#Used Car Auction Japan
bizupon · 2 years
How to Buy car from Japan Car Auction and its Advantages
Going through a car auction Japan online is one of the most common ways to purchase & sell vehicles. This article explains how you can buy from a car auction online and the benefits of doing so.Read more @ https://bit.ly/3XwSFtt 
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seat-safety-switch · 2 years
Big trend in America right now. Huge, huge trend. Buying broken cars from Japan, and registering them in the States. Of course, we here in Canada have been doing this for years, ever since those cars turned fifteen and became legal for import. Australians, Kiwis? Even longer than that, they just reach out and pluck Skylines off the vine like tomatoes. Together, we depleted the inventory of old cars, crashed ‘em, cut them up, you name it. Now there’s not very many left, and the Americans are responding to it by forking over six-figure cheques for a 240SX with the steering wheel on the wrong side.
This was really funny, right up until I realized that the purchase price of a 1985 Subaru Leone at the Japanese used-car auctions would now go from about $600 to nearly $800. I don’t have that kind of money, and even if I did, I wouldn’t have enough left over after shipping to slam in some un-bent pushrods and a nitrous system. Panicking, I did consider buying some freshly-legalized cars a decade ahead of the Americans, but those too are expensive, bought for thousands of dollars and hoarded in warehouses in Saitama. Ridiculous!
There was just one thing to do. The cheapest way to get these cars would be to move to Japan, where I could conceivably “import” brand new cars, right off the dealer lot. So I ordered a refrigerator from Amazon Japan, stuck myself in the box, and then filled out a return authorization form. Soon, I was off to the Home Islands, entirely on Uncle Jeff’s dime. Sure, it wasn’t a particularly comfortable ride, but I was warmed on that bumpy old cargo ship and jostly old forklift at the docks by the knowledge that I would soon be getting a great deal on a Suzuki Lapin.
As I stepped foot into the dealership, I suddenly realized what I was doing. A new car? Buying one? For money? The salespeople, unaccustomed to seeing a man who had spent the last three months reading a dog-eared copy of a late-1992 edition of Road & Track Magazine while stuck in a refrigerator box without food or water, called the police, and I was summarily deported.
It wasn’t all bad, though. The pigs were driving a five-year-old Toyota Crown. I told them to let me know when the department got rid of it; the puke-proof rear seats seemed like the perfect place to put a leaking transmission from the Pick & Pull.
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rxvera · 5 days
i hear you have aizawa headcanons? 👀
OMG I thought you would never ask!! 🥰
First of all, and most obviously, he's an AMAZING dad. Before the Kira case, he showed up for everything, and took as much paternity leave as he could. During the case, he obviously struggles with work-life balance, but he knows his kids come first. I think before the time skip, he had a really hard time missing out. He hated how much he was gone, but he also struggles with the guilt of feeling like he abandoned Ukita, but as he heals his grief, he accepts that he can be there. And soon, he's there at almost every game, performance, concert, play, you name it. If he's not, Eriko is recording it for him. He's also the kind of dad to pack his kids' favorite lunches when he gets the chance. It doesn't matter how unhealthy they are, Aizawa just wants to see them happy. Eriko is a little annoyed when Yumi comes home with Cheeto fingers and a stomach ache though lol.
Speaking of Eriko, I know this is super niche, but I head canon her as Jewish. I know that's super rare in Japan, but as a part-Asian Jew, I love the mix lol. I imagine her making matzo ball ramen and lox sushi! I think Aizawa, while goyische, is super supportive. He's great on Shabbat. On Saturday, he makes breakfast before the kids and Eriko wake up so they can have something warm without needing to use appliances. Although, even after being married for ten years, he still forgets if shrimp is kosher, but he remembers when Eriko gets mad at him for putting his leftover tempura in the fridge ("I accepted a trief husband, but I will not accept a trief house!!!").
Oh and I totally imagine Matsuda making quite a few blunders about this hfkjdfhjdjk. He means well, but it comes out wrong sometimes. Like the first time he learns she's Jewish, he immediately says "Oh so that's why you guys never hosted the Christmas party" and Soichiro is quick to be like "MATSUDA." He definitely accidentally gifts Eriko a pentagram... Twice. He really did his research the second time, but they look so similar!!! He does finally get her a Magen David the third time though lol.
I also think Aizawa is a car guy, like the kind of car guy who can see a single frame of a car go past in a movie and identify the make, model, and, year. He's always browsing those vintage car auction sites and he regularly shows Eriko the old car he desperately needs, and she has to be like "your money needs to go feeding our children and not a 50 year old car" and he's like a little kid when he says "but I waaaaaaaant it," and I definitely think he takes Yumi to cars and coffee with him. He always gets her a pastry and hot chocolate. She always wants to try his coffee and every time she freaks out at how bitter it is, but he has such an emotional moment when he takes her as a teenager and she orders her own coffee, and he's like "my little girl is growing up 🥺."
And, going back in time a little bit, when Eriko is pregnant with Yumi, I don't imagine Aizawa being super open about it since he prefers to keep his work and private life more separate. So, it's not until his wife is like 8 and a half months pregnant that he goes to Soichiro to ask for paternity leave, and Soichiro is like "YOU'RE HAVING A BABY???? YOU'RE MARRIED???" and he gets absolutely peppered with questions and excitement that he has to awkwardly accept from the whole office before he gets his paternity leave approved lol.
That's just a few of my ideas! Let me know if you'd like to hear some more! I'm always up to chat about my Death Note guys!
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David Zipper at Vox:
Despite a recent slowdown in US sales, global forecasts for electric vehicles remain bullish. Countries across North America, Europe, and Asia are expanding charger networks and offering EV subsidies; global EV sales are projected to nearly triple by 2030, reaching 40 million vehicles annually. The incipient wave of EV purchases raises a question: What will happen to the millions of gas-powered cars whose owners no longer want them? The likely answer: Rather than scrapping used gas vehicles or selling them domestically, rich nations will dispatch them to developing countries where limited incomes and low levels of car ownership have created eager buyers for even older, substandard models.
An influx of used gas cars would be a welcome development for those in the Global South who aspire to automobile ownership, a luxury that many in affluent countries take for granted. But it would undermine efforts to mitigate climate change, since shifting gas guzzlers from one country to another doesn’t lower global emissions. For developing countries themselves, a sharp increase in car ownership could amplify calls to build auto-reliant infrastructure, making it harder to construct the dense neighborhoods and transit networks that can foster more sustainable growth. And since these imported used cars would be fueled by gasoline, air quality would further decline in cities that are already choked with smog. The world is in an era of polycrisis, facing concurrent challenges including climate change, toxic air, and extreme inequality. Difficult trade-offs are often inevitable. Such is the case with the thorny issue of what to do with the millions of gas cars that the rich world will discard as its fleets are electrified. Electrification is a necessary goal. And it’s natural for people in the developing world to desire the same luxuries that characterize middle-class comfort in wealthier countries. The question is how to manage a transition with enormous stakes that has largely been ignored. The experts who do pay attention are growing alarmed.
How used cars move from rich nations to poor ones
Although it generates few headlines, a massive industry transports used cars across borders every day, with exporters collecting lower-quality models from dealers and wholesale auctions. Ayetor noted that colonial legacies are reflected in the trade flows: the UK, with its car cabins designed for drivers who keep to the left, tends to ship to former colonies like Kenya and Tanzania that still follow the same rules.
According to a report issued in June by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), some 3.1 million used cars were exported in 2022, up from 2.4 million in 2015. Most come from Japan, Europe, and the United States. (In the US, around 7 percent of all cars no longer in use are sent abroad. The rest end up in junkyards where their parts and materiel are sold off.) About one in three exported used vehicles is destined for Africa, followed by Eastern Europe, Asia, the Middle East, and Latin America. Imported models often dominate local auto sales, since international carmakers send few new vehicles to the Global South and rarely establish production facilities there. (In sub-Saharan Africa, only South Africa has local factories.) The developing world’s demand for cars is robust, in large part because comparatively few people own one. According to one 2020 estimate, the US had 860 cars for every 1,000 residents, while South Africa had 176, Morocco 112, and Nigeria just 56. Meanwhile, growing populations provide a steady supply of new potential customers. Africa is home to all of the world’s 20 fastest-growing countries, with Angola, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Niger, and Uganda expanding their populations by at least 3 percent per year. (For comparison, the US population is growing at a 0.67 percent rate).
The world needs a plan to adapt
The risks of aged, polluting cars sent abroad will not be borne by the Global South alone. Climate change is a planetary phenomenon; driving a gas guzzler produces the same amount of emissions in Lusaka as it would in London or Los Angeles. Reducing greenhouse gasses requires reducing total vehicle emissions, not just shifting their location. In an ideal world, electrification would enable the rich world to scrap its most decrepit gas cars. Instead, wealthy nations are likely to ship them to poorer countries, which will be left to figure out what to do when even the most MacGyver-like mechanics cannot keep them running. “All of your worst vehicles end up here,” Ayetor said. “When we want to get rid of the vehicle, what do we do?” No wealthy nations currently screen exported vehicles to weed out those that flunk basic quality tests, Kopf said. But that may soon change. The European Union is now considering new regulations that would prohibit exporting “end of life” vehicles, requiring that cars shipped abroad obtain a certificate confirming their roadworthiness. Its adoption would be a “game-changer,” according to UNEP’s Akumu. (She and Kopf said they know of no comparable proposals under consideration in North America.)
With the increase of electric vehicles in the developed countries, used gas-fueled cars are headed to a developing country (aka the Global South) at increasing rates.
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yunoteru4ever · 1 year
Hi! Do you perhaps know where I could find official Mirai Nikki merch like @reversed-yukiteru-amano ‘s?
If you want some of the stuff that's sold/produced in Japan, your best bet is probably to search eBay or — better yet — watch Japanese auctions via Buyee.jp. Or hit up anime conventions and hope for the best...
If you want the North American merch, it's mostly produced by Great Eastern Entertainment. This will give you an overview of MOST of the Mirai Nikki merch they've put out in the past decade — although their own site is sold out of everything listed at the moment. Still, you can use it to help you look for things on sites like Amazon, eBay, Entertainment Earth, RightStufAnime, and the like. There's definitely still some things available on such sites.
And that list from GEE isn't comprehensive, either, because it lacks stuff like their playing cards, the Yuno bikini throw blanket and the, uh, tumbler-with-lid featuring the same Yuno-in-bikini art on it...
...guess they really like putting that image on stuff... 😒
The last time GEE produced a new print run of their Future Diary merchandise was in late 2022 — although that was only a new shipment of throw pillows, buttons, keychains, and the ever-popular Yukiteru Beanie. Some of the stuff shown on their site hasn't had a new print run in many years now, and I haven't seen them do a new run of any MN stuff yet this year.
Oh, and uh... here's an important warning: Unless you've already got one, don't expect to EVER own the much-coveted Mediacom Yuno figure. It rarely shows up for sale, and when it does? Sure hope you're ready to spend the price of a used car on her!
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I'd love to have one, but holy SHIT. For that price, I could literally travel to Japan MYSELF to hunt merch. And still come back with cash to spare.
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beardedmrbean · 8 months
Prosecutors have called for two British brothers to be banned from Switzerland for five years as punishment for their role in raiding a museum of iconic Chinese Ming Dynasty artefacts.
At a court in Geneva on Monday, Stewart and Louis Ahearne confessed to being part of a gang which burgled the Museum of Far Eastern Art in June 2019.
On top of the ban, prosecutor Marco Rossier said the court should jail the brothers for four years.
They will be sentenced on Tuesday.
Mr Rossier told the court the brothers, who are from south-east London - and a third man named in court by lawyers as Daniel Kelly - were all "equally involved" in the burglary.
He said Louis Ahearne carried out reconnaissance of the museum, while his older brother Stewart hired a Renault Captur car out in his name - which he then drove to and from the scene of the crime.
"Louis Ahearne booked the hotel room, the ski masks and clothing used in the burglary," Mr Rossier said.
"Everything was prepared and organised. Everything was very quick."
Two bowls and a vase from the 14th Century were taken in the raid, Mr Rossier explained, adding one bowl was taken to a Hong Kong auction house by the three men. Stewart Ahearne left his passport details as they sold the item, the prosecutor added.
A second item, a vase, was recovered in central London as part of an undercover sting operation with Metropolitan Police officers posing as art buyers a year after the heist.
The third plundered artefact, a wine cup, has never been recovered.
Around 3.5m Swiss francs (£3.2m) worth of damage was caused to the Museum of Far Eastern Art which is based in a listed townhouse in Geneva's old town.
On Monday, Louis Ahearne said he carried out the burglary in order to "clear a debt" and Stewart Ahearne said he took "full responsibility" explaining he wanted to "protect" his younger brother.
Mr Rossier said the prosecution doubted the brothers' version of events as the third person was not in the court and is currently the subject of extradition proceedings to Japan.
The court also heard from Loris Bertoliatti, representing the Museum of Far Eastern Art, who said damage caused by a power saw, sledgehammer and crowbar cost the institution millions.
"They are a professional gang," he said. "They were determined to sell the items. The victim is the museum. Lots of people were shocked by what happened."
Stewart Ahearne's partner Nicola Barry was called as a witness on Monday and described the father-of-five as a "kind, loving and nice person" - adding his employer has committed to giving him a job when he is freed.
The brothers' mother, Suzanne Ahearne, said Louis Ahearne is a "compassionate and empathetic" person who had an "unhappy childhood".
She told the court since his extradition from the UK, he has been writing to his nine-year-old son from prison in Switzerland trying to "give the guidance he never got" from his father.
The Ahearnes' defence barristers will also provide mitigation before the president of the court Patrick Monney delivers his judgement.
The hearing continues.
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lindsaywesker · 2 years
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Good morning! I hope you slept well and feel rested? Currently sitting at my desk, in my study, attired only in my blue towelling robe, enjoying my first cuppa of the day. Welcome to Too Much Information Tuesday!
Venetian blinds were invented in Japan.
A one dollar bill has been in an average of 3 bras.
Houses in Britain numbered 13 cost £9,000 less than average.
In the 1940s, butt plugs were marketed as a headache remedy.
There has only been 240 years of peace in the last 3000 years.
It would take 23 bales of straw to break a camel's back.
Open plan offices increase worker stress, blood pressure and turnover.
In the United States, giving birth is 20 times more lethal than skydiving.
In 2004, a boat in Texas capsized because everyone ran to one side to look at a nudist beach.
In 2012, a smuggler was arrested at the Smuggler’s Inn, Washington, after arriving in a car with the licence plate SMUGLER.
One outbreak of Legionnaires' disease was traced to the hot tub at the Playboy mansion.
In Alabama, it is illegal to wear a fake moustache that causes laughter in church.
Brad Pitt was banned from China for 20 years after his role in the film ‘Seven Years In Tibet’.
A survey in Colorado found people are much happier if they believe they are having more sex than their neighbours.
Japanese researchers have concluded that cats do recognize the sound of their owner’s voice when called … they just don't care.
The novel 'All Quiet On The Western Front' was banned in Poland for being pro-German and in Germany for being anti-German.
On busy Chinese trains, passengers take turns on the seats so everyone gets to sit for some of the journey.
In the Middle Ages, a lovesick man could be prescribed ‘therapeutic intercourse’, whereas a lovesick woman was prescribed marriage.
Christie’s auctioneers are taught to stop their hands shaking with nerves by clenching their buttocks.
80% of the UK’s bread is made by a process so nutritionally barren that vitamins must be added back in by law.
Dog lovers tend to have more Facebook friends than cat lovers, but cat lovers get invited to more parties.
On D-Day, J. D. Salinger fought with six chapters of ‘The Catcher In The Rye’ in his backpack.
The belief that ideas from the past are by default worse than ideas of the modern age is called ‘chronological snobbery’.
In the public toilets at Rothesay, there is a plaque indicating which urinal was used by the then Prince Charles when he visited.
Great Ormond Street Hospital have recreated their site in Minecraft to help kids who want to explore the building so that it’s less scary when they arrive.
John Shepherd-Barron the inventor of the ATM originally intended them to have PINs that were six digits long, but his wife could only remember four digits at a time, so that became the standard.
In 2016, Microsoft set up a Twitter chatbot that could learn to converse based on what people told it. It was using swear words by the next morning.
The annual ‘Bad Sex In Fiction’ award was cancelled for 2020, as the organisers believed that the public had been "subjected to too many bad things” that year to justify exposing it to bad sex as well.
Google Image search was invented after Jennifer Lopez’s green dress at the 2000 Grammys became their most popular ever search, but they had no way of providing users with a quick result.
A study has shown that birds that live in colder places have smaller beaks. McGill University’s blog published an article about the study with the headline ‘Peckers Get Smaller Where It Gets Colder’.
Every year, Lake Superior University publishes a list of words and phrases they would like to banish the next year. This year's entries include "moving forward", "does that make sense?" and "it is what it is".
In 2006, 84-year-old Edith Macefield from Seattle refused a $1 million offer from a shopping mall developer to move, so it was built around her house. In fact, Pixar's film ‘Up’ was later modelled after her home.
The first recorded attempted human flight with artificial wings in history was in the 6th century in China. Emperor Kao Yang would strap prisoners to kites and throw them off buildings to see if they could fly.
When HMS Dolphin stopped in Tahiti in 1767, the sailors found that local women were prepared to exchange sex for iron nails. The captain ordered a stop to the trade as the significant loss of nails from the ship had massively compromised its structural integrity.
Compound swears like ‘shitgibbon’ work best when the second word is a two-syllable word, where the first syllable is stressed and contains the same vowel of the swear. This is why ‘cockwomble’ works but ‘dickwomble’ does not.
Centre Point was constructed between 1963 and 1966. It was one of the first skyscrapers in London. It stood empty from the time of its completion (1966) until 1975. In 1995 it became a Grade II listed building.
The shortest commercial flight in the world is from the Westray Airport to the Papa Westray Airport between two small Orkney Islands north of Scotland. It's only a distance of 1.7 miles and, if the wind is ideal, it can take as little as 47 seconds from start to finish.
A Dutch supermarket chain introduced ‘slow checkouts’ for people who enjoy chatting, helping many people, especially the elderly, deal with loneliness. The move has proven so successful that they installed the ‘slow checkouts’ in 200 stores.
Okay, that’s enough information for one day. Have a tremendous and tumultuous Tuesday! I love you all.
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cartheorybd · 9 days
CarTheoryBD: The Ultimate Solution for Japanese Auction Car Imports in Bangladesh
The Bangladeshi car market has undergone significant transformation over the last decade, with increased demand for authentic, high-quality vehicles. At the forefront of this change is CarTheoryBD, a trusted name that has reshaped the car import process by offering premium Japanese auction cars. Founded by Sazedur Rahman, CarTheoryBD has positioned itself as a pioneer in delivering vehicles directly from Japan’s top auctions, ensuring that every car is thoroughly inspected and meets international standards.
A Decade of Expertise and Commitment
With over 10 years of experience in the industry, CarTheoryBD has mastered the intricate processes involved in sourcing and importing cars. Specializing in both new and reconditioned vehicles, the company has grown to offer an extensive inventory of popular Japanese brands like Toyota, Nissan, Honda, and Mitsubishi. This wide range of choices ensures that every customer, regardless of their budget or preferences, can find a vehicle that meets their needs.
Unlike other importers, CarTheoryBD focuses on transparency and reliability, ensuring that every car is fully inspected and certified before making its way to the Bangladeshi market. Customers can rest assured that they are getting an authentic vehicle that will offer years of reliable performance. This commitment to authenticity is what has set CarTheoryBD apart from competitors.
Japanese Auction Expertise: A Unique Advantage
Japanese car auctions are renowned for their strict standards, and CarTheoryBD has made it a priority to become an expert in navigating these auctions. By leveraging their strong relationships with auction houses in Japan, CarTheoryBD offers customers access to high-quality cars at competitive prices.
Participating in a Japanese auction can be a daunting process for most buyers, but CarTheoryBD takes care of everything from bidding on the perfect car to handling all the import paperwork. This means that customers don’t have to worry about the complexities involved in international car purchases. Instead, they can focus on selecting their ideal car, while CarTheoryBD manages the rest.
An Extensive Range of Vehicles for Every Need
CarTheoryBD’s selection of vehicles is one of its key strengths. Whether you’re in the market for a brand-new model, a reliable family SUV, or a budget-friendly reconditioned vehicle, CarTheoryBD offers an impressive inventory to choose from. The company’s reconditioned cars undergo a meticulous refurbishment process to ensure that they meet the highest standards of safety and quality, making them a reliable and affordable option for Bangladeshi buyers.
For those looking to buy new cars, CarTheoryBD offers direct imports from Japan, giving customers access to the latest models at highly competitive prices. These cars are sourced directly from manufacturers or auction houses, ensuring that customers receive only the best. Each vehicle is evaluated for quality, safety, and performance before being made available for purchase, ensuring that the customer drives away with a car they can trust.
Customer-Centered Approach
At the heart of CarTheoryBD’s success is its dedication to customer satisfaction. The company takes a personalized approach to each sale, ensuring that every customer receives individual attention and guidance throughout the car-buying process. CarTheoryBD’s sales team is known for being knowledgeable, friendly, and responsive, helping customers navigate their options, explain the features of different vehicles, and find the best car for their lifestyle and budget.
The customer experience extends well beyond the point of sale. CarTheoryBD offers after-sales services such as routine maintenance and repairs through its advanced service center. The facility is staffed by highly trained and certified technicians who use cutting-edge diagnostic tools and genuine parts to ensure that every car runs at optimal performance. Customers who purchase cars from CarTheoryBD can enjoy peace of mind knowing that their vehicle will be well cared for throughout its lifetime.
Flexible Financing and Warranty Programs
CarTheoryBD understands that buying a car is a significant financial commitment, which is why they offer flexible financing solutions tailored to each customer’s unique financial situation. The company’s financing options are designed to make car ownership more accessible, whether you’re purchasing a brand-new car or a reconditioned model. Customers can choose from various financing plans, ensuring they find a payment option that fits within their budget.
Additionally, CarTheoryBD provides comprehensive warranty programs that cover both new and reconditioned cars. This ensures that customers are protected against unexpected issues, allowing them to buy with confidence. The company’s warranties are among the most extensive in the market, offering protection for essential components and mechanical systems.
Building Long-Term Relationships
CarTheoryBD is not just about selling cars; it's about building long-lasting relationships with its customers. By offering exceptional customer service, quality vehicles, and transparent transactions, the company has cultivated a loyal customer base. Many customers return to CarTheoryBD for repeat purchases or to recommend the company to friends and family.
The company’s commitment to fostering trust and transparency has earned it a solid reputation in the Bangladeshi market. This dedication to integrity is what drives CarTheoryBD to continually raise the bar for car imports in the country.
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khanhayashillc2 · 2 months
Unlocking Japanese Used Car Auction Access: A Comprehensive Guide
Japanese used car auctions are a treasure trove for those seeking high-quality vehicles at competitive prices. With thousands of cars going under the hammer daily, these auctions offer a wide range of options for buyers worldwide. In this article, we'll explore how to access Japanese used car auctions and what you need to know to make the most of this opportunity.
Why Choose Japanese Used Car Auctions?
High Quality and Reliability Japanese cars are known for their exceptional build quality and reliability. Automakers like Toyota, Honda, Nissan, and Subaru have a reputation for producing vehicles that last for many years, even when used.
Extensive Selection Japanese car auctions feature a vast array of vehicles, from compact cars and sedans to SUVs and sports cars. Whether you're looking for a family vehicle or a high-performance machine, you're likely to find it in a Japanese auction.
Competitive Pricing Due to the large volume of cars sold at these auctions, prices are often lower than those at dealerships. This makes Japanese car auctions an attractive option for buyers looking to get the most value for their money.
How to Access Japanese Used Car Auctions
Register with a Reputable Auction Agent To participate in Japanese car auctions, you need to register with an auction agent or broker. These agents have the necessary licenses and access to various auction houses. They will bid on your behalf and handle the paperwork and shipping.
Research Auction Houses There are several prominent auction houses in Japan, including USS, TAA, and CAA. Research these auction houses to understand their processes, fees, and the types of vehicles they specialize in. Your auction agent can provide insights and recommendations.
Create an Account Once you've chosen an auction agent, you'll need to create an account. This typically involves providing personal information, proof of identity, and sometimes a deposit. The deposit is usually refundable if you do not win any bids.
Browse Auction Listings After your account is set up, you can browse the auction listings. Most auction agents provide online platforms where you can view detailed information about each vehicle, including photos, inspection reports, and auction grades.
Understanding Auction Grades and Reports
Auction Grades Auction grades provide a quick overview of a vehicle's condition. They range from 0 to 6, with 6 being nearly new. There are also additional grades like R (repaired) and RA (lightly repaired). Understanding these grades will help you assess the vehicle's quality.
Inspection Reports Inspection reports offer detailed information about the vehicle's condition, including any defects, previous repairs, and overall appearance. These reports are usually written in Japanese, but your auction agent can help translate and explain them.
Bidding and Winning
Setting a Budget Determine your budget before you start bidding. Remember to account for additional costs such as auction fees, agent fees, shipping, and import duties. Setting a clear budget will help you avoid overspending.
Placing Bids You can place bids through your auction agent. Provide them with your maximum bid amount and they will handle the rest. It's important to stick to your budget and not get caught up in a bidding war.
Winning the Auction If your bid is successful, your auction agent will notify you and start the paperwork process. They will also arrange for the vehicle to be shipped to your country. Ensure you understand the payment terms and timelines to avoid any delays.
Importing Your Vehicle
Shipping and Logistics Once you've won the auction, the next step is shipping the vehicle to your country. Your auction agent will handle the logistics, including arranging for transportation to the port, booking a shipping vessel, and managing customs documentation.
Customs Clearance and Duties Each country has its own regulations and duties for importing vehicles. Familiarize yourself with these rules to ensure a smooth import process. Your auction agent can provide guidance and support to navigate customs requirements.
Receiving Your Vehicle After clearing customs, your vehicle will be transported to your location. Inspect the vehicle upon arrival to ensure it matches the auction description and is in the expected condition.
Accessing Japanese used car auctions can be a rewarding experience, offering high-quality vehicles at competitive prices. By partnering with a reputable auction agent, understanding auction grades and reports, and being mindful of your budget, you can successfully navigate the auction process. Enjoy the benefits of owning a reliable and well-maintained Japanese car, all thanks to the vast opportunities presented by these auctions.
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zervtek · 3 months
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Here is a comprehensive guide on importing the JDM you desire to Canada : https://www.zervtek.com/resources/importing-jdm-cars-canada-guide
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bizupon · 2 years
Why it Makes Good Sense to Buy Used Cars at Japanese Auctions
This article examines Japan auto auction and how it differs from buying from a dealership while also looking at the advantages of buying from a Japan used car auction. The process of purchasing a vehicle through a Japan used car auction is fairly simple and easy. You can directly purchase a car from auction houses if the price is within your means. Read More @ https://bit.ly/3ttt6vZ
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brookston · 5 months
Holidays 4.28
Astronomy Day
Biological Clock Day
Bulldogs Are Beautiful Day
Chicken Tickling Day
Clean Comedy Day
Cubicle Day
Day for Safety and Health at Work (Poland)
Day of Dialogue
Days of Remembrance of Victims of the Holocaust, Day 1 (US)
Eat Your Friends Day
Ed Balls Day (UK)
Flag Day (Åland Islands)
Flat White Day
Food Pyramid Day
428 Day
Global Pay It Forward Day
Gone-ta-Pott Day [every 28th]
Great Poetry Reading Day
Hyacinth Day (French Republic)
International Astronomy Day
International Automation Professionals Day
International Consanguinamory Day
International Girls in Information and Telecommunication Technologies Day
Jester’s Day (Elder Scrolls)
Kenneth Kaunda Day (Zambia)
Kiss Your Mate Day
Lawyers’ Day (India)
Mujahideen Victory Day (Afghanistan)
Mutiny On the Bounty Day
National Anger Day (UK)
National BSL Day (UK)
National Brave Hearts Day
National Cubicle Day
National Day of Mourning (Canada)
National Franklin Day
National Great Poetry Reading Day
National Headshot Day
National Heroes’ Day (Barbados)
National Kiss Your Mate Day
National Poetry and Literature Day (Indonesia)
National “Say Hi to Joe” Day
National Suck Breast Day
National Superhero Day
National Teach Children to Save Day
National Willy Fog Day (UK)
National Workplace Wellbeing Day (Ireland)
Occupational Safety & Health Day
Pastele Blajinilor (Memory or Parent's Day; Moldova)
Restoration of Sovereignty Day (Japan)
Rip Cord Day
Saint Pierre-Chanel Day (Wallis and Futuna)
Santa Fe Trail Day
Sardinia Day (Italy)
Small Car Day
Steel Safety Day
Texas Wildflower Day
Turkmen Racing Horse Festival (Turkmenistan)
Victory Day (Afghanistan)
Workers’ Memorial Day (Gibraltar)
World Art Deco Day
World Day for Safety and Health at Work (UN)
Food & Drink Celebrations
National Blueberry Pie Day
4th & Last Sunday in April
Blue Sunday [Last Sunday]
Brasseries Portes Ouvertes (Open Breweries' Day; Belgium) [Last Sunday]
Dictionary Day [Sunday of Nat’l Library Week]
Divine Mercy Sunday [Last Sunday]
Drive It Day (UK) [4th Sunday]
Family Reading Week begins [Sunday before 1st Saturday in May]
International Search and Rescue Dog Day [Last Sunday]
International Twin Cities Day [Last Sunday]
Landsgemeinde (Switzerland) [Last Sunday]
Mother, Father Deaf Day [Last Sunday]
Music Minister Appreciation Day [Last Sunday]
National Blue Sunday and Day of Prayer for Abused Children [Last Sunday]
National Pet Parents Day [Last Sunday]
Pinhole Photography Day [Last Sunday]
Sunday of the Paralytic [Last Sunday]
Turkmen Racing Horse Festival (Turkmenistan) [Last Sunday]
World Day of Marriage [Last Sunday]
World Nyckelharpa Day [Last Sunday]
Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day [Last Sunday]
Weekly Holidays beginning April 28 (Last Week)
Go Diaper Free Week (thru 5.4) [From Last Sunday]
National Auctioneers Week (thru 5.4)
National Small Business Week (thru 5.4) [1st Week of May]
Preservation Week (thru 5.4)
Stewardship Week (thru 5.5) [Last Sunday to 1st Sunday]
Independence & Related Days
Maryland Statehood Day (#7; 1788)
Restoration of Sovereignty Day (Japan)
Festivals Beginning April 28, 2024
Blessing of the Fleet & Seafood Festival (Mount Pleasant, South Carolina)
The Good Food Awards (Portland, Oregon)
Heritage Fire (Atlanta, Georgia)
St. Thomas Carnival (Charlotte Amalie, U.S. Virgin Islands) [thru 5.5]
Sweet Corn Fiesta (West Palm Beach, Florida)
Taste of St. Augustine (St. Augustine, Florida)
Turkmen Racing Horse Festival (Turkmenistan) [Last Sunday]
Feast Days
Aphrodisius and companions (Christian; Saint)
Blueberry Pie Day (Pastafarian)
Chicken Tickling Day (Leprechauns; Shamanism)
Cronan of Roscrea, Ireland (Christian; Saint)
Cyril of Turov (Christian; Saint)
Didymus and Theodore (Christian; Martyrs)
Elmo’s Jacket (Muppetism)
Feast of Jamál (Beauty; Baha'i)
Floralia (Old Roman Goddess of Flowers)
Gianna Beretta Molla (Christian; Saint)
Harper Lee (Writerism)
José Malhoa (Artology)
Kirill of Turov (Orthodox, added to Roman Martyrology in 1969)
L’Africaine (The African Woman), by Giacomo Meyerbeer (Opera; 1865)
Louis Mary de Montfort (Christian; Saint)
Palmer Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Pamphilus of Sulmona (Christian; Saint)
Patricius, Bishop of Pruse, in Bithynia (Christian; Saint)
Paul of the Cross (Christian; Saint)
Peter Chanel (Christian; Martyr)
Phocion (Positivist; Saint)
Pollio and others (Christian; Martyrs in Pannonia)
Terry Pratchett (Writerism)
Theodora and Didymus (Christian; Martyrs)
Vitalis and Valeria of Milan (Christian; Saint)
Walpurgisnacht, Day VI (Pagan)
Yom HaShoah (began last night; Judaism)
Yves Klein (Artology)
Orthodox Christian Liturgical Calendar Holidays
Palm Sunday
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Butsumetsu (仏滅 Japan) [Unlucky all day.]
Fortunate Day (Pagan) [17 of 53]
Umu Limnu (Evil Day; Babylonian Calendar; 20 of 60)
Akeelah and the Beer (Film; 2006)
The Art of Excellence, by Tony Bennett (Album; 1987) [1st CD-only Release]
Bananas (Film; 1971)
Before These Crowded Street, by Crowded House (Album; 1998)
The Birth of Britain, by Winston Churchill (History Book; 1956)
Bridesmaids (Film; 2011)
Buck and the Preacher (Film; 1972)
Casino Royale (Film; 1967) [James Bond non-series film]
Chicago Transit Authority, by Chicago (Album; 1969)
The Death of the Heart, by Elizabeth Bowen (Novel; 1938)
FM (Film; 1978)
Frequency (Film; 2000)
Hair (Broadway Musical; 1968)
Hard Candy (Film; 2006)
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy (Film; 2005)
The Hockey Champ (Disney Cartoon; 1939)
A Hound for Trouble (WB MM Cartoon; 1951)
How to Be a Latin Lover (Film; 2017)
I Kissed a Girl, by Katy Perry (Song; 2008)
I’m the One, by DJ Khaled (Album; 2017)
Iron Man 2 (Film; 2010)
Kiss Me Deadly (Film; 1955)
Leave Well Enough Alone (Fleischer Popeye Cartoon; 1939)
Love Me, Love My Mouse (Tom & Jerry Cartoon; 1966)
Loverboy (Film; 1989)
Mighty Mouse Meets Jekyll and Hyde Cat (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1944)
Mud Squad (Tijuana Toads Cartoon; 1971)s
Night (Disney Cartoon; 1930)
Odd Ant Out (Ant and the Aardvark Cartoon; 1970)
A Painted House, by John Grisham (Novel; 2001)
Passport to Pimlico (Film; 1949)
Pennsylvania 6-5000, recorded by Glenn Miller (Song; 1940)
Polite Society (Film; 2023)
The Power of Positive Thinking, by Norman Vincent Peale (Book; 1954)
The Prison Panic (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Cartoon; 1930)
Problem, by Ariana Grande (Song; 2014)
Robinson Crusoe (WB LT Cartoon; 1956)
The Secret of the Old Clock, by Carolyn Keene (Mystery Novel; 1930) [1st Nancy Drew]
*61 (Film; 2001)
Slave to Love, by Bryan Ferry (Song; 1985)
Smoked Hams (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1947)
Starman, by David Bowie (Song; 1972)
Stick It (Film; 2006)
Suddenly It’s Spring (Noveltoons Cartoon; 1944)
Suffragette City, by David Bowie (Song; 1972)
Trailer Horn (Disney Cartoon; 1950)
Viva Las Vegas, by Elvis Presley (Song; 1964)
Today’s Name Days
Hugo, Ludwig, Pierre (Austria)
Dada, Ljudevit, Petar (Croatia)
Vlastislav (Czech Republic)
Vitalis (Denmark)
Lagle, Luige (Estonia)
Ilpo, Ilppo, Tuure (Finland)
Valérie (France)
Hugo, Ludwig, Pierre (Germany)
Valéria (Hungary)
Manilio, Pietro, Valeria (Italy)
Gundega, Gunta, Terēze (Latvia)
Rimgailė, Valerija, Vitalius, Vygantas (Lithuania)
Vivi, Vivian (Norway)
Arystarch, Maria, Paweł, Przybyczest, Waleria, Witalis (Poland)
Iason, Sosipatru (Romania)
Tamara (Russia)
Jarmila (Slovakia)
Luis, Pedro, Prudencio (Spain)
Ture, Tyra (Sweden)
Valeria, Valerian, Valerie, Valery (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 119 of 2024; 247 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 7 of week 17 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Saille (Willow) [Day 15 of 28]
Chinese: Month 3 (Wu-Chen), Day 20 (Ren-Xu)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 20 Nisan 5784
Islamic: 19 Shawwal 1445
J Cal: 29 Cyan; Eightday [29 of 30]
Julian: 15 April 2024
Moon: 79%: Waning Gibbous
Positivist: 7 Caesar (5th Month) [Themistocles]
Runic Half Month: Lagu (Flowing Water) [Day 4 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 41 of 92)
Week: 4th Week of April / 1st Week of May
Zodiac: Taurus (Day 9 of 31)
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brookstonalmanac · 5 months
Holidays 4.28
Astronomy Day
Biological Clock Day
Bulldogs Are Beautiful Day
Chicken Tickling Day
Clean Comedy Day
Cubicle Day
Day for Safety and Health at Work (Poland)
Day of Dialogue
Days of Remembrance of Victims of the Holocaust, Day 1 (US)
Eat Your Friends Day
Ed Balls Day (UK)
Flag Day (Åland Islands)
Flat White Day
Food Pyramid Day
428 Day
Global Pay It Forward Day
Gone-ta-Pott Day [every 28th]
Great Poetry Reading Day
Hyacinth Day (French Republic)
International Astronomy Day
International Automation Professionals Day
International Consanguinamory Day
International Girls in Information and Telecommunication Technologies Day
Jester’s Day (Elder Scrolls)
Kenneth Kaunda Day (Zambia)
Kiss Your Mate Day
Lawyers’ Day (India)
Mujahideen Victory Day (Afghanistan)
Mutiny On the Bounty Day
National Anger Day (UK)
National BSL Day (UK)
National Brave Hearts Day
National Cubicle Day
National Day of Mourning (Canada)
National Franklin Day
National Great Poetry Reading Day
National Headshot Day
National Heroes’ Day (Barbados)
National Kiss Your Mate Day
National Poetry and Literature Day (Indonesia)
National “Say Hi to Joe” Day
National Suck Breast Day
National Superhero Day
National Teach Children to Save Day
National Willy Fog Day (UK)
National Workplace Wellbeing Day (Ireland)
Occupational Safety & Health Day
Pastele Blajinilor (Memory or Parent's Day; Moldova)
Restoration of Sovereignty Day (Japan)
Rip Cord Day
Saint Pierre-Chanel Day (Wallis and Futuna)
Santa Fe Trail Day
Sardinia Day (Italy)
Small Car Day
Steel Safety Day
Texas Wildflower Day
Turkmen Racing Horse Festival (Turkmenistan)
Victory Day (Afghanistan)
Workers’ Memorial Day (Gibraltar)
World Art Deco Day
World Day for Safety and Health at Work (UN)
Food & Drink Celebrations
National Blueberry Pie Day
4th & Last Sunday in April
Blue Sunday [Last Sunday]
Brasseries Portes Ouvertes (Open Breweries' Day; Belgium) [Last Sunday]
Dictionary Day [Sunday of Nat’l Library Week]
Divine Mercy Sunday [Last Sunday]
Drive It Day (UK) [4th Sunday]
Family Reading Week begins [Sunday before 1st Saturday in May]
International Search and Rescue Dog Day [Last Sunday]
International Twin Cities Day [Last Sunday]
Landsgemeinde (Switzerland) [Last Sunday]
Mother, Father Deaf Day [Last Sunday]
Music Minister Appreciation Day [Last Sunday]
National Blue Sunday and Day of Prayer for Abused Children [Last Sunday]
National Pet Parents Day [Last Sunday]
Pinhole Photography Day [Last Sunday]
Sunday of the Paralytic [Last Sunday]
Turkmen Racing Horse Festival (Turkmenistan) [Last Sunday]
World Day of Marriage [Last Sunday]
World Nyckelharpa Day [Last Sunday]
Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day [Last Sunday]
Weekly Holidays beginning April 28 (Last Week)
Go Diaper Free Week (thru 5.4) [From Last Sunday]
National Auctioneers Week (thru 5.4)
National Small Business Week (thru 5.4) [1st Week of May]
Preservation Week (thru 5.4)
Stewardship Week (thru 5.5) [Last Sunday to 1st Sunday]
Independence & Related Days
Maryland Statehood Day (#7; 1788)
Restoration of Sovereignty Day (Japan)
Festivals Beginning April 28, 2024
Blessing of the Fleet & Seafood Festival (Mount Pleasant, South Carolina)
The Good Food Awards (Portland, Oregon)
Heritage Fire (Atlanta, Georgia)
St. Thomas Carnival (Charlotte Amalie, U.S. Virgin Islands) [thru 5.5]
Sweet Corn Fiesta (West Palm Beach, Florida)
Taste of St. Augustine (St. Augustine, Florida)
Turkmen Racing Horse Festival (Turkmenistan) [Last Sunday]
Feast Days
Aphrodisius and companions (Christian; Saint)
Blueberry Pie Day (Pastafarian)
Chicken Tickling Day (Leprechauns; Shamanism)
Cronan of Roscrea, Ireland (Christian; Saint)
Cyril of Turov (Christian; Saint)
Didymus and Theodore (Christian; Martyrs)
Elmo’s Jacket (Muppetism)
Feast of Jamál (Beauty; Baha'i)
Floralia (Old Roman Goddess of Flowers)
Gianna Beretta Molla (Christian; Saint)
Harper Lee (Writerism)
José Malhoa (Artology)
Kirill of Turov (Orthodox, added to Roman Martyrology in 1969)
L’Africaine (The African Woman), by Giacomo Meyerbeer (Opera; 1865)
Louis Mary de Montfort (Christian; Saint)
Palmer Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Pamphilus of Sulmona (Christian; Saint)
Patricius, Bishop of Pruse, in Bithynia (Christian; Saint)
Paul of the Cross (Christian; Saint)
Peter Chanel (Christian; Martyr)
Phocion (Positivist; Saint)
Pollio and others (Christian; Martyrs in Pannonia)
Terry Pratchett (Writerism)
Theodora and Didymus (Christian; Martyrs)
Vitalis and Valeria of Milan (Christian; Saint)
Walpurgisnacht, Day VI (Pagan)
Yom HaShoah (began last night; Judaism)
Yves Klein (Artology)
Orthodox Christian Liturgical Calendar Holidays
Palm Sunday
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Butsumetsu (仏滅 Japan) [Unlucky all day.]
Fortunate Day (Pagan) [17 of 53]
Umu Limnu (Evil Day; Babylonian Calendar; 20 of 60)
Akeelah and the Beer (Film; 2006)
The Art of Excellence, by Tony Bennett (Album; 1987) [1st CD-only Release]
Bananas (Film; 1971)
Before These Crowded Street, by Crowded House (Album; 1998)
The Birth of Britain, by Winston Churchill (History Book; 1956)
Bridesmaids (Film; 2011)
Buck and the Preacher (Film; 1972)
Casino Royale (Film; 1967) [James Bond non-series film]
Chicago Transit Authority, by Chicago (Album; 1969)
The Death of the Heart, by Elizabeth Bowen (Novel; 1938)
FM (Film; 1978)
Frequency (Film; 2000)
Hair (Broadway Musical; 1968)
Hard Candy (Film; 2006)
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy (Film; 2005)
The Hockey Champ (Disney Cartoon; 1939)
A Hound for Trouble (WB MM Cartoon; 1951)
How to Be a Latin Lover (Film; 2017)
I Kissed a Girl, by Katy Perry (Song; 2008)
I’m the One, by DJ Khaled (Album; 2017)
Iron Man 2 (Film; 2010)
Kiss Me Deadly (Film; 1955)
Leave Well Enough Alone (Fleischer Popeye Cartoon; 1939)
Love Me, Love My Mouse (Tom & Jerry Cartoon; 1966)
Loverboy (Film; 1989)
Mighty Mouse Meets Jekyll and Hyde Cat (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1944)
Mud Squad (Tijuana Toads Cartoon; 1971)s
Night (Disney Cartoon; 1930)
Odd Ant Out (Ant and the Aardvark Cartoon; 1970)
A Painted House, by John Grisham (Novel; 2001)
Passport to Pimlico (Film; 1949)
Pennsylvania 6-5000, recorded by Glenn Miller (Song; 1940)
Polite Society (Film; 2023)
The Power of Positive Thinking, by Norman Vincent Peale (Book; 1954)
The Prison Panic (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Cartoon; 1930)
Problem, by Ariana Grande (Song; 2014)
Robinson Crusoe (WB LT Cartoon; 1956)
The Secret of the Old Clock, by Carolyn Keene (Mystery Novel; 1930) [1st Nancy Drew]
*61 (Film; 2001)
Slave to Love, by Bryan Ferry (Song; 1985)
Smoked Hams (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1947)
Starman, by David Bowie (Song; 1972)
Stick It (Film; 2006)
Suddenly It’s Spring (Noveltoons Cartoon; 1944)
Suffragette City, by David Bowie (Song; 1972)
Trailer Horn (Disney Cartoon; 1950)
Viva Las Vegas, by Elvis Presley (Song; 1964)
Today’s Name Days
Hugo, Ludwig, Pierre (Austria)
Dada, Ljudevit, Petar (Croatia)
Vlastislav (Czech Republic)
Vitalis (Denmark)
Lagle, Luige (Estonia)
Ilpo, Ilppo, Tuure (Finland)
Valérie (France)
Hugo, Ludwig, Pierre (Germany)
Valéria (Hungary)
Manilio, Pietro, Valeria (Italy)
Gundega, Gunta, Terēze (Latvia)
Rimgailė, Valerija, Vitalius, Vygantas (Lithuania)
Vivi, Vivian (Norway)
Arystarch, Maria, Paweł, Przybyczest, Waleria, Witalis (Poland)
Iason, Sosipatru (Romania)
Tamara (Russia)
Jarmila (Slovakia)
Luis, Pedro, Prudencio (Spain)
Ture, Tyra (Sweden)
Valeria, Valerian, Valerie, Valery (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 119 of 2024; 247 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 7 of week 17 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Saille (Willow) [Day 15 of 28]
Chinese: Month 3 (Wu-Chen), Day 20 (Ren-Xu)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 20 Nisan 5784
Islamic: 19 Shawwal 1445
J Cal: 29 Cyan; Eightday [29 of 30]
Julian: 15 April 2024
Moon: 79%: Waning Gibbous
Positivist: 7 Caesar (5th Month) [Themistocles]
Runic Half Month: Lagu (Flowing Water) [Day 4 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 41 of 92)
Week: 4th Week of April / 1st Week of May
Zodiac: Taurus (Day 9 of 31)
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satjapan12 · 5 months
Japanese Used Cars for Sale: Your Ultimate Guide to Car Dealers in Japan
Introduction to Japanese Used Cars When it comes to reliability, affordability, and excellent performance, Japanese used cars stand out as a prime choice for buyers worldwide. Japan's reputation for meticulous craftsmanship and advanced automotive technology has solidified its position in the global car market. Whether you're a car enthusiast or a practical buyer, the variety and value offered by Japanese used cars can't be overlooked.
Why Choose Japanese Used Cars? Japanese vehicles are known for their longevity and robust engineering. Brands like Toyota, Honda, Nissan, and Subaru are synonymous with durability and efficiency. Choosing a used car from Japan often means benefiting from a vehicle that has been well-maintained and serviced to high standards, thanks to Japan’s strict vehicular regulations and the culture of care among Japanese car owners.
Finding Reputable Japanese Car Dealers When searching for the best Japanese car dealers, it’s crucial to partner with businesses that offer transparency and credibility. Reliable dealers are typically members of JUMVEA (Japan Used Motor Vehicle Exporters Association), ensuring they adhere to a set of ethical guidelines that protect buyers.
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Navigating Japanese Car Auctions One of the most dynamic aspects of purchasing used cars in Japan is the access to car auctions. These auctions are a hub for finding high-quality vehicles at competitive prices. It is essential to understand the auction grading system, which rates cars based on their condition, mileage, and overall quality.
How to Import Japanese Used Cars Importing a Japanese used car involves several steps, which include choosing the right car, understanding the import regulations of your country, and handling the shipping and customs clearance processes. Partnering with a knowledgeable dealer can streamline this process, ensuring all paperwork and legal requirements are accurately completed.
Comprehensive Services Offered by SAT Japan SAT Japan stands out as a premier dealer and exporter of Japanese used cars. Offering a wide range of services from auction participation to final delivery, SAT Japan ensures a seamless buying and shipping process for global customers. Their expertise in the market translates into better selections, higher quality vehicles, and more satisfactory outcomes for international buyers.
Benefits of Partnering with SAT Japan
Expert Guidance: SAT Japan’s team offers expert advice on the selection of cars, bidding strategies, and detailed reports on vehicle conditions.
Wide Selection: Access to thousands of cars through auctions and direct dealership inventory.
Quality Assurance: Every vehicle sold is inspected and comes with detailed information on its condition and history.
Customized Services: From bidding to shipping, every step is tailored to meet the client’s specific needs.
Conclusion Choosing a Japanese used car is an excellent decision for anyone seeking value, performance, and reliability. With reputable dealers like SAT Japan, you can navigate the purchase and importation process confidently, ensuring that you receive a vehicle that meets or exceeds your expectations. Whether you’re looking for an economical compact car, a rugged SUV, or a high-performance sports car, the Japanese used car mar
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itcjapan · 8 months
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Chassis no A202A-0030981
Color Beige
Package Z Package
Transmission Automatic
Engine 1200 cc
Mileage 26000 km
Auction Grade 04
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satjapancar · 1 year
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SAT Japan is known as the best Japanese car used car exporter as it provides reliable Japanese elite cars. SAT Japan takes pride in transparency so customers can make informed decisions. Our experienced car dealers have good knowledge of market trends and are available 24/7 to assist customers at every step. Let us know the specifications of your desired car and we will help you find it. Use our car auction services to find your car at an affordable price. Our customer services team is always available to answer your queries.
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