporting reproduction. The profile testing helps in evaluating the levels of hormones such as FSH, LH, Prolactin, Oestradiol through sample collection
Fertility profile: Fertility Profile is yet another battery of lab tests that are conducted to check the hormonal imbalances. The tests included are Thyroid Panel II (T4, T3 and TSH), Thyroid Peroxidase Antibody(TPO) Thyroid Blood Test, Progesterone Ovarian Function Blood Test, Testosterone Hormone Test, DHEA-S Hormone Blood Test, FSH, LH and Estradiol Hormone Blood Test examinations help evaluate primary fertility factors such as age, physical health, fertility health such as ovarian function and egg quality, uterine and fallopian tube anatomy etc. These could be invasive and non-invasive
HSG /SSG: Hysterosalpingography or HSG is an X-ray test to check the health of the internal reproductive organs such as the shape of the uterus, fallopian tubes (to detect bloackages) etc. It is carried out with the help of fluoroscopy,that follows the direction of the dye. Sonosalpinggography or SSG, also known as the Sion test is primarily used for evaluating patency of fallopian tubes. It is carried out in combination with an Ultrasound as saline is injected into the uterine cavity.
Laparoscopy : performed under general anesthesia, it is an invasive procedure where one to three very small cuts are made in the abdomen, through which laparoscope and other specialized surgical instruments are inserted to observe the abdominal organs
Hysteroscopy : Is a diagnostic procedure that allows the physician to look inside the uterus to diagnose abnormal bleeding and other problems with the uterus. It is also used in supplement to the HSG, Laparoscopy for confirmation of results.
What infertility treatments are available?
Listed below are the methods of treatment available for female infertility at our center.
Ovulation Induction
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vardaanhospital1 · 5 years
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There are many female internal reproductive organ factors that may impact fertility by meddlesome With implantation or increasing the probability of a miscarriage. Following are the common noted female internal reproductive organ factors.
Shape :
Uterine abnormalities gift from birth, like associate abnormally formed womb, and Size of the womb will cause issues turning into or remaining pregnant
Septate Uterus :
This IS the foremost common non-inheritable  female internal reproductive organ abnormality and is most typically assomated With adverse physiological condition outcomes, particularly miscarriage.
During a body part womb, the womb is split into 2 sections by a band of muscle or tissue. This tissue is that the remainder of the joined Mullerian tubes, that the body didn't break down and absorb because it ought to have.
Bicornuabe Uterus :
ln this condition, the womb has 2 part or utterly ioined cavities, rather than one massive cavity. This abnormality is caused by incomplete fusion of the Mullerian tubes.
Didelphic uterus (double uterus) :
The Mullerian tubes fail to loin, leading to 2 separate female internal reproductive organ cavities and two cervices. Every bodily cavity is also smaller than traditional. Consult the Child Specialist doctor in Jalandhar for IVF treatment in Jalandhar.
You may also want to know:-
Diagnosis to Prognosis:- Uterine Fibroids
Latest Trends in Infertility Management
Cervical Incompetence
Mystery of Infretile Wombs
And if first line of treatment fails
Male Infertility
Impact of free radicals on male infertility
Unicornuate uterus:
One Mullerian duct fails to create. leading to absence of 1/2 the uterus- Some non-inheritable  female internal reproductive organ abnormalities is corrected with surgery. Some girls with female internal reproductive organ abnormalities have traditional, mature pregnancies.
The surgery is suggested for a lady World Health Organization contains a non-inheritable  female internal reproductive organ abnormality and a history of miscarriage or premature birth. Several studies counsel that over eighty % of girls with body part womb have triple-crown pregnancies (IVF or natural) once surgical removal of the septum.
Surgery for this abnormality usually is done throughout endoscopy. Surgery to correct horned womb and different non-inheritable  female internal reproductive organ abnormalities involves additional intensive surgery.
Benign Polyps or Tumors :
Benign polyps or tumors fibroids or myomasl are common within the female internal reproductive organ, and a few varieties will impair fertility by interference the fallopian tubes or by disrupting implantation.
You may also read “Symptoms of Infertility in Women"
Intrauterine adhesions :
Scar tissue among the cavity, additionally known as Asherman’s Syndrome. this could interfere with conception. or will increase the danger of a miscarriage or no maternity.
Thin endometrial lining and Endometrial Receptivity :
The limiting think about achieving maternity for many couples is implantation- attachment of the embryo to the female internal reproductive organ. The implantation step continues to be poorly understood. numerous findings concerning the mucosa analysis are ascertained in our day to day follow i.e. steroid willingness failure, hyperechoic mucosa, mucosa dysplasia which will end in implantation failure.
The continual assortment of fluid may also end in implantation failure or female internal reproductive organ cramps. Some studies recommend the role of the human HOXA10 sequence during this method. This sequence is one in all the few linow to be necessary for implantation to occur. Contact the Pediatric specialists in Jalandhar at Vardaan Hospital, the best IVF Center in Jalandhar.
Endometriosis :
Endometriosis could be a sickness related to the presence of implants of mucosa outSide the cavity. The sickness affects 100% of reproductive-age ladies and is related to girdle pain and physiological state, together with lowered  embryo implantation rates.
In advanced pathology, in depth girdle adhesions cause mechanical resistivity, leading to physiological state. However, the low implantation rates seen in pathology occur severally of sickness stage together with patients undergoing treatment for physiological state with IVF treatment. it's probably that multiple mechanisms additionally to mechanical obstruction could end in physiological state related to the sickness.
The on top of mentioned aurgial interventions and medial management typically doesn't reach a no-hit maternity outcome or nascency, ART procedures like IUI or IVF with high risk maternity management protocols could yield higher outcome. once the female internal reproductive organ is severely broken, incapable of carrying a maternity, surrogation are often offered lunch a case.
A healthy female internal reproductive organ is important} part of a decent genital system thus it's very important to nurture and beware of the female internal reproductive organ factors to realize a no-hit maternity.
Click here to continue reading “Mystery Of An Infertile Womb”
Consult the Experts for IVF Treatment:-
Vardaan Hospital is the best IVF Center in Jalandhar, offering expert obstetrical Care in Jalandhar by the renowned Child Specialist doctor in Jalandhar. We have some of the expert Pediatric specialists in Jalandhar who have worked in the renowned organisation of healthcare industries. At Vardaan Medical Center many people has trasnformed their dream of being parents into reality with the help of IVF Treatment in Jalandhar.
Originally published at http://www.vardaanmedicalcenter.com.
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janisthaa1983 · 4 years
What is female fertility?
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Female Fertility & Pregnancy – Female Fertility treatments in basaveshwaranagar
When you have tried to conceive or get pregnant continuously for a period of 12 months and have not experienced success, it might be due to infertility.
We, at Janisthaa, believe in helping our clients by empowering with the right information.
Read below to understand more about Female fertility, causes of female fertility problems, the diagnostic methods and the treatments available at our centre.
What causes Female Fertility Problems?
PCOS/ PCOD: is a hormonal condition in which the ovaries produce more than normal levels of male hormones called as androgens. This affects the menstrual cycle, ability to conceive or have difficulties during pregnancy.
Tubal Disease: In Tubal disease, the fallopian tubes that lead the eggs to travel to the uterus is blocked or damaged. Thus, the subsequent embryo is also prevented from reaching the uterus where it has to be planted. It can lead to Ectopic pregnancy or pregnancy outside of uterus
Endometriosis: is a condition where the tissue that is supposed to be the lining of the uterus grows outside of the uterus in the pelvic cavity (ovaries, fallopian tubes). This causes obstruction of the tubes or form cysts that prevent conception from taking place
Management of Borderline Ovarian Failure: Borderline Ovarian Failure refers to borderline tumors of the ovary that have low-malignant potential. Treatment of this involves removal of ovaries, fallopian tubes and the womb, including the cervix
Ovarian failure: is essentially the stopping of menstrual periods due to increased levels of FSH (Follical Stimulating Hormones) and decreased levels of Estrogen before the age of 40.
Thin Endometrium : Thin uterine lining that preventing the implantation of the embryo along its lining. Thin uterine lining is usually as a result of low level of estrogen, damaged endometrial lining, decreased blood flow, fibroids and infection of the endometrial cells
Repeated miscarriages: also known as recurrent miscarriages, it is defined as two or more consecutive, spontaneous loss of pregnancy or miscarriages. Causes include genetic defect, abnormally shaped uterus, uterine fibroids, and scar tissue in the uterus that may hinder implantation or growth of the fetus. Hormonal imbalances and illnesses or immune system abnormalities can also cause frequent miscarriages
Fibroid uterus: are basically benign tumors that originate in the uterus, and are thicker than the normal muscle fibres found in the uterine lining. They are known to cause complications during pregnancy such as first trimester bleeding, breech presentation, placental abruption and problems during labour.
Ovarian Cysts: are sacs or pockets that are solid or filled with fluid, which are found within or on the surface of the ovary. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome or clusters of cysts cause infertility
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arunbeniwal-blog · 6 years
Best Ovarian Cancer Hospitals in Delhi | Best Ovarian Cancer Doctors in Delhi
Dr. J.B Sharma
about Dr. J.B. Sharma
Dr. J.B. Sharma is a confided in Oncologist in Paschim Vihar, Delhi. You can visit him at Dr. J.B. Sharma@Action Cancer Hospital in Paschim Vihar, Delhi. Book an appointment online with Dr. J.B. Sharma has top confided in Oncologists from crosswise over India. You will find Oncologists with over 44 years of experience . You can find Oncologists online in Delhi and from crosswise over India. View the profile of therapeutic pros and their audits from different patients to settle on an informed choice
Dr. J B Sharma in Ansari Nagar-Aiims has established the clinic and has gained a devoted customers in the course of recent years and is additionally as often as possible visited by a few celebrities, aspiring models and other honorable customers and international patients also. They likewise plan on expanding their business further and providing administrations to a few more patients owing to its prosperity in the course of recent years. The effectiveness, devotion, exactness and empathy offered at the clinic guarantee that the patient's prosperity, solace and needs are kept of best need.
Administrations offered by Dr. J B Sharma
Dr. J B Sharma in Delhi treats the different diseases of the patients by helping them experience astounding medications and systems. Among the various administrations offered here, the clinic gives medicines to Uterine Fibroids or Myomas, Ovarian Cysts, Endometriosis, Pelvic Organ Prolapse, Urinary Problems, Vaginal Discharge, Subfertility, Menopause, Gynecological Cancers, Abnormal Pap Smears - Pre-Invasive Cervical/Vaginal Disease and Vulva Conditions. The specialist is likewise recorded under Gynecologist and Obstetrician Doctors. Moreover, the patients likewise visit the clinic for Contraception Advice, HPV Tests, and Biopsy Tests and so forth
Action Cancer Hospital
about Action Cancer Hospital
Action Cancer Hospital is known for housing experienced Alternative Medicine Specialists. Dr. Anjali Sharma, a very much presumed Alternative Medicine Specialist, hones in Delhi. Visit this restorative wellbeing community for Alternative Medicine Specialists prescribed by 50 patients.Action Cancer Hospital is a perceived name in persistent consideration. It was incepted in the year 2005.
They are one of the outstanding Private Hospitals in Paschim Vihar. Backed with a dream to offer the best in understanding consideration and furnished with innovatively propelled medicinal services offices, they are one of the upcoming names in the social insurance industry. Situated in , this hospital is effortlessly accessible by different methods for transport. A group of very much trained medicinal staff, non-therapeutic staff and experienced clinical specialists work round-the-clock to offer different administrations . Their expert administrations make them a looked for after Private Hospitals in Delhi. A group of doctors on board, including authorities are furnished with the learning and aptitude for handling different sorts of restorative cases.At Action Cancer Hospital in Paschim Vihar, the different methods of installment acknowledged are Cash, Master Card, Visa Card, Debit Cards, Checks. You can contact them at Near East Paschim Vihar Metro Station,Fc 34, A-4,Paschim Vihar-110063.Best Cancer Doctors in Delhi.
Best Ovarian Cancer Doctors in Delhi.
Ovarian cancer, or cancer of the ovaries, is a standout amongst the most widely recognized sorts of cancer in ladies.
The ovaries are a couple of little organs found low in the stomach that are associated with the womb and store a lady's supply of eggs.
Ovarian cancer mainly influences ladies who have been through the menopause (more often than not beyond 50 years old), but it can once in a while influence more youthful ladies.
Side effects of ovarian cancer
Regular indications of ovarian cancer include:
feeling continually bloated
a swollen belly
inconvenience in your stomach or pelvic region
feeling full immediately when eating
needing to pee more frequently than ordinary
The side effects aren't in every case simple to perceive because they're like those of some more typical conditions, for example, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
It is the fifth most regular reason for cancer passings in ladies and the tenth most normal cancer among ladies in the United States.
Among the gynecologic cancers—those affecting the uterus, cervix, and ovaries—ovarian cancer has the most elevated rate of passings.
In 2017, around 22,440 ladies in the U.S. are relied upon to get a finding of ovarian cancer, and around 14,080 are required to bite the dust from this malady.
Most ovarian cancers begin in the epithelium, or external lining, of the ovary.
In the beginning times, there might be few or no side effects.
Side effects may resemble those of different conditions, for example, premenstrual syndrome (PMS), irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), or an impermanent bladder problem.Best Cancer Hospitals in Delhi.
The main contrast between ovarian cancer and other possible issue is the diligence and continuous worsening of side effects.
Reasons for ovarian cancer
The correct reason for ovarian cancer is obscure.
But a few things may increase a lady's danger of getting it, for example,
being more than 50 years old
a family history of ovarian or breast cancer – this could mean you've inherited qualities that increase your cancer chance
hormone substitution treatment (HRT) – albeit any increase in cancer hazard is probably going to be little
endometriosis – a condition where tissue that behaves like the lining of the womb is found outside the womb
being overweight
Treatment for ovarian cancer
The treatment for ovarian cancer relies upon things, for example, how far the cancer has spread and your general wellbeing.
The main medicines are:
medical procedure to expel however much of the cancer as could reasonably be expected – this will regularly involve removing both ovaries, the womb and the tubes connecting them to one another (fallopian tubes)
chemotherapy (where medicine is utilized to slaughter cancer cells) – this is generally utilized after medical procedure to execute any remaining cancer cells, but is periodically utilized before medical procedure to shrink the cancer
Treatment will intend to fix the cancer at whatever point possible. In the event that the cancer has spread too far to be in any way restored, the point is to diminish side effects and control the cancer for whatever length of time that possible
What is ovarian cancer?
Ovarian cancer is a development of abnormal harmful cells that begins in the ovaries (ladies' regenerative organs that create eggs), fallopian tubes (and afterward relocates to the ovaries), or the peritoneum. While a few cancers may originate at extra destinations and afterward spread to the ovary or ovaries, this isn't viewed as ovarian cancer.
Ovarian tumors can be benign (noncancerous) or harmful (cancerous). Albeit abnormal, cells of benign tumors don't metastasize (spread to different parts of the body). Dangerous cancer cells in the ovaries can metastasize in two different ways:
specifically to different organs in the pelvis and abdomen (the more typical way)
through the bloodstream or lymph hubs to different parts of the body
While the reasons for ovarian cancer are obscure, a few hypotheses exist:
Hereditary mistakes may happen because of the rehashed "wear and tear" of the month to month arrival of an egg.
Increased hormone levels before and during ovulation may animate the development of abnormal cells.
Fallopian tubes are the site of origin in at any rate some ovarian cancers.
Ovarian Cysts
Ovarian sores are unique in relation to ovarian tumors, and can be genuinely normal—ovarian pimples are liquid filled while ovarian tumors are strong masses. Most ovarian sores are not hurtful, don't cause side effects and are not indicative of hazard for future ovarian cancer, however some complex ovarian sores may raise the hazard.If You Can Get More Information About Best Ovarian Cancer Hospitals in Delhi Can Contact us at ElaCancer.com.
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