#Upon first meeting they're like “This meta kid doesn't even know what a meta is”
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hyperfixatinator · 1 year ago
I like the DC x DP AUs where the Justice League and Amity Park (and Elmerton by proxy) never noticed each other due to an information blackout. I also find it neat when the idea's taken a step further.
For example, what if the government built Amity Park on insanely haunted land on purpose? Let's say, years ago, the whole LoA and Ra's Al Ghul situation made the U.S government curious about Lazarus water. They wished to find it's source in order to harvest it themselves.
The U.S preferred to avoid Lazarus pools that already existed to prevent conflict with the LoA. Instead, they decided to seek out the perfect location to "dig a well" of their own.
GIW scientists established that Lazarus water, a heavily condensed version of ectoplasm, was linked to ghosts and other ectoplasmic entities. They also observed that these entities are highly attracted to human populated areas.
This gave them the idea to settle a whole population of people on a liminal hotspot to lure ecto entities into the human realm. With the Anti Ecto Acts in place, the GIW were be free to capture ghosts and other creatures for their ectoplasm. The end goal was for the Fenton portal to be used as a well to harvest mass quantities of ectoplasm directly from the Infinite Realms.
How might this work for Amity Park and it's place in the world?
The information blackout is heavier outside the Amity-Elmerton territory than inside. Amity residents are only cut off from info that could threaten the government project (EX: the existence of real life superheroes, the Meta Protection Acts, certain major events, etc.).
All devices that enter the Amity-Elmerton territory are unable to send or receive video/pics of the above "blocked" topics. In fact, it's difficult for social media users within that territory to connect with any posts or profiles from outside unless they look hard enough.
Amity residents are still allowed to travel, but airline ticket prices are jacked ridiculously high, especially for specific destinations (i.e: common superhero locations) to deter those residents from going there. GPS devices and maps bought in Amity or Elmerton are also set to misdirect users away from these same locations if they opt for a road trip.
Most Amity-Elmerton residents hardly bother leaving at all since there's a hefty fee for crossing beyond a set perimeter. They've all been lead to believe this is a normal part of traveling in the Midwest.
To everyone outside the Amity-Elmerton area, that area is virtually non-existent. It's not listed on any map, globe, or basically any public geolocation tool outside those provided in Amity (not even Google Maps). The only hints of it existing are in certain forms of documentation, such as birth certificates and tax forms. Even then, these people are hard to come by.
At most, Amity Park is a little known myth where people occasionally debate on it's existence.
In general, the government limiting Amity-Elmerton residents access to outside info while giving them just enough to stave off suspicion.
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deaddovehasbeeneaten · 5 months ago
On Rowan, Michael and corruption (kink) - a meta post (7h)
For Rowan and Michael both being extremely het and boring in bed and not really practicing anything besides service and slight rape kink, they're both into corruption a lot. The more I think about it the more sure I am that their entire intimacy, not just sex, is built around it. And they each feel it in both ways, actually. Alright, let me explain.
From Rowan's point of view, she is corrupting Michael as the Witch. She's an evil person with hidden, selfish agendas she's imposing upon him. Her family curse extends from her to him as well and it eats him up. In her desperation, she's dragged him from his life in San Francisco and she keeps him by her side for all the same reasons.
At the same time, Michael is corrupting her because he spoils her rotten. He gives her love she doesn't deserve, and he constructs a family life for her and all the other Mayfairs, even though she, and all of her kind, are evil. He makes her softer, he seemingly evaporates her lifelong loneliness. He gets under her skin, and he forgives everything she wasn't able to forgive herself for decades. He keeps on loving her even after she horribly mistreats him.
From Michael's point of view he is corrupting Rowan because he's utterly unsuited for her. He's much older than she, and when they first meet and fall in love his life is in shambles. Not only is he disturbing her perfect career, but he's subjecting her to his way of life as well, away from what she's always known, he wants that family life, he wants kids, and she never seemed to care for such a thing.  
Rowan is corrupting him because she keeps on giving everything he ever secretly wanted. By this, I mean very simple things such as unlimited freedom in renovating what is essentially his heart house, or the rough sex but also things that are deeply personal for him, such as the name of their child, the child itself.
They reflect in this, they both think they're unworthy, but at the same time they're two dumb bitches saying 'exactlyyyyy' to each other every time they're alone and I see that as another type of corruption (kink, I will get to the kink part in a minute). A nice example of this happens the morning after they spend their first night together.
Rowan admits to all of her crimes (those she knows of) in an active attempt to push Michael away. He dismisses all the murder with almost a wave of his hand. Given what we learn about him later it's very likely he'd even kill some of these people himself, on Rowan's account (Graham).
Even though Rowan doesn't have to accept anything quite as drastic about Michael at the time, she's very willing to look past multiple red flags, either connected directly to him or to their situation, and later she goes on to forgive Michael murder, adultery and statutory rape (among other things!).
To relate all of this back to the way they have sex, we can look at their semi-explicit sex scene from Taltos and then some other parts of the book. In it, it's no new information that Rowan likes it rough. 'Rape from both sides' in her own words but her willingness to be 'raped' outright by Michael (and no other man) is nonetheless striking. It's not only to relieve him physically, it's also for her own mental state. She thinks she deserves it, it's meant to be her punishment, and it's the only way she can take pleasure from him because she's bad and he's already corrupted so he can only obey her (until he doesn't but that's a different story).
I'm hesitant to say if Michael's conviction of his corrupting Rowan translates to the sex so directly as well. He's more ashamed of his preferred way of sex than she is of hers but that has little to do with corruption, or Rowan personally.
The one thing I will mention is his seeming eagerness to put all of the shared sins committed since they married behind them. He encourages Rowan to do it, repeatedly, he openly condones it to her. The reasons he does this are complicated and not focused on, but I think they're at the very least rooted in his desire to help her and be with her.
With this I'm pointing out that he went from desperately wishing for a family and a house full of playing children to only wanting her and her recovery - so much in fact he's willing to personally ask Lestat (her lover as well as the ideal tool for suicide, for Rowan) for help. This transformation is corruption, and I also think it's very erotic.
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shrinkthisviolet · 3 years ago
I'm gonna talk about Morgan from this AU! Specifically her relationship with Thawne (well...some of it anyway 😂 I could talk about them forever)
If you've known me for a while, you know I love father-daughter duos. Zuko&Izumi, Daniel&Sam, Harry&Jesse...you name it, I am there
And that's actually how I came up with Morgan—partly as "what if Jesse had a doppelganger" but also... "what if Thawne had a child he had to raise?" Not a biological child, but one thrust upon him, one he never expected.
Because Thawne has had a rough go of it in terms of family life. And sure, Thawne would probably be a good father to Morgan if he absolutely had to, but Tina is Morgan's godmother, and she loves this kid, and it's so much easier to push the majority of childrearing on someone else, while Thawne focuses on what's most important to him: the accelerator, building up Barry as a hero, going home, etc. The whole reason Thawne didn't kill Morgan is because of Harrison's love for baby Jesse Morgan Wells, a love that doesn't sustain Thawne past those baby years.
Back when he was actively trying to be a dad to Morgan, he discarded her original given/first name, Jesse, because that was too much like "Jesse Chambers" for his taste, especially since Jesse Chambers is now Jesse Chambers Wells due to time shenanigans, and Thawne won't risk Morgan becoming a hero. A normal, civilian life will suit Morgan Wells just fine, in Thawne's opinion, and if she's more a McGee than a Wells or Thawne, he doesn't much care.
But then it turns out, Morgan is a genius. She's smart enough to skip two grades—not three like Jesse Chambers (Wells), but two, which is remarkable on its own. He takes an active interest in her again...or tries to. He still doesn't really know Morgan all that well, and his plan is still in motion and growing. So although he's slightly more involved (Morgan's living with him now)...he's still not all that much involved. At least, not until Tina finally chews him out, after which he does make an active effort.
There's also a part where she gains powers from the accelerator but hides this from her dad for a while. She has a brief vigilante arc, mostly before Barry but also during, and she goes by Sentinel or Sentry (haven't quite decided yet) during this. She does eventually tell her dad, and manages to talk him into training her. Thawne won't admit that he's impressed by how she's actually able to win him over—that rarely happens with him, and especially with Morgan, this is the only time it ever happens.
(and it's genuine too btw. Thawne didn't foresee Morgan becoming a meta or wanting to help out the Team. She was never even remotely on his radar in that way)
It's important that they're close by the time S1 is happening. If Thawne was a bad dad completely, the betrayal wouldn't hurt as much. But if Thawne was a dad who did love her but sucked at showing it a lot, who really tried when he wanted to but who never put her above Barry...hello conflicted feelings!! Thawne isn't a Harry kind of dad, where his love for Morgan is never in doubt for her...but she loves him, and in his own way, he loves her. And to some degree, she believes that, even if she fears (especially after S1) that this love is conditional (which it sorta is).
It's also why she hates Jesse at first, when they meet in person. Jesse is seemingly perfect: her age, but a year ahead of her in school; a dad who loves her and would destroy everyone and everything for her; a sweet disposition; loved by everyone...Morgan in comparison feels like she can't measure up. And she fundamentally doesn't understand why Harry is doing all of this for Jesse. What does Jesse have that makes her so special? What special thing does she have? Is it because she's not a meta? What is it, Harry?
Harry, for his part, has absolutely no idea how to go about answering that in a way Morgan will understand. But Harry&Morgan, and Jesse&Morgan, are topics for another post!
Ask me about my fics!
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