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unknownogre · 2 months ago
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( I got a little inspired from Facebook...and was just able to sit down today to write it. I approached it not exactly from the prompt's direction too but that is the scene that popped in my head.)
“Well…I have to ask, am I dead?”
Moments ago I was just sitting at my desk sipping a cup of coffee playing a lovely game of slaughter the Nazi when I found myself suddenly not there. Still had my coffee in had though, Deadpool pajama pants for the whole damn world to see no shoes and, I’m sorry to those that had to see me, no shirt. Someone was standing in front of me too, lithe build with a very baggy hoodie and baggy pants on wearing some kind of sneaker and a face that was obscured by shadows that were impossibly dark for the time of day and location.
“No, finish your coffee and let’s go.”
Fuck…people were walking around us like they didn’t notice me or them. The voice of the person was androgynous and a touch echoey. I knew one thing in this moment, without introduction and without me even having to ask the question, in my bones I knew this was Death. THE Death the primordial force that will exist until the end of the universe.  So weird, I wonder if they developed that power just to make it easier.
“Alright, fuck it. Not like I have a choice do I…?”
I already hate this. I’ve got body issues, most fat guys do no matter the praise they get. Fuck, I hope I don’t have to fight anything. I have no idea how I’ll do. I don’t fight, no one wants to fight me so I’ve never had to.
“No you don’t have to fight. Maybe, I’m not sure. People handle the situation differently. I’m just Death, I don’t know the future or the past. Think there is a time you’re supposed to die? Absolutely not. Chaos my friend. Complete Chaos.”
That…honestly that made me feel a lot better about a lot of things. Though to delve into that right now would completely pull my focus away from whatever this is.
“Why me?”
I had to ask as we walked another block. If Death was powerful enough to just pull me out of my living room I figured we could at least get closer, though…my feet don’t hurt even though they are bare so that is good at least.
“In a two-thousand-mile radius of my current problem your soul was the only one that matched what I needed…what ever that is. I don’t know have exact details. I just know when I problem arises and I need help I concentrate and the one who is best able to help just appears to me like a blip on a radar.”
Well…it is nice to be needed right. I mean I doubt that is the case, I’m not that special. I’m just me. I took another sip of my coffee.
“What do I get out of this?”
I don’t work for free. I’m completely convinced when given any modicum of power I’d go full on super villain. I know at my core I’m evil, just the kind of evil that still wants to protect those that love and cherish. Touch my wife and I’ll burn the whole damn world down, same for my kid. So again, I wonder why I was the blip.
“A favor.”
That was all Death needed to say. I get a favor from Death, I mean I bet there are rules and what not attached to it, but who wouldn’t want a favor from Death. That was enough for me.
“And lunch. A favor and lunch and you have yourself a deal.”
Death stopped and turned around to look at me, I could feel the weight of their gaze too but I just stood there and stared at where I thought their eyes would be crossing my arms across my chest with a smirk…Never take fully what is offered. Ask for just a little more.
“You got it. Cause I know what you want…hell I want it too. A favor and lunch.”
That was good enough for me. Almost made me forget I was shirtless and barefoot in a large city. We approached a hospital and headed right in. We passed the nurses station, and I was able to grab a scrub top much to their confusion. I felt better with a shirt on at least. We went up to the morgue…and there…holy crap.
It was some kind of creature, twisted with pitch flesh and blood ooze from various places, like self-inflicted wounds. It was just roaring and trying to smash through things it couldn’t fully interact with. There were some forms in the corner cowering in fear…ghosts? I don’t have time to question everything.
“Calm them down.”
It was just a roaring beast that was at least six feet tall. I think it was meant to be bi-pedal but it was only that way sometimes. Like how some movies show werewolves, like they can walk a few steps until they want to run and then it is down on all fours.
“Well…fuck. Okay. Hey.”
I started waving slightly. The creature made a swipe for me but It was slow I was able to step back to avoid it. The ‘mission’ was to calm them down. Calm, not hurt, not subdue but calm.
I said again, but this time with the power of dad voice. I didn’t like using it much, unless we were outside and my kid was about to run into a parking lot or something just as dangerous. I have NO information to go off of. Death wasn’t a planner were they? The creature’s attention was fully on me now. Good, that is what I needed…not what I wanted though. I knew I wasn’t dead now because my heart was hammering in my chest.
“Knock it the fuck off okay. You are scaring the shit out of these other people. What the hell is going on anyway? I’m sure being dead sucks but this…this can’t be good for you, can it?”
The creature seemed to understand my words if only for a moment before it roared at me. Its mouth…chilling. Elongated like a wolf but the teeth…they were human. I could make money on this if I could get into practical effects and recreate the look.
What to do. I had to use a chair to keep it back and out of swiping range. I don’t think I can actually die here…but maybe no risk no reward.
“This can’t kill you, but if it manages to hurt you too bad I am SOL and will have to destroy it completely. I don’t want to do that so I brought you.”
So it was a soul, something twisted and probably not evil. Otherwise there would be no sympathy. I need more compassion. The  creatures attention was still on me and all those cowering in the corner were watching with rapt attention. There is a lot of rage here, so much anger, and where there is anger there is sadness. Okay…okay…got it.
“Hey, we are just gonna talk alright. I won’t yell anymore. Just calm, just calm and cool. Listen I can’t help you right now. Not with all this rage and aggression. Trust me. I want to help you. I get nothing out of the situation if you are harmed. What happened? Why are you so angry?”
It took another swipe at me. Fuck…this thing is strong, almost knocked the chair out of my hands. It was hurt, even it was just by itself. When I met its gaze I could see such sadness. Rage and sadness. I got you.
“Hey. Listen, I am here for you, okay? I am here for you. Not Death, not these people in the corner, you and just you. Fuck any reward…fuck anything else okay. Just me and you here. I am your friend. No one touches you unless they step over my literal dead body, which isn’t even HERE so they are screwed trying to find it. You don’t deserve this, what ever this is. So talk to me. Let me help you, that is all I want right now.”
That caused the creature to pause and look at me. Tears welling up in its eyes. I see why I was called. Most people wouldn’t look in its eyes, they couldn’t see the pain there. They’d see the twisted muscle, the claws…they’d be hostile. Monsters were fantasy for me until I was brought here.
It cried and looked around panicked. This is a child. THIS IS A CHILD! Thank gods I didn’t hit it, and now I know why the dad voice caused it to pause. I wonder if these souls were trying to help before or where they just trying to leave after they died? Hard to say.
“Hey kid…calm down. Shhhh I got you okay. You want to see your Mom once more. We got you okay. Did they take you and here away at the same time?”
The kid seemed calmer now, just tears streaming from its eyes. They nodded and seemed to wrap their twisted arms around themselves, rocking a little bit. Certainly a kid. I sighed for a moment.
“Would you like a hug? I can give you a hug if you’d allow. Sometimes its nice to just get grounded. I’m a dad, so I can only imagine how it is being separated from your mom. I give the best hugs too, I’m like a teddy bear.”
That is why my daughter said when she was younger anyway. Daddy bear hugs. The child looked to me hesitantly and then nodded slowly. I got up from the chair and I moved slowly. I had no weapons, I’m a big dude but people say they aren’t scared of me. I like to think I’m not scary normally anyway. When I got close enough I just wrapped my arms around them. Sure some of their spikes went into my skin, hurt like a bitch too, the blood smelled terrible as well…still though. Sometimes a hug is what the doctor called for. The kid just started to cry. Its massive head put on my shoulder and nestled into the crook of my neck like my daughter did plenty of times when she was little. I felt they shift, the sound of…gods I don’t know, snapping bone and such was heard all around. I just closed my eyes and held the kid for as long as they squeezed me back.
Soon, I was holding a five year old boy who was finally calming down from all the crying. The holes from the wounds and claws were still there on my body but he looked alright. Oddly I wasn’t bleeding…wonder if that was Death’s doing? Or do I not bleed if I’m not solid? Too many questions I’ll leave for another day.
“Can you take us to his mom?”
Death just nodded as I held the kid in my arms. We left the morgue and went to a hospital room where the kids mother was. She was alive, but badly hurt. Apparently there was a car accident, they got hit by a drunk driver. The kid was dead just after arriving. Freaked out when he couldn’t find his mom. I held him for a while.
“Momma will be okay?”
He asked me and I looked to Death who nodded with a touch of a shrug. I know, chaos on all that stuff, suddenly I was a little less reassured.
“She’ll be okay little one. Best thing you can do is let Death take you to the next world, be as happy as you can. Your mom will cross over eventually, and then you two can play. Just be happy and play as much as you can in the meantime okay?”
The little boy nodded and I set him down, he walked to his mom and gave her a kiss on the cheek before turning to go hold hands with Death. Sudden I was back in front of my desk…wearing the scrubs top my coffee cup filled to my liking.
“Get dressed. Lunch is gonna be in an hour.”
I heard Death’s voice in my mind. I could only grinned. I was about to get my favorite sandwich on the planet, that alone was worth it. Still, I would have done it for free if there was nothing Death could give me. That kid needed the guidance. I wonder how many have crossed over and looked to reunite with someone but couldn’t due to held back rage and depression. That…that breaks my heart.
“Also thank you. You were certainly the best pick.”
I smiled at that, again…feeling useful was nice. Well time to get dressed, I wonder how Death will get me half-way across the country to that sandwich place? I don’t care…number 15 here I come.
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unknownogre · 26 days ago
“I come to steal a famous dime, the locks will be picked and it will be mine
I’ll dance away and you will see…I’ll laugh at you while I drink my TEA!”
The rhymes were terrible but that was the trademark for The Fool. He wore the jesters costume, bells and all with a mask that was always smiling, it could be seen as unsettling…if he didn’t have the reputation he did. If there was a rank for villains below F that would be where he sat. Glitter bombs, whoopie cushions, rubber chickens…and very telegraphed heist plans. No one took him seriously…and that was certainly part of his charm. No one ever got hurt fighting The Fool, no one ever lost hope. Villains, heroes, it didn’t matter. When The Fool was involved oddly everyone felt better about themselves. Even if he was considered a villain he had respect from both sides and that was good enough for him. He didn’t need to be taken seriously; he was here for his own mission, and it was being done just fine.
“I am evil…no one is on my lee-vil…
I’ll add this loot to my pile…no one can beat my style!”
He was just marching down the street, popping here and there in the blink of an eye. Everyone sees this as minor illusion at best since he hasn’t so much as scratched a single hero of villain. That was good to have them think of him as harmless, that was the best way to get done what he wanted to get done. The museum was in sight…it was time to get the heist started. He knew who’d be trying to stop him…a husband and wife team called Wind and Fire…they boost each other’s abilities a considerable amount and have stopped world ending events with just the pair. These heroes were greatly respected. They just lost their son to a long debilitating illness and haven’t had their heads on straight since. This just what they needed, some banter, low steaks risk…a little fun and they’ll be right as rain.
“The Fool is here, please be a dear,
And steer clear but don’t shed a tear
My victory is all but clear!”
He said as he rounded the corner to the museum. Today was going to be a good…
…the front to the museum had been all but destroyed and the sounds of battle could be heard within. On the steps The Fool could see the body of fire…tormented, twisted and very much dead eyes frozen open in horror and pain. His heart stopped for a moment…this wasn’t supposed to happen. What…what was going on here?
He ran, forgetting who he was and why he was here for a moment just so he could get eyes on the fight that was happening. Wind would need support, oh gods he hoped he wasn’t too late. Right when he made it at the top of the steps her body hit the ground right at his feet, her limbs were crushed and twisted in impossible angles. Still she had a bit of life…her eyes landed on the familiar mask, sorrow in her eyes…so much pain.
“Fly you Fool. Fly…r…u…”
With that the light from her eyes faded. Sadness, grief…this wasn’t supposed to happen. This was supposed to be a nice easy day, hearts were supposed to be repaired not stopped. Heavy footsteps brought him back to the current scene, surrounded by debris right in front of him stood a giant of a creature, dressed in all black with a mask that hid any features of his face…was the villain known as Terror, he was supposed to be small time though. Sure there were whispers that he was on the rise, fifteen hours away. Why would he come here?!
“The Fool…THE FOOL! HA! My lucky day. If you bow down to me and lick my boot I might let you get me a beer from the fridge!”
Terror stood over seven feet tall with arms as thick as tree trunks. The Fool just looked there, standing his ground for the moment. His head canting this way and that.
“Today…wasn’t the day
Yet into the fray I dare stray
Still, I don’t think I feel
Submissive enough to lick your heel.”
Terror laughed and threw a lazy punch at the Fool’s head fully intending to connect. Yet it seemed he just punched the air right next to the trickster villain. There was a touch of confusion but then just a light chuckle. Terror’s eyes went to Wind’s twisted body.
“Oh, she is kind of cute, twist her limbs back and I could have some fun. Bet she is still warm…”
IT was then The Fool’s mask changed. There was no smile, nothing pleasant, but instead it was in a grimace of rage. Teeth bared, eyes glowing red…very much reflecting his current mood. Terror only noticed this as he was sailing backward through the air from a hit that was so powerful it took a few moments to register the pain from the impact.
“SHUT UP! You don’t get to talk about her anymore, not him either. WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!?”
Then Terror seemed to hit an invisible wall stopping him just short of the actual museum wall…and he hit it hard enough to knock the breath from his lungs. He bounced off the barrier and then hit the floor, rolling onto his back with a groan.
“You…you were an easy mark. Kill…to show dominance, then you submit, and I have a place in a big city.”
In a blink The Fool was in the face of Terror, moving several dozen yards in the span of a heartbeat. Another strike to the head, a back hand that shattered Terror’s mask, embedding pieces in the skin of a rather unremarkable face. Again he was lifted off of his feet and again he slammed into an invisible barrer before he could do more damage to the interior of the museum.
“Think if it was that easy it would have been done already? Did you ask around? Ask why not a single hero of villain has come to ‘claim my territory? First, I am well liked…I perform a service to keep everyone sane so they don’t go insane or kill themselves. Everyone has a place in this world, hero or villain and I’m here to make them want to stay in it instead of destroying it or destroying themselves.”
Again in a blink The Fool covered a distance impossibly fast. Terror could hardly move as he was grabbed by the front of his shirt and thrown into the center of the room as though he was nothing more than a rag doll to the man who stood no taller that five feet five inches.
“One…a single villain has tried this. I caught wind of it first…they simply disappeared. No one knew what happened to them and not a single person gave a fuck. The truth…if I wanted to I could rule the world. Not a group of heroes, not the league of villains, not anyone could do anything to stop me. I’ve done it twice actually…burned entire nations just so I could ‘protect’ everyone. I fucked it up each and every time…so I’d reverse time and try it again. Never came out like I wanted…so I stopped.”
During this conversation Terror tried to stand and summoning what rage he could tried to charge forward to punch The Fool…yet he seemed to be almost held in place. All of his power being put to just move less than a millimeter.
“I found my role was to help in different ways. A simple heist, a way to give confidence. Let the heroes vent their loss, talk about their insecurities. Who isn’t your best friend if it isn’t your arch-nemesis? I KNOW I’ve helped so many. YET HERE YOU ARE! YOU RUINED EVERYTHING! You killed GOOD people. Now you will beg me for death. You will plead and cry and scream for me to end your suffering. See I’m actually very evil, just in a different way than most. You’ll see…I’ll give you a hint on my power. I can bend space-time.”
The Fool was just strolling around Terror at a normal pace while the Super Villain did everything he could just to move a little tiny bit.
“I could go into the complicated nature of everything, but I’ll say this. You won’t move unless I want you do. I’m ancient, and I know exactly what I’m doing. Still though, my power is more than gravity manipulation. I can make worm-holes at will. You might ask why that is important…well I can take pieces off of you without a blade in the most precise way possible. You’ll see…I’ll start with this…”
The Fool just looked to Terror and released the hold he had on him. The villain moved to stand up…there was an odd vacuum noise…and right as he was about to attack he fell down into a pile on the floor.
“You don’t regenerate you just can recover well. I just removed the part of your brain for motor function. You can’t talk, or move or even really change where your eyes look. I spent a great many years learning neuroscience just for moments like this. I didn’t want to mess up and kill someone on accident. Though Honestly I use the ability to remove tumors that are considered inoperable often. Though now…I get to play a little bit. Don’t worry…”
There were a few more of those vacuum sounds and with each one Terror was unable to do even more, until he was just sitting there, breathing…but fully unable to move at all. The fool then maneuvered him onto his back with the easy of a child playing with an action figure.
“You’ll never be able to respond, or blink, or cry or even raise your heart rate to more than just enough to keep you alive. I have successfully imprisoned you in your body. Since you don’t regenerate, well you cannot heal the damage. I can’t go back in time to bring back Fire and Wind…that does too many things to too many realms. Death is still a little upset at me for the last time I did it. At least they are with their son now, hopefully happy.”
Terror couldn’t respond, motionless his gaze stuck on the ceiling…he could do nothing but listen…fully aware of his surroundings.
“Also don’t worry, I put a little barrier around your mind too. Don’t think anyone will be able to talk to you with telepathy or some of them fancy dream reading machines. This will be your and my little secret. You’ll lament in some hospital as your body degenerates. Helpless…until you die and THEN I get to have fun with you. I just want you completely broken first.”
The Fool’s face went to a sad one from rage as he gathered the bodies of the heroes and set them next to each other. He even sobbed a little bit over them straightening their limbs so they could be found presentable. Then a call was made and he fabricated everything…no one would know. As Terror was taken away on a gurney…only The Fool knew how much he was screaming in his mind to be let go.
“They Deserve respect for what they have done,
Wind and Fire two great heroes are now gone,
With hope I wish their souls will fly
With a heavy heart I will say goodbye.”
The Fool said as their bodies were taken away…he didn’t even want the stupid dime anymore. He learned something though, and he’ll never be caught unaware again.
You pretend to be a small-time villain. At most, you annoy the local supers, but your crimes never hurt anyone. To you it's all good fun. Things change when a truly sadistic supervillain invades your turf and murders a few of the supers. No one has seen the extent of your true powers until now.
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defectivehero · 9 months ago
"Don't touch me," the villain hisses, writhing in the hero's arms as they're unwillingly carried around.
"Would you prefer if I dropped you?" The hero hums, their eyes set on the skies ahead. "Left you to fall thirteen stories and collide with the pavement? That's certainly an option." They shrug.
"You wouldn't dare," the villain claims with manufactured confidence. Truthfully, their heart is racing in their chest as the two of them soar higher and higher in the sky. They have never quite trusted their enemy—and for good reason. Their morality runs rather grey for a hero, and the villain wouldn't be the least bit surprised if they took advantage of their momentary weakness to cause them even more pain.
The hero shrugs in response to the villain's accusation. Meanwhile, the villain clings on a little tighter, resolutely ignoring the laughter rumbling in their enemy’s chest.
©2024, @defectivehero | @defectivevillain, All Rights Reserved. Reblogs are greatly appreciated—just don't steal or share outside of Tumblr, please.
sorry this is sinfully short, y'all. zero motivation lmao
tag list: @lateuplight @wit-is-wisdom @greengableswriting @whump-me-all-night-long @noawhite @rekhyt-of-arcadia @the-blind-one-speaks @sufferfictionalcharacters @basically-psyduck @alexkolax @subval01 @emerald-blade @felicia609 @surplus-of-sarcasm @ilickedanenvelopeandilikedit @a-chaotic-gremlin @unknownogre @prompt-fills-and-writing-spills @whatwhumpcomments @excusemeasibangmyheadonawall @agayprince @starsick1979 @a-lonely-little-ghost @agayprince @plum-tello @miashico
click here if you’d like to be on/off the tag list!
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Masterlist of Masterlists Blogs
A list for each masterlist and the person who it's from, just for a visual reference
Edit: I fucking forgot but now in spite doing it later this month because there are so many writers who have cool writing stuff but I keep forgetting and getting overwhelmed and worried I’m going to forget them because my brain is being a little shit like that. Idk how tags work, if they do without having to post it or whatever but if I tag you, you’re cool and I swear one day I will get myself to stop procrastinating on starting to read (the hardest part tbh)
Basically it’ll be the person/blog, short synapse of their writing, and whatever the fuck I thought was interesting and wanted to read later because I keep fearing I’m going to forget and that does not bode well with mental health creating stupid unnecessary anxiety
…I am going to procrastinate on this fuck you future me
basic structure is this
@/[blog name]
recommended/saved thing to read (if any. Mainly specifics and also a brief, uh, briefing)
tags that they tend to fall under (#fluff or #whump or whatever. Will be very basic in terms of tagging I’m not good at complicated stuff)
It will be constantly updated as I find new things and info. Also these are in no particular order, maybe one day organize in terms of reading content but for now it’s gonna be a mess. Gonna be a mess of blogs and eventually I’ll add descriptions when I have more time because it’ll be easier than trying to remember each block if that makes sense.
Also words are hard so sorry if I sound like a broken record for some of them. They’re all great, regardless of whether you’re giving the blorbos hurt or comfort or throwing them into a wall and then giving them a blanket. Y’all are positively epic with you’re writing don’t ever stop
Also, because I feel the urge to add because I feel like I’m somehow being a fraud and two-faced liar (I overthink a lot okay?), I am technically of the blog @idkanonymystuff for reference. Adding that because I don’t want to accidentally have people think I’m two separate people it makes me feel bad and want to be as apologetic as this
(Hopefully that works, if not, search up Japanese Apology Olympics)
Added a cut so that if it’s reblogged it doesn’t take up the entire thing lol because it’s looong
I’m putting this post here because I like learning about others blorbos and also they have stories behind them and I like that
Also putting this post here because it has a bunch of blogs for writing people. Mostly heroes and villains but ye
Honestly everything, but meaning to get to the Vampires and Villains crossover mainly and also the books involving Shadow and Thomas (I forgo title). All of it is hecking amazing and very well written, first started at the Crippled Hero and went from there. All of it is great! Personal favorite probs the Coffee shop
Whump, heroes and villains, fantasy (? Idk, there’s mythology creatures and world built stuff it’s all cool)
Also everything. Not anything specifically, maybe the Ao3 stuff but all of the writings are good
Fantasy, heroes and villains (occasionally), fluff (?idk if that counts but there’s some wholesome stuff there)
The Destroyer’s Trilogy, either on Tumblr or Ao3. Been meaning to read it but starting is the hardest part. Damn you procrastination
Whump, living weapon (not a tag here I don’t think but that’s the story content. Mainly for Destroyer), recovery (rubies), think that’s all but I’m dumb so sue me
Honestly they just have a bit of everything (and as the name implies, it’s all heroes and villains). Also good for worldbuilding ideas (from the stories)
Hecking all the tags, but I personally like the crack tag. Also fluff and soft ____. I’m a sucker for that stuff okay? Not just whump (though that’s good as well)
@chaotic-orphan (and also @macknus technically?)
Main ones are ones I’ve already read, Benign Mischeif (really hecking good I love it) and the delirious villain x hero caretaker (also really hecking good, fingers crossed that vengeance is had. Iykyk). Maybe check out the other ones and see if they spark interest
Whump, heroes and villains, fantasy and found family (for the benign mischief. Maybe also fluff but that’s probably a stretch)
Not entirely sure, but all the series are quite good and have nice fluff. No immediate thoughts on what to read but it’s great for fuzzy/comfort feelings (as far as I know/have read. Will update if there’s more)
Heroes and villains, fluff, fantasy (kinda? There is some fantasy)
All their stuff is the absolute shit (if you’re reading this, it’s the idk anon who sent a long appreciation. Been lurking), amazing whump and comfort/recovery (absolutely phenomenal cannot say it enough) for all their blorbos, perfect amount of shaking them in a Tupperware and then comfort. All of them are good, just, all of them. If I listened each one out and my likings this would be not be a briefing
Whump, comfort, fluff, recovery, lotta different Whumpees (not a tag but quite a nice variety), fantasy (?),
As of rn, mainly the cyborg whump series (FUCKING AMAZING HIGHLY RECOMMEND), it’s very sweet and has recovery after whump (again, I really love the recovery and comfort and all that. My absolute favorite. Also I like happy endings shut up), but the other series seem cool too.
Whump, cyborg whump (specifically), fluff, recovery (that’s kinda rocky? Eh?),
The How to Kill an Immortal one seemed quite interesting! Been meaning to check it out later (if I don’t procrastinate into oblivion).
Whump, immortal specifically, uh, I’ll add more after I read it
Honestly a few, something about an arson elf (I forgo the name sorry) and the Saviour thing. Read the first few for the elf and all for the savior (atm) and they’re really hecking good.
Whump, heroes and villains, fantasy, living weapon (I know they have some stuff in that. Might be prompts but those are also cool)
Heroes and villains mainly, personally I read them like one would a daily magazine, all the pieces are very good. Also personal things which are cool and I want to read but alas I do not have a patron account (I forgot the titles but I will put them here once I find/remember)
Heroes and villains, fluff, whump, h/c, honestly all the tags lotta variety
Mainly heroes and villains, great variety, lotta content. Good for when you’re in a browsing sorta mood
Heroes and villains, honestly all the tags.
Great stuff, nothing specific but I have been meaning to browse the stories available but haven’t gotten to it. The ones I HAVE read though are amazing and have nice feelings.
Heroes and villains, fantasy, fluff and angst (as of rn those are mainly the genres of the ones I’ve read.)
Mainly the Kane and Jim series, it’s fucking phenomenal (sorry for alternating curse usage I’m inconsistent), one of the first series I got into, absolutely impeccable storyline. The prequel is great set up, the Jim arc makes me want to ram a silver sword up Kane’s ass, the Kane arc made me feel sorry for them (especially after knowing all of dudes history and lack of persuasion. The whump parts were gooooood though), and the current arc makes me feel warm and fuzzy and gave me inspo for my own storylines. All in all, great shit and can’t wait to see how the next arcs eventually unfold
Whump, vampire whump specifically, recovery and comfort, fluff (kinda??? Like at the end),
No series to follow but they do have some good shit. Great one-shots (?) and I really love the recovery/comfort that usually happens at the end (again, personal favorite thing to read.). Highly recommend
Whump, recovery, comfort, fluff (probably doesn’t fit exactly but some things are quite sweet imo. Do correct me if I’m wrong, I’m not good with tags
Great series with Everest and the battery and fish man. It’s a nice amount of whump and comfort together and I really like the fluffiness (?) of the recovery part of things (rip battery man at the moment).
Whump, recovery, comfort, vampire and living battery and mer (those are the three of them)
@befuddled-calico-whump (and also @whumpflash technically?)
I have yet to read their stuff but all of it seems really hecking epic. Penumbra sparked interest but then I procrastinated so hard on starting it that I feel guilty (what?). But all of it seems really epic! Also comics! All really cool! Personal fave that I actually finished from getting started was the whole testing the effectiveness of torture methods (Test Track, that’s what it was) and it’s horrible I love it (and I mean that in the most genuine way possible)
Whump, comics (? Might make a new tag for that cause comics are also great!), lotta stuff lotta variety
Their stuff is the absolute shit (like all the others)! Heroes and villains and the writing is so well done (god I feel like I’m being repetitive curse my sporadic vocabulary). They have fluff (fucking phenomenal), they have angst (I don’t think I’ve checked it out yet lol but it’s probably fucking phenomenal) they have whump (also fucking phenomenal), they have horny jail (what? I may be asexual but, uh, okay idk I mainly focus on the closeness and intimacy not the, uh, y’know. Anyways, it’s also fucking phenomenal), it’s all great! All around absolutely beautiful works of literature
Heroes and villains, fluff, angst, whump, smut (the four nations—),
The Curse of Withering…man it’s fucking beautiful. I have plans on reblogging it with commentary and stuff but procrastinating and overthinking got the better of me. I will do it in the future (mayhaps) but until then, it was hands down one of the best things I’ve read. The concept, the worldbuilding (via random posts that aren’t the main storyline), the characters, the way the words convey the feelings and characters and all that so smoothly, honestly perfection. I eagerly await whatever morsels or writings come next and that Cyrus can have tomato soup and grilled cheese and a blanket or whatever the heck they want because they hecking deserve it
Whump, living weapon, more tags to be added as the story unfolds
Great whump stuff in terms of both writing and not writing (art. The word is art)! Also apparently stardew valley somewhat which I’m not complaining about, hell yeah! As for series, honestly all of them are quite interesting, just a matter of getting started
Whump, comics (okay not really but it’s a tag that’ll work in the future for when I get around to reblogging stuff with art and all that),
Beautiful writings in their own and they have collection of heroes and villains stuff that are also great to read! I particularly like the Breakfast in Bed storyline, something about drunkness, Chaotic good (the villain is a mood), and something involving a four-armed monster dude. There are a lot more but they’re all phenomenal!
Heroes and villain, fluff, angst (?),
Heroes and villains, fluffy writings all around, all of it is great! Been meaning to finish one of the series, Panic as a gift (I forgo title) but all of them, series and snippets, are beautiful!
Heroes and villains, fluff,
The one named chimera I think was the name (shut up it’s late) but it seems really hecking interesting! The whole concept is really cool and just, god words are not on my side atm but yeah seems epic. Definitely on my to read list
Whump, nonhuman (?),
All of their things seem really interesting and in depth and complex to the point where my brain gets overwhelmed trying to absorb all the details but in a good way. I’m very curious to learn about the storylines (understanding/comprehension be damned /j) and is definitely on the to read list!
Whump, I know there ARE other tags it could fall under but I have yet to find them sorry, will update as I get into it
Technically they aren’t a writing blog, BUT the prompts and reblog of said prompts have some absolute gems of literature. Great for if you don’t know what to read and can just scroll around until you find a prompt that’s interesting and then just look through that prompts reblogs for writing. It’s fucking worth it, found a few of my favorite writers there (like unknownogre)!
All the tags, just, all of them, it can be anything like Barbie
Also heroes and villains though with more so a focus on whump for the most part (though if my short memory serves me right, a few that aren’t as whumpy. Could be wrong tho). It’s been a minute since I checked them out (I do have plans to browse a bit), but their writing is phenomenal, the emotions and actions and all those writing things are done so well. Highly recommend!
Heroes and villains, whump/angst (mostly), might be other tags but I’ll add them as I remember because it’s seriously been a minute
Mainly heroes and villains stuff, I’ve read quite a few of the things and they’re all phenomenal. No immediate series that intrigue me to get started on but it’s great for browsing!
Heroes and villains, all the other type of tags idk man it’s a lot and I’m stupid /j
@melpomenelamusa (for some reason I can’t remember if I already did this one. If I did, apologies)
The main intriguing thing is the chimera series (the one with the half-animal peoples). Seems like an extremely intriguing concept and is in my to read list!
Whump, non human (specifically. I think?),
Got introduced from looking through either chaotic orphan or closet-whump person (I am so sorry I forgo name whump-in-the-closet?), the speedster one if fucking crazy. I love it and can’t wait to see where it goes next!
Heroes and villains, whump, lab specifically???,
Recently got quite invested into the “No Warrior” storyline and so far (still quite in the beginning) it’s hecking great! Actually phenomenal, and that’s before I’ve even read more than like the first 5 installment. Currently on consequences and I am god damn hooked on the storyline! Can’t wait to see how it ends!
Whump, comfort, uh, fantasy kinda? It has Vikings idk man
Okay, again, I know this is technically more so a comic but shut up it’s my bookshelf and I do what I want (plus comics are just books with way too much picture to word ratio which is great for my stupid attention span :D). The LU pain sharing AU is great! Also really hecking good art. Also I like Legend of Zelda stuff, it’s cool. Fun fact, actually I think the first reason I started regularly coming into tumblr lol
Comics, fantasy (? The video game characters are technically fantasy Esq), idk if whump counts but kinda?, fluff, I guess it could technically be slice of life but in a really strange and complicated sense. I did say I suck at tags so forgive me this is hard agh-
Mostly fantasy stuff and while there isn’t a lot of stuff they’ve done, the few pieces of writing they have done hooked me and despite not knowing whatever world they have going on I am god damn invested in it. Also the writing is done phenomenally!
Fantasy, uh, atm that’s kinda it. Maybe kinda worldbuilding??
Saw the master list of “Unlikely Salvation” from another blog and it seemed really hecking interesting. I just have not yet had the ability to stop procrastinating and actually get started on it.
Whump, fantasy (?), uh, more to come once I read/figure out if there’s anything else
Lotta good heroes and villains stuff. They have some great series; just binge read the one with what I can only for some reason remember as “Fashion Famous” even though that’s most definitely not the title, but it’s great! Also the writing is fucking phenomenal and like tomato soup with the grilled cheese on a rainy fall afternoon when you don’t have any adulting to do!
Heroes and villains, plethora of all the tags (because wide variety), ugghhh my brain is melting it’s midnight I’m sorry will edit this part out agh—
I can’t remember if I already did them, but if not what the fuck me they’re great how could you forget? ANYWAYS, Curse in two bodies (I am sorry if I got name wrong it’s late and I’m on mobile and really don’t wanna do sushi’s) is fucking phenomenal, beautifully done and a very unique writing style I really dig.
Whump, Royal whump specifically, kinda comfort? Caretaker stuff but like fucked up?? How do I categorize this? Fantasy I think (or has kings and shit that counts right?)
Okay another break god why are there so many of you—
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Tumblr Story Time - Banshee and the Vulk, The difference between Heros and Villains: story by @unknownogre based on prompt by @writing-prompt-s
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late-to-the-fandom · 2 years ago
Character Snippet Tag
Thank you @druidx for the tag!
Tagging: @malicious-compliance-esq @unknownogre @vcaudley @tananaphone @maidenwychelm @frozen-fountain @tidesages @blind-the-winds @cljordan-imperium
Rules: pick an OC and post a snippet from their viewpoint.
Since 99% of my stories currently are from Renathal’s decidedly limited 3rd person perspective already, I thought I’d post a snippet I’m working on from Elisewin’s perspective for a change. It started as a writing warm up/procrastination device, but I’m liking it enough I think I might add it to my drabbles if I finish.
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Elisewin snatched another green-bound book from the library shelf. She flipped the cover without checking the title, rifled the pages without reading the words. She didn’t know what she was looking for. Retreat to the library was a reflex. There wouldn’t be anything in these books to help her remember the events of the dream. The nightmare. The warning.
It was important. It was important.
But it was gone now. Only a nagging echo of frantic urgency remained. She raked a hand through her touselled hair, clutching it until her scalp protested, hoping the pain might sharpen her dulled mental faculties.
It was important!
Groaning her frustration, Elisewin tossed the book none-to-gently to the side table. It thudded to the floor instead. She looked up sharply. Of course. She’d moved the table next to the armchair earlier that day. Yet another thing she had forgotten. And the sight of the book laying sadly where it oughtn’t to be, where it had been sentenced by a force outside its control, reduced Elisewin to sudden, furious tears.
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fluffylandshark · 2 years ago
Send this to the twelve nicest people you know or who seem to have a good heart and if you get five back you must be pretty awesome 💜💜
Aww, thanks dressy. 💙💙
I'm a bit weird with these chain asks, so instead I'll tag people
My frens/moots
@soeknur @dressycobra7 @phoenixdaneko @glitchysquidd @you-are-a-superstar @somerandonamedz @log-the-monster-maker @aboutchicken298 @sillystanleystuff @swirlythelemon @unknownogre
And my fave artist who makes very wholesome art
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merlinsvibeplace · 2 months ago
im really bad at favorites cuz my memory bad so heres some of my favorites from media i have recently watched
anyways, time to tag yall @berpgayge @nyx-taylors-version @mun-urufu @chemicalstarseverywhere @teo-garden-bugs @moochou-eats-paper @thermodynamic-comedian @boysrpretty @chaoticgoodthief @sunflowerblossom-0308 @unknownogre
Not me having some kinda type... Who shall I tag? I think I wanna tagggggg... @mybugsmybugsmybugs @mexicangela @lunar-years @biscuitboxpink but no pressure!! I just thought it would be fun!
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c-lion · 1 year ago
Nine people you'd like to get to know better
Thank you so much for tagging me @fandomnerd101 and @stabbyfoxandrew
Last song: I don't remember but I have Liar by the Arcadian Wild and Esmeralda by Adriel Genet stuck in my head right now
Favourite colour: purple and all variants of it!!!
Currently watching: I don't watch shows cause I don't have the time or concentration for it, but my best friend basically tells me the good parts of New Girl and Black Sails so I'm watching them in my brain with their words 😉
Sweet/savoury/spicy: I'm a sweet tooth!
Relationship status: happily single
Current obsession: All for the game obviously, bees (I love them they are so cute and awesome and cool!!) and cross stitching!
Last thing you googled: How you say Konzentration in English... It's concentration... It was that simple, it's basically the same word...
Tagging: @kweenkday @sillyunicorn @unknownogre @rapselsstuff and everyone else who wants to do this! If you see this you are tagged ;-) (but no pressure obviously!) oh and tag me if you do it pretty please 🥺
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unknownogre · 2 months ago
A survivor and a metal man
The sun was warm upon aging skin, the clouds offering just the right amount of assistance to make it soothing instead of scorching. His helmet just rested in the grass next to him, a dull gleam…dust from walking. Magento had no idea how he got here, one moment he was on Arrako and the next he wasn’t. Gods, mutants, dimensional rifts…it was all hard to tell at this point. You live long enough; you see it all and very little shakes you.
There were no foes here, no immediate danger and if this was to be a cage it was one of the loveliest he has ever been in. The question remained still, what was the purpose? His powers have been diminished greatly, but they were still there, which was a bonus. He couldn’t rip raw ore out of the ground, but he could feel it was there. He couldn’t fly either but honestly walking here wasn’t so bad. He could gather some powdered iron on the surface and press them into projectiles, so he wasn’t completely defenseless. Still, he was less prepared than he would have liked to be.
Magneto could feel another ‘portal’ open not too far away, just on the other side of some rolling hills near the meadow he was walking in. There was a pause, was this friend or foe? A clue to why he was brought here perhaps? Iron was pulled and gathered and he was ready to fight the best his old bones would allow. It was then he saw a robot walking casually. Eyes of red and the color of bronze dressed…well dressed like an American solider from World War 2. There was something nostalgic about it. He didn’t seemed to be armed and his movements weren’t aggressive but rather meandering. When the robot caught sight of Magento he made a b-line straight towards him. No weapons were pulled and no aggressive movement was made, he simply saluted.
“GI Robot, reporting for duty sir. I have seemingly made a wrong turn somewhere and have been separated from my unit. May I have your name and rank? You seem to calm to be a dirty Nazi, nor do you wear the uniform. Am I correct in that assumption?”
There was an odd sense of calm coming from this robot. Magneto couldn’t help but eye him for a moment and then with a light smile he shook his head. He then without held up his arm and pulled back his suit sleeve just a bit to reveal his wrist and the number 214782 tattooed in faded ink. The robot’s eyes widened and then he took a step back to salute once more.
“GI Robot was present at the liberation of several internment camps and killed many Nazis in the process. I am familiar with that tattoo. You are strong and brave and have earned my respect sir.”
“I certainly not a Nazi, GI Robot was it. You, you do not need to call me sir. I have no rank as I am not military and my name is M…”
He paused for a moment and just smiled. There was something interesting about this one. His mutant name meant nothing here, not to this being pulled out of time and dimension. So Magneto put out his hand.
“Max, Max Eisenhardt It is a pleasure to meet you.”
Max was a name he gave to few as everyone else called him Magento,  that name was for Earth and for mutants and humans to know and fear. Here, there was no reputation to be had. Here with this robot he would just be Max at least while he was here.
“It is a pleasure to meet you Max Eisenhardt. Friend Max would you like to hunt and kill Nazis with GI Robot? I’ve been looking for a friend to hunt and kill Nazis with. My primary directive is to kill Nazis and their allies and It has been 74 years two weeks and fourteen days since I have been able to do so.”
That made Max laugh more than a little bit. What ever made this robot had good intentions if nothing else. This singular drive was pure, and his intuition didn’t scream at him…there was an odd comfort in the GI’s presence.
“You know what GI Robot; I would like nothing more than to kill Nazis with you. I am afraid I am not made of metal though, so my ability to aid is more than a little limited…but I will do my best. We will help each other alright?”
Even if there were mutants, they weren’t called that back in the day so it was hard to gage if they were indeed from the same planet or not. This simple question would help, no one didn’t know the name he was about to drop next.
“Listen GI Robot, I don’t know if you have celebrities where you come from there is a man by the name of Steve Rogers or better known as Captain America, he killed Nazis too. Have you heard of him?”
That at least would tell him if this metal man was from any Earth that was somewhat similar to what he knew. GI robot canted his head as though he was searching for something. A slow shake of the head followed.
“GI Robot does not know of this Captain America, but if I were to meet him I would be very happy to kill Nazis with him too. I am sorry friend Max, is he someone you were looking for? Do you think the Nazis have captured him?”
So that was that, they aren’t from a familiar earth. At least with the robot’s attitude Nazis didn’t win the war like he has encountered in the past. Though even if he encountered that now there wasn’t much to do with his powers so diminished, but…he could help the robot. That was advantageous.
“Listen GI Robot, I don’t know why we were brought here together. Clearly you are my friend and not my enemy. I need to find water at some point and food. I will help you kill Nazis, and you’ll have to help me with food and water. Is that acceptable?”
GI Robot did another scan of the area or what Max would assume to be a scan. He then nodded and simply took off at a brisk pace in one direction. Picking his helmet up and wearing it once more Max moved to follow the Robot. This was going to be interesting no matter what. Might as well…just go with the flow. He was constantly testing for electromagnetic fluctuations around him, seeing if he could get more of his power back as they walked. He had some control, a little more than he did a while ago so that was progress. Apparently flexing one’s powers was allowing them to return at a faster rate.
“Look friend Max, I have found a creek. You need water and I have found it.”
There was a creek just outside of the meadow that perhaps the robot had seen upon arrival. Max took his time to hydrate and GI robot even had a canteen at his side that he offered so they could keep moving. He probably had a radiator or something as well…and the thought of fuel came up. He must be powered by diesel…that would be harder to do.
“Thank you GI. Can you tell me, friend, how you got here?”
GI Robot did another scan of the area before picking another direction to walk. His pace wasn’t faster than Max’s and that seemed deliberate, more nuance to this metal man.
“I was getting my upgrades explained to me by my new employer Miss. Waller, I spun around to make sure all of my  joins were limber and I was not where I was but was here instead.”
Simple enough, so their methods of transportation were similar too. After a few hours of walking there sounds of a large group of people. Shouting and orders being given…the sounds of boots on the ground…it sound like an army and when they got closer the orders were being shouted…in German.
“Could it be, GI Robot asks, a gathering of Nazis begging to be exterminated by GI robot?”
Max just looked to the metal man next to him and had to stifle a chuckle. There was a pat on the shoulder as they stuck to the tree line to get a better look at the group ahead. What they saw, well even after all these years it caused a bit of tension to grab the Omega level mutants heart. There were indeed Nazis. Close to thirty or forty, looking like they were just pulled from the front lines of the German invasion. Their commander was…a red faced murderer that Max had no issues wishing death upon, Red skull. Mixed with the Nazis though were soldiers of a similar uniform carrying the identifying mark of Hydra but…different and a second one revealed himself…it was another Red Skull but older looking. Did this place bring together past and present? He had to put a hand on GI Robot to stop him from just charging in.
Something else caught his eye, there were jeeps and guns and some supplies but also a cage with a prone figure wearing a very familiar suit. Steve Rogers…how interesting, speak of the devil huh? How good would it be in some relations to have a favor from Captain America? Still though…the robot was shaking with anticipation…what could he do to help, certainly if he just ran in he’d get obliterated?
“It is in our best interest to think a little bit before acting GI Robot. Also those other men near the Nazis are allies called Hydra. They are just as bad, but we have a hostage to think of, the man I mentioned before Steve Rogers. If you rescue him, he will be more than happy to kill Nazis with you alright?”
GI Robot looked like an eager puppy just waiting for the word go, but at least he was holding back that much. He would nod and wait not being able to add to much. Max looked to the tree line and found a good path to the cage where Captain America was being kept, he pulled more iron from the soil and had his own bullets ready.
“Just be careful of me. Attack from the west and well kill as many of them as you can. Those two with the red faces though, they are VERY strong. The name is Red Skull. Can you fight a strong opponent GI Robot or are you made to kill just humans?”
IT was then the sound of tearing fabric was heard and GI Robot got taller and wider, all of his limbs looked similar to the hulks. He still wore the helmet with the number 2 on it though.
“I have been upgraded friend Max. GI Robot can fight men or monsters now. All Nazi scum will die. I am so happy!”
He laughed as he turned to stomp away, the sound of very high caliber munitions being fired could be heard and the shouts of alarm were coming from all over their camp moments after GI Robot’s assault. If it wasn’t those that caused him so much torment, it would almost be unnerving to listen to…the sounds of robotic laughter and the dying screams of Nazi and Hydra agents.
Max could hear The Red Skulls shouting to their soldiers as they were slaughtered on mass. He moved to the cage where Steve was being held and was able to bed the bars shattering the lock. He looked like he was beat pretty good, but perhaps the powers he had were reduced too…which meant that Red Skull wouldn’t be as strong either, good thing for the robot he didn’t have powers…how fortunate to meet.
A dazed Captain America said as the mutant helped him stand up and offered support. Max just held him up and lead him away from the cage back to the tree line.
“Yeah, it is your lucky day. You’ll certainly owe me a favor after this, but right now we need to get out of the way of my new over zealous friend. A robot from the time when we were young but not from our Earth. If he had a soul, I’d say it was good but not a bit violent. His name is GI Robot.”
Steve looked up to see the robot rampaging through the camp fighting the two Red Skulls. Dead bodies littered the ground, well bodies and body parts. There was nothing merciful about how this one killed his enemies. Still, even Rogers didn’t have room in his heart for Nazi sympathy even after all these years. Magneto sent a few metal spikes here and there to kill the wounded, but there was not much either of them could offer in the way of support.
A body slammed into a tree where they were taking cover. It was the mangled remains of the younger Red Skull. What a way to die…if it was anyone else there might be sympathy. The other was still fighting GI, Steve was watching with just rapt attention. It was an epic conclusion that had the robot lifting Red Skull above his head and ripping him in two in a macabre scene laughing the entire time.
“Good thing he is on our side.”
Steve just watch the robot pad up. Max of course was smiling a touch.
“It is like having a Hulk, who only likes to kill Nazis.”
Covered in viscera GI Robot padded up like a puppy happy as could be. Max patted a very small portion of the robot that was left undirtied and Steve did his best to muster a salute.
“Cheer for the tin man?”
The tone was pensive and reserved, Max couldn’t help but chuckle a bit. Really this metal warrior hasn’t followed his directive for a long time, he wanted approval, and he wanted to feel relevant. There was no anger here, just respect.
“Cheer for the Tin man!”
Max smirked when Steve chimed in. There was no telling how long they would be here, or still the reason why, but this…this could be worse. That was for sure.
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late-to-the-fandom · 2 years ago
9 Lines, 9 People
Thank you @mthollowell-writes for being the reason I wrote 9 more lines today. I am that specially heinous breed of blocked where you can’t identify why you’re blocked. Like, enthusiasm is there, the first draft is there, everything works in theory, but I’m just stuck at a scene change I don’t like but cannot move 🫠
So much so that the summons, when it finally came, induced only a moderate amount of panic. “Your Highness,” intoned the Stoneborn Enforcer darkening the doorstep of Darkwall Tower one week after the Harvester's Court. “I have orders to escort you to the Master. Without delay.” The threat was respectful, but unmistakable. And Renathal knew their time was up. His eyes flicked from the hulking figure blocking the terrace twilight; to Breakfist, holding the door open and shifting restlessly, as if he longed to shut it in the Stoneborn’s impudent face; then, with a slow half-turn, to Elisewin loitering on the first landing, hair mussed and cheeks still flushed from the pleasant occupation in which they had only minutes before been engaged. Before the Master’s summons had interrupted. And the spark of treasonous hope within Renathal blazed into sudden, purposeful rebellion.
Tagging: @coffeewritesfiction @kaiusvnoir @unknownogre @sithbelle @cljordan-imperium @joeys-piano @squarebracket-trick @talesofsorrowandofruin @vcaudley
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a-brit-who-dislikes-tea · 2 years ago
I cant tell if people actually say gods or not I thought it was a unknownogre thing (great blog btw) but I just saw someone say it on a vid of a French guy making a thing out of big chocolate eggs
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unknownogre · 2 months ago
Chapter 3 is up on Ao3
I needed to post something positive today. Something to distract for a little bit. I have chapters 4 and 5 done as well, but editing is slow. I hope you enjoy.
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merlinsvibeplace · 10 months ago
Thanks for the invite!
Is this accurate? It probably is.
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Sorry for the fucky screenshot, anyways.
Mutuals? I got like 4, lemme see who i can find
@whoateallmynachos @thermodynamic-comedian @moochou-eats-paper @boysrpretty @unknownogre and whoever else :)
Do THIS QUIZ and say your result
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Thats what I got!!! @wanderingwierdo @the-cherryblossom-system @blooper-malte @a-secret-rpblog @gobodegoblin @beeflingo @ibuildblasters
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late-to-the-fandom · 2 years ago
Last Line Tag
Thanks @sam-glade for the tag! I’m a terror at this game though with my love of the multi-comma sentence 😂
Rules: Make a new post and post your latest line from your WIP & tag as many people as there are words.
Half-frightened, half-furious, a full head shorter and several hands slighter, the blond man had no choice but to snatch the proffered card.
Gonna cap the tag at 20: @shipping-through-eternity @mousterian-writes @fluffleforce-mysdrym @diaryofomellas @vcaudley @tomb-bloom-noctem @laplumedemaureen @minutiaewriter @unknownogre @frostedlemonwriter @mrsd-writes @rms-writes @mrsmungus @writingpotato07 @darknightfrombeyond @residentdormouse @cljordan-imperium @veresiine @coffeewritesfiction @tsunderewatermelon
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marigoldispeculiar · 2 years ago
15 Tags 15 Mutuals
Thanks to @athemarina and @elizaellwrites for tagging me!
1. Are you named after anyone?: Nope
2. When was the last time you cried?: Can't remember but I tend to have days were it happens super easily
3. Do you have kids?: Nope
4. Do you use sarcasm?: I do but I'm scared of being misunderstood so I always backtrack immediately
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people?: probably their silhuette?
6. What’s your eye colour?: blue
7. Scary movies or happy endings?: happy endings are super important to me but I'll watch horror as long as I have a list of jumscares and who dies
8. Any special talents?: my brother's cat likes me the best, so he must think to!
9. Where were you born?: Canada
10. What are your hobbies?: Right now it's just writing and reading, but I also like knitting, sewing, tatting, drawing, and playing dnd
11. Have you any pets?: three cats
12. What sports do you play/have played?: I cannot remember the last time I played a sport, but i enjoyed badminton in gym
13. How tall are you?: on the short end of normal
14. Favourite subject in school?: Drama class
15. Dream job?: well-paid editor with enough free time and energy to enjoy myself
No-pressure tagging @captain-kraken, @lacewinglacey, @wisteriasadprose, @unknownogre, @crosswise, @asher-orion-writes, @verba-writing, @authorkarajorgensen, @brimorganbooks, @louyardley, @andromedaexists, @gloriafrimpong, @sibleystamps, @writing-moth, and @cjlapolla
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