#Us villains are dirty by nature 🏶 IC 🏶
la-fleur-du-carnage · 5 years
           Send 💖 and I’ll randomize a Valentine’s Day gift from my muse to yours!   
NOTE: These can be platonic OR romantic!
No longer accepting | @codename-freya
10. An article of clothing.
Valentine’s Day was normally for couples, but Renji still wanted to offer Kaisa a little thing he had found the other day. It was a simple shirt with a big pineapple on it and a lemon next to it. A yellow lemon reminding him of Kaisa’s blonde hair. He just had found it really funny.
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“Here you go. It feels like a little portrait of us ! Look !” he laughed genuinely, handing her the shirt.
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la-fleur-du-carnage · 5 years
          Send 💖 and I’ll randomize a Valentine’s Day gift from my muse to yours!                    
NOTE: These can be platonic OR romantic!
No longer accepting | @regalisking
14. A bottle of perfume/cologne.(thank you randomizer XD
Renji knew for sure that as soon as he’d see the gift, have it unwrapped, Grimmjow would spit and get pissed like some angry cat. With his hair all bristled, all up. But that would be until he finally pressed the pretty vial and be able to smell the perfume contained in it.
A special perfume. Inspired by catnip scent. Renji wouldn’t let it all the time in Grimmjow’s possession of course, but he at least wanted to witness his first reaction to it. And it was priceless. His lovely adjucha jumping around like crazy was a pretty funny sight, jumping wherever he was spraying perfume.
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Perhaps he should wear it in the end…
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la-fleur-du-carnage · 5 years
“As your leader, I encourage you from time to time, and always in a respectful manner, to question my logic.” (ocrownedvision)
          回 Kill Bill 1 & 2 回 meme                          
Adjust to fit your muse. N.s.fw content ahead. [ EDITED 2019 ]
No longer accepting | @ocrownedvision
Renji tilted his head to the side, watching the man so quietly and peacefully explaining himself in front of all his new troops. He seemed so calm right now, but this apparent calm didn’t mean he couldn’t get violently, terrifically violently angry at times. There were many things Aizen didn’t tolerate, including disobedience and lack of respect.
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He’d not lean right now against the white high chair Aizen was right now sitting in. Not now as he was supposed to just stand there like some guard. But he’d smile when heads would fall. Smile proudly at his lover who had finally achieved his vision. In the Hueco Mundo.
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la-fleur-du-carnage · 5 years
“I’m a killer. A murdering bastard, you know that.”
          回 Kill Bill 1 & 2 回 meme                          
Adjust to fit your muse. N.s.fw content ahead. [ EDITED 2019 ]
No longer accepting | @deathlygaze
Renji crossed his slender arms before his chest, gazing without a single word uttered, at the Hemomancer, almost jaded. Almost rolling his eyes and sighing heavily.
“ No shit ? he finally cracked a smile. Listen, I don’t need a reminder, Vlad. I… I accept this part of you. I have to. Not like I have any other choice actually, if I want to stay around you… but please could you refrain from leaving blood trails all around the yard and the house ? Especially after I just cleaned the floors ?”
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la-fleur-du-carnage · 5 years
“You know, I’ve always liked that word: ‘gargantuan’” (gentlebladeema)
          回 Kill Bill 1 & 2 回 meme                          
Adjust to fit your muse. N.s.fw content ahead. [ EDITED 2019 ]
No longer accepting | @gentlebladeema
Renji snickered lowly. No wonder this intellectual, spirited lady would come up with words that didn’t exist in Renji’s world. They really came from different environments. She was so cultured, so smart… and here he was… such a… beast ?
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“Too many syllables for me ! he joked with a thin smile ; happily, they happened to be perfectly complementary. I’ll leave all these complicated words to you and you’ll explain them to me, what about it ?”
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la-fleur-du-carnage · 5 years
“I’ve never been nice in my life. But I’ll do my best to be sweet.”
            回 Kill Bill 1 & 2 回 meme                        
Adjust to fit your muse. N.s.fw content ahead. [ EDITED 2019 ]
No longer accepting | @sckiro
Renji couldn’t help but chuckle lowly, the light-heartedly escaping laughter filling their ears and the quiet room they occupied.
“I remember you being quite silent and… withdrawn… like some strange hermit when we met… but never were you unfairly or gratuitously mean with me, the redhead calmly assured, wildly gleaming dark eyes finding paler ones and not leaving them, hoping to soothe the storm in them with the love they radiated.
The shinigami, the spirit of Death, bandaging the wounds that were bleeding on the sheets of their messy bed. Smiling tenderly at the shinobi.
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- Follow your path. Follow your heart. And you can’t be wrong. I think… they are right about it.”
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la-fleur-du-carnage · 5 years
“That really was a Hattori Hanzo sword…”
            回 Kill Bill 1 & 2 回 meme                        
Adjust to fit your muse. N.s.fw content ahead. [ EDITED 2019 ]
No longer accepting | @glacies-tempestatem
Renji smirked rather devilishly, before he extracted the sword from the dead body lying by his feet, all splattered with blood.
“I’m just disappointed it’s not a whip-sword. “Common” katanas bore me now… I need a snake sword like mine. I can’t turn back time and enjoy a normal katana anymore. Here. Take it if you want. I won’t use it anyway.”
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With that, he handed the long bloody sword to the shorter woman. It was no ordinary sword still, no ordinary gift, but one of a great worth. And Renji’s pleased smile said it all. The sword he had stolen would protect her. Whenever he couldn’t be there himself.
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la-fleur-du-carnage · 5 years
"its okay, I got you" (ocrownedvision)
Send in “its okay, I got you” for my muses reaction to your Muse comforting them while they’re having a panic attack.    
No longer accepting | @ocrownedvision
Aizen rushed, using his shunpo to arrive sooner, before Renji would do anything stupid. Abarai was an emotional being, contrary to him, but he could read him and his incredible mind like an open book. A chance. As he’d hopefully save him thanks to it.
“Renji-kun ? he called, stepping inside the building ; it was a scary bloody mess ; he knew Renji had encountered trouble, had a real hard time fitting in, but he didn’t suspect it was to this point.
Surely, the others had learnt about him stealing and, once they had their culprit, they had taken justice into their own hands, instead of referring it to Aizen or even Gin. Aizen would have covered for Renji, like he had promised him he should ask him first. Even if he needed money. But Renji, with his stupid pride and his paranoia, fearing Aizen would expect a favor in exchange, had preferred to stick to his old lifestyle. Happily, he spotted in time the form that was all curled up in a corner of the bathroom, bleeding to his death for sure.
- It’s okay, I got you… You need to trust me. I’m here for you”, Sosuke whispered quietly, making sure thanks to his powers the pain would vanish first, then healing the wounds ; when Renji, tears still streaming down his cheeks, brutally threw himself at him, as if crying out for protection and love, Aizen felt like a brutal shock inside his chest.
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la-fleur-du-carnage · 5 years
"its okay, I got you"
Send in “its okay, I got you” for my muses reaction to your Muse comforting them while they’re having a panic attack.    
No longer accepting | @regalisking
The Espada had sadly grown used to it. Waking up in the middle of the night, alone in the bed. In their bed. Renji gone. Disappeared. And, most of the time, to be found barely dressed, shaking, trembling, in a dark corner or even, sometimes, in the garden.
With a knife. With any weapon of fortune he could have grabbed on his way.
That was what his panic attacks looked like. Like night terrors. And it was just as plainly scary for anyone witnessing it. But Jaggerjack didn’t fear for his own life, even if he knew Renji could attack him too in his current state. Mistaking him for someone else who had hurt him in the worst ways in the past. He only feared his lover would hurt himself, whenever he was fleeing or even if he had a hallucination pushing him to do this.
Therefore, with this in mind, as soon as he spotted Renji, he turned into his adjucha form. Emitting only animal sounds. Plaintive. Worried sounds. Renji distracted looked in disbelief at him, a knife in his right hand. A gleam of recognition finally lit up his features that relaxed progressively. A hand reached for the panther’s muzzle, touched it. And, once this step was over, Grimmjow knew Renji would come back to him, to reality. Turning into his usual humanoid form again, he embraced him and hold him against his chest for endless minutes. Renji crying, clinging to him as for his dear life, the knife falling on the ground.
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“Shhh… He babe…it’s ‘kay, I got ya…”
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la-fleur-du-carnage · 5 years
"It's okay, I got you."
Send in "its okay, I got you" for my muses reaction to your Muse comforting them while they're having a panic attack.   
No longer accepting | @codename-freya
Normally, Renji wouldn’t allow her to be anywhere near him whenever he wasn’t feeling capable of assuming the role that was his in his mind. The role of the big brother, protective, strong, the one who she could relate to. Someone to lean on. Responsible and assured.
Right now, he was all the opposite of it. He was a shaking, practically yelling and crying mess. Trying to push things off, things only Renji could see. Things from his past for sure. Beings. With human faces.
“It’s okay, I got you.”
Her voice didn’t bring him back fully. He even tried to push her away too, in his confusion. He screamed, threateningly, saying he’d stab her if she got any closer, but when she lifted her hands and kept talking to him, he eventually came out of this mist, got back to his senses. Once her arms were around his shaky frail form, she knew it was over. For this one time at least.
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la-fleur-du-carnage · 5 years
Grimm poking Renji's belly button. Because he doesn't have one.
Renji, who happened to be reading a book at this exact precise moment, slowly lowered, in a rather dramatic fashion, the book he was consulting, then threw a meaningful intrigued gaze, quite quizzical and annoyed at the same time, at the arrancar who seemed so curious about his belly button.
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No more crop tops, no more torn shirts. Renji swore it silently. No more of it around his lover when he wanted to simply enjoy the quietness of a free afternoon at least.
“Don’t you have anything more interesting to do, Grimm ? Why don’t you go out for a walk with our kids ?” he yawned, cocking one eyebrow.
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la-fleur-du-carnage · 5 years
Cuddles! (ocrownedvision)
Send in “Cuddles!!” For our muses to cuddle. Whether or not it’s Platonic is up to you!      
No longer accepting | @ocrownedvision
It had been a long day for Renji, for the disciple who could barely refrain from stealing and lying, especially now that he was in an environment that didn’t fit him. A foreign environment. Like some wild animal put in the middle of a city, he needed to get accustomed to it ; he needed time. But they gave him no time ; they wanted him operational and quickly.
Happily, the only one taicho who had been willing to integrate this unruly perturbed young man had been Sosuke Aizen, taicho of the 5th division, well-respected division, well-respected man. A kind man. A kind man who had known how to soothe slowly Renji’s anxiety and anger.
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As he rested, cradled in Aizen’s arms, Renji sniffed softly, rubbing his eyes against the fabric of his taicho’s yukata. After a few seconds of silence, he confessed. Merely whispering, barely breathing.
“I don’t know what… would have happened to me if you hadn’t been there.”
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la-fleur-du-carnage · 5 years
Send in “Cuddles!!” For our muses to cuddle. Whether or not it’s Platonic is up to you!      
No longer accepting | @codename-freya
“Come on sister !
Renji laughed light-heartedly. The redhead smiled softly as he pulled her closer ; she might be crying right now, but over time he had learnt how to react a little better.
At least, he tried to hide his discomfort, his inner own distress, with humor in order to comfort the blonde girl. Hugging her first, before they sat down on the nearest sofa and he put a blanket over them. In like two minutes, he probably would get her some oreo icre cream. He had seen a girl in a movie who liked to eat full packs of ice cream when crying and feeling depressed.
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- It’ll be okay. You know bad times will pass”, he whispered in an undertone, his smile not leaving his red lips.
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la-fleur-du-carnage · 5 years
slow dance (i spam you with vlad i'm sorry Dx)
Send in “slow dance” for our muses to slow dance.         
Accepting | @deathlygaze (it’s goooood Don’t worry ! Don’t apologize
Let’s put this clearly first : Renji had always loved to dance. A lot. Since he was a child, especially because it happened to be one of the rare things he was truly excelling in, along with stealing and getting drunk. When Dance Monkey by Tones and I had been released, he just had spent hours dancing on it.
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But there was a difference between break dancing and slow dancing. This was the limit he was not willing to cross… Until he had met with this damn Hemomancer. And now here he was, in classy clothes offered of course by his rich lover, in the middle of some social gathering, some high-class cocktail party. The only thing he wanted right now was because of his thief sense awakening at the sight of so much precious jewellery.
However, his dark smoky gaze resting upon the alabaster face of the blood mage, he found himself leaning into the embrace and allowing his mind to rest for the time of the song.
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la-fleur-du-carnage · 5 years
Send in “Cuddles!!” For our muses to cuddle. Whether or not it’s Platonic is up to you!      
Accepting | @regalisking
It was literally his favorite moment, after a long hard-working day. Coming home to his boyfriend, maybe one day fiance even, but knowing Grimmjow it remained highly unlikable, and to his “children”, the many dogs and cats they had given a good loving home to.
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After a hot shower, he slipped into casual comfy clothes and joined Jaggerjack on the couch, their pets jumping on the sofa right after they got settled on it. They all had take it as an adorable habit and none of them was planning on changing it any time soon. Relaxing as he lay down in the strong protective embrace of his espada, his fingers dug in the dense fur of their Samoyed, Renji closed his eyes and just enjoyed the quiet buzz of the television.
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la-fleur-du-carnage · 5 years
Send in "Cuddles!!" For our muses to cuddle. Whether or not it's Platonic is up to you!         
Accepting | @glacies-tempestatem
They had grown perhaps too old for this - that was at least what Renji was thinking right now -, as Rukia, cradled against him, behind the colorful blankets, was now hogging the said blankets.
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As Renji pressed the button of the remote control and the television turned on, with the classical Disney jingle echoed in the room, the redhead had this little half-smile, jaded yet happy, plastered on his face. Putting a lazy lanky arm around the shoulders of his best friend, his smile grew happier and happier. He could gripe, grumble as much as he wanted, he still enjoyed watching a few old disney movies with Rukia.
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