#Uni plays fgo
unouniuniuni · 1 year
There is no way fgo mc is supposed to be a self insert cus I would never be mean to Eli-chan ;;
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enden-k · 7 months
i stopped playing hsr cause uni, but im taking away from my sleep to play genshin so i could save up for c1 Alhaitham with LoFI but i wasted some (read: a lot) pulls to get Xianyun and her weapon to only get c3 Diluc and skyward blade TwT
This game hates me
What about your pull plans?
nooooooo 😭
so for the current banners i got everything i wanted: i pulled black swan, xianyun, nahidas weapon and hua my beloved. that means i have time for now to save oof bc its gonna be difficult w the upcoming banners HAHAVSG
my pull plans are: chiori (no rerun chars bc i have all characters in genshin except lyney unless its haitham rerun bc i need 3 more constellations for his C6) and aventurine. id also go for acheron but i fear fu xuan or topaz get a rerun in 2.1 and theyre on my to pull list bc they didnt want to come last time 😭
tbh idk what banners are coming to fgo so idk how my pull plans look there LMFAO other than always waiting for my beautiful godjuna for 84 years now
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ryo-maybe · 11 months
I think the 2nd half of Koei Games are the parts where they shine the best. As someone who played many Samurai Warriors and Dynasty Warriors, the gameplay hasn't improved much unfortunately, but the story telling has been much improved. SW Sanada Maru (Spirit of Sanada) is a horrid boring game at the beginning, but somehow morphs into THE best depiction of Yukimura in a video game. It also played a huge role in Capcom axing SB because their competing game (Yukimura-Den) couldn't stand up in comparison.
It's been a hot minute since I last played a mainline Musou, the last ones having been Dynasty 8 Xtreme Legends and Samurai 4 Special. I do not recall much about the latter (save for the fact it was really fun to play), but 7 has remained stuck in my head as one of the Musou games with the best story presentation among the ones I have played. I think about the introductory cutscene to the Battle of Fancheng with Pang De dragging the wooden coffin a whole damn LOT. I'm really sad I couldn't figure out how to make the game work properly on my current laptop, shit's really badly optimized for newer computers bwhahah.
I really, really miss Sengoku Basara... I have fond memories of me bringing my laptop to my Italian literature classes in uni and getting so damn bored with the professor's lecture that I'd just fire up Dolphin and play SB3, to this day one of my favorite musou games ever. I hope Capcom'll take a chance one day and try to revive the franchise, what with the recent wave of revived/remastered IPs, but who knows what the future holds in store for us.
Anyway, it's really impressive how much Samurai Remnant's story picks the pace up around the second half of the third chapter. I found it pretty tame up until that point, especially because I couldn't help making comparisons with EXTRA's pacing, which I'm hugely nostalgic for, but after that? Damn, what a fantastic crescendo. My only remaining gripes at this point (narrative-wise, since I could spend hours going off over how much of a fucking slog battles are with every enemy being an immovable damage sponge and the absolute mess that are Master-Servant duo battles, or the fact YOU CAN LOCK YOURSELF OUT OF COMPLETING A SKILL TREE DUE TO THE ARBITRARY WAY ROGUE SERVANTS ARE TIED TO THEM) is that some of the Rogue Servants really got the short end of the narrative stick by being FGO-bait filler with little meat to them, whereas others got more going on for them than some of the main Servants (it sure was funny for Jalter to be featured prominently, only for her to turn out to be such a lobotomized version of her character, lacking basically any of the traits that endeared her to the fans, that she ends up being the most boring Jeanne ever, which is one hell of a feat to achieve). That aside, I'm excited to see what the route(s?) I haven't checked out have in store for me (I am currently about to finish the Rat route).
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kireijobmaker · 2 years
gave my friend my fgo jp acc bc turns out uni is so hard this year i actually straight up can't play lol
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cynical-roll · 3 years
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My sister bought a pop socket for her phone today, but she didn't like it so she gave it to me instead and OH MY GOD. GAME CHANGER! I'd been debating getting one for a while, and now I'm wondering why I didn't get one sooner. I have a longer/taller phone so having something to hold it with means I don't have to worry about dropping it as much, and it's really comfy to hold in either hand. I bought a stand for my phone a couple weeks ago and the base doesn't work great on slanted surfaces, but the pop socket does so double win!
Also, it works great as a stim. I've always thought having a stim would help me (I've never got any because I know people would think it weird/childish for me) because I have a lot of nervous energy and tend to fidget/play with my hands/clothes/hair etc, so the fact that it pops in and out on two levels and the top spins round is a really good outlet for me.
I redecorated it (UA high logo from My Hero Academia, if anyone doesn't know) because it's a glittery marble design, which isn't my thing, and I have so. many. ideas for more. Marvel (SHIELD logo, Spiderman, Cap's shield, Bucky's star etc.), Skyrim logo, Genshin Impact geo sigil, Fairy Tail guild tattoo, Kaneki's mask, FGO Chaldea symbol, etc. etc etc.
yes I'm a weeb, sue me and yes that's Giyu Tomioka's haori pattern on my phone case, which I also made myself. I also made an MHA phone case when I should have been doing uni work
As you can tell, it doesn't take much to amuse me
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fateverse-exchange · 4 years
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Give a warm welcome to today's featured artist clucky! She'll be drawing Emiya for the zine.
🎯 Intro
Hi!! This is clucky (she/her), uni student and hobby artist. I used to be super into FGO in high school and played on the korean server. I’m trying to catch up on it so I’m not well-versed in recent events. I am a cu chulainn and emiya simp (lol). I’m excited to be getting back into the fandom and working with everyone!!
🎯 Social Media
Twitter: cannedluck
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asimovforever1 · 4 years
Unrelated to FGO: That time I found a Spreadsheet in my Writing Notes Folder
So, while doing a bit of cleanup on my writing folder I found a spreadsheet I had almost completely forgotten about. This spreadsheet was what I used as a character bible, back when I used to spend a lot of time writing in a forum RPG. The spreadsheet had about a dozen sheets to it...and that was because at the height of my writing in the game I was running approximately 1 metric shit-ton of characters.  And consequently, I had to find some way of keeping track of the interrelationships between all of them. 
My characters could basically be grouped into 3 main categories : Good, Evil, Neutral. Neutral basically encompassed the characters associated with Schools, with Good and Evil being self-explanatory. 
Complications began when you looked into each group. Neutral was a sizable selection of students from across 3 High Schools, as well as faculty, and parents if available, for almost 100 characters just there.  Good encompassed the Hero Corps, Magic Association, UNIS, Hero Federation, Good Aligned Ninja villages, and various other factions. Evil included the Secret Society, Aliens, the Prometheans, the Alchemic Guild, the Daemons, and the Outsiders. 
I think at one point I had over 300 named characters in play at one time and I constantly shifted my viewpoint character to give the conflict depth by explaining the individual stakes of each character as they came up in the story.
The high school setting in particular proved to be a nightmare because I decided to try and include honorifics (-chan, -san, senpai, kohai, and anything in between) and speaking nuances (adding -nee to the end of all sentences, using puns, speaking in third person, gendered speaking). This was a non trivial issue with 100 characters minimum to keep track of.  100 permutations of 2 people interactions meant 9,900 ways characters could talk to each other. including all my characters made this 89,700 but since not everyone was Japanese in these other groupings, the possible ways to reference others dropped significantly. 
So yeah, when writing a story, don’t try and write a small towns entire population.
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susanoosx-blog · 6 years
Takeru Totsuka
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better known as the mythical japanese god, susanoo
basically an angry sea god
he yells a lot
the embodiment of AAAAAAAAAAAAAA
gods suck and he deserves so much better
he’s really good with using a sword
he likes to train a lot
befriend him please, he’s actually really nice
imagine angry puppy
Emil / he|they / 23
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i sit around drawing and playing fgo all day
please save me from uni
mun clearly has no idea what they’re doing half the time
i honestly only got into kamiaso recently please bear with me trying to write this sea boy
i also haven’t properly rped in a group in months so like really bear with me
i’m into other mobage but fgo has taken over my life
you can follow my twitter if you want more screaming from me
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producermokyo · 6 years
Rules: Answer 21 questions and tag 21 people you want to get to know better.
I was tagged by @brykortreat
Nickname:  Kai, Nick, my boyfriend calls me Panda, but in the fate groupchat I’m in I’m called GilGil.
Height: 5′1
Last Movie I saw: I don’t even remember, I think the most recent Avenger movie?
Favorite Artists: Oof. I have too many and it changes from time to time but rn it’s BTS, Dumbfoundead, and Higher Brothers. 
Song stuck in my head: Water by Dumbfoundead (She want a wedding dress but I ain’t Taeyang.)
Do I get asks: Nah, not really.
Other blogs: I don’t have one but I probably should make one for my kpop blogging, you guys are probably tired of seeing these pretty male idols lmao.
Following: 101
Amount of sleep: I’m perpetually tired. 
Lucky number: However many 10 pulls it takes to get my favorite servant in FGO.
What I’m wearing: Jammies.
Dream job:  Archaeologist.
Favorite food: Tacos.
Dream trip: Korea, or Japan.
Play any instruments: Nope.
Languages: English, Japanese, and learning Korean at my uni.
Favorite song: DNA by BTS.
Random fact: My backlog for video games in over 100 games deep. Just in PS4 games.
Describe yourself as aesthetic things:  lofi hip hop and chillhop radio 24/7 - chill beats to relax/study to ️
Tagging: idk anyone that sees this.
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quiesphere · 7 years
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2017 Art Summary (template)
   When I look at my previous art summaries, I think, "It's already been a year? Two years?!"... I'm surprised at how much I still like some of these pieces. But since I made art summaries for these last two years, why not make one this year too?
   Even though I've been super busy because of uni I managed to draw many things this year, I hope I'll be able to draw even more next year! I'm still struggling with my lenghty art process but I feel like I'm becoming better at it little by little. I can put aside perfectionism now and just, draw and paint with good results, yay! \o/
January - Piece: Tilde of the Forest    I have to admit, I like this one a lot!! I wish I had added some sort of texture, but I want to think it's already fine as it is so it doesn't look too convoluted. I'm glad I managed to make it give off the feeling I wanted it to have. I'm not sure if the forest Tilde lives in will look exactly like this, but I hope to make an area like this in one of my games someday. Making detailed forest maps is super hard, but I'll do my best! ´A`)9
February - Piece: Carmilla    I... barely drew anything this month (mostly stuff I finished the next month). So I picked up this drawing I had done a while ago in pencil and colored it! I really wanted to play FGO back then, but couldn't, but thanks to FGO NA I can now! I've been playing for a while, and I even got her. :') Sometimes dreams do come true. About the drawing itself, I like how it reminds me a bit of a painting, especially the reds. It got so few response when I posted it that I felt like there might be something wrong with it, but now I still like it regardless! \o/
March - Piece: Sisterly Hatred    Finally, a month with more stuff! I was able to draw a lot of Touhou this month thanks to requests on Twitter. ;v; I really missed drawing Touhou!! It's one of my favorite sagas, so I'm glad I drew quite a lot of it this year. The stars this month are the two paintings I drew from Pocket Mirror, though! I really like these two! Special mention to Cynthia too!    (I also started posting my adoptables this month! Yay!)
April - Piece: Wicked Hermit    Touhou! This one was also one of the requests, but I decided to go a bit wild with it and ended up making it more detailed. I wanted to draw a pretty Seiga anyways, so I took the chance. She's pretty high up on my favorite Touhous ranking. ;v; The background was completely improvised, but it looks surprisingly well. I really like how it came out! (After SAI crashing and making me lose all the shading once, it better be... orz)
May - Piece: Cecillia    This one doesn't even have an actual title since it's just a doodle, but since I barely drew anything this month, here it is! Though it does have something special (other than it being a tribute for my favorite OC's birthday! I love her!!), and it's that I drew it in a very very short time while still looking nice. A bit closer to my process goal. ;v; It... it's really going to be two years since I created her next May? Time sure goes by fast...
June - Piece: Lynerea    I actually started this one on May and only finished the last touches in June, but since I was very busy with my third year uni project this month I didn't draw anything else other than adoptables. However, I really, really like the result! It doesn't look like the usual expressions I draw, and it's a bit of a more dynamic stance. The background was also completely improvised, including the magic circles... I'm still not sure how I drew them (magic??), but I'm super happy with it.    I want to make more drawings like this, with people casting magic in cool poses... yeah B)
July - Piece: Yukari    I have to confess, I really disliked how this drawing was looking while I was working on it. I find coloring blonde hair a bit harder than colors like red or green (my favorites to color), and since there was so much of it... Other than that, I felt like it really looked more simple than what I had in mind. It took me quite a lot of tries to get motivated enough to finish it (since I dislike leaving drawings unfinished even more!) However, after finishing it, I feel like it's not that bad at all! I'm glad I did. I have to learn that simple doesn't equal bad. ;v; (The hair still gives me nightmares, though!!)
August - Piece: Forget-me-not    Another piece that took several years off my lifespan, but for a really good cause. I got so tired of looking at it, and I was even planning on coloring all these flowers one by one at the beginning (thanks copypaste for saving me from this torture). But after finishing, it's probably one of my favorites so far, especially the upper left corner! I like that flower section specifically.    This character has her own story which I have pretty much developed, but I've got to finish other projects first. She's not the protagonist, though!    I also opened (pixel) commissions for the first time. I do plan on opening illustration commissions in the future, though! (I'm growing up! \o/)
September - Piece: Rose Queen    I!! GOT!! ROSETTA!! I sparked her on August after having been saving up since January. I really wanted to draw something to celebrate so there she is! I actually made two different sketches, one for this drawing and one for an alternate version I finished later. This one took wayyy too long, so I decided to just go ahead and post it before finishing the other. To be honest, she's probably my favorite character out of, like, anything, so I really wish I could draw her more frequently. ;v;    I feel like I overworked the coloring in this one a bit, though. I hope I get to draw her well someday... on the other hand, I spent a lot of this month working on my cosplay of her. Gotta show my love however I can. /)v(\
October - Piece: Ran    More Touhou!! Ran was the last one of the Touhou requests I got many months before. I wanted to draw her with Yukari (and a bonus Chen) at first, but couldn't get the sketch right. In the end, I gave up and drew her by herself, though it also took a bunch of tries! I'm also proud of Peony, which is another drawing that barely took me any time to finish. I managed to sacrifice a lot of perfectionism in this one, and it made me feel like I had taken a step forward.
November - Piece: Flower Master of the Four Seasons    I actually drew this one on paper on summer, even before HSiFS came out! I wanted to color it before then but in the end time passed, I drew other things and forgot about it a bit. After that, it suffered a bit like my Yukari drawing on July... I tried to work on it because I didn't want to leave it unfinished (and because Yuuka is my favorite Touhou character!). I wasn't very happy with the result, and lost a lot of motivation.    But in the end, I decided to just go simple and do what I could. And it worked! The background I was scared to face became a few strokes, and in the end I managed to have fun with the coloring. I like this drawing a lot now. I think about this every time I dislike my works in progress; that maybe after finishing I'll look at them with other eyes.
December - Piece: Undead Relic    I had hoped to draw more this month before it ended, but I just took a lot of time to finish a single drawing that is not this one... oh well. ;v;    This is another piece that I managed to finish in a short time with good results!! I hadn't drawn Reliquia in some time. Now that I look at her, I notice that she doesn't actually have that much hair... I just go way too overboard when drawing hair... orz
   I.. I sure wrote a lot this year, didn’t I? It feels like it's kind of an overview of my year and the things I’ve felt and thought about. Thank you so much if you’ve read my ramblings so far!!
   Onwards to a hopefully great, art-filled 2018! \o/
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klappertart · 5 years
my anime journey
I’m so bored lol so enjoy this weird essay
I started watching anime for real in 2014, last year of my highschool. I used to hate anime with burning passion in my elementary and middle school until my mother (lol) showed me “My Neighbor Totoro”. So I thought, Japanese animation isn’t only about weeb sh*t and loser, there are also good animes out there. I went hardcore Ghibli fan in 2012, but still hate other animes. In the same year I played Japanese RPG horror Ib and really love it that I finally tolerate my ‘anime hating’.
Here’s some titles that leave most impressions in me:
1. Another
This grosteque anime is my first anime series I watched by streaming, in 2013, I just put this here to mark this is my first anime lol. I still don’t like most anime when I watch this and I simply watch because of my interest in horror stuff. Tbh this anime didn’t really leave impression on me. Uh, except umbrella.
2. Shingeki no Kyojin
Everybody watched this. The boys in my class watched this, we put this on the projector in class. Ofc finally I watch the entire anime in 2014 and traumatized (even when I say I like horror), I can’t stand too much gore and dying people lol. I even read the manga, until SNK s3 takes place and maybe some more. SNK is the first anime that REALLY leaves impressions in me and I went crazy for some months because of that. SNK is great, it has no oversexualized characters or pantyshots but the gore part and edginess is too much for me to handle. I’m not going to rewatch it, or watch the new seasons..I’ve had enough.
The anime is 8,5/10 for me (I can’t stand too much blood and dying) and the fandom is 10/10 especially for memes. This is once-in-lifetime experience.
3. Tokyo Ghoul
This is what I watch after I binge watching SNK and tbh it’s certaintly not a good option lol. But since everybody in tumblr throwing this at me so I guess I’ll give it a shot and here’s my opinion: Kaneki is dumb and I’m tired of watching people being eaten. Also, Hide is bae.
4. Sword Art Online
Since I watched anime in 2014 and I watched them from crunchyroll bruh. I watched anime legally! I was randomly scrolling that site and found “sword art online season 2″ and decided to give it a shot... to refresh my mind from people being eaten. My conclusion: Sinon is my new waifu! I love her! And so, I watched SAO s1 after that.
I don’t know about this anime bad reputation back then, but seriously personally (maybe bcs I watch the s2 first) the story isn’t that bad. I see why people detest it though, the ALO arc is total sh*t. This is my first time I found anime songs I really like and discovered Yuki Kajiura and abec. I read the entire LN. I love Eugeo. And finally I take part in tumblr anime community by making SAO gifsets.
Although I stopped following SAO in the end, since what happened to Eugeo.. hahah. So SAO: the anime pretty much 7,5/10 for me. The fandom is 8/10 ish.
5. Noragami
Another anime aside “Tokyo Ghoul” that I watched because of tumblr and guess what... I LOVE IT!! I watch it in early 2016, and I can say Noragami is my most rewatched anime. I can even say which episodes are my favorite. It’s awesome, and I really, really love the main trio thanks to the first ending (which is why I put Hiyori running in the header). They have comedy, drama, edginess, and WHOLESOME FLUFF at the same time I’m really living for that.
I stopped hyping about it because that’s the same year I entered university that’s hella hectic. I probably forgot about this for a while (I think cuz of another anime I'll mention later), but the characters are always remain in my heart... then suddenly I read the manga in last February and went wHAT THE F***. I guess there’s no escape now. Downside of this anime/manga: pantyshots so it’s 9/10 for me. The fandom itself is the one of most solid and supporting I ever discovered so 10/10.
6. Fate Series
Welcome to the most hyped fandom I’m ever into. One of the biggest regret of my life is I watched Fate/Zero first before Fate/Stay Night.
To anyone who want to start watch Fate Series: START WITH FATE/STAY NIGHT THEN FATE/ZERO!!!
The main story of F/SN is epic and kind of edgy but then I realized that ‘edginess’ is fading away because of a thing called fate/grand order with the meme supplies. Note that I don’t aware about existence of FGO before 2017.
I watched Fate/Zero in late 2016 after my first semester in uni ended andddd THE FEELS. THE FEELS. I still can’t recover to this very day. Fate/Zero is extremely edgy on par with SNK with no comedic aspect and unnecessary fanservices at all but I still like it especially the historical setting since I’m a historical nerd. Thank God Type Moon is kind of generous, even when F/GO kinda ruined the main plot’s message, it still has really good main story and we got anime and manga and some others!!
Downside about having this much of source material and fanbase is the ‘tumblr community’ became isn’t that strong, but only filled mostly by memes. Not that I’m complaining tho, but the fanmade stuff didn’t worth that much if you have so many official things, right. And the tagging is complicated. Also since FSN emerged from H VN expect some horny fans so I rate this entire fandom 8/10. Fate/Zero alone is 10/10, Fate/Stay Night UBW is 8,5/10. F/GO is.. well.
That’s all. Actually I watched a lot of anime after watch SAO (so people saying “sao is my first anime!!1!” stuff is pretty much right?) but they don’t really leave impressions. I watched KnY but I’m not that impressed like I did with those titles so yeah, last anime that makes my heart racing is Fate.
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unouniuniuni · 2 years
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Tfw you don’t have enough materials for lv120
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uneminuteparseconde · 7 years
Des concerts à Paris et autour
Septembre 12. No More + Plomb – Le Klub 12. Cabaret contemporain – Mona Bismarck American Center (gratuit) 13. Maulwürfe – Centre Barbara-FGO 13. Housewives + Les Hôpitaux + La Bordelle – La Mécanique ondulatoire 13/14. LCD Soundsystem – Olympia 14. Arnaud Rebotini + The Hacker + David Carretta – Rosa Bonheur (gratuit) 14. Nursery + Brandt + Fumo Nero + Rape & Revenge – La Pointe Lafayette 14. K-X-P + Acid Baby Jesus – La Station 14. Siege + Break Out + Pendrak + Cyclicweetos – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 15. Ko Shin Moon + Maud Octallinn – église Saint-Bernard de La Chapelle (gratuit) 15. Cocaine Piss + MSS FRNCE + Bracco – Espace B 15. Frustration + Dick Voodoo – La Station 15. Api Uiz + Darfour + We use Cookies – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 16. Helen Money + Mums + Irk + Fleuves noirs – Olympic café 16. Mykki Bianco + Cakes Da Killa + Gnučči – Trabendo 16. Iggy Pop + Cheveu & Groupe Doueh (Fête de l'humanité) – Parc Georges-Valbon (La Courneuve) 16. Aleksi Perälä + Acronym + Iori + Blndr – La Machine 16. H880 + Manni Dee + Murd + Scalamerya + Subjected – Docks Eiffel (Aubervilliers) 17. La Cabine : cinéconcert sur "Mimesis" + Hélas – La Station 17. Les Hôpitaux + Lingua Nada + Bitpart – Espace B 18. Bleib Modern + IV Horsemen – La Mécanique ondulatoire 19. Julien Desprez & Arnaud Rivière + Thomas Bonvalet & Jean-Luc Guionnet (fest. Maad in 93) – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 20. Widt + Diposition Matrix + Ghost Milkers + Blason – Treize 20. Spiral Stairs – Petit Bain 21. Ennio Morricone – Bercy Arena 21. Claire Bergerault + Mark Fell & Will Gurthrie (fest. Crak) – Eglise Saint-Merry 21. Rubin Steiner & Daniel Larrieu – Centre des Arts (Enghien-les-Bains) (gratuit) 22. Tomoko Sauvage + Onceim & Jon Tilbury + Hanna Hartman (fest. Crak) – Eglise Saint-Merry 21. Sylvain Courtoux + Joachim Montessuis + Lucien Suel – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 22. She Past Away + [Qual : ANNULÉ] + Ash Code – Petit Bain 22. First Hate – Supersonic 22. Elen Huynh + Matthias Puech & Antoine Madet + Design Default – Le Génie d'Alex 22. Lydia Lunch + Joachim Montessuis + Eric Andersen, Ramuntcho Matta, Michele Gazich & Inge Bakkenes + Frank Rynne  – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 22. Ron Morelli + Svengalisghost + Antenes + Behzad & Amarou + Rag Dabons + Ohes... – Concrete 22. UVB 76 + Dr Rubinstein + Théo Muller – La Machine 23. Jon Gibson's Ensemble + Eddie Prevost & John Tilbury + F Pierce Warnecke (fest. Crak) – Eglise Saint-Merry 23. Sheik Anorak + Spook – La Pointe Lafayette 23. Stephen O'Malley + France & Richard Francés – La Maroquinerie 23. [Martial Canterel : ANNULÉ] + Holygram & Adam Usi + Bootblacks – Le Klub 23. Stéphane Marin & Pali Meursault – Le Cube (Issy-lès-Moulineaux) 24. Jessica Moss + Besoin Dead + Gneiss Rock – Espace B 24. Jeroen Search + Regal + 14anger + Hemka + Öspiel + Kairos + Scry + Fred Hush – plage de Glazart 27. Sigur Ros – Grand Rex ||COMPLET|| 28. J. G. Thirlwell : "Cholera Nocebo" – Fondation des Etats-Unis (gratuit) 28/29. Sigur Ros – Grand Rex 29. Tim Hecker + Gas + Midori Takada + Prurient + Pan Daijing (Red Bull fest.) – Palais de Tokyo 29. The Black Angels + A Place to Bury Strangers – La Cigale 29. Scaffolder + None + Sathönay – Espace B 29. Rebeka Warrior + Front de crypte + Da-Sein + Godzilla Overkill – La Station 29. I-F + Zadig : "Kern Space Adventures" + Kassem Mosse + John Heckle + Hanna Haleta – Concrete 30. Ujjaya – librairie Publico 30. Lene Lovich – Gibus 30. Ufomammut + Usnea – La Boule noire 30. Zombie Zombie + Marie Davidson + Not Waving + Soft War (December b2b AZF) + Simon Cell b2b The Pilotwings + Voisky présente "Disconnections, music for Clouds" (Red Bull fest.) – La Marbrerie (Montreuil) 30. Nova Materia & Latetitia Sadier : "Du point de vue des pierres", d'après Tristan Garcia (Red Bull fest.) – Nouveau Théâtre de Montreuil 30. Function + Dasha Rush + Marcelus + Gëinst – Concrete
Octobre 01. Spectres + Pura Mania + Youth Avoiders + Pierre & Bastien – La Mécanique ondulatoire 01. Sparks – Gaîté lyrique 03. Kiku, Blixa Bargeld & Black Cracker – Centre culturel suisse 03. Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds – Zénith ||COMPLET|| 04. Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds – Zénith 04. Ben Frost + Julien Desprez + Walter Dean + Parquet (Biennale Nemo) – Le Trianon (gratuit sur résa) 04. Whispering Sons – Espace B 04. Melt Banana – Batofar 05. Jozef Van Wissem – Espace B 05. Marietta + En attendant Ana – Petit Bain 05. Anna Meredith + ToutEstBeau (Biennale Nemo) – théâtre de Vanves 06. Black Zone Myth Chant + Tomoko Sauvage + Felicia Atkinson + Carval Tarek – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 06. Rebekah + Endlec – La Machine 07. Charlemagne Palestine (Nuit blanche) – musée d'Art et d'Histoire du judaïsme (gratuit) 07. Beth Ditto – Bataclan 08. Arto Lindsay – La Bellevilloise 09. Project Pitchfork – Petit Bain 10. Futuroscope : cinéconcert sur des films du Bauhaus (fest. des cinémas différents) – Grand Action 10. Carbon Sink + Belmont Witch + Gauchoir + Sissifioul – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) (gratuit) 12. Peter Kernel & Their Wicked Orchestra + Tiny Feet + Adam H. – Petit Bain 12. Mlacoler Culkin + Rouge Gorge + Passenger of Shit + Tabatra$h (Serendip Lab fest.) – Les Nautes 13. Zëro + Heliogabale – Batofar 13. Part Chimp – La Mécanique ondulatoire 13. Shifted + Artefakt + Giorgio Gigli – Concrete 14. Forest Swords (Biennale Nemo) – Badaboum 14. Wardruna – La Cigale 14. Elsiane + Jad Wio – La Java 14. The Pilotwings + Goto80 + Constance Chlore + Bill Vortex + Tryphème + Franck Gérard + Sauk from Mélodies souterraines (Serendip Lab fest.) – Les caves Lechapelais 14. Bas Mooy + Clouds + Verset Zéro + Yan Kaylen + Paulie Jan + Terdjman – La Machine 14. Eloïse Descazes & Eric Chenaux + Le Fruit vert – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 14. Totorro + Faire + Julien Gasc – théâtre Antoine-Vitez (Ivry/Seine) 17. Unsane – Petit Bain 18. Soft Kill + Minab + Dead – Supersonic (gratuit) 18. Richard Francès & Konpyuta + Cycloptik + Sneakhead (Serendip Lab fest.) – La gare XP 19. Nosfell – Café de la danse 19. Robin Fox & Sean Baxter + Thomas Ankersmit (Biennale Nemo) – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 20. Gary Numan – Trabendo 20. Mattias Aguayo & The Desdemonas + La Mverte + Casse Gueule – La Maroquinerie 20. Otto Von Schirach + Distorsion tropicale + DJ Diamond 999 (Serendip Lab fest.) – Petit Bain 20. Bogdan Raczynski – Batofar 21. Jarboe + Father Murphy – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 21. Hypnobeat + Josh Cheon + LAAM + CIA débutante (Serendip Lab fest.) – L'Esplanade 23. Mogwai – Grand Rex 24. The Dream Syndicate – Centre Barbara FGO 25. Rinji Fukuoka & Michel Henritzi + Trou aux rats + Yves Botz & Bruno Fernandes + William Nurdin – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 26. N.M.O. + Aufgang (Biennale Nemo) – Hasard ludique 26. King Dude + The Ruins of Beverast + (D O L C H) – Petit Bain 26. Cent ans de solitude + The Dead Goldfish Ensemble + Club Dilletante (Serendip Lab fest.) – Gare XP 26. Sete Star Sept + Maria Bertel & Mariachi – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 27. The Breeders – Gaîté lyrique 27. MoE + Dead + Chafouin – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 27. Don Vito + La Confraternita del Purgatorio + Bob Cooper – La Comedia Michelet (Montreuil) 27. SNTS + W.LV.S (The Driver vs Electric Rescue) + Minimum Syndicat + Hemka – La Machine 27. Paula Temple + Blawan + Len Farki + Thurman b2b Julian M. + Avalon Emerson + SHDW & Obscure Shape + Madben + Maxime Dangles + Mark Höffen + Präri (Big Bang fest.) – Les Docks de Paris (Saint-Denis) 28. Peter Hook & The Light – Le Trianon 28. Jerusalem in my Heart + Oiseaux-Tempête, Mondkopf & G.W. Sok – Centre Barbara-FGO 28. Big Brave – Gare XP 28. Delacave + Ventre de Biche + Le Prince Harry – Gibus 28. BlackNox + Cocoon + Paradis Noir + Super Stoned (Biennale Nemo : Optical Sound) – Le Générateur (Gentilly) 28. Spacelex + Waterproof + Botine + Musique chienne (Serendip Lab fest.) – Wonder/Liebert (Bagnolet) 29. Omar Di Bongo + Raymond IV + Sacré numéro + Couloir Gang + OKO dj + Opaque (Serendip Lab fest.) – Wonder/Liebert (Bagnolet) 30. Boss Hog – La Maroquinerie
Novembre 02. The National + Ride + Chassol + This is the Kit + Moses Sumney + Mina Tindle + Ethan Lipton & his Orchestra + Kevin Morby (Pitchfork fest.) – Grande Halle de La Villette 03. Jungle + Kamasi Washington + Polo & Pan + Isaac Delusion + Sylvan Esso + Cigarettes after Sex + Andy Shauf + HMLTD + Rejjie Snow + Tommy Genesis (Pitchfork fest.) – Grande Halle de La Villette 03. The Residents : In Between Dreams – Centre Pompidou 03. Amelie Lens + Anetha + Präri – Rex Club 04. Run The Jewels +  Talaboman + Badbadnotgood + The Blaze + Bicep + Sigrid + Princess Nokia + Jacques + Loyle Carner + Tom Misch + The Black Madonna + Sônge (Pitchfork fest.) – Grande Halle de La Villette 06. John Maus – La Maroquinerie ||COMPLET|| 07. Godspeed you! Black Emperor – Elysée Montmartre 07. Max Cooper – Gaîté lyrique 08. Zola Jesus – Point FMR 08. The Wedding Present plays "George Best" – Petit Bain 08. The Horrors – Trabendo 09. Annabelle Playe (Biennale Nemo) – Le Cube (Issy-lès-Moulineaux) 10. Red Zebra + Pour X raison – Supersonic (gratuit) 13. Liars – La Maroquinerie 14. Shannon Wright – Gaîté lyrique 14. BJ Nilsen + Thomas Tilly + Les acharnistes – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 15. Igorrr – La Maroquinerie 16. NSDOS + Watchin' with Milesdavisquintet ! (Biennale Nemo) – La Dynamo (Pantin) 16/17. Kristoff K.Roll : A l'ombre des ondes (fest. d'Automne) – La Pop 17. Trisomie 21 + The Saint-Cyr + Rendez-Vous – La Machine 17. Dälek – Batofar 17. Transglobal Underground feat. Natacha Atlas + Asgaya – Le Tamanoir (Gennevilliers) 18. Essaie pas + Nova Materia + Colombey – La Maroquinerie 18. Kristoff K.Roll : A l'ombre des ondes (fest. d'Automne) – La Pop 19. Ulver – La Machine 19. Agnostic Front + Bishops Green – Gibus 21. Sun Kil Moon – Gaîté lyrique 21. Metz + Decibelles + Drahla – Trabendo 21>24. Pierre-Yves Macé & Joris Lacoste (festival d'Automne) – Espace Pierre-Cardin 22>25. Carl Michael Von Hausswolf + Ensemble Ire + ErikM + Benjamin De la Fuente + Robert Piotrowicz + Annabelle Playe + Julien Ottavi + Jean Philippe Gross + Lancelot Hamelin + Alexis Forestier + Hugo Darcier + David Leon + Sylvain Levey + Remi Checchetto + Mariette Navarro le Werktank... (fest. Bruits blans) – Anis Gras (Arcueil) 23. Clan of Xymox + My Great Blue Cadillac – Bus Palladium 23. Modeselektor (dj) + Tijana T + Simo Cell – Rex Club 24. Emma Ruth Rundle – Espace B 24. Laibach – Trabendo 24. Arnold Dreyblatt + Prescott + Borja Flames (BBMix fest.) – Carré Bellefeuille (Boulogne-Billancourt) 24. Zombie Zombie + Aufgang – Le Tamanoir (Gennevilliers) 25. Stranglers – La Cigale 25. Mount Kimbie – Trianon 25. Mark Lanegan – Café de la danse 25. Protomartyr – La Maroquinerie 25. Etienne Jaumet, Peter Kember & Céline Wadier : La Monte Young Tribute + Colleen + Accident du travail (BBMix fest.) – Carré Bellefeuille (Boulogne-Billancourt) 25. Dynatron + Christine + Mlada Fronta – La Clef (Saint-Germain-en-Laye) 26. Quator Tana joue "Mishima" de Philip Glass – Collège des Bernardins 26. Ropoporose + Die!Die!Die! – Batofar 26. James Holden & The Animal Spirits + Groupshow (Andrew Pekler, Jan Jelinek & Hanno Leichtmann) + Paalma (BBMix fest.) – Carré Bellefeuille (Boulogne-Billancourt) 27. Marilyn Manson – Bercy|Arena 28. Chapelier fou – Le 104 28. John Zorn & Abraxas + Autoryno + Garth Knox – New Morning 30. Simon Fisher Turner : The Picture from Darkness (Biennale Nemo : Optical Sound) – Le Cube (Issy-lès-Moulineaux) (gratuit)
Décembre 02. Frustration + Komplikations + Plomb – La Clef (Saint-Germain-en-Laye) 03. Depeche Mode – Bercy|Arena 15/16. Éléonore Auzou-Connes, Emma Liégeois & Romain Pageard jouent "Musiques de table" de Thierry De Mey – La Pop 08. Punish Yourself – La Maroquinerie 12. Zayk + Hyperculte – Centre culturel suisse 12. Snap + Martin Meissier : Field (Biennale Nemo : Optical Sound) – La Dynamo (Pantin) 15. Jessica93 – La Maroquinerie
Janvier 30/31. Pierre-Yves Macé & Joris Lacoste (festival d'Automne) – L'Apostrophe (Cergy-Pontoise)
Février 03. Nils Frahms – Yoyo|Palais de Tokyo ||COMPLET|| 15. Franck Vigroux & Laurent Gaudé : "Le Chant des ombres" – L'Ecam (Le Kremlin-Bicêtre)
Mars 07/08. Ryuchi Sakamoto & Shiro Takatani (Dumb Type) : "Dis.Play" – Maison de la Culture du Japon 23. Pierre Henry + Anabelle Playe + John Chantler + Bill Orcutt + Anthony Child (Présences électronique) (Présences électronique) – Maison de la radio|Studio 104 24. Else Marie Pade + :such: + Bellows + Phonophani + The Caretaker (Présences électronique) – Maison de la radio|Studio 104 25. Jacques Lejeune + Chris Corsano + Ben Vida & Marina Rosenfeld + Mads Emil Nielsen + Gravetemple (Présences électronique) – Maison de la radio|Studio 104
en gras : les derniers ajouts / in bold: the last news
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eunnui · 6 years
So im not able to get gauntlet gilgamesh BUR I DO END UP GETTING POCKETLESS GILGAMESH!
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lord-wellesbrook-ix · 4 years
Boyfriend’s Asleep Let’s Scream Into The Void!!!!
CW// Rant about mental health, be careful. These two weeks are going to make me leap out of a fucking helicopter I swear to god. So I’ve got insane amounts of coursework to do for a uni course I should never have started, but can’t back out of. I’ve got the insane panic that comes with moving back into university accommodation in January~February (autistic, only stayed there for 9 days in September before running home under the excuse of covid making it dangerous, but was actually just massive amounts of anxiety). I’ve got the heartbreak of knowing I’ll miss the boyfriend’s birthday (LDR because yknow whatever cosmic force exists likes laughing at me and keeping me far from the few things that make me happy). AND THEN THERE’S THIS FUCKING HELLSITE. I got an account a few days ago, after weeks of persuasion, and credit to ya tumblr you’re mostly better than I thought you’d be, but I do have to block upwards of ten people every day just to stop the wild self loathing these people make me feel with your “discourse” and similar shit.  Every day I’ll be scrolling, and then bam here’s a post making you feel like shit because it’s people throwing a tantrum about a group you’re a part of getting “slighted” by some minor thing like a fucking character in a movie or something being somehow off. Bam, here’s a post telling you you should feel small and victimised because of how “terrible” society is to you. Bam, here’s a  post taking a different group you’re part of and making you feel like shit for being a part of it because Oops! You’re all Evil now!  I’m really 50/50 on whether I’ll even post this since I’m cycling between writing it, playing FGO, doing bits of this stupid fucking coursework, and listening to SCP videos on youtube. I’m kinda hoping I calm down by the time I finish this and decide to delete it all, but idk.  I always want to do something, to create something, to accomplish something meaningful but it’s just become wake up, do work, vegetate in front of youtube, maybe play some video games for like a few minutes. I never have the energy to do anything, schoolwork included, so everything’s just suffering and really i just want to fly my ass out there and hug my boyfriend but unfortunately the fucking border’s closed because of this fucking plague, yay!  A brief list of ideas that have gone nowhere- Write some SCP stuff (came up with an original concept, never bothered posting even the idea to the forums because ugh) Make some youtube stuff (again a nice little area I’m passionate about that I’d want to talk about but then the energy never came) Worldbuilding (wrote a few pages and then it died) Conlanging (Haven’t made a good conlang in my entire 3 years of doing this) I just don’t know what to do and I hate it, I’ve seen myself sinking into this over the past couple weeks as well. Two more till term ends, and with it at least one of the pressures, but I just cannot fucking deal with this, I want to feel alive again. So, Thanks for coming to my TED talk. 
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unouniuniuni · 2 years
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All of my grailed servants so far. I love them all very much.
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